Clinton News-Record, 1962-06-28, Page 11Young Lady Views Garden Miniature In this picturesque garden setting is 1VIrs. Ed. Davies, president of the Auburn Horticultural Society showing a small visitor, Janice Rathwell, Owen Sound, the miniature garden scene which formed part of the decoration at the annual Auburn Rose Tea when over 150 guests called to see the roses and nearby rose garden. (Photo by Ors. Bradnock) , •,0 MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 , Auburn and District 1 Mrs. Maud Fremain is visit- . big this week in Winghazn with her sister, Mis s May Ferguson. Donald Ross, Oakville, visit - eat frierida hi the village over the weekend. William Seers, Gail and Faye visited last Sunday with the farmer's grandmother, Mrs. Caroline Seers at Mitchell. John Hamilton, Waterloo College :spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk - canner and Diane and Mrs. Herb Govier visited friends in Kitchener last Sunday. Friends of Percy Walden are pleased to see hirn home after several weeks in Victoria Hos- pital, London. Bob Chemney, Goderich, is visiting this week with his grandparenits, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert tOliamney. Mr, ,and Mrs. Gordon Chant- ney visited! over the weekend in Niagara Falls with his sister, Mrs. Verna Doerr and family, Miss Lila Youngbiut, R.N., Goderich, spent last week 'visit- ing with her brother Arthur Youngblut before leaving on: her holidays to Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Jacob C. Stoltz is visit- ing this week art 'Bluevale with her friend Mrs, Catherine Dobie and Mr. and Mrs. James John - sten. William Welsh, Detroit, spent a couple of days lase week visit- ing his ,Cousints 1Vins, Charles Straughan and Mrs. Durnin • Phillips and Durnin Phillips, Dungazmon. Congratulate:4as are extended to Miss Margaret Haines, RR 5, Godrich, who was successful at her recent Grade III har- mony and history, Music exami- nation. She received honours. Mrs. George Hamilton and her niete, Ms. Charles Merrbil, Summerhill, visited on Tuesday With the former's brother, Lorne Wilson and Mrs. Wilson, Brucefield. Masters Warren and David Rodger, Ottawa are visiting this week with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Rodger and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hoge, Billy, Garth, Pat, Ian and Craig, RCAF Station Clinton, visited Sunday with his .aunt, Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mr. and Mts. W. Bradnock. Congratulatio,ns are extended to LAIC William Rodger and Mrs. Rodger on the birth of their daughter, Victoria Lynn, on -June 21 at Ottawa, a sister for Warren and David. Mr. and 1VIrs. Kenneth Cam- erson, Luclovow, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam -J. Craig and also visited the beautiful rose garden a Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook, Mr. and Mrs. John Baylor and small granddaughter, ,Gorrie; Mise Irene Ament and Mts. Evelyn May Zeigler, Goderich, witted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ament. Visitors on Sunday with Me. and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger and family were Mess Chris McClinton, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam. Helesic, Patty and Paul, and Miss jane Carter, all of Goderich. Dr, William Fingland, Niag- ara Fano; Judge and Mrs. Frank Fingiand, Clinton, visit- ed last week with Miss Marg- aret R. Jackton. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. Clifford Brown visited last Thursday with their mother, Mrs. .George Beadle who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. . Mrs. William Moss and daughter, Mise Betty "attended the decoration service on Sun- day at Harvey's 'Cemetery, Lo- gan Township near Moncrief. Later they were guests of Mr. and Mes. Kenneth Merean, Moncrief. M. and! Mrs. Walter Black (nee Edith Turner who used to live here and is the daughter of a 'fernier Methodist minister) Toronto, visited here last week with her cousin, ears'. James Jackson and Me. Jackson and Mr, and! Mre. Charles Scott. -Rev. Robert Meally, rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church BALER .gt.BINOER TWINE • The Popular DANCORD' Danish Twines Also BRANTFORD "Maple Leaf" Twines H. F. WETTLAUFER STREE•T FEED MILL HU 2-9792 PHONE officiated for the service of hoay baptism last Sunday morn- ing for Phillip Todd, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. The godparents, were William Brown and Miss Shirley Brown, brother and sister of the infant child. The 36th annua 1 memorial service ait Ball's Cemetery will be held an Sunday, July 1 at 3.30 p.m. The service this year is in the charge of the Angli- can 'Church with Rev. Robert F. Meally conducting the ser- vice, assisted by other clergy in, the Village. The organist will 'be Mies Margaret Clark. Bible School Plans are nearly completed for the, Daily Vacation Bible School which will open on July 2 in St. Mark' a Anglican Church. The school this year Leander the direction of t h e Anglican Church: where the opening sessions will be held alt 9 a.m. From there the chil- dren will go to their different classrooms. Theme is "Advent - luring with Christ". The pre-school class under leader Mat. Wilfred Sanderson will have the theme, "Children of the King". Assisting in this class will be Mes. 1Vlaurice, Bean, Mrs. Thomas • Haggitt, Mrs. Louis Ruddy, Mrs. Leonard Archambault, Mrs. Go ed on Dobie, lanneet Dobie, Margaret Haines and Sharon Ball. The larknary class, children 6-8, will (study under the theme "Friends of the King" with the leaders, Miss Betty Marsh, Miss Margaret R. Jackson, Rev. C. Lewis and Mrs. Arthur Grange, assisted! by other helpers. The junior class theme is "Knights of the King" with Mrs. Lloyd Humphreyes as lea- der. She will be assisted bar Rev. R. IVIeally, Mrs. Robert Arthur, Mrs. Orville McPhee, Carole Brown 'and Mrs. George Schneider. The junior class is far children 9-11 years of age. The senior class for children 12 and over, has for :its theme, "Crusaders of the Xing", with the leaders being Craig Peter, Mrs. Lloyd Walden and Mit, Murray Wilson The, school will close daily at .11.45 a.i,. The 102nd anniverstrY ser- vice e of Knox Presbyterian rantreh Will be, held on Sunday, Oily 8 at 11 am, and 8 p.m. 'Rev. Thomas IVIcKimiey, Tees - water Will be the guest speaker, School Bus Trip S'ihoral bus trips seem to be 'he order of the day in this district USS 5 Hullett puiLs wth their teather, Duincan Mackay went to London last week, They saw the London fire hail, the Kellogg's plant and ate their lunch in Victoria Park, They went to the Insti- tute for 'the Blind, where all were given a sample of the alphabet in Braille. The iriterestihg Story Book Gardens Was the next stop and HELP WANTED • Men and women to work , during the summer at Vegetable Cantting POSSIBILITY OF DAY AND NIGHT WORK Apply In Person' To CANADIAN CANNERS LTD. 210 WELLINGTON st. war EXETER, (Mt. 150 Serveat Rose. Rose•..Garens Viewed A3 -113.N ilesea, Two% and more roses deeerated the arn. .Qratige E3a1 for the :an- nual Rose Tea epehsored hy the Auharn Hoeticaltural Piety, An _attractive garden scene was backed' with a White trellis fence entwined with greep, ivy an red res, A Minatare gar- den pond containing pinie -water j1ieand Shells, Was lcentred with tall reeds: growing out of the water, Surroending the pool were small colorful gnom- es, a garderi table and choirs. In one comer lovely ever- greens fnieda hareilleroued for the mall imitation wooden deer, &mita and ducld.ings, Imi- tation: green gress completed the scene with a small picket fence to keep the yonno gtests away from tile, attractive set- ting, arranged iby the ()accret- ing committee under the con- vener -ship of Mrs. William T. Robison. Others on the com- mittee were Mrs, Robert J. Phillipe, Mrs, Frank Raithby, Mrs, Norman McDowell and Mrs, William Stratighan. More than 150 guests were welcomed by the president, Mrs. Ed. Davies and. Mrs. laTernian McDowell pinned a rote corsage oh each, All were taken on e oenductea tope of the rose gar- den by Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. They were assisted an the tours by Mrs, Raymored Redmond. Tea was served in the hall under the convenership of Mts. Ed, Davies assisted 'by Mrs, Lloyd Humphreyes, Mae. Bent Craig, revs. Arthur Grange and Mrs. Wes Bradnock. Mis. Her - bent Govier and Mrs. Sam Daer assisted in the kitchen. During the aatertnoon and evening prizes were given away every half hour to the guest with the birthday nearest that date, Prizes, of 'bouquets of roe - es in containers were given to the following: Mrs. Ed. Ferqu- har, Sharon Cook, Mrs. Robert Arthur, Miss Joan Craig, Mrs. Harry Armstrong and Mis. Harry Sturdy. The prize for the guest coming the farthest went to Mis. Walter Black of Toronto. Guests were from Clinton, Blyth, Lonclesboro, Goderich, Toronto, Carlow and Owen Sound. then they went to a tr.apical fruit centre. Later they had an opportunity to go through Eat- on's mall ,and had their supper at the Three Little Pigs rest- aurant. On their trip home the buts went through the grounds of the University of Western On- tario where all the pupils hope to go in future years. SS 9 Hullett pupils and their teacher, Wilmer Ernhigton, went to Toronto for their an- nual trip. They toured the Maple Leaf Gardens Casa Loma, Rosedale zoo, and all had a ride on the subway. Later .they went to Halton Airport to see the giant jets and all had sup- per at Kitchener: Some parents accompanied each on these tripe. United YPU The final meeting of the Young People's Satiety of the Auburn charge of the United Church ten Canada was held in the church. Beittv Younabliat was in charge and gave the car to worship. Bernice Mc- Dougall was at the piano. Scripture was read' by Marsha Koopinana followed by prayer by Betty YoungbIut. The offering was received by Donald McDowell and Clifford Snell. Marsha Koopman% intro- duced Ithe tguest speaker, Rev. MoLagan, Blyth. His topic was on the "Opportunities that Young People have today". He spoke of responsibiltlea that have to be fulfilled in the world situation today and stressed the pant that the Young People have 'bo play in the church, Betty Youngblut thanked the speaker for his interesting Tries - !sage. ' The president, Marsha Koop- inans took Charge of the busi- ness' 'portioe, of the xneeting. Final plans were made for the dance oh Friday evening in the community memorial hall with Tensile by the Comet-Teeris. In- vitations to other yoting peaptle's groups have beer: sent out. The executive also planned the Wiener roast for the treem- bers tor be held July 4 at Sun- set Beach. tenth was served by Shirley Seell, Marsha Koop- Mans, Bernice McDougall, and 13etty Youngblut, Knox United Has Annul Picnic Of Sunday School AUOURN — Knox Unted Church Bendel/ Schee)) heidthe Annual Sunday School picnic at the United Church summer school ereands north of Gode- rich. Atter a Picnie eulePer was arP..wrograletn: ocfunirnaeir: 3qTr. and! ilvi wae held under the directien elf ham, Miss June Mills and Allan Webster, The results were as follawe: girls, 6-9, Marie PlimIcett, Shel- ly Grange; boys, 6-8, Kenneth anpey, Raymond Hildebrand; girls, 1042, Patsy Brenda Archambault; boys, 9-12 Billy Lapp, Billy Eleripey. Young ladies 'race, Mis, Alvin Plunkett, Linda Andrews; soft- ball throw, girls, 6-9, Marie Plunkett, Donna Baechler; boys 6-8, Kenneth Envoy, Raymond Hildebrand; girls, 10-12, Patsy Malian, Patsy Reed'; boys, 9-12, Billy Lapp, Wayne Arthur. Ladies Itickatee-slipper, Patsy Milken, Mrs. Alvin Plunkett; eating soda, bisettits and whistle, Mis. Lawrence Plaetzer, Paul Gross; relay, passing ring on toothpick, the whiners, the S$ 4 Club To Stage Annual Picnic Mrs, a tweet Farquhar was hostess for The June meeting of the SS No, 4 Goderich ?WA- eliip Coninitleilte ChM. Tile pre- sident, ATM. WiWip Leib pre - Mrs. James Lobb read the' maatee, followed by 'the roll cell "MY faVCalriite flower", There were 15 members and one visitor present Mrs. Lorne Tyndall gave the ,treasurer'e re- port, which shoWed a balance sof 6R. Plans were made for the ant - omit picnic .en. the (school grounds, the date to be deckled later. Mrs. Harry Oakes and Mrs.. Donald Lob]) were lapoint- ed on the sports committee and Mrs, James Lobb in charge of the ice cream, A quilt was quilted. A pot hick lunch was served. Tbe next meeting will be at the horns. of Mrs, Walter Forbes. 0 ABOUT VEGETABLES REEP AT THEIR BEST Most vegetables should be re- frigerated as close to 32 degrees F. as possible. The foods de- Palltment at IVIacdonald Insti- tute, Guelph, recommends plac, Mg vegetables 1 Phofilin hag's and storing in 'the crisper until their lisle. Exceptions are poea- toes ,and tomatoes,. which are best kept at room temperature. small .girls .and boys; driving the nail contest, Mrs, Robert Arthur, Mrs, Alvin Leatherland, Steve Kay and Lee Randall, St. Catharines, visited with Herb Redden lea week. Bill IVIcR tiae, Ottawa, ie vaca- oning for two weeks at his home here. F/G John R. Beer, Mrs. Beer, David, Johnny and Stephen, Camp Borden, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Miokle, Charles, Bob and Ann, left last Thursday morning for a trip north. They spent the weekend in a cottage on Lake Nipissing, near Note:. Bay. Mrs. Percy Graham, Clinton, visited with friends in the vill- age on Wednesday last. She attended the supper at the United Church on June 20, and enjoyed meeting with her ,friends. Gifts by the Young People's Society and the Junior Choir were 'presented to Mrs. Currie Whalaw at the church last Wed- nesday evening, and the YPS also presented a new vacuum cleaner to the church, Union services with the con- gregation of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church begin this Sunday, July 1 in Hensel United Church at 11 a,m. and continue for the month of July. Rev. Harold F. Currie will occupy the pulpit. Mrs. Ruth Bell who has spent the winter months with mem- bers of her family tart .Alamo, Califonnia, returned home Sat- urday by jet accompanied by her niece Mrs. William (Vir- ginia) Barnhart who will re- main for a few weeks. Miss Ann Mielde received word on Monday of this week from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, that she had passed her grade two :theory with firat data honours, obtain- ing 57 marks., Ann is the dangly-. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickie. Ann is a pupil of Miss Greta Lammie. Meinbers of Units one and five a the 'United Church Wo- men were pleased with the sue- cest of their turkey, them and strawberry supper,'June 20, Over 300 partook of the delici- ous sdpper Which had all the trimmings. Seventy-one dinners were taken out and delleerect It is expected that when ex- penses are deducted that each unit will have approximately over $126. Miss Greta Lammie, organist of Hensel]; United Church for over 20 years ated who recently resigned that Positied was hon - eared by membersof the choir. Mr. Harry tHotton president of the choir and Mrs. Horton Called at the home of Miser Lara- mie ab. Thursday night, lerae.21 and Presented her with an orlon 'boxed er jaeket. LAKEVIEW CASINO -GRAND BEND ROCK & TWIST -- EVERY WEDNESDAY 'THE CRESCENDOS"—with Dick WiFtidts, M.C. STARTING FRIDAY, JULY 6 & EVERY FRIDAY RON BROWN & His Orchestra • I Shrinersf Benefit Ball -Friday1 Jure 29 DANCING EVERY SATURDAY LIONEL THORNTON & itiktHESTRA, .THIS WEEKENO, SPECIAL MIDNITE DANCE diAiNtt MOAT, JULY LOUIS AltMSTRON4 A'1 'HIS- CietaitStRA Holly Communion Sacrament of Holy Omni -nun - ion was administered Sunday morning tend Gregory Alan, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Sangster received the rites of baptism. The Young People's Society af Hurorl-Maitland Presbytery held a picnic and sports day at Camp Kintail on June 27 with Jian Douga;11; Hensall, president, ,chalige. Mrs. Ross iVfarDonald attend- ed the Presbyterian Camp at Kintall at the WMS retreat Over the weekend. Rev. Ross MacDonald, Mrs. MacDonald, Ruth Anne •and David Allan, leave this Friday for a month's vacation at Brockville fend Glasgow, N.S. Mrs. MacDonald, win tattencithe lea:deriship training conference at Belleville, July 9 and 13 and is being 'sent by the Huron WMS Presbyterial. Rebekahs Meet At Amber Rebekah Lodge meeting June 20 the charter was draped in memory of New- ton A. Foster, past Grand Mast- er of the Grand Lodge of On,- tario. It was ,announced that the lodge picnic will be held at the •Chipchase cottage, Norman Heights, in July, Mrs. Hugh MeEwen reported for the visit- ing committee. Nominations were held. It/embers attended the inaug- ural meeting for the new TAR Mrs. Crawford, Morningstar Lodge, Brussels, at Brussel Lodge June 27. At the Sep- tember meeting a port luck lunch will be served. SS 10 Hay school picnic will be 'held! at Riverview Park, Ex- eter, June 28. Supper at 5.30 pan, .followed with .speets, For- mer residents 'of this, section are cordially welcome. Miss Jane Horton has been :recipient of the Universirby of Westenn Ontario award for second year honours, French: and Latin. She is the daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. Bert Horton, Hensall. ' .Zfl r va K , 5W Thurs., June 28f 1942intOrt News -1404-4w 11 isburn institute: Hears of Sanitatic. nin Restaurants. AUBURN' — Health Wes the topic at the Jere meeting of the Attlaure Women's Itestietxte held in title Auburn Xemerial ComniOniity Hall with the presi-, dent Mrs. Ed. Davies in eharee. Mrs. Rebert, J. Plains was pianist. 'The menages were read by seereterO aVfra: Thomas Hag - gilt. She Also gaye the finan- dal statement. Mrs. Andrew leirkconnell, convener of !the Oen/ commit- tee reported that three sets of braoteee and baby congratula- tions cards had been seat as Well as several get well cards. Trio number's were sung by Lorraine, Douglas and Eldon Chanmey accompanied on The piano by their mother, Mrs, Gorden Chainney, A. reading, "They Toldg Me It Wouldin't Hurt" 'vvas given by Mrs. Dav- ies. The guest speaker of the afternoon was of the Huron Comity Health Unit. He was introduced iby Mrs. William J. Craig, convener. Mr. Empey explained what his work was hi connection with restaurants and snack bare in regards to -cooking and kitchen health and where the public is served, He showed a film "Be, yond Town, Sanitation for Rur- al Areas", preparecl by the De, pertinent of Health and Wel-- fare. Mrs, Clare Lengeurst thanked Mr. Ebeney for his in- formative message and on bea half of the institute presented him with a gift. A solo "My Gra.ntlfalther's Clock" was sung by Mrs. Wes Bradrnock. Roll call was answered by each member telling what they liked most about the month. of June. Most answers were the beautiful flowers, trees and g"een. grass, Mrs, George Ham- ilton won the door prize donat- ed by Mis. Thomas Lawlor, CLIP ORCHARD GRASS AT THE RIGHT TIME Once ordrard 'grialss gets out h head most of its nutrient value has been last. Chipping at the right time, anch a good strip or rotational grazing program will give top yields', says Dr. Bert Christie, forage researcher at the Ontario Agricultural College A discussion took Naze eon- eriting the Otb anniversary eelebretion and it was decided that a Mi1PirgaS1?Ord will be held Ooteber 3. Lunch was eervea be Mrs. Arnold Craig Urs. Thomas Haggett, Huron County Farming Report (By D. H. Miles, agricultural representative for Huron County) Haying is progressing very slowly because of continued wet weather, Hail did consider- able damage in some areas last week. Most crops are making excellent progress and yielas of all clops with the exception of hay should be average or above average, Milk produc- tion continues' to be above last year. TENDERS FOR SALE OF GRAIN Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 P.M. D.S,T., Friday, July 13, 1982, for the sale of approximately 40 acres of standing grain at the Huron County Home Farm, Clinton, °Mario. Tenders may be made for all 40 'acres or for the individual fields of grain, and the success- ful bidder will be required to harvest the grain and remove or spread the straw. Tender No. 1—For 40 acres Tender No, 2—For 12 acres Tender No. 3—For 7 acres Tender No. 4—For 21 acres Each tender must be submitted on form secured from the un- dersigned. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN* G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. ett HOLIDAY SALE 1961 PLYMOUTH V-8 Suburban 4 -Door, ONLY 52395 power rear window, radio. In lovely condition. 1956 PLYMOUTH Sedan, Completely recondi,tioned. 1956 FORD Sedan, Real sharp. ONLY 5645 ONLY 5595 SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1953 CHEVROLET Sedan. Very good. Only $295 1953 CHEVROLET 1/2 Ton Truck Only $175 Many More To Choose From & T. Murphy Ltd. Huron Street — CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9475 NEW SHUR.GAIN SALE DARN STARTER SPECIAL FEED FOR CRITICAL PERIOD New Shur -Gain Sale Barn Starter is formulated for pigs that have passed through sale barns or were moved from farm tofared bofore you bought them. ft is a low energy feed, containing d high level of, antibiotics to combat set -backs, help avoid disease prbblems, eliminate dangers of gorgirig and get them off to a 00od Start, all Us today for full ,details. SHMGAIN pots +he GAIN -n HOG F5EDING HOG FEEDS CLINTON .FEED MILL r211, 'Hook Street: CUNtOM ----- Phone HU 2.3815