HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-19, Page 5Kipper Rost WI. • • P�en!e I EIVSA)c,I. Sloafortll ;f ron•S • Park proved an ideal setting for t'ile annual *Pie of Kilhpen Ea!stt Wen?en's Trnsltiitut ( on ,day, Ju4y. 3.3, with 0 ,atteut 'h g, and a most .eA o "able. ttime was repented. .P;unto s .tpper wins the Charge of Mrs,. 'Robert GAM-; melt, 1VIrs, James armmninnd.. an'd Mrs,. William 1301I,Mrs. Venu1 Alderdice and Mrs.. atowart :Ppppgr famed the sports eonlniititee and arranged A,. full Lute of interesiting pportl5. Youngest person; present Wa. Brett Fi iayson; tamest family, Mr. :and 1w,rs• Art Finigyson•; birbadtay .010seet to picnic date, Vivian Cooper, Sports winners were; five and in t'he b'al'l gam& 1.410.4), a. Bel Dwight Contsifit,, l.Ta i :Bell, seNen :and under, $I'en,dk1 rinAgYgmt 1-011.4 4iderdice; nine a ;WOO,. Bradley FL}rlaymk, Lida Al* �lerdree, 10 and under, gar!ibs, Jianrce ArrPtJ4ar FialNieeiner, Consult, Bryklni Drummond'; 14 and under, Bane Finlayson,. Keryn Alder- cdlice; :toys, Al l yie,1"trce. PretneeettP. . Peanut scran?'b1e up it five Years; :relay, beYs up to 10 ;and ladies; orange relay,. men and girls; paper nem z clay, wa- inert' and .niein. water relay, .mere- bean guess, Janice Eyre; name towns contesit, men; ies kick slipper; .Al! Kyle, Rabegit Drnm'mond; , mer' kiek. ,alipper„ Mrs.. 1.3.obemt Gemmell, The ladies dost Ito ftho men C. D. CD, CI. OFFICIAL, BOQK LiSTS will betavailable et the School Office from Monday, July 30 (9,00-12,00 and 1.30-4.00) , Tent Books will be sold at the school after Aug. 20 Support Your Students' Council 29-30b Weekend CLINTON Specials at �G1� AYLMER CATSUP -11 oz.. 6 for 99c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE__ -20 oz. 8 for 99c AYLMER BEANS with Pork -15 oz. 7 for 99c AYLMER CREAM CORN -15 oz. 6 for 99c AYLMER PEACHES -20 oz. 4 for 99c TOMATO SOUP10oz. 10 for 99c SMOKED HAM --Shank Portion .. Ib. 49c :SMOKED HAM—Buff Portion .... Ib. 53c SPARE RiBS Ib. 59c Tablerite WEI•NERS ib. 49c AYLMER CORN -ON -THE -COB HOME FIELD GROWN TOMATOES - - Stokely's frozen Peas 12 oz.—Corn 12 oz. Cut Wax Green Beans, & Lima Beans 10 oz. , any • • •• MOM doz. 39c 2 lbs e 39c 5 for $1.00 July CLEARANCE Sale All V LADIES WOOL COATS V LAMINATED COATS i/ ALL PURPOSE COATS V CAR COATS All V LADIES DRESSES POP TOPS SHORTS & BERMUDAS V SWiM SUITS & Terry Jackets V SUMMER HANDBAGS v' SKIRTS and SLIMS V COTTON PYJAMAS and GOWNS White Uniforms An ASsptrtment of Cottons end Tetylenes TO CLEAR Drastically Cut An Assdrtment Of Blouses and. Bulky Sweaters A REAL BUY At One -Third Off LADIES' WEAR and DRY GOODS 1 1 Mrs Thomas y]llpn and four a11111d'ren, New York, are vis!iltieg her x;n4'ther, Mrs. E..,I., 13auea, Mm. and' Mrs, Arthur Love, Astwood, were guesttS of 1Ylr, and Mrs,. William. E', Parker en SturdaY, Mrs, William Gt, Parker, Charlie and ;Kimberly, London, are visi'tin'g her parents, Mr, .and: Mrs, J, .Fras'em, NA% god Mrs, R, B, l4artlin and ;farcnmly, Lender, are spendl- tng a fortnight' at "grIfield" •catt!age• Mists Eileen McDonald and ist Ms :DarinShaw, Sarnia, were visitors last weep at Mrs, Hod: giro's cottage. Mr, and Mrs'. F. Hendrick, B.h nin'gharn, Mich'., 'carer e at their cottage "Wettwind" for the weekend Mrs, L..S'prague and d'eugh,; ter, 1Vfrs• Harold Prim, De'troitt, are at her cottage "Holly Lodge". M. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitz- simons arttend'eel the Srteet-iia- li'att wedding in London on Sat,- WOW, at*urdtay, Mr. and Mrs. .Charles P Blake, Sarnia, visited the Rev. E. ,T. B, Harrison. a week ago Monday. Walltiamn Rollins, Sarnia, call- ed at the rectory on Saturday evening while visiting relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hop- per, Des+barats, :were recent visitors with Mr. !and Mrs, R. Roy Fitzsimmons. ; on!s. Mr. Anti Mrs. Donald Oates and family, Kitchener, are boll- daying with hie mother, Mrs. T. W. Oates, at her cottage. 1VIrse. George H. Fox and daughter, Mrs. C. Blaument and t w o eh'iidr!en, Birmingham, Michigan, ,are holidaying in the lVlcCombe cottage, Mr, and• Mrs. M. G. Van Buren, Detroit, called • on friends and relatives: in. the vill- age on Wednesday of last week. Mr. .and Mrs, Howard Buhl: and four children, London, also spent the weekend with; his m'oth'er. They left on Monday for Toronto. Corporal. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake, Ricky, Catherine' and 1�aul, Kitchener; spent 'bhe weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm Tome, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Jimmy, Nancy and Susan, Kit- chenere spent the weekend with his parents, Me, and Mrs. W. R. Ellliott. Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Porter and daughter Toni, Belleville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. R, Willock over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stur- geon :and children, Hespeller, spent .the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stur- geon. Mrs. Lottie Davis 'acrd grandson, Keahneth who have been visiting the Sturgeons for a week returned home with Bayfield UC Women Carden Party and Tea BAYFIELD — The United Church Women, Unit 1 of St. An'drew's United! Church, held a delightful garden tea and bake sale on !the spacious lawn at /the h:an'e of Mrs. Malcolm Torres. The tea :table' done in lace was centred with a floral ar- rangement of shasta daisies and gaillardi'a. Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirl- ing presided at the tea table. Serving were: MIs. Arnold Ma - kine, Mets. Grant Stirling, Mrs. J. Watson, Mrs. John Scotch - mer. faking table: Mr's. J. Mac- Kenzie, Mrs. Lindsay Smith, Mrs. Bert Greer; vegetiaibles, Mrs, Ben Rathwell. Pictorial cups and saucers, St, Andrew's United Church, Nes.. E, S. Sturgeon; 60th anni- versary booklets, Mrs. Robert Scatohmer k<ritehen, Mrs. M. Toms, Mrs. W. Fralick," Mrs. Ivan Steckle, Mrs,. John Lind- say. thein.. Mr. and Mils. 'Wiliia i E. Par- ker, accompanied by IVjr. and Mrs. J. E, French,, Mitchell,. spent !a few .days in Kingston can's Pletall Just week Mr, and Mrs. J. Campbell,. London, were the guests of her brother-in-law and' s1 ter, Mr. !and Mrs, Jarrow l?. •lr`erguson, at their cottage over %tire week - pod, -The Rev, H, J, E, ands Mrs, Webb, Mi;$s Fit'ain es and George Webb, London, were the guests Mhs'. R, II, F, Gairdner an Sunday. Karen Fitzsimonsreturned home an Saturday after visit- ing the 'past tvyo weeks web staff -sergeant and Mrs, Jae Merman and Jeff, Giencair'n,. Are Hops r; 'flew Irani Vaal. cower en 'Monday evening and motored from Bayfield to Lan- d'on, on Tuesday to visit his father in Westminster Hospital. Mrs. Charlles Marks who has been: i11 is improving in health. She is with her daughter, Mrs. John Wain ,and fannily, Blue - water Highway, Goderieh Town- strap, own shFligF t Cadet est Ted Turner, scat of Mr. and Mrs;. Grant Turner, came home Saturday night on two weeks leave. He is on course with. the RCAF .at Win- nipeg. Mr. +amid Mrs. Frank Ander- son and 'family, Science Hill, spent Sunday meth her parents, Mr. :and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bis - back, Clinton. The Rev. and Mrs. H. G, E. Crosby, Mooretown and 'three grandchildren, Nancy Barwick, Tecca and Darvy Crosby, came on Tuesday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. How- ard, Ricky Fraser returned to his home ,in, London on Thursday after shaving spent ten days with :ihs ,grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 3..Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser, Jr. and Elizabetth, Mrs:. William Hammond and niece Lindia visited the fortmer's par- ents' on Thurs'd'ay. Other callers: on 'the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison at the rectory were; James Steele, Sr., retired postmaster, Woodstock and daughters': Madeline and Ruth on Sunday; Mrs. Ernest Ains- worth, Windsor, Sunday even- ing; and Mr•. and Mrs. Peter Ociepka, Ingersoll, on Mondhy afternoon:. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heath, Sr.,Calgary, arrived the first, of last week and are visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Arkell. They were accompanied by Mrs. Rabat Heath, Jr., Lynn; Kevin and Tim, Dawson Creek, who are with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. George Castle. Mr. and Mrs: Ronald Buret end two children;, Janice and Diane returned to Sault Ste, Marie after having spent six days with his mother, Mrs. L, M. Burt. Their 'two-year-old daughter, Diane gave her 'parents an anxe roars time on Sunday. Just when supper was being prepared, she slipped off by herself, reached a .bottle of bills and swallowed some, the content of which was unknown She was rushed to Clinton Public Hospital for medical treatment and she re- mained! over night, • Mrs. Burt received word from her son atter they reach- ed Sault Ste. Marie, that Diane had not suffered any ill effects, The Rt. Rev. William, A. Townshend, DD, LDD, Suffrag- an Bishop ,of Hurpn. and Mrs. Townshend are at their cottage this month. VVisatin!g ,them are their son Jahn and family, Lon- don, Myst. Phillip Utting, Wood- stock, The Rev. Robert Town sh'end returned to Sarnia :on Tuesday after having spent a couple of days with his parents. The Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Peacock, Haileybury, were the guests of the Misses A. M. and 15th ANNUAL BAYFIELD LOONS CLUB NIVAL ednesday, July 25 Parade a+ 730 from Post Office to Agricultural Park — Lad by 1927 Steam Engine. FLOATS -{ HORSES ^- PONIES Clinton Community Concert Band BALL GAME at 800 Ridos from McCurdy`s Shows London •PONY RIDES --- GAMES and BINGO DRAW for 10 PRIZ[S at i1OO pm Ronald Burt Relates Some HighIights s►f Europe Tour BA;YFIELp Mr, and. Mrs. Bomald Burt. returned to: their home hi Sault Ste. Marie aur July 9 alter . an exciting air tele to Europe, ,lgudd•Y,,. as. he• bee been known there since ehilcheed has been Ibranc'h manager of Under- wood Ltd., Sault Ste,. Marie, ,for a year, In a sales contest eeross Canada his branch was one o1' nine out of .38 which ,quarli..fied 'tor this trip to Italy. He and his wife were mem- bers of a• grqup of 27 which left Menem. Airport oe June 22. alt 5.30 pan. 'They arrived in New York at 7 p.rn and then flew jet finer). New York alt 1.0 3 forMilan, "vi 0 ,p.m,. arriving about 10.30 Italian 'time (5.30 out time). They b'ad ra POO crossing. In Italy they went on con- d'uctecd ;tours, The Underwood Company made complete aa'- rangements. They toured the factory at Ivrea, went to Ven ice, Florence, Rome, Tivoli anted' ba ck to Rome. They saw many beauttifuli. churches, :ancient Rome and the guide related stories of history of various sites, one of which was the site where Nero fiddled ars Roane burned'. They were fascinated with Venice, unique tri that there is no ,automobiles ire. It is a maze of canals in the Adritatic Sea. They felt that they'd been shown. the best of everything. Of interest in Rome was that one guide was Gina Lolllalbrig- i'd'afs brother-inellaw. There was only one hitch in ,the whole tour and that was when 'tlhey missed a train at Milan. It lett at 6.25 and those in the tour had been 'told it left at 6.45 p.m. A girl from the Olivetti 'Company made the train .arrangements. There was. aspecial car far the group hooked on behind the dining car and . a special d:inmer had been arranged. But they were not (there to enjoy it. They had a meal on the 8.30 train which satisfied their hunger. On Judy 3, they flew to Zurich lane: Lucerne, Sw•itzer~- la"'d, where they were on their over. Lucerne they, found bea- utiful and Zurich not a pretty place, but the international part is there. It was amazing how many American cart' were being driven, and the low taxi fares 'in Switzerland. They were disappointteldt im not being able to take in to cable car trip in the Alps. It was raining, anisty and cow 'hanging olouds so guides advis- ed against .a mountain 'trip. From Zurich 'they flew to Paris, France, where they had hotel reservations on Champs de Elysee, fairly close to L'Arc de Triunphe. This was a most enjoyable interlude in their trip. Amongst other noted spats, they visited the Eiffel Tower, It was surprising to them that, other than tourists, there were fewer people who under- stood :English in Paris than any of the other cities they had visited. • On the trip they met a few Canadians .and many Americ- ans, particularly in France and Switzerland. Asked how they managed with the foreign currency, Ron - E. J. Sttirling from Friday to Monday. Mr. Peacock who was in charge of St. Anidtrew's Unit- ed Church, Bayfield, and Grace United •Church, Porter's Hill, for two years left here three years ago. They were on their way to Lake Rousseau to finish their vacation with their daugh- ter. Mrs. David Bettye and Blair, Edgar, are visiting her parents, Mr. and 1Vrrs, le. S. Blair. 1VIi'ss Ethel Blair, London, was :hone aver` the weekend. And Muss 13'nenda Blair who spent her vacation with her parents' and slater in Edgar, retuh`ned to studies :at St. Thomas .and Ell - gin Hospital school of nursing on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Macdonald and four children, Lochie, Laurie, Graham end Monica, Vancouver, were the guests of Mrs: Macdonald's aunt, Mrs, J. E. Howard an Sunday and Monday. They motored through the States. Graham celebrated his fifth birthday in Yeilow- atone Park. After visiting her• Motheer, Mrs. Adair Boyd!, .and other relatives in Ontario, they will return to Vancouver villa the Trans.Camiada Highway. • U Witnesses Plan To Attend Large Hamilton Assembly Alt�e r m ar>Ibe S of the Clinton Congregation of Jehovah's Wit- ihesSes will be leaving this area Shar!tly to a!tttendi "The Cour- eons Ministers District Aesernb- ly" 'at'Civic Stadium, I-I'ar'nilttoih, August 3.5, it Was anfnbunced today by I aa'1 1Vfc&any ,bregii!dN' Wig minister df .the &t p, "An attendance of tiVe±' 1000 15 'ahltieipated," stated Mr. Hari McNttlliy. "Delegates Will cone from Ontario, Qutebee and northern shotes of the United States",: Old Bunt explained that they :carried ,$20 American trayelllers eheglres as they were mere acceptable than 'Canadian cheques. They would cash one of the cheques !and trS'e a common de- nerrlinator for the SwisS or French franc, or, It;lliath lire (:the latter has a..comparative0y low value) 'to determine the value. It was rather 'tricky in Fran1e with the -old franc, It takes ten old francs to make ane of the new. currency, New 10 fr1an'c notes have NF printed on thein, 100 franc old TKOs with nothing beside the dense minati,on is worth only 10 francs, In shopping' 'they h•ad to watch lest the clerks gave them change in old francs arl: their printed value. Also the waitenls in restaurants and hotels backed on a bit extra to the bill if possible. Asked thew he felt on exe i'v- ing :home tauter this !trip 'to IOurope, Ronald said most em:- phatiaa'l;lly '1 HERE IS NO' LACE LIKE' CANADA!" a Stanley Ladies Club Hold Annual Picnic An enjoyable picnic was held by the Stanley Ladies Com- munity Club at Clan Gregor Square, Bayfield ori Wednes- day, July 11. Sports were ;en- joyied and winners were: races, pre-school, six and under, Faye C" � telon' e are , Betty Glen, eight and under, Billy Canttelon, Sandtra Graham; ten .and under, Jean Glen, . Ronnie Graham. Wheelbarrow race, boys, Bill McGregor, Ronald Graham; girls, Nancy Flinidalil •and Di- anne V'evho'ef; three . legged race, Sandra Graham, Barbara Keys; kick -the -slipper, Wayne Oantelon; relay race, team cap- tained by Sandra Graham. Races, 10-12 years, girls, Jean Glen; boys, Sam Moss'egxnan, Paul Findlay; 12 and over, Nancy Minden, Dianne Ver- hoef; young boys, Gordon Glen., Bili McGregor; shoe scramble boys, Bill McGregor, Sam Mos- selnan; gda'1's, Nancy F9ind.a'11, Dianne Verhoef. Ball throw, Gordon Glen, Sam Mosseianan; married lad- ies; Mrs. Mel Graham, Mrs. George Cantelon; married men, MeI Graham, M. Kromhhourt; time race, Mrs. Goldie Gra- ham; kick -the -shipper, ladies,, Mrs. Fred Gibson; men, MT. Krorn'hout; lucky .spot, Roy Cantelon; At the June meeting of the Stanley club, held at Mrs. Bob Glen's, officers were re-elected by acclamation: president, Mrt. George Canitelon; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Stewart Baird; sec- retary, Mrs. John McGregor; treasurer, Mrs. Bob Glens. A donation of $10 was given. to the Salvation Army. `r"� interested in Foreign investing? Then you'll be interested in a new foreign investment fund... Investors International Mutual Fund Ltd. Now, for as little as $500 you can participate in the growth and profits of outstand- ing companies hi the U.S.A. and 'many other countries. The new Mutual Fund is backed by the skilled management of Investors Syndicate of Canada, Limited. Investors International Mutual Fund may well prove a profit- • able investment for you. Just write or call: BILL CAMPBELL Phone Seaforth 486 SEA 'ORTH, ONTARIO investors ov d Pica fto OF CANADA, t IMltea. Had Of&or Winnipeg • Offices in Principal Cities Thum r J.u:..ly .1:9i 19.62- Cii.nton News,Recor4--Pa90 51 Get Greater Comfort In. Year Home with, An Automatic E HUMIDIFIER Rot-mtg. up to 4 -99119n .. of moisture a day, Automatic Humidity control. Automatic Water Overflowo a Control, 5 -Year Guarantee on Seated Refri` eration Unit, on :display now .at (Iinton . E!ectric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 2*6646 Clinton "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE .DEALER" NOTICE BUILDINGF BY-LAW POLICE VILLAGEof BAYFIEL D Approved by Ontario Municipal Board and passed byStanley an ey Township'Counciil A building permit of --$5.00 is required to make im- provements of $150.00 or more, also for new building and moving buildings off or on different location. • No building shall be erected closer than 4 ft. from side lines for one storey or 6 ft. from side ,lines for two storey and 20 ft. off street.Tines; all new buildings to be equipped with inside plumbing; 75% of new lumber to be used; summer cottages shall have minimum floor space of 500 sq. ft., permanent building 700 sq. ft. No septic tank with shallow well shall be constructed unless lot is in excess of 15,000 sq. ft.; all lots of 12,000 sq. ft. shall require a drilled well and septic tank shall be passed by Medical Health officer. Further details can be had from Mr. Stanley Stephen- son, also permits. Sy -Law to take effect immediately. ' VILLAGE TRUSTEES, POLICE VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD. Amok • e Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service DRUG STO1{ES Special Values and Reminders This Week I.D.A. SPECIALS July 16th -' 21st COLGATES TOOTH PASTE Reg. 35c Reg. 65c Reg. 98c 2 for 63c 57c 79c BRECK HAIR SET MIST with FREE Rain Hat $1.49 BRECK SHAMPOO Reg. $1.75 HUDNUT CREME RiNSE Reg. ODO-RO-NO Cream Deodorant 79c Spray Deodorant Reg. $1.50 NOXZEMA Reg. 66c— 49c 10 oz. — $1.35 HALO SHAMPOO Reg. $1.09 • 89c DESSERT FLOWER DEODORANT CREAM or ROLLON — Reg. $1.25 2 for $ 1.25 MACLEAN'S TOOTH PASTE Reg, 73c— 2 for 99c PHILLIP'S MAGNESIA TABLETS Reg,. 79c -- 69c INSTANTINE 79c 69c $1,29 99c $1.49 $2.00 $1,29 98c F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 Clinton, Ont. „.... HOUSE OF BARGAINS LTD 10°/o to 15% OFF .� ALL SUMMER CLOTHING- ,•. "WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS THE MOSi' COMA IN AND CHECK QUALITY AND PRICES u Obligations __.. __... Phone HU 2�1 •