HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-07-05, Page 3V.V.NYVIntsb., ^ A • 0 .11 , • ' 4 • .-44netn tr n-no'ro' *". 4,'W,RX • vern.nr "'" nn Klondike Gold -Rush Bank • The finst bank at Dawson Yukon, in :the Klondike gold ruSh of 1898, was a rough nwporl-frasned, canvas -covered shack, an it haa been :re- cneated by the Bank of Mont- real as part of the ina,wson City Gold Rush Festival, Which opened Sunday, July 1. The office Was established by the Bank of British, North America; which later merged with the B o M. The first Manager, David Doig, and two clerks tock 47 days to , tra.vel—by steamer, dog -sled, pack -pony and canoe — the 1,500 miles from, Vancouver • to Dawson to set up the sourdoughs' first bank. Pre- sent B of M manager, be - whiskered Ray McPhail, who was elected first president of the Festival in 1960, is depicted here in the doorway Of the tent -shack chatting with customers in period cps - 'Wine. Shown inset, he weigths gold dust on scales 'of the ntype used during the Klorn dike 'gold rush. The present B of Mlbuild1ng, in the back- ground, was erected in' 1901 by big Alex McDonald, "lCing of nthe Klondike".. Promotions -At Clinton PS Promotion lists show grades in which pupils will be in. September, 1962. GRADE NINE Charle‘e Andrews, Penny Bateman, Bob Batkin, Cormie Beck, Bonnie Boyes, Janet Brandon, Sharon Brown, Mar- vin Brubacher. • - David ,Carter, Rosemary Car- ter, Allan Clank, Jim Collins, Lynda Cooke, Rolfe Cooke, Jim Cooper, Joan Cooper, ,Rowerra Corey, Helen nCorren, Bill Cox, Jim Cox, Marie Cox, Jean Dale, 1.,inda, Dales, • Cathy Deline, „Wayne Dupee, Bonnie Edward, Jim Edwards, Kristen Engel- stad, Mary Ferguson. Gordon Garrett, Rant, Glevv, June Govier, David .Graham, :Welty Grigg, Kenneth. Harnin 'ton, Ricky Holland, Larry Hug - Barry Irwin, John Irwin, Fred Jewson, Carol Kempston, David Lang, Betty Livermore, Marie Lobb, Janet Lockhart, Sally Lowe, Grace McAdam, Bill McCall, Ken McLeod, Bob McMichael, Doug McPherso,n, David MoRae, Brian Marten, ' Doug Marmen, Mary Jean Menem. Larry Pickett, J-oyce Rath, Carpi Reichert, Charles Rockey, Janet Roorda, ,Tim Stanley, John Steep, RollieSiteepe, Charles Switzer, Bonnie Taylor, Carol Thompson, Chari Wit- tingham, Theresa Zabiocki, Marilyn Zondervan. GRADE EIGHT Graham Asny, Don Bartliff; Peter Black, Isaac Bottema, Gamy Butler, Richard aark, Brian Cox, Gregory Crowe, •Marie ,Cuctinore, Heather Dar- ling, Richard Dixon, Patsy Ed- ward, George Mick Wanda Frernlin, Dianne Hanley, Shar- on Heard, Linda Hay, Mary Arun ,I-Iymers. John Irwin, Brian Kennedy, Elaine Kennedy, Joy Langdon, Robert Lee, Gregory McCarty, Dianne McLeod, Linda Nice, Suzanne Pugh, Dianne Switzer, Linda Switzer, Heather Van Riesen, Graham Yeats, Francis Zondervan. GRADE SEVEN Beth Armstrong, Twyla Arn- ston, Barbera Ball, Elizabeth Bartliff, Norman Bell, Mary Jayne Bertrand, David Beseo, Larry Boyce, Patsy Brown, Ruth Anne Brown, Don Bran haeher, Bonnie Butler, Robbie Campbell, Betty Lou Carter, Mike Carter, Ricky aa,rIce, Judy Conning, nCani Colquhoun, Ken Colston, Marily Cutler, Doug Deline, Gary Deline, Ricky Fremlin, Janise Gal- braith, Michael Graham, Leo Greidanus, Sandra Hamilton, Darlene Hanley, Valerie Hol- land, Marie Johnston, Bradley Irenvpston, Barbara Knox, Mar- garet Ladd, Paul Lavis, Jerry Lobb, Scott Macattlay,. Jack Mc- Michael, GoatIonr A/fereRobert Miller, Linda Moodie, Tommy IVIorgan, Ruth Murphy, Harold Newland, Linda Nip, Batelle Perdue, Marianne P,hisr- ney, Travis nrneken, Alice ,Roorda, Ken Roeel1, rune Scheenhals, Ken Slade, Denise uewater Danceland (4 miles north -weft �f Zurich, 8 Miles north of Grand Bend) DANCING • EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 1.6 to CYO ann. MUSIC tor .the season by DeSiorailie rCheStlid Speolal Prizes for SPot DANCES NOVELTIES TIAOSTS Smith, Bobby Snell, Lynda Steep, Sandra Steep, Ken Strong, Stewart Young, Janice Wood. GRADE SIX John Aiken, Lynda Alii, Donny Beck, Francis Bottema, Donald Carne,ron, Douglas Cam- eron, Derwin Canter, Janet Car- ter, Name Christensen, Teddy Collins, Bob Cooper, David Cooper, Ivan Crittenden, Bev- erley nCurnnore, Helen Cuclmore, Kenneth Currie, Carol Ann Edwards. Gabriel Fair, Derek Faust, Suzanne Grainger, Keith Ham- ilton, Shirley Harris, Wendy Holines, John Hudie, Steven Jenkins, Rodney JerviS, David Johnston, • Steven Johnston, Raymon Kennedy, Brenda Kingswell, Tommy Leppingtan, Joan Lobb, Maureen Lockwood. Steven MacDonald, Ronny Mair, ;Larry May, Ralph MQ- Aidam, Gail McCarty, Sharon McKenzie, Larry Mercer, Dougie Palmer, Colleen Sauter, Peter Slofstra, Patty Strong, Allan Wells, Ricky Zablocki. • GRADE FIVE Andre Amsing, Susan Bake - leer, Paul Bartliff, Laverne Bezzo, Betty Bottema, Judy Carter, David Collins, Garry Collins, Denise Currie, John Dixon, Shirley Dupee, Garry Elliott, Judy Finley, Dennie Fleischauer, Phyllis: Fremlin, Larry Gibbings, Glenda Gray. Marrlarme Hamilton, Ronald Harris, Janice Herman, Wayne Hoy, David Jervis, Gregory Jer- vis, Marilyn Johnston, Robert Kay, James Keller, Gerald Lang, Linda Levis, John Lep-, pington, Ronald Lobb, Sandra MacDonald Diane Matthews, David McCarty, Bruce McKern zie, John McPherson. Martha Newland, Patricia Phinney, Nanny Pickett, Clare Praetor, Sandra Schoernualt, Burt Slofsitra., Leonard Steep, Lyle Steep, John Switzer, Bar- rie Taylor, Jacgualynne Tatter- sall, Ruth Ann Twyford, Grace Van Loo. GRADE FOUR David Aiken, Marilyn Aiken, Jolancle Arnsing, Dru Andrews, Janet Arnston, Jahn Bakelaar Peggy Bartliff, Jo Arm Bates, Alan Bell - Chambers., Betty Bertrand, Lynn Boyce, Peter Cameron, Tom Cambell, Stev- en Canter, Ove Christensen, Randall Clegg, Sheran Collins, Lois Cooper, Sutan Cox, Bruce Craig, Paul Crittenden, Teddy Cuchnore, Steven Currie. Brian Delawski, Dennis De - line, Brian Edgar, Donald El- liott, Michael Mar Jeffrey Falconer, Lynne Gibbings, Peggy Govier, Christine Hart- ley, Victor Hoggarth, Debbie Hopf, Leila 'Torben:Mk, Glenn Ranakl•Irwin, Mark Jen- kins, Richard Jewson, Paul Johnston, Gordon Levis, Gary Loekwood. Rickey May, Jimmy McKern zie, Bobby Mercer, Brian Mer- rill, Mary Ann Millar, Frank Newland, Susan Palmer, Donna Reichert, Bonnie Riehl, Linda Sangster, Darlene Shorey, David Slade, Grace Slofstra. Arthur . Snell, Patsy Steffen', Steven Switzer, Barbara Sym- ons,Nellie Vaikenburg, Pamela White, Bryan Williams. GRADE THREE Beth Allan, George Allen, Janet Allin, Christdpher Amy, Robert Andrews, Jane Bakelaar, Rudy Bakelaar, Nancy Balser, Jenny Brorner, Sharon Bru- bather, Lynne Caldwell, Frank Cameron, George Collins, Ann. Crittenden David Dalgliesb, Debbie Dav- ie, Barry Edgar, Barbara El- liott, Patsy Elliott, David Faust, David Fawcett, Joel Finch, Timmy Fletcher, Cal Fremlin, Debra Glen, Cathy Grigg, Bev- erly Holmes, Brian Hough, Col- leen Keteheson, Angie Kuiper, Louise Lazet, Nola Lee, Ray Lobb. Fred MacDonald, Heather McAdam, Debra McCann, Ken- neth Mermen, Donny Mercer, Tommy Murch, Kathy Murphy, James Newland Keith O'Con- nell, Albert Pepper, Paul Rad- ford, Peggy Schoenhals, len Smith, Grace Strong, Jimmy Switzer, Winnie Valkenburg, George Wright, Russell Wright. GRADE TWO Cathy Aiken, Sharon Allen, Wendy Allin, Steven Amsing,- Robert Andrews, Joanne Bake- laar, Allen Balser, Cathy Bart- liff, Willie Bezzo, Keith Botte- ma, Rad Campbell, Beth Chow - en, Cindy nColquhoun, Dannie Colquhoun, Lynda Coak, Wonda Cox, Keith Crittenden, Donna Davis, Janet Delaw- ski, Holly Deline, Lynne Faust, Mark. Gehring, Paul Gehring, Jimmy Hansen, Leon Hor- banuik, Bonnie Johnston, Deb- bie Johnston, Paul Kay, Brian Kennedy, Wendy Kotilla, Peter Kuiper, Phillip Lamb, Walter Leppington Karen Matthews, Karl Matthews, Kathleen: 11/1c - Merton, Esther Merrill. Joyce Nellens, Mamie O'Sul- livan, Douglas Petenson, Bruce Powell, Bobby Rield, Bonnie Sangster, Any Lou Sauter, El- don Schmidt, John Slafstra, John Snell, Elizabeth, Staifen, Dennis, Steep, Wendy Stevens, Anne 'Steward, Billy Tattersal, Peter Valkenburg, John \ran, Loo, Gail Wager,Graham Wheatley, David White, Franny Williams, Sharon Williams, Glen Young. GRADE ONE James Aiming, Ricky Bell, Ronald 1301.1 - Chambers, Joe BELTONE • Hearing Aid Service Clinic SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH THURSDAY, JULY 12 1 p.„,, to 3 p.m. HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Store Phone for Free Home Appointment 8tkVICE TO ALL MACES OP HEARING AIDS THEME HEARING MD seRvicE 88 Queen St. S. Kitchener First 9/raciviates At St. Joseph's School From the left are David P4rIc6r, Thomas 'Kelly, Mari e 13oyie, •Gary Gra- ham, Philip BlIrriS, Maryann GliddOn, Barry Wild, Alfreda Goldsworthy, Ilea- tlwr Calderbanix) ,Edward BPIter. • Promotions At St..„ JosotpWis. Promotion lists show gras in which pupils will he in September, 1962. Grade Nine Edward Becker, Marie Boyle, Philip Burns, Heather Calder - bank, Mary Ann 'Gltddon, Al, freda. Goldtworthy, Gary Gra- harm, David Parker, Barry Grade Eight Karen Becker, Sharon Beck- er, Claire Boyle, Gary Fleet, Bonnie Graham, Katy Hussen, Youna Guardsman Guardsman Wilfred James Heard, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Heard, Bayfield, graduated from the Canadian Guards Depot recently foil - lowing completion of 20 weeks of basic training. A member of the Canadian , Guards he will commence advanced training, with the 2nd Battalion Canadian Guards at Camp Petawawa, Wilfred, who enlisted in the Army at London, Ontario, in January, 1962, attended Clin- ton District Collegiate Insti- tute, (Canadian Army Photo) nnn Bezzo, Brenda Boyce, Jane Bruce, Mary Jean Cameron, Henry Christensen, Keld Chris- tensen, Brian Clegg, Nancy Col- son, Catchy Colquhoun, Clare Colquhoun, Peggy Cooper, Bradley Cooper, Brenton Craig, Lloyd Crich, Cliffy Currie, Henry Da/risme, Danny Davis, Kevin Dutat, Donald Edwards. Marilyn Fair, Marna Falcon- er, Douglas Fawcett, Sandra Fremlin Karen Anne Gnaham, Peter Grainger, Cameron Grigg, Clarence Hoak, David Hanley, Norman Hansen, Billy Hayter, Paul Herman, Brian Hoggauth, Marilyn Holmes, Alex Hopf, Leslie Howlett, Stuart Keller, David Ketcheson, Brian Keys, Alice Kuiper, Bobbie Kuiper, Paul Lazet, Mary Catherine Lester, Debra Minton. Robbie MacAulay, Debra Magee, Brenda McDonald, San- dra McDonald, Cheryl Mar - men, Kim Mattlrews, ' Kim Motannura, Cathy Noble, Jo Anne Palmer, Richard Peter- son, David Powell, Patsy Proc- tor, Mark Radford, Betsy Hockey, Clarence Roorda, Debra Steep, Joanne Stevens, Steven Steward, Geraldine Strong, Peggy Switzer, Lorrie Symons, Harry Talbot, Ricky Tattersal, Alice Valkenburg, Paul Wheeler, Bruce Williams. Jamie Wright. ALitriktted iron: BOSTON LOS ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO THE• ' CHRISTIAN. A SCIENCE MONITOR ' AA ottlOmmak DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting Accurate Conalitete litternationiii News COverage The dhrlitien Science Mbnitor brie Nonkay.St., ston )5, Mote, Send yew' newspaper #Or the titre checked: tritiosed find try Check or money ofder fj 1 year $2 0 4 months $11 0 3 MOM:hi $5„50 Mania Addrese CIO/ Statd Pend Angus McDonald. Elaine Scru, ton, Robert Shaer, Carol SA.. mok, Reginald Varga, Lia Warne. • Grane Seven Roseanne Corriveau, Jill Goldsworthy, John Gautreau, Sarah Hussey, Michelle Jen, nings, Lorraine McDonald, Michael Reynolds. rate Six .Gregory Burl*. joy Finnie, Protestant Chapel Picnic Held In Seaforth Park About 250 people attended the picnic of the RCAF Station Clinton Protestant chapel, held in Seaforth Lions Park last Saturday afternoon, June 23. The committee in charge Was Warrant Officer, V. Boys; Flight Sergeants R. Bush 'and V. Johnston and Corporal B. Cochrane. Winners of sports events were: races, 25 yards, three years and undler, Ron McCart- ney; four .and five years, Joanne Greer, Terry Steinback. All contestants in these events re- ceived skipping ropes. 50 yards, six years, girls, Karen McCartney; boys, Mike Kelly, Jimmy Adams, Glen Ald- winckle; seven years, girls, Joan Crozier, Lorene Bush, Dale Greer; boys, John Bingham, Gordon Banfield, Fred Bird:; eight and nine yearn girls, Mar- go Adams, Wendy Hynes, Sus- an Crozier; boys, Gordon Far- rell, Leslie Fehr, Garry McFar- land. Shoe race, ladies, Mrs. Carol Ranger; 75 yards, 10-11 years, girls, 'Colleen: Newell Linda For- rest, Susan Cole; boysn, Kevin Buck, Donald Farrell, Peter Bingham; 12-13 years, girls, Colleen Newell, Brenda Adams, Judy Bush; boys, Danny Bing- ham, ane Prctkopetz, Torn Newell,. 100 yards, 14-16 years, girls, Debby Buck, Linda Cole, Linda Adams and Marie Paul; boys, John Farrell, Bob Reed. Sack race, men, Lou Borden. Peanut and epoon race, 6-7 years, girls, Lynn Westhaver, Penaay Ranger, Dawn Baggaley; boys, Glen Aldwinkle, Robert Marshall, Tony Bird; 8-9 years, girls, Doris Johnson, Margo Adams. Wheelbarrow race, 8-9 years, bons, Ivan Hopkins and Allan Brisco, Leslie Fehr and Earle Bagg•aley, Keith Buck and Garry MacFarland; three-leg- ged race, 10-12 years, girls, Brenda Ludwig and Susan Adams, Susan: Bons and Colleen Newell, Isobel Dumayne and Shelley Prokopetz; boys., Peter Bingham and Kevin Buck, Greg Bush and Tommy Koch, Leslie Fehr and Earle Bane:ley; 13 Lyn naron, Christine Jennings, Patripia KeW, Basra O'Brien, Victor Sybil*, Mary Lynn Watilcins. Grade Five nehrt AnStett, Elaine Corr& veau, Thelma Gautreau, John GoldSworthy, Carol Hathaway, James Wean, Brian lVfoDon- ald, Dianne Powers, Jack Pal, mer, Katharine Wild, Dianne LeS lege. Grade Four David Anstetnt Gretna Burns, Douglas Bush, Gary Cummings, Tinto, De Greaf, Patricia ,Pries- tlp, Michael Quesnel, Paul Rel - es, Jacqueline Williamson. Grade Three Paul Anstett, Betty Ann Du- puis, Constance Hathaway, Le- anne Melanson, Stephen Pal- mer,. Carol Quesnel, Lawrence Sytmck, Gill Williamson Grade Two Michael Anetett, Alphonse Finnie, James Finnie, Gregory Hussey, Stephen Hussey, Peter LeBean Margaret O'Brien:, 13r1 -an Powers, Wendy Lou Shaer, Debra Jean Bush, Mich- ael Robentson, Verne McDon- ald, Kathryn Ariderson. Grade One Raymond Burns, Robert Fin- nie, Michael Dupuia, Brian Gautreau, Celeste Jennings, Jo- anne Melanson Cynthia Morel, Christopher Reles, Janice Ryd- er,Beth Feenie, Deborah Rob- erson, Eliza Ferance, Theresa Anderson. Little Helper's Have Annual Service and Party The Little Helper's of St. Paul's Anglican Church held the annual service and party on Tuesday, June 26. The Rev. P. L. Dymond conducted the 'short service in the 'church. '11/Irs, David Ball presided at the or- gan. Games 'and a peanut scramble were conducted by Mrs. Allan White on the lawn. Lunch was served in the parish hall by members of the WA, assisted by Miss Dianne Switzer. years and aver, girls, Debbie Buck and Linda Cole; Brenda Ludwig and Suaan Adams; Brenda Adams and Janet Du - Mayne; boys, Danny. Bringbain and Tom Newell, Bob Reed and John Farrell, Peter Bingham and Kevin Buck. Needle and thread • race, couple, Mr. nand Mrs. 13. Far- rell. Officials assisting were A. Williams, G. Marshall, Frank Koch, G. Ellis, L. Hibbett, Bob Barr and Ivan Fehr. --ir Office gassip travels faster over grapevines that are slight- ly sour. .4,16 Your NOW SAVINGS EARN MORE at Canada's First flank Effective July len savings dei posits at the B o M will earn interest at the rate of 3% PER ANNilly1 Take advantage of this nern higher rate by opening a B of Al savings ttentnint today • w Pollow the example of three Million Canadians who are building for tomorrow at Canada's ritst Bank. BANK' 1°11 CMAbM'eS BANK. OF MONTWEAL 014444 Vkia.V4igi Clinton Branch: G. Purr, matiget toodesbotough Otib.Ageacy): open Mon. Wititititi WM, tAtiAtilANS fl4Mr/ WA* tior tilt -WINCE lit* ' -6s664, jl , Thuts(joy, July s, 1962---Cliotpn ..Npws4tecor4,,Poge Sunday ,School at 'Station flinton‘ • Has Closing .Graduation Service Closing ceremonieS for the Protestant Sunday School et RCAF Station Clinton were held at the ehaPel on lune 24 during a family service con, •ducted by FA, the Rev, M 131nrldr 1Die Bingham assisted by •the Sunday School euperintencl, ont, F/S Russell Hush, present-, ed 77 perfect attendance dip, lamas, 96 promotion certificat- es, and 39 memory work awards to the hand working members of the various departments. The highest award presented by Abe Sunday School is a cheque for $8 to boys end girls of the junior and intermediate departments for outstanding work throughou,'t the school year, This money is to be used towards a week at one of the local oh,ureh school vacation camps. The winners of this award are: Susan Aclants, Colleen Newell, Brenda Ludwig, Susan Boys, Bill Robertson Tom New- ell, Brian, Ludwig Sam Mossel- Honourable metion goes to the follawing boys and girls who qualified for this award, but were unable to attend due to transfer, conflicting leave .clates, etc.: Carolyn Hibbert, Susan Cole, Isabelle Dumayne, Jut/ ' Bush, Bruce Bingham, Nevvsprint is the only manu- factured' product that the Unit- ed States accepts from Canada in large volume. • 0 terms of 'constant 1949 dollars Canada's per capita gross national product declined from $1,576 in 1960 to $1,564 in 1961; comparative figures for the US. were $2,247 in 1960 $2,261 isa 1961. -Greg Bush,. Peter Hipghau Dafgriv This year the Sunday •Sch ehiltrireh held a VePigi ,c41 tion daring Le*. A• total $53 was collected Alla seat t the Luclhl.ana and Vellore sten Hospitals TotlAa (00 Council of Churches -pl.. jeqt), In addition. *23,37 birthday donations was sent t the African Stirdent Fund, SUNSET tovENIN.Goderic Wed., Thur., Fri. July 4-5-6 Howard Keel, Tina Louise "ARMORED COMMAND" Shorts include — "MississiPP Traveller"—"Riviera Revelries, and Cartoon Sat, Mon., Tues, July 7-9-10 — Double Bill • Chubby Checkers Mari Blanchard "Don't Knock The Twist" Polly Bergen, Warren Stevens "Belle Sommers" Wed., Thur., Fri, July 11-12-13 Rod Stieger, Naja Tiller "THE WORLD IN MY POCKET" PIus 3 Special Shorts . First Show at Dusk Children in Cars FREE AINE111111=1111111•111 e PARK Theatre Goderich Now — "Invasion Quartette"— British Made The funniest foursome that ever fouled up Der Fuhrer. Pius an excellent group of short subjects. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday — July 9-10-11 Adult Entertainment (nva Marie Saint -- Warren Beatty Angela Lansbury The startling story of a mid -western family. "ALL FALL DOWN" . Thursday, Friday, Saturday — July 12-13-14 Jim Hutton -- Paula Prentiss and Jack Carter By popular demand: A riotous Pacific Island comedy "THE HORIZONTAL LIEUTENANT" -- Scope & Color Coming — "GREENGAGE SUMMER" Adult Entertahunent s Competitive Prices Pius Personal Service DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders This Week I.D.A. SPECIALS --- July 2nd -7th KODAK HAWKEYE Flash Fun CAMERA Only $4.00 with any $4.00 purchase. SHULTON DESERT FLOWER SPARKLING COLOGNE and DUSTING POWDER Reg. $2.25 — $1.50 • MACLEAN'S TOOTH PASTE Reo, 98c — 75c STOPETTE ROLL ON DEODORANT Reg. $1.25 98c HALO SHAMPOO Reg. $195 — $1.39 COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE Reg. 35c 2 for 63c Reg. 65c ,Reg, 98c 79c NOXZEMA 10 oz. — $1.35 METRECAL WAFERS SPICE or CHOCOLATE — $1.29 . HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO . Reg. $2.00 $1.29 BATHING CAPS -- SUNTAN LOTIONS INSECT REPELLANTS F. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL MOW stiiVitt Dm 24626 Clinton, Ont.