HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-06-28, Page 12New Look at CDCI Campus
This is the view of CDCI campus from the top of the gymnatorium roof
(part of which is visible in lower left corner), looking toward Princess Street
in the background. The trailer and small building are part of the contractor's
equipment. The two "trenches" in the foreground, indicate the location of
footings for the classroom section of the new wing. Meanwhile, inside the
present school, renovations have begun. Floor, stage and part of the ceiling
in the old auditorium have been 'removed, ready. to start conversion into the
new library. Yesterday crews moved into the secretaries and principal's office,
to begin conversion into guidance office and interview room. Work also is
underway in the basement floor. (News-Record Photo)
Swimming Pool
Opening Saturday
Swimming at the Clinton
Community Swimming Pool is
expected to begin on Saturday,
June 30 according to J. Doug-
las Thorndike, chairman of
that board'.
Some delay has been experi-
enced in getting repairs made
to ;the circulating pump, which
has been in the hands of a
London plant for the past two•
months. However, it was ex-
pected to be in place 'yesterday
Even if ,weather continues
sunny and warm, the waiter
may be fairly cool' 'for opening
day. John Jacob supervisor of
the pool, 'reports the water was
at 57 degrees as it went into
the pool yesterday afternoon.
It may take several days to
Season's tickets are now an
sale at the clerk's office from
John Livermore, and also at the
pool on Saturday morning.
Children must have season's
ticket to be eligible to take
'swimming lessons.
Huron, speaking on nome ec-
onomics and health. There will
be a demonstration. Roll call
will be household hints. Pro-
gram will be in charge of Mrs.
George Thomason, Mrs. Bowes,
Mrs. Milt Little and Mrs. Foth-
Thursday & Friday
June 28-29
Hit No. 1—Shown at 11:00 only
Louis Prima, June Wilkenson
Hit No. 2—Shown at 9:45 only
Michel Lemoine
(Colour -- Scope) (n)
Saturday Only — June 30
Hit No. 1—Shown at 9:45 only
Jim Davis, Nancy Hadley
Hit No, 2—Shown at 11:00
James Brown, Jean Willes
Sunday Midnite & Monday
July 1-2 — At 12:05
Edwin Nelson
Anthony Carbon
Tuesday & Wednesday
July 3-4
Shown at 9:35 and 11:00
Paul Newman, Joanne Wood-
ward, Sidney Poitipr
(Adult Entertainment)
Coming Next: "MISTY" and
"The Two Little Bears"
Children under 12 hi Cars Free
Only 31 members attended
Monday evening's monthly
'meeting of Clinton Legion
Branch. There are over 240
members on the roll. After a
talk on non-interest in Legion
gatherings and activity by past
president Cam Procter, branch
service bureau officer, president
Doug Thorndike called' for 'the'
formation of a committee to in-
vestigate. Zone Commander
Radio & TV
Phone HU 2-3841 Clinton
Greeting Cards
COWS & Rust Craft
• "When you care enough to send
the very best."
BIRTHDAYS to Children, Comic, Relatives, Ages,
GET WELL in General and Comic
ANNIVERSARY in General, Wife, Husband, Mother
and Dad, Silver, Golden, etc.
Special Book Sale
Hardy Boys — Bobbsey Twins
Nancy Drew Cherry , Ames
2 for the price of 1 Sale
Two books — No. 1 and No. 2
Regular Price $2.78 — Now both for $1.39
Clinton Ontario
Tickets For Banquet $1.75 On Sale
E J.
Manager of our
Service Department
We are pleased to have "Butch" join our staff.
He comes to us well equipped to' handle your
problems after specializing for six years at Wells
Auto Electric.
New friends Will receive careful attention and
courtesy, Old friends will be equally appreciated.
When your car needs service, be the job large
or small, ask for "Butch".
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
CLINTON, ONTARIO Phone HUnter 2.9321
.Page •12-Clinton .NPws,Rvcord,—Thurs" June •Zaf. 1.962
Bantams Win First Two
News of Londesboro
Correspondent — MRS. BERT ALLAN
Phone 'Blyth 37 r 5
Kenneth McCowan (C)
Douglas McCullough (C)
Norma McDougall
Michelle McKenzie (C)
Jean McViittie
James MacDonald
Terry Madill
Clarence Magee (H)
Steve MagUire (C)
Clara Martin (H)
Edward Martin
Mahlon Martin
John Martyn
David Medd
Sandra Middleton (H)
Barrie Miller
Trevor Moon (C)
Linda Murch
Linda Murphy (H)
Nancy Mustard
Brian Nelson (.C)
Linda Nicholson
Ronald Overholt (C)
Nicole Paquette
Larry Pearson
Robert Pearson (C)
Donna Peck (H)
Barbara .Pegg (H)
Ronald Plurnsteel.
Bonnie Pollock
Marion Porter (C)
Douglas Proctor
David Pugh
Karen Radford
Lynda Rathwell (H)
Larry Reid (C)
Melvin Riehl
Patricia Robinson
Dennis Rogers
Sheryl Rozell (C)
Blaine Rumball (C)
Terry Rutledge
Marlene Schultz (C)
Myrna Scott (C)
Donald Scrimgeour
Barbara Semple (H)
Pamela Servos
Robert Shaddick
Lynn Shaer (H)
( C )
v1 Lynn
Donna Lynn Shobbrook
Steve Smith
Susan Smith
Bonnie Snail
Wayne Sprung
Dick Steenstra
William Strong (C)
Donald Swan
Sandra Switzer (C)
Ronald Sytnick (C)
Gordon Tait (C)
David Turner
Marjorie Turner (H)
Fred Tyndall
John Vanderhaar
Josephtne Vtullamnieferi
Tony Verburg (H)
Dianne Verhoef
Nellie Verhoef
Elna Wonch (C)
Lemis Yeo (H)
Murray Yottagbiut
Bertha Zondag (C)
Fred Zvvaan
The general meeting of the
United Church Women was
held last Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Lear gave a temperance
reading after the devotional
period. Among items of busi-
ness was a recommendation
from the afternoon unit to re-
plenish the dishes and silver-
ware for the church kitchen.
The Explorers met last Wed-
nesday, with Barabra Burns
calling the graduation meeting
to order. Poems were given by
Heather Snell and Helen Good.
Mrs. Edwin Wood was guest
speaker. Girls graduating were
Lorna Miller, Wendy Caldwell,
Donna Youngblut, Lloy Shad-
dick, Shirley Hunking, Heather
Snell, Helen Good, Janice, Pat-
ty and Sharon Little, Beverley
Lee, Susan Clark and Barbara
Burns, Lunch was served by
the girls.
WI To Meet
The Women's Institute will
hold their July meeting next
Wednesday, July 4 at 8 p.m. in
the Londesboro Hall. Guest
speaker will be Miss Isabel Gil-
christ, Home Economist for
Clare Magee Pitches
Two.Hitter Over
Seaforth Bantams
(Mare Magee who was Clin-
ton Fish and Game Club ban-
tam's top pitcher lalst season,
gave up two singles in the' first
game of 'the year as his team
was defeating Seaforth 5-1. He
also collected a two-bagger
himself. Other Clinton hitters
were IVIePherson, a double and
Dutot, a. •single. The game only
went five innings.
Clinton: Larry Pickett 3b,
Jim Livermore a, Doug Mc-
Pherson rf, Pearson, .cf,
Charles Switzer 2b, Brian Mer-
men if, Brad Dutat 1.b, Doug
Proctor ss, Clare Magee p.
Seaforth: Finnigan, c, Wright
p, Hilly 1b, Boshart 2b, Wat-
son 2b, MacLean, ss, Broome
3b Campbell rf, Scott lf, KnetSh
If, Stewart cf,
r h
Clinton ....... . . nen 001 40-5 3
Seaforth 001 00-1 2
Doug l*Phersou Has
No.Hitter. Strikes Out
16 .Hensoll Players
Used sparingly as a pkoher
last year, Doug '1VIelr.'llerson
showed his stuff Tuesday even-
ing when he !pitched a seyein
inning ire-hit game over I-lens:all
bantams. Dong faced only n
players in seven innings.. Only
one Hensall player got an base,
that l;elog on an error the
seventh. In four innings he
struck out all three batters and
two in each of the second and
seventh for a total of 16 strike-,
Clinton gathered 15 hits for
nine runs, 'Their big inning was
the first with five hits for only
two runs. In the sixth, ten
Clinton play.ers batted turning
five hits into six runs. Liver-
more, Magee and Dutot were
the big guns with three hits
each. Clinton's line-up was the
same as the Seaforth game,
with Magee playing right field
in place of McPherson,
Doug ,Andrews will be chair-
The small gathering of
Legionaires heard the Zone
Commander's report of the bi-
annual Dominion Command
convention in Halifax last
month. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews
were the 13branch •zone'S rep-
resentatives. 798 delegates at-
tended, representing the 246,000
member veterans' organization.
Chester Merriam, Tara, was ap-
pointed Dominion Command
chairman for a two-year-term,
Mr. Andrews spoke briefly on
only a few of the over 200 re-
solutions that came before the
A motion at Mon'd'ays meet-
ing was made to pay off $2,000
on the branch's note at the
bank. This note was due to
renovations art the hall when
the premises secured their re-
stricted club license two years
A profit of slightly over $300
was realized by the two-day
band tattoo on June 8 and 9.
Howard Tait reported that the
entertainment committee has
lined up complete programs for
social evenings up to and in-
eluding New Year's eve. This
committee has raised over $350
for the branch in the first half
of this year.
Sports chairman Len Arnston
is organizing a match-play golf
Journey for July and August.
Entries can be made to Mr.
Arnston or at the Legion_ Hall.
Winthrop Team
Leading Girls
Softball League
'The Nenth, Hurori 'LadieS
Softball League is well under
way with last year's' ehaninions
from Winthrop yet ito lose a
Leegue play began on TneS,
day, .June 19 with Londesboro
losing a close one 'to Winthrop
with a score of 26-23, The
other game scheduled for the
tame evening between the Clin-
ton Acrobats and the Clinton.
Bongos was postponed and
played 'instead on Monday,
June 25 with the Acrobats! porn-
lag out on ten of a 22-11 tally. ,
On Thurs'd'ay, June '21 the
Clinton Comets, trailing 'Lon-
&shorn by 16-1 at •the end of
two! innings managed' to bat in
three additional runs te fintsh
the game with the final score
at 26-4.
On the same evening the
Winthrop girls showing chaina
ionship form trounced 'the Clin-
ton Acrobats 47-7,
Last Tuesday saw the Bon-
gos lase to the Lo.nd'esboro girls
33-18 on their home diamond'
at the Public School. In Win-
throp 'the same evening the
Comets lost to Winthrop 44-5.
Tonight in Clinton the game
between the Winthrop team and
the Bongos has been cancelled
and the Acrobats and Comets
will play as scheduled at the
Public School diamond.
Next .Tuesday the Bongos and
the Comets:. meet in Clinton as
da the Londesboro girls and
the Acrobats.
Players are advised to check
with their coaches as to
schedule changes.
It seems the Clinton teams
are a bit slow getting off the
ground 'this year but the coach-
es have every confidence in
their teams futures. The Clinton
Acrobats are aided with the pit-
ching. of Cleo Langdon and
Sandra Switzer. Elaine Brown
on first base and Lynn Shore
in the outfiel dhave -also done
quite well as have all the other
team members.
Tho Bongos with Mary Jean
Addison pitching have had good
performances turned in by
Mang Merrill and Sybil Castle.
Team mates Barb Semple and
Linda Bothwell are also play-
ing a finegame for the Comets.
Summer Bowling
League Active
For the past six weeks a
summer five-pin bowling lea-
gue has been operating at the
Clinton Automatic Bowling
Lanes. Following is the stand-
ing to date:
W L H.T. Pts
Untouchables 15 3 5 35
Sooners 13 5 5 31
Knock-Outs 12 6 4 28
Pin Busters 6 12 1 13
Wanderers 5 10 1 11
Boo-Boos. 3 15 2 8
High single, ladies, Gert Scott,
350; men, Ron Burbridge, 349;
high triple, ladies, Edith Hend-
erson, 722; men, Ron Burbridge,
823; high average, ladies, Gert
Scott and Phyllis Mclsaac, 196;
men, Ron Burbridge, 227. '
Archery Gains
Interest Among
'Teen Age Set
Archery organizers Dick Dix-
on and Reg Smith gave the
scenic 'archery range a grooming
with power mowers on Tuesday
evening and the range is' now
in grand shape for the 'mem-
The' 'teenagers who signed up
for 'archery training, sponsored
by Clinton Athletic Association•
are becoming, proficient in this
interesting and repidly growing
On Wednesday evening .about
15 enthusiastic local boys and
girls turned out 'for the well
supervised practice.
A small entry .fee entitles
an archer or anyone interested
in taking up the sport to full
use of the, club facilities. Each
member is also given a small
crest which indicates member-
ship in the "Clinton Bowmen".
CDCI Over 80 Club
Whose names are posted in
the spring section of the Over
80 Club board at Clinton Dist-
rict Collegiate Institute? Here
are those who made it;
Paul Bateman, Gail Bennett,
Frances Blacker, Rose Bru-
bacher, •Karen Calclerbank
Gayle Coombs, Lorraine De-
veau, Susan Fretts, Kevin Hen-
ley, Bonnie Hornuth, Joan Ir-
win, Jim Livermore, Alan Lowe,
Bruce McBride, Clarence Ma-
gee, Clara Martin, Sandra Mid-
dleton, Nancy Olde, Barbara
Pegg, Marie Riley, Margaret
Trewartha, Tony Venburg,
Have Office Positions.
The .fellowing students of
Goderieh. Business College in
the Clinton area have recently
commenced work as bookkeep-
ers, stenographers,, .and typists:
Patricia. Paterson, Hay_Station-
ery CO. .Ltd„ London; Rtithann
Eakin, .C1. int on Community
Credit Union Ltd,,;Mra,..Jamea
LandsbOrOtigli, Huron .County
Home, Clinton; Edith Dowson,,
Ex-Cello Corporation,LOndan;
John...Col-mitt, Robert Bell., Tit-
dilstrieSi Seaforthu 'Grate 'Clif,•
ton,. Murray-Selby Shoe
LOndelif..Gleria Rurriball -Pto-
vincial .POlide office, Goderieln
Myrtle Collins, Wolverine TUN:
Division, ..Caltutiet ,Heeld. of
Canada; tofibdtn
Walter McGill went to Vic-
toria Hospital, London on Mon-
day for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Durnin
and Karen, Stratford, spent last
weekend with the former's par-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kers-
lake and family, Elimville, spent
last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Durnin.
Mrs. Marjory Davey and
Miss Mary Hager visited with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson Hesk, recently.
Sympathy is ' extended to
Mrs. Wilmer Howatt and fam-
ily in the loss of her mother,
Mrs. David Gardiner who pas-
sed away on Monday evening
in Seaforth Hospital.
Mrs, Cal Straughan, Gode-
rich, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Willows Moun-
tain and the Josling family.
Rev. H. A, Funge on Sunday
morning extended an invitation
to anyone to call at the 'par-
sonage this Friday afternoon
after two o'clock to see the
new cupboards and other im-
provements ,made recently.
Linda Adams
Judith Amy (H)
Mary Ellen Andrews
Trudy Armstrong (C)
Barbara Ball
Bryan Bell
Dwight Bender (H)
Sharon Beninger (C)
Gary Black(C)
Murray Mackie (H)
Frances Blacker (H)
Mary Boyce (C)
Deborah Buck
Ralph Buffinga (C)
Patricia Burns (C)
John Buruma (C)
Anne Caldwell
Faye Carter
Ronald Carter
'Betty Cartwright (C)
Keith Cartwright
Elaine Clynick (C)
Linda Cole (H)
Craig Collier (C)
Ethel Collins (C)
Gayle Collins (C)
Betty Jean ,Cook
Gayle Coombs (H)
Robert Cooper (H)
Michael Cowan
John Cox (C)
Harry Cummings (H)
Dianne Currie (C)
Claire' Dale
Shirley Darnbrough
Teena Deboer
Adrian Decoo
William Dougherty (C)
Cartherine Draper
Audrey Duizer (C)
Denis Durand (C)
Bradley Dutot
Grant Elliott
Shirley Fleet
Patricia Fletcher
Barbara Flett
Susan Fretts (H)
John Geiger
Dianne Geraits
Dwight Gibson
Barry Glazier
Glenna Gowing
Janet Graham (C)
Judith Graham
Gwilym Griffith
Murray Grigg
Monica Haspeck (C)
Kevin Henley (H)
Ronald Hibbert (H)
Murray Howatt (C)
Larry Hoy (C)
Barbara Irwin. (H)
Joan Irwin (14)
Bonnie Johnston (C)
Nancy Marie Johnston (C)
Shirley Johnston
Neil Josling (C)
Flwtn Kingswell
Anne Knapp
Ericka KoetSier (14)
Helen Livermore (C)
James Livermore (H)
Alan Lowe (H)
Fred Ludwig
Brude lVfeBride (H)
Douglas McCann
Central Huron Girls
Softball League
Tore W L T rts.,
Londesboro 4 Q 0 8
Holmesville 4 1 Q
Auburn: 3 2 0 6
Hens'all 2 1 0 4
Varna 2 3 0 4
Kippen ....... 0 4 0 -1
l3rqcOleld 0 4 0 -2
A. team from the Goderich
Industrial League, the "Sittos",
will play host to Ilolme%ville
to-night, Thursday, June 28,
an exhibition game. v
Lucknow Legion Bingo every
Thursday trite in Legion Hall at
8,45 sharp. 12 regular games
at $10; 3 share-the-wealth and
1 special for $50 must go. Pro-
ceeds for artificial ice, ltfb
Thursday, June 28—BINGO
in Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk
Street at 8.30 p.m. 15 regular
games for $5; 1 game for $25;
3 Share - the - Wealth games;
Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers.
Three door prizes, $2.50 each.
Admission 50c.
Movies at Pioneer Park, Bay-
field at sunset each Monday
and Thursday •commencing July
2. Silver collection to defray26-n
Friday, June 29—Rose Show,
Council Chamber, afte'rnoon and
evening, 2.30-9.30.. Sponsors:
Clinton Citizens' Horticultural
Society. Silver collection, D,00r
prize and seven other draws at
9,30 p.m. 26b
Saturday, June 30 — School
picnic at SS 11, Hullett, rate-
payers, teachers and pupils of
1912 to 1962, 3 p.m., supper 6
p.m., sports to follow. Bring
your picnic basket, silverware
and lawn chairs, 26p
Monday, July 2—Turkey and
ham supper, St. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church basement. Bayfield,
5-7 p.m. Adults $1.25, children
75c 26b
Tuesday, July 3 — BINGO,
Huron Fish and Game. Jackpot,43tfb
$57 in 57 numbers. Three door
prizes. 8.30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 4, — Blood
Donor Clinic 5 to 9 p.m., On-
tario Street United Church.
Fresh Blood is needed every
day. Now is the time to share25..6x
your good health with others,
Be a Blood Donor.
Wednesday, July 11—Wesley-
Willis congregational picnic,
Exeter Park Cars will leave
the church at 2.30 p.m. Bring
your picnic basket. Anyone
wishing transportation contact
Charles Nelson or Garnet Cor-
nish. Supper at 5.30 p.m. 6-7; 2
Auburn. Ball Team _
Defeats Kippen Nine
.401301* The, local ball
t.ppTo Came up with another
tory on MOO:1W evening OefogIt.-,
jog Klppoo 12 to 11, 'plow
P1434,11g, .Aulthn park were;
John Seem of; Thomps, Haggitit
Kenneth Haggitt 2b, Ken-
neth Daer ss, Tom .Curming-
ham 16, George Heggitt p, Sam
13eacil? if, Aldan Welaster
and Lorne Daer 3b. A gOP4
crowd .attended
Poorly Attended Legion Meeting
Hears Zone Commander's Report
Name Age
have given
(Parent's Signature)
(Child's Name)
permission to attend swimming lessons at the
Fill out above form and bring to Clinton Swimming Pool
from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on saturclay, June' 30.