Clinton News-Record, 1962-08-02, Page 3Credit Union Door To Co-operative Savin! The thermometer at the front door of Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. registered One Mil- lion dollars at the start of this month, and that represents the amount of money on deposit in this organization which began co-operatively just ten years ago, in the space now occupied by John Plum- tree's barbershop. In fact that small space was shared with the Huron Federation of Agriculture. Since then the credit union has built its own modern "banking" structure on Ontario Street, Highway 8, and rents office space to the Federation of Agriculture; to the Ontario Department of Transport for a driver testing location and to the Huron Co-operative Medical Services. (News -Record Photo) Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON• CLINTON — EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep- -HU 2-6642 21tfb BELTONE Hearing Aid Service Clinic SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Store Phone for Free Home Appointment SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen St. S. Kitchener Lamhton Loan Debentures . APPROVED TRUSTEE INVESTMENT • Redeemable of pox • Choice• of 3, 4, 5 :year maturity S 1/2% • Half -yearly interest coupons Lambton Loan & Investment Company Established 1844 CANADA'S OLDEST MORTGAGE COMPANY J. A. Smith President Head Officet SARNiA G. C. Norsworthy General Manager Branch Offices: TORONTO and WALLACEBURG Use this coupon tb obtain further information :.or place ah order for Lanibtoi'i t.oan Debentures. LAMBTON LOAN & INVESTMENT COMPANY 191 North Front Street, Sarnia, Ontario Please sehd rite further information about Lambton Loan Debentures or Enclosed is cheque for $•.,,...............co',ering purchase eft 5Y2% Debenture ................ year deel red $............,..........,,,...... hassle Address .......................................... i31 -3 -db hand News ay.fikandniaAteP gegrge Worlch Latelly, your itowln band under rnossaca•'l dtirectorGear Womb arn3 D iuun M•ajux- Robertt Huaxid has. been 1a1Ong part in a mi en of enit•-tQWWn .actxvi . toe's, On July :18, they represented Cli nitaru alt .a'band'tattoo organ= zed by the Forest Band' where they !figured 4eallly well again band's like the 'Sit., Mary's Mantling Band, Petroaiai Band; xeter. Plupe Band, Ipperwaslh Cadets. Drum :axed 'Trumpet Rand: kind more. They put en a mar+chiallg and niianoeu vering show that was liked by all people of 'Forest Wednes'd'ay, July 25, Clinitoru"s bend was' !i n Bayfield for ithe Lions Club Frolic. As reported in the Loniclee Free Press ou'r hliigh-stteppiieg majorettes -went through .their peees like velter- a0s. The- xnusleal part .or the band) wins also good. Cilintoin; band was invited to. the Goderich Pipe Band Tat- too oat Judy 27. They were the guest band an put Qi a Show that will be well remembered by the crowd who gave 'them a good round of .app'l'ause. •Salturd'ay'., July 28, the CCGB was gueslt at the National Square Dance Jamboree, Kit- chener, where they took part in 'a gigantic parade and gave a demonsitr'atien carried over a natipmlai TV coverage during the evening. They were well treated at ,a reception Wee the festivities. The band has been doing very good work at public relations Isis other tovvns and will be travelliing more before the end of the holidays, Most of the members are Vocal boys and situs in their 'teens a'nd they deserve support. We must not forget ,the adult members who are .graving their time, effort and musical know- ledge to help the young music- ians. Not having had time to play a great deal in •Clanton this year, st should be empha- sized that the band is doing a great chore in public relations work for the town by 'taking the mane of Clinton wherever they go and doing an excellent jerb. This should be appreoiateKit. Ars will be noted by the band's busy schedule for the resit of ' 1962, . tthis public rela- tions work willl be carried fur- ther afield as well as concerts. etc., provided in Clinton. The next band concert in Clinton will be held at Library Park, 8 p.m. August 3. Plans are being made ito have a. guest band en! a Sunday niight in August. A short par - Turner's Sunday School Picnic The . annual picnic of Tur- ner's United 'Church Sunday School was hells at Jo'wett'cs Grove, Bayfield . om Tuesday, July 17. Sports werecond'ucl+ed by Ruth Crich, Mildred Crich, Joan Rogerson, Bruce Whit- more and George Townsend. Wimnea's were: races, five and under,'Steven Johns, Karen Whitmore; eight and undeer, girls, Jean Falconer; boys, Mur- ray Taylor, Lamy McGregor; 14 'and under, girls, Janett Fal- coner, Joyce Falconer; boys',, Kean Whitmore, Gerald Town- send. Young ladies, Joan Rogerson, Janet Falconer; young mere Bruce Whitmore, Gerald. Towri- tslend; married laidles, Mrs. War- ren Whitmore, Mrs. Fred Tay- lor; married men:, Shanley Johns, Frank Falconer. Kick-ttlhle,slipper, 14 years and under, Ken Whitmore; lucky sot, M. Stanley Johns; cow calling, Mrs. William Rogerson; unwrapping parcel, George Tur- ner, Mrs. Elmer Townsend; closest weddiaig anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Crich. Other relayts and contests were enjoyed. About 50 slat down Ito a delicious picnic sup- per - SUNSET DRIVE-iN Goderich BUCK NITES MON., TUES., WED., THUR. $1oo ADMITS YOU AND YOUR CARLOAD Wed., Thur., Fri. August 1.2,3 Debbie'Reynolds, Steve Forrest "SECOND TIME AROUND" Joel McCrea, Gloria Talbot "CATTLE EMPIRE" Both in Scope and Color Midnite Show SUNDAY, August 5th Recaminended as Adult Entertainment Regis Toomey, Ann Daren "JOY RDE," Plus a space -tingles"' "The Indestructible Man" Sat, Mon., Tues. August 4-6-7 Wayne Mansfield, Kenneth More "THE SHERIFF OF FRACTURED JAW" Kent Taylor, Jody McCrea. "THE BROKEN LAND" Wed., Tkur:, Fri. August 8-9416 "STATE FAIR" Ih Color and Scope Pat Boone,Parnela Tiffth,. Alice Faye & All Star Cast First Show at 'Dusk Children in Cars FREE ode will, Start tete ev tng x 11 lis , followed by .a concept of; the combined ,bands,. The iCCOB is practicing ;harts, and diligentlyfora big c11n a.ic tdnlls. fail They will !take part nil tiie gaganli'ic Waterloo 14440 on Satntcrd'ay, September 8, .and tttlae Santa Maus paraides. in ,London' an Seaforth.. The. en— tre group's gpal is to awn Bret pd'ace .and trophies it them Paredes, ending the year 1962. a ichampionsbip band for Cita- ton. - ;Constant practice, equipping with ithe best of materialb and top itniterpat by all nlernbere amd the public can accomplish th'iS feat. The CCOB schedie is as roll laws Sunday', August 5, coneerit. at Goderich: Square; Friday, August 10, Th'edfford Bend Tat- too; Tuesday, August 14, flurore view; Wednesday, .August 15, St. Mary's !Ban Tattlteo; Fri- diay, August 24, Clinton Library Park; Tuesday, September 4, Clintoin Community Park; Sart- urd'ay, September 8, Weiterloo Fesltival Parade; Friday, Sep- tember 14, Clinton Dibrariy Park; Sunday, Sepitember 1f, Clinton IJibrary Park; Thurs- day, Sepitember 27, Bayfield Fele Fair, -o Merner. Reunion The !tenth annual Mesmer re- union was held at Cedar Park, Zurich on July 15 with an at- tentlianee of 150 relives. The sports committee con- ducted osducteid races' and sports. Some of the highlights,; of the !dray weire,awlards made to the fattest man, Milford Merner; the oldest person, 'Mrs. Susan Merner; ithe farthest distance, Ted Turner; the largest family, Mr. and .Mas. Ment Merrier; the youngest baby, Janice Town- send; idle twist, Randy Tiernan;, P. Smith; guessing marbles, Barbara Townsend; door prize, B'ya'bn Kyle. Ashton Reunion Flay -nine of a possible 63 descendants of the late Mr. and. Mrs. Johan Ashton, Tuekersmith Township, assemibled at Jow- ettt'a Grove, on Sunday after-, noon, July 15 for a family pi A j 1 r hour was enjoyed be- fore :the rapes and games com- menced under the management of Mrs. Donald Forbes, RR 2, Clinton and Mrs. Harold Frern- l;in, Clinton. Prizes wenn to: Four years and under, Wayne Lyon, Auburn; Paul Forbes, Clinton; eight years rand under, Jimmy Adams, Stratford; Charis Fitzpatrick, Sarnia; •David! Han- ley, Clinton; boys 12-18 yearte Douglas Smith, Stephen Smith, Donald Frennlin', all of Clinton;' married men, Gary Fitzpatrick, Siarnia; J'imn Comerford, An+gu:s;' Donald Forbes, Clinton. Kick -the -shipper, Mrs. Heath- er Zeller, Kitehener; Mrs. Edna Frercnlhe Clinton; needle and thread, Reg and Devine Smith, Seaforth; Donald F remlin, can- ton ton and' Carolyn Ashton, Sarnia; ladies orange race, Carolyn Ashton,San a.; Mrs. Marg, Ashton;, Kitchener; Mrs. 1llary Smith, London; men's orange race,! Donald Frennlin tug-of-w!ar, Don Hanley's team; pick the shoe race, Mr. and Mass Fred Ashton', Shakespeare; egg race, Don Frentin and Keith Ashton, Clinton. .Members of the family came from Auburn, Shakespeare, Stratford, Seaforth, London, Kitchener, Santa, Angus ankl` Windsor', as well es Cimiton. Ladd Reunion AUBURN—The second Ladd' family reunion was held recent- ly at The home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Parks near Dun- gannon with eight of the 11 families present. Gaines and contests were enjoyed during ,the afiteratbon with 'winners in the various events: 'Guessing number of shells in) a box, Jack Ladd; marble con- test, Bill Park; ,been bag throhv, Garr y Lee; kick»the-sslippea', Garry Lee, Mrs. Toni Lawlor; bean bag throw, Gail Ashton; find peanut an confetti, Mrs. Verna Culbert; bidden prize winner, Pat Ladd!', boys kick - the -slipper, Jim Lawlor; .kan.- garoo race, Jim Lav:rlor. Children; 5 to 8, running rade. Wayne Ladd; kick -the -slipper, Bonnie S!huittrz; under five bean bag throw, Steve Park; hair eur]ling contest, Mrs, Verna Culbert and Barry Anderson; ti l d e s it gentlemani ` present, Thomas Park;. ]lucky plate hold- er, Mrs. Gertrude Park. Prizes were awarded to all the 'Mae- nads 'and this 'program: of graces and comtteste ended with a pea- nut scramble. Election of officers was con- ducted by the p'resid'ent, Jack Ladd, flollow'ed .by' a bountifhtl. lunch. AHiteax h* were Mr. and Mrs. George Lawlor, Auburn; Mr. ,and Mrs.. Monies Lawlor and 5, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ladd, Pat and Wayne Goderich; Mr'. and Mrs. Clayton Ladd:; Blyth; Mrs. Verna, Culbert and Norman,. Diinigaiinon; IVfr. end Mora. Gi don Shultz and 3 daughters', Duailgen:RI;; TMs". and MTS.,] 11 Paris, WO" sons and three daughter% Dungannon MisaeS Gail and Carol Anderson, natty Anderson. and three visitort, Cantle Menary, Gail; A%htien and Garry Lee. It was voted Itip hold the reunion next year at the seine places With alternate being at ithe home of Mr. Mard Mts. Thema Lawlor, OMEieert elected are: presi, dent, Jack Ladd; secrel„ar3 , Mris. Tore Park; treasurer, Grin don Shultz; entertainment con? Mait:tee, Mrs Gerdon, Shultz, Mrs. William Park', latith earn. fhltfteier fihornas Lawk*, &Ws, Verna, Culbert, 1Vfrsi. Jeek Ladd, Wed At Wesley -Willis Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Seeley, Camp Borden, were married on Saturday, July 21 at Wesley- Willis United .Church by the Rev. Dr. D. J. Lane. The bride is Phyllis Jeanette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Landry, Oromocto, New Brunswick, and her husband is the son of M. Marion Seeley, Huron Street, Clinton and the late Wilfred E. See- , ley, ' (Photo by Jervis) Crich Picnic Goderich Harbour Park pray- ed 'an ideal stetting for the an- nual Crich picnic on' Saturday, July 21, when 83 attended and a most enjoyable time was re- ported. The sump'tuou's picnic supper was in the charge of Mrs. Ail - den Crich and her committee. A full lime of sports; was ar- ra.,ngled by Mrs. Ross Trewar- tha and her committee. Win- ners in'eluded: Races, five years and under, Debbie Argyle, Diane Sohrilbe;, 6-9 years, giirl's, Carol Argyle, Cathie Schilbe; boys, Clayton Stirling, Douglas Schilbe; 10- 12 years, girls, Marie Trewar- tha, Brenda Srtirling; boys, Douglas Trewaritha, Fred Tre- vviartha. Young 'ladies and men, throw- ing plate contesit, Fred Tre- wartthe, Ronnie Crich; married ladies and men, gum relay, Mrs. Granit Stirling's team.; grandniether with moat articles in purse, Donis Cartwright; grandfather with most 'articles in pocket, Roy Pepper. Tian walk, 12 years and un- der, nder, Joyce Falconer, Marie Tre- wartha; men throwing buttons in shoe, Jack ,Cole; ladies walk- ing rope with lemon, Mrs. Ross Trewartha; lucky spot, Mrs. Roy Canna.; number of corn in jar, children, Douglas Rhiei; contents of can, Mrs. Granit Stirling. The children enjoyed a candy scramble. Robinson Reunion AUBURN — Those 'attending the Robinson reunion recently alt Ippervvash Beach were Mr. and Mrs. William: J. Craig, Miss Carolyn' Craig, Ildierton; Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkin; and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cha'mney, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chimney and; family, Mr. and Mr's. Ted Mills :and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson and family and Mr, and Mrs. Her- man Chan ney, Windsor. • During the 'stamper hour Mis- ses Joan 'and June 11/Tills enter- tained with songs to guitar ac- companiment. Robert Wilkin played several bagpipe 'selec- tions and accompanied his set- ters, Patsy and Mary in their Hiighiandf dancing. William J. Craig .presided for the election of officer's. They are the following, president, Bert Robinson; secretary-'treas- uxier, Scott Robinson; London. Sports committee, William S. Craig, initon; Robert J. Craig, Merton and 'Stuart Chamney, Auburn. Ruses ;and conitesrti were en - loyal by the 145 attending the reunion. Newt year it will be held as usual, the second Sat- urdary of July at Ipper'wash Beach. Coleman Reunion VARA — The annual Cole- man reunion was held on Salt= urdlaty last in Seaforth Lions Park with over 100 in attend- ance. President Anson McKin- ley cKieley welconnec the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie McKin- ley and Mrs. Ross Chapman conducted' the sportts. Results were: six years and under, Bruce Mellott; 6-8 years, ghat, Sandra' Coleman; boys, Bradley Fintllayson, Frank Mallott; 11 and under, girls, Sandra Colie� man, Kathy McKinIey; boys, Tommy Coleman, Doug Haldie- brant; 14 • and under, girls, Cathy McKinley, Dianne Fin- layson; boys, Gerald Coleman, Larry McKinley. Young 1'adie% Raba Doig, Dianne F1ian'layson; young men, J.ian Fin'layison, Larry McKin- ley; married ladies, Mrs. Eve- lyn McKinley, Mrs. Grace Chapman; married men, Berne McKinley, George Hildebranit; 3 -legged race, Karen McKinley and Larry McKinley, Jim, Fin- layson aid Marlene Coleman; sack race, girl%, Raba Doig, Sandra Coleman; boys, Larry McKinley, Tomuny Coleman. Shoe scramble, Cathy Mc- Kinley, Tom 'Coleman; relay water race, Fred McClynnonit's slide and • John Barker's side, rtie'd. :Married mens nylon! race, Stewart Cudmore, Frank Mal.- ott't; kick -the - sh'op'per, Rode Doig, Amore Cameron; cow call- ing, Mrs. Francis Coleman; imi- tation calling, Flred McCly- monit. Oiificersi for 1963 are presi- dent, Cecil Oke; vice-president, Sandy Doig; secretary, Mrs. Ebner Cameron; treasurer, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman. It was de- cided .to (hold newt year's picnic on ithe third Saturday at Sea - forth. Bluewater Danceland (4 miles north-west of Zurich, 8 miles north of Grand Bend) DANCING EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 10 to 1.30 a.m. Music for the season by Desjardine Orchestra Special Prizes for SPOT DANCES NOVELTIES TWISTS 21tfb Coming to THE HURON ROOM QUEEN'S HOTEG Seaforth the fantastic LOUIS (Dutchiel DONDERS • QUINTET. Nigh commencing Wednesday, Aug. and Continuing to SATURDAY, AUGUST 4th Tht!+rs,, A.Mgyst :2, 1962 Kincardine .Alan Wins $50 LOL Prj:e The LOT4 Q'reinge Lodge No. 7X0. draw for 50 wa* •won by Mrs. Bill L4verpoi, Ki;lGardin,e, dt was dree n oai Thursday, July regular loge meeting night. :proceeds are for buiidinig '2u:n:d. Clinton :New -Rekord----Pose 3: GIFTS ,For Ali Occasions at ANSI TI JEWELLERS LTD. PHONE HU 2-9525 Goderiel. Business College 21st Annual Fail Term .opens September .4, Senior and Junior Courses Approved by the BUSINESS EDUCATORS` ASSOCIATION OF CANADA \ MODERN EQUIPMENT ea QUALIFIED TEACHERS TUITION $28 Telephone ,JA 4-8521 .gr 7284, iSodlerieh„ Ontario 30to36b For That Special Sunday Dinner vise the Blyth Inn QUEEN STREET BLYTH, ONT. T-BONE STEAKS $ 1.75 ROAST BEEF $1.50 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN - - $1.50 Dinner Served from 2 to 8 p.m. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE BLYTH 199 28-30-31b 'rile PARK Theatre Goderich NOW PLAYiNG— "The Three Stooges Meet Hercules" -- In Colour The Trunk" -"starring Phil Carey, Julie Arnett MON., TUES., WED. -- August 6-7-8 A New Adventure Drama In Cinemascope and Color Starring Dolores Hart and Stephen Boyd THUR., FRI., SAT. -- August 9-10-11 "STATE If ever a picture deserved the rating of "ideal family fun" this is it! In Scope and Color with music by Rodgers and FAIR" H AMA T FFiN and BOBBY DARIN Coming -- "BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S" with Audrey Hepburn 4 Busy People 1, „•,#<s<.;:, save p.t. is hw and MONEY at .'..VMYBANaH": They bank by mail the B of M way. You can get full details without 'obligation at your nearest B of M branch. Why not call in or write today?ts'•wr Speedy. (Avg to BANK- BY- MAIL Nothing could be simpler ... The I3 of M's mail deposit -form — made of "no. carbon -required" paper — eliminates the need for repetitive writing or messy carbons. You make out only one deposit -slip. Presto, there's a second copy which comes back from the Bank as your re- ceipt...and a third copy which you keep for your records. We supply a pre -addressed envelope with our form which you can use for your next deposit. It comes back to you by return mail with your receipted deposit slip. It's ensy fo save when you bank by mail at "MY BANK" Ask for one of our Bank. Ing bymail i'olderb, 1f tan save you time, trouble end shoe•iegtlter. 13Arnk or MOI TRt A:L; 6444t4.per ba44 Clinton $ranchr K. G. -F 'LETT, 1Vlaneger Londesborough '(Sub=Age ey) t Open Mon, , Thurs. WORKING, WJTH CANADIANS IN EVERY Wilk tie LIFEeSINCE 91ei5 as