Clinton News-Record, 1962-06-14, Page 9C intAn No Recoxd Attentive Audience Hears Prosressiv-0 :New L,Liberal Party Cons,tives' Democrats E1004 Cardiff noted that he found, 11bae In Mr. Douglas! ad- Omses to gower since A did not �nclu4b ap)Ath-14,g aloopixt wdeulturp, "The ,rules of this game were that we talk on agncult4rv, alone, #1 intend! -to talk about agri- culture, for A is a subject that I perhaps know more about tha.7x any subject. I've lived op a farm all my life,. 1, was raised on, the farm that I still live on. I worked like a s,11ave Candidates for a gvipat number of years to 1pay,?ov ithat farm, and I paid _. 1 1 . I I-- — I I I . for it before I went jaVto -the Social Credit House of Cor.nrnws.. 'Many farmers get along re- g,"dIess of haw much• money they m,aqm Its one of the: best OccuPatiods we have In this, country. If a farmer is not I , in debt 4o his ears he gets: along very well. If he's in, debt be. Earl Douglas, tree fanner, 'fare he stasis, he'll stay in introduced his wife then asked debt a long time, because he that aril, .at the end, of the doesn't malce enough money 'to should ould line up.on -the Y pay off very many debts, left, and sign the mortgage in We ve been like that for the -amount of $2,100 which he years. 11m, not going to Name said, each, of us owes. it on any particular govern - "We are now half slave and meat. We've never got our halt free. Because as we allshare of the national- income. know, the man who owes you "When I -went into parlia. money is: largely, your slave. t r meat in, 1940 we corr4rlseq 30 At least he must conform to percent of the population, Now Your desires, and that is the we comprise less 'them 12 per- position,into which we have so cent. We still dant get any rapidly fallen. greater share of the naftonal "I should, like then ito outline income though we -produce briefly; your alternative to this twice �s =6. Result Is that 4ebt complex, the result Of we are =,,exporting country. which is,a1s! you knoW, statism, ,in, 1946 the prices support totalitarianism, maz1fascism, act was brought in, 'and ft- 12 communism. It's h it has years we worked under that, always started'. In -fact in Ed- which we thought was on; ad- inburgh a few Yeats ago I ask- EARL DOUGLAS vantage. Then -in, 1958 we ed an Indian doctor who is a bixxight in, the national stabili- Mialown why he thought they through time, zation, act which we thought bad had, five civilizations :that "Our representatives which was an, improvement. Yet we bad passed away and, he was of we have sent down, there baye have not been. able to, cure the the opinion that it was because not been -active, or perhaps III$ of agriculture. APO I'm of. this, gradual ,process of exod- have been having -a nap on sorry to say it may be some Ing our rights as citizens. the floor of the house, but we time Yet before we can cure "Now, my friends on my left have awakened to the fact that these Were trying to. here, they don't look like your we have not our credit. That "Our agriculture minister is enenries do they? They look dt was, ours, given us under the the best we've had in 30 years. like good average Canadians, BNA -act, but that it is not He has bent over backwards but all of them are actually, now. to try to help all those groups perhaps Unknowingly trying to "It is qobody'SL fault thati who come to him for amistanee. get all of you further into Ours, we simply let it go. It He hasbeen easily approached, debt. Out of which you have means only our worthiness, our ,rve been tbert for a aona, no possible recourse but to sub- ability to pay. If someone tald tame and we had several agri.- mit aind go aorto the next form let us give the heat of the, run' culture ministers in my time, of totalitarianism through this -to a, •private monopoly, we but you could never get- very form of socialism. would run. him in. And yet far along with them. But this "Of course they will deny ft, this is just as reasonabl a e s . his secretary for man, I was' ' secr because they have never stop- that we have given away our some years and I was secre- ped to consider the trends own credit tary wft the one that was where we are going. It 'has "Basic Principles are based there ahead of him and when never occurred, to thein. on four sections: the hn &vidual a delegation wouM come this "This theory was discovered is most important; goverment mary would take an hour almost by my namesake -and, distant Must serve that individual. any time to •find out all they kinsman, Major C. H. Douglas freedom and, security; wliatl had: to say, and all the Com - in S,�ord�nkdl, He was, appointed ever is physically possible, and plWntsi they had to make. Then at the end .of World, War I to mortally right should be made he grouped' these cornpladntsg to - investigate why the aeroplane fdmancially possible. gether and tried his best to indkistry was thriyIng and every "A wholesale auto parts man come up with something that other industry was in a. very in London likened the old, part- he ithought would be of some bad state. Hils findings were les to a pair, of old horses, assistance to the Over-all Pic - that it was in all cases the which one, flags, first one and tore of agriculture. purchasing power was: some- then the other. They !are har- "We are a diversified coun- thing like one-third less than nessed together, with separate try, and you can't strive for one economy for one paIrticular, the goods and services that had, tugs belly bands, blinders, etc., "Last night in Goderich some- to be moved, in order that busi- iiie� bite, and kick each other part of the country which: will nests conditions be favourable, a bit; but the horse and buggy suit 'another part ofthe coup , It wasn't just in the aeroplane days are over, Let's send the try. business that was tat that time old bmtes to 'the bone yard., "Farmers in the west and flourishing, but was every busi- and put -in, a modern tractor. farmers in the ea§t are two nesg. "While your product is $36 different. groups of people en- "Andthey wondtred, Why the billions; as it was this past tirelY- And in •Order 'to form aeroplane business should be year, you have only $24 bil- a ,p611cy which will suit the flourishing. Well the reason lions to purchase that product. Most people you have to do for that was that they had Now Social Credit claims that certain thirigs, Now they have contracts and, the planes were as you tax you reduce 'then pur- -tried every conceivable manwr s being built as if the war were cliabing power of the people, POsrAble for to curt the ills of still on -and as they came In, mailing it' that much less likely the western, fanner, and to cure that door and out that one that we can move these goods the ills of the eal9temi fanner. finished they lit a match to finished, that are piling up on the shelve "Social Credit started in, the them. was good, brat es, and we have our days of west, and eventually got 'down they were burning them up. It boom and bust. Into Ontario. I have always served no good purpose, "As Major Douglas' says, I attended meetings I've been in, - "And, so theW4jor discovered draw a line there. I have, a lot Vited to 'attend by them, and that purchasing power, wasl ever of commodity on that side, I I have always gotten along well short, and was given: 'the name. have a, little money on that with them. I've always attetid- There is nothing more social side. it takes a lot Of cont,- ed Vtd6i�ation of Agriculture than credit and; It does, belong mo4ty to gest that little money, ' meetings when, asked because I 'I to, us but It has been, eroded or reverse the some situaeoTL ti ght t e e o p at th ou iffia every gr U th or equipment in. carpentry, auto farm profits are up. Well, I ch- had anything to do with agwa- STEW. TAYLOR, PRESIDENT ctature, in thin country -at, all Mai was welcome to this country Lions Club Officers Installed because tapes all of us to c - it ta q , try to fivre. out what is best Perm produce is up three per - C16. "ekt, er-OTIOMY- Every One -of these hired by the CDC1 board: * By DAR 111oss Middleton candidates will subscribe to George Bullen, B.Com., now end of May, with 94.88 percent of What they purchase and "And yet We have never CM0. tit) with avothinix that will give that, policy, but they do not with Hinde andDauch. Ltd., St. Mmyst to teach. attendance during that month. their profits is down five per- luron. say how they will do it. . commercial I 'And Mrs. Dorothy Riva, Del Philp, Blyth, questioned. cent. Two percent less than it the agriclikillralists their fair J. Ross Middleton, deputy dis' biat governor of 'Region Three, Lions Intentiation1l, Was tht iri- stalling officer at Clintch VoVs Club ittkAllation of 1962-68 of- fiders� Tuesday night. Clinton is Mr. MiddIdtW9 home club, All offices, were fale�d, by ac- lamadoA, ait the -b6minladon mcetisig .13ast mo 6t - Mr, WdAleton, Inotalled each 4ilder individually, itittruclAeg ekchAA bis duties, Ile enlaeg- ed'oh his adalregs to tbL, preg- debt,46ct, secretary and the new treasurer. Past Pdt6labbIt Kerb 33�rlak is taking 4WeV the fi*owr;6�490 a tine club hvrh V rahk Pebb6alter Who held the position for 25 ykals, 1961121-M officers kt*_ "ft. s I A'dibbit, 8f Iraylo,V; t share of the national income. Herb Bridle; Lion taniev, go- "In 1946 the Pricet. Support bert Hunter", tail twister, Hugh- Aek 'carne into effect, In, 12 directors, years they had spent a, bubd- Hawkins, nate yeah Mayniard Coraie and Jahn Cbch- red InAllion: dollars. About '75 rAnei t",yeat directors, Ted percent Of that Was on the Davies and Xetineth Flat. - foot and mouth disease. Only The president-elect made a 25 percent oft �Ah& MMMOdl- short acceptance speech, "Iting tieg, far member support, in his Year, ,,}'the act We Os identr. Mr. 13ridle rt,- put inne, commoaditleg tMAL'-z' viewed Ms. year Rag President, th6,t act We 'have spent 126 The annual Liona inrAtation. that 4,01laT19 In to& years:. golf tburnament V41 be lieldtd AlThat dOeshft say we!arebet' the i0lintari-Bayfleild Obittrt6 on ter, off fot having spent *�i§ WedhLesday, 3 -ate 27, Ahyoto� money, f d'en't knoW WI)at will bAh*9: Oktra guests rrKi6t farm golf dhaintaft Royce Mac- Aulay by .lune Z'i Polifles dioll"o Out Kati Plat who wbh A Xwor Of County c6aticil araw at the 10,4t meeting, agafil WM' the draw at ThurWWs A r666mmdnddt1orV by the *1ee6bg,• wardeh'$ commftb�e that all' ,Uteo the bbgh�or. VIN- POIAtIeV be 611hilfi4ted M. Rufto f dmty -611h. , ptomdeht, Let; Bail gw%�ed cot. C c fccq, Pas§W1 6h, T`uft,, 6w#d slideg he had taken vt dW'by 6, vote of 15 to- % Tho tai Bis ixh "A" C`dw,�&Woht W Itoat W" adopted tied co,M M� Aft1k6h recently, bwoe zriewft U a whole. Clinton Liom Club Officers olid gxetatilvm For 1062-61, b4ptity N.4trict Governor Ab99 Middleton (ekttehi6 left` lraylotte6d6nt; Xeft Mott, director; Les Jhstalkd the officers of hig home Lung Club, oti Tuesday 6votiffig, 8all, seeorld Vico-P�0,6,Ment- Ted DaViea diredtor* Al Vlhitey 8ec- in 8t, POA119 PdAsh AOL rt6ftl tm left, they &re) Robeft hunter, tetar,y and Udyndrd Corriei direetot, John- Scrutotif `first Mite- a8t preSideftt �ftd treasurer; We, 1P . ug Haw- ldont, was abs4fit, Lion bithwr, 146rh tti e 14 � h klao itill tM.Oeroi, buff'Thothpiot4 third vlee�ptdgldent'j John 056- (Vw&-9ddd;d Photo) Mr. Hemingway commented Ernest Fisher stated that he'd With copcexn on the numbetrolf rather live in Canada, even un- Y women working off th ff e arm a.der and Qu%,tloved 'that Canada the, Cop grvattves, even if 0 of her Ista couZiving��U� 1�p have to say yes, than to' live when go Many wo_ in- Russia, even If we could Of "to W, 111 ;.a, men had 90 out jtQ work, say yes no, li,10 m He reProtelithat h had been "I've spoken to many people, n with th e Federation- Of AgTr1cul, with all types Of Problems. My V0111 ture since 19�0, On4Z Way and another. "It 1.5 a nW-political party does not represent any P1790rAzAtion and I thought for -society. one phase of It repre- A long time that farmers by sents all ofthe people, presenting their nee& to gov- d$Flrat of all, we wonder why, erm, lent would get the thamr. when Western Ontario hens are mid .the kind of help -and gpid, alme that they needed.. doing their level best at, this .ELSTON CARDIFF "After five and a, -balf years time they accept import Of ERNE FISHER Wu the -county. feder4flon, Polish oggs, and second grade be spent in, years to come. Bvi- w*orkda, CARL HEM with com dity J , I NGWAy at that. 'But it goes back many we, buy will be Up. 'Try our certainly we will have to speod gr Oups, marketing plans all g*tj, of these things farms I -Ings months ago, to When we sold $40,000 of Western wheat to vegetables and citrus f - fruits this fall, If don't more If we make the ag7rieba- mers needed, right down to change fr9m, support. price to Poland. you believe us. , "Sure I've Wralsts happy then we have &U the different gToups, in, our compensation for rabies and deficiency Payment. And I'm "I'm not against that. Cert- had them say to me, 10* at Cattle. Some of us solcietybappy, We In Huron am gaw the no delaying action' and t hi%,Inl,- at either One of hindrances, placed' in the Way them, They can both be good, ainlywe'll sell to countries out- side the friendly countries, but made money on the beef she p- ped over to the States, but dependent on agriculture, "Were of farmers,. I came to the con- or they can both be bad, de- at the same time I believe that lad - les and,gentlemen, waittillthis living in •a new age, clusion, that we treed friends in pending on how -they're handled. we -should itieffect expand Our fall and you buy feeder cattle Takes more to start a boy on govemment. "in 1958 according to, the tratfe. Not 4 diversion Of -trade, from the West' a . nd see what the farinnow. At leant $10,000. "Farm organizations must re- Department of Agriculture but expand our trade, and nev- you,11 pay then, The United Years ago we could start on main non-Polkicai, but farmeat there were 38,000 egg produc-, er forget the United States and States buyers will be in with practically nothing, We used horses then, must become very much politic- ens, Im than halt in two years. Great Britain, for they'll be our $8 on a hundred more to bid "We few al, and identify yourselves, and This, spring when we went out let filends wherisome. of the Com- than the Canadian farmer, . were compared a it be known what you. think to (take a petition, to try and munist countries let us down. "How minutes -ago with horses. Well I'd, just as soon be compared of government, what it is doing, arrange a vote on a marketing and what it is trying to do. the "Polish eggs? We are in ef- about our cost -price squeeze? I've heard it said, I With -a horse- ials anything else, plan, after canvass- Was "The' reason. I accepted' the completed both the egg Pro- feet accepting these eggs in re- turn for the $40,000 of wheat believe by the good minister, whom Mr. Cardiff said was the for they have more intelligence than human beings. I've never nomination is because I felt this ducers and the farm, products need. Tin a democracy sent to Poland. Huron to-daY best Canada had- had in 30 seen a ha I couldWit drive we go marketing board came -to the to the polls to vote. In, Rus§la com clusion, that there were rw'mer. is subsidising, the Western, far- -R A trade policy should, be n years, that farmers have never had it so and I've &Ivent a lot of them. tlley give You one candi'date, moretbarr, 20,000, In the matter such as to expand the trade good. "Ladies "It's difficult for a horse to and You vote yes or no. -In of six ears' thd small producer. not divert it. and gentlemen pros - know what the dsiver wants Canada we were develbping-a that received all this fancy sup- r 'People are worried about Pori parity is figured by the jingle him to do. (He recalled helping a Norwegian get a horse to much better system. We had Part from government,- had two candidates both exactly the dropped to 25 percent. No doubt the economy, and the devalua- of coins in the pocket and, if you've talked to the farmers draw years, ago. He .,put a same, same but you must say yes, that small family producer is 'have tion of the dollar. Much talk these d". about this, We're these days; the coins are mighty handful of earth in the horse's You even -the Op- going -out Of hens, saturated by this on TV. But small, There's not too many of them. outh and' while he was slob- berin1j.' around getting rid, of PortunAy of saying Tw. "Reason? The small produc- You People, now have a av I'd like to say this. I was in, a "Last night in Goderich some- the mouthful, Mr. Cardiff Pick- the Imes er .can; leave his eggs at the choice. Whether You ChO04e me door of a processor and' receive Or not 111tit-le difference. farm home to -day, When the gas man came in and said the one, I don't know if it was Mr. Cardiff or one the boys, is ed. up and' started Ito draw. His, 6planation was -makes six or seven cents less Per Regardlesr. of which candidate dozen. The, large 8ays gas was up seven tenths, Asked it reported saying, "Sure, he's a that probably the collar was producer Wins, my sincere wish is that little, fellows. doW..t produce why he gave thereason that was I the devaluated dollar. Only f farmer's son, but, he's never been pinching the horse a little, and you people whi the election quality. But the are tomo "I one more thing. Cotton goods. a farmer." Well I don't the earth, took his mind off the pinch.) sometimes wonder if the New Democratic Parity made a (Continued on Page '16) Tractors up $200. Everything have to live on -a farm all my life to know that the devaluated -Mr, Cardiff listed the. 23 coon mist last fall. They called dollar is affecting you and I modkiet, coming under the sta- bilization. "Farmer ?L convention. They called a farm committee (together, CDC! Board Hires More Teachers, and every person in the coun- try to -day, -a-eft; is pelid and at least 80 percent of the past ten years average. It works the farm committee laid dawn a policy, and' they put it in OKs Major Equipment Purchases - ear that every "I've heardit said farmer in Canada has been very Well. But regardless 'of writing, This is unique. I don't touched or benefited by the that, farmers are riot thivic any of the other pattle�s legislation brought down- in the e percentage, which would have a policy at least they Xitss Eleanor Plumsteel, Ehg- machinery. Lists of equipment last few years. Ladiesand gent- s, fair share. .baven't made it public, one, in Nish teacher at Clinton, District pproved' for purchase included (,emen we sure have been, -touch- "Future Plans include expan- Writing, This has been on the Collegiate Institute has tender- $ 2,320 for the equipment in the ed with every move Out of our cion of agriculture program. go since last fall. And now that ed her tesignation. and'it has new gymnasium; $1,184 for furniture for coming pocket book, with everything plan to improve sales of wheat; election day is rolling PuPilg we buy at the store. stabilization of prices', crop in- around it seems that all parties been accepted by -the board. from Exeter for the school "The minister of agriculture surance, farm credit, rural de- have our policy. Miss Plumsteel, plans to teach year, 1962-63; $73,000 for maj- says that farm produce is up, velopment. "Let me read, it: Maintain at Luck1l"Al 'secondary school or equipment in. carpentry, auto farm profits are up. Well, I ch- "Tn the past four years we the family farm as a comer- next Year. and maghins shops. ailed this with Ottawa, and Nave, extendbdi farm credit a 'Otane of Canada's agriculture Three teachers have been The principal's report showed Perm produce is up three per - great extent. The Farm Credit er-OTIOMY- Every One -of these hired by the CDC1 board: * total enrolment of 599 at the cent, but costs to the farmer Capporation, has loaned about candidates will subscribe to George Bullen, B.Com., now end of May, with 94.88 percent of What they purchase and $3 infillons in the county of that, policy, but they do not with Hinde andDauch. Ltd., St. Mmyst to teach. attendance during that month. their profits is down five per- luron. say how they will do it. . commercial I 'And Mrs. Dorothy Riva, Del Philp, Blyth, questioned. cent. Two percent less than it , It is intended to. recommend there -14" a way. And subjects; Principal D. John Cochrane re4 was five years ago. The farmer t new feed, and grain. storage they set it down in the Atlantic a Home Economics degree from garding age Emit for vOcatiOn, has less net income to -day ?rogram for. Eastern, Canada. Charter, equall opportunity to the UMVIOVS�tY Of, Sftskatcbe�w al school enrolment. Mr. COeh* than he bad for 30 Years,, ' 0 all. Now we subscribe to this, an, who is married to an officer name stated, there was none. "A "We . have a a - DROs Appointed We're supposed to believe It. in the RCAF stationed, at Cen,- And then, we come back and tralial; Alan, Murray, BA, who person, is entitled to six years of stecondary, school," he said. "In policy, pro gram. for the farmer. The leadership of the new liberal give big business the oppor- will teach, lower school history a trade school, and there government will enforce it and For Monday's 's`ay�we ty`11e1xTNnW'Dntt- 'this Is and 'agriew" ture' the thing we mean when, we Two, ether teachers are, being IS, One only n, Toronto, one ,in y i Hiamilton, and a new one he` implement it, First: - improving support measures, thil; to aInAthe family considbred. Five other now tea, ing built in London, there is price be flexible to take Into account Federal Eiection &er,s hired previously are Rich- I know the bog producer ard, Harland', technical director; an age limit one- must be under 21 to i�' an application,." changing times, they must be truly beneficial to farmers, and Deputy question is very controversial. Maitland Edgar, geography and Mrs. Evelyn Phoenix, Sonne cadets from CDCT will the new liberal government will Returning Officers 'or But the small producer has ex- history; Grade Gradle enrol With the student militia take necessary steps to ensure the election on Monday, in 31ioton, will be as- follows: actlY the tame opportunity for 10-13 Latin and equal I price for equal quality, 9 French; Mrs. Shirley 'Hart, at Listowel this summer. About nine cadets will attend Camp that producers will be benefic- St. Andrew's Ward, Mrs: at point of sale. Now whether MA, history, Mrs. Jack Webb, Ipperwasdi for the surnmer, and, iarles of the system. D111att Bartliff, Charles John," it has raised :the price of hogs Seaforth lbr� lower school Vng- one, Cadet Douglas Macaulay 'I'm thinking of the Milk In - on. or let it down, I don't care. lish and, girls physical educa- had, been accepted for, Banff dustry. Sale Of butter must be St. James Ward, Mts. Ronald The thing Is :in the bog hugi- born; Michael Baran, SIjw&h Cadet •Camp. However, on, the effectively stimulated.. The new dh,cDonald Mrs, Harold Wem- ness the ;rriah producer is still and' English. day after Cadet Inspection, at liberal government will pay a in. there. Wiallam, Hearn, B.Sc., chair- the inter -school track and field subsidy to the consumer, Or St, Jbhn's Ward Bebt Row- "Let me tell you what hap- man of the equipment commit- meet, be broke his foot during elsLa a deficiency payment to lkn -Mrs. Fred, Hudie. pened..,to egg. In 1956 we had tee of the 6divhRory vocational one of the jumps, and has; been the producer, preferably a sub - Si. George's Ward, Mrs. a census and there were 78,000 cormittee attended the board M1 a cast since. It is: hoped sidy to the consumer' It, this Douglas Andrews, Ms. George egg producers in' Ontario. In meeting last night to,answer that -he will be well enough to way the product can be offer - 9. EXII&L 1958 , we had the wonderful any questions, with regard to attend, Banff.. (Continued on- Page 16) Clinton Liom Club Officers olid gxetatilvm For 1062-61, b4ptity N.4trict Governor Ab99 Middleton (ekttehi6 left` lraylotte6d6nt; Xeft Mott, director; Les Jhstalkd the officers of hig home Lung Club, oti Tuesday 6votiffig, 8all, seeorld Vico-P�0,6,Ment- Ted DaViea diredtor* Al Vlhitey 8ec- in 8t, POA119 PdAsh AOL rt6ftl tm left, they &re) Robeft hunter, tetar,y and Udyndrd Corriei direetot, John- Scrutotif `first Mite- a8t preSideftt �ftd treasurer; We, 1P . ug Haw- ldont, was abs4fit, Lion bithwr, 146rh tti e 14 � h klao itill tM.Oeroi, buff'Thothpiot4 third vlee�ptdgldent'j John 056- (Vw&-9ddd;d Photo)