Clinton News-Record, 1962-06-21, Page 4An a pptein oil coMpanyresearch experiments? At Impedal—yes. Research Into hew petroleum can assist Canadian farmara and fruit growers is o no of many projects ea tried out at Chi pedal's labo4. ratories....thelargeSt petroleum research laboratories in Canada., FRESH FRUIT` & VEGETABLES GEORGIA YELLOW FREESTONE No. 1 Grade QUART Peaches New Crop, Naveli, No. 1 Grade ORANGES cello bag 59c Mexican, Salmon Flesh, No. 1 Grade, Jumbo 27's CANTALOUPE each 3 9, Florida, Charleston Greys, Red Slicers, No. 1 Grade, Large Size WATERMELONS each 99c Virginia, New Crop,'Round Stringless, No. 1 Grade GREEN BEANS 1b19( Native, Large White, No, 1 Grades CAULIFLOWER head 19C Ontario- Grown, Large, POesh, Green Heady ' CABBAGE N°. 1 tirade each 1 ONtAFtio GROWN STRAWBERRIES ibeeid be the peek week for iliestAtiteerfos, Os SOO' SAVE 10c -yank. Audio. RAISIN ME LARGE 24.0Z PIE each Regular Price 49e siii)i) at itip SAUCE) BEA STE BEEF LOAF Reg. jar 45c—SAVE 40 10-fl-oz ice box jar 1 C Reg. btl 97c—SAVE 4c 24-fl-oz plastic bri Reg. tin 37c---SAVE 11c 32-fl-oz tins 1 • Reg. 2 this 37c—SAVE 110 Reg. tin 43c--f:SAVE 4c 12-oz tin 3 9c YORK HOMOGENIZED WITH STAINLESS STEEL CUTLERY 1)1 S 1541-oz tins 1 • Reg. tin 39c—SAVE 9e 15-fl-oz tins Large 24 oz. loaf r ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SAT., JUNE 23rd, 1962 Goveiroment Graded Super-Right Quality Meats! CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY R&9 801M ,BEEF BEEF ROASTS Schneider's, lb 5 9c WIENERS DUTCH TREAT Boneless Plate it, 67c POT ROAST Pure, Tray Pack PORK SAUSAGES Maple Leaf, Sliced BEEF BOLOGNA Grade "A", Ready to Cook, ,4 to 6 Pounds BOILING FOWL Choice Quality Po1i0i SAUSAGE RINGS Snowbird Ocean PERCH FILLETS 2 7-oz Pkgs 23c pkg of 12 2 St 10-oz pkg 3 Sc BLADE BLADE BONE REMOVED SHOULDER FULL CUT RIB ROAST 1 e ID o SHORT or CROSS o PRIME RIB ROAST SHORT CUT Re-WY Cut or Long CREAMETTES SCOURING PADS Peal alciRIE CRITTERS 16-oz pkg 49c lb 39t lb 39c ib43c lb43c lb 69c 16-oz pkg 3 3 Robertson's Imported I SPECIAL I MARMALADES PURE 12-11-oz jar 29( (Orange, Golden Shred, Lemon Shred, Orange Scotch) Almond Crisp Reg. pkg 49c—SAVE 4c DARE'S COOKIES 16-oz pkg 45c French's Mashed or Scalloped Reg. pkg 36c—SAVE 4c INSTANT POTATOES pkg 31c Jane Parker Reg. each 39c--SAVE 10c LEMON or JELLY ROLL each 29c 4,.r MEANS OfPfNOARfi 204 oz this PRICED LOW at A&P! DOLE Fancy Hawaiian PINEAPPLE JOKE 7c LIBBY'S (IN TOMATO EE CHICKEN 'N TURKEY K3 CORNED DRACH'S , 041-42,4, 60% WHOLE WHEAT SANDWICH BREAD ft 24 °Z.APS AG loaves Nal Regular 22c each SAVE 7c lb Choke Shoulder Cuti GROUND CHUCK Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless SIDE BACON Page ',Clinton News-Record Joint 'VIA .Meeting at Middleton Hears 'Good .Report of lnilua..1 For Tune Is By Kippen East Wt.' • •IIENBALL KipPen East Women's 'institute entertained at Huronview • on Wednesday. afternoon, June 13-;Mrs: Harry Caldwell was ` mistress of cure- monies. . Mrs. Grant • MacLean, lead a singsong. Mrs. Ken Mc- Kay and Mrs. Robert Kinsmen. favoured with a piano duet. Eight ladies, Mrs. - Arthur Finlayson, Mrs." Ross Ghapm-an, Mrs. William Caldwell, Mrs. Grant MacLean, Mm. ,HoWard Finkbeiner,. Mrs. William Bell; MM. Robert Bell and Mrs. Vern Aiderdice favoured with square dance selections with Mrs:, Ross 'hors., 4411e WI/ 196* - • . The • .ladies celebrating a birthday in June were present- ed with, a corsage and a brooch as a birthday gift. The men were given a pair of socks. There were 11 celebrarfs. "Hap- py Birthday"" was sung and the, candles -lighted on the cherry pintk, and white birthday cake. The . institute ladies . Served lunch and toured the 'new part 'of Huronview, visiting with many of the residents; An en- joyable . time was had by all. MIPPLETON--,MrS, Stewart Z0441094 WAS hOSteSS ..on Wed, l'esday evening, 'Jane 13, for i Ire ,aonaaf Pint Meting of. e Wornen's" • Atocilim of Tri, n`ityChurch, BaYfield and St,. Ames. giutt1004,.. This meeting was well taemded with Over. 39 PerSoes were four former members of present, Among, those present St, Zamels WA, who now reside Clinton,rn - The spacio4s. rooms of the .1\fiddleton. home were lavishly decorated wiitb arrangements • of gia-nt peonies, roses, etc, The president, Mrs. Ray Wise, Warmly welcomed 'the lad:Jet:5 and opened the meeting with the singing a, the WA hymn, "The Love of Christ ConStraineth" with Mrs, Er'l, ward Wise at the piano, Following devotiOns, Romans 12. was read by Mrs, Jelin Cole, The minutes were read by See- rotary Mrs, John Grigg and the rat call was a biblical verse containing the word "love" The secretary read a latter of thanlcs Iron: the London de- pot of the 1..11/Itarlita service Departrnent for, the large bale of used clothing. m rs,, John! Grigg gaVe a time- i•Y 'and interesting reading or th e 131,essed Wells of PelltT- shire, Dngliancl, where the ein.- turies-old Custom of well-dress- Ing is still observed on Ascen- sion Pay. • The highlight of the evening WAS the 2VP011 Of the 75th an, mei. meeting of the Diocese of Huron and was kive4 by Mrs. R. 3. Larson and Mrs, IL H, F, Gairdner, both. of Bayfield,, Mrs, Larson gave a detailed report of the first day's session, The ladies Nere Shocked to hear that men willing to go last year to mission fields were unable to do so due to--laelc of funds, "The mission field is the Cin- derella of the church and the WA the conscience of the church," -stated Mrs. Larson. Mrs. Calder assumed' the Diocesan presidency for the 13th year, The activities cul- 0040 in a lovely' birthde.Y. tea ,',.Bishopstowe, the ilorne of %shop and Mrs, C. N. .1,4X- top, MrS, qairdner voice most Viliiid)IY on one of the highlights Of The .alliknal, the bisAPOO PAVAPIt which 11-4PreSsiVelY Pleted the early 'history Of the church- in Canada, This; 'pageant "Into All ',the World Together'', was pr_esented' on April 30 in the -f. $e.41 Teehnieallatoal. and .de+~eted ih ten brief scones -presented by 159 Mem,* hers Of various churches the hi:Stery -,of the Canadian chum]) and US AVINijiM.--. Jeff Single WAS narrator • and Jones Town,- Attend'. WAS organist for the peg-pant, • As nano of the 1‘.41,4dieton ladies had been able Ito 'attend th.e anntial they were very grateful to Mrs, :Larsen and -Qawdnor fQI'. thew tnter,, estiing reports On behalf f all present, Mrs, P24,44Middle- ton moved a Sincere vote of thall4 to !the speakers. Mrs. Joseph Storey favoturea with, a lovely Instrumental, The rector, the Rev. B. rison cloSed the meeting with Drayer., A. social time followed, with ••delleiOnS' ,lancli Served ley ithe.- /Yfidglleten IN'Prs, a-yfield, moved a hearty vote of thank§ to lgrs.„ Stewart Middleton for !her ihQs, plteaty. All present voted. this Arnittal get t,Qgerther p 'successful one and the hope was expressed. that tilts •AWStoin would' be con- tinted, Harmer's Back Canadian.singer Shirley Harmer is seen again on Canadian television in a new weekly CBC-TV variety series, A Summer Night. Miss Harmer appeared . as a regular performer on CBC-TV's Showtime until the summer of 1957' when she left to further her career in the U.S, The series, seen each Friday on the CBC-;TV network, is a light- hearted musical show• featuring prominent Cana- dian entertainers as guests. (CBE Photo) Huronview Party Broadfoot as caller;Mrs. Bruce • A.nmatrong, Staffa, favoured with the "Highland Fling" an- companded by Mrs. Rost Broad- foot at the piano. Mrs. RoSi Chapman contri- buted a joke. A quartet com- prised- of Mrs. William Kyle, Mrs. Howard Finkheiner. Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Mrs., Ken Mc- Kay „slang. At Imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, More than' 200 scientists and teChnitians are working to improve preSent petroleum products and to develop new ones, Their research covers rilatlYf idlatifean gasolinestO hOuseheld detergents. Clintori Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE„ NU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W, Steep—NU 2-6642 211113 amplimmeamwommommarsomommonowormaimosimisimi ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST 90% of all oil- company product research in Canada is done by Imperial Another 13(3 scientists and technicians are work, frig at imperial's Calgary laboratories On ways to find and produce More Canadian crude oil and natural gas. imperial does there research than all Other oil companies in Canada Combined.