Clinton News-Record, 1962-06-21, Page 9(By 'lore ice Biliatt, Searetary, Huron Poderatim) DRAINAGE TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For the Construction and Repair of the CLARK MUNICIPAL DRAIN, according to Engineer's profile and specifications will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, July 2, 1962. Tenders must be clearly marked "Tender—Clark Municipal Drain". Ten- ders to be opened at 9 p.m., Tuesday, July 3, 1962. Work includes: 4,830 lineal feet of open drain consisting of approximately• 2,000 cu. yds. Town- ship to supply corrugated iron pipe within approxi- mately one mile of work. • . Work to be completed by Sept, 30, 1962. Con-. . tractors to have Workmen's Compensation Insur- ance. A marked cheque for, ten percent with a minimum of $100 ito •accompany tender. Lowest or any' tender not necessarily accepted. Plan, profile and specifications. may be seen at the Clerk's Office. J. I. McJNTOSH, Clerk, RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario. 25-6b 'hors,, June 4 944--Clinton News7Reccpni,Pqge 9 X't is with sadness that we judge's of the pair? Princess report the .14-S"Sillg of Thernlaa CODtleSt. A year or So ago at the 7$yrmi, on May 27. The funeral .Clinton Spring Show!, was ,held May 29 j.tt Forest, R wil probably be a while Ontario, He had been in poor yet before we can really assess health for .a few giontbs the effect of the price redue, tion of 12 cent per pottod. butter, starting May 1, Some early indications point 'to an inCrease in sales but we have no tangible results to re, port yet. Marketing is still the .,subject of greatest interest to milk and cream producers and many are getting impatient to get a look at the new marketing plan that will likely be voted on within the next few months. The pro- blem of getting complete ,agree nient among aa.l. four , groups has -delayed matters consider- ably but it is now -NSW that a plan will be made public very shortly. Cream' producers will be given all information av • able as soon as possible and - every effort will be Made Ito acquaint all iproducers with full details of the proposed. plan when lit is released. BACKACHE When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling-- disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better, sleep hotter, work better. 80 • DRAINAGE TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For the Construction and Repair of the BUCHANAN MUNICIPAL DRAINS, according to Engineer's profile and specifications will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'cicok noon, Monday, July 2, 1962, Tender must be clearly marked "Tender—BUchanan Municipal Drains", Tenders to be opened at 9:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 3, 1962. Work includes: 10,092 lineal feet of open drain (2,600 cu. yds:).; 1,833 lineal feet of 18,..16, 14, 10, 6 and 4 inch tile and pipe to dig, lay and back- fill; one catch basin, and to fill in and level exist- ing open ditch. Work to be ,completed by Sept, 30, 1962. Town- ship to supply tile and pipe Within approximately one mile of work, Contractors to have Workthen's Compensation Insurance. A marked cheque for ten percent with a minimum of $100 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily. accepted. jack Pearson's on his knees "I begged and. won a For our Liqui ation Sale!" NOW, I'm begging you for bids on the remainder of our 50-Car Truck Inventory IF YOU DON'T BUY THEM WE'LL HAVE TO AUCTION THEM TO DEALERS SO WE'LL SELL ANY UNIT FOR ANY PRICE ABOVE DEALER AUCTION I. ! Look For The Banner At Our Liquidation Location Downtown Exeter "Tom", as we all knew him, wars .larked by everyone and friend to all. He was dedicated to serving his community ana his fellow men in worthwhile projects, and contributed much throughout Us life. Among other thing5 he had served Lamirton - County Cream Pro- ducers as their county' man and for ten years repre- sented his zone on the provin- cial board, During this time he served his term as chub:man of the provincial board and was a past chairman of the On- \ tarie Milk Producers' Co-ordin-. acting Board. e was keenly interested in, bettering agriculture in general and the lot of the cream pro- ' ducer in particular. He contri, but-ea much in working toward a better ..anti more effective. 'marketing set up for the dairy industry in .Ontario and his ef- forIlls'and constructive approach to this matter Will long be remembered by those who worked with him. We feel it ' has been a privilege to have known Tom. Byrns and to harve Worked with him and our sin- cere sympathy is extended ito his wife and family. You will Probably remember Tom Byre s as being ,one of the Jack Pearson got down on his knees and begged for a 10-day extension to the agreement with Tailor Motors Ltd. which calls for a complete cie4rance of his used-vehicle inventory. The ex- tension was granted and Pearson now has until June 30 to sell his stock—after that the units will go to the dealer auction clock. This. means you can buy cars at the same prices dealers would pay. You can't lose, even if you buy for speculation! Come to Exeter, for the buys of a lifetime? '56 Chevrolet 2-door Station Wagon '57 Plymouth 2-door Hardtop A lovely 2-tone job that's been well taken care of, Average list price $1,000. Equipped with push-button automatic .drive, padded dash, just refinished in beautiful bronze metallic. Average list price $995, Auction Price $495 Here's What We Mean! Auction Price $595 25-6b Plan, profile and specifications May be seen at the, Clerk's Office, Whoops! Almost Forgot This One! J. I. McINTOSH, Clerk, RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario, Here's our complete inventory For liquidation '62 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic 88 4-door, '57 CHEVROLET 4-door, 6-cylinder. '60 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 4-door, Station Wagon, '56 FORD FAIRLANE HARDTOP, sharpest thing on 1951 Vauxhall Sedan '60 VAUXHALL VICTOR SEDAN, custom radio, '59 VOLKSWAGEN 2-door, deluxe, radio. '59 MERCEDES Diesel Sedan.` 159 STUDEBAKER LARK, only 24,000 miles. '58 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 4-door, 6-cylinder. '57 PLYMOUTH 4-door Custom Suburban Station Wagon, only 30,000 miles. '57 FORD FAIRLANE 4-door Sedan, Attention All Drag Racers and Would.be Hot Rodders! wheels. '56 CHEVROLET Deluxe 2-door Station Wagon. '56 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan, driven by an elderly gentleman, like new. ' '55 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-door, 44,000 original miles, '55 BUICK CENTURY 4-door Sedan. This is a western car and has absolutely no rust, SEVEN '52's, '53's, '54's FROM $99 to $199 SOMEBODY'S MISSING SOME BARGAINS iN THESE TRUCKS! '55 FORD 4-ton gravel truck, 6-yard box, completely rebuilt hoist. '52 CHEVY 2-ton stake, 12-foot stake rack and tarp. '53 CHEVY School Bus, 18-child capadity. '52 GMC 3 1/2 -ton Stake. '50 CHEVROLET 1/2 -Ton Pickup in excellent mechaniCat condition, MAIN St, bmvon only 41,bori mkt, Price ..... ....„ List Price $850 Auction P $49S Now At Pearson Motors Ltd" LiquidatiOn tot &fifer '58 PONTIAC St ratnahtef 2-door, in impeccable condition, fitted with spetial Olds. 98 Racing Engine to be sold at thousands of dollars less than original Gott, NOtet This unit will do 110 mph in 1/14 Amproistoinewidamipie HURON STREET 44001 Liquidation Location CORNIER MAIN and HURON' StitEE The Former ear king of Huron county MOTORS LTD.