HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-19, Page 4p clip, 4-Clinton Nows-Record---Tburs" July 19, 1962 0,(3,:;... -..#4,1 kic * P s' 'v'' • 144403.- or *0 . ..,•,,:. tp 4614 ti A. ‘- 0000 .0% Soothingly Cool That's Pineapple Bavarian . . . a mixture of whipped evaporated milk, crushed pineapple and maraschino cherries. We've shown the Bavarian molded in bell shapes but one large mold would double nicely. For Simmering Summer Use . "Real Cool" Foods RUSSELL L. JERVIS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL REMODELING HU.2-9390 68 ALBERT ST_ If thoughts of simmering summer days take the starch out of you, then turn your mind to beating the heat before the thermometer hits the high eighties. For kitchen strategy -and food prep particularly- stick to the simple,to-make, yet get-readyahead-ofatime type of thing . . . such- as the parade of dairy food coolers suggested te- . clay. . Pineapple Bavarian leads off our parade of coolers . . . a fluffy light mixture with a whipped evaporated milk base, it's chock full of pineapple arid maraschipo cherries. We've pictired it for you in .bell- shaped molds for a fancy treat- ment but one large mold would do just as welt Lemon Horseradish Mold is equally cooling with its' opaque layer of whipped cream, may- onnaise and 'horseradish, set in lemon jelly powder, topping a clear pineapple jelly layer. You're sure to vote this salad,. which honors Canada's Nation- al Salad Week, a top award for beating4the-heat. To honor Sandwich Time and third in our parade of coolers we present Salmon -.Cottage Open-Facers. The salad-sand- wich filling can be made up ahead and spread on round slices- of buttered bread at the last minute. Then, garnished with hard cooked egg and Sprigs of parsley, you've an ideal luncheon or supper when sewed with glasses of milk and a -variety of chilled fresh fruit. KGITERMELON /SA GREAT Fir/MY00 EAT VT, DONK "me W4SW YOURFACE ME VW ALUMINUM MINDOWS ALUMINUM „DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS MEN ...WOMEN ... Start training now for a well paid, interesting career in hairdressing! If you are dissatisfied with your present job . . . or if you are just completing your secondary education . . . you can enter this profession that knows no depression. Day and Evening Classes available • Free Aptitude Test. Paul Pogue Beauty Schools Ltd. is Canada's finest and most modern hairdressing school. There's a new course starting soon. Write now for full information. ,..- .,..:.,.,„, 541, P Poi A •e':...t BEAUTY SCHOOLS LIMITED Ift* 111211 MEI INN MN EMI MID MN In UN Ng 111. B20 PAUL POGUE BEAUTY SCHOOLS LTD. 249 Queens Ave. London, Ontario, Please send me full information on your course in Hairdressing. I I I ecrwvatte. DRY CLEANING auctLAUND Y Also Cold Storage Vault for Fur Storage USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE ON ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY. ,DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN' 8 • A.M. AND 12 P1 THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1733 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match, take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit, DE we could emdr! a holiday • "We can go this year!" is a typical happy sound heard in thousands of homes every summer- when families discover the HFC Traveloan. It can cover transportation or car repairs, meals, hotel and motel, sightseeing and fun. Thrifty Canadian families borrow con fi- VentIy from Household Finance, knowing that we handle all money prob- lems with neighbourly understanding and in privacy. Life Insurance available at low group rate Above payments Include principal and interest, and a e basad on prompt repayment, but do not Include the cost of life Insurance. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE G. N. Crawford, Manager 35A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH AM'NT OF LOAN MONTHLY 6 months 3ct months PAYMENT 20 months PLANS 12 months $100 $ $ $ 6.12 $ 9.46 550 23.73 32.86 51.24 750 31.65 44.13 69,21 1000 41.45 58.11 91.56 1600 60.88 68.81 94.11 146.52 2200 83.71 94.62 129.41 201.46 2500 95.12 107.52 147.05 228.93 Shobbrock. Reunion OQ: people 'attended 'the 27th :$11:04.4roc1;. family ,r04.niOn. SeatOrth LilPhs Park, July Joha Gibbings, RR, 1, Clinton, now 90 year-a old, was the old, est p:asent„ Winners of races are; five years and under, wwiw lgw$40-$ years, •boy's, .Jolin.Q1D- 1?inge; .9-11 yee,re,„ .girie, Con- nie .Gibbings;. 1240 years, '0444 Penny, -45.he1/1X:Oc4., M4r0TVt , married ladies, Mrs, QpIlden $hebbrocic.; married men, Bob Saunide cock; kick- ,the-slipper, ladies, Mrs, Gordon Swan; Men, Bob .SatlndereQPkI peeniut and Pieplate relaY, team ' headed by Mrs. Bill Gibbings; 'toothpick and lifesaver relay, team, headed by John Saunder- cock; ball,throw, .standing ba- 'The ,sonthern prairies hold the record for the' highest tern- perature.s.. evei.. recorded in Can, 40e, 11$ .degrees,. picwe,rda, Rays Milison; ligrrenerinq, roonteet, Pert bi 0 Baked in A&P's own bakery by MP Master Bakers. Stock up your freezer at this low price. JANE PARKER - JELLY or LEMON ROLL 01%. REGULAR PRICE 39c C SAVE 10c . Jane Parker Rap. price 21c pkg-SAVE 13o DINNER -ROLLS 2 pkgs of 12 29c , Janet Parker Sliced Reg. price lie loaf-SAVE 5o ITALIAN BREAD 216-ox loaves 29c A&P Handles Only Canada's Finest Government Graded and Inspected Meats CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF lb OULDER ST Round Bone - Ideal For Pot Roast each BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED lb SHORT or CROSS RIB PRIME RIB ROAST ROAST - WELL, TRIMMED SHORT CUT lb CIb 69c C 1-lb ,pkg 69c lb 2.9c 12-oz net 57c 16-oz pkg 31c Fruits & Vegetables Sweet Eating, B.C. Sings No. 1 Grade CHERRIES g 2 C California Valencia, Fancy Grade ORANGES 5-lb c cello bag 59 South Carolina, Yellow Freestone, Now At Their Best - No. 1 Grade PEACHES tow( 29c Ontario's Finest Yellow, Hydra-Cooled To Insure Freshness, No. 1 Grade 35cdozen Ontario Grown, Field, Long Green Slicers, No. 1 Grade CUCUMBERS 2forl 9c Red Italian, Finest For Salads, Sweet And Mild, No. 'I Grade ONIONS 2.1b cello bag 3 5c ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY; JULY 21st; 1962 Reg. Price 2-lbs 65c-SAVE 190 3 pkgs 79c Reg. Price 2-Ibs 49c-SAVE 19c 4 i-lb pkgs 79C Stokely Fancy Quality 2 15-fl-oz tins 39c Jello 2-oz pkg 290 For Tasty Summer Salads 2 7-oz pkgs 23o THE GREAT ATLANTIC R PACIFIC SEA COMPANY LTD. STOKELY'S PING (2c OFF DEAL) FRUIT DRINK NPAG CHILI SAUCE CANNED FOODS SALE - HALVES • Reg. Price 2 tins 35c-SAVE lie IONA PEACHES 415-fl-oz tins 59c IONA 'KEIFFER Reg. Price 2 tins 39e-SAVE DESSERT PEARS 3 20-fl-oz tins 5 5c FANCY QUALITY, SMALL, MEDIUM SPECIAL! PEAS GREEN GIANT 15-fl-oz tins 3 7c CORDON BLEU (ALL VARIETIES EXCEPT DEVILLED HAM) SPECIAL I MEAT SPREADS 43-ortins 49( 3 10-fl-oz tins 29c Rog. Price btl 27c-SAVE Ifie 11 -fl... bottles 3 9c 12c OFF DEAL Reg. Price box 75c-SAVE AN EXTRA 114 GIANT TIDE !cox 69c A&P Food Store Located at... 81 WEST ST. GODERICH • ONTARIO Open Friday Until 9 p.m. CREAM STYLE CORN DREAM JVHIP CREAMETTES SHELLS , A &P MEANS 0€PEN0A 9 111TY Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless GROUND. CHUCK 59c SIDE Choice ty BACON Sliced dEF BOLOGNA 1104 9c CHICKEN WINGS i;hoiclikPuiCilitiiiiES lb 5 3c SALAMI CHUBS Essex Brand Sea Scald, Ocean WIENERS 1.1b cello pkg 4 5c PERCH FILLETS Lean, Shoulder Cutei MONARCH COLOUR QUICK • GAMINE MOM'S Lobb Reunion The Lobb. family met PP Sa'turd'ay, July 7, 1962, at RiverYiew Parlc, Exeter, for their ifitn annual reunion. This clae is descended from George Lpbb who 'arrived in Canada from England in 1843, One hundred and thirty-one mem- bers' assembled from Wood- stock, Burford, Kitchener, Olin- ten, Brucefield, Staffa Cen- tralia, Ripley, Stratford', Oak- ville and London in Ontario, and also from Croswell, part Huron. Flint, Linden, Drayton Plains, Fenton, Livonia, Mt. Morris in Michigan and Jack:- sonville, Florida, President Herbert Stephens welcomed tne members and pre- sided over the business portion of the day. Afternoon sports, which were arranged chiefly for the chil- dren, proved to be very lively and interesting. Derrald Ferrin and committee were in charge. Mr. and Mrs, G. Henderson and. Mr. and Mrs. Don Crich, supervised the noon luncheon and the evening Meal. The following persons were elected to office for the 1963 reunion in Pont Huron, Michig- an: president, Jerry Pillar, Saginaw, -Mich.; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Mildred Yonng, Oak- ville; second vice-president, William Lobb, RR 2, Clinton; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Grace Wardle, Fenton, Mich.; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lobb, SWanz Creek, 'Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Parry Baer, Jr., Cros- well, Mich.; • table committee supervisor, Mrs. Wilfred' Lobb,' Linden, Mich. Good 'fellowship, good weath- er and good attendance cotn- binecl to make the 1962 reunion a successful and pleasant event. 0_ ICED SOUP? WELL IT'S REALLY GOOD Chill your favourite soup and serve it icy cold, suggest food experts at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. Served in sturdy glass- es, nested in a bowl of cracked ice, chilled cream soup will be a favourite hot weather item at barbecues. Pineapple Bavarian (Makes 10 Servings; 1 envelope unflavored .gela- tine - 1/2 cup sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 (20-ounce) can crushed pineapple 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup evaporated milk, chilled icy cold 1/4 cup chopped maraschino cherries, drained. Combine 'in top of double boil- er, the gelatine, sugar and salt. Stir in undrained pineapple and lemon juice. Cook over 'boiling water, stirring occasionally, un- til gelatine and sugar are dis- solved. Chill until mixture is softly set. Whip chilled • evap- orated milk until it 'stands in soft peaks. Fold into ten indi- vidual molds which have been rinsed with cold water. Chill until set. U./mold for serving. Lemon Horseradish Mold (Makes 6 to 8 Servings) 1 (3-ounce) package lemon jelly powder 11/2 'cups hot water 1 tabl'espoon' lemon juice 1/2 cup mayonnaise 14 cup prepared horseradish 14 teaspoon' Salt' % cup whipping cream, whipped 1 ,(3-ounce) package pineap- ple jelly powder 2 cups -hot water Disselve lemon jelly powder in the 1% cups, het water, Stir in lemon juice -and chill until partially. set. Fold in mayon- naise, horseradish, salt and whipped cream. Turn 'into a 11/2 -quart ring mold which has been rinsed with cold water.' Chill until very firm. Dissolve pineapple jelly powder in the 2 cups hat water. Cool coin= pleteiy. Pour on 'top of first layer in mold. Chill' until firm. Unmold for serving. Open-Face Cottage Cheese Salmon Salad Sandwiches (Makes 5 Servings) 2 (71/2 -ounce) cans salmon 1 cup -(8-ounces) cottage cheese 1/2 cup diced celery 1/4 cup sweet pickle relish , 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon salt tealspoon pepper 10 slices white or brown, bread, .buttered 2 hard cooked eggs, sliced. Drain and flake salmon re- moving large bones and skin. Add cottage cheese, celery, rel- ish, lemon juice, salt' and ;pep- per; toss 'lightly to combine. Spread this mixture on butter- ed 'bread slices. Garnish with egg slices, 0 DON'T FREEZE CURED MEATS TOO LONG, It is not advisable to freeze cured or ready-to-serve meats for longer than 60 days say home econoMists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. Long stor- age and the salt in the meat combine :to favor the' develop- nent of rancidity when 'the meat is frozen. Toll's Mare: Wins pe fond Champion At Calgary ,$h ow ar .Auhrey showed WarrlelOs Roseland at 'the Cal- gary aieinpede Horse Show last week, and won 'the trophy as grand champion .01,ydezapil;e mare, Mr, Toll's horses are well know throughout .Ontario, shows them at Clinton Spring Show, and' other top torte shows in the province. This. is ecit' the first 'time he' 'has !had them out west. His entries won the first 'and second places in the clydesdale and sires heavy draft team event, also. . o KIPPED Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG 'Phone Hensall .278W Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, -Stratford, were Sunday guests with Miss Mabelle Whiteman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes and Larry, Landon, visited Sun- day with the latter'S father, R. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. 'Roe Littleton and :foray spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R.. Gnatuck, Hamilton. Karen remained far a week's vacation. Mrs. C. Vaness, Lloydntinster, Alberta, is visiting her law- and daughter, Mr: and Mrs. Bourke ant Saturday. They Sp- ent the -,clay -at Niagara Falls. Monday visitors with Mrs. E. Dawson were Mr. and Mrs. William Franks, Landon, and Mrs. L. Shultz and Lloyd Dow- son. Robert Brown, QC and Mrs. Brown, Detroit; Mrs. Alvin Ulch, Windsor, visited Sunday with the latter's. -parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGreg- or returned home after spend- ing the past week in Sault Ste. Marie and Bachawanna Bay, While there they -celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. NAME ,, tt,ditt' , ...... ... , ....... 10,1104.1*0141. ..... t ADDRESS .... .... .. ..... . I .... . rty11,4tirttt4it1,,i4.1,44 .. ' . 14i4,111,4440.4W4tOtiOrroutif itils,t I *al nit ail al Ito nil win nil _