HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-06-07, Page 5Surprise Silver Wedding:Porty For Mr. aid Mrs, 6,Olake Departing Teachers Given Farewell Party By CDCI Associates tady teachers on staff at Clinton District Collegiate In- stitute had dinner at the Little Inn, Bay:field on May 31. It was in the form of a farewell party for the six teachers who are leaving. Honoured were Mrs. Alan Lowe, Miss Emma Plumsteel, Mrs. John Robinson, Miss Bar- bara Boycl, Miss Katherine Klapp and Mrs. S. P. Burton. Guests included Mrs. D. John Cochrane, Miss Aileen Skeggs and Mrs. Guy Cunningham. AUBURN Correspondent MRS. W. I3RADNOCK The Auburn librarian wishes all county library books to be in' by June 9. Mr, and Mrs. George Millian moved on Monday into their new home in the village, The sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hallam in the loss of their baby on Sunday, June 3 (stillborn). The films showed by the Sigma-C boys drew large Crowds last Vriday and Satur- day evenings. These were shown in Knox United Church and were in charge of Rev. C. E. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig were guests over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wil- liams at Port Huron and at- tended the Becker-Williams wedding on Saturday. The Sacrament of Holy Bap- tism was administered last Sun- day to the following children by Rev. C. B, Lewis at Knox Unit- ed Church: Yvonne Marie Bean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bean; Heather Anne Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson; Brad- ley Benson Andrews, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Andrews; William Brian Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rob- ertson. At the Westfield'service the following were baptized: Ron- ald John McDowll, son of Mr. and. Mrs, Gerald McDowell; Rhea Maretta McDowell, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McDowell; Kimberley Doris Van Vliet, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Van Vliet. Thirty 'teenagers enjoyed the 'CGIT final, party of the year last Friday eevning, The even- ing's inn was in charge of Jud-1 ith Arthur, Gail Miller and Margaret Sanderson, and start- ed off' With a scavenger hunt, After rthe hunt a Weiner roast was held on the banks of the Maitland River and the even- ing closed With a sing-song a- round the fire. Mrs. Harry Ar- thur, Mrs. Wilfred Sandersen assisted Mrs. W. Bradnock in supervising and assisting in the party. Congratulations to 1V1r, and Mts. Keith IVIachart on the birth of a daughter in Clinton '.Public Hospital on Sunday, June 8. The, Auburn Publie School ball team Went to Blyth last weekend for a gable with pupils Of .grade I and 8. Although they were net the 'winners they are looking forward to do better at the next genie. Those Playing" Were:. Phil 'Biaback„ p; Robert d; Gail Miller, 1b; Ron Arthur, 2bl John Mackay, Ss; Alan, Craig, 3.1); and fielders rxeddid Heogefthooril, Elnier Diebold, !Kai: I Tiechert and Laura Deer also played first base, The tithPires were DMA- care IVIACKey and R. Higgins, teachers, Gent's and Lady's WRIST WATCHES 17-Jewel Movement FROM $14.95 UP NINIP•04.004.1M1.400414M1P4#40,11 TIMEX WATCHES FROM 57.95 UP .04,04/•••04.04#4•4414.414.4,44, Carrie In And Check Our Assortment Of Father's Day Gifts ANSTETT JEWELLERS Phone HU 2-9525 SUMMER COTTON DRESSES We Have Been To Toronto and Procured A Large Supply of "SUMMER COTTONS" THEY WON'T LAST LONG - . . SO HURRY! Shorts Bermudas -- Clam Diggers Slims - Pop Tops - 1-Shirts Matching Sets& Swimwear Prepare NOW for 'Hot Weather' Ahead 0 0 Wool Coats -- Laminated Cogs and Rainwear ALL AT REDUCED PRICES AT LADIES' WEAR and bRY GOODS- 2 ONLY Kelvinator REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER 9 foot, manual defrost, 40 Ib, freezer Regular $239,00 'CLEARANCE SPECIAL Kelvinator REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER Regular $298.50 CLEARANCE SPECIAL 9 cu. ft., automatic defrost, 52 lb. freezer 1 ONLY-- Kelvinator CHEST FREEZER Regular $290.00 . CLEARANCE SPECIAL „...„ ... $274.00 G.E. Featherweight Irons Regular $13.95 Clearance Special . ,.,. $11.50 Howdy Doody Record Player $5.00 Sandwich Toaster & Waffle Iron Regular $14.95 Clearance Special $10.95 Sandwich Toaster Regular $13.50 Clearance Special ri.r„,. $9.95 Sunbeam Polisher Regular $38.00 Clearance Special .„„, $28.00 $168.00 1 ONLY-- $217.00 Th4f4a1-4.4POP 7f 1,5.4,copon._,Ngw,g4tgcorc!,-.1"99,9. $70,000 TOWNSHIP 'OF $QPERIQH Serial Debentures Dated: July 1, 1962-TO Mature: July 1, 1943-1972 The proPeeds of this issue to be used for the addition 'co, the HohnesVille Public School. Coupon debentures available in denominations of 81,000. Contact Authorized Sub-Agent K. W Coign-houn. CLINTON, ONTARIO or Wood, Gunder & Company Limited 36 ing Street West Toronto, Ontario ONLY FINDLAY 30" RANGE Completely Automatic, Removable Oven Door, Large Utensil Bin. Regular $250.00 CLEARANCE SPECIAL ONLY FINDLAY Apartment Size RANGE Regular $139.00 CLEARANCE SPECIAL $1 1 5.00 ONLY FINDLAY Apartment Size RANGE Automatic, Visual Door, Utensil Bin Regular $195.00 CLEARANCE SPECIAL ,,,,,,, ,„.,„ S137.00 $180,00 Sea Breeze 3-Speed Record Player -- Regular $69.95 Clearance Special $45.00 Sunbeam Radian Control Toaster Regular $39.50 Clearance Special ,...„ $27.00 "Rota" Broilette Regular $7.95 Clearance Special 0,95 Westclox Wall Clock Regular $8.95 ClearanCe Special $6.00 Stainless Steel Sink, 18x20x8, With crumb, tray - Reg. $13.50 Clearance Special ,..„.„ $8.85 Extension Cord, 50-foot, 3-wire Regular $7,75 Clearance Special „....„ $5.50 Extension Cord, 50-foot, 2-wire Regular $4.50 Clearance Special $3.19 Auto Spotlight, 12-vcit Regular $2.00 Clearance Special .... $1.50 Auto Spotlight, 6-volt Regular $1.75 Clearance Special .„ $1.25 1 only--Electrohome Automatic Clock Radio Regular $57.60 Clearance Special „„., $36.00 1 on ndoW Air Conditioner-1/2 h.p. Regular $199,95 Clearance Special ,,.. $140.00 Sutter-Perdue Ltd. Clinton Eleotridal Appliantes and Supplies Qualify Hardware and Housewares HU 2-7023 Auburn 'Women's_ Institute Hears :Talk, On Horticulture;. Committee 'Reports A humorous mock wedding was staged. Mrs: Ray Robinson played the wedding march, Mrs. William Talbot, Jr., took the, part of the minister; .Archie Mustard, the blushing bride; Louise Talbot, the nervous groom; Mrs. Bert Greer, brides- maid and Laurence Talbot, best man; attendants at the wedding 25 years,ago; Helen Grainger, flower-girl, carried a bushel basket of snowballs, and wilted lilacs, tossing them in the crowd; Clifford Talbot, the weeping mother; Ann Westlake, the hillbilly father; Mrs. Geo- rge Hess, soloist, sang "So Tir- ed" and "I Want a Gal", ac- companied by Mrs. L. Bowman. Following this Cathryn Grainger sang "May the Good Lord Bless' and Keep You". Rev. Laurence Talbot called Mr, and Mrs. Gladwin West- lake •to the front and asked them to accept gifts on behalf of their relatives and friends, A silver flower vase was pre- sented by Wendy Greer, a chrome table by R. Grainger and Archie Mustard, and four chairs by Jim, Phyllis and Cath- ryn Grainger and Diane Cleave. Both Mr. and Mrs. Westlake expressed their thanks and ap- preciation. Lunch followed in the din- ing room, The bride's table was centred with a three-tiered wed- ding . cake flanked with pink tapers and silver vases of lily- of-the-valley. Guests were present from Bayfield, Harriston, St. Cath- arines, London, Brucefield, Goderich, Zurich, Hensall, Cen- tralia and Exeter. It was on May 29, 1.937, that Marybell, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Carnie, Bronson Line, was married to Gladwin Westlake, son of Mr. and Mrs".`E, A. Westlake, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Town- ship, The Rev. R. M. Gale of St. Andrew's United Church of- ficiated at' the quiet wedding at the home of the bride's par- ents. .The bride wore a tra- ditional white dress in floor- length and veil, She carried Talisman roses, Her sister Jean in a long blue gown carried pink carnations and baby's breath, Laurence Talbot was groomsman. Mrs. George Hess presided at the organ for the wedding mu- sic and 'also sang "I Love You Truly" during the signing of the register. Others attending were Mrs. R,,M. Gale, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake, Randolph Sammutt, Mrs. George Howard and friends of the bride. Misses Elizabeth Snowden and Eileen Talbot waited on table. After a motor trip to Mont- real they made their home on the groom's farm on the Blue Water Highway where they have resided ever since. They have one' daughter, Ann, who is a member of the Bank of Mont- real staff in Goderich. AIJBURN---Horticnittl.re was the topic of the May meeting Of the Attnurn Women's stituite in the Cetnio4PitY Me n'lorial Hall. President, Mrs, Ed Payles was In charge And Mrs, Robert J. Phillips was pianist, Mirkutes ware 'read by the secretary, Mrs, Thomas Hag, oitb, She also gaye the finan- cial. %al:Di-ilea showing la bat- aiace of 411,88. Mrs. George Millian report- ed on the plaque which is be- ing prepared for the hell. The president reported that the opening day ;has net been set yet by the new hoard. An in- vitation to attend the dance for the Clinton hospital was read and the members. voted to ap- ply for the short course this 'fall on copper tooling. Mrs. Andrew Kirkeormell, convener of the card commit. Summer Activities Planned by Wesley- Willis Sunday School The executive of Wesley-Wil- lis United Church Sunday School were led by the Rev. C. G, Park at the last meeting. Plans were laid for the .anni- versary and flower Sunday ser- vice en June 17. Vacation school will. be -field the first two weeks in Augest with Mavis Wilson as director. July 11 was set as' a tentative, date for the picnic. There will be no. Sunday. School during July. In August there will be Sunday School classes for juniors and' primary students ,during church service, but no isenior Sunday School. Regular sessions will. begin on September 9 with rally day ser- vice' on September 16 and' pro- motions on September 30, Classified Ads Bring Quick Results tee reported that there were ten cards sent daring the month. end She read the thanic-0/044 notes received. Interesting re- ports of the district alInnal, meeting at Clinton Were 'given by Mrs. 4ebert J, Phillips and Mrs. Lloyd 1-11,141PhreYS, Roll call was Answered by heaping "a vegetable begiumbq with the first letter in your SOrnatne"- Guest SPeaker of the after- noon was Mrs. Toynbee Lan* Goderich, who spoke on the growing of tuberous rooted be-, gonias. She •told the early his- tpxy of these bulbs will& dat- ed back '0 1690. She described the method of planting and showed pictures of her own flower beds taken last summer. She concluded by quoting 'the poem, "In a Garden". Mrs, Thomas Lawlor thanked her and presented her with a gilt, Mrs. Ed Davies gave an in- teresting account of the presi, dent's conference at Guelph. A discussion took place con- cerntng: the oetehmting of the .49#1 AnIthienSra* of ,the Aphim brangh of the Wee Arexlmek Virv,• Haines .44,4 Mis .T ,Lawlor were .4p.tpoin,ted to plan a .PelehratiOP, An ine- tereSting flower _er4teglt was .eondneted ' Eby Mrs, -Thoro,as Lawlor with the winners,. Mrs-, Lloyd 1-Iwnplireys- and Nf.rs, Pith Me.ehm, 1.4m Hem Watson wAs. the, winner of the ;begonia, .donated :rto0. IttXP doer pt', e was won by Mrs, TheinaS. Lawlor, An auction of Plants, .134thS Was held with Mrs, POP:- ,go,4i4es .as auctioneer, was Served by MM. CieOnge Millian, Ntrs. 'Th'omas .44wor and -Nrp, Harry Watson, BAYFIELD - A delightful surprise party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township, on Saturday evening, May 26 in Russeldale Hall, in honour of their 25th wedding anniversary, Archie Mustard invited Mr. and Mrs. Westlake to go and spend-the evening with him and friends. But he would not re- veal their destination. After driving through Thedford and Parkhill they finally reached Russeildale to find about 70 relatives and friends awaiting, them in the hall. There was a short program consisting of a sing-song led by Leonard Bowman with Mrs. Bowman at the piano; a solo by Cathryn Grainger, "0 Mama Dear, I gave away the Baby"; a vocal solo by Mrs, George Hess, Hensel], "How Great Thou Art" and a piano solo.by Phyllis Grainger, 1 ONLY - INGLIS "NIAGARA" WASHER With Pump and Filter Regular $135.95 CLEARANCE SPECIAL 2 ONLY- INGLIS "CITATION" WASHERS With Pump and Filter Regular $148.95 CLEARANCE SPECIAL 1 ONLY- INGLIS "STERLING" WASHER Two-Speed Mechanism, Pump and Filter Regular $179.95 CLEARANCE SPECIAL S135.00 1 ONLY - INGLIS "CUSTOM" WASHER With Pump - Regular $129.50 $9 CLEARANCE SPECIAL $109.00 $120.00 1 ONLY- INGLIS "LIBERATOR" AUTOMATIC CLEARANCE SPECIAL WASHER - Regular $299.50 $199 00 1 ONLY- INGLIS "LIBERATOR" AUTOMATIC Regular E AR DRYR - CLEANCE SPECIAL $199.95 $142.00 • Township. of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1962 • The Township of Tuckersmith will ppy interest at the rate of 4 (Yet per annum from June 15th to • December 15th an all Prepaid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtain- ed at the Clerk's Office: Tuckersmith, RR 3, Sea- forth. J. I. McINTOSH, Treasurer EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS Silex Steam Iron Special Clearance n r Sale Price I U.70 G.E. Portable Mixers Reg. $23.95 Reg. $17.50 Reg. $19.95 Reg. $8.95 Reg. $8.95 Reg. $25.95 Reg. $32.95 Reg. $24.95 Reg: $24.95 Reg. $24.95 Reg. $54.75 Reg. $27.95 Reg. $7.90 Reg. $8.95 Reg. $12.95 Reg. $39.95 Reg. $42.95 Reg. $14.95 Reg. $3.95 \=i Sutter Perdue Ltd, GIGANTIC SUMMER for Appliances and Small Electrical Appliances Genuine 1/2 PR ICE Specials Every Item Listed in This Section Will Be Sold At One-Half the Regular -Price Listed Below Hoover Steam Iron Morphy Richards Steam Iron Samson-Dominion Steam Iron 1 onlyr-Bersted Electric Iron 2 only-Keystone EleCtric Irons Percolator, 8-cup, Canadian Beauty Sunbeam Deep Fryer Sunbeam Deep Fryer Presto Pressure Cooker, control extra Presto Griddle, control extra Regina Electric Broom Sunbeam Chrome Mixer TV Lamp Ingraham Wall Clock. Imperial Wall Clock 4-Slice Electric Toaster Westinghouse Transistor 'Radio "Gilbert" Whirl Beater Williamsburg Food Warmer