Clinton News-Record, 1962-07-05, Page 5Tea Served After Graduation Tea was served following graduation exercises and trophy presentations, , at„ Air Marshall Hugh Campbell public school last Friday. Mrs. Ian Gil- lean, left, was among the guests. Chamberlain,; 5taniey Grand Bend tinited Church was the scene on Friday .even- ing, June 22 at 71.3Q pm, of the wedding of Darlene Ann Stan, ley,. RR 2, ,Grand Bend and. John Lee Chamberlain, Water- dowil', The Rev, Edgar Roulst- on officiated. 'Candelabra and baskets of .15ink snapdragon and white poms decorated the church. 'The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon W. Stan- ley, RR Z Grand, Bend, form- erly of Clinton, and is a gradOr ate of Clinton District •Collegi- ate Institute and of .Stretford Teachers College, She had been teaching near Grand; Bend, The groom's 'parents are Cor- poral and Mrs. Neil R. Chamb- Stratieroy, and 'he is.. a constable with the Ontario Pro- vincial Police, stationed 'at Water down. Given hr marriage hy her father the bride was lovely in a dress of white silk organza. with lace flower appliques. an. illusion veil held by a crown of pearls, She carried a ens;- cad' of white calla lilies and pink anapdragone She was 1attended. by Miss Linda Jervis, Clinton, in; pink organza, and carrying a bou- quet if white carnations, Wayne Stanley, Grand Bend, brother of the bride, was groomsman Ushers were Dar- ryl Stanley, brother of the bride and Jim Stanley, cousin of the bride .N0*-Agorcl ..Pcf,go ..5, EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT "The Cresendos" Dancing to the Sound of the 60's for the younger crowd. 9 P.M. to MIDNIGHT /Se PER "PERSON We Cater to WeddinOs Liiretheons DaYititleth- t grnt O E R IC H , ONT. CLINTON Weekend Specials 1 Doz. Eggs Free—with purchase of 2 POUNDS of TABLERITE BACON 1 Jar IGA 6 oz. Mustard—with purchase. of 2 lbs. TABLERITE WEINERS-89c CIGARETTES—all brands ctn. $2.99 Introducing Our . ROYAL GOLD ICE CREAM 19c a Brick or 2 Bricks For 25e CHAMPION DOG FOOD-15 oz. 4 for 49c CUT RITE WAX PAPER REFILLS 27c Picnic Pork Shoulders Butt Pork Roasts Dutch Loaf Macaroni & Cheese Pickle & Pimento Chicken Loaf - - lb. 43c lb. 53c Tablerite FOR 990 No. 1 NEW POTATOES 10 lbs. 55c No. 1 CANTELOUPE 19c No. 1 CUCUMBERS 2 for 19c No. 1 WATERMELON ea. 9,9c MERRILL TV SERVK Authorized Philips Dealer Radio — TV and Appliance Repairs 215 Victoria Street — Phone HU 2-7021 "Service Is Our Business" STOP 1 ... BEFORE YOU BOY, CHECK THE NEWS-RECORD'S CLASSIFIED SECTION Police your spending make sure you're getting your money's worth shop the Classified Settion before you buy! Clinton Sews-Record TO PLACE ADS, PHONE HU 2-3443 w r, AGM.: • . • Air Marshall's Autograph is Si:Right Air Marshall Hugh Campbell, MBE, CD, Chief of the Air Staff took time out to autograph souvenir programs for members of the graduating class at the schOol named for him, at RCAF Station Clinton last Friday afternoon: Top Achievement Award at Station School Squadron Leader and Mrs. J. A. Sp ano are Pictured with their daughter Linda Span°. Linda has graduated from Air Marshall Hugh Campbell Public School, RCAF Station Clinton, with the Hugh L. Campbell trophy which she earned for outstanding achievement during the school year. This is the first time that the trophy has been awarded. Linda has a small trophy to keep, and the large one Will remain in the scjool trophy case, for competition in coming years. (News-Record Photo) University of Waterloo To Hold First Engineering Convocation Auxiliary To Huronview Has Cottage Meeting The regular meeting of Huronview Auxiliary was held June 20 at the beautiful sum- mer home of Mrs, Gordon Cull- ingharne at Bayfield. Routine business eves discussed before a cheering grate fire with the president in the chair. A bazaar for the residents' handcraft was dismissed but laid over until the July meeting. Strawberries and ice cream were served, Kipper East WI arranged. for the June birthday party at Huronview. There was a gift for each celebrant, as well as a huge cake with candles. A program of squaee dancing, readings and. comic songs made. the panty most enjoyable. Those having June' birthdays: Mee- Mary Young, Mrs. Isabella Corey, Mrs, . Clara McDermitt, IVIrs, Helen Weir, Mrs. Almira Griffith, Mrs. Annie Reed,. Hugh Walker, George McCiinc.beY, Charles WeymoUth, Williaxrs Cole and David Clarke. Clinton Women's Institute met Thursday, June 28 with. 30 members and five visitors. Flowers or cards had been sent to ill members during the month. Na word had •been received to date about 'the chosen ex- tension course, but should it arrive shortly, notice will be given members through the 50th Anniversary Celebrated By Clinton Pair Weekend guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Feat were Mr, and Mrs. Victor Sperling, Detroit; Mrs. Muriel Collett, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruck- ell, Springford; Mrs. Walter Munday, Los Angeles, Calif.; and Mrs. Reta H'amather, Lon- don. All were present at the wedding anniversary luncheon on Saturday. Other guests included Mrs. Kate Fear, Mrs. Arletta Fear, and Leslie Fear, Blytb; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harlock and Miss Phyllis Harlock, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Han-lather and Master Harold Hama tiler, all of Len- der ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ham- ether and family, Exeter; Mrs.. James Lenclsborough and fam- ily, Sc'aforth; William Collett, RCAF Station CaMp Borden; Mr. and Mre. Alan Arnold and A. grenp pieeeering. veeelty students wile, five years ago, gambled that a new uni- versity could sueves.sftilly carry through a radical new concept in higher edneetion, will re- ceive 'their degrees On July 7, These are 'the student4 who were among The first to enrol in the university of Waterloe's co-operative engineering pre, gram. On Saturday, July 7, they will receive Bachelor of Applied Science degrees from University Chancellor, the Hon. Dana Porter, Chief Justice of Ontario, Shelling honours With the young graduates will he a trio of men who will be awarded honorary Docinr of Science de- grees 'in reeognition of their .contributions to the engineering profession. They are: Dr, Otto leEcilden, retired Chief 'Engineer of Ontario Hydro; Dr. H. R. Some Revisions In Honours List at CDC1 There have been some re.- vieteria in the promotion list received from the -Clinton Dist- rict Collegiate Institute. Three More students: earned honours: Edward( Bridle, Douglas From- lin and Jill Hawkins. And the Over SQ. • Also in the "Over 80 _Club" more names should be added to those listed last week. In order to put the record straight, . we publish the complete list of the students whose record in the last term produced an average of aver 80. *Poul Bateman, *Gail Ben- nett, *Frances Blacker, Ernest Brubaoher, *Rose Brubacher, *Karen Cafiderbank, *Gayle Coombs", *Morris Darling, "Lor- raine Deveau, Dianne Faber, *Susan, Fretts, Sharon Gray, *Kevin Henley, *Bonnie Ho- muth, Barbara Irwin, *Joan Ir- win, Ron Lovett, George Lind- say, . *Jhri. Livermore, *Alan Lowe, *Bruce McBride, Ann McCowan, Wen dy McGee, ',Clarence Magee,' *Clam Mar- tin, *Sandra Middleton, Nancy Ode, Barbara Pegg, Gertie Post- ma, Marie Riley, Dick Rome da, *Margaret Trewarith.a, *Tony Verburg, Douglas Wells. The asterisk indicates mem- bership in the club for all three terms of the 1961-62 year. . ,.. 0 • Golfing businessmen often feel, that if they shoot above par they are neglecting their golf; • and if 'they shoot below par • they are neglecting their business. News2Record. The annual picnic will be held in Clinton Community Park on Thursday, July 26. At this picnic there will be a penny sale. Each member is: .asked to bring an article for the sale, value to be 25 cents or more. The Cadiow Institute is invited to this picnic. The members moved to ac- cept an invitation to attend the Blyth Institute on August 2. Mrs. W. Colclough and Mrs. Cummings to be the transporta- tion committee. The Institute decided to fire- sent another table to the Cline ton Community Park. Roll call was answered by telling "where and when we' joined The WI". Membership has been held- from nearly 40 years down to two years' and most had joined in• Clinton. The motto—"A kindly word spoken to-day will bear fruit tomorrow" was taken very ably by Mrs. E.. Trick. Her remarks Were concise and to the point. Mrs. Woodcock, president of West Huron Institutes pretent- ed an interesting paper on 'the WI and its work down through the years. Mrs. J. Gibson gave a teadi- ing and Misses Nancy bide and Cathy Potter played two piano duets. son Terry, Willowdale; Mrs. Myrtle Rathwell, Robert Rath- well and Mrs, Elaine Warren, Collingweod and Miss Mary Fear, Mimic°, who was brides- maid at the wedding 50 years ago. Women's Institute Looks Into Past Finds Some 40 Year Memberships BOYS AND GIRLS ARE WELCOME TO VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Maple Street Gospel Hall Monday, July 9 to Friday„ July 20' Daily from 9 to 11.45 a.m. • Ages 5 to 14 UNDER DIRECTION OF JOHN M. MARTIN Bible Study Crafts Games •1 John Roorda, 182-0404 Terrace, Clinton is meinher of the gr4Owtting olp,$S, A graduate in civil engineerieg, he yvjll take postgraduate studies in .nngland under an Athlone Fellowship, Lyle Streight, distingeished. chemical .engieeer with Dupont of Canada Ltd., and Professor Gordon Patterson, Director of the Institute of Aerophytics, University of Toronto, Who will deliver the convocation address. In July of 1957 when the newly established University of Waterloo enrolled its first .Stu, dents, co-operative education was new 'to Canada. Waterloo's .program called for alternating academic terms on the campus with on-the-job training term's in industry for practical experience, with one group at the university while the other was in industry, In. this' way 'the university felt it could offer as well-rounded pro- gram of professional training and education; obtain year- round . use of university facill- tee and maintain e sizeable en- rolment without sacrificing academic standards. , Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 2.6646 Clinton "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" WESTINGHOUSE WASHER investment of $10 million, pro- viding the most modern 'facili- 'ties available. The faculty has. grown to 130 members and de- gree programs in arts, science and graduate .studies, conducted on conventional university time- tables, are also in full opera- tion, There will be approximately 70 men hr Waterloo's first en- gineering graduation class. All have their future career's stak- ed out. Thirteen will take post- graduate studies 'at, universities in Canada, the United States and England. Three will be- come high school teachers. Twenty-two will return to, their co-operative companies for per- manent positions and the bal- ance have accepted positions in industry, the majority with companies :which have _ been participating in the co-opera- tive program. For travelling the .bridedon- 0-•""'""--""'"""---""'"'"---"---"-~"~" ned a navy blue linen sheath with fly away skirt panels, and a silver mink stole, a gift of the groom. Her crsage was of the groOm. Her corsage was of ding trip into -the United' Stat- es, 'the young couple will make their 'home at Dundas. Featuring . Safety Wringer That Releases Instantly! Washes up to a 9-Lb. Load. Bakelite Gyriator that never stains or corrodes. Five-year parts war- ranty on main transmission. Roll Bearings .. . self- lubricating. No oiling, no rust, no soiled' clothes. Bride Is From Clinton MR. and MRS. JOHN LEE CHAMBERLAIN, Dundas, were married on Friday evening, June 22 in Grand Bend United Church. The bride is Darlene Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon W. Stanley, RR 2, Grand Bend, (formerly of Clinton) and her husband's \parents are Corporal and Mrs. Neil R, Chamberlain, Strathroy, (Truax Studios, Forest) When the first students• en- rolled, however, the' university had no previous background in engineering education only , a handful' of faculty members, limited classroom and labora- tory space and precious few books. In fact, Waterloo did not even possess a university chanter! The university is now fully accredited and recognized. The engineering enrolment, which will top 1,000 'this fall, is one of the, largest in Canada and ever since the program began, industry has responded by em- pinking the students for their training • terms. Campus de- velopment to date represents an