HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-12, Page 11Miss Marian Youngblut is at- .tending Kintall camp this week. Percy Guardhouse, Owen Sound visited last week with Mr .and Mrs, Sidney Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Art Young, Woodstock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Easom, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies and Mr. and Mrs. James Hembly, Dublin spent the weekend at Midland. Mrs. William Anderson is a patient in Clinton Public Hosp- ital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Johns- ton, Esther and Bobby, London visited last weekend with his mother, Mrs. Stanley Johnston. Mrs. Gertrude McIlveen, Osh- awa visited last week with fr- iends and relatives in the vil- lage. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lansing were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Youngblut, Lon- d esboro. Mrs. H .Martin, Godenich vis- ited last week with her sister, Mrs. Bert Taylor and Mr. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johns- ton, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs. Raymond Redmond and Mrs. Roy Finnigan were Lon- don visitors on' Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johns- ton and Miss Laura Phillips, were recent visitors at Port Huron. Mrs. Fred Plaetzer is assist- Arthur Dick HENSALL — Arthur Dick who made his home for the past 25 years with Reeve Earl Dick and Mrs, Dick in Hibbert Township, died suddenly Sun- day, July 8, ..at the Dick resi- dence of a heart attack. He was in his 70th year. Born in this area the son of the . late Mr. and Mrs. James Dick he resided in. Hensel" for some years with his mother. He was a trucker by trade. Surviving is one brother, Rex Dick, .Hensall. Funeral. service Tuesday from the Bonthron funeral chapel by the Rev. H. F. Currie. Burial was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Kirkton Community Association Annual Garden Party Fair Grounds — KIRKTON, ONTARIO Highway 23 Wednesday, July 18th, 1962 MEN'S FAST BALL — 6:00 p.m, (Centralia RCAF vs. St. Marys All-Stars) BUDDING STARS JUVENILE PROGRAMME-7:30 SPARKLING PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME-9:00 Ample Facilities for Refreshments and Seating Free Supervised Parking on Grounds Adults, $ 1 .00 Children, 25c • COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS p.m. P.m. i11110011M1=1, /.5,101111•01•11M111.1, • ZURICH LIONS CLUB CHICKEN RBECUE AT THE ZURICH ARENA' WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 Served From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. ADULTS $1.50 — CHILDREN 75c. Old Tyrne Frolic will follow the Chicken Barbecue Games - Bingo - Music Lucky Draw on a REGISTERED ABERDEEN ANGUS HEIFER CALF MEI INN WIN MINI - MIMI UM MO MINI NM MN MI MIN NM IIN - UM IS MI MO NMI r 11.1 ION WI WO I "I TOO, SUFFERED FROM MINERAL HUNGER UNTIL THE BOSS SWITCHED TO SHUR-GAIN MINERALS" - WM AO Agi wi Wm Oft — al — on SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE PROVIDE LOW-COST HEALTH INSURANCE FOR YOUR DAIRY HERD, Even cattle on well balanced rations doh suffer from "mineral hunger", Just as roughages very so do indi- vidual enimals' mineral requirements. Thus, it's sound management to provide minerals, free choice for your dairy herd, It's not necessary to 'pay a lot of money fora good mineral mixture, Shur-Gain Essential Minerals for cattle , a registered and guaranteed mixture Containing ALL end Only those minerals presently known to be required by cattle end containing molasses for extra palatability and dust-free handling. It's available from our mill at a reasonable price. CLINTONFEED' MILL 2$ Huron Street CLINTON Phone HO 24105 Pours., .4.41y 12, 1962- SewpApc.or4 :page 1.1 alkerburn. Ladies .ClOb Plans for Annual Picnic at flunking Farm Begin Laying Cement Block for "Shops" With the main foundation in, workmen at the site of the vocational wing here began laying cement block this week. This view of the "shops" section of the new wing shows the area that will be built upon, only one-storey high. (News-Record Photo) North End Observation Post Pausing for a moment, possible with thoughts' of more floors to polish, more glass windows to clean, is Lawrence Denomme, better known to hund- reds of Clinton Collegiate grads as "Sam". He's looking out to the north end of the present collegiate building, upon the site of part of the new wing. (News.!..Record Photo) Still Work To Do In Planning Interrupted during some consideration of blueprints of the new vocational wing are Richard liarland, shop director, left, and principal D. John Cochrane, right, The scene is the sewing room of the home economics classes, where a temporary general office has been set up in the collegiate. (News-Record Photo) liarn J. Caldwell Williarrl 3, Caldwell passed away suddenly at h.is re; idende second. contesSien, Tadkersinithi vti itiS 59th year), on SatUrday) July 7, He was member of the Ren,sall 100F" Lodge and a resi, dent of five Kippen area tined birth, He was the sett of the late Gtly Caldwell and his Mo.. ther was the late 'Jennie jarVIS MCDOUgal, Kippen, He leaves ttet MOurri his Vik§» ing 1iik Wife, the tOrMer Edna alifaitlt; three sans, er;: 14ob and Harold, HenSiall; ing as nurse at the home of Mrs. Jarvis McBride, Colborne Town- ship. Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph D. Munro were Mrs, William Strasser, Strat- ford and Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson, Toronto. Mrs, John Anthur is visiting at St, Thomas with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Robert Davis, Mr. Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett, Ridgetown, visited recently with his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Straughan. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weir and son Bobby Spent the week-, end with his father, Dr. 13. C. Weir, and Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can MacKay 'and family. Miss Kathleen Andrews was a member of the graduating class for the certified Nursing Assistants at Wingham hospital last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Mally, and daughter Maureen, Kings- ville spent the weekend with Mr .and Mrs. Raymond Red- mond. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cr- aig and Harvey McGee attend-' ed on Monday the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Frank Sturdy I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I AT,T13,1JAINT --The Wal1cerlmm Gib met at tile .home. _of Mrs, Larne lianicirlg With, president Kris, Leonard Arohargibe4it the chair, The minutes. were read by secretary Mrs. Lorne• Honking. Roil calf wa's answer- ea by 29 members paying 'their fees, Plans were mule for 'the an- Anal picnic next 'month at the home of Mrs, Henry Htlirgicing. Sports committee, Mrs. John $nyders, Mrs. Lorne Honking, Mrs, George Schneider and Mrs, Mealinchey; lunch com- mittee, Mrs, James McDougall, Mrs. John Snyders, Mrs, George Schneider and Mrs, Joseph Ver, wey. Mrs, Ted' Honking presided for the election, of officers.; pre- sident, Mrs, Leonard Archant- bault; vice-president, Mrs. Jo- seph Verwey; secretary, Mrs, Henry Honking; assistant sec- retary, Mrs. Elliott Lapp; trea- surer, Mrs. Joseph Hunking; pianist, Mrs. Lloyd' Mcctinchey; assistant pianist, Mrs, Ted Thin- king, The members revealed the names of their Sunshine Sisters Hui.on County Farming Report Most. of 'the county could use a good long rain — although there were scattered showers early in the week. Pastures and hoed crops .are showing effects of high temp- erature and lack of moisture. Wheat is turning quickly. Peas and turnips are being harvest- ed. Farmers have completed the big portion of their :haying, to whom they had sent cards and gifts awing "the paSt year and each preseAted! a farewell gift to their sister, Names were drawn again,. fpr this year, The :program was in ,the charge, of Mrs. Arlo Duizer and Mrs, Joe li4*irm. They. intro-duced guests the Rev, and Mrs, Henry Forge, Lordeab.oro, Mr. Fume has the- oniqne hobby of decerating cakes, So with the assistance of Mrs, lounge; decorated' five cakes for the ladies. One cake was: done for a wedding anniversary, otherS for A boy's birthday, a girl's birthday and for two other occasions, ()— Mrs. W, C. 'Gilbert HENSALL Mrs, Wallace C. Gilbert passed away at Park- wood Hospital, London, on Sat- urday, July 7 in her 83rd year. She was the former Annie Louise Glover. Her husband predeceased her some years ago. Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Basil (Winnie) Fuller, Mrs. Ellwood (Gertrude) Dove, both of Flint, Mich.; Mrs. An- derson (Myrtle) Orr, Hensel"; Mrs. William (Irene) IVLbEach, en, Sarnia; Mrs. Ralph (Doris) Glenn, Thedford; Mrs. Herbert (Donna) Aiken, London; Rus- sell, Windsor; Grant, Drayton Plains, Mich.; Lawrence and Ernest, LoriclOn; Joe, Petrolia; 23 .grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Funeral service was from the, Bennett and .Phicombe funeral home, London], July 9 with in- terment in Arkona cemetery. Former Office Space This is a view of the former principal's office at CtsCL Workmen have cleared out the area, preparatory to making it over into an office for the guidance teEtcher, Meanwhile &Mn in the for- mer home economics sewing room, secretary Miss Skeggs and Principal Cochrane are making do with temporary office and makeshift hydro connections for lighting arid business machines, (News-Record Photo) two daughters, Can (Mit, Harry Tozer), TherndaTe; Shir- ley (Mrs. jiattieS Damant), Mantiltoii; one Sister, Mrs, tranry Paber) Hensall; 11. grandchildren, The Tlensall IOOF held a sluice Sunday OVe.i.ning at the funeral home. Funeral terviee Was Monday ,fireni the Bon. thren funeral home, Rensall with itev, I•larol.cl.JOhnsitOn, An(tIrew's United dtiarell, tCi pen, officiating. Pall-bearerS Were Abbert McGregery 1h5nald 1Vict4regoe+ .10e Tbstelt, Merle], Ccooper, beet EdiSdit McLean. A person with charm is one who can make ,another feel that •both of them are pretty wonderful people, GET IN ON THE Specials at HOLLAND'S SERVICE 44 STATION HURON STREET WEST CLINTON These Special Buys Are Available Only Until Next Wednesday - - While The Boss Is Away. CONTACT JACK, CAL or BILL INSULATED PICNIC BAG Large Size—$2.98 (plus tax) Value For Only Cl CA (plus tax) With Each $2.00,Worth of Gasoline. CAR WAX $1.99 Value ...... FOR ONLY 150 WHITE. WALL CLEANER " Rego -0,06 FOR 'ONLY 75c CAR' CLEANER and POLISHER keg, 4445 Value 'FO ONLY 750 Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 at Wingham, • Mrs. Beverley French and daughter, Margaret Ellen, De- troit visited recently with her mother, Mrs. George Beadle at Huronview and other relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. William Wei- mann, Seaforith, visited over the weekend with their daughters, Mrs. Karl Teichert, Mr. Teich-- art and family, and Mrs. Peter Hellinga, Mr. He•llinga and Hank. . What Was It? Here's Answer .While photographing some progress on the Site of the new vocational scho,- el, the News-Record photo- grapher could' not resist re- cording the dome-shape ob- ject whiCh is pictured on page two, What is it? Well it's. part .of, the ventilating sy- stem in the auditorium of 'the school. . Location was on the roof of the gym, and looking into the distance over Ernest Brown's farm.