Clinton News-Record, 1962-07-19, Page 117,57,177. (By' W." MANY THINGS HAPPEN TN the world about us . , . Welter wee ieuechedwithin tVhe last few days, and' television broad! casts have been +beenced from it to give live programs from Eerotpe to America, and the other WaY as well , , , Se'n'ators. have died and are buried .. Doctors in Saskatchewan are going on "strike" to .one .d'egre'e or :another in oder to preserve their .independence . . T the United States President Ken- nedy edy fast a battle to get sup- port for his particular kind: of medicare .. , Canada's govern- ment is proceeding, nermally, regardless of the frantic pre- diobioms of maey that a crisis exists : . BY ALL THEiSE THINGS, life, in Clinton seem.s strangely untouched ... the senior male citizens continue their games of cards on the Library Park lawn . the junior types go en with • their swimming les- sons ... the 'sports en busi:asil s continue to win and lose ball games . . 'teen-agers' continue to wonder. What to do with: the long summer . , . The water testtes simply wonderful' . . Everyone spend§ as many clays at 'the lake as they possibly can .. . even though sewage floating :down from Goderich has pretvedl a problem at ,times . . . 'Cbureh. on Sundays . small. spending sprees an pay days .. . Continued wondering abo'tut a new post office Farm people busily hal-vesting what was' 'sbwni plus. the usual abundant increase ... others counting the :days until school starts once :more . Summer TV when all else fails, .. . Dust . cool evenings . . smooth ice cream' cones .. coffee .. . Diens for those that worry about such :things .. , * *: SUMMER -IN CLINTON THIS year: is very, very little differ- ent than :any other summer in +Jhe past twenty years . . . It is comforting . . secure and pleasant . . Personally we would' hate to change for ah, other locale • *' CHANGES ON. MAIN Street? Peter Damsma has moved hie meat market a few :dears to the south, .: Amsrtett Jewellers has ' added 'Ltd. to their 'business name: <.... tion Farm Supply has. gone out of town . • * OF COURSE THERE ARE' other changes . . Perhaps most noticed by ;the older resi- dents of Clinton .are the many new faces they "see' when they are downtown, in church:, or 'att social functions . , . After all, there tare over one tthoustand more people in Clinton than there were even ten years- ago . And a great .many of those have changed possibly six tim- es in .that period' ' . . * * * WE'VE B'ECO1VIE OLD 'hands at the •art of welcoming new folk into the 'community . . . and we've done such a good job of it, that many people who served a .hiteh here • with the Air Force areplanting to re- fire here eventually ... Clinton haps been a crossroad for nearly a quartets of a century, where people fr o2n across the Dominion, and from the NATO countries have visited, worked, and played together .. . The Weather 1962 1961 High Low High Low only 12 80 62 88 63 13 77 49 86 65 14 80 57 68 51 15 74 43.61 42 16 83 49 71 38 17 80 53 76 47 18 79 54 80 48 Rains: none Rain: .50 M. inton THE NEW ERA 97th YEAR Mo 29.—=The 'Home :Paper With the News CLINTON, .ONTARIO.., THURSDAY, ,IUL.Y 19, 1962 THE H.RQN RECORD, 81$t YEAR. $4.00 Per Year ---10 Cents Per Copy -,-12 Pages ntarQ (,.»FIciaI s Act .tRibbon-Cuttng On Tuesday, et Goderich, a" complicated series of r ibbore cuttings, four in all, ' resulted finally in the official opening of the $1,500,000 highway built by the Ontario Department of Highway's to span the "Maitland River, and eliininette one of the most d'amtgerous bottlenecks. In the highways system of •We;att- ern Ontario. Goderich mayor E. C. -Fisher was master .of ce'rem'onies, Tie Hon. W. A, Goodfellow, minus' er of :highways offici'at'ed at all four • of the ribbon -cut- tings. He travelled the full length of the new section: in a horrse-dira,wn buggy owned by Ernest Jackman, 77, Colborne Township. Mr. Jackman, who. has never driven, an automobile,: was the first person to go over a new section of this bigthway when it was opened to traffic last September, The horse, Babe, is a onetime milk wagon horse, and is 27 year's old. Mr.. Goodfellow ahnipped one ribbon at the •CPR underpass; another at.the Maitland River bridge; the third at the CNR overpass and the fourthat the Victoria Street entrance to the town: of 'Goderich. The Hon, Charles S. Mac-. Naughton, Exeter •MPP for Hump attended the cererit'onies.. - Included in the road projeot is a 355 foot bridge over the CNR tracks and a new subway to maw traffic under the CPR line, as well as a 525 foot bridge over the Maitland River. The small :hamlet of -Dunlop has been by-passed in the new construction, and faces ,a seri- ous curtailment of revenue, due to •teafific being diverted. The committee in charge of the opening cerexnon'iee jeclud, ed Kenneth Croft, chairman, of the Goderich public works come mi'ttee; Reeve Ralph Jewell, Colborne Township; Warden George McCutphegn, Huron County and Duron Comity engi- neer James Dritmel'l. New ''Army' Citadel GODER.ICH -- Contract fox a $35,000 Salved= Army eine del in Goderich hoe been let to a Toronto firm. Sib-eontrects will be lot locally, =and 1oo4 labour used where possible, Included will be a junior one gregation :hall, kitchen, washe. room's, office, storage :and funte- ace rooms. On the 'first floor will be the chwcll h.a ii the of,. firers living quarters consisting of three"' bedrooms, kitchen, din- ing room, hiving room and bath. Hog Cholera Could Be Problem For Huron County Farmers • Hog cholera could become a serious problem in this part of Ontario, warns Alf Warner, RR 2, Bayfield, member of the On- tario Hog Producers. Marketing Board. There was an onutbreak of cholera in Eastern Ontario lalst week,: and at feast" 1,800 hogs have been destroyed as a re- suit,. in an effort to stamp out the disease. Between $8,0'00 and $9,000 _connpensation has been paid to the owners of these hogs. How did 'Uhe outbreak begin'? Well, •appeeently a man who operates a bakeshop in Mont- real, leas. a hog -raising opera- tion in Ontario. He :brings un- sold baked ,goo!ds to the 'farm, and feeds them to the hogs. He noticed the herd of pigs getting sick, in :fact moat of there were ill, so he. loaded: them up amid took them to a community sales bairn. Y At the community sale's barn they were sold, apparently with no one recognizing the Meese, Then it was detected. The re- sult :has been the destroying Of 100' ` pigs in Easeenn On- tario: • But, on the .day.that these hog's were solei, there Were truckers from Western tertn Ontario at the community- sale, ,and they brought ,hogs beak with them into Western Ontario. One truck -load was traced to the Aylmer d'istri'ct. ' Others may be anywhere. Mr. Warner suggests that anyone who has bought hogs .at a community sale • within the past two weeks should contact a veterinary immediately and have itihe anim.ale checked, if anything :unusual is' noticed ab- out them. This disease ran be disastrous, All communtif'y sales east of Frantenac boundary have been closed to Ulre wile of hags, Even the Marketing Board'ssales yards cannot accept hogs there unless the animals are sold to inspected packing plaints. The Board had to obtain a special permit, even to continue oper- ating the yards. • tenets 'to the United States may be affected if another out- break .develops. . Bannockburn Bridge Being Replaced . After 39 years the County of Huron is replacing the Bannockburn Bridge. Known technically as the bridge crossing County Road 8, at Lot 24, Bayfield Road Concession, it is about mid -way between Brucefield and Bayfield. The 156 - foot span will. deal with a stream of water which looks like a tiny creek now, but at certain times of the year is much wider. It flows into the Bayfield River. Seen below is a view from, part of the detour road, facing west. That is the detour road at the right, heading up over Bannockburn Hill. There is one cement pier of the new bridge completed. A pile ' driver capable of drop- ping 55 tons is being prepared at the west end Of the bridge. Above is a close- up picture of the pile driver, being put together for about 50 feet of height, (News -Record Photo) ' Mayor Draws For "Million Dollar" Depositor's Award A major milestone in the growth of the Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. was reachel last week, when somewhere among the more than 300 deposi- tor's in that period, the millionth dollar of assets was deposited. Above, Mayor William J. Miller draws out the ticket which was declared the "Mil- . lionth Dollar". It belonged to Mrs. Jack Dietrich, Holmesville, employed at Lee's Ladies Wear, Clin- ton. Holding the ticket box is A. "Red" Garon, president. From the left, others attending the event are, Jack Dietrich, Hector Kingswell,. Ted Szwaba, Don Champion, Fred Gibson, manager; Bob Burke, Ray Thiboutot and Alan Ronnie. Last night, presentation of ten free shares in the "Million Dollar" credit union was made to Mrs. Dietrich, during the tenth anniversary of the credit union, held in the Clinton Legion hall. (News -Record Photo) Milk Marketing Plan Under Top Consideration The Ontario Provisional Milk Marketing Bawd last week re- leased details of ' a pI•an., that will, if approved by prockicers, bring the marketing of all On- tario milk under the aut'hor+ity of one board. tmetesorr Faiinsworth, Hunts- : chainnan of the beard, told ;a gathering of press repre- sentatives then that there was. confidence that the plan would stabilize prices •ancl develop markets, as well as .reduce sur- pluses. Last Thurs'd'ay the plan was presented 'to the Ontario Fed- eration of Agriculture members meeting in Toronto, for them to study. Mr. Farnsworth em- phasized that "this is not an Ontario government pin. This is a producer plan th' eted by representatives of our producer organizations and we are confi- dent .it will benefit all produc- ers." On Friday the United Co-op- eratives of Coterie announced support;' of the general princi- pals of the plan. Ray Loug- heed, president of the regional co-operatives wholesaleand marketing organization, called on :farmers and farm o'x+ganiza- tions ex) support orderly mark- eting of milk. On Tuesday at a meeting of 200 d'e'legates from each at the four sections of the milk indus- try was :held in Toronto. This inolu'cles milk used for cheese, cream products, liquid milk and concentrated milk. The meeting asked the execu- tive to express their view on the plan, :and at that ttinite, George Lowy, Almonte, direc- tor of the concentrated milk board, said ;the plate as it stencils, will not solve the sur- plus problems. He said tthls. would ;be impossible "until we scrap the quota system. Farris. - ate at present must go to fab- ulous! expense to meet their quotas during poor menthe but fine they have a wasteful sur- plus during good seasons'. The answer is for everyone to pool their prodttotton." Supporting Mr. Lowry Were two ether hdireotors, Charles IVLclnmis, Iroquois and Willrann Chapman, elaaiover. 0 • Bankrupt Firm Causes Highway 4 Stoppage Work 0n1 HigleVt r 4 at tllatrw doboye and Centralia, souelt of 1lxeter has been stx ended in.. definitely hast 'week, when the La t then Contracting Co, Lttd. wen 'banikeu e. The Willson- burg fllsonbutch fins wars awarded the eon, tract 'last September. At the end of eine ithey lied cornplerted ane beets t Wit, e quer,ter cif the wank 'railed for lit the tett ra ct The contract was fere $172,457 and walled for aecbrie reeden oaf the f'on'd, including anew ell ntvermiix sp, , :gi avanlg: attltla• :bieee and hot The l 'ritelib Departibentt ocf IIighWitiee Is exploring *ays to Tim 'the wot'1t' corcid.'i1hu mi *odd to 1tit;1e ower ;two hill& of i'dti4 Tenth Year Marked. By Last night one of Clinton's fastest growing organizations celebrated' its tenth :anniversary and presented' a prize to the lathy w'ho had deposited the One Millionth dollar with it. Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. started in May of 1952 when 25 local . residents'..!signed a memorandum applying for a charter. The man :behind this decision was W. Vic Roy, who retired a month ago rafter serving as manager of the credit union through all ten years of its existen'ce. Mr. Roy had studied the "why and wherefore" of these ,self help organizations For Credit Union Millionth Dollar during 1950 :and 1951, visiting several of them. Then he held a consultation in St. Joseph's rectory, ,Clinton with the Rev. Father J. L. O'Rourke, to dis- cuss the best way to go about organizing a credit union in this area. • 'As --a result. of this, :reports Mr. Roy, a meerting was Balled in the agricultural office, Olin- ton in May, 1952, . and the aibove-mentioned *memorandum was signed. The chanter` which was received now hangs fram- ed,tn the Credit Union office, listing the na'me's of :the 25 charter members, where they can be seen by anyone, Sam Estwick Has Retired From RCAF Service CENTRALIA A native of the Batbadoes, British West In- dies, Flight Lieutenant Samuel Malcolm Estwick retired from the RCAF recently. Flight Lieutenant Estwick was bon i lav Pad7nor e, St. Phil- lips, in the Barbadbes' an Octo- ber 8, 1915. He was educated in Nola Scotia and joined: the RCAF :on December, 17, 1941. He served overseas during World War II gals a radar tech- nician handl was released on Sep- tember 30, 1946. Medal's inchxd'e the African Star and Clasp; the Defence Medal; and the Cana- dian Forces Decorattion. Samuel Estwiek re-enlisted in the RCAF on October, 1946, with the tank of Corporal. He was promoted to sergeant in 1947; Flight Sergeant in 1950; Warrant 'Officer 2 in 1952; and Warrant Officer 1 in 1955. lee was commissioned from the ranke in 1955 and. pronated to Flight Lieutenant in 1960, "No Blame" Is Attached By Coroner's Jury An inquest into the death of Rev. Leo Reed -Lewis and Mrs. A. (Irene) Garen, both of Chit- ton, was held? in Huron County court :house, Goderich, fast P1 -1 - diary. .Lday. Mather laced:=Letivis died following an :automobile ctce& dent on Awe 15. Mrs. . Garan died suit the tsahie a'ccide'nt, The five inch coroner's: jury atitaolled no blame in the acci- defait. The deaths ensued when the Garen car came in cellisioe With 'a roar •driven by Gordon Stewart, Goderich, derich. passengers in the Stewart ear were twat seriously I/tittred. �aoksoe, Co!ioner, piresided ,Eit the inquestt. Grown Attorney W, C. Coehrene cues- tionted, wtitnesshee, Tire coroner's ettY was composed o+f. Go+rd`o'n A, Ott, Atm Hindreai"sh, Alvi' P,reeter, Betted, lvttOlinehey and ifiefiej. itchehll. Me, Orr wag foreman, Flight Lieutenant Estwiok hes 'served at a number of r tcAF stations. which include Trenton, Trac St. Denis, Clinton and Centralia. He :arrived: at Centralia 3n November, 1961, when the TeIecommunicatiiees School 'for officers moved to Centrtali'a frern Clinton, Sate Eetwick was married! to the former Elizabeth Louise Wilson at RCAF Station Tren- ton on Deccei'ber 14, 1$57. They have two children, iDrid Michael aged three, and Les• he jean aged one and a half. The E twiCks plait tto settle hi th'e Goderich area. o.. 1nton Nurses Enjoy PiCmc The graduate nurses of the Clinton Public Hospital Neild their ante tal pre" ie .fiat S'iin'dtajy, 3u1st 8 at S4eforth Lions Park. TwenitY-b,Vo of the 51 tgitadualtes attended, Rushartds and tihil *eft increased the TtUanber to 6$. The highlight of the taftee- :nb'ort was Wowing pbciitti'gtaish5 of alt the gradtttttionu class es Vi>'hioh wtti displayed tthroiigth the totiirtesy Of iVfiSS Suds tiit^ Sc'vititriiiiivg w'at "enjoyed ,by the frtifilela, Mr. Roy recalls that the ap- proved legal ,and neeesseary doc- ument reached Clinton on July 12, 1952. The organization was ofificially incorporated 'and was in business with a capital orf $12.50. This 'spr'oted: and grew r'ap'idly under the sponsorship of the charter members, elect- ed lected officers and: cornmtttees. During the 'balance of July of tblitat year, a 'few lama were granted and a total income orf 47 cents was realized in the first month of operation. By the end of December, 1952, the end of the calendar year, and' which: was termed the end of the fiscal year (of less than six months operation) the meets had grown tto over $10,000 :and 32 loans had been made for tatotal suns of $10,380, with anet profit of $54.50.' Right then the credit union be- gan paying 3 percent per an: num an savings. Thomas Steep was tthen, as now, chairman of the loan com- mittee. The Million Dollar organiza- tion built in the past ten years is owned and controlled by its members, who operate it for their own benefit, through a Board of D'ireetors whom they elect. All 'officers; and com- mitteemen give their services free tar the benefit orf the or- gannzationn and the community. The billy p'ai'l employees are the office staff. Mr, Roy, who lash month turned aver the :managerial reins to Fred Gibson, notes that the more savings that members pour intto their Credit Union the more it is ,able to ,accomplish for the members and for the community. He predicts that "from the experience of other Credit Unions, we should at- tain. our second' million in as - Sets within the next five years." $50 Fine Levied In Exeter Court An airman from RCAF' Sta- tion Clinton was fined $20 and costs by magistrate G. Hays to Exeter, count ]'est week when he vitas :found guilty of care- less driving, He was Edward daerniawsky. The change was laid! when Czei'niawsky collided with a car drnven by Dirs. Marion Racir• et in: front of herr hone on Highway 83 near bashw od. She had left het car on the shoulder, because she as un- able to enter the driveway. Beth the defendant and a passenger:, Glen 1i►therg, also of I'CA ' Station Clinton gave eviden!ce they had been forced off the road ,and into the park - eel vehicle by at odnconruinlg ear that wag tvavelling iii the wlrollg Magistrate Hay's accepted the rnen''s story' "rtallri the ev- deiiCe given 1 de not dlisbelie thee they tied rneet a eat treetl hog in the WrOng Milne,' bold the rnttgisgti tie, htirt added lie did trot think the :abetted acted as wig* is he might have, dine he had teen the'ben some s istta ice .4Waty,