HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-12, Page 12P4Picnc,W Legion Bingo .eves?, Thursday ,nite in..egion Hall :at. 845 sharp.n 12 regnlar games: at $10; 3- ,share-the-wealtn And, 1 special for $50 must ge.-pro- teed; for artificial ice. ltfb Pewee -Ball Team Still Undefeated Clinton Peewee baseball team have won their first five starts in WOAA league play. They have played all their home gam- e; beating ' Centralia,. Exeter,. Goderich and Hensall,' and also defeated .liensall on their own diamond, 'Keg game is. .Satur, day night in Centralia and Pleeere are reminded that cars leeee the post office at 5.30. Dick .Fremlin is the manager- oath of the peewee team, run this year under the Clinton recreation association. Electro home Presents The "Berwick" NO PRICE INCREASE WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS. THE BERWICK: Power, style, and performance at a popular price. The handcrafted C,Atorn Duramatic chassis with 18 tubes and power transformer de- livers pictures of outstanding depth and clarity, 23" picturie with contoured filter. Extended range 5" PM speaker, Hardwood cabinet by Deilcraft in Walnut, Swedish Walnut, Mahogany and Spanish MahOgany with carefree Duradeil finish. Approximately 28" x 33%" x 13 3/8 " d. Only $349.95 GALBRAITH. ALBERT STREET CLINTON PHONE HU 2-3841 Come IA And atomise ArOUnd Shopping Begins in the Pages Of This Newspaper For Summertime' Entertaining STEM WARE in Cut Glass Flower Design. GOBLET , 50c' ea. PILSENER 50c ea. JUICE GLASS 45c ea. WINE GLASS ,.,.„.„ , 35c ea. DECORATED GLASSES In Gold and Frosted Design—Heavy Base— In Juice, Old Fashioned or Tumbier Sizes, Each ,...... .. ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, „.. 25c and 29c, GLASS SETS In Tumbler or Old Fashioned Size—in Blue and Gold -- Red and Gold — Black and Gold Green Stripe. Box of 8 ,,,,,,,,, ,, „.„„., ..... $3.75 and $4.75 CRACKLE DESIGN GLASSES Assorted colors to set in Tumbler sor Old Fashions ... .. ..... ....„ Set $2.59 and $2.89 ICE BUCKETS in Glass, with Tangs set $1.50 ICE BUCKET in Leather Design), with Brass Trim--- insulated ...... ....... ..... $10.95 McE wan clinton On it rib *11b, DID YOU DEPOSIT THE 1,000,000th DOLLAR? You Have Two Days Left Closing Time 12:30 p.m. Saturday TICKETS STILL ON SALE FOR 'THE 10th ANNUAL BANQUET HELD AT THE LEGION HALL, CLINTON, ON JULY 18th AT 7 P.M' Dinner, Planned Entertainment, Awarding of Prizes Favours For Everyone --- Door Prizes CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED WEEKEND SPECIAL: '55 FORD SEDAN Motor completely overhauled. Excellent 'Tires, Brakes, etc. Now Only $650, We are proud of our ServiCe Department staff. Rest assured that "Butch" MacLaren, our Service Manager, will route your work to the man best qualified to do it. . • WANT A CAR THAT HAS HAD THE ATTENTION OF OUR QUALIFIES STAFF? '60 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN $1,950 '60 FIAT 4 DOOR SEDAN $1,150 '59 CHEVROLET 8 SEDAN $1,750 '59 CHEVROLET 6 SEDAN (Automatic) $1,750 '57 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR $1,050 '59 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1,695 '58 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR $1,350 '58 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR $1,495 '58 BORGWARD STATION WAGON $750 '58 VAUXHALL SEDAN $850 '56 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN $895 Always a few "Cheapies" from $150 up Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. YOUR • FRIENDLY CHEV, OLDS. - ENVOY DEALER CLINTON; ONTARIO Phone HUnter 2.9321 -Clinton Ton council in Action COMING EVENTS Three Clinton Boys Flaying Softball With Goderich Clinton softball fens should have more than a passing int- erest in the Goderich Bissets softbateam this yeae, Three Clintonn boys are regelars an the team, as well as Ran Car- ter, a former Clintoniaie Goderich 2—Glanworth 0 On Tuesday evening Stan Doherty had two out in the ninth before he gave up a hit to Glanworth in a Memorial League game. Goderich won the near-no-hitter 2-0. Stratford Kroehlees provide the opposition this Saturday, which promises to be a fine game. Bantams Blank !knoll 15.9 Jack Carter's Fish and Game Bantams continued their on- slaught of district bantam base- ball teams when they defeated Hensel). last Friday night by 15-0. The game was featured by two home runs by Clare Magee, one homer by Jim Liv- ermore and the three-hit pitch- ing of Magee. He struck out 16 batters in the seven-inning affair. Magee homered in the fourth with no one on and again in the sixth with one,. on. Larry Pickett knocked out three sing- les; Charlie Switzer and Elwin Kingswell, a double and single each and Doug McPherson, a triple and single. Larry Pear- son and Doug Proctor singled to complete the hitting. Tuesday the Allstare met the Lendesleorogirle on the diamond at Bleth. Opening the game with terrific batting power the local girls oroseed. the plate 13 times in the first inning. The locals, coached by Clarence Neilans and Key Sharp, went on to win 29-12 The local girls are host to- night to the Brussels team at the relblie school diathopel. Elsewhere in the league the Winthrop girls downed Brussels at the Brussels diamond 16-11. Ruth Ritchie was outstanding for the winners with a home run; a double and a single le five times at bat. Judy Thomp- son put in a good game also, with three singles for her five times at bat. - The winning pitcher was Buzz Buchanan and Gayle Machan was . the loser. Winthrop sees action again tonight when they play host to the Lonclesboro o girls. Midgets Defeated Crediton by 54 Clinton Midgets bad to come from behind last night to win 5-4 over Crediton in a WOAA league baseball game. Clinton were trailing 4-2 going into the seventh inning. They scored one in the seventh and the two big ones in the eighth. The Bill Craig-coached mid- gets have three wins and one loss this season. Following are the scores of games to date: July 3, Clinton 14, Dashwood 12; July 6, Clinton 7, Crediton 5; July 9, New Hamburg 11, Clinton 5; July 11, Clinton 5, Crediton 4. Bantams Trounce Centralia 191 While Doug McPherson was giving up only three hits in the seven 'inning bantam baseball game here Tuesday with Cent- ralia, his teammates hit every- thing that three opposing pitch- ers could come up with. Mc- Pherson struck out nine batters. Every Clinton batter hit saf- ely to pile up 19 runs. Triples and doubles were a dime a doz- en when the local bantams prov- ed they are a hitting team as well as having two good Pitch- ers in McPherson and Clare Magee. 0 Central Huron Men's Softball Standings Team W LT P' Lon desboro 8 0 0 15 Holmesville 5 1 0 10 Auburn 5 2 0 10 Hensall 3 4 0 6 Varna 2 6 0 4 Kippen 2 5 0 3 Brucefield 0 7 0 -2 (Centinned frOln Pne) the picture painted by the de-, Partntent„ however ,since it was Made out 11O\re"Mberi 1951, it would not be .accurate ito,dey, Mayor W. T. Miller was sur- prised that though there were man Y taPPUCklitiOn$ fur the hops, ing., only a few: were considered eligible for the rental housing. Auditors Named A, M. Harper and -Company, Goderich and Clinton, Were ap- pointed town „Waiters' at $1,200 for, the .year, Legion Exempt A by-law was passed to ex- empt the Canadian Legion pro- Perty in town from all taxes but school' tax, and any local improvement tax that might in future :apply, for a poriod of five years. police Report Mayor Miller read the police rePOrt made up by Chief H. Thompson, which told of four presecutions, four arrests, eight summonses delivered, 28 „imps-, tigations carried . out, -$150 in fines levied, six warnings under the Highway Traffic Act, three places found insecure at night, four moltor vehicle accidents, nine prosecutions and convic- tions; ender the Highway Tref- Acrt and Public and. com- mercial Vehicles Act, two eqn- victions under the Liquor Con- trol Ace, one impaired, one auto theft (later recovered), two. cases of robbery, one bicycle theft (later reroveeed). There are 48 'trailers ,at the Becker TrallerCamp, all in use. 'Mayor Miller commented on the increased traffic in town. Public Works Reeve lVf, J. Agnew expressed conviction that the $1,187 spent on calcium this summer was a waste of money, and that they should put ;more faith, in oiling roads. "I believe it's cheaper and lasts longer." Considerable .discussion rest- ed upon the problem of Kirk Street, where a recently made road is 'sinking away. Total cost of .guttering, digging out law spot and correcting, will be $1;347 and this has not been budgeted for. A supplementary road by-law would be needed to cover the cost and get sub- sidy on the expense. • Reeve Agnew asked several councillors to accompany him to Exeter on' Tuesday where a new type of surface was being applied tta roads; which would cdst : $4,000 per mile, rather than the $11,000 which Clinton is now paying. This surface is approved by the Department of Highways. Building Permits Only $1,700 in building per- mits were passed: including al- teration's by Peter Darnsrna of $400; a carport by E. A, Ryder, $300; ,alterations by A. Steep, $1,000. l'P1141 Monday, August 6 was .de Blared Civic liolidray in Clinton, and the mayor wall authorized to make the prOclatrinition, Finances Councilor eorge 4.4221bali, head of the finance committee reported that finances were in good shape', with tax -collection fairly good, but coupled this with a Warning 'to all eornmit- tees to watch their spending for the balance of the year. Population Mayor William J. Miller ask- ed that a reque.st be made Ito the Department of Highways to change the population figure on the signs art the entrances to Clinton. They have been "3,000" Ifor some years, and Mayor Miller commented, "It would look better at 3,491." Planting Trees Coencillor Donald Symons asked for some •action With re- gard to plantipg trees, 'to re- place those taken down. Dr. D. J. Lane (present in the cap- acity of newspaper• reporter) told of some years ago when the horticultural society of which he is president, had ordered. trees for planting in Clinton, and had trouble Plac- ing them 411. He said there are trees in town which should come down for they are matur- ed, and axe dangerous. Mayor Miller predicted that there would riot be one tree alive on Vinegar Hill hi ten years. Rec. Committee Alan Elliott, member of the Clinton Recreation Committee, reported that a meeting had been arranged to select officers. a Brucefield UCW Picnc BRUCEFIELD — The United Church Women of Brucefield United Church held a picnic on Wednesday afternoon, July 4 at the Bayfieid cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott with 125 pre- sent. In charge of the sports program was Mrs. S. Broadfoot. Winners were: Races, 6-8 years, John Ham, Catharn; Larry McGregor, San- dra Graham; 8-10 years, Stew- art Mustard, Ricky Brudge, Michael D'Anquels; 10-12 years, Ron. Scott, Gordon Henderson, Stuart Mustard._ Kick-the-slipper, girls, Bonnie Dalrymple, Suan e Haugh, Wenda .Roughen; shoe scramble, G. Henderson, Janice Sillery, Nancy Sillery. Ladies ssports were convened by Mrs. William Scott; grand- mother's race, Mrs. John Broad- foot, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot; youngmarried ladies, Mrs. Vie Hargreaves, Mrs, Lois Straugh- an; kick-the-slipper, Mrs. Doris Sellery; measuring one yard of thread, Mrs, Goldie Graham; guessing articles in an egg, Mrs. Paterson, Mrs. John Hen- derson. Guessing jelly beans, Mrs. R. Triebner; contents, of a can, Mrs. Robert Bi:oadfoat; dropp- ing clothespins, Mrs. E. For- rest; walking 'two minutes, Mee Lorne Wilson. After games a picnic lunch was served. Mee. W. Broadfoot thanked Mrs. Scott for the use of her home and presented a gift. The ladies sang "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow". Apprentice Wins Top Place Award. For Proficiency Douglas Cartwright, RR 1, Clinton, apprentice in motor vehicle repair nt Lorne frown Motors Ltd. was successful in heading ins class in the course he lust completed at the Rro- vincral of Automotive end' Arno Trades, The Prize was awarded an the basis of proficiency in both practical and related work to, gether with such personal traits as conduct, leadership, etc, He received a plaque. Douglas belongs to the Gen- eral 'Motors Technicians Guild, a borne study course especially for GM personnel which is sup- plemented by on-the-job in- struction at the technical centre in Leedom He also holds a certificate of qualification in the use of dyne vision special test equipment which applies particularly to electrical ignition and motor tune-up work. Military Funeral For Bob McCann (continued from Page 1) A pas'senger in his car was ,act- raitted hospital with severe head injuries. Apparently the Knapp car had been. stopped at Walker and Tecumseh RoadS for mak- ing an improper left turn: About 45 minutes later it was spotted speeding along River- side Drive. Police attempted to, stop it, and the -driver refused to pull over. It was 'speeding east along Tecumseh Rd. when the accident occurred, and crashed into the Fraser car. Mr. McCann was tossed' onto the pevement. Fraser was pin- ned into the wrecked car. He, was an employee of Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit. After the initial impact the two cars collided with a third- ear, driven' by Richard A. Dins- more, 27, Garden City, Mich., and it in turn crashed into a car driven by Wallace H. Re- auine, Windsor. Neither of them, nor their passengers were severely injured.. • Mr. McCann was born in To- ronto on December 1, 1942, the son of Ronald G. and lelarian. McCann. He attended schools here, and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy. Surviving besides his parents are one brother, Douglas, 15, at home; and hit grandParents, Dr. and Mrs, Albert J. McCann. Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Duke, Toronto. Funeral service was concltict- ed on Tuesday afternoon from the Ball . and lquitch funeral home, Clinton, to Clinton Ceme- tery, with Dr. D. 3. Lane, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton land B. A.' Silcox,. chap- lain of HMCS "Hunter", at Windsbr, officiating. ' • It was a military funeral With a six-man honour guard and six pall-bearers, all members, of the Navy serving on HMCS "Victormville". With her crew of 150 the Victoriaville was on a training cruise. The Prestonian clase frigate anchored in Goderich harbour on Tuesday at noon, permiting the funeral party to motor to Clinton for the burial duty. The crewmen and offic- ers were back on board by 4 p.m. and the Victoriaville under command of Lit. Com. Rikley, RCN returned to her • cruise duties. Attending from a distance were Mr.' and Mrs. G. Sweeney, Windsor; Mr. and Met. R. Duke, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Evans, Toronto; Mrs. A. Kitchen', London; E. C. Duke, Toronto; A. Sweeney, London; Mark Deneau, Leamington. ORDAINED AS ELDER IN MORMON CHURCH Gordon Liscombe, a former Goderich Township reeident, while stationed at RCAF Sta- tion Clinton has been ordained as an elder in the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mori-non). The ceremony took place on June 24 at Church of Jesus Christ, Victoria, B.C. His daughter Lynn sang a solo 'at the ordination service. Mr. Lit- combo is now employed a t RCAF Station Comox, BC. 0 NEW INSPECTOR >t• OR SCHOOLS ENT BRUCE W. Stuart Macinnes, princi- pal of Hill:crest Public School, Clarkson for the past 12 years has been appointed inspector of public schools for Bruce No, 1 inspeetorate effective August 1. Mr, Macinnes is a native of Huron County, a graduate of Stratford Normal School and his wife is the &O mere Fein Wheatley-, Seetorth. They and their three children plan to live in Walkerton. Summer Five-Pin Bowling League (At Automatic t. Bowling Lanes) W h. ists ttntouehables 18 6 6 42 Knotk-Outs 17 7 6 40 Sooners 16 8 6 38 Pin-Busters 11 13 2 24 7 14 2 16 tootl-Bens 3 13 2 8 High single, ladies, Gert Scott, 350; teen, Iton leutheidge, 349 high triple, ladies, Edith Hend- erson, 722; Inert, ROn Butbridge,• 823; lush average, ladies, Ce Stott, 1 men, Roil lt thitriclge, 225. TfMr§day,. slyly 12 BINGO in .Legion XemOrial Hall, :Xi*. Street. at 15 regular gam s. for $5: I. game for'Sg5; 3 Share ,- the- Wealth games; Jackpot 07,00 in 57 minters, Three, doorprizes,..$2.50, Admission $0,July 14—Sale of 'home- made baking apa farm Produce at Mrs, .Qairtiner's, Bayfield, at • 11 Saturday, July 14. • Attspicea St. James WA, Mid- dleton. 2$1) July 14-1-3ayfield pay, kInrenic Rebekah Lodge, Music by George Wonch and his orchestra, 9-12.p.m, Prizes, 465.041,isi911. `Tuesday, July 17 — Huron FiSh and Game, Jackpot, .$5.9. in 59 numbers, Three .door prizes. 8.30 p,m. -4$tfb Sat., July 21—Crich Ftettnicfp, Harbour Park, Qpderieb, at 2 p,m, Bring your picnic basket, supper 5 P,m. 28b. 'recede ,4ely 17--Runtroege Salo---Pr ng yow. ,donations to the arena, r$aYfield at 10 .414, "Next-to-new" department art, idles aceePted now at the A, Hunter residence —name your Price, selling ,charge 25 percent. Kelp Pioneer Park Association either Way. Sale at 8 p.m, sharp, 27-3/e BROWNIE1 DRIVEM, THEATRE Limited. 'CLINTON 2 BIG HiTe EACH EVENING Thursday and Friday Jul 1213 Hit No-,.•1-5hown at 9:35, only "WHITE WARRIOR" :ate.eVe Reeves (PPlenr SPOPP) Hit No. 2—Shown at 11:00 "GOLD OF THE SEVEN SAINTS" Clinton Walker (Scope) (Cartoon) Saturday, Monday, Tuesday July 14-16-17 Hit No. 1—Shown at 9:35 only "ONE-EYED JACKS"' Marion •Brando, Karl Malden (Adult Entertainment) (Colour) Hit No, 2—Shown at 12:00 "BLUEPRINT FOR ROBBERY" (Cartoon) Wed., Thurs., Fri. July 18-19-20 Hit No. 1—Shown at 9:35 only "'AUNTIE MAME" Rosalind Russell, Forrest Tucker (Adult Entertainment) (Colour — Scope) Hit No. 2—Shown at 12:00 "THE THREAT" Robert Knapp (Cartoon) Corning Next: "THE HUSTLER" "In Love And War" Children under 12 in Cars Free Page 12 .c.Butop News-Record 12,, 1942 Clinton *Sitars Win Two Games The Clint= Aiistar eirle sate ball team went into action for the first time on July 5 at Wirt, throP .in an exhibition game • and came home victorious.- The final score in this hard,fenght game was 1743. The locals were aided by Sandra Merrill's home run and. Barb Semple's pitching. Barb Russ Hoffmeyer, left fielder, Wasrelieved in the 'si/cth ' 41.14 MacDonald,Bab epeopc1 Linde. f;athevell finished: the Man, end Ralph Wietersen, _a game for the Alistare. pitcher-outfielder, are -Clinton fin regular leagee play on residents. All three have been instrumental in keeping Gode- rich at the head of the north- ern . division in the touch oriel Softball League, Code, riclee record is presently a,?. and they are followed by Strat- ford, Winghem, RCAF -Clinton .and RCAF Centralia. Glan- worth leads. the southern diVie, ion followed by Woodstock, Otterville, Ingersoll and Dick son. This league provides the finest softball - played in West- ern Ontario.Most league gam- es in Goderich are on Wednes- day and Saturday evenings starting at 8.30. • The Bissets, after tying the first game of an exhibition doubleheader, defeated a top Toronto - intermediate team, Robertshaw Cardinals 3-0 in the second game at agricultural Park, Goderieh, on Saturday night, The first game was seven In- nings and ended in a 1-1. Stan Doherty, on the mound for Goderich, held Toronto to three hits in the first game. In the. second game Goderich left no doubt as they white- washed Toronto behind Doh- erty's four-hit pitching by the score of 3-0. Doherty allowed just seven hits in the 16 innings. Don Goddard and Ralph Wiet- ersen each had a single and double and Bill Grace had a double, Ron Carter's home run -in the eighth over the 210 mark in right field completed the scoring. Deb Shewfelt caught both games for Goderich and kept the few Toronto base- runners on then' toes. DOGS MUST BE TIED UP DURING SUMMER MONTHS The town by-law pertaining to dogs will be strictly eh- forced for the remainder of the summer. GORDON FULFORD, Dog Catcehr, TOWN OF CLINTON 1 "Doug" Cartwright Specializes in Electrical and Tune-up work. Winner of Special Merit Award at Provincial Institute, Holds Specialist's Certificate in Dyna-Vision science for Diagnosis and Corrective Procedure. Member of GM Products Technicians Guild.