HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-05, Page 4I ant n ,News,Record,411PrOgYf. ffuly 1907 Singalong Jubilee ` Singing host Bill Langstroth, centre, and Bud Spencer and Elan Stuart raise their voices in song on Singalong Jubilee each Monday night during the summer on CBC-TV, The light-hearted program, • produced in Halifax puts the emphasis on folk songs, and features the Jubilee Singers, seen in the background. (GBO Photo) Sugar and Spice (By W. B. T. SMILEY) Way back in June some time Bill Smiley cele- brated a birthday and his column dealt with that event. For some reason there just did not seem to be room in the News-Record for the Sugar and Spice • column that week. So for all Bill Smiley fans among our readership—here is that column: RUSSELL L. JERVIS CaNINIERCIAL RESOIDENITLAL REMODEL' INIQ HU.2-9390 68 ALBERT ST..' P FANCY QUALITY 20-f1-ot tins Reg. Price 2 tins 25c — SAVE 14c 411111111111111111111111181V1111 emsomr L0041 Aloisnreva NEXT DOOR, Igta REMEMBER: onyusrits ma) TO Co:— ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS Also Cold Storage Vault for Fur Storage USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE ON ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1120 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers Match,- take the calendar to out' office and claim your' $.3 credit Rildtto DRY CLEANING 01444,LAUND Y TO THE HARD OF HEARING... ACOUSTICON The Oldest Name in Hearing Aids Announces A Sensational Break Through for the Hard of Hearing • THE MOST POWERFUL, • THE MOST MINIATURE • THE BEST FITTING THE FINEST TAR LEVEL/ REARING AID EVER MADE ! 0.1 EXCLUSIVE FEATURES — Telephone pick-up coil . . . Automatic volume control . . Tone control (high, low, medium pitch) . . . Custom fitted. ELIMINATES — No cords . . No garment noise . . No outside receiver . 6 ir Weighs less than .1/2 of an ounce. WILL REPLACE 85% OF ALL BODY WORN' HEARING AIDS For Free. Demonstration Write or Phone ACOUSTICON HEARING SERVICE 140 King St., London Phone GE 8-8291 r.0 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables IMPORTED, YELLOW FLESH, FREESTONE, NO. 1 GRADE eaches keeping quart 29( California Valencia, Fancy Grade ORANGES 5-16 cello bag 59c Niagara, Sweet Eating, No. 1 Grade Heaping Qt. 29c CHERRIES 4.,,bask1.49 Ontario Grown, Field, Good Slicer*, No, 1 Grade CUCUMBERS 2.619c Bradford Marsh, Large Firm Heads, No. 1 Gt,acle Loma 2.fo 19c Ontario Grown Merchandise Now In Plentiful Supply, Arriving Daily at AP Stores. Cauliflower, Cabbage, Green and Wax Beans, Field and Hot House Tomatoes, Green Onions, Radishes, Celery, Beets, Peas, etc. AM' SUPERMARKET LOCATED AT 81 WEST STREET GODERICH OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. fee emu Anmene pAewe TRA coramPri uper 1Vja rkets A,P MEANS OFPENDARittiT All Prices Shown In lid* Ad Gunennteld' T r6u6h totuedaY, July 7th, 1962. Super-Right Quality Government Graded Meats "CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEP EEF ROASTS BLADE BLADE BONE REMOVED " SHORT or CROSS PRIME RIB SHOULDER FULL CUT I RIB WELL TRIMMED lb ., Cilb ROAST SHORT CUT ill PORK SHOULDER ROAST SHANKLESS lb 4 9C Lean Shoulder Cuts GROUND CHUCK Burns Sliced Mock CHICKEN LOAF Wheatley, Cooked HALIBUT STEAKS Sea Scald, Canada Inspected SMOKED FILLETS lb 59c . 1-lb pkg 53 t lb 69c 16-oz pkg 3 9c it's Your Dollar — Make The Most Liquid SPECIAL ! JAVEX BLEACH 64-fl-oz plastic ctn 45c Aylmer Reg. Price 2 btls 39c—SAVE 4c CATSUP 2 11-fl-oz bottles 3 5 c Grape or Lemonade Reg. Price each 59c—SAVE NESTLE'S KEEN 13-11-oz bottle 5 5c Shirriff's etehus, SPECIAL! JELLY POWDERS 6 3-oz pkgs 5 5c Pink Lotion Detergent Reg. Price each 87c—SAVE 4c SWAN LIQUID giant size plastic btl 83C Of It — Shop And Save Cash At A&P! A&P Choice Columbia Reg. Price 2 tins 59c—SAVE 19c RASPBERRIES 4 1540z tins 99 Pain Reliever Reg. Price 89c—SAVE 10c ANACIN TABLETS pkg of 60 79C Henley Choice Reg. Price 4 tins 89o—SAVE.13o FRUIT COCKTAIL 5 15-f1-oz tins 99 Johnson di. Johnson Reg. Price 75c—SAVE 6c BABY POWDER large size 69c McFeeter's Golden Barr Cinnamon or Plain HONEY BUTTER 12-oz ctn 3 7c I Choice Quality, Sliced, Skinless 1 BEEF LIVER lb 3 9c Tray Pack, Pure . i PORK SAUSAGE lh 49c Maple Leaf, Smoked I _WIENERS Allgood — Smoked, Sliced, Rindlesi 1-lb cello pkg 49c SIDE BACON 1ib pkg 69c . LOWER PRICES MEAN MORE SAVINGS FOR YOU „,,...„,...,;;....„,„„,..„.....,..:,, TOMATOES QUALITY 59 2841-oz tins Reg. Price 2 tins 47c — SAVE 19c FANCY QUALI r WHOLE KERNEL CORN 14-fI-oz tins 9 9c Reg. Price 2 tins 35c — SAVE 24c p CHOICE C Womik A I am observing a birthday this week. Yeu'll notice T did- n't say celebrating. No, at my .age .you celebreee them. You merely observe them, with a dim view or a wistful look, In an effort to prove that there's plenty of life in the old boy yet, I am taking on a pair of huge mortgages the 'day be- fore my birthday. They say there's nothing like a fat mort- gage to make a, fellow. ,hustle. If that's true, I qualified years ago for membership in The Hustlers. I knew the hair was 'getting thinner, and the 'teeth scarcer, but' I haven't much of a pot yet, and figured I was in pretty good shape ,for my age. A couple of experiences . on the recent holiday weekend •de- strayed' this IlluSion and left me convinced that I'm a pretty good age for my shape. * First of all, the two old side- kicks dropped in for a visit, with their families. The three of us joined the RCAF on- the same day, and we've kept in touch since. In those-days, we could' make the old welkin ring right merrily all night, You -should have seen us, Saturday night, trying to maintain the old traditions. It was more like a wingding at the Home for the Aged thee a reunion of warriors. One of the boys was in great pain. had pulled a muscle in his beck while trying to tie his shoelaces without putting his foot en e chair. The other divided his an- xiety equally between his ulcer and his high blood pressure. And I fell sound asleep night in the middle of telling our wives what hellers we were in the old days. The ,second incident to em- phasize my increasing senility was a challenge from my daugh- ter. She's practising for ,a field day at sehool and wanted seine competition. Despite the fact that I nearly burst a blood veseel over it, she beat me handily in both the broad jump and the !hop step. This' hurt, but after all, she's in training, and 30 years younger. What really destroyed • me was the Old Battleaxe tried it, and beat both my marks without even breathing hard. I don't really mind getting older. But I certainly resent the fact that they're making all the stairs steeper and the garbage cans heavier these days. * x. When I look back to my birthday, however, and realize what has happened since June 2 1920, I can't .help thinking that I've been fortunate enough to live in one of the most exciting eras man has ever experienced. Just think. The war :to end war's was over. George V was on the throne of England, and the sun never set on the British Empire. In those 40-odd years, we've had a bigger war, Geo- rge's granddaughter is Queen, and the Empire has almost van- Med. When I was born, there were no jet engines, television corn- meocials, rocket miselles or nu- clear weapons. In other words, things were 'pretty quiet. In- come tax was only a cloud on the horizon. No one had climb- ed Mount Everest or run a feur-minute mile. Tuberculosis was a dread disease and lung cancer had not been invented yet. In those four decades and a bit, Cariada's population has doubled. The telephone has re- placed the back fence as a gos- sip-monger. The automobile has gone through the stages of a curiosity, a luxury, an idol, a necessity, and a monthly mill- V4114* to, CorAtle 9 .13ren04. .Atrts, .p4t1wIrm 134Xeri ^gheryl .gArRaf,s, Jean Battle) Daniel Bingham, Werida legegiien,, Judith Boys, Case Pnffinga, Kenneth .Foote, po, een Porrevt.. J.-Won Good, Robert Haelericl, Spelt Hawkine Petda Header- MO, Harald` Johnson,, . Judith Johnston, Lynn .Leereek, Peel McKenzie, Thomas' Newell, Sandra pare, Diane Patterson, RaYiniond. Radford, William Robinson, George eelnittleb, Roy Sm'i'th, Linda. Spano, .Donald Vincent, Grade 7 eo .Geede Charles %nice,. Judy Bueh, Karen Daum, Robert 'Deakin, Janet Dareayne, Miehaelleuerd, Billy Mackay, Carolyn leferceil, Francine .Peqeettee por Pigeon, Wendy Poem, Lome ProleoPetz, Robert Reid. Norina Schultz, James Thom- son, David Young, Meerice Ve- zina, Brian A3urnsisl'e, Gerry Crozier, Lynn Denning, Mieheel Fisher, Ten. Henley, Lorraine Huard Ju . dy Leenick, Walter Morrow, - Stephen Pierce, Robert Pet- erson Patrick Rousseau, Shari Sabourin, Wayne Speen& Grade .6 to Gracie 7 Bruce Bingham, Susan Boys, Susan Cole, Patricia; Doll, TOM Koch, Judy Leader, Brenda Ludwig, John Paul, Linda Ter- anski, Marilyn Arsenault, Lou- ise Betts, Wesley Chambers, Joan Davies, Beverley Dickau. Isabel Dtimayne, Maureen Foote, Derek Forbister, Greg- ory F.-setts, Joe Fyvie, Mary Beth Harland, Denis Haspeck, Wayne Hodges, Melvin Hohner, Gary Mackay, Billy Muise, Nancy Nelson, Coleen Newell, Christine Pare, Susan. Reekie, Robert Spam, Vicki Stumpf,. Judy Sutcliffe. Grade 5 to Grade 6 Charles iChambers, SuSan Crozier, Gary Deveau, Peter Fisher, Dennis Gray. Carolyn Hibbert, Patricia Lesinick, Eliza- beth Robertson, Teddy Thomp- son, Gail Ackerman, Susan Ad- ams, Denis Barnes, Philip Begg, David Betts, Peter Bingham, Margaret Brock, Gregory Bush, Linda Collier, Mark Craig, Linda Dickau, SuSan Doll, Don- ald Farrell, Peter Filion, Mark Forbister, Linda Forrest, David. Fyvie, Michael Gallant, CUTE TRICK WITH SOME ROASTED SPUDS Looking for a Way to "dress up" oven roasted potatoes? The foods department at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, suggests you carve tiny holes in the sides of raw potatoes and insert baby green onions. Add to the roast- ing pan. and cook with the roast. It's' different and delic- ious too. stone around our necks. There weren't any Commun- ists—just Bolsheviks. Socialists were "Reds". Whisky was stronger and a heck of a lot cheaper. Women were dressed much as they are today, and were just as neurotic. Oil heat- ing; deodorants' and tranquiliz- ers were unknown. Nobody was trying to get to 'the moon. Fifty dollars a week was big money. By golly, that was a long time ago, wasn't it? Helene Huard, Bryan Ludwig,, Rani Pattergkn, Robent Paul, Shelley ProkOpetz, Mary Jane Soothgalte„ ,Carol Spears, Rga., ger:$ipeaM, Kenny Thomson, Louise Tremblay; Claudette Vg'7470'r40, L to. Grade 0 D4MyilaeheelieliZierpkeetli,isGemy Susan Orr, Shirley Petrt, Linda Pigeon, Ricky $00o4ral, 130304 Thomson, gurle Beg- geley, Anne. Barr, Robert • Betts. David Boulding, Kevin Buck, Meriee Hoheer. 'James .JebieS, tee, Alma. Leader, Patsy Mee- Farland, Clara Maspn, Carole Paquette, Ricky Rousseau,. Grade 3 to! .Grade 4 SyMiv?argo gArlaare. l 15 r3arsit400: Candis Burnside, Denise De- wan, Ricky Dobson, Sharon Doacis', Ann Panning, Gordon Farrell, Gerald Greentree, Rb herta Henley, Ivan Hopkins. Brian i-Tynes, John McKenzie, Nancy Ore. Laura pare, Ken- neth Robinson,• Darlene. Spears, Cattierine Thompson, Glen Tremhlay, Michael TnrartSki, Roberta Zadow, Kim Bagnall, Gillian Bunting, Nicole Carier. Gene Dielreu, Vicky Gallant, Nicole Haspeck, Reheat Hodg- son, Judy Johnsoa, peter John- son, Gary MaeFariand, Johanne Paquette, David Patterson, Mark .Paul, Judy Reekie, Stev- en Rice, Michel Royer, Jimmy Servos, Douglas Southgate Grade 2 to Grade 3 Weedy Brace, Margaret Carew, Claude Ceder, Michele Chambers, Debra Daum, Robert Dick, Richard Dubuc., Ricky Edwards. Diane Filion, Kent Folks, Kathy Foote, Teresa, Gray, Dale Greer. Wendy Hynes, Larry La- Poiete, Kathryn Michalski, Glenn ,Mitchell, Leah Mosher, Norma Naven, Tina Patterson, Kenneth Plemsteel, Wendy St. Louis, Lynn Westhaver, Alex Begg,- John Bingham, Geraldine Boulding, Keith Buck, Robin Burke, Lorene Bush, Midhael G a r'f n e y, Christine Haspeck, Billie Inch, David Johnson, Douglas! Kelley. James Marcell, Lynne Mon- roe, Nancy Naven, John Paqu- ette, ,Terry Petersen, Ronald' Sabourin, Bobby St. Louis, Laureen Thomson, Danny Teyn- chuk. Grade 1 to Grade 2 Glenn Aldwinickle, Carol Ann Banks, Gisele Betts, Jo-Anne Boulding, Martin Bunting, Kim Cavanaugh, Earl Crawford, Joan Crozier, Alberto Derran.,- cesco, Guy Dubuc, Alan Dun- kin, Diana E'wasiuk, Ross Fish- er. Laura Harclisty, David Ink- ley, Elizabeth Ireland, Kathleen, Iwaskow, David' LaRose, Karen Lesnick, Steven MacKay, Karen Mason, Carol McCartney, Lynda Mitchell, Glenn Mosher, Wendy Muise. Kathleen Newell, Lee New- port, • Penny Ranger, Terry Robertson, Sharon Salt, Adrian Tremblay, Terry Venables, Jimmy Adams, Janice Begnall, Gordon Banfield, John. Bond, David Bowman.. ;Shauna Casement, Bobby Chambers, Dorothy Cochrane, Peter Dooks, Dawn' Folks. Debra Forbister, Linda George, Kathy Hodgson, Chris Holder, Corinne Holder. Darrell Lus- sier, Alan Madge. - 11011111•I SAV I GET OUT OF THE I KITCHEN. LET A&P's t MASTER BAKERS DO 1 THE BAKING FOR YOU , kOW,, CatnY jnbeSeek LePelelle, Michael .T:i.1.4410%e, Jean MarcleiS, Robert Marshall, Carol Ntohols, Vlaade Paqi,tette, Pare, .Irene Petersen,. • j9c14et Barter,. Robert SAO, ourin, Debra. Scott, Janice Dawn DaggaieZ Blaine )3aggalv, Christopher Bar N4itlattp: Brace, Mich.4e1 WiMgr4. .Cochrane, '144 Anne Kathy' g Pusan Gees Jo 4114e .C1,rolv,. David' _ pies land .Jacqueline KaY, MS, :T-)ebreT-fgctgos,,. Jo 11'10. 23001,401 II1er, Mickrael Mad.f4r140, Pears PatlexOPre Mark PP, bort$,. Mary Anne Reyer.,. Calvin Ricky St. .LOUie. Vivian. Thompson, -Glenda, 703 n , Timr0 Wood, 1.7-1441 Wo9ctley. XamelTlaiot. ,Jbnmy Wpod. 1Pacierpt.rtPA to 011010 1 Jatrieeurke, Gregory Cripps, Giovanni PoTrancesco, Anita PiOcau, Kevin Dodds, Janice Docks, Judith Dooks, Payicl Pivont, Maitlreen,Fehr; Ken- tketh Gaffney, George HeA"diSIVI Renee l e Penall4rTrelanCI, Sharon 'Was- Michael McCabe, °Chris PalGt- e!r$on, Rosemary Fierce, Lorig Rice, rX411Qing: Rousseau, Clem, enit Royer, George Salt, Stephen Southgate, Debra Ttion4011, RtvGaucout 59: "E"Cl 70„; 2:40titi• 49c sivtm SAVE 1,0