HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-12, Page 4Page .41y 124 1962 Are You Planning for ..a Vacation? Remember TO Take Along .0 Caniera- • WESTINGHOUSE WASHER Featuring. . Safety Wringer That Releases Instantly! Washes up to a 9-Lb. Load. Bakelite Gyriator that never stains or corrodes. Five-year parts war- ranty on main transmission. Roll Bearings . . . self- lubricating. No oiling, no rust, no soiled clothes. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 2-6646 Clinton "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" REGULAR PRICE PKG fra at tills Meeting and Mrs. cl:wards, qoderich, to be guest speaker. IV/any :a guy has the habit Of saying, "Well, I'M going to tell you ,the truth, Makes me wonder what ha has been tell, 1-ng me, REG, PRICE PKG 310 4,,,c141. "SAY" WHEN FOLKS TALK PRICES THEY NEVER JEST- "SERIOUS THOUGHT SHOWS THEYRE THE t0 Bar! ' arAVait,..fg* 6 YOUR YOU HAVE A HAND IN THINGS CANADIAN when you own Life Insurance Surprising? Yes—but true. Like most people, you have probably thought of your life insurance as protection for your family t--as 4 good Way to save money regularly r--as a valuable collateral if you need a lean for an emergency; Actually, your life insurance dollars are more than an investment in your personal security and your family's. These dollars • 'are also an investment in Canada. They stimulate growth and progress and help !take this count* a better place in Which to live and work. #t tiiiii itiOrtieet, 9 BILLION DO fifina . cf life filmdom savings are invested t H E Lire INSURANCE in important Canadian enterprises— through the purchase of bonds and stocks and through mortgages. These hard-worldng dollars are helping to finance great projects all over this country such as pipelines, shopping cen- tres, bridges and highways, homes, apartment and office buildings, schools, factories, industrial plants and power developments. These investments create employment opportunities, too. The' income from these investments benefits you (tiredly by reducing the cost of life insurance to you arid the 9 million tither Canadian policyowners. COMPANIES IN CANADA woad A&P Government Graded Super-Right Meats 4 IMPORTED Roast, Chops, Stewing Cuts I N.A4ASKET MB LE! Bakery - Products _ JANE PARKER BLUEBERRY PIE large 24-oz pie C Reg, Price Each 69c — SAVE 20c Jane Parker Reg, Price each no—SAVE 10c SPANISH BAR CAKE each 29C Jane Parker - Reg. Price loaf 21c—SAVE 7o BREAD CRACKED WHEAT 2 24-ozloave 3 5t A&P Food Stoic Located at... 1 WEST ST GoDERKH ONTARIO Open Friday Until 9 p.m. *it* dikki wiiAiitit ¤ pACIrk. vt4 Comr..6 'LTD., SuperMarkets A.P.okiEANS D PENDAPLIT:r All Or ices Shown In This Ad duaranteed Through Saturday, July14th,1962 Fruits and Vegetables NEW CROP, NO. 1 GRADE, GOOD SIZE NAVEL ORANGES dozen 49c Golden Ripe, No. 1 Grade BANANAS 2 ibs 29c Georgia "Greys", No. 1 Grade, Red Cutters, Large Size WATERMELONS each 9 9c "'Native Grown, New Crop, No. 1 Grad!) CORN YELLOW SWEET Imported, Sweet, No. 1 Grade GREEN PEPPERS dozen 5 9c 3.629c. 'Native drown Vegetables 'arriving fresh daily, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Celery, ducumbers, Cabbage, Vegetable Marraw etc., all attractively priced BUTT lb 53, Sea Seald, Canada Inspected COD FILLETS lb 3 9c li; 5 7c it, 3 9c no 29c lb 29c lb 25c LAMB FRONTS WHOLE Ib l 8c LE PORK ROASTS SHANKLESS. SHOULDER 'lb 3 c 11,29( • LAMB CHOPS SHOULDER Fresh, Lean Cut from Butt PORK CHOPS MINCED Fresh Ground, All Beef Hamburg C!1:0Qtall li ttly(IDNEYS CHICKEN WINGS Choice HOCKS '/carton WAX PAPER ST, ANPRIEW' WAP TO ywrptipAI$ TVEsPAY The Women's. Missionary city of St. Andrew's Pre4hY•f tertian Ohltreh will Meet xr the school Mehl of the church any Tuesday, July 17 at 2.39 p.m, lVfernbers Hof the Nils:skin Band and their mothers 'are to he pyRox TOILET TISSUE. 2„,„25 FACIAL TISSUE 2 axis 400 With the Purchase of a Half Gallon Carton SCOTTIES PINT OF MARVEL ICE CRE M Reg. Price roll 31c—SAVE 2o 100-ft roll 29c C SAVE SAVE 3c Planning a vacation Whether your trip will be a jaunt 15' miles away, or a trek to the Rockieslaurentians, or the colorful Maritime coastline, you'll find endleSs picture-tak- ing opportunities. Photography will add !enjoyment to 'the trip itself. Just as important, it will help rekindle memories, months after you've returned. • Many of your vacation photos, naturally enough, will centre around your family and friends'. But you'll also want to, try your hand at landscape views. Remember that good photo- graphs, whether of landscapes or people, don't "just happen". They are planned with a bit of care. Select the best available viewpoint. M a lakefront, for example, you don't have to shoot a pier head-on, Instead, to give a feeling of depth, try framing the pier with build:clogs. Your family and friends can be included in many scenic. shots. But instead of having them stare self-conscioutly at Prizes Won At • County Council's Annual Picnic Harbour Park, Goderich, was the scene of the annual Huron County. Council picnic on Wed- nesday, July 4. Winners at the various sports events were: Races,,three and under, boys, Marty Becker, Russell Berry; girls, Marie Empey, Pam Rau; seven and under, boys, David Thomas, Andrew Harper; girls, Anne Morrissey, Judy Cook; nine and under, boys, Eric Shelbey, Warren Eckert; girls, Glenda Fisher, Arlene Culbert. Eleven and under, boys, Jim Hayter, John McKenzie; girls, Cathy Dale, Rona Eckert; 13 and under, boys, Jim Hayter, Doug Gibson; girls, Rona Eck- ert, Cathy Dale. County Councillors, timed walking race, Stewart Procter; ex-wardens timed walking race, Earl Cambell ;. ladies beam race, Elaine Deters, Mrs. G., McCut- cheon; men's open race, B. G. Hanly, William Empey; ladies kick-the-slipper, Iris Becker, Hilda Ritchie; ex-wardens wives walking- race, Mrs. Glenn Fisher; supper draw, Norman Bell; oldest person, Hugh Ber- ry; youngest person, Jennifer Harper. Special draw prizes, men, 15 and over, H. Johnston, Jim Eckert, women's, V. Durnin, Mrs. J. Berry; county council- lors, S. Procter, R, Gibso n; county councillors wives, Bar- bara McCutcheon, Margaret Dunbar; boys, under 15, Ian Harper, William McNichol; girls, Suzanne Berry, Maure- en Culbert. H1116633 RR*2 INT.ON the "birdie", capture them look- ing .at a point on the horizon, That way, they can lead the viewer into the scene. Pack ybur picture with in- terest, but don't try to include everything. And try biding your 'time; cloud formations may improve a few minutes later: ' While travelling, remember to store your camera in a cool place; in a car, avoid the glove compartment or rear window ledge. And avoid taking 'snaps' through a dirty window. If you snap from a moving car, roll dawn the 'window and hold the camera firmly, with your el- bows pressed .against your sid- es. ReSting your arms on the car is a sure way of jarring the camera. Before the trip begins, take a few precautions.. Stock up on film. If you've just bought a camera, practise taking pictur- es well in adVance of the trip so you'll have as thorough knowledge of its operation,. If your, camera has been tucked in a closet for some weeks, use a soft cloth ar lens tissue to clear, away the 'dust,' especially from the lens.. ' Then, when you leave on your trip, make your camera a con- stant companion. Remember that good picture possibilitieS are everywhere. 13erriee Pod, have PP dread, Bernie's vvitite, poisonous sight, Leavesthree, quickly flee. This very bad bit of verse is not so had as the plant it- attempts to describe, In, fact, it touches on all the important identificaion characteristics of poison ivy, The 1)0'40 are never red, but grey to white and, in „late fall, Yellowish brown, The leav- es are always' alternate on the stem, and each leaf is .always Made up• of three leaflets, and are usually inclined to droop. The plant itself is usually a vine, which may creep along the ground, or may climb fene- es or trees, When it climbs, it is supported by aerial roots. It may, however, be a thick stemmed shrub, up to three feet high, The plant has an exten- sive, creeping root system, by which is spreads, •along with some propogation by seeds., All parts of the plant, includ- ing the roots, contain, the poiS- °nous substance which causes the severe skin irritation, ac- cording to the Field Crobs Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture. Contact can be direct, or from contaminated shoes, garden tools, pets or clothes, The vapors from a bonfire of poison ivy vines, Berries Red, Never Dread," Goes • Poem Warning of Poison Ivy roots -or ,leaves', can .also. cause the ',rash, blisters, and' irritation in SeSitive- Per§.P4S, Thorough waShing with strong soap itentedlatelY .440 Cell" tact may prevent -infection ar roduce. its severity,. In event that 'symptems appear, -an early Visit to the doctor may prevent a later visit to the 'hospi'tal, Prevention -is much better than cure. This only involves recognizing poison ivy, and avoiding` it. At least one itt every scout camp, fiStt- ing party, Or golf foursome, should' be competent to recog, nine and point out this 'plant to. all members of his group, Pois- on. ivy grows on roadsides, woodlands, .beaches — yes and even in the rough on some golf courses, Its elimination, rates top 'priority In all summer re- sorts, but some manages to survive, and 'always someone walks through it, pulls. it, or- rests 'in it. It has even grown unrecognized among rock gard- en plants, with disastrous re- sults to the owner. In autumn, the leaves turn delightful col- ours of orange, yellow, .411,a red, and tempt the uninformed to add to their collection of .autumn leaves, - Fortunately, poison ivy can be controlled by readily avail- able weed killer. -4T4Wo. tole ,is best Or a one 41),01P.4- tig0 OPAO.1141g,.0.4.14114111PrA are -PX.PPAPT4 but may require .4.9P,90,4 clean-up. •applicatiOn, vex is 141,4P- highly' effective on Kasen :ivy, Choice will depend ,product most readily 4VnilaVe, as •any of 'these mat- eTiais will eliMinate the Mett- Ace, Follow 41rectiens on #1e 141*, AWNrOV- any tune- up to late .Septenther avoid' woll0Ag. in the. wines It helps rte boyor, enough pressure .on the sprayer SP tivA yoA can spray fi'PTP a goo0 clean quarter` away. EE •ir ( Scott Family TOILET TISSUE Fancy Quality, Whole Kernel A&P CORN A&P Choice Quality Columbia RASPBERRI ES TOMATOES A&P Choice Quality A&P Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE 9 20-fl-'z tins 99c MARVEL ICE CREAM ALL FLAVOURS Reg. Price pkg 49c—SAVE 4c pkg of 4 rolls 4 5C Reg. Price 2 tins 35c—SAVE 24c 7 14-fl-oz tins 99c Reg. Price 2 tins 59c—SAVE 19c 4 15-fl-oz tins 9 9c Reg. 2 tins 47c—SAVE 19c 5 28-fl-oz tins 9 9c Reg. Price 2 tins 25c—SAVE 14c