HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-06-07, Page 4eeeS,:seeese e"e-seasee eeleie:Seee. CLINTON Weekend Specials SCHNEIDERS PICNIC * 1 1/2 -lb. tin CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE — 1-lb JAVEX 128-o2. $1.19 bag .„ 65c 77c ST. WILLIAMS — 24-oz, ,,,,,, ...„ IGA Choke CREAM CORN — 15-oz. ,,,, 31c , 8 for $1.00 Many Items on Display with EXTRA STAMPS • LAMB LEGS — Short Cut „. ,, 41cIb. LAMB IN A BASKET ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 19c lb. RIB LAMB CHOPS 49c lb. LOIN LAMB CHOPS 59c II). T.R. Nod. 1 SKINLESS WIENERS 49c lb. S. Pickled COTTAGE ROLL -r Vac 13-ac 59e Ib. CORN ON THE cog ,,5 for .35t WATERMELONS „,-,..,,,„„ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ea, 99c NEW t ABBAGE , — .. , lbs. 250 VALLEY FARM POLY 2 lbs. 39c MCCAIN FRENCH FRIES 94%. (Frozen) 5 for 89c — 6 DAYS — Services, of PRAYER and POWER featuring — REV. A. H. PHELPS (Great Britain Touring Canada and U.S,A.) 0 Outstanding Bible Teaching and Preaching '0 Emphasis on Spiritual Gifts and Baptism in the Holy Spirit. WHERE? CLINTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH JUNE 12 TO 17 WHEN? NIGHTLY AT 8 P.M. SUNDAY — 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Other Churches Invited — All Welcome Sponsored by Rev. H. Kendrick SrORT,S.HIRT BUY NOW FOR FATHER'S DAY Sunday, June 17 200—Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS "T" SHIRTS Reg. to $6.95 All Sizes s2.95 Sl+ot forP . SWIM TRUNKS . BANLON SHIRTS . "T" SHIRTS . CLAM DIGGERS . SUMMER PYJAMAS . TROPICAL SLACKS . ,JACKETS . SPORT COATS . STRAW HATS Herman's Men's Wear HU 2-9351 CLINTON °kits LsGarNING FAST — before bugs, leaves, rain or any- thing can mar its beauty. UNIFORM sbrr tHEEN -- stays dazzling clean, Shads dust and dirt that usually collect, OUTSTANbING DECORATOR COLOURS .6. stay sparkling bright, PAINT ALMOST ANYTIME after morning dew, during bright sun or atter a rain. 33 HURON STREET CLINTON Phone HU 2.9542 PAINTERS & DECORATORS. 4.4fr4*;0 YOUR LOWE BROTHERS DEALER Married At Brucefield Mr. and *Mrs, Glen Sturgeon were married on Friday everting, June 1, in Brucefield United Church manse by the Rev. A. H. Johnston. The bride is Donelda Lostell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph Lostell Kippen and the grooms parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sturgeon, Bayfield. Following a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the young couple will make their home in Bayfield. Mr. SturgeOn is employed at the C&W Groceteria, RCAF Station Clinton, (Photo by Phillips) Page 4—Clinton News-Record—Thursday, June 7, 1964 Box Plants 49c HARVEST GIANT 'MUMS Evergreens - Insecticides Fertilizers CLINTON GREENHOUSE and GARDEN CENTRE 182 Church St.—CLINTON—HU 2-7168 John and June Smith .0 SEE -HEAR Hon. C. S. MacNaughton HURON MPP MONDAY, JUNE 11 12:55 p.M. CKNX-TV Channel 8 SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF ELSTON CARDIFF Published by Huron PC Ass'n WEEKEND SPECIALS! MACARONI.CHEESE LOAF 49c lb. CHICKEN LOAF - 49c lb. LUNCHEON LOAF - 59c lb. BOLOGNA - m - 3 %LILO() BUY: 4 lbs. TULIP MARGARINE For $1.00 GET: 1 lb. FREE Choice BEEF for your freezer: FRONT QUARTERS 39c lb. HIND QUARTERS 57c lb. PETER'S Modern MEAT Market HU 2-9731 Social Event Of Pre.Summer At Mrs. Hopson 's BAYFIELD — Mrs. George Hopson held "Open House" at her cottage on Bayfield Terrace on Wednesday afternoon, May 30 from 1.30-4 o'clock. Her invitation was to. ladies 50 years and over or "crowding 50". And' -there were alto- a few pri- vileged gentlemen. 'hie tea table was done in a white madiera • cloth. A large low silver bowl of double pink and white lilacs and lemon lil- ies was ,flanked by lighted! tap- ers in tall silver candlesticks) and a silver service added' to the attractive table. Oher floral arrangements in the dining room were Carried out with spirea, lemon lilies and beautiful iris in copper, yellow and blue tones. Mrs. Hopson received her guests wearing a blue print silk frock eand they took. their tea through to the living room, also antistically decorated with seas- onal flowers, or out to the lawn overlooking the harbour. Mrs. F. P. Arkeli poured and presided at the tea table, and Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner looked after the 'guest book. Sixty-five persons enjoyed this delightful social event, Clinton Girl Guides Meet at Bayfield First Clinton Company held their last meeting of the year on Monday, June 4 with. 'the Bayf held Guides at Bayfie}d beach. Guides' working on their second class- badge Iit teepee litres on the beach, boiling wat- er in a pail and making toast over the fires before extinguish- ing them ,properly. ' Guides' with their first• class badge or working on it prac- tised throwing life buoys. Mrs. M. F, Corrie conducted a "smell and +touch kin's game" which the guides enjoyed im- mensely, The meeting closed around a camp fire with the Guides singing songs an Edenjoyed toasted marshmallow's, cookies and chocolate milk. -a Hensall Approves $15,000 in Permits HENSALL — Tenders are to be called for painting the Town Hall at Hensa3.1, on the sugges- tion of Councillor Mrs. Minnie Noakes, Approval also was' re- ceived from the Department of Highways for $8,000 on road construction and $2,350 for maintenance. Excavation tender for exca- vating of streets went to Lavis Contracting Co., Clinton: also the paving tender. It was the lowest of three tender's in, each ease, Building perniits included those of Alf Scholl for $15,000 for renovating the property for- merly owned'by Mr. Silver; William R.00geboom to improVe Property. $3,000; carpott) Geo- rge Thompson. Two Join Church, Guides Help In Colorful Service BAYFIELD — St. Andrew's United Church was filled too capacity on Sunday; June 3, at which Reginald Francis, Wil- liam Mcllwain and Lindsay Smith were received into fun Membership by profession of Lending colour to the eeca- sion the Fitt Bayfield Guide Company and leaders, Mrs. R. lVfacVeari, Captain and Mts. Maynard Corrie, Lieutenant, at- tended in a body for the pre- sentation Of religious and life badges to Ellen Lindsay and Lytincla Scotchmer. Alto present Were beputy Division ComMisetener Miss Mare?: MacMillan and Division Comlmiseioner MeSs Una Mac- donald, Qoderich, to whom Mrs. MacVeatt, presented the two ,guides The Rev, W, Smith handed; the religion and Iife badges to the denantissions erg wile presented thern to El, len and Ly -nda. The ,13.ev. W. 0, Srnith pima, ched a eerimort in keeping With the cereinenies1 On "Religion in Life'% It Wee a most enlighten- dissertation On the tpiStile Of 8,t, Satteg. Weetlake')e Parents, -Nile And Mrs Malcolm Tones, on Sun- eley and took them .0.1.4 for .dhx- ner to celebration of Mr. Terne' birtlechee, Mnn .and Mrs. Myron Butler have POrehaged the late Mrs. AliQP.INM491114 home- Joseph Street In Clinton. They have sold their home on, the Blue Water Highway to Corporal ,john Gallant, "RCAF Statien Clinton, who gets possession early in July, Dr. Alfred But- lVfifflinburg, Fa., was with his -parents from Tuesday to Sunday. . Dinner guests with Mrs, Irene Gardiner at her cottage in Bailey park on Sunday were Mrs. Beatrice Taylor, Mists Lois Grasby, Mrs, Ruth Knox, Miss Barbara Knox, Miss Patsy Brown, Clinton; Miss Joyce McCorcpeodale, Mies Frances MeCoremodale, Glanworth; and -Mrs, Mare Ebett, Ottawa. Misses A. M. and E. J, Stirling accompanied their niece and her husband, Dr. and Mrs. Harley Mason, London, to Port Elgin on Sunday, Miss A, M. Stirling remained - with her sister, Mrs. Hugh MeLaren, whose 'husband is a patient in Southampton Hospital following a serious heart attack. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ervine and Mary Elizabeth were in Southampton and Arkwright on 'Sunday for the golden wedding anniversary of Mrs. Ervine's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Garfield Rourke, Southampton. Mrs. Rourke was formerly Charlotte Evelyn Shular and has-lived all her life in Southampton, They were married on June 4, 1912 and have two daughters and two granddaughters, Mary Eli- zabeth Ervine and Mary Lou Strong. Their daughters, Mrs. E, Er- vine and Mrs, Earl Strong ar- ranged the celebration complete with a beautifully decorated wedding cake,. at the home of Mrs, Strong in Arkwright. 20 relatives and friends partook' of a buffet supper and wished the couple continued good health and happiness. Mrs. Colin Campbell was at her home on Anne Street for the weekend. And' on Sunday, Mr. and 'Mrs. George Campbell, Sarnia, were the guests of her aunt, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Simons, Goshen Line. • BAYFIELD — Mr. and Mrs. John MacKenzie returned home on Friday, May 25, after -a de- lightful -trip to Great Britain. They sailed from Montreal aboard the "Ivernia" on April 13, landing at Southampton, They stayed in London for a few days and then took an 18- day 'coach tour to Land's End; through Wales and into Scot- land. They visited Edinburgh Goderich Twp. South Mrs. James R. Stirling is pre- sently laid up with a painful shoUlder fracture. Her son Bob, his wife and little boy spent Sunday with her, •Mr. and -Mrs. John Simmons and infant son have moved from Woodstock and are temp- orarily with her parents, the Bill Townshends. Lynn Lipscombe, who with her parents! and brother David, Moved' to Comox, RCAF Sta- tion, Vancouver Island', several years ago completed her pro- bation period and received her cap -in the class' of grads at Royal Jubilee Hospital, in Vic- toria. Lynn will be remembered as the 'sweet child singer whose young voice delighted so many in this area, in- Bayfield, and at past music festivals in Code- rich. Last Christmas 'she ap- peared 'in solo at, the Canadian Club, which many of the 'B.C. government officials with their wives -attended. After leaving 'high school in Cornox she spent a year at Greteland College in Iowa. She had excellent grades particul- arly. in music, BAYFfELD — ,On Saturday,. juno 2, the First Bayfield' Com- pany- Guides and leaders Mrs. R. Mec-Vean, Captain, and' Mrs,• Maynard Carrie, 1-4eatertant, Attended the -Guide Field Day heldExeter. First .Seaforth Company., First Hensam Company,, Third, Second and First Q00401 Companies, First Exeter, See- and RCAF Clinton, Second :RCAF Centralia, First Drns,,. sels end First Bayfield Compan- ies were led in the march 133.' 'the Exeter Legion Pipe Band up Main street to Riverside Park for the event, The ,closing meeting of the Bayfield Guide Company was held. June 4 .at 6.30 p.m. The First Class Guides met at the school foe instrootion under Mrs, John Lindsay and then proceeded' to 'the beach to • join 'the rest cvf the company and the First Clinton Guides under Mrs. 3. Irwin, captain, and Mrs, L. May, lieutenant, Patrol contest awards were presented: blazer badges to Hepatica, a n d consolation awards of camp muge to Daf- fodil and Haley Patrols. The 'two companies built hike fires and were instructed in the 'procedure of life buoy drill. They enjoyed a Klin'g game of touch and smell led by the Bay- field leaders'. Cookies, chocolate milk and marshmallows, were a treat 'provided by the First Clinton Company. It was clos- ed with a singsong, HOLMESV1LLE MRS. F. MoCULLOUGH Phone HU 2-7418 Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCul- lough have returned home from Toronto where they attended the graduation exercises of the Atkins School of Nursing at Toronto Western Hospital which took place at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto on Mon- day, June 4. Their daughter Miss Frances McCullough was one of the 65 graduates, and then came down the East coast. At Stratford - upon - Avon, where they spent a few days, they saw "A Mid Summer Night's Dream" starring Irene Worth.. The production was good but the theatre could not be compared with the Shakes- pearean - Festival Theatre at Stratford, Ontario, There was no air-conditioning and the night Was' very warm, which took from the enjoyment of it. One of the highlights -of the trip was two days _ spent at Waking; Sussex, 'where they went to visit the grave of Mrs. MaoKenziels nephew ( w h o made the supreme sacrifice in, World War II), at Brookwood Cemetery. They 'were greatly impressed by the beauty" ,and quietness of 'the place. The- weather was ideal' for their trip and the country in general was beautiful. They returned via the same Ship, leaving Southampton on. May 16. Arriving in Montreal on May 23, they spent a couple of days with their son John and family in Toronto, Th e MacKenzies enjoyed their trip and pleasant travell- ing companiene, bat agreed that it was nice 'to be home. They look at 'Canada now through different eyes. This was Mrs. MacKenzie's first trip to Bri- tain but for Mr. MacKenzie it was a return to many of the spots which he'd visited while serving overseas with the Cana- dian forces in World War I. They agreed that their own front door looked mighty good to them when . they arrived home. Two Young Mer.! tor Theft- Of hoton Man's Car At .Goderich .04rt 145t day,. e yoting member .of the. Air.Force was' .sentenced tq 21, days in the county Jail at Gode- rich. He was Gary gape on, 19.. A similar sentence WaS, hand- ed down to David. „George Buck, 17, a week earlier, On May 24, Both young men were' .charged with theft, • The Emmerson Edwards ear involved , Was taken on May 5, and was found wrecked on Highway 4, north of EXeter. Magistrate Hays, qc, Gode- rich, awarded the sentences, Bayfield Guides End Season of Varied Activities Bon Voyage To. • Mrs, y .C3oorge: geitchamber entertained' at her; home On Wednesday evening, May at' a ben vogage party fee her mother, Mrs, .1,41a Bailely Gueste included:. Mr, and Mrs. J; A. Cameron, MIS and. Mrs. J. ?covey, . Mrs. R. H, F, Gairdner, Mrs, Oeorge. Hopson, Mr, and Mrs, Fred P. Arkell, Mrs. R. A, Simons, •and Mrs. Alf F. ,Scotehiner, Mr, and Mrs. Allan ;Elliott, Clinton, Sgt. and, Mrs, Nevvihilem, .Seaterth, Mrs. Halley who eagle, on October Z. -on -an extended vi$it, to her daughter is returning to England to reside in Bourne- mouth, SCRUTON S FIRESTONE CLINTON 2.11 PRINCESS ST, SHOP OFFICE 379 VICTORIA ST. COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE ON THE FARM ON THE ROM) IN THE SHOP VULCANIZING RETREAbING REPAIRING P(1R SERVICE ANYTIME bAYS HU 14681 • CALL — EUGENE GARROW NIGHTS & HOLIbAYS HU 24008 Knox, visited At the rectory on sun, day • I • ' e Lo M n rrPOP4Aa their- -P7ervt1.11Z eee ehe weekend, 1,11Vicij rFle-Ha4-n4ak, Mts, James WF_erles4alt''e their cottage .on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, C, McAuley and.. family, Reiedale, spent - the Weekend at their cottage. Mr, and Mrs. James F, Per- i ereeon, London, spent the week, • end at their cottage. ' Mr, and Mrs. Me-FM/ere ondore spent the weekend at heir cottage "The Cedars.", Mrs. E, Pollard, London,' was at her cottage. on Bayfield Ter- ' race on Sunday. Miss Adele Ferne'tte, Detroit, is occupying her cottage on Delevan Street, for the season. Rev. E. T. B, Harrison was in Blyth on Monday attending a meeting of the Huron Deanery Clergy Chapter. George Little who -was• able to leave Clinton Public Hospi- tal on May 28 is recuperating at home from a heart .oeizine, Mrs. E. J. Bauer, Mrs, E. Feiburger and Joan, Kitchener, were at the fermer'e cottage from Friday to Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hutehieon, Bradley . and Debbie, Ingersoll, were at their cottage over the weekend. George Bell, second engineer aboard the SS "Windoc" re- turned home from Fort Wil- liam on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bali and granddaughter, Linda, London, were at their cottage for the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, Mrs. C. Rogers and Mists Sally Beth Hunter, Toronto, were at their home here for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Toms, Detroit, visited his brother, Malcolm and wife from. Wed- nesday to Satur'd'ay, Mr. and Mrs. F: Hendrick, Birmingham, Mich., were at "Westwind" . .from Tuesday to Sund Misses Alice and Anne Drou- in, Detroit, came a fortnight ago to spend the season at rthaeciei: cottage on 13ayfield Ter- - Mr.' and Mrs. J. M. Atkin- son. St. Clair Shores, Miele,. were at their home on Cottle Street from Monday to Thues7 day last. Mrs. _Clayton Guest, who vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Malcolm Toms, for two weeks returned to Leaside on Sunday with her husband who joined her here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Penhale and Ricky accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber and Diane, Kippen, and Jack Faber, Hen- sel]; spent Sunday at the De- troit Zoological Zoo. Congratulations to John Clark MacKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs,- John MacKenzie who re- ceived the degree of Master 'o Education at Convocation, Una versity of Toronto on Friday last. Mrs. John Lindsay, president of St. Andrew's United Church Women and 18 members of Unit 1, were guests of the Brucefield UCW at their meeting on Tuese day afternoon. Rev, and Mrs, Robert Car- son and Billy, Forest, are ,at J. Carson's home, "Dun Cairn". J. Carson and Miss Lulu Car- son, London, were here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cleave, Kitchener, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleave. Eric Cleave -prea- ched in •the Bayfield Baptist Church, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John -Carlson, Nancy 'and Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. William Carson and fam- ily, London, were at their re- spective cottages for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ander- son and two sons, Science Hill, and Mr, and Mrs, Dennis Bis- back, Clinton, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 3, Sturgeon, Mrs,' Ray Flowers, Lynn, Mickey and Terry, Thamesford, are here to spend some time with her husband's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Flowers. Mrs. A, Flowers who has been in in- different health is .improving, Corp, and Mrs. Lloyd West- lake, Ricky, Catherine and Paul, Kitchener, surprised Mrs, Mackenzie Couple Return From Holiday in England BROTHERS PAINTS PROCLAIM Now you can paint the outside of your home as easily as painting roam. Cleanup is simpie, with water. Lowe Brothers A-I0O, LATEX HOUSE PAINT is remarkably easy to apply, leaves no sagging or lap marks and dries lightning fast. Permanent colours stay sparkling bright...provide a laugh flexible finish on Moe SIDING—WOODEN SHAKES AND SHINGLES—CONCRETE GLoCK—STUCCO—DRIOX—AsOESToo SIDING OR SHINGLES—TRANsiTE —FLEXBOARD—ALUMINUM—GALVANIZED IRON. * NOW "RUBBER BASE" PAINT MOVES OUTDOORS,..LAtEX PAINT FOR EXTERIORS *NEW EXTERIOR COLOURS * NEW PAINTING EASE * NEW,EXTERIOR OURAOILITY Never... Dna &paint like this I nlig! ea. 0. A. Kay and Son