HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-19, Page 7Phone HU 2-3443 ContribeAtions Always Welcome ER 'TIM I,S VVIiktAlt4 '111.11; SUP S% PLi,14/4W:1445 eke s/oo Vitsro'-s Year RouInnda's. 'Tired Will Overcome F eV se - ''han 4,.c a day .:ENOA,fviENT$ .ArslINOUNr'H;) mr, and WA. liVilfred °Inger, Varna, Ontario, ..nOtIneek the engagement of their ,daughter, Mar- lene to Mr, Gerald E. Prue .bacher, lEirantford. Ontario, Son of Mr, and. Mrs, Ralph Eirubacher, Sit. Q.' e a r g •e Ontario, The wedding to take place August 18, 1962, at p.m. in Varna United Church, Varna, -Ontario, 29k Wesley-Willis Has Church Picnic In Exeter Town Park Wesley-Willis United ]Church held: the annual congregational picnic in Exeter Park With 76 , dults and child:ran .4i:tending last WecinesdaY, July U. Sports were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Holland, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Jefferson, Mrs. William Muroh, Mrs, M. Durst. Winners were:. relay race, three years, Jeffrey Grigg, Judy Stevenson; four years, Dianne Wise, Debbie liart; five years, Catherine Wise, Cain Grigg; six years, Cheryl Marmon, Wendy Haig; seven .years, Tomnw - Murrell, Marilyn Wise; eight years, Kathy Grigg, Ronnie Wise. Three legged race, boys, Ron- nie Wise and 'Tommy March, David Cooper and Ken Mar-, more; girls, Marilyn Wise and Kathy Grigg, Susan ,Cox and Conine Robinson. Relay race, 1243 years., boys, David Cooper - and Tommy Murch; girls, Gail Elliott and Mario Cox; navel string tying contest, Linda Dale and Cath- arine Draper; sack race, boys, David Cooper, Ronnie Wise; girls, juniors, Brenda Martin, Karen Wise, Diane Wise. Skipping race, Gail Elliott, Marie Cox, Marilyn WiSe, Kathy Grigg; youngest at pic- nic, Mrs. Edwin Cooper's son; oldest lady, Miss Maud Cham- bers; oldest man, Garnet • Car- riSh; lady's fanciest hat made from anewspaper, Mrs. William Grigg; men's nail driving can Alvin Wise, Lloyd Holland; tug of war, girls won over boys; largest family at picnic, Mrs. Edwin Cooper's; tallest tale told, Rev. C. Park; anniversary nearest picnic, MT. and Mrs, Howard Currie, The lunch ,committee, ,headed by Mrs. C ,Nelson, Mrs. W. jer- Johnston-Wagar lovely 'Wedding was SOlenk,' nixed In St. Paul's Ainglicah; Oltarch, ' Saturday? j]uly 14, 'by the Rev, mord, when Linda May Wager: became the bride of Wayne W. Johnston], Myth. The bride is the ]daughter of Mr, and Mrs, .01iff W.agart Cain, -ton and the • groan's parents• are Mr- and Mrs. G. j'olinSten, Blyth. Given in marriage by her tether, the bride was lovely in a ballerina • length gown of chantilly lace and tulle, with bodice of ,lace featuring a scab' loped- ]sabring ,neckline, softly accented with . sequin. clusters, The bouffant lace .apronned skirt was. draped" with roses' of matching lace. Valerie Noonan, Exeter, was bridesmaid, in turquoise organ- za bell-shaped gown with mat- Ching beaddress, Oroornsman was Terrance Elliott, Clinton and ushers were Richard Wager and Grover Campbell. Organist was glor- ies Merrill. Following a reception in Hotel Clinton, the young couple left for a wedding tato to Niagara Falls. The bride travelled in a turquoise linen boucle .ensemble with White accessories, Upon their return they will make their home in Clinton. A miscellaneous shoWer was held at the home of Mrs. James Brown, Queen Street, the groom's grandmother, with his mother as co-hostess. About 20 friends of the bride-elect at:, tended. Contests were held; gifts presented, with Miss Lena Dougherty, Blyth, reading the address; the honoured guest offered thanks, and lunch was Served. GOOD WAY TO CUASE SMALL INSECTS OUT Soak vegetables such as cab- bage and cauliflower in salted water for half an hour to force small; insects to leave their dark, cool retreats in the centre of the vegetable, advise home . economists at Macdonald Insti- tute, Guelph. Then" lift the vegetables from 'the water, rather than pouring the water off. via, Mrs. H. Currie and Mrs. N. Holland arranged a bounti- ftil supper, enjoyed by all. GrovesaBatkin Standards of large white 'Mtan4 and white candelabra graced the Ontario Street ed: Church last _Sattlr4V, When • at three ]o'clock' a 'wedding was solemnized by the Rey, .Grant L, Mills, uniting in .marriage Margaret Aahe Ba,t in, daugh- ter of. Mr. and: Mrs. Mervyn :13,atRitt, Clinton and Clayton Arthur Graves,, Clinton, SOn, of Atithut, _Groves, Clinton, ,and the late Mrs. Groves.. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was loyely in flOOr4engti.), White Silk .organza over taffeta with • Italian leee applique, tight fitted bodice featuring rowl,a, neckline trimmed with lace 'aprpaighc, long pointed waistline •]and point Slleeves. The long .grace- ful skirt had a straight front panel falling into folds over the hipline, accented at the back with two long panels tip- ped with lace applique which formed the chapel train. A three tiered waist-length veil of white silk illusion was held in place by a double crown of seed pearls. ' She carried a crescent bouquet of pink , light roses. Maid of honour was Miss Rath Ann Batkin.,, sister of the bride, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Everett Thompson, Clin- ton, cousin of the bride anti Mrs. Owen Rhodenizer, Kitch- ener, They wore jewel • rose silk organza over -taffeta with bell-shaped skirts with, Shirred panels topped by a fitted bodice with, short sleeves and rounded neckline,. They wore Single drop pearl necklaces f.and ear- rings. Headdresses were of rose escalloped' crowns with pearl 'trim and round veils. They wore m'atdhing shoes and white nylon gloves and carried cres- cent ,bouquets of white carna- tions and rose Miss Barbara Sturdy was flower • girl, dressed identically with 'the other attendants and earrying a 'similar nosegay. Groomsman was Robert Read, Kingston and ushers were Gerry Kestle and Kenneth Rog- erson, both of Clinton. Mrs. Frank Philp, cousin of • the bride, sang "The Wedding Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love". .accompanied by the organist, Miss Lois Grasby, A reception for guests from Sault Ste. Marie, Toronto, Kingston,. London and other paints, was held in 'the church parlour, where pink ,and white decorations were used, and the bride's table was centred with a three-tiered wedding cake, Trousseau. Tea for' Bride!pflect: • tflolmesville Mrs„ Jack Yea, Gocleridh Township, entertained At a trousseau tea to hatioUr her daughter, Mary 1.710,00,' The tea table was covered with a lace cloth which- was centred with pink roses, flanked by white: tapers, Mrs, Charles Bissett and Mrs. B, A. Yep; granothers or tt11-te• bride, MOS, 0, McMichael, grandmother of 'the bridegroom and Mrs. .Annie perry, aunt of the bridegroom,. Poured tea, The trousseau 'and wedding gifts- were _shown bY Miss 13ar:- hara 'Yee, Marilyn Yeo,, MrS, Thomas Cunningham 'and Miss Dawn 'Grigg, Miss Patricia 13i4- sett, Miss Marion BisSatit and Linda. and Sharon,' McMichae1 were in change of the guest book. Miss Yea ,ielas the guest of honour at showers given by Mrs. Thomas Cunningham, Auburn; Mrs. Joseph Carter, -Olinton and. M.rts, ,Edward Grigg, RR 2, Clinton. • flanked with pink candles ur silver holders, Mrs. Batkin, the bride's mother received in spice silk organza over taffeta, with a front panelled skirt .embrold.,. ered with 'silk cord and Thine- stones, a beige feathered hat, beige accessories' and a corsage of Talisman rases. For a wedding trip into Michigan and Northern Ontario the bride donned a dress of mist blue silk organza over tat- feta with blue net hat, -white accessories and a corsage of pink delight roses. 'Upon their return they 'will live at 81 Prin cess Street, Clinton. The bride is on staff at Air Marshall Hugh Campbell Public School, RCAF Station and the groom. is employed with A. W. Groves and Son, electric appliances, Clinton. Prior to her marriage Miss Batkin was entertained at showers at the -home of Mrs. Lloyd Bathin, Mrs. George Lev- is, Mrs. Frank Allen, Goderich and MTS. Wayne Taylor, Varna. At a social evening held at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Etue the members of the staff of the Air Marshall Hugh Campbell Public School pre- sented the bride-elect with a hostess chair. C, •caolc, ]Toconte,' visited 'friends la towp recently, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley linativ, Paul and Scott, Walowdafe, Sp- ent 'the weekend at the brine of Miss Buena. Laos, Mr. and Mrs, 'Peiwitt Cantor amived fgable after spending the ,past two weeks. at Fairy Lake, MuskoUa. Mis% Emir LaviS spent Om' past week in Willowdale And Toronto, Sam McDonald, Mary Street, spent the weekend in Detroit visiting Dr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald. Mrs. Ed Geirdiner end Miss Arlene Miller, Sault Ste. Marie, Oillt„ are guests this week the home of Mr, and Mrs', M. Eatkin, having motored, down to attend the Groves-Batkin wedding, Recent visitors with Mr: and. Mrs. Harold Hartley at their summer cottage were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sandharn and family, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs, Donald Carneron and family, Watitagh, Long Island, N.Y, Fred MacDonald and his son, Steven .spent. a Sunday in De- troit recently .attending the De- troit Tigers' baseball game and calling on their aunt Mrs. 1:4407A, MacDonald, Miss gilpahor pitim$tpel left Handily ' to via; her .aunt, Miss Bertha M. hill, la,militon, for P. week, 011 July 23, Miss Pluzn- steel will leave by TQA. 'from Malton Airport flying to Spat- tie, Wasihingtm where, .she will take in. the World's Fair, while vi0114g her broOier-iti-law 000 oister and 'Mrs, NT, Igno-, WM. • 40 • --•• •• • Rogers Majestic TV ' Mrs, T, Leppingt011i Mrs. W. Colelough. The social commit, tee is in charge of lunch, 4 Pe'hihY sale will take place, MN'S 14erraine Pale visited friends at Peibi and Turley Point last week, Leave Your Films With Us For SPEEDY - QUALITY SERVICE Developing -- Printing Enlarging ANY TYPE OF FILM OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT IS AT YOUR SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY After Hours Call HU 2-9575 SWIMMER SUPPORTER For lightweight comfort and Support '2.50 V.X.IMP3NWl4rifcINXP Aar PQM.WINg.PX P44141111J1MY. .the Ciinton Women's 1P4i4 tote are holding their _annual picnic in the Community Park on Thursday, July 26 fat 2,30 1),M Sport -ceavopra are Mrs. St4rdr,. Mrs, P. giudo9{0, .Thurs.,,. .441y. 19, 1.94Z,P1inton News,..R.vcp.r4,1)-agg SALES & SERVICE Ted Ryder's IV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 • A CLINTON GREENHOUSE & GARDEN CENTRE - 182 Church Street NEW POTATOES - 50c 6-qt. bsk. "If we were Indians And could make rain signs, You'd see by heck That we wouldn't be behind; But since we're no magicians, The best that we can do . . . Is to bring our new potatoes Fresh from the garden to you." Plus ()Momenta! Evergreen, Insecticides, Etc. John Steele Smith - Phone HU 2-7168 ' 29b 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111611111 PI" SALE STARTS THURSDAY„ JULY 19 - Take advantage of these and many more genuine specials during our Annual Summer Clearance. We do not buy in factory seconds & clearings for our sale. Each item is from our regular stock of quality men's wear. Me, S MEN'S PANTS CASUAL JACKETS SUEDED NYLON LAMINATED TO CURON FOAM - Regularly priced 16.95 to 22.50. To Clear 12.95 up ' REGULAR or SUMMER WEIGHTS... SPECIAL GROUP of ODDS 'n ENDS. SUEDE FINISH---LACE or SLIP-ON STYLES-Reg. 7.95 MEN'S CASUAL SHOES At Half Price 95 SUITS All Wool ENGLISH WORSTEDS in the POPULAR 3-BUTTON MODELS. Regularly Priced to 79.50 - 4 BIG RANGES TO CHOOSE FROM 39.50 45.00 49,50 59.50 SWEAT SHIRTS Short Sleeve - Roll Collar - Blue, White, Green, NIMOMMIMI NMINNIIMWANNIIMOIMINIM IONIVEIMINYIMMINWIINYMMIN•111•••010101•0•101•11 T-SHIRTS LUGGAGE Our Complete Stock of MEN'S & LADIES' LUGGAGE Sets or Single Pieces Flight Bags Gladstones Etc. 1/4 OFF REG. PRICE ALL WOOL NEAT CHECKS and FANCIES Sizes 10 to 17 years-Reg. to 17.95-TO CLEAR BOYS' SPORT COATS BLACK or WHITE - Reg. 4.95 and 5.95 To Clear 4.95 up MEN'S CLAM DIGGERS To Clear 5.95 pr. LONG- SLEEVES SHORT SLEEVES Hundreds To Choose From To Clear 1.9a up LONG SLEEVE - WASHABLE - Buy Now For School Opening. WHITE or BLACK - Sizes 12 to 16 years Special Group---Sizes 10,- 12, 14 years 04 Off Reg. Price BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS BOYS' CLAM DIGGERS BOYS' COTTON PANTS 9.95 to 12.95 ea. 1.50 and 1.95 ea. Odds n Ends . 3 for $1.00 2.95 Pr- 3 Only . Melon - S. - M. L. -Reg. Reg. 2.95 CABANA SETS - 00 and 9 95 0 To Clear 1 98 ea. • Regularly to 37.50 TO CLEAR HA to '27,015 Choose yours from this large selection. Com, olete stock offered at real savings. REGULARS - TALLS Sizes 35 to 44 SPORT COATS Special Gl'OLlp SAVE UP TO 1/2 PRICE SHORTY PYJAMAS REAL COOL 235 & 3 95 p SWIM SUITS Special Rack 890 ea. KNEE SOCKS TIES 1.50 and 1.95 pr. SHORTS JAMAICA or WALKER Lengths 295 to 515 BANLON T-SHIRTS Short Sleeve 5.95 & 195 Each NO EXCHANGE. NO REFUNDS - ALL SALES PINAL ALTERATIONS TO CLOTHING AT COST All COTTON and TERYLENE and COTTON BLENDS. Chest Pockets. Short Sleeves. Reg. to 5.95 ea. To Clear from 98c up STRAW HATS Complete Stock One-Third off Reg. Price PICKETT & CAMPBELL LIMITED MAIN CORNER, CLINTON (OPEN FRIDAY 'EVENINGS). PHONE liki. Z9732 ' ' I 11'1 -