HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-06-07, Page 15Th4fsdaY( June'7, i962,-,-cfinton News-Record-Page $ June Is Nonth.For Weddings 60d Time For Picture Taking Champion Junior 4-H Calf Donald Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wat- son, won first place with his junior 4-H dairy calf at the Spring Show on Satnrday. He was one of a class of eight. (News-Record Photo) Concert Band Colour Party Clinton Concert Community Band was inspected officially at Library Park a week ago by mayor W. J. Miller, and Reeve Morgan J. Agnew (far right). From the left, Lorraine Huard, Monique Haspeck, Maureen Begg, Adele Haspeck and Sandy Pare, of the newly formed colour party which ac- companies the band on parade. • Get at the root of your CANADA THISTLE problem with ilROPOTUX , PLUS gets: di the root of your weed problem: In f oett knit:14 aeon Is. in the root, That Is whY• you e tioritive kill eyen with er.- sittont 'Perenhial rech Cah p ade Thistle in your Grab flak and Clover' aka on Summer MAY & trAkri (CARAtiAl UMITEO 160 BM rum16 M Weal 11, Manutrelute0 ry refry Sara Lap dareandrtr, Ererrrh -iri:Arrorr 044 1' Strawberries For Sale Owing to dry weather our crop of berries will be short. We would advise our cust- omers to order early and be assured of their supply of fresh fruit. Prices guaran- teed not to be above those of last year. F. W. .ANDREWS - Clinton Phone H U 2-3462 22p-23-4-5b F Results of imaging at Clinton's 108th Annual Spring Show (Continued frern, „I'sigo. Nine) ChildreWS bridal eo4Ple, under 35 years of age, .driving land pony, Mrs Caldwell, Stewart Toll Named Master at Teachers College AUBURN.,,--- Of interest to many residents of this com- munity is, the recent appoint- ment by Order in Council of the Ontario Government of Stewart Toll, Hamilton, son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Toll, Au- burn, as, a Master in. the new Windsor Teachers College to ecome effective September 1, 962, His duties will include lee- wing in educational and child 33.1cfrology, music, counselling rid observing student teachers. e is presently employed on he staff of the Caledonia High cho.ol and will be teaching simmer school in Toronto for he Ontario Department ..of ducation, prior to assuming his ew duties, Stewart was a 1961 graduate McMaster University where e received the director's de., ree for the highest academie Landing in the graduating lass and was also named to he dean's honour list for f°' 0#1 ONE /ego puce DAD CAW SAY ANY1116401111011/13170, NeAtISE NO ONE AO'S ANY AITE#T/CW AWN., • co • 1 ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS RUSSELL L. JERVIS COAANIERCOAL i. RESIDENTIAL REIMOIDELIINICX HU.2-9390 ,68 ALBERT ST. Orange Rally In Ontario St. Church Next Sunday The Protestant Rally of Hur- on County will be held in On,,. tario Street United Church on Sunday, June 10 at 2.30 p.m, All LOBA members are invited to take part in the choir. Any member interested please be in the vestry of the church at 2.15 p.m. White dresses are requested. The .next regular meeting will be held on Tues-- day, June 12. Plan to attend new, dernic proficiency. He started his education at SS 16, East Wawa:nosh and is a graduate .of Goderich District Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mr's. Toll (the for- mer Marguerite Hall, 18lyth) acid their two sons, Terry and, Warren will. be taking up resi- dence in Windsor in the lale summer, HORSES HEAVY HORSES: Heavy stallion class, Neil Caninbell, 1VIelbourne; W. E, Harrison, TaVistock; Alex •Muir, RR 1, Lakeside; heavy draught, brood mare, Charles Haliday, Chesley; filly or gelding foaled in 1.958, Aubrey Toll, Blyth; Haliday; Peter L. Graham, Ilderton; filly or gelding foaled in 1959, Toll; filly or gelding foaled in 1960, Toll (1 and 2); champion and reserve, Wallace Munro, AGRICULTURAL: b r o o d mare, Neil Campbell; filly or gelding foaled in 1958, Haliday, Graham; Toll; filly or gelding foaled in 1959 Campbell; filly or gelding foaled in 1960, Camp- bell; horse colt or filly foaled in 1961, Campbell; Melvin G. Welsh, Sarnia; champion arid reserve, Campbell; team in harness, Toll, Haliday, Graham, PERCHERON: brood mare, Elliott Harrison RR 3, Taxi- stock; Muir; filly or gelding foaled in. 1953, Orval BeStard, eRB, 4, Thorndale (1. and 2), Andy Catto, Paisley; filly or gelding foaled in 1960, J. L. Dunsmore, RE 2, Stratford (1 and, 2); horse colt or gelding foaled in 1961 Muir (1 and 2). BELGIAN: filly or gelding foaled in 1958, Len Bolt, Wing- barn; O. A. Bannerman, West Monkton; Cecil M. Wells, RR 2, Paris; team in harness, Ban- nerman, Wells, Bok; champion and reserve, Bok. Special township class: best three heavy draught, agricul- tural or general purpose horses, Toll, Haliday, Graham. WAGON OR EXPRESS HORSES: filly or gelding, three years and under, Alan Knill, Paris; team, hitched, 3,000 lbs. and under, Knill; Jack Fetch, RR 1, Wroxeter; Ken Brown, Monkton; single hitch, over 1,500 lbs., Fetch, Bannerman, Wells; single hitch under 1,500 lbs., Knill, Fetch, Brown. LIGHT HORSES: single hackney or carriage, ounder 15.2, Wallace Munro, Embro; Alvin White, Hillsburg; Ross Thomas, Smithville; single hackney or carriage in harness, 15.2 or over, Munro, White; single roadster in harness, 15.2 and un- der, White, Alden Craven, Ailsa Craig; Munro; single hackney on line, Thomas, Munro (2 and 3); two-year-old hackney or carriage, on line Munro, White, J. Lenbough, Hillsburg; stand- ard colt, foaled in 1960, on line, Knill; roadster team in harness, White, Munro, Craven; hackney tandem, Munro, Donald Walt- ers, Woodstock; John Innes, Stratford; lady driver, Jones Pony Farm, RR 1, Belton; Wal- ters, Munro. Special, saddle horse, mare or gelding, ridden by lady or gent, Jones Pony Farms; Mrs. Peter Caldwell, RR 3, Shedden: Mrs. Grace Frederick, RR 5, Stratford. Special: Palomino, mare or gelding, Western show class, Patsy McKay, Dresden; Mrs. Frederick; Ross Leonhardt, RR 1, Bornholm: Palomino stal- lion, Western show class, R. J. Munro, Hanover; Mrs, William Harris, RR 5, London; Palo- mino, open parade class, Mrs. Harris; R. J. Munro; Mrs. Fred- erick. PONIES Single harness pony, over 12 hands, Don Walters; Lyle His- lop, RR, 2, Stratford (2 and 3); single harness pony over 11 hands and not over 12 hands, Jones Pony Farms (1 and 2), Miss Innes, Stratford; single harness pony, not over 11 hands, Jones Pony Farms (1 and p3), Miss lanes; team har- ness ponies, not over 11 hands, Jones Pony Farms; Mrs. Cald- well; Mr. Clark, Woodharre single pony hitched, ' driven by boy under 1.5 years, accompan- ied by a lady under 15 years, Mrs, Caldwell Specials: Shetland stallion on line, 11 hands, under 12 hands, MiSs lanes, Mrs. Harris; Shet- land stallion, on line, under 12 hands, ,Mrs. Caldwell, Miss In, nes, Jones Pony Farms; saddle pony, ridden by boy or girl, 11 hands and over, Mrs. Caldwell (1 and 2), Mrs, W. Harris; saddle pony, ridden by boy or girl, pony under 11 hands, Mrs. 1Caldwell (1 and 2); Leonhardt; BEEF CATTLE SHOT rgoEvs: W, E. Park- er and Bons, RR 8, 'Watford,, captured all elasseS, except first for bull born after Sept, 1, 1961, taken by J, Smith, RR. 1,, Brus- sels, HEREFORD: Bull born be- fore September 1, 1960, Harry Watkins, Londesboro; bull born between Sept, 1, 1960 and .Aug- ust 31, 1,961, Whitney Coates, Centralia; bull born after Sept. 1, 1961, Coates; Harry Hoffman, Dashwood; ' Barbara Watkins, Londesboro; champ-, ion bull, Coates: female born before May 1, 1959, Hoffman (1,2 and 3); female born be- tween May 1, 1959 and April 30, 1960, Coates, Hoffman, Watkins; female born between May 1, 1960 and April 30, 1961, Coates, Hoffman (1 and 3)•, female born after Sept. 1, 1961, Coates, F. Tyndall, Clip- ton; Watkins; get of sire, 3 animals, bull any age and 2 heifers, Coates: Hoffman (2 and 3); junior calf, born after Jan- uary 1, 1962, Watkins; junior bull calf, Hoffman, Tyndall. Champion herd, bull and three females, Coates, Watkins, Hoff- man, ABERDEEN ANGUS: Bull born before Sept. 1, 1960, L. Asmussen, RR 2, Ayr; bull, born between Sept. 1, 1960 and August 31, 1961, Irvin Schenk, RR 2, Petersburg; bull born after Sept. 1, 1961, Schenk; champion bull, Schenk; female, born before May 1, 1959, Schenk; female born between May 1, 1959 and April 30, 1960, Asmussen; female born between May 1, 1960 and April 30, 1961, Chauvenet Farms Ltd., 2, Ayr (1 and 2); Schenk; female born after Sept. 1, 1961, Chauvenet (1 and 3); John Rinn, RR 1, Belgrave; get of sire, three animals, bull of any age and two heifers, Schenk, Chauvenet; junior calf born after January 1, 1962, Chauvenet, Asmussen; cham- pion herd, bull, three females, Schenk, Chauvenet. Grand Champion beef herd, Schenk, Parker, Coates. SPECIAL 4 - H CLASSES: Senior steer calf, William Turnbull, RR 1, Brussels; Bar- bara Watkins, Londesboro; Bev. Hill, RR 3, Varna; senior heif- er calf, F., Tyndall, RR 2, Clinton; D. Westerhout, Lon- desboro; B, Hoffman, Dash- wood; junior heifer calf, Park- er. Senior baby beef, I, Schenk; junior baby beef, Turnbull, Coates, Watkins. DAIRY CATTLE HOLSTEIN: Junior bull, born on or after July 1, 1960, G. R. McKiel, Clinton; mature cow, McKiel (1. and 2); Robert Vodden, RR 1, Clinton; heif- er, McKiel (1 and 2); heifer yearling, McKie] (1 and 2); senior heifer calf, McKiel, Vod- den, Bruce Bottles, RR 2, Bay- field; junior heifer calf, Mc- Kiel; Donald J. Watson, RR 4, Clinton; Douglas Trewartha, Clinton. Champion bull and female, McKiel AYRSHIRE: Junior bull, Gordon Lobb, RR 2, Clinton; mature cow, Edgar Howatt, RR 1, Belgrave; senior heifer calf, Lobb, Howatt (2 and 3); junior heifer calf, Lobb; junior get of sire, Lobb. JERSEY: Senior bull, Lorne Carter and Son, RR 2, Sea- forth (1 and 2); H, Kennedy, RR 2, Tiverton; mature cow, Kennedy (1. and 3), Carter; heifer, Carter (1 and 2), Ken- nedy; yearling heifer, Kennedy (1, 2 and $); senior heifer, Carter (1 and 2), Kennedy; Junior heifer, Kennedy (1 and 2), Carter; junior get of. sire, Kennedy, Carter (2 and 3). Champion bull Carter; cham- pion female, Kennedy. GUERNSEY: William J. Dale, RR 1, Clinton, all classes. Best Dairy Herd, H. Ken- nedy, W, J. Dale, Lorne Carter, G. R. McKiel. SHEEP LEICESTER: Aged ram, Jam- es R. E. Snell, RR, 1, Clinton (1 and 3); nuke Bros., LIM- Wood;, stwp,riinL ram, EMIce, Snell (2, and,. 3); ram lamb Snell (1 and 2)1 aged ewe, Snell (1, and 3), Erni* ..shear- ling ewe, Emke (1 and 2), Snell.; ewe lamb, Snell (1 .44-4a 2),Emke; floci5S, Snell, !1-nlse. SOUTHDOWN: Ago ram, W. E. Crawford, mine4ing. .and 3) Peter Cameron and,. Sons, RR 4, -Thamesville; shear, ling ram, Cameron (1 and 3), Crawford; ram lamb, Cameron (1. and 2), Crawford; aged ewe, .CraWford (1 and 2), Cam,: eren; shearling ewe, Crawford, (1. and 2), Camerpn; ewe lamb, Crawford, Cameron (2 and ); flocks, Crawford, Cameron, SHROPSHIRE; Aged ram, George S. Brien and Son, RR 2, Ridgetown (1 and 2), Ray- mond Comfort, St. Ann's;. shearling ram, Brien, Comfort, Crawford, Fred Gurney, Paris; Comfort; ram lamb, Brien (1 and 2), Gurney; aged ewe, Gurney, Brien, Crawford; shear- ling ewe, Brien (1 and 2), Gurney; ewe lamb, Brien (1 and 2), Comfort; flocks, Brien, Gurney. OXFORD: Aged, ram, Finite (1 and 2); Donald Dearing, Exeter; shearling ram„ Emke (1 and 2), Dearing; ram lantb, ewe, Emke (land 2) Dearing; ewe, Emke (1 and 2; Dearing; shearling ewe, Emke (1 and 2), Dearing; ewe lamb, Emke (1 and 2), Dearing; flocks, Emke, Dearing DORSET: P. E. Dearing and Son, Exeter, all classes, SUFFOLK: Raymond Com- fort, St. Ann's, all classes, Special for best pen of sheep, any breed, George S. Brien, Ridgetown SWINE YORKSHIRE. W. Turnbull and Son, RR, 2, Brussels, all classes. LANDRACE: Robert McMil- lan, Seaforth, all classes. LACOMBE: Boar littered be- tween Dec. 1, 1960 and Sept, 1, 1561, W. Turnbull and Son, Brussels; Robert P. Allan, Brumfield; boar littered since Sept. 1, 1961, Allan (1 and 4), Turnbull (2 and 3); saw lit- tered before Dec, 1, 1960, Turn- bull; sow, littered between Dec. 1, 1960 and June 1, 1961, Turnbull (1 and 2); sow, lit- tered between June 1, 1961 and Sept. 1, 1961, Allan (1 and 2), Turnbull; sow, littered between Sept. 1, 1961 and Dec, 1, 1961, Allan (1 and 3); Turnbull; senior herd, Turnbull; junior herd, Allan, Turnbull; grand champion and reserve sow, Ro- bert Allan; grand champion and reserve boar, W, Turnbull. EVENING PROGRAM Heavy draught team in har- ness, Aubrey Toll, Blyth; Peter L. Graham, Ilderton; Charlie Haliday, Chesley; percheron team in harness. R, O. Bestard, RR 4, Thorndale (1 and 3), Andy Catto, Paisley; wagon or express team in harness, 3,000 lbs. and over, Jack Fetch, Wroxeter; O. Bannerman; Cecil M. Wells, RR 2 Paris; single Fair .Director Reeve. Elgin Thompson' Tuckersmith Township kept a close eye on proceedings' in the judging ring before the grandstand at the Spring ShoW on Saturday. Mr. Thompson is one of the direc- tors of the fair board. - (New-Record Photo) roadster in harness, 15,2 or over, Allen White, Hillsburg; Wallace Munro, Embro (2 and 3); carriage team in harness, Munro, White; gentleman's turnout, accompanied by lady, Munro, White; Lenbough, Hills- burg; team harnessed ponies, over 12 hands, Walters (1 and 2), Hislop; team harnessed ponies, over 11 hands, not over 12, Jones Pony Farms, RR 1, Belton; Miss Innes, Stratford. Four-horse tandem hitch, Toll, Bestard, Graham.. There were seven 4-horse hitches in this class. Others were shown by Halliday, W. Boyd, Mea- ford; Fetch and Catto. Best matched team in har- ness, Bestard, Boyd; best dres- sed team on grounds, Glen Johnston:, Toll; coming farthest, W. Boyd, Meaford, 125 miles. PUBLIC SCHOOL Dairy cattle, any breed, under one year, Cheryl Dale, Jerry Lobb, Leonard Lobb, Patsy Ball, Marie Trewartha, Gordon Lobb. There were seven other entries. Bacon type hogs, under 100 lbs., Gordon Lobb, RR 2, Clin- ton; June Falconer, Wayne Spears; other entries, Roger Spears, Leslie, Bruce, Janet, Joyce and Jean Falconer. 0 MIDDLETON The Women's Auxiliary of St. James Anglican Church will meet Wednesday evening, June 13 at the home of Mrs. Stewart Middleton. The WA of Trinity Church, Bayfield, will be special guests at this meeting and all form- er members of the St. James WA are also invited to attend. The roll call word is "lone", Gradnation Day is an import, ant P9PaSiOn in oyene'.§, life. An occasion that certainly should' be remembered in pic- tures, When .0W-1441g a' graduation you'll want oter .shoat not only the :graduation ceremony 444 teachers, relativp$ .and. friends that 'the graduate may not see again for -some years, In fact, you can take a pent-, plete record of all the 'happy and nOstalgic moments. Then, with as :sequence of shots ar- ranged in an album, your grad- uate will have a pictorial Tee- 01-4, that he will cherish for ym.s. Whether it's a high school or a university occasion, gradua- tion is an important time in anyone's life, And it's more than a 90-minute ceremony, It really involves a series of days. With this 'thought in mind, you can plan a complete snap- shot story, beginning with the s'tud'ent as he prepares for final exams and continuing with the arrival of exam results, These scenes can he photegraPhed when they actually happen, or they can be re-enacted, On Graduation Day itself, you'll want a photo of the graduate trying on a gown and mortarboard. Later, you'll have a chance to snap the parade to convocation, your graduate re- ceiving his diploma and the parade from convocation: After the ceremonies, yOu'll want some informal shots at the 'garden party as your grad- uate, diploma in hand, ohats with relatives, friends .and tea- chers. For natural pictures try to 'catch your subjects when they are relaxed. Remember that side lighting, with the lighting coming over your shoulder, is better than light shining full face on your subjects. Avoid direct overhead' lighting; with mortarboards,. especially, it could create harsh facial Shadows. For outdoor ,Shots on oarnpu,s, 1;9,oiwoorlft should also be giv., en special consideration. Back- grounds can suggest a school; atmosphere without distracting. To identify the locale, watch for larrdmarks or names on, school buildings, That way, your photos will have extra meaning in 'the' yearls ahead. NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 1 to 5:30 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted. J. I. McIntosh Clerk 14tfb Atthur Maloney QC, MP Answers Pearson 140Ot this dynamic speaker MONDAY .NIGHT0. JUNE 1 1 j 8t15. p.m. McKAY HALL GODERICH Authorik0 by Ruebri PC Association • 2 4-D Amine O MCP Amine • Embutox ' ' Spray Materials We Have A Complete Stock of "NIAGARA BRAND" FRUIT TREE SPRAY MATERIALS and the following WEED SPRAY MATERIALS • Tropotox • Tropotox Plus • Brush Biller 2:1 Clinton Feed Mill 28 Huron Street-UNTONPliiind 2,3811 REMEMBER JUNE to LAST DAY FOR RETURN OF •OLD-STYLE BEER BOTTLES BREWERS' WAREHOUSING CC. 14.111..