HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-19, Page 8HARRY WILLIAMS 11112-6633 RR+2CLINTON EATING OILS-GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR:OILS' WHIM ROSE P099 Ar-r0P49.fl July18, 190 Gingerich Riley THEY REALLY DO FEATURE VALUES TRUE,QUAL/TY AND PAIR PRICES THAT WILL APPEAL TO YOU AT Lir "SAY'S YOUR FRIEND KTPPEN lYfennorite Church was tile Setting for the Marriage Of Helen Marlene daughter Of Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Riley, RR 2/ Kippen and T-kwis James Gingerich, son of Mr, and Mrs, Noah Gingerich, RR 3 Bayfield Qn Saturday, July 14, a 2,30 p.rn, Rev. Ephraim Gingeriell af- ficiarted at the cerenionY and was assisted by Rev. Orval Jaritzi. The bride was given in Mar riage by her father. She chose a waltz-length dresS,, full skirt of teryIenes bodice covered with rise patterned nylon lace with lily point sleeves, scalloped neckline and a white headdresS. She carried a white Bible with a c'ascad'e of red; and white roses. The bride's sister Grace, Kip- pen, as, matron of honour, wore a mauve brocaded taffeta dress, full skirt with a cummerbund and scooped neckline, white headdress and accessories, Her flowers were pink colonial car- nations. • Doris and Eleanor Riley, Kip- pen, sisters of the bride, as, brfflesmakis wore' identical street-length gowns in green and yellow taffeta. They car- ried pink colonial carnations, Groomsman was Stuart Steckle, RR 2, Zurich, _ and guests were ushered by Wayne Clausius, cousin of 'the bride and Leroy Martin, cousin of the grOorn. A. male quaret sung "A Pray- er from the .Crusaders" and "The Voice that Breathed Ore Eden" and soloist Stanley Gin- gericb sung "The Lord's Pray- er". For a reception on the laWn at the bride's, home her mother chose a dress of turquoise ar- nel pleated with three quarter sleeves, a V neckline and grey and white accessories. The groom's mother wore a silk grey and white dress,. • Those assisting at the recep- tion included Mr. and Mrs. Don Racier, Miss' Rebecca Steckle, Miss Dorothy Steckle, Mits. Es- ther Steckle, Miss Pauline Steckle, Miss Olive Martin. and Miss Donna Heywood. For travelling on a honey- moon spent in Pennsylvania and other points in the USA the bride changed to a turquoise and grey dress with pleated skirt and white accessories. She wore, a pink rose corsage. Guests attended from Bayfield, Zurich, Dashwood, Exeter, .Lon- don, Baden, Breslau, Sturgis, Michigan. The couple will re- side in Bayfield. CDC" ,Principal. Lecturing. .At Principals School. John Cochrane,. 7Q .Shipley atmet, is deeturing this week -411 .I,,onclon for two days at the: Secondary School Principals Ceurse being held in that .eltY, This as the rquree from w.Web Mr. .Cochrane graduated in the summer of 19.50. topic will be "VOqi41.9041 Education in the District High. School" and will centre a'roun'd the work .done so far in vcro- itleing a 'workable plan under wnie..4 fouur district high '$.0100.1.5 Huron county are combining efforts. to offer vocational courses. Mr. Cochrane is prin- cipal of Clinton'• District Collegi- ate Institute, Rathwell Reunion The fourth Rathwell reunion was held at Seaforth Lions Park on Sunday, July 15 With 90400 attending, The commit- tee in charge were; president, Edgar Rathwell; secretary, Mrs'. Waiter Turner; treasurer, Bob Stirling; sports committee, Miner Beacom, Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Orm Moffat; social committee, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rathwell and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Millar; guest book, Mrs, Allan Arnold, During lunch hour the presi- dent called on Mrs. Walter Turner to conduct a contest. The judges of the contest were Harvey Stewart, Fred Sloman and, Mrs. D'Arcy Rathwell. Wedding lanniversary nearest picnic, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ray Fear (they had celebrated their 50th anniversary on June 29). Lady with most flower-like earrings, Ethel Stephenson; lady with •most golden hair, Ruth Phunsteel. Lady with highest heeled red shoes, Rhonda Rathwell; lady with whitest hair,, Norma Fear. Man with strongest looking arm, Hugh millar; man . with shortest fingers; Bill McAash; man most recently married, Floyd Turner. A corximittee consisting of Hazel RathweIl, Ruth Plum- steel': and Gordon Rathwell was appointed to bring in a slate of officers for 1963 after it had been moved by Ben Rathwell and seconded! by Mrs. Orm. Mof- Bet that • a picnic be held in 1963. Ict, will be in Seaforth the third Sunday in July, Races: four years, Stewart Turner.,_Brian Millar, Craig 'Millar;•,•6 years; Randy Millar, Beth Rathwell; 7-8 years, girls, Debbie Turner; boys, Robbie Rathwell, Kenny Plumsteel. Boys, 9-10 years., Mark Rath- well, Dale Stirring; boys, 11-12, Brian McAsh., Stephen Rath- well. 'Teenage girls, Linda Rath- well, Bonnie Stirling, Lois Rathwell (tie); boyS, Murray Grigg; ladies kick-the-slipper, Mrs. Orm Moffat, Mrs. Fred Smith; men kick-the-slipper, Hughie Millar, Murray Grigg. Slipper scramble, Mrs. Hugh Millar, Mrs. Robert Stirling; orange toss, a tie, Lillian. and Walter Turner, Betty and Hugh Millar; three 'generation relay race, Cliff Stewart, Betty Mil- lar, Randy Millar. Oldest -married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rathwell:; young- est child, Gayle Turner (four months). Officers' for 1963. are: presi- dent, Harvey Stewart; secre- tary, 'Cell" Slonian; (treasurer, D'Arcy Rathwell; .sports com- mittee, Gerald and Violet Rath- Well, Gary McCash, Jerry Rath- Well, Laverne and Ruth. • Plum- steel; social -committee, Gord- on RathWell, convener; guest book, Ethel Stephenson. ,filrabSdtagt•'40.„, • woluvotom..mgoam AC, PAINTERS and DECORATORS 33 Huron Street Clinton, .Qnt. Phone HU 2-9$442 used in Decorating the New Clinton Farm Supply Building Open for business on the Bayfield Road, west of Clin- tkin, 'the new headquarters of Clinton Farm Supply ,pre- lsents a modern appearance. Proprietor _Lloyd J, Holland is planning open house Satur- day night, with a variety of LOCATION of the new Clinton Farm Supply I/4 Mile West of Clinton on the Bayfield Road. (Across from Clinton Community Sales Barns) Lloyd J. Holland, Proprietor of . . . Clinton FarmSupply H. W. POCOCK CONSTRUCTION Cordially Invites All District Farmers and Others to View His NeW Premises At An SEAFORTH on the opening of Your New Purina Show Room Saturday Evenin', July 21 from 8.00 to 10.00 p.m. OFFICI I. PE Congratulations We Stock All PU INA P 0 UCTS • New Spacious Home entertainment Planned, plus refreshments for akl his cus- tomers and farm people in the area. Included in merchandise of- fered besides Purina products is a complete line of Surge milking equIpment and sup- MOBILE FEED MILL . . MEET BILL DYKSTRA, operator of the mobile feed unit available to service grain growing farmers throughout the area, with barn door feed service. d0' arlfl ONT. 29p for Clinton Farm Supply plies, and a wide variety of axes, poultry feeders/ farm hardware, such as forks, feeders, brushes, etc. Congratulations to the new Clinton Farm Supply Purina Building, Clinton CARMAN F. GARROW PLASTERING CONTRACTOR Ontario ' A Complete Service for Huron Farmers I FRESH SUPPLY OF PURINA CHOWS . . PROPRIETOR LLOYD J. HOLLAND with a bag . truck loaded with PURINA Chows from the spacious new warehouse for a customer. We had the pleasure of doing the exterior & interior plastering. hog Our Firm Is Happy To Have Supplied Lumber and Building Supplies to the New Clinton Farm Supply Buildings. PURINA CHOWS and CONCENTRATES CHECK-R-M1X FEEDS Purina Sanitation Products Farm Hardware Supplies Poultry and Hog Feeding, Watering & Ventilating Equipment. We Handle . . A Complete Stock of FRED HUDIE WHOLESALE and RETAIL LUMBER SLABS and MILL ENDS ISAAC STREET — CLINTON Phone HU 2-6655 Residence HU 2-7321 440:0X4,0014* PROGRAM At Our Official Opening PLUMBING and HEATING • Offers congratulations to Lloyd J. Holland of Clinton Farm Supply on his modern farmers supply premises, 0 We were pleased to hie done all Electrical Work (sod Plumbing of the i\levi noidrAv. WISE PLUMBING and HEATING 262, BAYFIELD ROAD CLINTON ONTARIO Phone HO 2. 7062 Plumbing' — Heating arid Electrical Contracting MURRAY GAUNT, CKNX Radio and TV DOUGLAS H. MILES, Agricultural Representative for Huron County Showing Of An informative PURINA RESEARCH FILM LOCAL MUSICIANS ,Etc. PURINA HEALTH AIDS MEET M1LPOR6 BURST, 180 !toot Street', Clinton, who here displays the wide variety of anftned and poultry health aids to protect- feed dolloet• .00060,04001 Feel Free To Bring Your 'Farmer Friends, 1:106k PRIZES ENTERTAINM5Nt REPRESHMENTS SURGE SERVICE CENTRE . ROY CULL N, kk 2, Clinton, Surge Dealer,. will be at the Open Route on July 21 to answer' tiuestions and supply information on Surge produatt.