HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-06-07, Page 9Two Veterans At Handling Fairs
Tory Gregg, left, is the perennial emcee for events at Clinton Spring Show,
and he's been at the.job almost as long as Adam J. McMurray, president, pic-
tured at the mike, above. Mr, McMurray now 86 guided the destiny of the
108th fair here Saturday, just as he has been doing for the past 34 years. As
Elston Cardiff, Brussels, member for Huron for the past 22 years, said during
the afternon, "There's always a good fair here, comparable to the Canadian
National Exhibition." (News -Record Photo)
Four Lovely Milkmaids In Contest
Huron' County Dairy Princess for the year is pretty Miss Joanne Alton,
Lucknow, centre. She received the scarlet sash from R. Gordon Bennett, To-
ronto, chief ,of marketing, Ontario Department of Agriculture, at the Spring
Show here on Saturday. Other contestants are Miss Barbara Watkins Landes-
boro, left; Miss Dorothy Howatt, RR 1, Belgrave and Miss Marilyn Marshall,
Kirkton, far right.. (News -Record Photo)
Springy Show Exhibits Win
Praise From Visitors To Park
Again, exhibitor .at Clinton
Spring Show brought an ex-
cellent lot of prize live stock
within view at th.e
people • not the area. Viiitors
were loud in their praise of
this, one of Western Ontario's
best agricultural shows.
President John .beeves, Gocle-
rich Township, conducted the
brief opening program for the
108th fair in Clinton, during
which Mayor William J. Mi-
ler welcomed atU. present, and
inti 4t ced Reeve M. .T. Agnew.
!Charles S. .MacNaughton,
MPP for Huron, Exeter, Intro-
duced the guests on the plat-
form, including the four can -
dictates for the June 18 federal
L. Elston • !Cardiff, Brussels
Conservative candidate, s'tate'd
that there ?always was e good
fair at Clinton, and that it wag
comparable to. '.lie ONE. "The
grandstand should be filled," he
Dank tither, mayor of Gode-
rich and Liberal candidate,
brought greetings from the
county town of Goderich. i
Carl Heining'way, Brussels, the
New Demacra,tic Party candid-
ate, •dreir .attention to the .Dairy
Pr/meta eonitest !being held
Tater in the afternoon. Dail
Dotuglas, Landon and Hayfield,
the Social. Credit candidate, re-
eafled that the founder of Sod
dial C-Yedxt had come from H b-
•ib'eet Towanship.
F1red Beck, ,lnayot+ oaf Harris -
ton, and Liberal candidate ifor
WeTilinigttan - althea lirati;Oit
gree'itit g5 trent Harrdsltori, and
the Weather •
9G4 1961
]high Lauv' High. DOW
31 11. 61 7
1 ss 50' 77 54
2 06 41 75 46
3 71. 40 66 54
4 68 50 77 57
5 67 59
6 15 16 54
}}telh.i 29 hit, Rain:: kart
noted) that "You, always have
a good fair here." George
McCutcheon, warden of Huron
County, from Brussels, issued
a welcome on behalf of the
county and noted that it was
men like the directors of this
fair that keep agriculture in
the forefront in Ontario.
Douglas H. Miles, agricultur-
aS n epresenbative for Huron in-
troduced R. Gordon Bennett,
Toronto, who was. agricultural
representaitive for Huron from
1947 to 1950, and `ia now dire.-
ter of marketing services with
the Ontario Department of
Mr, Bennett spoke briefly
saying, that ;Huron and Clinton
are still very dear to him, al-
though he has been away for
11 years. Ile paid tribute to
A. J. MoMumay for his work
with the fair.
A dinner for the guests, judg-
es, and directorso& the fair
waa held in Hotel Clinton, prior
to the noon parade, with 28
Clinton Community Convert
Hanld, led by liandniaster
Gebrge Woneh •and the colour
Party directed by Robert Huard
led the slow -Moving cavalcade
of guesits donvn main street to
the park where the fair wee
held. At the even ig progrann
the ,band played several mini -
beta from the bandstand, to en-
tertain the .fair -goers.
Vol' the evening events, Clan. -
ton Legion Pipe and led the
Vvay to the fair grounds, and
eentributed adrenal numbetts.
Piper Hector Kingswell leads
this bated,
Gatte receipts Were lbw, and
therefore discouteging for the
directors of the fair; Who had
hoped ttr esablish a bank 'bal-
ante. Mx, McMurray` reports
'that here were less than 1,000
peoplelr1 _ e tendanee
Oita of lite best attended,
oventS at the fair Was the clairta
princess rnilkrng calmest(, when
fMzr Teal `ladies caziiheted, rind
Ivriee Soothe Altot•i was crowd
ed' the Whiner: She wee itevIted
by Vaughn Douglas to 'help
open the Kinsmen Club Trade
Fair in Wingiham tonight, June
7; and make several presenita-
txons at that time.
In making the prelseniWion,
R.Gordon Bennett, former ag-
ricultural represerdative for
Huron; and now chief of mark-
eting for Ontario, said that the
idea of doing a milking job well
is one -of the main features of
good marketing. "Make sure
of a good product, then get out
and sell it," said he.
Winners of a draw for butter
offered at the site of the Con-
test were Mrs. Fred Vodden,
three pounds; Mrs. Norman
Dale, two pounds. It was Gay
Lea butter, made by United
Dairy Co-operatives •at their
Galt plant.
A special appreeia'tiori, wag
expressed by fair manager Ad-
am J. McMurray to Gordon:
Dalgleish of the Clinton Fire
Department and his helpers: for
their work in setting off the
firewot:ks at the end of the
evening program. Also he men,-
tioaied the appr'eciation of the
fair board to those who gave
of their time to man the re-
freshment booth next to the
gr uidstancl throughout the ,aft-
ern!oon and evening,
Mr, McMurray points out
that there were 25 teams, of
heavy horses on the grounds en
Saturdiay that is Percherori,
Belgian, Clydesdale and wagon
horses. Also there were 27
horses in the ttrVvnlehip ciaSs,
Which is made up Of three hers -
es in' each entry, each set of
which must he ft.ohl one town
Vikiters from a distance Were
heard to remark that they'd
newer teem: as goad an exhibit
of live stock et either the Rey -
al Winner or the Canadian
l tatienail Exhibitor ht Toronto,
Senior. 4 -ft Dairy, °Calvet, Wil -
Ma Dale, ;rah Lobb, Stott
Mace oalgatl (% Hill Stoney, latit
2, Se+aitotibh) 1'�obert V xiderr
grade • Beales, Dettgias Howatt
died 1 mead Hearatt;
Jubilee 4-H Dairy Celt ,
Clinion, NW$
`$ccon.d: Sect19n
Clinton, Ontario, Thu slay, Jgnc 7, 1962
Rases: g-1
Accident fiends 2Mcn
Into Hospitai Tuesday
An :aeeidextt .on the boundary
of Tuckersmith and': Hibbert
Townships en Tuesday after -
norm rsent two men to hospital
in Clinton.
John, Ostrom, in his late fif-
ties, ,and driver of the Lark
cal" involved,. remains in .bas-
phial in what authorities :term
setiafaetoay condition, He suf-
fered a fractured right wrist,
knee ipjuries and bruises.
His passenger, K. W. "Dan-
ny" Cafquhoun rezriained in
hospital overnight and received
treatment for facial. and head
lacerations. He was released
The second vehicle was a
gravel truck driven by Lloyd
llegier; 20, Zurich.
The Ostrom car, was' travel-
ling east, preparing for a right
•hared turn' when it was in col-
lision with .? g'r'avel, 1nw mak—
ing a left :head turn, The Os-
trom, , vehicle. wet' extenaivety
Constable D. A. Bowering,
OPP, Seaforth inves'tiga'ted the
accident, Ie states' that .clzarg-
es are pending: The accident
occured 21/4 miles east of High-
way 4, 134 miles ;south of Kip -
pen, at about 3 p.m.
Four -Way Debate By Candidates
At Seaforth High School, June 15
A four-way debate by the
candidates in the June 18 ele'c-
tipn will be held next Tuesday
evenmgn , in Seaforth District
High School. The public is in-
vited. Thi meeting is being
convened by the Farmers Union
of the county.
PUC Gives OK
For Services At
Three Locations
Hydro, water and sewerage
services for three' locations
were authorized by members of
the Clinton Public Utilities
Comanissien last week: the resi-
dence of Murray Holmes, Gib-
bings Street; the new Calvin
Christian Reformed School :and
the Clinton, Public Hospital new
Also the PUC, accepted an
agreement signed by L. G. Win-
ter agreeing to pay for all lab-
our and material for a eight -
inch saver main and a six-inch
water main from East Street
up the centre of the extension
of High Street for 1,300 feet,
and for a fire hydrant at the
corner of Smith and High
streets. This will give service
to 21 building lots, which Mr.
Winter is making available in
Pinecrest Subdivision.
Commissioners, headed ..bY
William E. Perdue, also de-
cided to initial ra four -inch wat-
er main on Spencer, Erie and
Church Streets, to replace pre-
sent small and inadequate ser-
vices. A fenced -in area near
the new PUC building will be
installed to store sewer 'tile
and other supplies.
Past Grands At
Rebekah Lodge
Receive Roses
Past Grands of the Huronic
Rebekah Lodge took the offices
at the regular meeting on Mon-
day evening, June 4, with •Mrs.
George Beattie, Noble Grand,
Mrs. Carman McPherson,
trict deputy president, gave a
report of her busy year, just
ending. The Reibekahs plan to
tale charge of the bospital
auxiliary cant at Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital during September.
A dace is planned for Bay-
field alt a date to be set. Pro-
ceeds with. go toward new siditng
for the lodge hall.
The winning group of .four oar
the ways and means project,
was presented with a box of
choealates, and a rose for each
member, from the other three
groups. It was Mrs. Elmer
Trick's !group which was hon-
Each acting Past Grand was
presented a corsage by the reg-
ular officers. The Past Grands
held a baking sale: and a social
half hour was spent at cote
whist with Mrs. Jt hn iiatnilton
towenang. The draW was won
by Mrs, Charles Wilson. The
next meeting will be on June
Donald Watscti Dianna Dale,
Douglas TreWartha, Wallace
East, Tom Ailey, RR 1, Lori-
desboro; Gale Storey, RR 2,
Seaforth•, Gaye Watson and
Linda Paley.
Persian. cat, Barhara Elliott;
Gat, any breed Albert pepper,
llR 1,• Heneajl; rabbits, any
breed, Brian Trew'artha, RA 4,
Clinton' .Marie Tr�ewa�ctha, R.R.
4, Clanton; Douglas Popf
dtig ori short+. Sudan Pal=
mer, Clinton; Chrisrtane Haat.
ley.; Cliatori; Gary Graben;
Chrstori Parne>la White, Clin-
ton; Other ettnies, Joel Firalckc,
Ralph Maclean Clinton. and Peggy
Bartlsff', all of Clinton.
Dag 1etiSO resembling army
treed, Damlehe Shbrey, Headier
Hardie, Bonnie McLear;
e n s, a breed', John Dixon;
...Maar ba»rtain Paul Di cOn, Sc hri`
Maid; fancy fowl, i otigias
Popp Myth; Lel e
RR 5Clinton; mostchina
Toth 'Cani� a.4
o t Do as• a P 15)8lythi,
ilii ed 'on ';P!
The candidates are Elston
Cardiff, farmer, Brussels, Pro-
gressive Conservative; Earl
Dou'glaS, investor and tree far-
mer, London :and Bayfield, So-
cial Credit; Ernest Fisher, elec-
trical 5upervis'or, Goderieb,
Liberal •and J. Carl Heming-
way, farmer, Brussels, New
Democratic Party.
This is the third of such
meetings to be convened by
the Farmers Union. The first
was in May, 1957 federal elec-
tion, and Elston Cardiff, Con-
servative appeared with And-
rew Y. McLean, Liberal in the
Legion Hall . here with 300
people attending. Gordan Hill,
Varna, presided.
The second was at the May,
x.958 by-election for provincial
member, and Charles S. Mac
Naugihton, Conservative, . atp-
peared' with Dr. J. A. Addison,
Liberal, in the Hensa.l1 town
hall, before 125 persons. Ro-
bert Taylor, RR 3, Clinton,
Rose Tea For
Auburn Set
Thursday, June, 21
AUBURN ---Plans for the pan-
nual Rose Tea on June 21 were
made at the executive meeting
on Monday evening in'the Aur
burn Public Library. This Rose
Tea is sponsored by the Auburn
Horticultural Society and will
be .held in the Orange Hall
from 3-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.
Those attending will have an
opportunity to see the beauti-
ful rose garden 'next to the
hallwhich belongs to Mr. 'and
Mrs. Robert J. Phillips.
The meeting was in charge
of the president, Mrs. Ed Dav-
ies. The minutes were read by
the secretary., Mrs. Gordon. R.
Taylor. Financial statement
given by treasurer Mrs. Bert
Craig showed a 'balance of
$123.91. Mrs. William T. Rob-
ison for the
i an thanked the sY
certificate of merit which had
been presented to her recently.
It was reported that most of
the village flower -beds were
planted and the small fence
around the Manchester •Garden
had been painted, where al-
ready roses ere in full bloom.
As the membeashiip is low this
year it was decided to have a
drive to get new members for
the society.
invitations to attend the
Rose Tea have been sent to the
neighbouring horticultural so-
cletaes at Cllixtton, Blyth, Gale -
rich and Lucknow. The com-
mittee in charge of this tea
wilt be Mrs, William, T. Robi-
son, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and
Mrs, Frank Aaithby for rdec-
oratiug and the 'lunch commit-
tee will be Mrs Ed Davies, Mrs.
Loyd ,Humphreyes, Mts. Ar-
thur Grange, Mrs. 13ert Craig
and Mrs. Wes Brach -rock.
Unit Two UCW
Ontario Street
The Unit Twa of the United
Church Woanen of Ontario St-
reet United Church met oh
Tuesday, June 5 with Mrs, A.
J. McMurray presiding and
Mrs: Ray Fear at the pieta.
Mrs. C. Procter led the worship
service ante the text wale "Lo
I Am With You .Always”, Even
tinter The End."
Mrs. F. Mittel) closed the
Worship service With prayer.
The roll call was responded to
by gifts ,for the bazaar which.
is being held during the evert -
big of June 15, when quilts,.
hand Sewing and homenrade
baking will lie on display and
refreshrrxents served.
Phi/tweed and rvriss
'P]utnsteei tont 'Anted twe
diWs, Mrs, Harry, Bait gave
are interesting deeerlptioit of
their recent trip, to the turd -
lir 'peen Cottntlries', C. 2I1f tt
reported •on' •t'he workshop field
In txeterr on prdgrant planning,
Mrr+. M. Wiltse gave a.:report
air the regionel ieoa vehtiott iii
Laiiale .'butte: tXtie y' asarteah.,
mehtg evertsealed by MtProctor and 'her +eotehtittee,
CDCI Students Council Executive
Executive of Students Council at Clinton District Collegiate Institute for the
year 1962-63 are, .from the left, seated Miss Nancy Caldwell, Londesboro, sec-
retary; Paul Bateman, Clinton, president; Diane Murphy, Clinton, first vice-
president; standing, at left is Theresa Goldsworthy, 1R 1, Clinton, second vice-
president and Peter Thompson, Clinton, treasurer. (Photo by lift's. Trott)
Fined $5OOverCollision
No Insurance on Vehicle
Magistrate Glenn Hays• here
yesterday fined Daniel McCor-
mick, RCAF StationClinton, 20,
the sum of $50 and costs of
$12.80 when the man pleaded
guilty to a charge under the
Highway Traffic Act, resulting
from the accident in which Mr.
and Mrs, • Borden Brown, May.
• were injured in ay.
McCormick had bought his
car in late April. He had no
insurance. He had beendriving
into Clinton; on Highway 8,
and was in a rear -end collision
with the Brown vehicle on Hur-
on Street. The McCormick car
skidded 180 feet before !striking
the other car, and driving it
some distance. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Brown remain in Clinton
Public Hospital.
"This was a terrible thing,"
said the magistrate . "A rnan
and his wife driving along, and
you come along like 'e mead per-
son and almost demolish their
car and put both in the hdspi-
tal It is inexcusable. This
is just as serious to me, that
you do this with your car, as
if you had gone at them with
a stick,"
When McCormick asked for
time to pay, the magistrate
commented, "You have money
to buy a car, and liquor, but
not for a fine? Do you get
credit at the liquor store? T
can see no reason for the
courts to extend time. - The
driving you did could easily
come under the criminal negli-
gence section of the code."
Magistrate Hays did' give him
14 days to pay, and warned hien
that if he drove while his lic-
ence was suspended, jail would
be the penalty.
D. W. Matthews, 18, RCAF
Station Clinton, was fined $40
and costs for having beer in his
car. Constables Shaddick and
Perdue apprehended him on
Huron Street, and found the
Unit Four, U.C.W.
Ontario St. Church
Mrs. Elmer Dale led the wor-
ship service on "Our Church
and Our Community" at the
regular meeting of Unit 4, On-
tario Street United Church Wo-
men on Ivtay 28 in the church
parlour. She was assisted . by
Mrs, Elgin Dale. - Mrs. Reg,
Smith gave the study book
chapter entitled : "Encounter
in the Desert" telling the sto.y
of the conversion of Saul.
Unit leader Mrs. Carman Mc-
Pherson presided aver the busi-
ness meeting. This unit will be
responsible for placing flowers
in the church for services dur-
ing June, Mrs. Reg. Smith
was elected treasurer to re-
place Mrs. R. Hunter, Two
new members, Mrs. Victor Tay-
lor and Mrs. Harold East were
welcomed into the unit.
Harvey Johnston, superinten-
dent of Huronview, gave an l.1
iustrated Iecture on ,his recent
trip to Trinidad and Bermuda.
The nest meeting will be on
June 25 at the summer home of
Mrs. Lloyd Batkin.
New Lists Out
For Spring Bulbs
New lists of fine spring
flowering bulbs are now in the
mai]: from Clinton Horticultural)
Society. There is a number of
new bulbs, which sound won-
derful for the garden.
For instance, consider the
Dud'oshnik, a yellow spotted', red
tulip, ten bulbs' are available
for 70 cents, to memrbers of
the Horticultural Society.
Membership fee is $1.00, re-
ports treasurer Clifford Epps,
and he notes that the premium
tells year is excellent — eight
bulbs of Red Shine, a beautiful
shiny red lily flowered tulip.
The government grants to
horticultural societies is based
upon the number of member-
ships . sol'd. These two sources
are the only one available to
the society treasury.
Situation of a horticultural
society ina town is a great
asset, In Clinton they keep the
flowers of the nurses residence
in good order, and keep the
bed at the post office point in
bloom in season and 'alto care
for the window boxes. at Lib-
rary Park curb. The fact that
they make new varieties avail-
able at reasonable cost, ,adds
to the interest and beauty of
gardens kept by members
throughout the town and
A membership? Just +see Cliff
Epps with $1.00. He'll give
you a members card and you'll
qualify for the premium.
Over 80 Club
Edward Bayes, 132 victoria
Street, celebrated his 89th
birthday on Monday, June 4.
Young Tap flanters
`: - �. , I 1fln` k and 8h tron Allen. were tWo
�i'o'�ng �bo C
htiemlieit of the Te.p l3aton number presented by
theallot class of 3Vll^s. T. Zablbcki ikx the �io
k 'n.
b g
Hall last 1Irday night. (" ostia-.tecbrd Phbto)
Masa (feather Witite'r dough-
iter de Mr. arid' Mrs!. D•, G.
Winter,:a ti me of the tellio r
pools of Mr's, Torry ahltrclti,
met Friday &heed a sofa
lei 5fl ieS' '"oh her toes" to the
Wight t>f t t .audnen'ce,