HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-16, Page 6• Our Saturday Special From Our Store Only LEMON SNOW Layer Cake Reg 55c each Special 49c ea. • [ Our Friday Special From Our Store Only OLD FASHIONED , Cake Donuts BREADS 0111 VakeTatieh iielidtehed raked '-'1711.045Alt j? G u Reg. 50c doz. Special 43c doz. • Bartliffs Bakery HU 24727 Limited CLINTON 'Bakery and Restaurant Final Summer Clearance BANLON T-SHIRTS SHORT SLEEVE. Brand Names, regularly at $7.95 and $9.95. Sizes S. M. L. and XL. ONE PRICE TO' CLEAR $C95 EA. CASUAL SHOES SOFT SUEDE uppers, composition soles, Broken sizes—Reg. $7.95 $495 TO CLEAR .. PR. ell Limited Pickett & Campb Main Street — Clinton Phone HU 2-9732 REAL ESTATE .CDC1. Grade 13 Fjnals Results MEMORIAM ATacLEApip--111 1ov:trig mem- ory of Lewis,IVI4c140 who PaPsed away two yearS agO on the 13th of 'Augnet: "Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a 'Silent tear, Thoughts return to scenes Iong Past, Years roll on but memories last." —Lovingly —Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. 33b. NEW HOMES (continued from page one) 58, Tnig, 55, 'Clternittry 51, Fr. Camp, 51. SANDRA 1VIERRILL — Eng. COMP. 60, Eng. Lit, 55, HisterY 52, Botany 57, Zoology 52. MARIANNE MICHALSKI — Eng. OD.InP, 60, Eng. Ult. 59, History 55, Algebra 51, Botany 61, Zoology 73, Latin Atrth, 60, Latin Comp. 63, Fr. Auth. 59, Fr. Camp. 55! DONALD MILLS — Eng. Comp. 54, Eng. Lit, 68, Algebra 61, •Geone 59, Trig. 60, Physics 51, 'Chem 59, Fr. Alia.. 54, Fr. Comp. 55. PRANCE MILLS — Eng. Comp. 50, Eng. Lit, 69, Geom. 53, Trig, 50, Botany 62, Zoology 72, Chem. 52, Fr. Auth. 75, Fr. Camp. 79. PETER ROBERTSON —Eng. Comp. 82, Eng. Lit. 78, History 72, Algebra 63, Georn, 63, Trig, 78, Physics 51, Fr. Auth. 79, Fr. Comp. 77. DOUGLAS ROORDA — Eng. Comp. 55, Eng. Lit. 56, Botany 63, Zoology 65. KENNETH SCOTT — Eng. Lilt, 53, History 69, Geom. 53, Trig. 51, Botany 61, Zoology 51. JANET SHARP — Eng. Camp.. 55. JOHN SLAVIN — Algebra 60, Geom. 55. RALPH TREWARTHA — Eng. Comp. 81, Eng. Lit. 75, Algebea, 79, Geom. 54, Trig. 82, Physiics 65, Ohem. 70, Fr. Auth. 55, Fr. Comp. 58. MARGARET WALLIS—Eng, Comp. 75, Enig. Lit. 57, Algebra 77, Botany 80, Zoology 65, 'Ch- emistry 61, Latin Auth. 71, Latin Comp. 67, Fr. Auth. 58, Fr. Comp, 60. SUSAN WIGHTMAN —Eng. Comp. 73, Eng. Lit. 71, History 52, Botany 64, Zoology 56, Lat- in Auth. 57, Latin Comp. 57, Fr. Au-4 50, Fr. Comp. 50. BU ILT ANYWHERE .Complete Financing Arranged Pessession of new home within six weeks, Representative can call at your convenience. No Obligation. Clip AcIv• and 'Mail To CLAR-CO CONSTRUCTION LTD. BURFORD, ONT. Name Page 6--,-Clinton News,Reco;idThurso August 10, 1962 FOR SALE OR RENT 3 BEDROOM. house in Sea- forth, bathroom, hot water, ap- ply William Storey„ phone $57 r 12 Seaforth, 33p LOST AND ' .FOUND ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE PEACHES ACCOMMODATION' FOR RENT ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ROOM FOR. RENT In central locetion. • HU 2-7058. 33-4-51) HOUSE: '4 bedrooms, bathroom, hot and cold water, furnace. On County road, 1 mile east of Auburn. 2 barns also available. Possession October 1. Apply W. deJong, phone Auburn 526-5724. 33-4b MODERN 2 BEDROOM cot- tage, sleep six, furnished for housekeeping, winterized, oil 'heat, hot water, frig., electric stove, washing machine, vacant from September 4. Will rent to party ,prepared to stay through winter as caretakers. Other modern •housekeeping cottages and cabins, frig., stove, sleep 2-4-6. $25 to $50 monthly. Hazelwood cabins, 3 miles north of. Bayfield on 21. 33tfb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb Weekend Special PICK YOUR OWN $4 a bushel RED HAVEN, GOLDEN JUBILEE, of Choice Quality Bring yonr own Centainers (Some for sale at orchard, if necessary) Ross Middleton's I Orchard 'RR 2, Bayfield 1 mile east of the Golf Course Follow the signs. HU 2-9136 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. beginning Saturday FULFORD—In loving mem- ory of a dear mother, who pas.- SO away 7 Years ago, August 16, 1955; "A wonderful mother ldiato' "A wonderful mother laid to rest, For each of us she did her best. Her place on earth no one can fill, We miss you now and we always will." —Lovingly remembered by son Earl and Armelda. 33p ONE BEDROOM APART- meats, unfurnished and furrish, ed. Phone Roy Tyndall HU 2- 992$. 25tfb LOST — One beagle, brewn, black, white, male, one year old,. Lost in neighbourhood of Lon- don highway. Phone HU 2- 9654, 33p 48.4.0' MOBILE HOME, used; 35x8' trailer; 37x10' trailer; also varieties of new coaches. Apply Becker Trailer Collie,. Clinton. TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment available September 1: Apply H. Q. Lawson, ,HU 2- 9644. 33tfb Address FOUND — Two-year-old collie dog, yellew with white throat. Owner contact Corporal TrYa chuk, HU 2,7614, between 8 and. 5 p.m., phone HU 2-3411, Legal 328. 33-4-5b Phone 311,3p ........ . LARGE TBAILB13, and small trailer for rent, fully furnished, Apply Becker's 'Trailer ' • Court, Clinton. 33p 25% OFF FARM-157 acres, 50 acres bush, modern 4 bedroom brick house, large L shape barn, workshop, drive shed, this farm has many advantages, situated on Highway 21. 7 acres, house, barn, orchard, full price $1,700, for quick sale. For further in- formation call Adani Flowers, Bayfield 83, Box 41, 33tfb ON ALL ...KING—In fond and loving nternory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Harold K. King, who passed • sway August 6, 1959: "Just es you were you'll always (be, Treasured forever in our mem- ory, The iteal..7 la our eyes will wipe away, But the ache in our hearts will always stay. To some you may be forgotten, To others' a part of the past, But to us who loved you dearly Your memory will always last." .---LAlwaye remembered by his wife Louise ,aeidffamily, Marie, Harold and Jimmy. . 33b HOUSE TO RENT on James Street, Clinton, unfurnished, 2 bedrooms. Available n o w.. Phone HU 2-9532. 33b FISHING TACKLE HELP WANTED FEMALE DININGROOM GIRL required, must be 21 or over. Apply in person to Hotel Clinton. 28tfb HEINTZMAN PIANO, washing machine, table lamp, kitchen drop leaf table, 2 pair pillows. All in good condition. HU 2- 9477. 33p AT 2 BEDROOM apartment, fur- nished and.heated, private bath, available Sepetember 1. Phone HU 2-3329, at noon or after 6 p.m. 33b ELLWOOD EPPS 200 acre highway farm, 2 barns, very good brick home, down payment $7,500. Lovely 3 bedroom home with 21/2 acres of subdivided lots, garage and small barns, located in Holmesville, only $8,000. Very good 100 acre farm and all the buildings, full price $10,000, down payment $4,000. 2 apartment house on High Street, very good income pro- perty, only $8,500. Large 2 apartment brick home, in choice location, priced to sell. For all your real estate needs (farms are our specialty) please contact C. Buruma, RR 2, Clin- ton, phone HU 2-3287, repre- senting John 13osveld, realtor. 33-5b SPORTS SHOP King Street, Clinton 33b WOMAN WANTED from 9 pen. to 7.30 a.m, two nights per week, for lady invalid, in vicinity of Bayfield. Phone HU 2-9284. 31-3b Back-To-School STUDENT' S ACCOMMODATION WANTED 3 BEDROOM house, well fur- nished, in Seaforth, central location,. all modern convenient- es, available in September. Phone Seaf.orth•5807. 33p STEEL SINGLE BED, with springs and mattress, almost neWeWingham annex, used one year, coal or wood; Warm Morning heater in good condi- tion; steel wheel barrow. Ap- ply Nelson Reid HU 2-7569. 33b WANTED' TO RENT one bed- room apartment, furnished, wanted by October 1. Write to D. R. C. Faubent, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton. 27tfb WAITRESS for full time em- ployment; also part-time wait- ress wanted. Apply in person Bartliffs Bakery Ltd., Clinton, 3 BEDROOM apartment, un- furnished, upstairs, private bath, private entrance. Avail- able August • 31. Phone HU 2- 7065. 33b WATCHES 7.95 HELP WANTED MALE ARTICLES FOR SALE BABY CARRIAGE, $18. Phone HU 2-7606. , 33b Elna Sewing. Machines ',ELIABLE middle-aged mar- ried man, no children, for beef farm, no milking. Experienced preferred, but not necessary; separate modern bungalow, steady position for right party. Glen Rose, Box 591, Seaforth. APARTMENT,' UNFURNISH- ed, suitable for couple, 2 bed- rooms, self-contained, private entrance; 1 bedroom cottage, unfurnidhed. Phone HU 2-9768. 26tfb SAVE TAX DOLLARS You can deduct from your tax-'; able income payments made on any of these Registered Retire- ment Savings Plans distributed by Investors Syndicate: Retirement Savings Certifi- cates—Fixed-interest, guaran- teed plans tailored to your individual needs. Equity Retirement Plan—(1) Investors Mutual of Canada , Ltd., a balanced investment for, stability and income, or (2) Investors Growth Fund of Can- ada Ltd. — an investment in ; equity securities for capital growth. Combined Payment Plans — A selection of plans which com- bine shares of either mutual fund with Investors Retire- ment Certificates. up CANADIAN CEMENT FOR sale. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and Son. 38tfb Back-To-School SALES and SERVICE EASY TERMS SMALL APARTMENTS .furn- ished or unfurnished, heated, self-contained. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, 200 High Street, phone HU 2-6692.• 27tfb RIDING lawn mower; tent trailer, 8 x 12. Phone HU 2- 3807. 30tfb SALESMAN—Salary and Com- mission. For Clinton and dis- trict, must be self starter, sell- ing experience an asset but not necessary. If you are not satis- fied with your present job and know you can sell, we have q good future and a steady job for the right man. Apply Cul- ligan Water Conditioning, 32 Hamilton St., Goderich, Ont. 33-4b MISCELLANEOUS PENS by Sheaffer's INCOME PROPERTY — 2- storey brick with 1 3, bedroom modern apartment and 1 2-bed- room modern apartment, self- contained, good condition. Extra lot 79'x137', garage. Price $11,500, Mortgage can be ar- ranged. 1 storey brick, 3 bedroom dwelling, livingroom with din- ing area, modern kitchen, large lot. Early possession. Price $8,000. Mortgage can be ar- ranged. Village of Londesboro, 11/2 storey brick, 4 bedrooms, bath, hydro, large lot. Early posses- sion. On Highway 4, Clinton, Ont,, cement block building 75'x46' including loading dock and of- fice. Corner lot 247'x200', ' Repairs to All Makes of Sewing Machines. David Colclough TO SELL: ONE JUNIOR, BED, natural finish, removable sides, spring and mattress. Phone HU 2-9673. 33p MODERN OFFICE for rent, across from Library Park. Available September: 1. Call Galbraith Radio and TV, phone, HU 2-3841. 33-4-5b AUCTION SALE of Household Effects from the home of Mrs. S. Louise Persan at 126 the corner of Joseph and Orange streets, Clinton, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th at 1.30 p.m., the following: Walnut Duncan Fife drop leaf table; library table; studio couch; occasional arm chair; TV swivel chair; 2 rocking chairs; 3 beds; dressers; mat- tresses; small tables and night stands; Williams piano and stool; Admiral 21" TV with base and aerial; book case; book shelves; Underwood port- able typewriter; Seabreeze record player; walnut ' blanket chest; knitting machine; port- able washing machine; Kelvin- ator refrigerator; ironing board; steam iron; travel iron; electric range; 2 chrome suites; pine cupboard (antique); a large quantity of books; table lamps; rugs; Mercury camera; bedding; garden tools; complete set of Bridal Wreath dishes; fancy dishes; antique dishes; cooking utensils; numerous other art- icles. Ball-Point Pens Cartridge Pens and Regular Pens Priced From INSULATED 20-gallon water heater, almost new. Phone Gor- don People, 858r13, Seaforth. HOLMESVILLE Phone HU 2-3275 ' 27tfb SELF-CONTAINED, heated ap- artment, 1 bedroom, large liv- ing room, kitchen and bath, available September 1. Apply Lloyd Batkin HU 2-7057, 33b CHESTERFIELD 'and chair for sale. Will sell cheap. Phone HU 2-7610. 33x BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE, See the many specials at Ray's Shoe Repair; also, have your old shoes repaired at the same time. Makes them look new again. Ray's Shoe Repair, Hur- on Street, Clinton. 33b WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb UPRIGHT PIANO "Gilbert", reasonable. 4 Regina Road, RCAF Station, phone HU 2- 7242. 33b 7 ROOM HOUSE, unfurnished, bath, full basement, furratee with stoker, well insulated, close to uptown in Seaforth. Apply Arrios Corby, phone 598M Seaforth. 33b LOVELY BRICK HOUSE, un- furnished, suitable for two ap- artments, choice location, clbse to uptown. Contact C. Buruma, RR 2, Clinton, phone HU 2- 3287. 33-4b 98c AGAIN THIS YEAR, outside, white paint $2.99 gallon. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, open evenings till 9 p.m. 18tfb ANNEX STOVE, all white. enamel, Steel top, burns either wood or coal, ideal 'for cottage. Phone HU 2-9090. 33p and up CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL Summer Stock LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb ANSTETT JEWELLERS H. C. LAWSON INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Dial HU 2-9644—business HU 2-9787—residence 33h Name Brand Products 30" CHEF-MASTER automatic range, push button, like new condition. Phone HU 2-9240. 33b 3 BEDROOM house in Bayfield, bathroom, oil furnace, located 11/2 miles east of Bayfield. ply William Leitch, 157 Cam- eron Street, Goderich, or phone JA 4-9648.. 33-4b Phone HU 2-9525 Albert Street — Clinton 4, • BILL CAMPBELL • Phone Seaforth 486 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 25% OFF Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 TRANSPORTATION WANTED AT ARTICLES WANTED HOUSE TRAILER,{ 28x8 ft., completely furnished, sleeps 4, can be financed. Interested parties contact William Bannis- ter, Zablocki Trailer Park, op- posite PMQ's. 33p PEACHES and APPLES at Lassaline Orchards, Goderich Twp., 4th concession. Bring own containers for Red Haven and Golden Jubilees. 21/2 miles south of Highway 8 on the drive-in road. 33tfb Bayfield Woollen Shop Investors @y .gt 6 0 F CANADA. L. I Al„.1,T,E D. Head Office, Winnipeg • 011icet in Principal Cities, • CDCI STUDENT desires second hand typewriter, standard make preferred, in good, condition. In- quire at 157 Mary Street, Clin- ton. 33p 7 ROOM MODERN FARM house, unfurnished, available Atigust 1, located 7 miles from Clinton. Apply Bruce Roy, Lon- desboro, phone Blyth 28r6.•' 30tfb 2 GIRLS attending Business College require transportation from Clinton to Goderich be- ginning September 4 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. HU 2-3421. 33b Terms — Cash Mrs. L. Louise Persan, Prop. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 33b Dolt-Yourself This is your chance to buy Quality Goods at Reduced Prices. 31-3b COAL and WOOD FURNACE wanted to buy; also used sew- ing machine. Write to Box 333, Clinton News-Record. 33p ONE BEDROOM apartment, gas heated, living room, bath, kitchen with •new electric stove ' and frig., available August 15 or September 1. Phone HU 2- 6694 before 6 p.m. 31-3b RENT These Machines 3 Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Belt Sander 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander 3 Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON ATTENTION FARMERS! REQUIRE FOR CASH, a trail- er suitable for boat hauling, preferably 4-wheel tandem. Must have brakes. Mobile home tandem unit acceptable. R. J. Carter, FernhUrst Glen, Clinton. Carlow 1609.. 33tfb KENWOOD BLANKETS—an ideal gift for all occasions; also KENWOOD Baby Blankets; all sizes and • colors. MARTIN'S Dept. Store. 33tfb Classified Rates COMPLETE SET of plywood cement forms. Cement mixers: Monarch, % electric motor; No. 31/2 London, Wisconsin gas mo- tor, 36" power trowel. Percy Riley, 179 Elgin Avenue East, Goderich. 33p HOUSE FOR RENT. Available August 15. 114 miles south of Brucefield. 8 rooms. Unfurnish- ed. Two bathrooms. Oil furn- ace, Modern. Nick Oud, RR 3, Kippen phone Hensall 262 J 4. 30tfb For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, In Memoriams, Engagenients, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. SINGER SEWING MACHINES SALES and SERVICE TO ALL MAKES R enta lisi.i 1.3y Wee WH ikbois Monthi W HU 2-9103 — CLINTON SERVICES EMPLOYMENT WANTED AUTOS FOR SALE DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, •. curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin's Dry Goods. \ 23tfb FARMERS, TRUCKING Ser- vice, local and long distance. For prompt service, phone P. W. Transport Ltd., Blyth, 162 (collect). 20to43p YOUNG MAN desires employ- ment on the farm, after 5 p.m. and Saturdays. Apply 'to Box 332, 'Clinton News-Record for information. 33p 1951 MERCURY, 1 ton stake, good motor andi tires. Apply Joe Corey, phone HU 2-9889. 33p 30-tfb REPEATS- 2c a word; Minimum 50c. LOOKING FOR. HEIRS of William J. Fluker, who was born in Clinton, and lived in Chicago, and died on Sept. 11, 1934. He was married to Annie Fluker. His mother's maiden name was Jane -Stewart of Glasgow,' Scotland. This is in reference to- vacant piece of real estate in Chicago. Anyone knowing anything about heirs of Mr. Fluker please call or write Mr. Donald Hartz, 9137 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago 20, Ill. Phone Prospect 9-7400. 31-3-4-5b BULOVA WATCHES at ANSTETT 1960 FORD FALCON, Black, in Al condition; whitewall tires, radio, deluxe interior. Phone HU 2-9560, 31tfb VACUUM CLEANERS ' Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. • BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb CASH DISCOUNTS-- //a Off If paid by Saturday following last Insertion. DIAMOND RINGS. See our newest cash specials at dis- count prices—save *up to, one- third. Pay cash..; and save. Terms if preferred e. hone HU 2-9649 for even& appoint- ments. Counter's wellerY. 18tfb FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE WELL CEMENT TOP 50" in diameter, reasonably priced. Phone HU 2-9219. 33b 2 HOLSTEIN heifers fresh; 4, year old Ayrshire cow, fresh. Phone HU 2-3213. 33b THINKING OF RAMBLER? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay- field Road. Phone JA 4-9461. 15tfb BILLING CHARGE- 10c added on second bill. JEWELLERS LTD. PHONE HU 2-9525 SERVICES 9 PIGS, 6 weeks old, Apply George Bayley, phone HU 33b 2- 9853. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. ATTENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. 300 lbs. or over, ac- cording to 'condition. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 158C62. 7 Days Service. Call Ed. Andrews, 863W1, Seaforth. 8tfb BOARD AND ROOM n your best garments stay fresh, clean and new with coin-operated dry cleaners. READ AUGUST ISSUE OF HARPERS BAZAAR (Copy at 'the Shop) 8 Lbs. For Only $2.00 REGISTERED YORKSHIRE boars, serviceable age, excellent breeding stock. Phone Seaforth 667W4, John Powell, Jr., RR 2, Seaforth. 33p DEADLINE- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday DIAL HU 2.3443 ACCOMMODATION for young woman or man, central loca- tion, no washing. Phone HU 2-7713. ' 33p PET STOCK GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, good watchdogs, kind with children. Phone Kenneth Peo- ple, 858r13, Seaforth. 33p SINGLE ROOM, private ent- rance and bath, clean and quiet, gentleman preferred; would like to do babysitting. Apply 175 Huron Street West or phone HU 2-7043. 33b DEAD' ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call BLACK PUP with white trim, short hair, male. Mother was a terrier. Used to being tied, but needs rural home. Seven months. Answers to "Little Joe". No charge. Complete with leash, collar and Stanley Township tag. Phone HU 2- 3444. 33b DARLING CUSTOM WORK IRENE'S DON'T PUTTER! Call your plumber. DURO pumps and softeners sales & service. Eck- ert's Plumbing and Electric, ph- one 54r2, Bayfield.„ 28tfb & Company Of Canada Limited Lucan 227-4716 . Dead Animal Licence No, 175-C-62 ltfb WESTINGHOUSE COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANER 70 Albert St., Clinton Phone HU 2-7833 22tfb PIANO TUNING SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED— Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed, write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 442w6 Brussels. YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to21p tfb • 10to39p Flowers EXPERT CARPENTRY WORK done reasonably to your satig- faction. For kite en cupboards, coffee tables, bobkcases, china cabinets, etc., and all small odd jobs around your home. Call Ken McNairn, HU 2-7726. 19tfb Telegraphed Anywhere Property Wanted WANTED TO BUY, 3 bed- room hotise in Clinton. Alden Crich, HU 2-3237. 33p REAL ESTATE Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scates Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB CO REY, Auctioneer K, W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk MOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower up, 60 cycle conversions, Parts for most makes on hand or Available. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640. 40tfb LOTS FOR. SALEI in Clinton, Phone HU 2-6692, 21tfb K. C. Cooke, SUMMER COTTAGE, 2 bed- no,oniS, on Lake I-Itiron near Bayfielcl Golf Courtse, large living room, modern kitchen, bath, hot Wetet and ghower, needs some finishing.Conlsicler trade for home in Clinton Or Goderich. Write 16 Box 330, Clinton NeWg-Reterd, 3344b EMPLOYMENT WANTED FLORIST Dial HU• 2-7012, Clinton WILL CARE FOR Small baby in my own home or by the week. Phone RU 2-5797, 33.4b