Clinton News-Record, 1962-07-12, Page 8Page.:8,-,Chntgn tiers$-Record,Thp!f'.s• July '12 1902
Mr, :and. Mrs. Donald Haw,
newly-weds have taken up rese-
Once in ;their home .on+ the con,
ner of Ann sulci Celina Streets.
Mrs. R, B. Johnston, Saullt
Ste, Marie ;has returned to her
home in •the village,
Mrs. William F. Buchan, Dun-
nville, came •on Sunday to visit
Tier niece Mrs, Carl E. Diehl.
Mrs, Charles Upshall visited
her sister, Mrs. William Hay-
ter, Varna, over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Grierson
and daughter Anne, Waterloo,
called on Mrs,. 13., H, F. Gair-
duer on Sunday.
Dr. re G. Hunter returned to
Toronto. on Tuesday :after hay-
ing spent ten. days vacation at
his •home here,
Mrs. Noeman B. Warmith,
Toronto, spent a few days
with Miss M, E. Hodgins at
"Stonehaven" this week.
Mr, •arid! Mrs, Charles 13.. Will,
London, came on Thursday last
to spend this week at their cot-
Mr. and Mrs. Harald Atwaod
and Timmy, Sarnia, spent the
weekend with Mrs. Harold
Miss D. M. Beatty, Hamilton,
was the guest of Me. ,and Mrs,
J. 11I. Stewart over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacLeod
and soon ,Donald', Kingsville, sp-
ent the Dominion Day holiday
weekend with his aunt, Mrs. L,
H. D. MartU'eod,
Mrs. Leona 1VLcKellar and
daughter, Jean, London, spent
'the weekend with Mr. and Mets.
John Lindsay,
Mrs. George Lindsay, Sr., is a
patient in Clinton Public Hos-
pital which she entered on Fri-
Miss Joanne Mihell and Dou-
glas Howell, London, spent the
Dominion Day Holiday with her
cousin, Mrs. E. W. Oddleifson.
Don Wright and son Riohard,
Detroit, visited his aunt, Mrs.
L. H. D. MacLeod from Tuesday
to Thursday last.
Mrs. James Brown, Detroit, is
c JO -nes
e. She isrecuper-
ating• her o ag h p
,ating following major heart
Bradley3' Blake, Sr., Sarnia,
visited with his cousin, Rev. E.
J. B, Harrison, at the rectory on
Monday afternoon of the Dom-
inion Day Holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner
and faminly returned to their
home in the village on June 30,
after having resided in London
for ten months.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Ford,
London, came on Wednesday of
last week to occupy Miss G.
Woolfinder's cottage for the
Mr. and Mrs, Frank P. Lloyd
and Mrs. A. J. MacDonald, Tor-
onto, spent- the: weekend at
"Stonehaven" the guests of Miss
Mabel E. Hodgins.
Karen Larson, London, vis'irt
ed' with hem grand'paren te, Mr.
and Mrs. R.. J. Larson last
week. ' Mrs. Clarence Larson
came after he daughter and
took her home on Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Weston and Miss
Ellen MacKay went to Toronto
on Sunday for a few days.
While there they we the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Parker, Scarrboro.
The Rev. Canon H. M. Lang-
ford, Waterloo, is staying at
the home of Mrs.. R. H. F.
,1 FP%ENOI y
eT/1EONEIXr/NG mostafat
Gairdner for afew weeks. His.
daughter, M. R. Brncleer mot-
ored. to the village with him en
Robert MacLeod returned to
London on ;Saturday after hav-
ing visited his mother, Mrs. L,
H, D, MacLeod, for ,a week,
His .daughter .Cathy who accom
panied him to the village re-
mained to aperid the summer
with her 'grandmother,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reid,
St. Clair Beach, Ontario, and
their daughter Miss Nita Reid,
on leave from' the Anglican Chu-
rch Mission at Moose Factory,
were at their cottage "Enfield"
form Sunday to Wednesday,
Mr, and Mrs, L. Davies and
grandson,\ Kenneth Sturgeon,
Preston, are spending this week
with Mr. and Mrs, E. 1.:Sturg-
eon. Mr ,and Mrs, Stuart Stur-
geon and Julia were also with
his Parents on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. H, L. Kennedy,
guests at "The Little Inn" ent-
ertained Mr. and Mrs. E, W.
Oddleifson at dinner on Sat-
urday evening. There was a
special birthday cake in honour
of 'Mr, Oddleifson's birthday,
,$gt. and Mrs. J. :Mayman
and Jeffrey returned to Glen-
cairn on Tuesday, July 3, after
sent a leave w Mr,
having ith
and Mrs. R, L. MacMillen. They
were accompanied by Karen
Fitzsimons who is spending a
fortnight with them at Glen -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Laughtin and sons Bobbie and
Billy, accompanied' by Mr, and
Mrs. Louis Dey and daughter
Sheleigh, Sarnia, were guests
of the Rev, J. B. Harrison on
Monday, July 2. Bobbie was
being registered in for the op-
ening camp of Huron Church
Camp that day and Billy was
baptized in Trinity Church,
Bayfield. His godparents were
Mr. and Mrs, Dey.
• Trinity Guild
Mrs. Fred Fraser was hos-
tess for the meeting of Trinity
Church Guild at her hoarse on
Tuesday evening. The Rev. E.
e. B. Harrilson conducted the
opening exercises and read the
Scripture. Mrs. Percy Weston
presided for the business seee,-
sion. Mrs. A. M. Bassett read
the minutes and Mats. R. J.
Larson read the financial state-
ment for M. M. Merner who
was absent. .Plans were made
for the annual dinner to be held
in Trinity Parish Hall, on July
20. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdiner,
Mrs. E. A. Featherston', Rev. E.
J. B. Harrison contributed to
the birthday 'bank. The rector
said the closing prayer after
which Mrs. Fraser served re-
UCW Unit One
The St. And'rew's United
Church Women Unit 1 met at
the home of Mrs. W. Franck
on Th'ursd'ay evening, July 5.
Mrs. L. Makins presided and
opened with prayer. Mrs, D.
Dewar read the scripture. The
Lord's Prayer was repeated in
unison. Mrs. LeRoy Porth took
the Study book.
Mrs. Ivan Seteckle, secretary
read 'the minutes and gave the
roll call. Mrs. Charles Beall
took charge •of the business
session. Final ;plans were made
for the bake sale and garden
tea to be held on Mrs. M.
Toms' lawn an. July 13 from 3
to 5 p.m. At the close of the
meeting Mrs. Myron Butler was
presented with. a ,brooch, a gift
from Unit 1 prior to her depar-
ture to Clinton last Friday. Fol-
lowing the beneidiction a social
hour was enjoyed.
McArthur Clan
HENSALL The McArthur
picnic was ;held at Riverview
Park, Exeter, 'on SunK1'aen
Sports directed by Mrs. G1ad!y
Boyd and Miss Viola Metcalfe,
Niagara Failte, were enjoyed.
Committee elected for next
year, president, Donna Knights;
secretary - treasurer, B i 11
Knights, Blenheim; sports,
Danny Laing, Exeter; Mervyn
Bell, Heenan table comamittee,
Horny and Jean Snell, Hensell;
Hilton and Sally Laing, Exeter.
Rain threatened many ;times
but 'two outdoor meals were
enjoyed by all attending from
Los Angeles, Toronto, Scat -bora,
Zurich, London, Ingersoll Blen-
heim, Niagara Falls, Exeter
and Hemsall.
Many a housewife spends, two
hours a day telling her 'neigh-
•b'or she doesn't have enough
time to de her housework.
Frday- July 20th
0h -9b
-Star 'Gazer
Well Maybe
A Payfiei'd woman who iS a.
bit of a star ,geazer remarked
about the beauty of the stars
recently, On Sundry about
midnight, she went out to
view the heavens and saw a
small star between -two large
ones. 'Dhe Small. one was
travelling to ' the east, Ste
and her rclaeghter watched it
disappear into the horizon,
She now thinks ;that it was e
satellite the earth.
Others who viewed it are of
the same opinion,
Bayfield Correction
There was an error made sin
the story of St. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church congregation fare-
well 'to the Rev. W, :C. Smith.
Concerning the presenitations,
the paragraph should have
read: "Mets. Lloyd Makins pre-
sented Mrs. Smith with .a mat-
ohed set of jewelry sande Mrs.
Garth Pastil), president of the
Willing Workers Group made
the presentation of a set of
lead crystal re'l'ish dishes and
crystal matching teay,"
MRS. H :F BgBRY, ••ner.respondeee
Mrs, Knuegar and Mrs. Inge
Vent Monday with their bro-
ther, Albert Horner, Seafareth..
Mr. and Mets. V. Hargreaves
attended tGhe family reunion at
Woodstock ,on Sunday.
Jaines Roughen motored to
Manitoba and will spend his
holidays with his 'uncle.
Danny Griffith, Stretford,is
visiting with his cousin Law-
rence ] lliott. •
Mrs. Hopkins, Fort William
is visiting with her son, George,
Hopkins and ,Mrs. Hopkins.
Mrs. Thomson, :Sarnia, spent
the weekend with her sister,
Mrs. 3, A, •'MeEVean and Mr,
¥r, and Mrs. Elwood Sttack-
house, Wilton Grove and John
were visitors with Mrs. W,
Stackhouse on Sunday.
1Vfr, and Mre. Lorne Wilson.,
Mrs and' Mrs. Mac Wilson, at-
tended etre 12th of July celebra-
tion on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bari,
Patsy, Jeanne, Mary and Dor-
othy, .Burlington, visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. W. V,
To Seaforth
Members of Unit One, Bruce.,
field United Church Women
and neighbours melt at the
home of Mrs. A, Ings and Mrs.
Krueger on Monday evening for
a farewell patty. The ladies
are planning to move to Sea -
Rambling WiLucy
(Lucy R. Woods)
Lucy :and her husband rambled down to Stratford to the
Shakespearean Festival the last week in June.
Lucy has always been struck by the courtesy extended to
disabled) persons' ;there. And it was not a little flattering to
be recognized! by various ' attendants,
The police officer on duty came forward withhis usual
;smile to help with the wheel, chair—incidentally we were
holding up rtraffie, "You weren't here last year!" he com-
mented to Lucy'e husband. To think that with all the thous -
.ands of persons in cars he must have seen, he knew thart we
had not been] there in 1961 was quite surprising!
And yet from the very first year when Lucy walked into
the tent with the 'aid of rtwkindly a canes, the policeman,d
away far her through the crowd, and saw that she was
adrni'tited to her seat early. .
And .then when we passed through the ticket gate, the
head usher smiled his recognition and had two young ushers
ready to lift the wheel chair down, into position.
(That's one thing about Stratford which could well be
copied by any municipality large or small. Courtesy and going
out of one's way tohelp and even; provideextras for tourists;,
always leaves a plea5'ant feeling.)
From. 'the opening, ;the superb acting in "Macbeth" held
one's •attention. In that lhrge theatre, Fled to capacity, one
could have heard a pin drop. Two intermissions and no time
at all •until the stars, Christopher Plummer ease Macbeth and
Kate Reid as Lady Macbeth; with their supporting cast were
taking their bows and receiving rounds of applause for their
splendid peirforirnances! '
Then from the gloomy atmosphere of intrigue, murders,
battles and apparitions appearing out of the steam of the
witches brew, one came into the bright sunlight of reality.
But 'still one could feel the clammy a'trnosphere of the
Back 'an the peaceful garden at "The Hut" everything
seemed so cheerful and'`bright Nature wag ,se beautiful- anch'
the birds were singing. But here, (too, the ghouls arose!
Look at that big thing in the cherry tree fashioned to
represent an owl! The .black birds gave it a wide' berth' And
mania and) papa cardinal showing oil their ,two fine young sons
to the world alighted in the top of the tree and made a quick
departure to the shelter of he cedars.
And sorrow came to the chipper little hou5'e wrens;.
They've occupied three of the four •aparttnents to let at
"The Hut". Lucy's, husband descried Maggie the neighbour's
cat from Toronto with a wren in his mouth. The mate was
attacking furiously but Maggie was trying to get him, too.
A shower of gravel sent "Maggie"' flying home still holding
onto the wren.
The other cats in the neighbourhood do not bother the bird's.
But "Maggie" (a ;porting Tom oat if there ever was one) just
has to have some excitement. He is plain bored not having to,
earn his own living. And that's often what starts trouble in
the world,
It's the same with animal and wild life as it is with
humans beings'. Here was' the little Jenny Wren so happy raiz-
' ing her little brood when life is snuffed out in cold blood just
like Lady MacDuff and her bairns.
And then there is the invisibleforce, too, against which
our songbirds have no protections—,the weed killer sprayed
on eche roadisid'e.
Two beautiful Baltimore Orioles, flashed about the garden
at "The Hut". Lucy watched them building at the tip of an
elm branch across the road. Then they were seen no more.
Next week when her neighbours came to their cottage they
found the pair dead an the garden. They had not been injured
so the condition was that they'd picked up poisoned insects.
Ani so in all phases of life, there is the struggle for power
and the war to survive.
One learns a great deal from Shakespeare and nature!
A+ Our New Location On
• JULY 21
Clinton Farm Supply
HU 2-961.1
During a short program, Mrs.
Murdoch gave two piano ,solos,
Mrs. Mae Wilson and Mrs, D.
Triebner sang a duet and :Miss•
Marion Triebnen' conducted a
Mrs. John Henderson read a
parting 'address, Mrs, Irvine
Sillery -and Mrs. Berry present-
ed the ladies with an electric
kitchen clock and cannister
set. After thanks were express-
ed all joined in singing "For
They are Jolly Good Fellews"
and a dainty luneh was served,
by Miss M. Eleo't't, Mrs, I. Sir-
lery, Nancy Sillery and Mrs.
John Henderson.
SS 4 Stanley
KIPPEN—Students at SS 1.4
Stanley Township and their
families enjoyed the school
Picnic in Seaforth Lions Park
on June 28. Miss Francine
Greydanus, teacher, • who is
,leaving the school, was present,
ed with a desk lamp by two
pupils, Douglas Hyde and Jaari-
es Wright on behalf of the
pupils. Mrs. George ' Clifton
read the address.
Winners at sports were: pre-
school, Joe Clifton, Pau'] Grid-
na'k; grades 1-2, Gorden Wright,
Linda Gridza1;;; grades 3-4,
girls, Gayle Anderson, Kathryn
Hendrick; boys, Randy'Dridzak,
Michael Gri&ak; grades; 5-6,
girds, Brenda Treibner, Jo -Anne
Imas;e; boys, John Hoogenes,
Billy Hendersons; grades 7-8,
girls, Gwenneth Hendrick, Bon-
nie Robinson; boys, Brian
Treiibner, Russell Talbot.
Young men, Alex Hyde,
Douglas MoBeath.; kickethe-
slipper, Ann Clifton; candy
scramble, EI r n i e Talbot;
clothespin race, Wendy Jones.
The day before the picnic the
pupils' had motored by bus, to
Detroit and visited the Henry
Ford plant and museum and
the Detroit zoo.
(Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan
Phone Blyth 37 r 5)
Sympathy of the community
is extended to the family of
the late ;Mrs. Jennie Lyon, who
passed away in Hamiltonlast
Friday. She had been a patient
in St. Peter's Infirmary since
last August. She was a wond-
erful neighbour and highly re-
spected by everyone who knew
her. The funeral was on Mon-
day' from Londesboro United
Church. .
WI Meeting,
The Women's Institute met
in ,time evening of July 4. The
president, Mrs. Anderson open-
ed the meeting. The secretary
read the minutes and corres-
portdence.. A letter was• receiv-
ed from the little adopted girl
in China acknowledging a par-
cel received. A motion. was' pas-
sed to send another parcel.
The kitchen silverware has
been replenished; Mrs. Glen
Carter consented to care for
the silver. Roll call. was ,an-
swered by giving household
hints. Three 4-H girls displayed
summer costurnes they had
made, and the WI pres'e'nted
each ori' with a coffee spoon.
Leaders 'alto received a gift.
An interesting feature was
the demonstration by Mrs.
White, Constance, assisted:' • by
Mrs. Lorne. Lawson, of a Sun-
shine Sister d'ess'ert, which was
delicious. A sob ,and encore by
Donna Lynn Shob!brook, was
Mrs. : Pipe introduced the
guest speaker, Misr Isabel Gil-
Christ, Clinton, Huron home
economist, who spoke on the
background of the 4-H work,
which proved very interesting.
Mrs. Jim' Howatt spoke a few
words of appreciation for the
talk, Barbara Burns favored
with two 'accordiam selections..
Mrs, Fothergil a inducted a
flower contest. Names were
handed in to take care of the
Federation Holds
hurch. Service
At Seamer Camp
Jinn= CountyFederation f
Agricuitu:e held their fifth an-
nual worship service on Sunday,
July 8 .at ;the :Salvation Army
Camp two miles north of Hay-
field, captain Newman of the
Wingham Branch, Salvation
Array had charge of the service
and took his text from the
book of Matthew 6; 24=33, "Ye
cannot serve' God and Mammon,
seek ye first the Kingdon? of
The Salvation Army Band
was also in attendance Consist-
ing of 15 .me'rnbers. They 'play'-
ed several; delightful band num-
bers. Miss Mary Lou Hol'Ien-
beck, Wingham, sang two 'Solos,
President Elmer Ireland wel-
coumed the 170 people present
and! ,thanked all those who help-
ed make the service possible,
The 1 a d y directors helped
serve a picnic lunch and re-
freshments. The children were
provided with chocolate milk,
Reservations were made to hold
the service at the same place
next year,
Rural School
Promotion list of SS 16, East
Wa anosh shows w s o grader in
which the pupils will be in Sep-
tember 1962:
Grade' 9: Jim Henry, Dwight
Cowan, Donald Machan; grade
8: Nancy Anderson, Gordon
Govier, Marian Yo'ungblut, Mar-
jorie Youngblut, Grace Brom-
ley Jacqueline McIntyre;
Grade 7: Rose Wilson, John
Henry, Larry Lockhart; .graxlae
6: Ronnie Henry, George Cow-
owan, Monica Nesbit; grade 5:
Chris Cowan, Willis Nonkes,
Margaret Youngblust, Betty
Grade' 4: Ch'airioatte Nesbit,
Paul Groses, Billie Einpey, Neil
Lockhart, Cheryl Pattterson,
George Brownley, Jimmie Gil-
filan; grade 3: Barbara Glbus1e-
er, Ken E'mp':e!v, Douglas Mc-
Grade 2: Jamie Nesbit,
Brenda Gl'ousher, Dale Patster-
son, Cynthia Nethery, Jackie
Noakes, Debbie Patterson,
Douglas Popp, Arthur Bromley;
grade 1: Marie 'Ehnpey, Diane
Popp, Vernon Bromley, Johnny
Glousher. —• Mrs. Beth Lansing,
Mrs. Jennie Lyon
Funeral service was conduct-
ed on Monday •afiternoon from
the Londesboro, United Church
for Jennie Kirk, widow of the
late William Lyon, who passed
away ,in Hamilton on July 6.
She was in her 85th year.
Ther Rev. H. Funge officiated.
Pallebearers were W. Bunking,
W. •Govier, E. Hesk, E. Gaunt,
D. Beecroft and J. Moroso.
Flower -bearers were K. Gaunt
and John Moroso. Interment
was in Londesboro Ceniertery.
Daughter of the lame Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Kirk, she taught
school .at SS 8 Huilett Town-
ownship from 1897 to 1900 and
married William Lyon on Octo-
ber 4, 1900. She h,ad; lived
Londesboro for 65 years, end
was a member of the United
Church there. Death came fol-
lowing a lengthy illness.
Surviving is one son, Dr. E.
Kirk Lyon, Leamington; Mrs.
J. (Marjorie) Moroso and; Mrs.
Ruth Meyers, both of Hamil-
ton; one sister, Mrs. Herbert
Matthews, Canoe, ' B.C. One
son, Dr. Arthur H. Lyon, died
in. July of last year.
Persons attended the funeral
from Windsor, Toronto, Leam-
ington', Dresdeni, God'erich, Clin-
ton •end the Londesboro area.
travelling hospital cart for the
next month. Lunch followed.
gliar 'Jae
Studebaker Dealer
Dealer's Private Car --
4 -boor, Automatic, Other Extras.
5,000 miles.
1960 Lark 4 -door
36,000 miles.
1957 Nash Metropolitan
Completely recoriditiiorled
Price $495
1956 Studebaker 6 -cylinder
4 -Door With overdrive,
1955 Pontiac 4 -door {
Good Assortment of A 954 Models, including
1954 CHEVROLET Panel Delivery, above
average condition ... . ..................... $225
1954 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon .........,.. $295
1954 BUICK... ,. ,.. ,$195
1953 MONARCH >.... ..................... $195
W. N. Dalrymple & Son
:Holkaiird Piciic
Relatiyes from Windoor;
Woodstock, S't'ra tfor4, Qtrelph,
Ashfield Township, -Clinton and
district enjoyed the Holland
family ;picnic in Harbour. Park,
Goderich on ,lily :2; when til
The sports committee cM-
duc'ted races and eot'esats. Win-
ners were; races; 1,3 years,
Paul Wine. Jeffrey Wise, Peter
Wise,' Stephen Wise, Paul Zinn.
John Holland .Jr.; 4-5 years,
Diane Wise, Wayne Zinn, David
Wise; 6.7 years, girds, Sandra
Holland, Wendy Zinn, Marilyn
Wise, Linda Carter; bays•,
Douglas Wise, Garry Zinn, Roe
bert Holland.
Races, 8-9 years, Dianne
Zinn, Ramie Wise, Caroline.
Zinn, Kira Holland; 9-10 years,
Sandra Holland, Valerie Ho],
land; .clothespin race, Diane
Zinn, Marilyn Wise; sack race,
Sandra. Holland, Rhonda Rath -
well; egg throwing contest,
Lloyd Holland, Harold Wise;
garden contest, Nancy Wise,
Harold Wise.
Lady with prettiest earrings,
Mrs. Norman Holland; writing
mast ladies names in two min-
utes, Mrs. Lloyd Holland, Mrs.
Ervin Zinn; mama with fannies
socks, Lloyd Holland; oldest
lady at picnic, Mrs, Bk -vin Zinn;
youngest, Cathie Holland.
Supper was Served about 5.30
p.m. A vote of appreciation
wee .extended to nee carni
a btee
in charge. Committee- for
1963 will be Lloyd Holland and
Alvin Wise, both of Clinton and
George Holland, Stratford.
Canadian trappers take more
than a million equirrei petite
and more than two , mi11i'on•
muskrat pelts in a year.
t t,)o, r esamutent,
]['reel'Al e llyn o>:tt
A very enjoyable day was
spent on. Saturday last in King
and their families a
nd friends,
Watson Webster drummer for
the Clinton .Legion Land won.
the prize for the best drummer
pint of a large class of contest-
'Plans are being completed
this week for the Vacation Bi-
ble school in the United Church
to be held next week beginn-
ing on Monday,. July 1.6, under -
the direction of Rev. M, Mor-
Any Length For Comping
Special This Weekend
10c off ON AL
Ray p Shoe Repair
35 Huron Street, Clinton
Clearing All
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Come into Our Store Often and
See Other Summer Sports Items
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...when it comes to kitchen
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when you
5 piece set of measuring
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Smooth., black plastic
handlesi hook onto a
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wail -bracket,
Sutter-Perd ue Ltd.
Quality Hardware and Houlcewares
Electrical Appliances and Supplies
PHONE HU 14021 c[ iNtON