Clinton News-Record, 1962-06-28, Page 5Last Check of Site Plans Making final checks of the site location for the new motor hotel, Doug Fleischauer, left and his father Bill at right, confer with Jerry Kernohan, London. The project includes 21 modern "motel" units, plus a lounge and dining lounge and snack bar on the main floor, and plenty of space for ban- quets in the lower floor. Official opening is ex- pected same time in September. (News-Record Photo) Sod Turned for 21 Unit Motor Hotel Official sod-turning at the site of Clinton's new Motor Hotel on Huron Street (Highway 8) took place on Thursday afternoon with Mayor Wil- liam J. Miller wielding the shovel. From the left are Douglas and William Fleischauer, owners of the new hotel; Gerry Kernohan, owner of Kernohan Homes, London; Mayor Miller and Reeve Morgan J. Agnew; Leonard G. Winter, Clinton, represent- ative of Nu-Way Buildings who is doing the con- struction. Work on excavation began on Monday morning, and the owners expect to be in operation within two months. (News-Record Photo) Sloan, Sheffield, also celebrated his 77th birthday an Saturday. A daughter of the late John and Mary Reid' Torrance, Mrt. Stirling has lived' on the .sixth concession . of Goderich Town- ship all her life, As a young Woman she attended Bethany Presbyterian Church, but •fox• many years she has 'been a member .of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, )3ayfield, She and her late husband were very ac- tive in all community activities for many years. At present Mrs. Stirling lives. alone. She is recovering from an injured shoulder and we wish her a speedy. recovery. PORTER'S HIL L MRS. DONALD HARRIS Phone HU 2-3362 Rev. W. C. Smith preached his farewell service at Grace Church on Sunday last. The congregation all' join' in ,wishing Mr. and Mrs. Smith the best of health and happiness att their new charge. at St. David's, Ontario. Tit as e transferring their memberships from Taylor's Corner to Porter's Hill at Sun- day's service were Mr. and Mrs. James Young, Mr. and WS. Chester Sturdy and Austin Sturdy. United Church Women The United Church. Women of Grace Church met en Wed- nesday lest et the home of Mrs, Alvin Betties with 18 ladies and eight children )are- sent. The president, Mrs, Ar- thur Bell was in charge of the meeting. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs, E. Picot and the Lord's Prayer wag repeated in unison. Roll call was answered by handling in' small socks con- t'ainin'g the size of your sock multiplied by two in money. The reports were given and the various committees report- ed. The committees were named' and plang made for the ham and salad supper being held in the church: 'basement on July 25. Mrs, Alvin' Beetles' handed out pamphlets she had secured from the consumer section of the 'Department of Agriculture. During the afternoon a bite crib quilt was quilted and et the eloSe of the meeting the, hostess served lunch. 14-1 FUMER (Lindane Fumigator) For Indoor Control of Flies;- Mosquitos, and all small flying insects. NOW AVAILABE AT Sutter-Perdue Ltd. Phone HU 2-7023 For the Special Low Price of $1.50 Complete with Undone Tablets Unit One Unit 1, IfCW were fortunate in being invited to hold their June meeting at the cottage of Mrs, Benson Sutter. The int- eresting meeting included hav- ing Mrs. Oesch, Zurich, demon- strate a variety of floral ar- rangements.Tood. Mrs, Siebert,. also of Zurich, demonstrated inter- esting designs made pf drift wood, worship service was con- ducted by Mrs, Alice Andrews. The business meeting heard the routine reports, Volunteers are requested to help With the va- cation school being held this year, the first two weeks in August. Donations of cookies for the children's refreshment eplers loilnWyoolaneld iant roebsetR ap1?inr e cti hate- vent ure should contact Mrs. Al, Durst, phone HU 2-7309. An- other request is for old nylons and doll elothes, these to be brought to the September meet, ing in order that they may be "thse ci e failnl bpareeapaatrOing articles for Unit Two Membei.s of Unit Two met in the chruch parlours on Mon- day evening, June 11. with Mrs. Ken Johnston, president in the chair, She opened the meeting Kippen East W.I. Meets at SS 9 For Health Topic HENS.ALL — Mrs. William Bell, preSid'ent of Kippen East Women's Institute opened the health meeting held at SS 9 Tuekersrnith on June 20 with 22 members answering roll call giving "A Cure for Insomnia." Mrs. Robert Bell and Mrs. Wil- liam -Caldwell gave the reports of the district 'annual. A poem, " Summer Came Softly" donated by Mrs. Camp- bell Elyre, was read by Mrs. William Kyle. Mrs. Robert Gemmel presided for the pro- grain which opened with 'an accordion selection by William Gibson, eccoMpanied by Jack Cedweli at the piano. Rev. Donaldson,, Seaforth, showed two films, "Breast Can- cer" and "Time and' Two Wo- men". Dr. E. A. McMaster, Grand Bend, answered questiont on cancer and gave many in- teresting figures, 'which amazed many. He told of symptoms to watch for and suggested every- one have a physical check up once a year at least. He also explained what to do for a compound fracture, burnt, pois- oning, nose bleeds and many other causes of bleeding. Mrs. Ken McKay read a humorous poem. Mrs. Ross Chapman conducted a contest and Mrs. Ken McKay gave courtesy remark's. Mrs. Vivian Cooper and Mrs. Jack Consitt were hostesses and helped the lunch' committee, Mrs. William Kyle, Miss Margaret McKay, Mrs. Ross Broadfo.of -and Mrs. Verne Alderd'ice serve lunch. Regret is to humans what mud 'is 'to hogs—it's good only for wallowing in. MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE OF LADIES BATHING SUITS BROKEN SIZES and STYLES Regularly priced from $12.95 to $22.95 WEEKEND SPECIAL ...... • $4.99 This Weekend Only At LEE'S Ladies W a e r Opposite Post Office -- Cliritbis CLINTON THURSDAY -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY JUNE 28-29-30 ALL FLAVOURS Hi 'C' DRINKS-48-oz. 3 for $1 IGA LIQUID DETERGENT-24-oz. ..,. 2 for $1 MARGARINE-1 -lb. 4 for $1 PEANUT BUTTER— I 6-oz. 3 for $1 IGA CANNED MILK-16-oz. 8 for $1 IGA PEAS-1 5-oz. 8 for $1 WAXED PAPER—I00 ft. 4 for $1 I FOIL WRAP-25 ft. 4 for $1 IGA & BEANS---I 5-oz. 8 for $1 " N I NSTANT COFFEE-10-oz, $1.00 ROYAL IANT PUDDINGS 8 for $1 BALLET TOILET TISSUE ...... , ..... ... 8 rolls $1 IliVelraiS-1 2-oz. ..... „ 4 for $1 KRAFT DINNER , 8 for $1 TABLERITE ROUND STEAF or ROAST .... „... 79c lb, RUMP ROAST 79c lb. TABLERITE WIENERS .............. 49c lb. tABLenITE SIDE BACON ( kindless-) 79c lb. SWIM AfettitAlq ORANGES - • „.. ....... 39c do*. Green or Wax BEANS 19c lb. The Ontario ALL . Loan & or 5 years, Interest by eoupons yearly DEBENTURES PURPOSE INVESTMENTS Debenture or by payable . Co. for 2, 3, half- cheque. 5 C)14 COUPON 4 a ,i,r. CASHABLE DEBENTURES for 2, !A VA 3, 4 or 5 years. Cashable at the 4 A Pig, holder's option upon 15 days note lee at any time after 1 year at pat* with accrued interest at 414%. SAVINGS CERTIFICATES for I A year. issued in amounts of $500 4 and up, in multiples of $106. Cash- able at any time at the helder'S option upon 15 day's notice with accrued interest, Theoceptanee The bdINIDAt ONE Ontario ST,MARKET LONDON of very , OP SAVINGS RepreseirtatieeS large amounts CANADA'S CORPORATIONS Loan & LANE , Considered by STRONGEST Debenture ONTARIO MARKET arrangement only Co. SQUARE Open House In New British Mortgage Office The modern new head office building of British Mortgage and Trust Company, Stratford, will officially opened on Fri- day, July 13 at 2 o'cIeek, 'ac- cording to W. K Gregory, pre- Sident. Motorists will be familiar with the ultra modern cone struction Which faces them as they cross the bridge alt Strat- ford leading to the main street and business section. Construction began on Dec- ember 22, 1960 With the sod- turning, and the foundation stone was laid the following October. Open house will be held on Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. and again on Saturday, July 14, front 10-12 noon; from 2-5 p.m, and from Mrs. James R. Stirling Celebrates 80th Birthday at Family Event A well known resident of Goderich Township, Mrs. James R. Stirling, was guest of hon- our at a birthday party last Saturday afternoon art the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant H. Sthirlihg. It was 80 years ago on June 25, 1882, that Margaret Law- cock Torrance was, born, and 60 years ago on June 26, 1902 that she married James R. Stirling, who passed away in January, 1960. About 40 relatives sat down, to a picnic supper. These in- eluded Mrs. Stirling's two, daughters, Mrs. Lewis (Freida) Bailey, Amherstburg; Mrs. H. E. (Grace) Harrison, Weston; five sons, Fraser, RObert, Grant, Douglas, all of Goderich Town- ship; John, Toronto; four granddaughters', five grandsons; two sitters, Mrs. Victor (Pris- cilla) Elliott, ,Clinton.; Mrs. Andrew (Grace) Sloan, Shef- field; one brother, John A. Tor- rance, Goderich Township, and four great granddaughters. Three other grandsons and, four other great grandchildren were unable to be-present. One of the .guests, Andrew Strawberry Tea Of Wesley-Willis On Manse Lawns A delightful strawberry tea and bake sale was held on the attractive lawns of Wesley-Wil- lis Church manse on, Saturday, June 16. Luselous red straw- berries and cream were enjoyed on ;the warm. sunny day by over 80 people, one carload of ladiet driving here front Arva, Rev. Park's former charge. The ladies of unit one, under the leadership of Mrs. William Hearn, planned the occasion, served tea and presided over the 'successful bake sale. 7-9 ,p.m. visitors will be able to inspect three floors and' the basement. Refreshments will be served and a special gift given as a memento of the occasion. With a poem "Kitchen Prayer," Devotions were led by Mrs, Donald Grieve. Six hospital calls and seven home calls were made in May. A .piente is plan- ned for All•IlY 19 in the after, noon at the summer cottage of Mm, Harold Wise. Those offer-ing to phone for this picnic Will be Nancy Wise, Mrs. Man- ping end Mrs, Bvans. Knitted baby outfits have al- ready been made and sold by this unit and more are being made td offer for sale. Teachers, helpers and kitchen help, and gifts of cookies are needed for the Daily Vacation. Bible School to be held early in August. Discussion groups were formed on "IMportant Changes we would like to see in the world at large." On September 19 a floral ar- rangement demonstration will be directed by Miss Luella Johnston and Mrs. Clifford Epps, Admission price will be 50 gents. Refreshments will be served, Luncheon hostesses for the June meeting were Mrs. R. MaeDonald, Mrs. F. Fingland and Mrs. Harold", Wise, Unit Three The June meeting of Unit 3 was held in the Sunday School room with 22 ladies present, Mrs. Reid opened with a call to worship, Mrs.' Reid gave the Scripture readings, follow- ed 'by thoughts on the lesson by Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Cliff Stew- art led in prayer, Roll call was answered by a verse on "trust". Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer's report was given. Mrs. Adams reported that finances had reached $279.08. Reports were heard from the visiting, flower and social conveners. Mrs, Oliver suggested a com- mittee from Unit 3 to meet with the overall social com- mittee to plan the fall bazaar. The following ladies will act: Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. Pinning, Miss Ester Jamieson, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Ball, Mrs. 1VIur- ch, plus all unit leaders, and Mrs. Fingland, Mrs, Fingland had materials for making little Christmas trees on hand to show the lad- ies, also the directions, She reminded the unit of the over- all meeting in September. Unit, 2 is holding a flower show on" September 19. A committee was formed to meet with committees of other groups regarding the making of trees for the. Christmas booth. Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Ball, Mrs, Sinclair and Mrs. Reid volunteered to act. Mrs. Parke sang a solo "Peg Along." The ladies adjourned to the parlours where Mrs. Mc- Gill gave a talk on her visit to California. The meeting closed with the benediction. A social cup of tea was enjoyed as this was the closing meeting of the season. Unit Four Unit 4 met in the church parlour on Tuesday afternoon, June 12. There were 16 ladies present. The worship service was on the theme, "Praise ye the Lord for His beauty". The leader, Mrs. N. Shepherd was assisted in this by Mrs, G. W. Nott and Mrs, J. Carter. Mrs. N. Holland presented the topic for the month: the work of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Burrows, on the mission boat, the "Thom- as Crosby IV". Appreciation was expressed to the program convener, Mrs. L. Jervis. "Mars., Jane 28, 1 902-4;1;00n News-Record—Page BRUCEFIELD S unday with the lady's mother,. ants, Mr, and Mrs, John Bread' Dinnin, Joan and Donald, visit- ios of the congregati(M. are M- oo on Sunday with Mr, and i.er,' Mrs. George- Hopkins,. George Henderson. Mrs. 'Krueger and her aunt, Mrs, A, lags. Kitchener, visted 'over the weekerat with the lady's par- foot, to, visited with Mr. and Mrs, couple of weeks with. her -daUgh- don and boys, .Granten, spent Mr, and Mrs. Glen Adair, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur J. on Wednesday, July 4, All lad- Mrs,. Mary Henderson, Toron, Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Mrs, Thorn .is visiting for a 1%.Tt$, W, V, DilMni. 130'1.- tare of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott and attended the wedding of their nephew, Anthony .Cellabin. picnic will be held at (the cot, Detroit, Michigan, visited with their cousin, Mrs. H. Berry. spent the weekend. in Toronto Mrs, William Douglas, have re, turned from a trip to E,eicford Cmtp Northern. Ontario. Britt, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. L. C, 'Smillie, The United Church Women Mr, and Mrs. A. Paterson Mr. and/.4m.. Lindsay Byre, Competitive Prices Pius Personal Service DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders This Week Money Saving SPECIALS! I.D.A. Brand— Reg. 50c, 85c AROMATIC CASCARA 39c, 67c I.D.A.r Brand— Reg. 50c CALAMINE LOTION 39c I,D.A. Brand— Reg. 250, 35e, 60c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE . 19c, 27c, 49c I.D.A. Brand— 1/4. grain — 1,000's Reg. 79c SACCHARIN TABLETS 59c I.D.A. Brand-100 ft, roll Reg. 32c WAX PAPER 29c, 2 for 55c I.D.A. Brand — 300's Reg. 99c IDASAL TABLETS 79c I,D.A. Brand -- Reg. 50c, $1.00 MILK of MAGNESIA TABS. .... 39c, 79c I.D.A. Brand-70's Reg. 19c PAPER NAPKINS 17c, 2 for 33c I.D.R. Brand — Reg, 98c, $2.49 STOMACH POWDER 78c, $1.99 I.D.A. Brand — Reg. 2 for 290 TOILET TISSUE 6,for 79c MARATHON GOLF BALLS 3 for $1.38 12 for $4.88' "Truyac"-- 15 ounce VACUUM BOTTLE 78c KODAK HAWKEYE FLASHFUN CAMERA Only $4,00 With any $4.00 purchase MODESS 12's Reg. 51c in Obiy Wrap 2 for 89c COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Reg' 35° — 2 for 63c Reg- 65c — 57c BRECK HAIR SET MIST Reg. 700 59c Beg- $1.89 — $1.49 $1,00 worth of Tame Creme Rinse with TONI HOME PERMANENT $3.00 Value $2.00 CUTEX POLISH REMOVER Reg. 66o .......... —.moo .. .... ...... . .. „..,...„ .......... . 45c F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 Clinton, Oat WesletWillts United -Church Women June *dings .F011y Reported Here Prices Will Be Going Up When Our Present Stocks Are Depleted . N W IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR English Bone China Complete Sets or Odd Pieces ROYAL DOULTON SPODE WEDGEWOOD ROYAL ALBERT, etc. The new import tariffs, plus the devaluation of the Canadian dollar will cause higher prices on most imported goods. Complete Line of Graduation and Wedding Gifts at Anstett Jewellers Phone HU 2-9525 — Clinton