Clinton News-Record, 1962-06-07, Page 6APO,!piaYed a. leading part in .the of Trinity gall in 1$0,.. We Join congratulations and hest wishes for many more happy ,years together • tg, this couple yipun.g. who -kept their :01001. wo(Wo- date a secret gayfieid Until it, was pa$t,. DairyisAorith. Time to celebrate all the good dairy foods that nature so bountifully provides an year 'round, Enjoy them often—, make dairy foods daily foods! heel A complete set of delicious dairy food recipe booklets from Marie Fraser, Write today loo of IRY FARMERS F CANADA 147 Oavanport Road, Toronto 5 LAM with 1,he :r1)rst Vnitoa C.441701, 4134 azwriOd TrinitY Anglieen ,Ohpreb., Mr -,Stewart, who iin reetor's. warden and lay delegate to _Sy- POSITIVE ACTION! Vigorous agricultural program benefits Huron farmers . MARKET STABILITY L. ELSTON CARDIFF Deficiency Payment Program . . 23 Farm Products Have Been Supported FARM INCOME RAISED TO RECORD HIGH . PC Action Brought Farm Cash Income To All-Time High Of $3 Billion In 1961 • PAYMENTS TO AGRICULTURE DOUBLED 1957-62 — $706 Million 1953-57 — $363 Million • FARM CREDIT GREATLY EXPANDED Over $3 Million Extended To More Than 300 Huron Farmers Since 1957. Farm Loans PC's More In TWO YEARS ($130 Million) Than Liberals in 22 YEARS . ($120 Million) Why vote for production quotas and controls? Support the PC's aggressive, positive Farm program of sales rather than surpluses ON JUNE 18, RE-ELECT CARDIFF Published by Huron Progressive Conservative Association HEAD FOR THE S1GHTS,..THE LAKES...THE FUN r — COUPON — 'French Velour Portraits this coupon and bring I t . for 50% off on a I 1, lovely 8x10 photo! Offer expires June 15, 1962 ' Jervis Studio Quality Photography (In Studio or On Location) 130 ISAAC ST., CLINTON H U 2-7006 21-2-3b Kn ow Ontario better,,. itys all yours! Nigh) EleOriment of Travel and Puirlitity Hail. Bryan Zr Cathcart, Whist& Page 4-,--Cliatan NeWs,RecoN Thumlay, HEAD FOR • :NAM ti •-• " ‘iii(please prlcO 4a 4 .4 4. a ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE Matt to; Ontario Traval, A707 Parlianient 'Toronto, Ontarie Golden 'Wedding Day For Stewart Couple %,•14',6•,W i• 4 ire 11 isVE • 4 DAYFIELP Mr, .and Mrs, j. M, Stewart entertained at dinner at the Dominion .Hotet :Zuriqh, on Monday, May 21; a quiet pelehration. their den wedding, The. table was done tuliol ips and spring .flowers with lighted tapers. Mrs. Stewart wore a _corsage of red roses., Guests were:. Mr, and Mrs'. Radcliffe Weaver, Hamilton; Mr, and Mrs, Percy 'Weston and ;Ir. and: Mrs. William: R. Whet, DaYfield. After dinner they returned to their hoane on Louisa Street to e'aidOY an evening of cards. On 'the following .WednesdaY afternoon, 'Mrs: Stewart..-donned her wedding dress, and wore • red rose corsage, a te enter-tain a few ladies of the: im- hlecligte, neighbourhood a tea in her gracious home, The bride' and groom of 50 year$ were the recipients of flowers, cards and gifts, Mrs. Stewart treasures a geld brooc.h and other jewellery and Mr. Stewart A Scottish rite pin and' gold cuff links, which they received, They reside in the home in :which they were mar- Asked if he had recollections of the weather on his wedding day., 3. M. Stewart replied ph'artically in the ...affirmative. It had rained` every day for 30 days! And it poured rain that morning all ;the way down from, GOderich. He had one of Tom Davis livery hansom cabs, and the driver was out in the pour- ing rain. (He omitted to men- tion that he was about half VOW to Bayfield when he led that he hadn't the bouquet for his bride-to-he, and So had to go back to Goderich for it..) He remembers vividly his an- noyance with the cab driver, when with. barely an hour to catch the 4:20 p.m. Grand Trunk Railway train at (lode- rich, that driVer held the team of horses and let the relatives. and friends fill the cab with rice confetti; and the close shave he had to being left be- hind, when, after putting his bride on' the train, he went to purchase tickets. He had to run and jump aboard the mov- ing train even though a kind- hearted conductor had held it for a few moments. Mrs. Stewart smilled. She wasn't nervous, for she knew he'd make it. But the sun had come out for their wedding. Delspite some near mishaps on that day, the sunshine had proved to be a good .omen for 'a happy life together. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo.hn Pollock on May 21, 1912 at one o'clock, their second daughter, Florence Ethel was united in marriage with John Matthew Stewart. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Stratford. The ceremony was performed by.. the Rev,. H.. J. Cuiaciell,,' rec- tor of Trinity Church; under the arch into the parlour, love- PINK COWS GIVE MORE MILK Use COW FLY POWDER H. Pi WETTLAUFER Clinton Onto 00 ' ly with apple blossoms. Ai?ple"blossoms had been gathered by the bride and .tine te heavy rains these wFre dried ah the kitchen, John Polio* gave his 4440-ter 5.n. marriage, The dainty inide. was beauti-ful in an Empire style -gown of pale cream '.tpssar 'silk with lace, The ,bodice which fastened' up !the .baek, had lace outilning ra V-neckline with :high. boned. collar and lace „double sleeve (kiniOna, style). 'The long sheath skirt featured a leafed overskirt of tils.'aar show- ing lace beneath and a narrow satin cummerbund completed the dreSs. She carried a bou, (Net .of white roses and lily, of-the-valley. They Were in/attended, Mrs, T. Brownlee, Goderich„ sister of thee bride, played tra. ditional wedding ninsac . She took along substitute wardrobe when she got an ink- ling that some folk had tam- pered with her suitcases. Following the ceremony din- nor was served iii the home. Quests were; Rev, and Mns. H. J. Oandell, Rev, and Mrs. WR, .Hinde, Mr, and Mrs. Jam-es Stewart, Miss lYfarde Stew- art And Oscar Stewart, Strat- ford, George Castle, Miss' Maude Colette, Mr and Mrs, George Dewar and Miss Eva Dewar, Mi s s Myrtle Stinson. and Miss Ada Galbraith. For a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls', the bride- wore a fawn suit with matching lilac- flowered hat and accessories. A report of the wedding from the Qinton New Era,May 23, 1912 ready: "The ride was handsomely attired beyond de, peripgon. ..and ahe Waa wayS_ One of 33aYliOt.r0 most popular ,yopng ladies, we eon Sider that Mr, Stewart was Very careful in making 'a Selee-t40,!•, Tt also reported a pre- aentation from Trinity -Chwoh choir of which the bride had been a volned member. On their return from Niagara Falls they took up residence In CT40.erielt, . Mrs. $tewart had been a. aremm4er with :Hc.td.gina Bro- thers h Goderleh where she helped make her own wedding dress, Her husband was a commer- cial traveller for Kensington. Furniture CoMpany,_ aisle- of Goderich. He recalls renting a 2,storey brick house for $15 a month, Following a disastrous fire *lien demolished the furniture .ketory, they moved to Owen sound where J. M. Stewart was 'a Prudential Life Insurance ag, ent, Later, they moved' 'to Strait, ford where they resided until 1924, In that year 1 e joined the staff of taw. Hamilton Tech- nical Institute as a teacher in cabinet making, He hard been head of the department for seer-. en years before retiring in 1.952; They moved back to Bayfield. .Stewart's father was, with them. He died in 1.53, and since that time Mr. and Mrs. Stewart have gone south every winter. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart have both been active in community and church work. He was one of the prime movers in the Pioneer Park Association and has served on the board since its- inception, He has been vice-president, and president in past years. After serving on- the Trustee Board of the Police Village of Bay- field ifor five years, he went off in 1959. He is now assessor for Bayrfield. in Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were closely associated Golden Wedding Marked MR. AND MRS. JACK STEWART, Bayfield, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary quietly with friends over a week ago, Monday, May 21. This photo, taken beneath a deep purple lilac tree in their front yard, was about the first wedding photo they ever had taken. Mrs. Stewart, gowned. in the Wedding dress .which she 'helped make 50 years ago, recalls there were no photos taken then, nor did she see any of those taken at the 25th anniversary of their wedding. (News-Record Photo) Blyth Farmer Buys Holsteins At Dispersal Sale Edward Bell, a Holstein breeder near Blyth, last week made some important additions to his herd with the purchase of two dam-daughter coanbina- tons at the Shore Holstein di.s- persal. The four head' were pur- chased for $4,050. Most important in the group Which Mr.. Bell purchased! was the eight-year-old cow "Shore Alggie Countess" at $2,050. This cow was classified Very Good for type, has an outstanding pedigree •and has produced an All,Canadian and an Honour List producing daughter. Mr. Bell also bought her yearling daughter by Rosafe Citation R. The others purchased were a promising three-year-old cow and her senior heifer calif by Srnithcroft Snowball Rocket. At the same sale Karl Deck- er, Zurich, purchased five head and Thomas Hern, Woodh•am, purchased two heifer calves. 0 Classified Ads Bring Quick Results 1