HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-05, Page 12Galbraith Radio & TV Phone HU 2-384,1*. Clinton .Clinton's bantam - baseball team won .the "C" division of Chesley Rotary Club 'baseball tournament over the • Dominion Day weekend. Mainly through the superb pitching of Clare Magee and Doug McPherson, Clinton won their three games. Clinton 8—St.- Marys 2 With Magee 'allowing St. Marys only four • hits, Clinton won their first game Saturday afternoon (June 30) 8-2. Magee also collected three of 'his team's. 12 hits. Catcher Jim Livermore was Canton's top hitter, getting three for four. Clinton 4—Kincardirie 0 Doug McPherson, who pitch- ed a no-hitter' over Hensall week ago, blanked Kincardine 4-0 when he gave up only one single in Clintons first game on Monday. He struck out 16 batters in. the seven inning game. Clinton 7—Meaford 4 In the final game of the "C" division of 'the tourney Monday evening both of Clinton'S cap- able young pitchers had a band in defeating Meaford' 7-4. Ma- gee started, giving up three hits in three and a pant innings. He was relieved by McPherson who allowed only one hit in the remaining three and a part in- nings. SERVICE REPAIR Page 12—Clinton News-Record—Thursday, July 5, 1962 Clinton Bantams Top Chesky Tourney Larry Pearson and Charlie Switzer were Clinton's big hit, ters in the final game. • Magee made two exceptional- ly good catches in right field in the late innings of the game. This was Clinton's, Batt entry in the -Chesley Rotary tourna.,, ment .which has been' going for five years. After the game Clinton was presented with the Bruce Lea- gue International Bantam Base- ball , trophy, which is now on display at the Fish and Game clubhouse. The baseball tournament is held' in conjunction with a huge Dominion Day sports program at 'Chesley park. Six teams competed in the "C" division., under 5,000 pop- ulatiork; six in "B". division, 5,000 to 10,000, won by Co- bourg, ,and eight in "A" divis- ion ,over 10,000, won this year by 'a Hamilton team. The Fish and Game Club- sponsored bantams are manag- ed by Percy Livermore and coached by Jack Carter. Play At Homo Friday Clinton's good little bantam team can be seen in action to- morrow ('Friday) night at the local park at. 6.30 when Hen- sail will be their opposition. a Goderich Twp. South Mr. and Mrs. Erland Betties Toronto, spent the weekend with his brother Allen and Mrs. Bet- ties. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haines, Severn Bridge, Mrs, Greta Tor- rance, Kippen were calling on friends in the neighbourhood on Sunday. Miss Carol Argyle, Goderich, is visiting her cousin, Brenda Stirling this week. ,Mrs. Eva Harvey and Miss Hattie Cruttinben and Miss Thelma Irish, all of Detroit, have been visiting Alex Weston and they returned home last week. Bill McGuire, Goderich, cal- led at Colin MacDonald's last week. o --- Central Huron Men's Softball Standings W L T Pts. Holmesville 5 1 0 10 Londesboro 5 0 0 9 'Auburn 4 2 0 8 Hensall 2 3 0 4 Varna 2 4. 0 4 Kippen 1 4 0 1 Brucefield 0 5 0 -2 Summertime Fun Time Wading Pools-2 ring inflated pools $3.98 & $4.98 '-3 ring pool $5.98 Beach Balls 59c & 89c Split Ring . $1.49 Swim Mask $1.15 Swim Mask with Snorkels $4.25 Sand Set with pail, shovel, sprinkler, sieve 98c Sand Pail and Shovel—plastic 29c & 49c Picnic Supplies Plastic Party Pack--4 plates, 4 cups, knives, spoons; forks 98c set Paper Plates, plastic coated in color 19c to WO pkg. Plastic Cups, in colors ... . .......... 12 for 59c Seriiettes Paper Cups — Tablecloth AtteEvvan's Clinton Ontario Three Local Girls Teams To Play In Town League Last Thursday evening saw an enthusiastic game between two local girls softball teams on the Public School diamond. The Acrobats managed to down the Comets 28-22 in a hard fought contest. The Acro- bats total was well padded with runs scored by Dianne Hanley who played an excellent game, All other players deserve hon- ourable mention, if not for their Skill, at least for the team spir- it showed byt all. The games that were to be played last Tuesday were can- celled in lieu of a league meet- ing. The three Clinton teams, the Bongos, the Acrobats and the Comets have withdrawn from league play. They will instead play in a 'town league amongst themselves. A new schedule has been drawn up and becomes effec- tive immediately. Town League Schedule July 9—Acrobats vs. Bongos July 11—Comets vs. Acrobats July 16—Bongos vs. Comets July 18—Acrobats, vs. Bongos July 23—Comets vs. Acrobats July 25—Bongos vs. Comets July 30—Acrobats vs, Bongos Aub. 1—Comets vs. Acrobats Aug. 8—Bongos vs. Comets Oke Reunion There were 75 attending the first Oke reunion, held by the descendants of Charles and An- nie Oke, at the "Walnut Inn" Farm of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Feagan near Holmesville. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Walker, Mr. and' Mrs. Eric Carpendale and family, Hamilton; Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Oke and families, all of Windsor; Charles Paddington, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Oke, Sar- nia; Mr. and Mrs. William Gould and family, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Don Oke and family, Zurich; Rev. and MI." Kenneth Reid and family, Act- on; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .Fea- gan and family, London; Mist: Elaine Oke, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Nine Oke and Mrs. Ken Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oke and Vicki; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Oke and families; George Feagan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Feagan, Mr. and. Mrs. Ken Hutchins and Mr. and Mrs. • all Tigert, all of Goderich. After luncheon, games and' contests were held and new of- ficers were elected. Charles. Paddington was honoured as the eldest member present. Vicki Oke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oke was 'the youngest present. Persons from the farthest distance were the Bill Goulds from Montreal, Summer Five-Pin Bowling League W L HT Pts. Untouchables 18 3 6 42 Knock-Outs 14 7 5 33 Sooners 13 8 5 31 Pin Busters 10 11 2 22 Wanderers 5 13 1 11 Boo-Boos 3 18 2 8 High single, ladies, Gert Scott, 350; men, Ron Burbridge, 349; high triple, ladies, Edith Henderson, 722; men, Ron Bur- bridge, 823; high average, lad- ies, Phyllis .Mclsaac, 195; men, Ron Burbridge, 227. Clinton .Girls Form AUTStor Softball Team. For 1,eagtie A groLlP of local ,coaches and officialsS. of the. North Huron Ladies - Softball League met. TuestlaY evening and .diseussed the future of the present three local entries, in league. play. It Was decided to withdraw the 'three Clinton teams, the Bongos, the Acrobats and the Cornets, ,and enter one all-star team, in their place.. • This team will be made up of 15 of the more experienced players now playing on the three local teams. Miss Kay Sharp will be the coach for the All-stars and the players names will be released at a later date. The changes in team .entries Will also result in a complete schedule change, The following schedule• will be used for the remainder of the season's play. NHLS League Schedule July 1.0—Clinton at Londesboro Winthrop at. Brussels 12—Brussels at Clinton Londesboro at Winthrop 17—Londesboro at Brussels Winthrop at Clinton 1$—Winthrop at Londesboro Clinton at Brussels 24—Londesboro at Clinton Brussels' at Winthrop 26----Brussela at Londesboro Clinton at Winthrop • 31-:—Clinton at Londesboro Winthrop at Brussels August 2—Londesboro at Winthrop Brussels at Clinton. .M1 local games will continue to be played at the Public School diamond. William A. Brown Funeral service was conducted on Tuesday, June 3, from the Woods Funeral Home, Detroit, Mich., for William A. Brown, formerly of Hullett Township who paSsed away in Windsor on Friday, June 29. Born in Hay Township, Mr. Brown was 84 years old. Surviving is' his wife Georg ina; four sons; Robert, Fordia, William J., and Harry; one daughter, Mettle, all of De- troit; one granddaughter, Mrs. Schroder, Detroit; two sisters, Mrs. Marshall Young, RR 4, Clinton, and Mrs. Frank Loren- zen, Detroit. 0 WM Campbell Presents Trophy (Continued from Page 1) and Linda Spano. Sports champion trophies Were presented' by Flying Of- ficer Bolding, secretary-treas- urer of the school board to seniors, Diane Patterson, Geo- rge Schnubla; intermediate, Lin- da Spano, Billy Mackay; junior, Marilyn Arsenault, Donald Far- rell; juvenile, Patricia Lesnick, and Mark Paul. Crests and bars were presen- ted by Maitland Edgar, sports director of the school, includ- ing bars for track, softball, soccer, .field hockey, ice' hoc- key, rugby, basketball and vol- leyball.. Ladies of the Home and Sch- ool Association poured tea, and convened the refreshment per- iod which concluded the after- noon. INTON:POAWE Archery Enthusiasts Have Their Own 14-Target Course The evening sun casts long shadows on the "Clinton Bowmen's" I4-target archery course west of Clinton, as a group of young archers are draw- ing 'their bows to shoot at a distant target. As the sign indicates, archers are welcome to try their hand at this well laid out course. Anyone interested in taking up this sport should contact Dick Dixon or Reg. Smith. (News-Record Photo) BROWNIE'S DRIVE-1N THEATRE LIMITED -- CLINTON TWO BIG HITS EACH EVENING THURSDAY and FRIDAY — July .5 and 6 Here Is Fine Entertainment, The Whole Family from 6 to 60 Will Enjoy Hit No. 1 MISTY Shownts naly"'" The story of two orphans and their love for a handsome rebel colt named Misty. Starring DAVID LADD and ARTHUR O'CONNELL — In Color and Cinemascope Plus: Hit No. 2 — Shown at 11.00 THE TWO LITTLE BEARS Two imaginative youngsters have their father and the whole town in utter confusion when they reveal their talent of transforming themselves into real bears. Starring JANE WYATT -- EbDIE ALBERT & BRENDA LEE—In Color & Cinemascope (Cartoon) On THURSDAY,' JULY 5 Only --L FREE POPCORN For The CHILDREN Before 9.30 p.m. SAT., MON., TUES. and WED. July 1, 9, 10 and 11 THE GREATEST HIGH ADVENTURE EVER FILMED Hit No. 1—Shown at 9.40 Only GUNS of NAVARONE with GREGORY PECK ANTHONY QUINN -- DAVID NIVEN -- JAMES DARREN This, we promise is probably the most exciting motion picture you wilt ever see. - In Color & Cinemascope, Plus Hit No 2 • With Victor Mature TANK FORCE color and Scope Shown at 12.15 Plus a Cartoon An E&itin# War Picture On6retnteeol Had our AttOntiOn Coming Next': "WHITE WARRIOR" and "GOLD OF THE SEVEN SAINTS (Children Under 12 In Cars Admitted tree) wHe Norp.p/7 TH4 "AN tow WAY, plOP WO fog .VALUE .A#0 • s rRacH. MAT PAY HARRY WILLIAMS 11112.6633 R+2 CLINTON HEATING OILS-GASOLINE GREASES,MOT01,01LS' •t( WHITE ROSE WILL IT BE YOU ?? WHO WILL RECEIVE TEN SHARES IN THIS MILLION DOLLAR ORGANIZATION - BY DEPOSITING THE ONE MILLIONTH DOLLAR Before July 14th in CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED CLINTON. ONTARIO 'YOUR FRIENDLY CHEV. OLDS. - ENVOY DEALER Phone HUnter 24321 Radio, etc. Has Automatic, '61 CHEVROLET IMPALA TWO DOOR HARDTOP '61 CHEVROLET BEL AIR TWO DOOR HARDTOP '60 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN '58 METEOR SEDAN, Your choice of 2 — 1959 Chevrolets "BUTCH" MacLAREN Our Service Manager says: "Have your car tuned here before leaving on your trip" For Prompt Service Come In And Talk To "Butch" — today!, HOLIDAY SPECIAL ONE-OWNER CARS! Come in and look these over. We'll give you as good a "buy" as you'll get anywhere! You can "go" in these. Why sit by the roadside waiting for a service truck? One has Automatic. 20 Others 'for you to choose from. One only 1962 Envoy bought at the old price. You can save $300 on present day increase. SEE US SOON! "MC" BROWN'S SPECIALS— These are strangers on our Lot, but look at the prices! '58 BORGWARD Station Wagon - Only $75Q $ $475500 '59 FIAT Two Door 0 Lorne Brown. Motors Ltd. CDI~ING EVENTS !,uoknoW -Legion Bi 1go every Thursday nite In j.e$cori .Hall at S.45 sharp, 1.2 :regular games. at U); share-the-wealth and 1.. ,special for .$50 must :go, pro- ceeds for artificial ice.ltfb Thursday, July 5 — BMOC). in Legion 'Memorial Mali., Kirk Street-at 8,30 Pan.. '15 regular games for •$5; 1 game for $25; 3 Share - the - Wealth games;' Jackpot, $56,00. in 56 numbers. Three door prizes, $2:50 each. Admission 500. Friday, July S". Bake sale; Mrs. Cardiner's office, Bay field, .2.30. Turn Auspice,a 'Trinity Church WA, 26b Sunday, July a — Worship service arranged by .executive, Huron Federation of Agricul- ture, 3 p.m., Salvation. .Army Camp, two miles north of. Bay- field,- Highway 21. Speaker, Captain Newman of -Salvation Army, Wingham, S,A, Band Ladies please bring sandwiches or tarts: 27b TYgsday, 441)" 10 Huron Fish and ,carne •.jackpot, $58 in 58 numbers, Three door prizes, 48Uh Wednesday, 4uly 11—WesleY- Willis congregational picnic, Exeter Park, Cars will - leave the church at .2;30 12.M. Bring your picnic basiwt. Anyone wishing transportation contact Charles Nelson or Garnet Cor- nish. Supper at 5.30 p.m, 26,71a Sunday, July 15. * Rathwell Reunion, Seaforth Lions park, 12 noon. Bring your picnic basket. .27b Tuesday, July , 17—Rummage Sale—Bring your donations to the arena, Bayfield at 10 a.m. "Next-to,newn department art, ides accepted now at the R. G, Bunter residence—name your Price, selling charge 25 percept, Helppignper Park Association either way. Sale at 8 p,m. sharp. 27,-Sb