HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-19, Page 2PETER'S Modern MEAT Market HU 2.9731 f. „ ed ve mov To Our New Location in The Former Sangster Plumbing Store Between Herb's Food Market and E. B. Menzies" Law Office Watch For Our Grand Opening Next Thursday, July 26 HERB'S Food Market Red Hot VACATION-TIME SPECIALS CLARKS VEG. or TOMATO SOUP .,.. 9 tins $1.00 NEW ONTARIO No, 1 POTATOES • 10 lb. basket 49c SLICE D, CUBES or CRUSHED Choice PINEAPPLE 2-20 oz, tins 49c MARTIN'S APPLE JUICE-48 oz. tins 29c DELMAR MARGARINE 4 lbs. 95c STUART HOUSE INSTANT ORANGADE or LEMONADE 2 pkgs. 25c ( Sugar Included-1 Pkg. makes 4 Glasses Buy 4 pkgs. 50c—Get '1 Free Tumbler Buy A FUN SPRINKLER for the Children Hook it to the Lawn Hose—Watch the Enjoyment Only $1.00 We Now Stock WHITE VINEGAR in Bulk at 65c gallon' Bring Your Container and Save FREE DELIVERY PHONE HU 2-3445 Save Black Diamond Stamps — Classified Ads Bring Results A. M. HARPER and COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 33 HAMILTON ST. 7 RATTENBURY ST. E. GODERICH CLINTON Phone JA 4-7562 Phone HU 2,7721 s. (.10a W...0. I'm SNO40X). yolke going to have a bigger turnover ghee the nearest .reSs ant hotel. Raght now, were booked' solid through July, and 'have' May a few vacancies in August, 'The kids haVen't'.slept in -their own beds Per so long 'they feel, toe*, and act 'like 'Vagrants. never Quite sure what woman is going to getting break- fast when I come -down in 'the . ;Timm:1[W There have been two ;Wei end pleasant'. pastimes for the family this' 'stomper, however. In 'both of them we're but ten years behind the rest of the country, but that's the way we seem to operate in our family. We're so busy trying to keep up with the Stritleys that we haven't time even to look 'around for the' aoteeses, let alone keep up with them. The first of our new activ, Wee is outdoor cooking. A few years ago, we received a free barbecue set for buying ten gallons of gas, or something. We !haven't seen it 'since, but unearthed it While I was look- ing for my waders' a few weeks back.. It's about 18 inches high and ten in diameter, 'so we don't go in for roasting oxen, but have 'tried about everything else. You should' see the little fam- ily gathered for' the evening ceremony. We don't fool around with those barbecue starters that you squirt on the char- coal. Father just throws some gasoline on it. Then he heaves a match toward it and every- body hits the deck. Not one 40 'Y ears Ago CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, July 20, 1922 Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, Goderich Township Spent Suns day with their daughter, Mrs. Joseph Riley. The Progressives •swept the Province of Manitoba in Tues- day's .election. The Liberals have only eight seats. Miss Alma Mutch, Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her parents. Mrs. William Snell and daughter • Margaret, Sefaforth, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wil- liam Gray; Lcmdesboro, ss The Clinton' Keating- Comp- any is' under the new ownership and management of Messrs. H. G. Harper and A. E. Vincent, London, and H. B. Combe, ton. The .Chataugua profits 'this year go toward the new hospi- tal. of the family has bedn blown OP yet, our chercoel, burns with a clear, Pere 'flame, and it gives the food a certain exotic flavour. What we like about it is that it saves us from having a big pile of dishes to do. One of these days, if I put too much gas on 'it, it's going 'to save us the trouble of eating, too. However, the saying on dishes is dissipated during our other noeturnal dalliance, which is watching television. We finally bought a set last fall, probably the third last family in Canada to own pne, But normally we're all too busy to watch the thing. Now we watch everything. Most people are sore because there's noth- ing on in the wanner except re-runs, bat it doesn't bother us. We didn't see any of them the first time they ap- peared. * s * There are only two 'draw- backs to this: Watching the box makes us all hungry, By the time the late movie is over, every dish in the house is in 'the TV' room, and dirty. The second disadarantage is that my wife falls asleep in the middle of a dandy western, and knocks off about two hours, in her. chair, before we turn off the set, Then she lurches off to bed — and can't sleep a wink. Combine a roomful of dirty dishes and an exhausted, owly woman, and you'll understand why my morning beauty sleep is rudely shattered, day after day. 25 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, July 15, 1931 At a regular meeting of Tuckersmith Township Council, a petition was presented by Ross Scott asking the council to take necessary action in sec- uring street lights for Bruce- field. Permission was' granted. Hydro's 1936 rate reductions are saving Clinton consumers at 'a 'rate of $1,200 per year; the 1937 rate reduction should save 'them an additional $900 per year. Mists Margaret Ferguson, who is taking a summer course at the University otf Toronto was home over the weekend. • Miss Cora Trewartha is at the OAC, Guelph, taking a sum- mer course in agricultural science. Frank Heard has secured position as barber in Creemore, morning. dbegan his duties on Monday ' SUGAR and SPICE From Our Early Files 40 Years Ago CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, July 20, 1922 Brucefield' 'had no trouble winning the football game from Stratford on Friday night at Brucefield with 'a score ,of 3 to 1. and the round by 7 to 1. Clinton Hospital Board assist- ed' by the Sports Committee are going to hold a Big Day in Clinton, August 7. Proceeds will go: towards the new hospi- tal. The Women's Institute are having a "Grandmothers' Day" on the afternoon of July 27 on the lawn of Mrs. R. Gooier. A cordial welcome is extended to all. Mr. and MS. J. A: Brandon motored to Drayton 'last week. 0 There are more than 5,000,000 visitors to Canada's national parks in a year; the Banff park attracts a million visitors, and the Georgian Bay Islands park about three-quarters of a mil- lion. 10 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday. July 17, 1952 Alex Wells, Londesboro, was the fortunate winner of the $300 jackpot prize 'at the 'Clin- ton Lions Club bingo on' Tues- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. John G: Gibb- tags celebrated the occasion of their golden wedding annivers- ary. Frank Fingland, Jr. who has just ,c'omplet'ed a two-year post graduate course at University of Toronto, has received 'his Master of Arts degree in Poll, tioal Science. Gaye and Dewayne Elliott spent several days with Mrs. Harry Griffiths, at her cottage at Bruce Beach. Mrs. Sam cootie has returned home after a three week visit in. Tiverton. When driving a tractor on his father's farm near Kippen, Ray Consitt 'had the misfortune to fall' from the tractor and sprain his ankle. Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Res, HU 2-7556 INSURANCE H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, DUNGANNON Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, 13roven Smyth, It 2, Auburn; Vice-Pres., Herson Ir- win, Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald MacKay, Ripley; John 'F, Mac- Lennan, R. 3, Goderich; Frank Thompson, It. 1, Holyrood; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For information on your ih- stirance, call your nearest direc- tor who is also an agent, or the secretary, Durnin Phillips, Dun- gannon, phone Dungannon 48, 27-ttls OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined OPTICIAN Oculists' Prescriptions Filled Includes Adjustments At No Further Charge Clinton—Mondays Only 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Clinton Medical Centre 44 Rattenbury Street West Seaforth—Weekdays except Mondays, ground floor. Phone 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointreent Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Goderich, Ontario Telephone ,Box JA 4-9521 478 For 9 Days Only Thursday, July 19 - - to Saturday, July 28 THIS SENSATIONAL OFFER with every THREE-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE and BOX SPRING sold , you will receive a MATCHING SEALY BUTTON-FREE MATTRESS FREE I.eg. $59.50 THIS OFFER. IS ON ALL. BEDROOM SUITES FROM $179.00. and UP 10 3-Piece Suites to choose from DON'T MISS THIS LEGITIMATE OFFER AT Beattie Furniture. Phone HU 14511 CLINTON ONTARIO Business and Professional Directory I apes a few random thoughts fgs week, After all, you 'can't expect a felloW 'to turn out She deep, ,thealehtrui Stuff that lias wally appears in his space, when 'he's on his holidays, Holidays, he ant. What is there about a 'relaxed - looking man that brings out the con- struction foreman • in every woman? r haven't been So busy since I worked the midnight to noon Shift on the lake 'boats, twenty 'Years ago. I put the lawn chair put the morning, and never get near it again until it's time 'to put it away at night. very time I tuna eroupd, the old lady shoves a dishcloth, a grocery list or a rake into my hand. Every time I stick my nose out the door the kids des- cend on me, waving swimming suits, badminton racquets or cans of worms. Have you tried a zippy game of badminton with a 14-year-old in the noon- day sun lately, mac? Try it, and join me in the coronary ward. * And then there's the per- petual weeling. My wife put in some vegetables' this year, and you'd swear that dismal little plot was the Garden of Eden, the way she watches it. Some puny weeds dares stick its head up among her seven potato Plants, And you'd think it was a rattlesnake at a Sunday 'sch- ool . picnic, the way she goes after I knew the whole thing was a mistake in the first place, and I told her so, when she was spading it up, but she paid no heed', So I let her do the weeding in the garden, and I handle the weeding in the batthwoont. Another great time-consumer Is the 'guest list. We spend hours trying to 'fit people in. When you live in vacation country, as we do, this is just part of the annual summer deal. But rather alarming when you begin counting the number of people who are com- ing to visit you, and discover Gregory-Blacker Baskets' 'of white 'mums dec- orated St, Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church on Saturday, July 14 for the 12 o'clock noon wed- ding of Katherine Elizabeth Blacker, Clinton and Ross' Lind- say Gregory, Granton. The Rev, D. J. Lane, DI), Clinton, con- ducted' the double ring cere- mony. , The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William T. Blacker, RR. 1, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. War- ren H. Gregory, Grantor. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in floor length bridal taffeta, ac- cented with chantilly lace ap- pliques, the bodice fashioned with elbow-length sleeves, scal- loped scoop neckline sprinkled with irridestent sequins and dainty beads. The full bouffant skirt was topped by a crushed cummerbund and swept into a brush train. Her 'headdress oaf apple blossorras and dainty Pet- als held a double French. Muss ion veil and she carried a spray of red carnations on a white Bible. Maid of honour was Miss Frances Blacker, sister of the bride and bridesmaids were Mrs. Mervyn Penfound, Embro and Miss 'Margaret Merrill, Clinton. All wore street-length elle green silk organza with contour front on skirt pleated down the front, and bouffant at sides and back, with em- broidered applique square neck- line with short sleeves. Each carried a bouquet of white car- nations. Flower-girl little Mary Lyn Merrill, wore soft pink organza over taffeta, [tyled similarly to those of the other 'attendants and 'carried a nosegay of white carnations: Ring bearer was Randy Smith, Mitchell. Groomsman 'was Glen Gagen, Granton and uShers were Bob Hardie, Grartton and Bill Black- er, [brother Of the bride, Clin- ton. Organist Charles Merrill ac- companied C. W. Parkinson who sang "0 Perfect Love" and a "Wedding Prayer." For the reception held in the church parlours, baskets of white inures were used for decora4 Lions. Mrs. Blacker received in navy blue white polka dot nylon over taffeta with square neck- line trimmed with pearl clips. Mes. Greegory wore beige shea- th with collar and white ac- Cessories. Each wore white car nation corsage. The young couple left on a wedding trip to Notthern! Ont- ario, The bride travelled in mint green sheath of Spun. ray- on-linee, with ,jacket and beige accessories and red carnation corasage. Upon, their return they will live at RR $, Grnnton. 'rite groom employed at' the office of Wonder Bread, Lohcion and the bride teaches at SS I laiddalph, Canada's civilian labour torte totalled 6,492,000 at Arril 1962r to that about el-164111rd the Population are the earners and taxpayers who tuts?' the costs of geetelattrient for theiriSeleds Well tit fer the remaining two- thirds of the people,- THE McKILLOP MUTUAL ARE INSURANCE COMPANY Office Main- Street SEAPORTH Insures: 6, 'Town Dwellings 6 All Classes of Farm Propetty « Summer' detteges 4 Churches, SohoOIS, Halls Extended c o V et age (Wind, smoke, Water damage, failing .40111811,: objectS, etc.) is al So available. available.. Janes keys, Mt 1, Sesfoitiu V, X. Land, RR 5, Sea= forth; Wm. telpet, Jr., Lohdesboto; 8elwyzi alcer, Brussels;. liarekt aqufres, Cliutoie gorge 4oyne, Dublin; Donald G, tatoti, Sedfontlio BRITISH MORTGAGE, & TRUST COMPANY Goderich Branch Manager; E, Powlands swird Olmow limo mom 4=144 iN1•11 ONO P.M WWII ow. milmi wow Maw *on mom trio 4044 mown 444.0 Br tr itish Mortgage & Trust` Corripat1V 0 I enclose lily eheqtle for $ for invest/Lent for years, I 0 Please send me a folder. .giving information about these Certificates. INTA1VIt - ' A Lif .1411 -' 40.41 MI* .m111 1.11.11i 111111101 ttlAt 88 ..„ . ........ ......... ....... „. ......... ......... „ ............ „.., ........................ ..„ 24,80b We Like The Idea ' Amalgamated 1924 THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Est. 1881 WILMA D. DINNIN, Editor year; OUR CONCERN for the lack of interest by young people in the Domin- ion Day celebration in this area, has been echoed by others in other parts of Ontario. In Ridgetown the town does some- thing about it, and does the job well, A full weekend of programming is based around the Dominion Day theme and that area, full of ethnic groups, does know what Dominion Day means. Here, with the basic 'population going back at least two or three generations, ap- parently no one cares. The editor of the Exeter Times- Advocate .comes up with a good thought on the subject: "It's obvious that it Meters In • AS OF last Wednesday, people who visit the town of Wingham will find parking meters in which to place a nickel every hour for the privilege of parking a car on the main thorough- fare. Some weeks ago, this same installa- tion was made in Seaforth. One result is that the main streets of these towns are remarkably empty during the day. This does not mean that shopping is not going along com- fortably as before, but it probably does mean that nobody takes his car down- town day after day, to park it in front of his place of business. would be impractical for every town to put on a celebration each year. Let's move it around on a county basis. A county council committee could estab- lish the framework for a celebration to be held in a different town (in Huron) each year. There could be a sports program with competitions for county championships in track and field, tugs of war, ball tournaments, band competi- tions, amateur talent contests, fireworks and so on. We'd like to see the proposal discussed at the next county council meeting." Somehow we feel it is a topic even more worthy of our county councillors than some of the things which do meet with their attention. Two .Towns There are many prod and cons. On the one hand it means revenue to the town—on the other hand it means at least some extra wages must be paid to get the money collected, counted, and the meters serviced. On the one hand the system insures that a parking space is available, but every motorist is aware of the trouble involved in having change and remembering to feed the meter. On one hand it means an end to double parking, but it means someone has to supervise the parking meters, and make sure fines are paid for violations. In the essence, it means more regulation.; Does Clinton want them? Clinton News-Record THE CLINTON NEW ERA Est. 1865 Ise D Published every Thursday at the 9 Heart of Huron County .4) ° Clinton, Ontario — Population 3,369 • A. L. COLQUHOUN, Publisher • CCNR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance — Canada and Great Britain: $4.00 a United States and Foreign: $5.50; Single Copies Ten Cents Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash sr Ann o c o I. tO pagu tiqws-Iltecorcl-,41"hurs., July 19, 1962 Editorials `True Service Given QUITE POSSIBLY this is a good a time as any we could conceive to offer a paean of praise to the man who conceived the idea of a Credit Union to fill the needs of the people of this area— the man who organized it, who actually cashed in his own securities to obtain money to give Clinton's Credit Union capital with which to start, the Man who has worked tirelessly and enthus- iastically to build it for service to his fellow man. This man is W, Victor Roy, man- ager of the Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. since its beginnings, and now retiring after the building up of a Million Dollars in assets. Mr. Roy's motto has been that of the Credit Unions, "Not for profit, not for charity, but fpr service." And that word "Service" means Christian service, personal service and financial service as well as counselling service. The Very Rev. R. C, Brown, when dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Now Earn spoke to the Canadian Cancer Society in this way: "Inasmuch as ye have done it onto one of these > , All service that endures, all service that has any mean- ing, that heals, is the pouring out, the expenditure of your essential virtue, is True Service. If it stops. short of that, you may be a good officer or a good -Member . but you baven't given ser- vice . , because it has never cost You the deep essential virtues of your life. This is the first thing about service, truly conceived .. that it is of the nature of sacrifice in the sense that it costs you, intimately, personally, a part of yourself." We believe they can aptly be ap- plied to the work of Mr. Roy with the Credit Union in the community, He, has always offered a helping hand to any Credit Union member Who could use his help or experience . . . and he has given True Service in the real sense, as outlined by the Very Rev. R. C. Brown. — $100. or more —1 to 5 years interest paid by cheque — authorized by law as investments for trust funds. British Mortgage Guaranteed Investment Certificates To invest—see your local agent Or send your cheque to your nearest British Mortgage office.