HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-19, Page 111.) urn an Eistri.c.t MILL WES ORAD ROPK,Oltrrespoedent-„,•Phone 4204.595 Miss. Laura Phillipsvisited aver the weekend WW1 Mrs, H, Sheppard, Bright's Grove, Mr, crud. 1Vlrs,. Harry I•easide epent the weekend with her ;mother, M. trier art Gov- ler, Miss Mary Kirkoonretl; See - forth visited last :Saturday with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. And- rew Kirkcon;nell:.and Diane. Master Greg Arthur had his tonsils ,removed in the Cllirllten Pwblkc 1 Fgsp>Ital qn Monday morning. Mr. 'and Mrs, Bert Marsh and Mrs. He nest Ma ridge spent Sunday with their relatives in Brapten, Miss Margaret R. Jackson is visiting +thins week with: her niece, Mrs. Donald Kai and Mr. Kai apt Oakville, Mr. rand Mrs. Donald Young- blot, Lor+ie and Barry, Lond'egi spent the Weekend with Mr. and: Mrs. Ralph D. Munro. Miss Elam Mute spent the last week of her holidays visit in'g friends in Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryant and family, i< h visitedti dy, Sr'ri t Falb . deet week with Mr. and Mrs. WE - lam Straughan. Mrs. John Livermore., Clinton visited last week with herdau-. ghiter, Mrs. George Haggitt, Mr. Haggitt, Johnny and Paul. Murray* and Glenn Wightman returned last weekend' from a two weeks' vacation with olein uncle, Mac Wilson, Mrs. Wilson and ,family, alt Dundas. Mr. and Mas'. Ralph Williams, Port Huron were recent guests Summerhill Club Picnic To Be In Goderich Park The Summerhill Ladies Club met at 'the home of Mrs, Wil- liam. Jenkins en July 11 with 12 members and three visitors present. Mrs. Rases Lovett opened the meeting with a poem, "Do You Just Belong?” The treasurer's report showed a balance of $52.90. It was decided to make the picnic an •annual event. This year it will be held in Gode- rich Park on Jnily 17. The August meeting will be !held at the home of Mrs. Ross Lovett. Roll call will be answered by "What I dislike .doing most". Those on program will 'be Mrs. P. Weeterhout, Mrs. George Wright • and Mrs, Nor- man Wright; Punch, Mfrs. George Colclough, Mrs. Ezra Ellis, Mrs. Neville Forbes, Mrs. Chester Farquhar. Mrs. Graydon Neal won the raffle. Lunch was served. bherland; secretary, Susan Str- aughan; 'treasurer, Bi1Rl Straug- hare social convener, Harvey S n e 11. They discussed pro- grams, ,for the fall season and went 'to Sunset Beach for a wiener roost. with. Kr, .a' a Mxus. 13ort Craig at their Pottage et Sunset Beach, Mr. :and IVIrs. Elwin Andes. son, Braiiltfe d Spent last week- end with his cousin, Mr. Wil- liam Stiiaughan and Mrs. 5t- raughan.. Miss Betty Marsh is At Mir- amichk camp in the Hamilton presbytery of the IJnvted Ch- uren of Canada As leader for a few weeks: - Rev, •C, E. Taylor, Goderich, and ;Mrs. Frank Campbell, Westfield were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Bert Tay- lor. Mr. and Mrs. G9rclorr R. Tayy- ler visited last Sunday at Owen Sound with Mr. and Mr's. Ron- ald Ratliwelil, Michael and Jean - ice. Mr,. and Mrs. Lloyd' Miller, Landon spent the least weekend With her father, Percy Vincent and his brother, Gordon, Mrs, Miller .and Gail, Mr.zr Mrs. a d Norman Mc- Dowell and their daughter, Miss Gwendolyn McDowell are holidaying in the Maritime lar- evinces. m Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Blair Redmond Is Recovering From Injuries AUBURN — Friends in this dis'triot will be pleased to know that Blair Redmond, 18 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Redmond, RR 2, Auburn, as, making recovery from an ac- clic:lenrt last week at the 'home of his uncle Gus Redmond. Bl'- air was 'assisting with the hay- ing operations. when the tug of the :harms' on a horse broke as he was operating the hay- fork, The whiffler tree broke and pinned frim to the 'ground. Keith Artihur with his ,aaribul- ,ance was ogled and Blair was taken to Wirnghaan General'hos- pital and then to London. Blair has been ,a student alt the God erieh District Collegiate Instit- ute. 0 Shirley Brown Will Head 1962-63 'Teenville AUBURN— Members of Te- enville met at the Cornnvunity Memorial Hall to eleot officers for the coming fan term. Rev. Charles Lewis presided for 'the election: 'president, Shirley Br- own; vice-president, Edgar Lea - HEATING Auburn Sigma -C RENOVATIONS AuBuitig_ Tnty reamer 0 Camping Trip For SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for heating renovations to the pres- elit heating system at the Huron County Court House, Goderich. Plans, specifications and ten- der •forms can be secured from the undersigned, Tenders will close at 5 p.m., Wednesday, August 22, 1962, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. 29b ers of the Auburn Sigma -C group enjoyed a 24 -;hour camp- ing •trip to Donnybrook Bridge last weekend. The leader of the boys group, Rev. Charles Lewis was lassested by John. Wright and John Arthur. For many of these boys it was the 'first time for damping and they enjoyed making their own meals, washing- ,the ,di's'hes and making up their beds. It was a short night for seine who didn't go to sleep until 2 am, and many were up be- fore six to enjoy swimming and the games. The area of Newfoundland iS nearly three times the total of the other three Atlantic prov- inces combined. Please Take Note That We Are Closing For Annual Holiclays From Saturday, July 28 to Monday, August 13 IH you are contemplating any work on y . .. our automobile or power garden equip- ..,..... meaty please bring it in soon as possible. COME IN NOW - before our holiday and purchase your JOHNSON LAWN -BOY Power Mower or BOLENS GARDEN TILLER, alis Auto. "THC'" O#tiv,rN"At '1 C1NE..ue Sttl yi Phone HU 23051 KING StREEI CLINtON AUTO'LITE Kennet McDougall and family on Sunday were Mrs, Edith Vincent, Goderich, Mrs. Mae Adams, Londesborg, Mr, and. Mrs,, Stewart Toll, T'err'y and Warren, Handhon and: Mr. and Mas, Fred TO, Auburn. Mrs, John Graham visited least Week in Wirrgixam with. Mrs. M, Rolston. Miss Elsie Davidson, Alliston visited last Sunday with her friend, Mrs. Marguerite Chopin and her 'nether, Mrs. 3, C. Stoltz, Calvin Bisb'ack spent the weekend with his parents Mr,. and 1V.i•rts, Gres B'isback and Phil. Calvin will be released from Victoria 'hospital where he has been' a patient for tri'any weeks following :a ear accident. Congratulations are extended to Miss Jennifer .Grange who received honours in the Grade 5 music axem and also 1VIiss Brenda East who received 'a pass in her Grade 5 music ex,- am x*am from the Western, Conserv- atory of Music at London. They are pupils of Mrs. Donald Nal. Recent visitor's with Mr, and Mrs, Elliott Lapp, Bili, Nan and Keith were Mr. and Mrs, F. G. Lapp, Sit. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lapp and 'stets ,James and John, Chapleau, Mr. and Ness. W. H. Wodd, Sparta; Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Templar and daughter Blanche, Rochester, New Mork. Miss Blanche Temp- lor and Master John Lapp are new holidaying with the Lapp family here. Helping Others Is Theme For St. Mark's Guild AUBURN—The Anglican Guild of St. Mark's Anglican Church held their July meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo- rge Schneider. The :meeting was held on 't h. a la w n in the form of a 'picnic for .the children, with several visitors. Mrs. Schneider was in charge with Mrs. Robert J. Philips ac- companying on the hanp for all. musical :numbers. Prayers were led by Mrs. Lloyd Hum- phreyes. Scripture Acts 16 was read responsively with Mrs. John Daer leading. The topic for the day was, "Helping Oth- ers," taken by Miss Margaret R. Jackson. A quartette composed of Mis- ses Wendy Schneider, Diane Kirkconnell, Nancy Lapp and Blanche Templar sang, "Jesus Bide Us Shine." The study book chapter on prayer, was taken by Mrs. Louis Ruddy. Several choruses were sung by a1'1 the children and Mrs. Schn- eider gave a reading. The president, Mrs, George Schneider thanked all who had taken part. Minu'te's were read by secretary, Mrs. John Doer and financial statement by Rev. Robert Mealy. Roll call was answered by hell what' each had done for her neighbour. The travelling apron recei- ved 25 cents per .member to go towards the budget fund. Sev- eratl members volunteered 'to paint the church. The next meeting will be head at the home of Mrs. Sam Deer with a potluck lunch to be ser- ved. M. Thomas' Haggitt will assist the hostess. Following the business meet- ing a s-uccessful auction was held with Mie'. Lloyd Humph - relies and Mr. Mealy in charge. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Elliott Lapp. 1ONDESBORO (Oorresl+onden1 Mrs,.: Ser ,Ater► J!hcle PLvt4 374' 5) Ng% Beaisy,, Oslhawa,, as at present a guest w1 t a ROO* art Fairserirlces, Mrs, Townsend, MVP Durn'in, Mrs, Cliff Adams, Mrs Lorne Hunicing spent Monday in Lon- don shopping.. Mr, 'and Mrs. Gordon S:hob- brQ.oii: and phildren, visited on S'u'nday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Milken•, Sebr ng fele. Friends of Mrs. Arthur Claret were +sassy to learn that she is a ' pati'eot in Clinton Public Hospital, 'having suffered a stroke while in Co1lirrgwood laa't Monday, Mi'. and Mrs. Garden Resit, Terry 'and Judy, Strathroy, sP-. e'nt Part of 'their holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Emerson; Hest last week, Mr, and Mrrs, Bert Stich-, brook, Jsfs's. John Shdbbroolr :and Ronnie Vociden spent .Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, RosS Millsatk ta*id Sheryl, Sebring.' Ville, MrS, Edna Holmes, Dresden, and her daughter, Mrs. Doris Scratcl1, Dianne 'and Dennis, ,De- troit, visited relatives here last week, .also ;attending :the furex- ak of Mrs Jennie Lyon. Mr, and MrS. Leonard Vodr den and family, Paris, spent Saturday with Mr. and Meas. Brent Shobbrook and Wesley Vadden and ,attended the ,fikner- al of Tittle Debbie Hugiif. Rohr nie Vodden remained to spend the ,holidays with the Shah - brooks. —o— Straughan 0 Straughan Reunion AUBURN —r Nearly 100 de- scenndantts of 'the Tarte George Straughan and Jean Gatis at- tended the 64th Straughan re- union '•art Harbour Pardo, Gode- rich last Sunday: Jit was the beet attended reunion for many years of 'these early settler% of Colborne Township, The business period was con- ducted onducted by Clark Ball, Clinton,, and the sports were 'under the direction of Earl Williams. Lunch was served under the convenership of Mrs. Kalmer Dawson, Dungannon. Prime for the .oldest member present was given to Mrs. Nor- man Ball, Clinton and, the youngest Drew, six -months -old son of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Daigl'eiish, Stratford. A vote of thanks was given by Bill Cow- an, .1tR 1, Auburn, to the 1962 officers. Following the program of races and games for the chil- dren hipdren the election of the 1963 officers took place; president; Clark Ball, Clinton; secretary- ' treasurer, Mrs. Ben Straughan, Benin:111er;;' lunch converter, Mrs. Grace Evans, Stratford; sports convener, Carl Dowell, Clinton. It was decided to ;hold next year's reunion on the third Sunday 0f July at Harbour Park, God'eriele lte'laliives were pres'en't from Detroit, Stratford, Branded rand the surrounding ddtstict. Huron County Farming Report Swatthinig and combining of wheat and barley is proceeding rapidly as hot, dry weather is ripening grain taster than nor- mal. Since spring grain has bean swather--quality of winter wheat appears to be good and moisture is low. Dry weather may reduce anticipated spring grain yields. White beans need moisture badly as the set of the pad's is not good. Pastures ,are showing effects of lack of (moisture as well as second Crit hey—(several farm- ers ••have their second curt hay , in the barn. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Tenders will be received by the Township of Hullett for the Construction of a Municipal Drain known as "THE DUIZER MUNICIPAL DRAIN" located at Lot 39, Con. 11. The extent of the work is as follows: MAIN 1,972 Lineal Feet .of 500 Lineal Feet of 500 Lineal Feet of 600 Lineal Feet of 2,100 Lineal Feet of 646 Lineal Feet of 600 Lineal Feet of C.MA. 10 Lineal Feet of ant proof sere DRAIN Open Drain 5 inch' the 6 inch tile 7 inch tile 10 inch tile 14 inch tile 10 inch Asphalt coated 15 inch C.M.P. with rod - en. • "A" DRAIN 735 Lineal Feet of 7 inch' the 3 Catch Basins 1 Jur1ttteh Box 'The attention of the Contractor' 'is, directed to the "TRENCH EXCAVATORS' PR.OTiCTION ACT", and the conditions contained therein where applicable to this cohstriaction, All Tenders must be accompanied by a,_ certified cheque for 10% of the Tender price With MVfinirnunt amount of $100. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the CIeric's Office. Lowest or any ''ender het hedessarily aCCepted, arid all Tenders must be clearly trrarked as to contents and i must be in the Clerk's Office net later than 12 O'cleck Noon, Saturday, August 4th, 1962, HARRY • F. TEBBUTTr Clerk, RR 1, Londesboro °Mar o. 29.36it 51* Frnv Station Plead Guilty y Twa airmen from RCAF Sita, tion Clinton pleaded guilty in Q90.0 401 Thursday to steal ing..cigar"'attes, potato chips ,and' pap frons: Ootr4's Custard Cup, Highway 4, Clinton ori July 1. They were- David Lyle. Allen and Chiles Conrad Hoddinott, M1an was sentenced to ten days and Hodd>rrilgtt, two days in, 40i, Richard !Erie Parry, aiS'o ,af RCAF _Station Clinton, was ed •$15 arnd pats, or three drays in jail, when he pleaded to ;driving ,a ear in Clinton on June 5, earelessly. His driver's licence was. suspended for three months, . Three more airmen, Robert William Vaance, Rgmaltd Leonard Danford and :Karl, Glenn Dano, PORTER'S HILL MRS. DONALD HARRIS Rhone HU 2-3362 The annual picnic of 'the Grace Church' Sunday School was held Monday evening, July 16 at Harbour Park, Ggderiele There was a good attendance and following supper a fu 1 pro- gram of sports was .enjoyed... Al inners as A in the beg class received prizes; Rodney Cex, Jane Harries, Mary Ellen Stur- dy, Marie Battled, Cheryl Bell and Jimmy Bell; six to eight years, Jody Cox, Kevin Cox, Sandra Cox; nine to 11, years, girls, Christine Harris, Coltleen Lockhart; boys, John Manning, John Sturdy, John Cox and Laurie Cox (tied) . Twelve to 14 yearn, ghees, Sharon Lockhart, Bonnie Cox, Julia Cox; boys, Larry Sturdy, Dennis Harris, David Mathers, Young ladies. Peggy Ann Betties, Joanne Harrison, Shia. - ley Pierson; young men, Bruce Betties and Richard Harrison (tied); three-legged race, .girls, Peggy Ann Bottles and Sharer Lockhart, Joanne Harrison and Bonnie Cox, Colleen Lockhart and Cheryl Cox; boys, Larry Sturdy and Dennis Harris, Reichard Harrison and Bruce Betties, David Mathers and John Manning, Sack lace, girl's, Christine Harris, Cheryl Cox, Colleen Lockhart; boys, Bruce Betties, Dennis Harris, David Mathers; guessing right weight of pail of sand was won by Elgin Cox. .600( C uH Mfrs aETTER Toa/AVE coyeD 4 avoRrOa mANNEYEQ" romvEIOYEO A. -TILL. " HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE SPECIALiliNG'IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS G ERAL— ' E AIRS .. 227 VcICITNOTRo1NAr5T. HOLMESVILLE NMB P,. MOCUL.LQUGH. Phone frit/ ,?,7415 John Ross lett on :$ 41n4ay far E'asterrr Qi'taria to visit with his grandfather, i 'rsiesRt Ross,. xiaar Cornwall. A number of friends and neighbours orf the fernier Miss 13etty Stack gathered earl Mahe eVening of July 11 ;act her new home !ire Cod'erieh to honour her following her Marriage to George Xeung.. Games' and Cf4n- tests were .conduurted. by Mrs, N. W Heard 'prior to the pre- sentation of gifts by Mist, Lor- raine OQx and Mrs, 1-le'ard, A. short •add:-ess was given' by Mrs.. E. C. Roars, and a pass -around lunch enjoyed, ail from Station 'Glaucon, plead, ed guilty to having liquor il, legally in Blyth on. June 16, Vance was fined $2$ and costs qr four days; Dunford, $15 and -costs .or two days and Gang, $25 and 'cogts or four days in jail. Magiste arta Glenne Hays, QC, Goderich, presided at the court. Thurs„ Juty 19, 1962 ---Clinton Ne t;-iirecgrd- -Page 11 BRUC[FI[LD tows, H. F, eierrr . Porespon;dent Miss Mancha Luc1- now, visited with. Mrs C-nan+lleS Clifton and other relatives laet week, Mr, and Mrs, George Herder- Kt Mid family attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Joseph Henderson, Thanicsford on PO, day, Master ,John and i'.eter Ham s'peft two weeks With their gr, andrnother, M r to . Charles Ham, and have naw returned home, , Mr. and Kra, Jack McDonald; Ottawa, .are holidaying wttl. Zames McDonald and other friends in this viginiti,v. Mrs. Edna Turner, Detroit, spenpt a few saws with. Misses Kaye and Marie Elliott. Mr, and Mrs, Janves Pater - OM spent the weekend with his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. A. Part* w n� oil i Ct o Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTN — EXETER —sEAFoRTH Open Every Afternoon • PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A, W. Steep—HU .24642 21tfb ..,when it conies to kitchen SHOWERS ..,aluminum reigns SUPREME A GIFT for you when you buy Galaxy arson, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott :at+, tended the funeral of the late Mrs, T:. mmiop, Lgrndon. The village eNtends syxrLpai y Mrs. Sogtat i!r the lossof her Oster, 1.. 1 RECEPTION Fort Mr.. and Mrs. Wayne ,Jackson. :(near Gipria Alien) AT Myth Memorial Hall Friday - 2 y .m1614BY ;Jim .$colt's Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME LADIES pLEASa'WIMP LUNCH SEE SCRUTON'S FIRESTONE • SERVICE CENTRE 24 Princess Street CLINTON 5 piece set of measuring spoons in copper -tone. Smooth', black plastic handles, hook onto a gleaming copper -tone wall -bracket. BONUS VALUE $ 1.19, YOURS WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY GALAXY ITEM. THE PERFECT GIFT FOR SHOWERS AND WEDDINGS Sutter -Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2-7023 CLINTON Not since Firestone first put the farm on rubber, has there been an advance like this in tractor tire design! Exclusive curved and iapsrsd tread bars give your tractor better gripping power, better pulling power. Field tests prove Firestone Open Centers way ahead. See them today! Phone HU 2.7681 And Ask For The Service Centre, Complete Service... —On The Farm —On The Road --in The Shop "I T00, SUFFERED FROM MINERAL HUNGER UNTIL THE BOSS SWITCHED TO SMURGAIN MINERALS" SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE PROVIDE LOW-COST HEALTH INSURANCE FOR YOUR DAIRY HERD. Even cattle on well balanced rations con suffer from "rriineral hunger". Just as roughages vary so do indi- vidual ahimals' mineral requirements. Thus, it's sound management to provide minerals, free choice for your dairy herd. It's riot necessary to poy a lot of money fora good mineral mixture, Shut -Gain Essential Minerals far tattle .. , a registered orid guaranteed mixture containing ALL and Only those minerals presently known to be required by cattle and containing molasses for extra palatability [and dust -free handling. It's availabie from our mill at a reasonable pricer CLINTON FEED MILL 28 Huron Street - CLINTON phone HU 24814