Clinton News-Record, 1962-08-16, Page 100
Pae 1- CIinPANewtrRecord-�TI�
Pegg urs., .Aug
Maf01. i:•. MbCVLl-OuGH
jQorrespgrNdegt,. MRS N, t;O.r+ls'a:
Pl?go Hertsall 2.70 W 1
wood vibe fqr coming to Colllbomne
lVir, aria Mrd R.och,abex
Gqtftdpd .for Aug•u4t 9)
and Mre..1 HelgZ ateN
. bus. t .a
g et Ca?
Slayscenitfy Wikh Mr,?id
Mx . and Mrs. Xpm plat
>,• Wil16am1 N4 ,
-pTasltle4i Of W414 fir~
Amo .S)toJGl, Gode�ic1
mesVi;he Ui4ted: ChuMb and
ed thein golden tyedd
tlhe 'eAtranc'e :has peens tom-
low in the Colborne
the xndsrfortune _ c
a few welek4 ago,
tars with Mr, an
McCullough were
L, C, Bezeau, Kilt-
Frances McCul-
to, and Ted Me
arnsvlle, now on
with The Ppyial
3x kb
Tourist t<
Jn Canada Will
.. Look
A 'five -men, come ittee to as -
On The More seeks 'the present ani! future role
of .the tourist industry in On -
Keeping up with world events keeps CBC's Al tario's economy is amounted
Maitland busy. As host of the radio program, On by the Ontario Economic Com -
The Move, he needs to be `au fait' with happenings c Representative o rtihe tanamiet
in many fieras. His 60 -minute program presents i u prey itself tAt and � market-
reports from all parts'".of. the world on such subjects
ing, merrehamdisinig and consum-
as science, folk music, religion, industry, explora- er interests, the committee is
tion and foreign customs. On The Move is heard to be, -composed of • WieMam H.
each Saturday over the Trans -Canada network of Crianstoni, Midl1and, , as char;
CBC radia (CBC Photo) man!; Mrs.. R W. MorrA ngstbar•,
Toronto; James R. Me'akes,
Hensatl Tax Rates Sudbury; Bert Rumb1le', Orill,1a;
Hensall Kids Win R. N. Bubbs, Toronita; and T.
Set At 68 75 Mitis C, Clarke, executive officer' in,
2 Championshi s me , �. depart -
rate for caller�tiinn; .of . p men's, as serx'ebary. •
1962 • taxes • in the village of F, i-' Sim the fact that his
Hemsatll :has, been set was f011'0ws': HENSALL — Thi+ Hensa.n committee will the -working clos-
commercial,, 75 snip's; resident- Leigiom Peewee Baseball itea . el�y with. bhie M, Wsber and' staff
iatl 68 mills'. This will •raise a he " of ft Department oil' ::Travel
captured t C Championship arix? pub cit and Witth other
tonal' of $70,600, which, it fig- at the seventh annual all Can-
niz•,e�s' to provide asurrp1uis' of governmental as well as pa�iv-
$6,800. ada. Peewees Biasoball Tourney ate agencies ' concerned ; with
at List'owewl, on August 4. Mich-,tbiinrisrrn, M'. i. lstsiYetd
cel 'the follow4izng l�tahte2rient:
Hopi acid Lavemrre Htaaibunni °,"Tournsaa ;is.once of the lwamg
pitbcihed, backed up lay .csalid est eanpibyers in Ontario; and
hiltibing of Gary We, M Tay- indeed in, Canwada. It is also one
loo' and Charles Scdvwalrn. Coiaoh of ,bile largest of our export
and manager is Sergeant Orwin ind'usttries. Any amprovememlt do
iirV AR'T�NEgESTKMDN7Y Wiflliams. its function, or expansion of its
t' He tsalll /
Bantam ibweba11 greiat scope+, raaxn au'at only be
i i L/QY/fiiQ:. tearni: defeated SebringvIlle bo vlallue in our. economic. gpgwt1ft,
win the WOAA "D" Champ: hurt in anghttiing our curirlerg't urn-
iatns'hip on Friday ,night, August balance of ,trade with the dlol>lar
3, do Sobrki gvidle. The IOOF areas.
sponsors this .beam. "The purpose of the tourist
j —o industry conurdthee of it* On-
tario Et momle Conxnciil is to
Tuekersmith Has assess ,all -aspects of tourism, in
• •Ontario .and to formuliaite ree-
Drainage Decisions ommendlaitionvs which we trust,
• • Payixienvt on the Elgie and may � e of 'same lastinwg benefit
& 411Ola.rk ticipai &awns' in -the people of the province.
Town�shi p of Tuckersmith .are "Twa sepaa�at ,est closely re -
ALUMINUM. WINDOWS to be calleddue by September laked phases of study awe in -
20, decided.' the 'township couan- Wally involved. Firstly, con -
ALUMINUM DOORS c seething do Seafortlh Tolyl sideration will be given to theALUMINUM AWNINGS tk on August 7. relative.effeobivnesg, of current
Clerk James I. 1V1clntosh was government assistance to :arnd
instructed to apply for provimc- pariticiipation in the. ,tourist in-
ial -aid nava drainage. on the. Clark dustry. Secondly,' we must eval-
drain. ualte carefully sttengiChls and
SbaParth Agricultural Society Weaknesses • Within, .the indnxsitry
was granted, $225 for the 1963 itself. Much can' and mush be
flair. done in both -areas if the role
The next meeting will be held of. -thee tourist industry in our
on Tuesday evening, September economic grawlth, is Ito be un -
4. proved. Ne3lther m;e government
nor the irndustry sieipaz-ately cam
1.1 be closed for Halidays
Monday, August 20 to
Saturday, August'25`
�.w nt F,x.c�rw f'4n.•,5 n•F,rr..,
centherlTucke� r,r
n a �L It
ray spot
Announce their Local
Phone Number
.$ One Da SerYi , RP :1._, ::J :�.:.
Day ce to and from
London - Toronto - Kitchener - Hamilton
pi stop 'Golf
AMMWAAN: -- ClintionManaridir.
deal ofifectively with all ,the
problems .cit thianld. The solution
lieu in'mutual co- altiion; in
greater, depth 6f bath resk;arch
and mevcharndisiog, unci` ,in ;hard
-ark." ,
It ii anticipated than,' s4Art-
invg in mid-September, public
hearings will- be held in various
parts of the provir>m.and sub-
missions will be requested- from
tourist associations, resort op-
eratws, chambers of commerce,
develetpem;eruf= assaciatians, and
other hitteres,ted groups,
Notice of lthie "o..and, ,place
p7lpan, Dix
wrnoon by a
lout' ladle,
the ,bridle
The tabu
ress)es wer
mag Wighi
John Will.;
R:as n4a7
Mrs. Jinn
A %Jr A
l i
an ray 1
jQorrespgrNdegt,. MRS N, t;O.r+ls'a:
Pl?go Hertsall 2.70 W 1
wood vibe fqr coming to Colllbomne
lVir, aria Mrd R.och,abex
and Mns,
'the dmmg1er withthe largthers
seulne Cl.c holiday weekend:
iav Jra�? kkford;.
g et Ca?
and sisdexs of 1VIrs� Stoat,' pre..
sexilt, Thal is ,the ith5rd golden
Mx . and Mrs. Xpm plat
wedding to. be celebmbed An ter
enJ "ed the Civic holiday week,
end alb Muskokt a,.
with, a
Y haldimtg
fam'il'y and. at both. other• oc-.
casl'9anls 'ail' ?negnbexys of the
Mr, and L. Fdigar McBride
;he after
family -eine' present,
vlsuted 1Vtond'ay with Mr gnel
moved -at
M'r, anal Mrs Stell vete soar-.
Mrs, ,S�tua;rt 13eaittie, Wingh,am
MTs, W L, 1VIe lis
the Car-
neid on December 24 1912 in
1 were .friends of TOxQmIw but ec�leibr'atedI. 1�W Sat- Monday, August 13 wa'th cher
d Woarn of 50. urd'aY oo, .that there would b : mabher M,Jpbn G*son Arid,
no sn' , id other rel'atnves, in Wrwieter,
Divi wen. ea an bad
,Diads to shop oche members .of
len-tlheiar families from wbeirng pre,
bm'g sent, Mrs'. Stoll was Mary Will
me- San, daughter of .bite i'ad:e Mr,
t�ith anti, Mr+s. Allam Wais'on !and was,
band at Ros,'seau, sand 'Mr:. Stoll
:,Old w41S born Batt Rob Ray in the
- M`uskoka d'asbriat alnd is .the
soon of the ,late Mr. and MIs,
Ulrich Stall,
ah,. Following ,their marriage they.
took, up farming on ibhe groom's
Recent visitorsw4 h Mt°, and
Mrs, Harolds Joni* and boys
were Mr, anti Mrs, William Jon.
et+ aril family of Sit. Thomas,
Mr, and' Mrs: Edgar MigBrid✓e,
spent Civic l�olidlay with theirdaughter, Sblarm,, at Lake of
Bays, lVL>askoka,
11fr,. yam' MTs. Clarence Pries,
tap, of gVar Mitchell, visllted
the latrtei's 'father Robert
Thomson during lasit wee).
Holidlay weeenkd, v s4ors wdibh
Mrs, A'l1pi., Willson, Lo r, and
farm alt' Rob Ray, near Uollang,
Mrs,. D'owson were, her daugn-
Mrs, Fnwl. Belecque; Murat•
wood vibe fqr coming to Colllbomne
ter, Mrs Eldin Kerr, Wiuvtht ap
Over 75 guests sat diaw'n to
Township where they resided
and Mrs Alice Keen Stratford.
Ice hacks
until' moving to Goderiph about
Mrs. Meogairelt Johnston To'-
Beach Balls
root Winsof
1 a.
$ years ,go
Mr andi Mrs. Stoll have a
rarnto and Mrs. Dr. Lawson,
Liswtonw ee visited' over Civic hah-e
ttw an one
a so d
day with their W, R.
Pasture Contest
glitter•, gar, Se'afarth• Al,o'o'P'C0•'
d'a�y E'd e
C'alilxn~ne Townshi3 and
Mlss Eleanor Fisher and'
Mrs Fotrdyce (Irene) Clark,
nephew, Winnipeg, who
The Huron, County Pasture
CO'lborne Township; 18 grand-
children and'one grealt,grarnd-
have been visiting friends and
relatives, r tunried }lame on
Comrp'ettltian was judged by Joe
dhUd. Mr. S'tola was •a member
Babcock, RR 3, Blyth, -wimer
of a farm, of eight but he has
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Verj�a-
of the1961 Huron County Pas-
;only �o sisters living, Mrs.
lainon, and' family, Toronto,
tie C bn'•
Mlamy Rowins wand Mrs. Alex
visiited •a Pew days with Mr, and
The i enitrie's were p'laaed
(Louisa) JdhinsCan', both o't
Mrs. Arable Parsons and family,
Eby Mr. Bwalbooclt as follows:
iglnarnptan whoa unable
Mr. and MVs. Gerald Parsons',
Pebe!r, doe. Groat, RR 3, Blyth;
to be. present for the celebra-
Th;axnesford, visited an Sunday
Alvin. Betrtles, RR 2, 'BaAel.'d;
tion due to ill'neiss. .
Mrs. S•toll's ;family were all
wwh parernts.
Mm. and Mrs. Parker Lee,
Bairn, RR 3, WaltoauI
Rrabexrt . Fatheringham, R,R. 3,
present. They ,were Mrs. Allan
(Jessie) Dixon, Port Carling;
Miss Agnes' Harvey ands Miss
Della Harvey, ]Regina, Sask„
Seatfoaat�h:; James C, Drennan,
Mrs M. (1 liz�albeibh) Eirnams go'
motored to Ontario and viswuted
RR 1, Dungannon; Cliff McNeil,
Ros'seau, Muskoka,Distrivt; Mrs.
their cousins Nelson Hood' land'
RR 1, port Aubert; Harald Pr-
Dhvncan (wL"ditt�) Crawford and
Mrs. FSleianor McKenzie, Bruce-
, RR 1, Seafa 4h; K. Ain,
stizuga and, Sony R 42; Gode-rich;
Mrs. Pearl Foreman and G'or.
don., Flint Mich.; Fred:', Robert
UisdAtars during ithe week with
Doug. McNeil, RR`6, Goderlch,
.and James, Cochrane; Charlels,
Brockville; Thomas -and Frank,
' '
MTs. •Dow'san includhd: Mrs. J -
Dei'tweiller, K'atchen r; Mr. and
,Mors. William Franks an•d
:During -the dinner, Wilfred
!George Franks', Landon; Miss
Mrs. H. F. Berry, Correspondent
Stoll, Kirkvii le, the elde$t
Ella Wright, Guelph and Lloyd
(, nbended for August 9)
,nephew was the hvas+ter of sere-
monies. Tlve toast too tthe 'brittle
.mon, Sea%arch.
Those attending the F;lviaans'-
Marguerite McDom�atld
anld egrooam proposed roy
Bean, wedld6mig in, Wesley United
spera the weekend' with Musses
Kae' and! Marie FA]:iobt.
Fli k Wilson and Mr. Stolll re-
Church, Brantford on, Sarturd4a,
Augustt4, were Mr. and Mrs.,
Georgie Henderson. and wbro-
plied. The toast two the ifam y
was proposed ,by Robert Wilson
Rxahus Faber, Mr, and Mrs'.
ther Harrace ,aind Joseph are an
,and All'atn. Stoll replied. The
Res, Faber', Mr. and, Ma's.
a, trip to FA most on,
Mrs. George Baird'; Jr,,
toast to' tore' granidichildrent W&
Russell: Faber, Mrs, Frank
Bean, Hensald.
c'hi?dheni4eft.�lasit week for her
Joon : of Frank Wilson .and
Johnny S;ied. the eldest gmamd`
Sunday, August 5, visftrs
hone in the west to be wvbh
with 1VIr. land Mrs. N. Lon g in -
motlher, who is 'ril'1w,
Owpw house was held) from 3
eluded! Mr. and Mrs, Roy' Arm -
Mr. and' Mils. Vicibar Har-
to 5 :p.m. when many friends
strong and 0ameily, Owen Sound;
grean�esw, I& and Mr-, Melvin
Graham- slpient the weekend up
and neighbours called ,to coni
Mr. and Mrs'. Juries Armstrong,
gratulwate NLr. ami• Mrs. Sbalwl.
J1?uss Adkeanhead A
The register was in .the charge
of -Miss Margaret F. Clark, To-
Lorndon, sit the hbkdby week-
re -
,Dila, and the guest were re-
with sister SVizs:. Y. Aid-
ceived' by Mrs. Fordyce Clark,
winkle and family.
Viisvtbrm with Mrs'. Harvey
Mrs. Arlan Stoll' and Mrs. Ed-
`.Records of farm bu5diness
amd ' MIs. Douglas for a few
garStoll. They were assisited
by .Mrs. Lawrence Nesbit, Mis-
operations, aloang with analysis
of these wrecordis' can pimpodavt
days were Misses Agnes and,
Oehl Harvey' and Mr. and Mrs.
seg Carolyn Gllark, and
weak -au reas that might be rob -
P. Lee, Regina, SasR.
Dianne Sita1i`.
The attractively decorated
bing you of eXtma profits, advise
ecomoan. its with theOntario
Master Varna
is spending ,a -Pew days with his
table with Its white limn,
Department of Agriculture. Re,-
grandpairenvts, Mr. and Mit,.
was centred with, acv arrange-
memtt of golden .gllads flanked
cords lett you asVest,', your opera-
tion accurately, anvil pick the
LindsayJl gyre.
Flowers' on -the alter of
by Jlighiteld taper's in candelabra.
righlt answers to your farm
Brru'cetwld United Church were
Pouiiing tea were -two life-
long friemwds of Mrs'. Stoll, Mrs'.
business problems.
members of Victoria Street
United, Church, Gademieh•, and
pilaced, there .in memory oil' ,the
lathe Mr, and; Mrs. Robert (loop-
Katy MoKedhnie and Mrs. An-.
nie Mullins, both of Colldmig-
er, by the faanil;pv, and: for the
she +is a member of +the United
late George McCaattney.
iandi Mrs, Cart nt . Barr
The -bridle and groom received
Church Women. She. is a life -
and four daughbe4t, Burlington,.
many :gifts, telegrams land cards
to help mark the .occasion. Mr.
member of Smith, Hill UCW,
formerly the WMS, where ,she
spent the Civic Holiday week-
and Mrs. Stoll are both valued
served as secretary for 16 years,
end with 'the lady's parents, Mr,
and, Mrs: William V. Dinnin,
Mr. ,and Mrs. Harry Dimn6 w :and
Kathy tniShthe village �,.
Clinton Memorial Shop
Showerr Held
Friends and neighbours hon- :
Miss; Meanor ey
on Wedlrnesdav evening, J7ily 25,
W g, Dull 25,
with a shower held in the Sun,.
day Schoou room of Brucefieild
Open Every Afternoon
Umiibed Chlurch. Mrs. W. Haughcondiii�cted'
a shoritprogramL, dlur-
PHONE HU 2-7712
iug which. Mists Suanie Haugh
plied two numbers on the
At other times contact
piano, Mrs. Asiana gave •aw hum-
. oon
r'bnas reading arid Mrs�..Gordbm
Local Representative—A. W. "Steep—HU HU 2-6642
p P--
d'eJ,onig retail the address.
Many useful and beautiful
gifts Were ipres!entbed and .Mrs's
M c C a, r t me y. expressed : her
tai oinks to her fnendls for ,thelir
loindnesises. After sin'gin'gd'
S4ve's. aJdlly ,GooFellow", a
diaixilty lunch. was served
tambton Loan Debentures,
A these hearings will appear in
the press.
. �.Ten , wrl� .receietd bythe Township of
Hulle�tt for the Construction of a Municipal. Drain
located of . L'off39, t6h,`• 1:1 t) i
The" extent of the Work is as follows:
1,972 Lineal Feet of Open Drain
50.0 Lineal'Feet of 5, inch 4ile
500 Lineal Peet of 6 inch file
600 Lineal' Feet of 7 inch tile
2,100 Lineal Feet of 10 inch tile'
646 Lineal Feet of 1.4 inch toile
600 Linear fleet -of 10 inch Asphalt coated
C.M: A,
10 Lineal Feet of 15 inch C.M.P. with rod=
ent proof screen.
735 Lineal Peef of 7'incki file
B' Catch 'Basins
1 ,Junction Box.
The attention of the Contractor is directed to the
conditions contained therein, where applicable to this
AYl Tenders must be accompanied by a certified
cheque for 1001p a the Tender •price With A, Minimum
amount of $100.
• Plans and Specifications way be seen at the Clerk's
.Lowest or any Tender`, hot necessarily accepted; and'
411 Tenders must be ,cleanly 1nbrkW As ,to contents and
slut be in the CIerk's Office not later than 12 O'clock
Xotin, Saturday, September 1, 1962.
I It 1r 4ondesbolro Ontario.
• Redeemable at par
51/2% • Choice of 3, 4, 5 year maturity
O Half -yearly interest coupons
Lambton Loan & Investment Company
Established 1844
J. A. Smith G. C. NorsWorthy,
President General Manager
Head Office: Branoh Offices:
Use this cotiupbn to obtain further information or place an
order for Lanmbton Loan Debentures.
191 North Front Street, Sarnia, Ontario
Please send rile further lnfbernation about
Lamliton Loan Debentures or
Enblosed is cheque for $___ .... .... ... _ covering 'purchase of:
We are shipping cattle every Monday for ,tJnited
Cq operatllre 9f l�ntarlo end solicit yp
.0q petrpns e, We
Will ,plck :them up at your farm.
ghts:Please pHQN4 .pOH L;ECT not later that &attdrday
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
H. $, H4.nt, $hipper.
Phone 669 W 1
Air Mattresses
Grass $hears
Breel,ie Cushions
Plastic .Pools and BOatS
Coolers and Jugs
Sleeping Bags.
Golf Clubs and Bags
Ice hacks
Horse Shoe Gaines
And All
Beach Balls
One -Third Ofd -Ali
(Interior and Exterior)
Black Plastic, Soft. ....:............... .......... $1.39
Rubber ........................ reg. 7.69 --Sale $5.79
Universal ..................... reg. 5,95 --Sole $4.95
Custom Bug Screens !/Z Price
Off the track you'll have a sure winner
for pourer and efficiency with Esso Tractor Fuels
If you are looking for ways and means to lower your
operating costs and increase your profits, don't
overlook Esso Tractor Fuels. Both Esso Gasoline
and Esso Diesel -Fuel are designed to provide maxi
mum: effcienicy. Esso Tractor Fuels have proven
over and over again to. give more power., more work
per -dollar.
Invest your fuel dollars wisely like- so many others
do. Call your Imperial. Esso'Agent and make sure
you use Esso Tractor Fuels from now on.
Ho M,
Clinton, Ontario
S%% Debenture ............... year desired $.....,....., ....,..,,.....
Name ........................................ ;,,.,.,............
, nµnRGc
Address ,,,.,.,................................................ .........................So..