HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-12, Page 1.... ....... ___-______...... .�_ , ` ' Mi. VIN f�vrniil lady W40 live$! Jn 'Cali- N 28,The 09 -per With the NqWp Mrs, LutberG.;Jones CLINTON, THURSDAY, 4 U LY 12 1962 *4.90 Pqr Year,10 Cents Per CQ tells us that a Joseph Rye and py—_ 17 Pages hi's wife (Maria Pave) came, t Uron County, Ontario in :L832 With them. seven, of tbei., x4ne? Z ns Needed H p of,,.It children, 411 Of thecl married and se e ln Huron On-, son, Fred was CounIty To' Ro'und� UP, Bad Driver$ drowned, in the lvl4ftland River jq! 18.40 .,, 4DI10 son, Joseph Jr. Councillor Qec&ge WWXh, than, juft the- licence number (w110 jgbed� Septegnb4ir 20,,1872) ca d for the Cc married Qatherdoe McIntyre, Ue. (Who di d aged "eal Citizem in Cainton 0 work DQpaid, Syrigns.suggested that .e.. U 73) in, New Withthe cv-operatAon of higher London,, Caq4da, in- 1$43 and with,thel$,o1jcq force in an, Atr, James, the t of tibeir tempt tocurb thereclileso 01v- Could bring such, drivers, urIdor 12 children = sons and ing, With. Unnecesi5ary noise And Control, "It ig not very en�- five daughtem) was,' born in speed, vqtbin the -town of C114, cour4ging., 'when, some '.small Clinton, on August 28, 1963 i . :, teebatcallity unidIer the law . can This; Jamds� went to California ton, at tirnes throw a, case out of trade Janles� Rye was Mrs. people are helping by getting Counpillor E111ott t,�Xid Oif one Luther G� Jonesr grandMarner licence nuinbers Of the offel*l� area, where people (Live by and ab(a ers, . Thm, the police axe follaw- "fire beer bottles at the fire she is most interested in unfortunately our newspaper ing, and- getting convictions. that there was not enough filcs barely go back that far .. Qintoni people Would' db this money to, go on With, More If -anyone can, come, up and Stand belfind -their repm4s, pOlice, proteation, this year, but any memories of the 1�� family then- something could be duqe that he would, like to see a d, be Vad to for- motorcycle policeman on the R we woul "We should all be Unpai Ward' the information along to 'unobserved? policemen," said job fora while,. Mrs. Jones Of cowte to re- MT. Wonch. "Also, the const - Best -Drummer they now. have." IN , t3ASE ANYONE DOWN- ME town- Sunday night was wonder- Mayor W. J. Mil4er cormne�A,-. 5ng 0out theburglar alaxnl. eid that the bad drivers &To At Orange walk going off at the Royal Bank not all Clinton, people, "Parents Varna's "Watt"' of Canada... It's, -supposed to, would -be, lazed to k4ow �ow do that—at least every time, their young people drive -there is -a bireak in the power towti.11 Watson Webster drummer circuit . , . ApparenfOly duriTig Councillor Alan Motit ex- for mom, Years. ihan, many .the windstorm there was a prressed the opinion: that to get people can remember with the Varna Drummer Tops at 12th n band, on momentary interruption 0 f a conviction,. Probably morle Varna fife and drur power,and the alarm Started Watson Webster, Varna, much better khown, Saturday received the award' of is as "Watt" drummed with the Clinton Branch 140 "best drummer" atthe 12th of ringing, The such -that the only way it can Royal Canadian Legion Band on Saturday at the July celebraton in Mileardhie. be stopped, is for the fronIt of Kincardine 12th of July 'Celebrations and earned Edna Jamieson About 10,000, persons jammed Brick -by -Brick The Walls Go Up the might deposit vault to be the award for "best drummer". The above photo themselves along main street Much of the\fIrst floor of the ne . w' wing at Clinton Public Hospital has removed, and, the contact brok- was takell at the last."Walk" held here in Clinton. Retiret After and Connaught Park 'In that been completed A brickwork is stretching up higher. Much of the $80,OOQ en, . - '. There, was, mot a, buTf.- (News -Record Photo) town to wltne§q the second such Ad ]a.ry occasion held in, Kincardine required to build'the structure has yet to be raised. The public is being ap- 446reat Years since 1919. pealed to for coptributions toward the. cost. (News -Record Photo) ONE NEW FAME PLANT There were Orangemen rei- has been settled on, for thie- who resenting 64 loftes from Perth area near Ayr' . . . Theie are 19 -Year -0 -id Naval Man . Miss Edna M. Jamieson, has completed 44 years of Huron, Bruce, Wellington all . sor%, of , ties taking part, s Alread- on H rumours going n Kent coun; Fund and Piano Exams At around . about announcement of her-claIssroom in Clinton.Public the parade which took abo,(it 45 y one nearer to home . . . Emd, School on June 29 for the last minutes to Pass. Killed in Windsor 'Crash "' closed the &w -0 Blyth 'esults we understand there will be -time. She has taught here% for Wat Webster is also known Leave $70,000 Balance Results of One placedsomewh4re inHurOn Robert John McCann, 19. !bbe driver ot a -stollen car. 'After - the past .24 years. for his drumming with the old the Western Con- Banaockburn Pipe Band, and servaItory of Music piano tests or Perth When the an- year-old son, of Mr. and Mrs.' the crash he attempted to Miss Jamieson has contribu�- withithe receatly0forinecl Royal The funds campaign for the ous organizations that they in- held in, Blyth on June 26 -have nou0cement finally cOmet, it Ronald G. McCann,, vChnitonf, escape,, and police arrested him ed, much to the , educatim of Will proNubly be fo Canadian Legion Pipe Band. new wing at Clinton public tend to furnish a room,* or part been released. Seaforth r'a 9 . 'Ite near was killed in a four car colli- as he tried to climb a fence. children, in town, and before Others honoured for their ex- Hospital has been progressing of a room. The furni(shings for Pupils of Miss Loft G-rasby-, Sion all four4bed ward's are taken Grade 7, first class honours, Road and Howard Ave.,7 Wind,-- ly,�Cffiop and SS 6 'Tucker- cellence irv, -band; work werd .,slowly, thoughstead-4y. A, gen- le of, W11AT IS FAAM? WELL IT,, sor, parly'goturday mornilig, Smith. She came to Thomas Shorritt, Hensall the car and for one of the Clarence 'A. Magee; Grade 4, MeAs, Farliners Allied Mealt July 7. John MacPherson Fras- Public School in, 1938 and' _�onours,_Jje, . Enterpilizes and'it is owned Im Luemow, who placed, sec- to the necessity of mum.1cW, funds needed to $67,680. Snell, Grade 2 bonours, Paul .er, 42, Wdndsor also was killed taugbt, in the ol � school on tax payments due the end of one (two Lavis. by 61000 farmers In chd, with. fife. _bed) semi-pirivate Ontario In, the game ac'eident- Ontario Street, moving ta the who havi bought shares with Mr. McCann had been; visit- David Worden, Listowel, June, room hasr yet to find a sponsor. , Puptls of MisI5 Elva Wifftse, ing his gre niew - one on Percival Street announe- and any group which would the intAtion of building meat grand lecturer for Ont-aribi West I on April 19, it was Grade 5, honours, Rowena alt-axint, Mrs. Rachel when, it opened iTr 1952. was the special speal�; deputy ed that $79,015 was Packing and processing plants Scott at 782 Victoria Ave., and, required. like to take on the task should '-;Omy' in Ord to, proVi& more com.-� had supper at the Fraser hom'e, Bormin Hullett Township she grand master of Ontario West, Then, a bequest from tho Arch- contact Tom Steepe, Secretary, 0 PIE a, 1 __ graduated from SS I Rullatt, Oliver Jacques, Hensali, also !bald Estate was received un- at th D: MALLOUGH GUTS HIS Jn 'that I 6n Friday. 1t. is, beligved that, e hospital, or Orval Ehr and incidbilt0y then from Clinton Collegiate ITII- addressed the group. expectedly for $4,865.63 and the gel;Stad, manager, of the Royal ftl LIFE SAVING AWARD or two reaIp a Profit Mr. Fraser was driving ham I . . . . . . . . . . stitute, and from Stratford' Nor- Next year the July 12th balance left was $74,250 less Bank Branch here, who it heaidL David. 1-�a-liougb, 23, God -e - over to the government dock mal School (now -the, teachers celebrations Will be -held in, Exe, $120 from the Hospital -staff - when heir car was, strqe1r. I mils the funds drive. Cost Of rich-, I ast week received' a Royal. R E P A IR S WURE DONE The. young man wals -a r, college). ter and Wiarton on, Friday, Since then firm promises furnishing a semi -private is Life Saving "heroic actiore" yesterday On the front eavel­1ine Roy Mtss' Jamieson has been an July :12. lhave been received from vari- $750. Two groups could -go to- award,for his latest resew. He man in, the al 1411n of lthe town, hall ... Some Of Navy, sexving on the HXCS active member of the Clinton gether and Wit the cost, if is credited with Saving six per - the wJOdWork had come lOose Victorlavillb', which docked at unit of the Huran Branch of this was found desirable. sont from drowning in, the and, f I downa few weeks ago the Fe&rated Women Teachers Those who accept the task Goderich harbour. The latest . It will' be madle isafe and Windsor on the weekend. of Ontario and' wag president of Credit Union"sTenth Year Of furnishing rowng, win have rescue �vas of 12 -year-old Dale ;e� once mocre . . . S. P. Knapp, 21, Windsor that group for four years has been, Charged with. criminal the name of the organization Crackenlough-, Florence, last Not emmUing her work is AND THAT IS'A FLAG POIE gence following the 20- on, a suitable plaque, on, the Jlily- This , the second, such negh that of the school,,she had- sex to door. award that Mr. Mallough, has Mulate chase at speeds up to v- Wil Be Marked July 18 On the Cormer of the. Bank of :L10 miles per hour, Which led ed for 16 yeam on the board, Montreal and there will be to the ciw, _h in, which the of Clinton, Public Library lend(- This balance of about $67,_ received. a flag go up there . . . men, were killed. Able Seaman ing her wide knowledge to! the Have you been into, the Creidr, Everyone making -a deposit 680 is after all -grants from ALL - WELCOME TO of directing that iilsti.tution, it Union Office lately? If so, since July 3 has had a ticket county, Provincial anddMinion ALSO, v7 -r tiNDEp.STAND Police say that Knapp was Robert J. McCann job all tit- recording this, deposit Pla:,ced in- governments have been figured EMR014VIEW AUXILIARY Miss Jamieson, has a number YOU will' have found a b that enders have been called of hobbiesI, oil painting, s.tanip box type of Container into Wh- a box, If you have not been, on. Sometime -between now and The July meeting of tile fa t i ew o1race at the corner, collecting, gawdening sind sew- ich every depositor is asked -to in, to deposit Your card, db the, completion of the building, Huronview Auxiliary will be of Isaac and Mary Streets drop aticket recording his de- come in, at once. The box will the people in Chntm and' area held at the home on Monday, ing. These have been of great th the bal- July 16 at 2.30 p.m. Everyone Which is being built for occup. N assistance to her through,the posit so that the person putt;ing be sealed neNt Saturday, July must come up wi ancy by the Ontario Depart- years of teaching,and have con- the credit Tinion ovei the one 14 at 12.30, ance of money. wedrome. nient.of Agriculture officeshere tinued., to make, ber classroom million dollar mark nvay be as- Come In, now and maybe you ,k That W1,11 mean more con- 10 one of interest to her LUUUL1JLZi. certained. This! box wds' dnL will win the ten shares for �t�;Zn work. in Clinton ... Visitors Ito the School gmoi, talld,lak week when the goal butting -the Credit Unloa, over I !-�-y seemed within reaching dist- the million, 6011ar mark. The Council In Action i�l found. -something of the "'y4v- SINCE WE PERSONALLY ject,, Variety, in, pro&ess of an:ce .8,n.d' it is growing closer ten shares h -L, this million dollar have enjoyed milk and dal it, her every day-, Will be Presented -Clinton Town Council decided rent7 It for $86. It's -a good way ry building, or CIC�mple�e at the 10th birthday party wh- Monday Ito ad -here closely to thea to make money, products -from the time we ar- room. rived upon this earth we For many yearg, she Itaught, ich isbelnglieldl In the Legion trailer by-law and- request the Band Grant' S Hall, here in, Clinton, an Wed- Lavern Asmussen Co., to re- Council approved immediate contfnually am interested by the Grade, 7 Classes, and more Modern, scientific findliigs that recently had � Grade 5 dlas%. Horses'Tail nesday, July 18, With Supper move the house trailer which payment Of $300 to Complete some Parts Of these dalry pro, This teacher whor has,'given servedat 7 o'clock sharp, has been placed at -ffie site of all of the Ointon, Community ducts are , M"ul to human be. Clipped Off The Public Relations COM- the ribw vocational school wing Cohceot Band; grant, so that muchto the youth, of the -area, -as I at CDOX. lr debts could, b�! Cleared. mes there seems planIg to retire hi town wheat tbel to be more talk of this than of It -s -plans XOr this big, event, A letter read at Council Councillor George Wonth spoke that "denion" nicotine ... Cho. she. lives with hpr 90 �ea�-dld By Cruel Person arranging for the supper, ', tL meeting reported that the briefly for -the band!� expressing lesterol is the latest worry to mother, Mrs. Harriet Jamlegon, good everAng's entertainment trailer housed' a watchman!, who thanks, and, noting that Friday those concerned with hardened at 179 Ontario Street. Somepersoft or Persons with and favouts, for everyone. Door was, alto foreman, all, the job, night concerts: every other week arteries NOW a doctor in a distorted idea d how to treat prizes are dorated by John An- and hit w1fe, who: is actingy as had, been begun -at Library Ohio has shown by testing with ailimals, last Sunday inacle a stebt, jeweller,, Ball and Mutch his, secretary, -and requested Park, Similar groups Of men in their horse and' -a pomy very umom- IRA Rardware, George, Beat- permission, for theni to remain Itl%is: expected that Sunday 40S that exerclstw for one hour Fire ion Hensa. fortable by clipping off their tieF furniture,, Herb Bridle, gr- tbere, night concerits on alternate tans. mer; Dia Cornish, Clinton Mec, a d4y five days a,�reek fornine All courneftibm spoke -to, the weeks Will be -hold, at the Com - months has brought down their Da inages 40 Animalg, such as horsts and tdc; I "Red" Garm, Clinton question. Norman IAVdTmOre munity Park. cholesterol level So it isn't cows, depend, greatly upon their Laundry & Dry Cleaners , and: feltIthat since, council had once X-eeds More Study the dairy. COW that is Causing tai especially -,during the Heator Kingswe-11 Weldink. rofused a town, r8sldentpevml�s­ A report provided, -by t'he be - to rid them- - -out 101p Sion to, live in a trailer parked partment of Economict; and De- Ummae season heart attacks after all but Storage Lockers Come Rave fm. I the s6d or "lazy�l way of selves of flies -and Other biting celebrate the, 10th anniversary on, his owbt lot while he -built veftment regarding a, "survey Wh= iIENSALL — Fire -early last inIsects. It is a Cruel thing to of this C�edlt Union arqd the h is d he last e of the 20th -own house, they could, not of need, and effecta emand centul-yfids brought us to .. Thursday morning causod. ah, have dOnt. athainmebt of one million dbl� make'exception here. Council- for a federal-provirxAal low ------ O__ estimated $36,OCO to $35,000 Discovery of the inddett Was larg in assets, 'rickets Are on lot G. Rumb&ll said, be diftlt rental housing Projectin, Clin- -Prize Sell Available damage to the locker storage mad'oby Jim Edward Wte Sun- Sale Until Saturday, July 14 sit b,�,Ileve �hey sIhould make, an to) -P had been received'a, Week plant on King Street. About day night T116 h-orSe isA, rate- the Credit * t1hion. Office and ekcLptiori, Councillor G. Wonch befolr;e, but sirwo all wuriel1lors, 72 Where Ate You? .-M 400 lock6it fmdl Sob* conIterft horse bd1bbZi-hg to lbt. a. S. maY allso be b ad fftn the. fol- felt there were 6th,,dr ttA,11.Lrs, had: tiot had time to study it Miss 8&ssle Sloman, -reports were sexiouily damagWby fltlle; Mlott; wha had 'placed him lowing meAnbeft of the, publit around tmay which sh tild) be fullyl it was laid Over. that she still haz one of the smoke and water. with Mn Edwards to recover relations comml#keAlan AOnL fnvostsgated---�'therle% thOUld be 'ML- report appears to justify prl;tcisk Of ferec1l, at the Roi;e AhoW The Plant is 6vvhed by Lotlie hfti a sor& leg. the Pony is me, 1-W nAer �41511� R, "Ab�6 no. exCeotlloft)l ten units: foe Clinton, tind it I -lay. He said the fire started the whft On,6 Which, hfts, be- outbt, 18�4; bob Burk6 560 " Ree 1. two weeks ago. WNAd the IN -ve M. A L*W Said "Ad- r6sts Mth Council 16 request holder of ticket NumbOr 72, 111 the top o� the twostoiW WOW familiar t6 MiTtonians J,f 'b16tr-!Cii 8898- Ted S-iwkb41` herling to tillfbylliw it par* the thAts. Councillor Thothp. building: Flre Chief Bytan Kyle, who are tip early bi- the mmn- 3,' please teleoh6lid her- at ftU 2- >30 Art 9-2. of out oAlb. That liAte* i -k% son, c6mmonted "The report dew 3861 (and arrange &6 Pkk 1a1J said most of tlic- adUal firt ing, for �rouhg Geotge­1118tttch" Get- y6ut tidk6ft; now �Vhlle asldng us't6 Jeopatfte dt& flated m4 a lj�tle, Clittonh& fhe� pj�ze! Ton �Year Service Medal &rha90 was Confined Ito, the Elluo-4t hus- usW him, lot, 'some there Are, Still, * some availk-blo, W6kd,'� NUftailllor Mrs. F. 6, gilbWh bttit hotag &st -as other CommitsibhAire, F, L. ItOo-tb, AA 5, Clinton, Thd building is loc0ed ki 6 Th.6 faiN, were, edt off sbott al�pdktbA W04, make f ish of one knd fowl; of 61,wi uv"bre teported The Weather reMlve;g the ten.y&ail service medal 'from Group rdsidOntil-41 area but nb homes leaving- the ablibals w1kh nabh-f ahoth&-" DObty Aedvd J. Mig hkdvise4&mtUSI statein02A an in C' W J. 0. M8Lthiesofi, M13E Cb-- Comrnandf aged! No m* wa�t to witch off ibsedt9l Rooth Ing W&O 4h1m - mg-. s Adult SWIMMIM0, Suttee .1ft1dr `W6 should. n6t liq fidd itcelvdd, 661n; the b H*h Law High L6* Ofilc& of RCAF Stati6n Clinton, at� W60khi1# W the 'plait at the, Chief if. R -i '_Mftp9on, is in- bra�k our oWh by-law." CbUn�- iftion, Sureau oX Stkirigics 1198 N, ft C 0 July 5 85 51 1&' 46 fended ]London t;le-mehtat Sch661 Ift plti, the9"Itua"tioit, and Lotwos Tuesday 6 86 65 76 46 y it's te' ad, cillor Alan Mott noted, 'Umt Cllhtbni *11th 8 40i pebOe VAlle, xent, En �Ianddhd Mer graduation Johled' the Nine hours eollier-0 flre�meyl he Call.& Upon the f0l boo Adult S*1 s Will axe, An- t&W bttldit 6f 611- 'not th ovvn� astdosbr., 49�: tK;l'. 8 W .61 6q 40 U & gdiiher Ift 1611. After the outbroqk of Were called lt6 a b6th fire on Moh of 611, citizen§ foe theiv coibmence at the Clinton Cohl� Jum for some, ning ropoft orO k=. Tho 10 79 0 16 46 In 1042, 'Mr,'Rb6th 19 how ti meniber of On IMIC P in, Se" guled 9 ft 89- 96 Braft6h 140 Of thL* kdyql CIfthadiah Legion, ea -and dam&gd "WiW bbdiiiated deig Is d6ked td 4all 64 PO I i�&Sqh these 'Will W- §61d dt $2G A ftibhth t6 placd a traft6i, AP61tel of his ffitmehit in ntdj�,., A� 11w," uafttl, a2 hit" (RCAP Ado, it sow, 16f.666116t bz 01 91 01111w, tile ;;�g that 6V6rkfJlg, in, Old OAM!p, Then you Cab (Continued 6A Page 12) ,