HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-12, Page 7Contributions Alw°« ys Welcome
Beg, Cook, Westrninster Ma]Ii-
Lary Hospital, visited friends in
+tams#: this Week.
Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Moir,
Lakeside, called en his daugh-
ter, Mrs, H. HeWard, 160/1 con-
cession, Gotlerleh Town'sh'ip, ac-
companied by Miss. M. E, Muir,
Mr. -and Mrs•, Alvalvley Gar-
rett, Clinton, spent :a few days
with their soreinelaw and
dairgitter, Mr, and Mrs. Biuret
Elgenviile, .Oaterio..
Miss Bambara Durst, ' Iseae
Street left • car, Wednesday to
aitteedthe S•impresca CGIT
CJ s .a s ff member at
Camp a taer
RR '1, Pernetaugueshene,
Mr,' and Mrs. Frank Penne-
baker a'ttend'ed •the Iiggiris,
Clan Reunion held at Wingliann
an Jetty 1, with 110 descendants
Mrs. Lyde Warren and Miss
Grace Warren, Grand Raid,_
Michigan, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Pennaker Chit
1Vlrs. Margaret Heard, Albert
Street, and her daughter, Mrs.
Clarence Bail, 'travelled by Vie -
count plane least week to Tim-
mins,. to visit Mrs, Heard's sis-
ter, Mrs. H. Redden.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy
and Donald, Toronto, visited
over the weekend with her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mas. Herb Fairservice, 219
Cowper Street.
Me. 'end! Mrs, Lloyd Johnson
and family Esther and Robert,
London, visited on Sunday wvth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lepping-
ton, 177 Spencer Street, Clin-
Me. M .. and Mrs. Louis Forest
spent the weekend in Detroit
and attended the. Foreet family
reunion .and' visited at Orchard
Lake with Mr. Forest's .brother-
inelaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred .Churchill.,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gerant,
Tommy and Sharon, Vancouver,
B.C., were weekend guests at
the homes of Miss Emma Plum -
steel, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plum
steel and Miss Eleanor Plten-
Rogers Majestic
Ted Ryder's TV
245 Victoria St.
Clinton HU 2-9320
K. C. Cooke,
Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton
Sunday *Kers with .Mrs.
Jean leebdee, 64 Princess
Street East, were Mr, end Mas,
C. Knox and daughter Mary El-
len, Charlene, Patsy, F.inbro;
Mise M. Ball, W ood'Stocle Will-
Liam Knox, B'eachvifie, A din-
ner picnic was enjoYed at 'the
Chetan enrie i; ty Park.
Mr. ,and IVlrs. Alex Muir and
sons John and Bob, Lakeside,
caned on. his aunt, Mrs, J. Heb-
den on Sunday. Donald G, Mac-
Gregor, Lond'esboro, accompan-
ied them for •a week's tholicla5,7
at Lakeside.
A large family gathering
oa c
place at the 'borne of Mr, and
Mrs. H. Howard on 16tih corn -
cession, Gederieh Township, on
Sunday to honour their daugh-
ter, .Miss Barbara, bride -elect.
Thirty,+six eeletaves' were seated
at a bounttiful picnic supper 1»
honour the :guest,
Gordon 'Hebden aed two chil-
dren, 'Mary G. end John, Ws
Mother Mrs. E, Helbden, and
Miss Hussey, all of London,
called on Mars. J. Hebden;, Priv-
Gess Street East, Tuesday on
:their way home fecal Howden -
Mrs. David •Graubert, John,
Cathy and baby Timmy, return-
ed' to their home'in Manhasset,
New York City, after a two
week visit with Mr. and Mrs.
John McGuire, Clinton. Dr. and
MTs. Graubert and ,family leaere
July 25 for a six weeks holiday
in Europe.
Church at Auburn
Is 102 Years Old
AUBURN -The 102nd anni-
versary services' of Knox Pres-
byterian Church was 'held last
Sunday with a good attendance
at both :services. Rev. T. J. Mc-
Kinney, Teeswarter was guest
speaker. The service of :song
was led 'by Miss Margaret Hai-
nes organist for the.maiming
service. The choir, a girls' chor-
us sang. Tin the chorus were
Barbara MacKay, Barbara. San-
derson, Margaret Sanderson,
Mary Sanderson, Marie Leath-
erlanid, J o yc e Leatherland;
'Marilyn Daer and Marjorie
Rev. T. 5. McKinney chose
for his ,text, "This is •the Life"
at the morning service. He told
how the Christtiaa, life is a life
of freedom. "As there is much
slavery in Canada to -day with
people in chains of worry, an-
xiaty, self -ideas and ;ambitions,
past failures, ,past habits, they
cannot enjoy the Christian
life." But he reminded.his
congregation that It is the same
to -day as when Jesus was on
earth setting the people free
from illness and worry, The
Christian life is"The Life" ;be-
cau'se it is 'the+life of perfect
At the evening service he
spoke on "All men seek Thee".
He told ,how Christ is to be
found in the heart 'that loves
Trim, in the home that welcom-
es Him andin the church that
worships .arid obeys Him. The
service of sang was under the
direction of organist Miss Bar-
bara MacKay. The choir sang
an anthem and Miss Margaret
Haines sang a solo, Ushers for
the day were Gordon Dobie,
Kenneth Scott and Alvin Leath-
The beautiful bouquet of
flowers on the communion, table
was in memory of the late 5,
C. Stoltz. They were placed
there by his wife, Mrs. J. C.
If a man d'oestet get happier
as he gets older, he Hasn't
Iearined what he should along
the way.
The Skywriter
Smith -Corona's Lightest Model
Easy to carry!
Seedy to use!
only S6975
Withy P%0 Cash Discount
Terms it requested
See theta! Buy at (east Oner
56T Albert Street
Ci jNTO l ' NU 1.3443
Ml, Elgin Porter, Beets
field, Qntario, wishes to
#announce the engagement
cif his daughter Kathleen
to Mr. John Sieiltsemk acral
of Mr,, and Mrs, Albert
Sienteerea., Blyth. The :near-
r rage will take place
Bayfield Uitedc ,Church,
Aµgust 4, at }two o'clock.
Mr, and Mrs. George
Wright, Londesboro, wis1.
to announce the engage-
merit of 'their secan'tt
daughter, Beverley Anne to
Mr, Arnold Alvin Riley,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
,1 o lin Riley, • Londesboro.
The marriage to take place
on August 4 et 3 Pelle, tl
Londesboro United Chub,
Trousseau Tea
For Miss Riley
At Kippers Home
KZPPEN---'Mrs. Nelson Riley,,
RR, 2, Kippers, entertained Sat-
urday evening at a trousseau
tea honouring her daughter
Marlene, bride -elect of Satur-
day, July 14. The Mable was
attractive, covered with a white
linen cloth, centred with a
bouquet of sweet peas and a.
silver tea service at each end
of the table.
The bride's three tier wedgy
ding flake was placed on a side
table. Those pouring tea in-
clud'ed the bride's grandmoth-
ers, Mrs, Nancy' Riley and Mrs.
Mary Gerrber. Guests were .reL
ceived by Marlene and her
mother and a sister Miss Doris
Riley was in charge of the
register and trousseau gifts.
eler sister Grace displayed;
ens and other articles.
A cousin, Miss Ruth Clnusius
displayed bedding, mats ;and
cushions. The shower gifts and
dishes were displayed by a -cous-
in Miss Shirley Heywood; wed-
ding gifts and trousseau by her
sister Eleanor.
Servers were Miss Ferne
Steekle, Miss; Ida Mantle. and
Mise Helery Siteckle. Assistants'
were aunts, MYrs. Albert Claus -
ins, Mrs. Orland Gerber and
Mrs. Harvey CIausiu's, also a
cousin Miss Dorothy .E;lrb.
Clinton LOU To
Stage a Picnic
In Clinton
a on Park
The Huron Lodge Ne. 377 of
the Ladies Orange Benevolent
Association head their regular
meeting on Tuesday,., July 10.
The 12th of julywhich was
celebrated in Kincardine en
Saturday, July 7 bad been en-
joyed by all members.
It was decided, to hold the
August ;meeting in the form of
a family picnic on Sunday,
u u 19in the' Com-
AugustCl'iinton G
runty Park. All members and
their families are invited 'to
attend and to (bring their picnic
baskets, plates and cutlery, It
was decider oto invite the LO,
rnexnbers and their families to
join th hein,
Tagwis' for t.the True Blue and
Orange Houne were sold oil July
7 taking It •a total of $60,57,
Plans were made to have a $50
draw 'to be drawn, an November
13 with all proceeds for the
bundling fund.
(G.orresPgndent..:MRS. ,N. 1-dnl ,; .P.hune.11ensai! 78 W,;i)
Mr, and Mrs. Jac1f ,cerisitt
slid family spent the weekend
at Ipperwesh Beach.
Mrs William Kyle and 10r -
nie apent the weekend with rel-
atives in Dearheree Mich.
Misses laryn and Lynda Al-
derdice 'returned home and are
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs,. Vern
Mrs. Joe LeGuar Dow
view visited a few dnIt
her f days with
aunt, Mrs. N, Long and.
..... Mr, Long,
Sympathy is extended Mrs.
William Caldwell .and family
the sudden passing of a bus -
band and father, the late
m C ldwell.
Mr, and Mrs, Grant Love,
Caro, Mich., visited a few days
with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Mc-
Bride and other relatives and
attended the family reunion at
Bayfield op Sunday,
Mrs. Ed. Cudmore, Mrs, Geo-
rge Edwardson and daughter
Carol, Vancouver are visiting
this week with the forrner':s
brother and sister-in-law, Mr,
and Mrs, W, L. Mellis. Mr,
and Mrs, Clarence Hutchison,
$t. Thomas accompanied them
on Monday.
Me, and Mrs. Thorn Docker
are on vacation for two weeks.
Mrs. John Henderson is a
patient in Clinton. Public Hosp-
Miss Mary Payne is visiting
Miss Sharon Merritt, St. Thom-
as, for a few days.
Larry Payne, St. Thomas, is
visiting .his aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Payne.
Mrs. Lorne McNaughton is a
patient in : Victoria Hospital,
Bob Hedden and Jack Faas,
Dresden are spending a week
vacationing with the former's.
uncle, Herb Hedden.
Mrs. D, G. Williams and
family are holidaying for three
weeks with Mrs. Williams' par-
ents in Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hed-
den and family, Dresden spent
the weekend with Herb Red-
Amber Rebekah Lodge pic-
nic scheduled for July 9 has
been postponed until further
A large elm tree was broken
off near the home of Percy
Harris of Chiselhurst by the
Attend Your Church
This Sunday
(Baptist Federation of Canada)
Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A.
10.00 a.m.--SundayY School
11.15 a.m: FAMILY WORSHIP-
Tuesday 8.00 p.m. -Prayer and Bible Study
Saturday 7.00 p.m. -Junior Young People,
A Cordial Welcome To All.
Maple Street
Sundays• July 15
9.45 a.m,-Worship Service
11.00 a.m.-Sunday School
8.00 p.m. -Guest Speaker: Mr.
John M. Martin, Hawkes -
Tuesday -Bible Study and
prayer at 8 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Mr. Martin
All Welcome
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev, D. J. LANE, B.A., D.D.,
Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 15
10.00 a.m.--Church School
11.00 a.m.-Worship Service -
conducted by Rev. T. J., Mc-
Kinney, Teeswater, guest
T. Leslie leobbins, i3.A.s
Pastor •
Sunday, July 15
L0.00 ant -Sunday School
L1.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
7.30 p.m. - Evening Service,
Missionary Speaker: Rev.
Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting.
You are cordially invited to
these Services,
Christian Reformed
Sunday, July 15
10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch
8,00 p.m. -Service in English
Anglican Church
of Canada •
St. Paul's -- Clinton
Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh,
Charles Merrill., Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 15
8.30 a.ny.-Holy Communion
11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer
and Sermon,
2.30 p.m. -Evening Prayer
Joseph Street
Christians gathered le the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the above
hall invite you to come and hear
the Gospel, the old, old story of
Jesus and His Love:'
Order of meetings on Lord's
Day as follows#
11,00 ane -Breaking Bread
3.00 per, --Sunday School
7.00 p.ni.-Preaching, the Gospel
8.00 p.m. -Thursday - Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
ceXeg illiY(1ia-_ thiteoiuiile 1tate). (t1ljzttclie0
REV, CL111''FOIttY G. PAM M.A., Minister
Ontario Street United Church
"n -IE X 1t#ENDLY CHLY.2'tttV
OAd a,n .--Sunday School
1.1.06 #ten lGLoening Worship,
Wesley -Willis ;joining With us,
T'urner's it hart h
2.45 4.141. --``Church Seteiee
10,45 a tee Sunday Scheel
wind storm, Sunday evening.
Mr. acid Mrs, James Jenkins,
Janet, Judy and Gordon, left
on Wednesday 'to reside in
Northern Ontario,
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mock and
family are vacationing for two
weeks at Sauble Beach, near
Owen Sound.
Mrs. Ralph McArthur, Mac
and Cain, Rivers, Man., Mrs.
Marce Bogart, Bobbie and Jam-
ie, Winnipeg, Man., are vaca-
tioning with Mrs. McArthur's
parents, Mr. and Mrs: Fred
F /0 John Beer, Mrs. Beer,
David, Johnny and Steven of
Camp Borden, are holidaying
with Mr. and Mrs. George Beer
Linda Lee and Betty Ann.
Mr, and Mrs, Ross MacMillan
and David, Kitchener spent Sun-
day with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and
Mrs. Bill Knights and son
Stewart, Blenheim visited this
week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, Bl-
enheim returned to Blenheim on
Wednesday after vacationing
for two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Hairy Snell, and Mr, and
Mrs. Stewart McQueen.
Charles Mickle who is attend-
ing .00E Summer School, Lan-
don, spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Laird
Mickle, Bob and Ann.
On Sunday, July 8, the fam-
ily of the late Mr. and Mrs.
John Elder, Hensel', met at the
home of Pearl and Delbert Gei-
ger west of Zurich for their
annual picnic.
Mrs. Alice Joynt returned
home after a ten-day visit with
Dr, Harry Joynt and family in
Toronto. They spent the week-
end •holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Laird Joynt at their summer
cottage on Lake. Simcoe,
Miss Cassie Dougall was vis-
ited by her cousin, Wayne Hen-
derson, Mrs. Henderson and
family of Plover, Iowa, USA
last Thursday. They also visited
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mc-
Laren, also a cousin of Mr,
Hendersdn. This was their first
visit to Canada, which they
think is a beautiful country.
Legion picnic at Seaforth
Lions Park on Sunday was at-
tended by 70: A full program of
sports was run off under dir-
ection of Mr. and Mrs. • W. J.
Cameron, and Mrs. Howard Sm -
ale. Eldest person present was
Mrs. Neel), Tavistock, mother
of Mrs. William Brown; young-
est, Donna Jean, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan;
largest -family, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Campbell.
Harry Horton was soloist at
the morning service of the Un-
ited Church. Rev. H. F, Currie
delivered an inspiring and in-
formative message, and the
choir under the direction of
Mrs. Robert Pryde rendered an
anthem. Both United and Car-
mel Church congregations were
well . represented.
Wali Palls
In a severe rain and wind
storm in ITensall Sunday night
Which lasted five minutes, a
protection barrier in front of
Rev, and Mrs, Victor Long-
field, Midland, Miche; Mrs.
Alice Keen, Stratford; Bennis
Kerr, London and Mr. arid Mrs.
Eldin Kerr, Wanthrep, visited.
Sunday with M. E, Dowson.
Rev, and Mrs, Vietor Long,
field, Midland, Mich., visited,
with Mr. end Mrs. Eldon Jar
rott and other relatives over'
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, Vern Alderdice
and Mr, end Mrs, Bryant Tye,
"Thorndale spent the weekend at
Key River, McLeod Camp, fish-
ing, Gary and Lynn. Alderdice
visited with
and Mrs. ugh Alderrdo .
Kippen East Women's Instit-
ute picnic will be held on Fri-
day, July 13, at 6.30 p.m. sharp.
i f
at Lions Park, Sea orth Table
.committee, Mrs, Robert Gem -
melt, Mrs, William Bell, - Mrs.
James Drernomnd; snorts com-
mittee, Mrs, Vern A,lderdice,
Mrs, .Stewart Pepper; Ice cream
Mrs. E. Whitehouse; tea and
freshie, Mrs. C, Pullman. Ev'
eryy,one welcome, Bring dishes
arid silver for your family.
bible School At
Auburn Has
Closing Program
AUBURN The elosieg pro-
gram of the 1:962 Daily Voca-
tion Bible School was held on
Saturday morning In Knox Un-
ited Church, Rev, Charles Lew-
is presided and Miss Bernice
McDougall was the pianist. Mr.
Lewis introduced thisyear's
theme, "Adventuring with Chr-
The ,pre-school children with
their leader Mrs. Wilfred San-
derson •sang their songs with
Margaret Haines as pianist ,and
Mrs, Maurice Bean directing.
Verses were recited by some of
the pupils. They were Lorraine
Chharaney, Alan Hildebrand,
Biddle, Wanda TommyBid a P1 a aet-
zer, Murray Thompson ,and Ma-
rie .Ehipey.
The, ,primary school pupils
under the leadership of Miss
Margaret R. Jackson sang the
songs which they learned. der -
beg the week with Barbara
MacKay as pianist, They were
directed by Miss Betty Marsh.
Bible verses learned were by
Marie Plunkett, Raymond Hild-
ebrand, John, Koopmans, Mar-
tha Biddle, Ross Dobie and
Louise Hunking.
The Junior pupils under the
direction of their leader,. Mrs.
Lloyd Humphreyes sang the
songs they learned with Carole
Brown as pianist. Solo • pante
Were 'taken by Betty Moss, Tena
eifer Grasige, Nan Lapp and
Brenda East;
'Ilhe Intel -mediate class in
charge of their leader, Craig
Peters and Mts. Lloyd Walden
marched .to the platform ;behind
a large wooden' cross carried by
Kenneth Sproul. Mrs. Murray
Wilson was the pianist.- Sev-
eral ,songs were sung and a
duet, "Beneath !the Cross" was
sung by Nancy Anderson and
Laura Daer,
The devotional period was
taken by Rev. Charles Lewis,
Rev. Robert Meally and Craig
After t he presentations o f
Ontario ST. S.S.
The Sunday School executive
of Ontario Street United
Church met in the church par-
lour with 12 'teachers ,present.
After a short devotional period
the business was dealt with.
Plans were made for ithe Sun-
day School picnic on July 18
at Jowett's Grove in Bayfield
at 3 o'clock. Anyone wishing
transportation is to be at the
hurch at 2.30p.m. with their
picnic baskets and cars will be
on hand.
the Silko Dry Goods store (re-
cently purchased by Al. Scholl)
was blown down by the wind.
It landed on two cars owned
by Lloyd Ferguson, Chiselhurst
and Alex MoBeath, Kippen,
causing some $200 damage. The
cans were parked by the build-
ing while the owners were at-
tending a Lodge service at the .
funeral chapel. ,Chief of Police
E. R. Davis investigated.
20 1'O
,ulggc qe 1 CIot ling
Thum, Ljuiy 12, 1962 ---CJ ptole.:Npw - ecord-+-4a0o
Picnic And
SS 4 'Club Has.
July MMeeting
Picnic. elti
The SS No. 4 Goderloj-t Town,
ship Ce ninunity Club held their
aumual picnic on the school
ground's on Thursday, June 28
with a good attendance. There
were games of baseball, etc,
and races end contests for all,.
with Mrs, Harry Oakes and
Mrs, Donald Lobb in charge of
sports and prizes..
Following the super- hour
the pupils sof ,SS No. 4 gathered
around 'their teacher, Cameron
Addison, Jeannette Lobb read
an address and Elizabeth
Thompson and Lois Merrill pre -
seated him with a motor ring,
Mr. Addison expressed grateful
appreciation for' the gift. Both
pupils and tea her
be at the Holunesville Schaal
Area eehool in the coming year,
certificates the,offering. was re-
eeived by Dianne Kirkconnell,
Jill Bennett, Kenneth. Sproul
and Elmo Hildebrand'.
During ,the week the school
met for opening services iaa
St. Mark's Anglican Church
and 'theta went to- the other
churches in the village for their
separate classes; of study and
The pre-school class with
Mrs. Sanderson as leader was
assisted by Mrs. Thomas Hag-
gitt, Mrs, Maurice Bean, Mrs,
Frank ltaithby, Mrs. Lawrence
Plaetzer, Mi s. Leonard Arch-
embattlt, Jane Young, Margaret
Haines, B.aibaro Spnd'erson,
Marilyn Daer, Jannett Dobie,.
The primary elates with, Miss
Margaret Jackson, Rev. C. Le
wis, 1Vfiss Betty Marsh and Mi -s.
Arthur Grange as leaders were
assisted: by Rose Haggitt, Mav-
gje Koopnva>ns, Marie Leather -
Lad, June Mills, Bernice McDou-
gall and Barbara MacKay.
. The junior class with Mrs,
Lloyd Hunnphreyes as leader
was .assisted by Rev. Robert
Meally, Mrs, Robert Arthur,
Mrs. Orval McPhee, .Mrs, Geo-
rge Schneider and Car o 1 e
During the course a miss-
ionary .film was shown of child-
ren in Hong Kong and a special
missionary offering was receiv-
ed 'to assist in this worthy pro-
July 1 sting
The :S$ No. 4 Dod'er ch Town
ship Parrammity Club, 'held the:
July meeting at the home xf
Mrs. Walter Forbes. The preele
dent, Mrs, Wf'liia,nr Lobb omen-
ed the meeting. Mrs, Jim Lobb.
read the rillittIteS and roll call.
"are you having a ;holiday?"
Was answered! by 12 merilibers..
There were three visitors. The
treasurer's report was read by
Mrs,'Lorne Tyndall; ,this show-
ed abalance of $59:21.
JEN'� _.
Ontario Grown -New
Potatoes . , 10 lbs. 49c
Home Grown
Head Lettuce .. 2/29c
Home Grown
New Cabbage, ba.9
a 2/25c
Home Grown
New Carrots.. 2/194
Home Grown
New Beets 2/19c
Home Grown
Green Onions 2/15c
Green . Peas and
Yellow Beans
Large Cakes . 2/15c
Field Grown
Oranges .. 2 doz. 69c
Having taken over the
Jacobs Raspberry Patch,we
are now taking orders in any
amount; picked fresh every-
day except Sundays at
market prices.
Phone HU 24031
rrig -- Derc;loping -.
urpmer C indi 's
eftu idt
ill'•effe Spray ,
Both,for ;$1,00
Horne Perm
i eg,
Path for $2.00
i it SUMM
Super Plen rr�
8b.Friow h,i
M<rI.I 1A FILt
i 21 i� 620 120
RAg., 60c
Sate . 49a
or 3 for $ 1 .2'.'