Clinton News-Record, 1962-06-28, Page 7�nd G 0Id Co r dG, "i'm i d c
In, T.�!!!`.aannounoe
Cpl, anKl Mrs.. •George
F,Yvie; I;CP�F Station Clin-
St. A_,0Tew`s Women's. 1Yfis-
o All,
l�sayFicld n a en of Id
e enl. t G'
A. a sit
$ayfield's :Second Gold Gerd
•dation. Than !vial, E, F�rvine.
d'alfig#bar Jpan Isabel to
Guide is Mlss `Shi •ley F ersoz},
sensed rases It badge tto . ns, '
Gerald Michael Becker, son.
Xd-yeRr aid daughter Pf Mr.
Howard from, the Campany
of Xr. and Mrs. Frank
and 1vIrs Walter R. Pierson.
and Mrs. Meav1'er presented a
)3eeker, Cliznitan.
Tule other- Gild Cord was Won
inerilt ?aad'ge to Mrs, R. Fitg-
The ,slope eight. families on
by 'Mai"ga'ret Howard in 1P5¢,
simons f4 o The Local Assooia-
Mr, ignd Mrs. Harold
A special event Wim Staged in
Howard, RR '2,, Clinton,.
Trh?iity .Parish Hall for the pre-'
hp G 'd o', ed in Sin '
T.. , ut. yes ging.
Wish 'to a'nn'oun'ce ,the .an+
seiutartom of ti4iS han9ui: on
"The Golden Sun" and all ur :.
n n
gagement of their daughter
ll 44nday night. Liet�ten'aOt MrS,.
..... ,
es an uide 'ai v Tl
d G J tied ops,
Barbara .Ann .to Bei -44 -min
Maynard G" p'r r e 1Co+med
_ , .n. .
h+irle 's scrapbook was n view I
Leroy Hugzll, son; -of M.r,
friends and guests, itnclutlznig
andG uldes ded fr Gode-':
atiten carp
and MTO, mer Hugiil,
Mrs, P, loans, Owen Sound,
..._ ... .
rxc Cilnitan and. He►usall as
...h, .. ,
C initon the
1 ,, Wedding to
a_ la on 14. 2. b
y B
the Area Cognumassraner; Miss
,yell ads camp supervisor, Mrs,
.Jul ,
p...Ce ......,
U4a lKacdbnald, Divwision Corti-
T. Lavender, Hensali,
Mary ,.
missioner Miss Mar McMillan,
dep,Uty division cgmmissianer
, „
Bayfield s new gold cord
Mr, and Mrs, 'William
Hamilton, Londesboro, wish
and MIs, N. T. Ormanidl ,, dist±-
was barn .:rr Goderich and gat-
to !announce the engage-
rict Co i missiodner, all of Code-
.tended Victoria School , aind
meant , of their daughter,
Goderich Collegiate Ini'stitute.
Leno a Ann, to dv>;r, Char
Members ' of the $ay,freld
She was .a m of , t,
S ... fid' 45
Georges Anglican Church and
g g
L'v r tt Lamont, an .of r '
e. m_ s ,
and Mrs. Calvin T,am'oz?It,
<Gi$des formeda. V and repeat-
ed the Guide promise and Laws,
Su School, was in the choir
RR 1, Holyroad. The marri-
Lieairtenanrt Corrie 1i�ghtedi tihe
cl member .of a rnaar
and a memb _ . the Junior
! a%7 there,
e is to take place on Ju1y
threeblue, candles held by Court-
21, 196,2; at kWo o'clock in
pany Leader Margaret Wallis,
Two yeas .ago the fame ly
the Burns' United Church,
Then each Guide had a short
moved to Bayfield. Shirley was
Hullett. 20
reading, and lighted from these
a Voir member and asisistant
a whitearc' 'le which she laced'
c h h placed'
primary Sunday School teacher
Mr, -and .Mrs. Leslie Nice,
in, 'a ling lag candlestick, with
i i u
In Trinity Anglican rCh Ch _ and
Clinton, wish 'to announce
a Viny flag representing each
is now assistant organist tri St,
the ernrgagemem t :of their
a different country at the base
And'r'ews Un,i'ted Church,
second draughter Ann Chris -
of each.
Attend) nrg Clinton, District:
V.rte .to Ronald Edwin. Call -
Commissioner Ormamd made
ommi y made
Coileglarte Institute, Shirley ,has
beck, .son. aMr. and Mrs,
A. E. Calrbeck, St, Wal -
the presentation of $be Goild
gradhzated from Grade 11, She
bury, Saskatchewan, The
Card, and, the Guides' sang
is try ing far Grade X music
wedding will stake place
"Bravo Bravissimo". Mrs, Ev-
studle.s at St. Joseph's Convent
Saturday, July 21 at 2
ans and Mi'ss. Macdonald addLd
in Goderich, and :an ,added ex-
o'clock at eClintan Pente-
their congratulations.
citement on the day she receiv-
cosltal Church, 26p
Mrs. Ormandy presented a
ed' her Gold Cord' was a report
desboro United Chur'c'h Women
from the Western, Ontario Con-
I�eor, Ades I dawn Picnic For
By Mrs. r $co
i 1�t Famines.
St. A_,0Tew`s Women's. 1Yfis-
o All,
' na n tile.
SiR.r c .. i
y � 3ne't
hirley started in Goderlch
2nc1 Girl Guide Company under
cinuroh aA Tue�sd'ay,• June 19
with several visitors fxpm Elie
. e family .of Plep, W� rse were
Women's Assaciatton and the
the congenial hosts• on Sunday,
June 24 .to . au of f i Bunds
a gr
Madeleine Lane Auxiliary,. Mrs,
Ec1 F � aloin led an the xlev.
...� .. .r
who meet together �aalu Surzi-
. .
and ,Mrs, Jamets Malars
mer Wirth �the'lr faanrhes for .,n.
annu 1 a
a smorgasbord 14W,4 !pia-.
rad _
read frogn Maxk 14,. 3.9. Fran
ces Blacker played A 'piano a'n-
The ,slope eight. families on
ttY. ;guest ,1i! t has seidbm. varied
Mrs, Rae S'haddrels read raCn
in the paslt ten yeats but the
i;ntere-stigg story on "The Wrlt-
ilunnber of .ch ld'ren has grown
ted Word". The president,•.
from 'none to 34. Needless to
Willria2n Blacker eciunduated tbhe
say -those Making turins a!t be-•
business (session, Roll call 'WAS
ing )iosits� hope for good weather
answered with, is verse Iona-
as only huge farm lawns can
ing the word "praise', Faun:
aceammodate sa ?piny ch?dreri,
teen calls to sick and shut -Ins
The usual families in atte '-
vr''eM reported',
dance are Alvin Wise Ed Wlse,
Guest speaker Mrs, M, G-
'Ray Wise .Joe Gi and Don
Brisco was hvtro4uced'by Mrs,.
Middleton, This year the Bill
Mervin Lobb, who gave an in-
Hanly's ,and Gordan s,teepes
teresting talk on the lesson
were unable rto attend so !thraft
react Mrs, Makins on the
the ?number � ehld�ren attend-
theme 'She hath done what she
ing was -only 27,
could": Mrs, 50-sco told how'
every member of the WiVI§ by
After -the suurnptu..aus diuuner
doing what she could, no mrattter,
the •fathers+ and alder child en
played ball while the mothers
haw little, was helping the meis-
fed and changed( babies in the
sionvaay Work. A .church with-
house While keeping an eye °�
out missions is dead," said the
the li . tots who frolicked' Ito -
gether in the sand ,box and
M r -s , Adeline McKenzie
thanked Mrs. Brisco and wish-
Relay games and races. were
ed.irer and: the Rev, M. G. Bris-
held for the ehdld'ren, To top
co ,good luck and safe jouri?gY
the day off the fathers, re -
to their now ham. in Moosejaw,
mernbering their old high schoal
After closing prayer, bunch was,
initiation tricks, blindfolded
served and an,enjoyable social
about 15 of the children and
hour enjoyed,
gave each ,the familiar "high"
Miss Sharon Jackson, Blyth,
aeroplane ride to everyone's
gaft to S Birley, Mrs. Corrie pre'- .
seated a -gold pin from. the servratary of 'M'usic 'Ghat she had ! a greait amusement,
Company; Mrs, Me'rner :preseunit- obtained' first class honours in Turner
��++ Tired but happy families re -
Grade 3 ista of music. �7 Ce rr to n n a l turned home just in time
ed a gift from: the Local Associ- history J me for
ation'to Shirley andanother to Her hobbies axe music, thein farm ch ex l]
her mother. camping and har5e-back riding., Recorded
Shirley exprelssed her �appre- Art present she 'thinks she would
same na sTe'] ar
Cord, ;including horsewoman,
like ,to lie a ,teacher, possibly of
dairy maid, Red Cross :and St.
During the pa5rt week Tur-
ner's United, Church in Tucker-
STFJEP — In, laving memory
hirley started in Goderlch
2nc1 Girl Guide Company under
smrtth Township has been; cele-
af father, thelate David Srteep.
"There is no parting
Mrs. N. T. Ormandy, Captain,
blaring .its 100th anniversary.
The ladies! of the United' Church
From those we, lave,
for three year, before. o,,Ig
Women, and the, centennial corn -
Nor dhlsttance can, divide
to Bayfield. ,
mirt'tee, under Ithe chairmamshi�p
For to -day in; memory's Fden
We stlli,walk snide by side.
She ,vent to Orangeville on
of Rev.. Granit Mills, minister
For downs the lane of memories
the first Saturday in, May for
,the church, and members
The light 'ins, never dim. •
,her Pre ileo challenge,
p ge,
Herman a Crich, Howard Jahmrs,
Until ithe .stars forget to shine
set .by a group of Guides ap-
Ernie Crich, Sam Whitmore.
I wall: remember clad."
pointed by ,the province. Shirley
Jahn Turner Mrs. William
--Your loving'�daughter, Carrie
is an enthusiastic Guide, with
Rogerson, Mrs• •Edon Whitmore
Steep Aitchison, Delhi, Ont, 26p
21 :bad!ges. • .She has, tried fon''
and Mrs. Elmer Townsend, have
t • d f Gdld
7 P.M.
same na sTe'] ar
Cord, ;including horsewoman,
been busy during the -past year
making planrs� :far the most out -
dairy maid, Red Cross :and St.
srtandling anniversary in the
John Ambulance.
church's• history.
Observers of the ceremony
A f t e r Easter, invitations
at Bayfield' report that arrange-
were sent out to all the past
menits were of such, high order
members and friends of ,the
that "the seed of ambition to
congregation and plaits were
attain +the Goad Card standing
made to make available •souven-
wras sown,"
it plates, hash notes and histor-
Mts, Merton Merner and:
,les. The .ladies quilted a centem'-
Mrs, A. M. Bassett poured flea
ndal • quilt with a picture of the
Local, Association; ,to Guid'ea
church dram m by Mrs. Srban�l'ey
and, Brownies served refrelsh-
Johns and' embroidered' by Mrs.
ments and made arrangements.
Franck Falconer.
Captain - Mrs. R. M!acVean was
Centennial cakes were made
largely responsible for the suc-
by Mrs. William Roberts, the
cess of the evening, although
Garrett Twins' (Mrs, Warren,
she was unable :to attend be-
Whitmore and Mrs. Alden:
cause of illness.
Crich). :Mrs. William Rogerson
245 Victoria S#. prepared the chair and arrang-
For every student with a ed for special musical numbers
Clinton HU 2-9320 spark of genius -there are, a d'oz- for the services.
en with igm�ition trouble.
The centennial gat under
way on Sunday, June 17 with
the guest misvislter, Rev, A, Glen
Eagle ,tailing the sermon at the
"� D Q r el morning end evening services.
J The +former 'Turner's Quartet;
Actograpl-ts eon�sionJ of Stanley , Jahns,
I Gartlan Johns, RossOrich and
George Tunrier provided special
io Treasure music in the morning service
and the Go&e ch HaTh' aires
J' W0 providedithe music for rthe eve-
Jervis StUa/O QUALITY ning service and sang a recital
PHOTOGRAPHY at thte close.
(In Studio or On Location) The basement of ,the church
130 ISAAC STREET CLINTON HU 2-7006 was arranged for the open
house with many displays of
vvere ung ; y Mrs, Anson Mc -
r Kinney., Zurich aid her brother.`
1 Stanley Johns., and by Mrs,
Holiday Speciais Fred Auttex, and ;her sister,
ALL WOOL COATS Mrs, Veatul< Falconer,
1/3 off ALL LAMINATED COATS. Mrs, '?'red McGregor, Bruce.
field, s�an+g a solo "Open the
Oatels oil the Temple" and an
ALL RAIN COA`T5:.. old rtiine ttuartCt, corisisiing �>`
20 /'�i �f ALL DUSTER COATS Howard Johns, Ernie Crich,
Roy :Pepper' and Erlrn Wivut-
snare sung t%knderfng' child",
Aflt& 'th- evetiing service a
U — of fellowship wag spent ijA
the baseMent baf the Church.
i The lad'ics "sez ftd tela •arid eezl-
- tennial, dake, and thbdki ;
LADIES' WEAK arld DiIY GOODS e�cprc- fort he bDIP bnd-ir+
` Whore �fer It'll, hejp arbd' supparc,t
A Success
Mentioning especially t h e
minister of the church, who, had,
assisted with, all the rarran'ge-
menrts, Mrs. Whitmore express-
ed the thanks of the congrega-
tion ,and presemrted Mr. and
Mrs. Mills with the centennial
quilt, on behalf of the United
Church• Women. Mr. Mills re-
plied with thanks and surprise
at such •a lovely gesture.
Thus carcase to a. close another
wonderful experience in the life
of ithe Tumees congregation.
Rev. Mills conducted' all four
services several of which over-
flowed into the basement where
they had the use of a 'public
address system installed by
Merrill TV Service, Clinton.
During the week greetings
were received from Mrs. Evelyn
Woods, 90,. of B.C., 'the former
Evelyn. Turner, daughter of
Mr. -and Mrs. Edward Turner,
who had dbnated the property
an which the church stands'.
Greetings were also .received
from Mrs. Gard 'on Settles, B.C.
Flowers for bath services
were provided by the ,families
of Gifford Crich. and Mrs. New-
man Garrett, in memory of
their loved ones, The ladies of
the .Church also added 'lovely
ferns Band flowers for ,the frard
corners of ,the and iu rium.
During the past weeks, all
the congregation, hadbeen
busy painting, repairing ,aridar-
ranging for ,this special „ event.
Their efforts, have been rewards
ed by an, anniversary offering
of $1,000 and a time of joyous
fellowship that wM long .be re-
membered by (the people of
Turner's Church.
Ernie Crich and Alden Crich
rebuilt and refindlshed the front
door and painted the church
fence. Chairs were loaned( by
funeral homes in Clintbn and
Seaforith. Ontario. Street United
Church ,loaned dishes and hym-
maries. 14erman Crich compiled
the guest list and sent out im
On June 17 a lecturn size
copy of 'the Revised, Standard
version orf ithe Bible was dedii.-
cated. It had been presented
in, 'memory of the late F etcher
Townsend, by his :nephews.
Other recent -gifts to the
church ithe . picture ',ab o v e
the organ: dedicated in memory
of Wilho n Roberts; the hymn
board, remodeled and 'present-
ed by L"snestt Crich; ,the lrym-
n'ary on Mire organ in, memory
of Mrls. Samuel Whitmore,
Refrigerate foods ftir small
batcheis and in shallow pans
says home economists at Mac-
donald, Institute, Guelph. Some
foodls, such as :pie fillings and
potato galla, cool slowly, even
under r'e$ri�raition Bacterial
growth during the Cooling Per-
iod may be. rapid, so, it is Wise
to give foods optimum coolmrg
ower ,q�4eortnpyoF£
Telegrroplled K
Any*her@ �wr�n�oa6
K C Cooke,
Dib!. tlti 2-10>I2,
on. we . saltasrfaed
with a wonderful ,day well
Goderich Twp. South
Mrs, William Townshend re-
turned .home from Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital Fast week with her
shoulder an a oast, where it will
remain for some time,
Mrs, Gretta Torrance, Kip -
pen, spent Saturday and Sun-
day visiting her friends, also
her son, Harry and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sloan Jr,
and family, Galt, called on Mrs.
ve tcin
I over �.oQ 1 __.. � ati S :aft. er1
:the Ball reunian in Summeirhili
hail oras Jrqne 16,. tram London,
Godezuc t o S
f th
r t e on.
h .xd . a.
E.pi b r o, 'Tpogtgn, Mzchtga�t,,
Cooksville :and` surrolzndi'rg •dis-
W>nners In :spouts. .eve?yts
were: races, three yeal'.and
under, Paul anci Michael Gib-
oings; 3-0 'years: Brenda and..
Paul G'dlabings; 6-9 years, girls,
Connie Gi'bbii.VA, Debbie Gib-.,
bings arid Arva Ball; !boys,
Jghngie -Gibbin Ric ky Ball,
10-14 years, girl's, Cindy Per,
s1py, Brenda Ball; boys, Bob
Vgdden, Ronnie Vodden; 15
years and .over, girls, •NormA
Vodden, Jannis Wright; 'boys,
Garnet Wright, Xe.ryyn Peri-
Kiok,,the,s;11pper, girls, Verna
Gittings; men, Leonard Vod-
den; ,tie tieing contest, ,Edith
and George Wright; nail drily-
ing, Norman Wright; guessing
beans, Dianne Moore,
Sports were convened! "by
Lloyd -and' ,Edna Pfaff, Helen
and Wayne Fisher, Floyd and
Marilyn Stanbury.
Supper was served under, the
committee of Bill and Verna
Gibb ngs, George and Edith
Wright, Dennis and Margaret
Penofognd, President Melbourne
BaR presided for ithe business
session. New a� , cers are; hon-
ourary Jprestidents, Mr. ,and Mrs.
Melbourne :Ball; presidents, Mr,
and Mrs. Nagman Wright; vice-
presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Ball; s'ecrelbaTVtreasurers, Ken
and Mary Gibbings; executive,
Ernie and Maxine Dur1•nvn, WH -
£red and Olive Penrfound, Fred
and Jean Vod'd'en.
John Gibbin+gs Wats the oldest
person present and wee Cheryl
Millson, Sebringville, was the
James R,- Stirling on Sunday.
Nelson Williamson, Amberley,
spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Berny William-
son, on the Cut Line•
Rev, Ross MacDonald, pastor
of Hensall and Bayfield Presby-
terian Churches called at the
home of Colin McDonald and
Mrs. Alda Gray on Monday,
Victor Lindsay and family,
Stratford, visited his mother,
Mrs,,George Lindsay last week.
Your Church
his Sunday
(Baptist Federation of Canada)
Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A.
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.15 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP—"The Ten Virgins"
Tuesday 8.00 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study
Saturday 7.00 p.m. --Junior Young People.
A Cordial Welcome To All.
Maple Street
Sunday, July 1
9.45 a.m.—Worship Service
11.00 a.m.--Sunday Sehool
8.00 p.m.—Guest Speaker.
Tuesday Bible Study and
prayer at 8 p.m,
All Welcome
Joseph Street
Christians gathered in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the above
hail invite you to come and hear
the Gospel,. the old, old story of
Jesus and His Love,
Order of meetings on Lord's
Day as follows:
11,00 a.m.--Breaking Bread
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School
7,00 pmt Preaching +the Gospel
8.00 p.m. --Thursday Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
Christian Reformed
Sunday, July 1
10,00 ax#.�-�--Service in Dutch
2.30 p.m.—Service in English
Minister: Rev: Vildhius;
T. Leslie Bobbins, B.A.,
Sunday, July 1
10.00 a.m,—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
7.30 p.m,—Evangelistic Service
Mr. Peter Golinski, Unevan-
gelized Field Mission, Hiati,
West Indies,
Wed., 8 p.m. -Prayer Meeting,
You are cordially invited to
these services.
Anglican Church
of Canada
St. Paul's ClintonRev. P. L. Dymond, LTh,
Charles Merrill, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 1
8.30 aim.—Holy Communion
11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion
and Seamon.
7.00 p.m. --Evening Prayer
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., D.D,,
Mrs. M. J, AGNEW, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 1
9.45 a.m.--Church School
11,()0 a,m.—Worship Service
Conducted by Rev, T. J,
McKinney, Teeswater, who
will be guest speaker,
esleay�i:tlie--'�uimesiriltte �Initeh (lil�urtf{es
REV. CLIP 6AD G. PARK, M.A., Minister
Also attend the Sunday IlWning Services in the
Drive=ln Theatre
Ontario Street United Church
9.45 a,m 9,unday School
1,00 a,m 'Morning Wor 411ip.
Wesley -Willi$ joining with lis,
's Cl+uwGw
9.45 a.m;--Church Se" VIN&
10.45 a,'m. —Sunday 'Sdhool
- ,_
r i9 h # N r
Tus, a � no R a ..Pae`
TWA., , �. ,_ �..., � .. ,.gin .��►� _.�.,.� it..
J. ck- 1 n
a .or
pictures, of former members of
the congregation and their aoti-
Recent YisutaIM W#b Mr. a,nd
vities. Lade served tea and
theeentermial cake, which was
est .by 1ber Gifford Crich, old-
ton, were gr%, Robert ,Svrord,
2$, wwhen the. Rev, H, A,• age
est member of the congregation
utngod tin' g)n+arriage Glorla A?ino,
oresent. The waitresses were
decked out in aid time c large
es fog ithe occasion and+ •a large
lvteaford fund Mrs ,and.11?ris, i`Tlsrr
crowd of people attended the
and Wayne Keith, older son of
Mrs. Jahn T,arrniLton and 1vtn�.
riom, ,hoose,
(fin Wednesday :evens
'17., o about
Royal York I4otel, 'vV1we they
neoole, sat down
abtehded tihe 72nd .annual Rg-
liriM+is dinner of ,turkey, cold
weddirvg anuric and <acaampaatr
took part -14 the Guard of Hon-
^zlardts, ttrawberri'es and cake.
-our, during ithe installation of
sang "I'll Walk Beside You,/°
to owd;er that people should be
For the Sun there is
.1 p led of waiting tai long
fa•• scupper, tickets were sold hi
Promise Me,"
Mr, and Mrs, Dornald Crich
advance for 19ottings! at 5, 6 and
7 P.M.
length gawir of white peau de
Howard Crioh, Clinton, Mr, and
On. Sunday, June 24, service
Cabin Bhy$ Skirts
was held at 2 pm. and ,Rev.
Pop Tops
S W 1 m Salts
Garland G. Burton:, now retired
miilis�ter at Lonrdarr, delivered a
Tee Shirts
Car Coats
fire sernion on ,the subject,
"The Voice of the `Years". Miss
oeldbrption of the 45th wedding
fang and pointed ,# the avrzs(t•
Mildred Crich and George Tur-
For the City
there is
ner sang solos and the chair
tang two- anthems.
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Grindon,
bouquet of American Beauty
At the evening service, Rev.
Dress Coats
subject 'The Church's 'Witness,°'.
W. J. Woolfrey was ;the guest
All Purpose Coats
preachear and he spoke an the
honour,. She wane a street len-
occasion of ItYte latt'er's 23rd
Por )Gare evening service the
Dressy Dresses Duster Coats,
chair, loft was filled with past
tended ;the IOOF-sponsored
member{s of the choir. Duets
ing circular bowed headdress
Friends called from Guelph.,
s.. _ b
vvere ung ; y Mrs, Anson Mc -
r Kinney., Zurich aid her brother.`
1 Stanley Johns., and by Mrs,
Holiday Speciais Fred Auttex, and ;her sister,
ALL WOOL COATS Mrs, Veatul< Falconer,
1/3 off ALL LAMINATED COATS. Mrs, '?'red McGregor, Bruce.
field, s�an+g a solo "Open the
Oatels oil the Temple" and an
ALL RAIN COA`T5:.. old rtiine ttuartCt, corisisiing �>`
20 /'�i �f ALL DUSTER COATS Howard Johns, Ernie Crich,
Roy :Pepper' and Erlrn Wivut-
snare sung t%knderfng' child",
Aflt& 'th- evetiing service a
U — of fellowship wag spent ijA
the baseMent baf the Church.
i The lad'ics "sez ftd tela •arid eezl-
- tennial, dake, and thbdki ;
LADIES' WEAK arld DiIY GOODS e�cprc- fort he bDIP bnd-ir+
` Whore �fer It'll, hejp arbd' supparc,t
A Success
Mentioning especially t h e
minister of the church, who, had,
assisted with, all the rarran'ge-
menrts, Mrs. Whitmore express-
ed the thanks of the congrega-
tion ,and presemrted Mr. and
Mrs. Mills with the centennial
quilt, on behalf of the United
Church• Women. Mr. Mills re-
plied with thanks and surprise
at such •a lovely gesture.
Thus carcase to a. close another
wonderful experience in the life
of ithe Tumees congregation.
Rev. Mills conducted' all four
services several of which over-
flowed into the basement where
they had the use of a 'public
address system installed by
Merrill TV Service, Clinton.
During the week greetings
were received from Mrs. Evelyn
Woods, 90,. of B.C., 'the former
Evelyn. Turner, daughter of
Mr. -and Mrs. Edward Turner,
who had dbnated the property
an which the church stands'.
Greetings were also .received
from Mrs. Gard 'on Settles, B.C.
Flowers for bath services
were provided by the ,families
of Gifford Crich. and Mrs. New-
man Garrett, in memory of
their loved ones, The ladies of
the .Church also added 'lovely
ferns Band flowers for ,the frard
corners of ,the and iu rium.
During the past weeks, all
the congregation, hadbeen
busy painting, repairing ,aridar-
ranging for ,this special „ event.
Their efforts, have been rewards
ed by an, anniversary offering
of $1,000 and a time of joyous
fellowship that wM long .be re-
membered by (the people of
Turner's Church.
Ernie Crich and Alden Crich
rebuilt and refindlshed the front
door and painted the church
fence. Chairs were loaned( by
funeral homes in Clintbn and
Seaforith. Ontario. Street United
Church ,loaned dishes and hym-
maries. 14erman Crich compiled
the guest list and sent out im
On June 17 a lecturn size
copy of 'the Revised, Standard
version orf ithe Bible was dedii.-
cated. It had been presented
in, 'memory of the late F etcher
Townsend, by his :nephews.
Other recent -gifts to the
church ithe . picture ',ab o v e
the organ: dedicated in memory
of Wilho n Roberts; the hymn
board, remodeled and 'present-
ed by L"snestt Crich; ,the lrym-
n'ary on Mire organ in, memory
of Mrls. Samuel Whitmore,
Refrigerate foods ftir small
batcheis and in shallow pans
says home economists at Mac-
donald, Institute, Guelph. Some
foodls, such as :pie fillings and
potato galla, cool slowly, even
under r'e$ri�raition Bacterial
growth during the Cooling Per-
iod may be. rapid, so, it is Wise
to give foods optimum coolmrg
ower ,q�4eortnpyoF£
Telegrroplled K
Any*her@ �wr�n�oa6
K C Cooke,
Dib!. tlti 2-10>I2,
on. we . saltasrfaed
with a wonderful ,day well
Goderich Twp. South
Mrs, William Townshend re-
turned .home from Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital Fast week with her
shoulder an a oast, where it will
remain for some time,
Mrs, Gretta Torrance, Kip -
pen, spent Saturday and Sun-
day visiting her friends, also
her son, Harry and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sloan Jr,
and family, Galt, called on Mrs.
ve tcin
I over �.oQ 1 __.. � ati S :aft. er1
:the Ball reunian in Summeirhili
hail oras Jrqne 16,. tram London,
Godezuc t o S
f th
r t e on.
h .xd . a.
E.pi b r o, 'Tpogtgn, Mzchtga�t,,
Cooksville :and` surrolzndi'rg •dis-
W>nners In :spouts. .eve?yts
were: races, three yeal'.and
under, Paul anci Michael Gib-
oings; 3-0 'years: Brenda and..
Paul G'dlabings; 6-9 years, girls,
Connie Gi'bbii.VA, Debbie Gib-.,
bings arid Arva Ball; !boys,
Jghngie -Gibbin Ric ky Ball,
10-14 years, girl's, Cindy Per,
s1py, Brenda Ball; boys, Bob
Vgdden, Ronnie Vodden; 15
years and .over, girls, •NormA
Vodden, Jannis Wright; 'boys,
Garnet Wright, Xe.ryyn Peri-
Kiok,,the,s;11pper, girls, Verna
Gittings; men, Leonard Vod-
den; ,tie tieing contest, ,Edith
and George Wright; nail drily-
ing, Norman Wright; guessing
beans, Dianne Moore,
Sports were convened! "by
Lloyd -and' ,Edna Pfaff, Helen
and Wayne Fisher, Floyd and
Marilyn Stanbury.
Supper was served under, the
committee of Bill and Verna
Gibb ngs, George and Edith
Wright, Dennis and Margaret
Penofognd, President Melbourne
BaR presided for ithe business
session. New a� , cers are; hon-
ourary Jprestidents, Mr. ,and Mrs.
Melbourne :Ball; presidents, Mr,
and Mrs. Nagman Wright; vice-
presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Ball; s'ecrelbaTVtreasurers, Ken
and Mary Gibbings; executive,
Ernie and Maxine Dur1•nvn, WH -
£red and Olive Penrfound, Fred
and Jean Vod'd'en.
John Gibbin+gs Wats the oldest
person present and wee Cheryl
Millson, Sebringville, was the
James R,- Stirling on Sunday.
Nelson Williamson, Amberley,
spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Berny William-
son, on the Cut Line•
Rev, Ross MacDonald, pastor
of Hensall and Bayfield Presby-
terian Churches called at the
home of Colin McDonald and
Mrs. Alda Gray on Monday,
Victor Lindsay and family,
Stratford, visited his mother,
Mrs,,George Lindsay last week.
Your Church
his Sunday
(Baptist Federation of Canada)
Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A.
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.15 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP—"The Ten Virgins"
Tuesday 8.00 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study
Saturday 7.00 p.m. --Junior Young People.
A Cordial Welcome To All.
Maple Street
Sunday, July 1
9.45 a.m.—Worship Service
11.00 a.m.--Sunday Sehool
8.00 p.m.—Guest Speaker.
Tuesday Bible Study and
prayer at 8 p.m,
All Welcome
Joseph Street
Christians gathered in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the above
hail invite you to come and hear
the Gospel,. the old, old story of
Jesus and His Love,
Order of meetings on Lord's
Day as follows:
11,00 a.m.--Breaking Bread
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School
7,00 pmt Preaching +the Gospel
8.00 p.m. --Thursday Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
Christian Reformed
Sunday, July 1
10,00 ax#.�-�--Service in Dutch
2.30 p.m.—Service in English
Minister: Rev: Vildhius;
T. Leslie Bobbins, B.A.,
Sunday, July 1
10.00 a.m,—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
7.30 p.m,—Evangelistic Service
Mr. Peter Golinski, Unevan-
gelized Field Mission, Hiati,
West Indies,
Wed., 8 p.m. -Prayer Meeting,
You are cordially invited to
these services.
Anglican Church
of Canada
St. Paul's ClintonRev. P. L. Dymond, LTh,
Charles Merrill, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 1
8.30 aim.—Holy Communion
11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion
and Seamon.
7.00 p.m. --Evening Prayer
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., D.D,,
Mrs. M. J, AGNEW, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 1
9.45 a.m.--Church School
11,()0 a,m.—Worship Service
Conducted by Rev, T. J,
McKinney, Teeswater, who
will be guest speaker,
esleay�i:tlie--'�uimesiriltte �Initeh (lil�urtf{es
REV. CLIP 6AD G. PARK, M.A., Minister
Also attend the Sunday IlWning Services in the
Drive=ln Theatre
Ontario Street United Church
9.45 a,m 9,unday School
1,00 a,m 'Morning Wor 411ip.
Wesley -Willi$ joining with lis,
's Cl+uwGw
9.45 a.m;--Church Se" VIN&
10.45 a,'m. —Sunday 'Sdhool
- ,_
r i9 h # N r
Tus, a � no R a ..Pae`
TWA., , �. ,_ �..., � .. ,.gin .��►� _.�.,.� it..
J. ck- 1 n
a .or
A lovely wedditlg avast 4.91e-
Recent YisutaIM W#b Mr. a,nd
mnrzpd' in the Londe;?bona !nit-
Mrs, Loz is F'ar4t, RR: 4,ui�.
ed w011nzi ch on Sa<turd'ay, Jung
ton, were gr%, Robert ,Svrord,
2$, wwhen the. Rev, H, A,• age
Owen Sound, Mrs, Char les 'Gro-
utngod tin' g)n+arriage Glorla A?ino,
ome, Welland; Rog, L.w* ,
elder- daughter of ?Virg and' Mrs.
lvteaford fund Mrs ,and.11?ris, i`Tlsrr
Thomas .13. Arlen, Z,wvdeslbRr+R,
man Hunt, Water+loo,
and Wayne Keith, older son of
Mrs. Jahn T,arrniLton and 1vtn�.
Dr, Kezinetth Jackson., Blyth,
Bent Rowden spent a few days
and' Ithe late Mrs. Ethel Jd•"k-
last wee 'in. Toronto at the
Royal York I4otel, 'vV1we they
Mrs, Harty Lear, –Wy%, Was
abtehded tihe 72nd .annual Rg-
orgaoist, playing traditional
bekah Assemiblvv, Mrs, Rowden . .
weddirvg anuric and <acaampaatr
took part -14 the Guard of Hon-
ledthe soloist, Ha=y Lean as be
-our, during ithe installation of
sang "I'll Walk Beside You,/°
the Rob*ah Assembly of Olrt-
"The Lord's Prayer" and "p
Promise Me,"
Mr, and Mrs, Dornald Crich
The bride given. in marriage
and family grad As thgir guests
by her father, wore a floor
Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs,
length gawir of white peau de
Howard Crioh, Clinton, Mr, and
sale over staffeta feauring em-
Mrs. BldenCrich and family
broidered applique at the rRtmd
Seafor+th Arid Mr. and Mss. Mel-
neckline and on the full skint,
bourne Ball and family, Gott-
which formed an"apron efifect do
erich. The occasion was 14
the back. The !sl'eeves were
oeldbrption of the 45th wedding
fang and pointed ,# the avrzs(t•
aaurizr^ersary of Mr. and Mrs.
She wore a string of cultured
Howard Crich,
pearls .and carried .a crescent .
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Grindon,
bouquet of American Beauty
(nee Jun.', Rozell) Guelph, viz -
roses and stephanotis,
iltod over Itlhe weekend with Mr,
Miss Karen Allen, Landes-
and Mrs. A, Leibol d f �
d an inns.l,>,
baro, wits .her sister's maid of
RR. 2, •01)inuton, Saturday, tli-e
honour,. She wane a street len-
occasion of ItYte latt'er's 23rd
gith dress of ,nylon sparkle or-
wedding anniversary, They aft-
ganza over taffeta, with tucked
tended ;the IOOF-sponsored
bodice and full 's'khit, •a match-
CKNX Barn Dance at CDCI.
ing circular bowed headdress
Friends called from Guelph.,
and white accessories.
Beucefield and Zurich,
Miss Sharon Jackson, Blyth,
Mr. and, Mrs. G. W. Nabt, 107
sister of ithe groom, and Miss
High Street, spent a very pleas -
Nancy Lee Campbell, London,
ant weekend in, Windsor and
bridesmaids, ware similar govt-
Detroit with their d'augh'ter
n9 of pink sparkle organza over
Miss Lee Natt and Mgrs. Gar -
taffeta and+ Misses Glenyce and
rioah land; family. It was their
Helen Anderson, Londesrboro, .as
58th wedding anniversary.
junior bridesmaids, ware ideal
While there they enjoyed spend -
tical gowns to that of t h e
ling Friday evening at the new
maid of honour, All the atten-
Fisher Theatre where the opera
dents; wore drop pearl necklaces
"My Pc dr Lady" was being pre -
and, ,carried crescent bouquets
seated. They also saw the New
of white ,carnations with tulle,
York -Detroit baseball game at
Jahn Shaddick, S•imeoe, was
Briggs Stadium on Saturday,
groomsman. Keith Allen, Lan-
On Sunday 'they were enter-
desbaro, ,brother of the groom,
tained -at the Dertroitt Sailboat
ushered ,the guests.
Club where their daughter • Lee
A reception • followed in ,the
Is one of the skippers.
church parlors where the Lon-
desboro United Chur'c'h Women
served a delicious turkey dhn-
n'er. The guests were received
the bride's' mother, who
wore dress of coffee beige
w a
By Pupils
nylon lace over ;taffeta, with
maitchinvg and +green accessories
nd a corsage of •chalice roses,
She was, assisted by the groom's
A miscellaneous shower was
mother, Mrs. Charles S•'hob-
.held for bride -elect Miss Katth-
brook, Blyth, weanling a two
erine Blacker lash Friday in, the
piece costume of beige linea,
Granton. Presbyterian Church
With Thatching moss green ac-
with over 50 school .pupils, mo-
cess,aries Band a corsage of chat-
thers and friends attendiug.
Mrs. Hazel Parkinson was co -
For travelling on a honey-
hostess. Lunch ,was served by
moon down the St. Lawrence
the neighbours, Miss Blacker
Seaway axed points east, the
expressed -thanks for the lovely
bride changed to a ,two piece
ensemble of pale beige linen
Neighbours and friends gath-
with green -flower hat and
ered at the home of Mr. and
brown -accessories. She wore a
Mrs. Charles: Merrill on Satur-
corsage of +taw•nry ,gold! roses,
day for 'a miscellaneous shower
On ,their'retturm Mr. and MrS.
for Miss Blacker. Over 40
Jackson Will reside in Ridge-
people attended -and Mrs, Mer -
town, where the groom is on. ,the
vyn Penfound, Embro, wars co -
staff of -the Ontario Agrieultu-
ral School.
Mrs, Penfdund conduote.c two
The Ian ge province, Quebec,
. contests and' gave a reading.
miss Blacker replied appre-
leas a land area of 523 68Q
sq:uare mlebr; the smallest,
cnation. Lunch was served :by
Prince Edward Isiamd, than •a
B a r:b a r a Watkins, Prancers
land' area. of 2,184 square miles.
Blacker and Margaret Merrill.
Ends on Saturday
_........... the ;ladies •:had t6ce+ived.