HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-31, Page 11t. ;i Auburn"t MRS;WEBRADNOCK-Corres on ent,Plone 434,1595 Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Beetle, London, were recent visitors ivJ th +hex sister, Mrs. Dav- ies av- ies and Mr. Davies. Ma's. W, H. Sheppard, Bright's Grove and Miss Eileen Fells, Toronto, visited last week with Miss Laura Phillips and palled on _other friends. Recut visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Dade, William, Jann.ett and Ross, were Mr. and Mmes, Leo MoLuhan and Mr. and Mrs. Ross H'al4onvay, Toronto; Miss Marie Knight and Gerald Dobie, Goderich, . Russel King, is a patient in i o Hospital, Westminster r H p , London; Percy Walden is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London; John Sprung is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Several members' of the Au- burn S'igana-C attended 'rine weekend camp at Goderich snianxner school.: They are plan- ning two film evenings on :Fri- d'ay ,and Saturday evenings this week. Gus Bssbaek 'returned home lash week after staying in Lan- don with his son Calvin who is a ,patient in Vict'ori'a Hospital following a' car 'accident. Mr. Bisback .reports that Calvin is Improving since surgery. Mr. and Mrs, ,Ed Davies at- tended the ,graduation party at Belmont of her niece, Miss Norma Taylor over the week- end. Miss Taylor graduated from the University of Western NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday -afternoons, from 1 to 5.30 p.rn. J. I. McIntosh Clerk 14tfb 1 Ono arlo with her DA degree, anti had the 'lienar of +being the 'youngest girl to graduate with her degree :at the age of 20. Miss Taylor :has .accepted a ;position on the staff of a Hamilton high school and will teach matheanatic's. A Targe erew4 of 'teenagers attended the Teenville dance Friday' evenir}g in the. Auburn Comneunity Memorial Hali. Masjc was: iby t'he Cornet -Teens, Chaperon were Mr, and Mrs. James McPhee orad Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKay The re- freghrnent istand was in the charge of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Brad'nao1 an Miss Laura Phil- lips. A; Word was received here be relatives that George E. Raith- by, son of Mrs. Glen Raithby and the late Mr. Raithby, Lon- don, that he has received his B.E.Sc. degree from the LTni- vensit r of Western .Ontario. He. was suces'sful in winning 'the Merit Award for scholastic and extra curricular activity. He also won 'the Board of Gover- nors Medal for mechanical en- gineering .opt ion. Graduation Mr. and Mrs, George Haggi;tt attended the graduation cere- many held by tdie Stratford General Hospital for Miss Mar- ilyn Keen, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nesbit also at- tended the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs, Donaid King and family, Strathroy visited recently with Mr and Mrs. Ru's- sel King, Wiener Roast ,Plans tt end their year with a wiener roast was • made by the' OGIT. The date set is Friday evening, June 1 and will begin with a scavenger- hunt at 8.30 pan. Later they will go down to the banks of the Mait- land River and have their reest. AR are inviting a friend for this occasion. The com- mittee in charge are Judy Ar- thus; Gail Miller,. and Margaret Sandiersbn.. ',The girls decided to anake an autographed quilt and .to start it darting the sum- mer months. Guild Tea' • The Ladies. Guild of St. Mark's Anglican Church 'held a successful bake sale and after- noon tea last Saturday after- noon: in the Orange Hall. The bake table was in the charge of GODERICH , ONT. SATURDAY NIGHT "THE ..CRESENDOS".:.,. DICK,WILLIAMS M.C. "The Tall One" from CFPL Radio ' Dancing to the Sound of the Sixties for the Teen -20 Crowd. 9 p.m. to midnight 75c per person We Cater to Weddings -- Luncheons -- Banquets, Etc. 22-3-4b WHITE SEED BEANS ORDER EARLY WHiLE SUPPLIES ARE GOOD . Registered No. 1, 2nd generation seed is available in MICHELITE, SANILAC, and SEAWAY varieties with very high germination tests. We also have limited quantities of MICHIGAN SEED available. quantities of exchanging your seed for registered seed is 80c ' per acre. Sow reliable seed and be sure your crop gets a good start, Contracts Available COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. PHONE 24 or 249 HENSALL, ONT. 20-1-2b Mrs. Thoiivas Ha gitt, Mts. Gordon R . Taylor iploo and Mes. R a- bert ,1, Phillips. The rrunneage table was in the eherge of Mrs. Andrew 1KirkdonnelI, .Mrs. John Deer and Mrs. Orville McPhee.. Afternoon tea was served by Mrs• George Schneider, 'Mr+a. Robert Meall y. Mips, Sam Deer, Mrs. lebyd Her 1phreys and Miss Shirley :Brown. The fish- pond in the charge of the AYPA was run by Eileen, Schneider, Rah Schneider and Cantle Brown. Knox VOW The United Church Women f K ox United Church u, n h r met with Unit 2 in charge and Mise Elmo Mat'c'h presiding. Scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Jack Armstrong and Miss Martell presented the meditation and pa1ayer. The offering was received by Mrs, Robert Turner and MS. Norman McDowell. Mrs. Nor- man McCl'inelrey favoured With a•vocal solo. Mrs. C. Lewis showed a fiIi entitled "Pay the Piper", illus-. itrating the problem of alcohoI- ilsm among 'teenagers, Keith Arthur gave a demonstration on how to use the new fire ex- tinguishers placed in the church. Mgrs. Kenneth McDougall, president, conducted the shoot bi. siuress period. A donation was made to the refugees in Hong Kong. LONDESBORO (Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan Phone Blyth 37 r 5) Judge"'Campbell Grant, Walk- erton, recently purchased a cot- tage lot at Habermiil Lake from Mel Kingston, Dlmwoodl. Mies Margaret Morrow, Owen Sound, spent a few days Waith. Mir. "and Mrs. Earl Gault and Kenneth last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Weber and David, Exeter, were Sun- day visitore with Mr. and Mns. Harry Durnin, John Reid and daughter Ave- r il, Hyeth, Peace River, are spending a 'few. weeks' with re- latives, in the vicinity. Thomas Miller is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, hav- ing stuttered a stroke a few days ago. Mr. and 1Vfee. Frank George and daughter Isabel, Wa'taske- wan, Alta., spent the past week with the Fairservice relatives in the vicinity. A number from the village attended the shower for Miss Gloria. Allen, at the home of Mrs. Bert Shobbrook last Sat- urday evening. Mrs. Rost Mill - son and Mrs. John Jewitt were hostesses to 40-50, guestls. Gloria received many lovely and use.. fel gifts. Women's Institute The Lon'desboro Women's In- stitute will meet on June 6 at 8 p.m. with roll call to be "some written information which can be used ,in the Tweedsmuir book" It is expected there will be 'a speaker from the Clinton Public Hospital'. Ainxwell Circle The. A'imwell Evening Unit of the Londesbor o United Church Women met at the home of Mis. Ross Lovett on Monday evening with 21 present. Mae. Donald McNeil, leader. took the worship service on the theme "What is the task of the church?" The study book was taken by Mrs. Lovett and a que5+tion- ,aire was conducted by Mrs. Harry Snell. Bible study was e , HU.2.38O7 TOM DARLING Megre REFRIGERATION ' AIR-CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING EAST ST. CLINTON INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK announces the opening of, an office at Kitchener -Waterloo { in the Waterloo Square Building Telephone: 7444186 to serve the Counties of Boron, Perth, Wellington, and Wateriob and announces the appointment of 1V1r, IV. H:- Jay' as Manager -inquiries abottt term financing for new or ex stfag busiiietses May be Addressed td 'the manager. NEWS OF KIPPEN (Correspondent, A� RS N, i-oNG, i�hcnp Heneali �7$-W-1) ,N 144,, visited Datijveis an Wrexeter::on Monday. Mas .Tice Keen, tfp 4, Mislead a few days with ,lylns,. P,. polvsen. Mr. and 'Mrs. James Arm strong, Sitelffe ,and. Miss J'ess'ie Hite uisQn, Rodney, visited Fa'id1aar -evening with Mr, and lvtrls.. Mr. ;anti Mrs. Vern Alderdiee, Garry` and Lynn. , t .a fes' aes .reenep.tly with Mr. ana Mis. Hugh Alderdice at Clerks', bums. Eldon Jarrett who has been hospitalized in 'Clinton Pl blit Hospital, returned to his home Monday. Mins Marie Janrott, RN, Stratford General Hospital., sp ent the weekend with her Par- ente, Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Jar- ?ott. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gibson' and Aman, 'ipso Mrs. William Gibson, Wrexeter, were Sunday guests of the ` 1att is daa'g+h- ter, Mrs. Wilfred Meliis and Mr. Mellis. Miss Alice Armstrong, Staf- fa and formerly of Klippen, who is a member of the Earle Terry Singers, Landon, eecompanied thet group by Plane last week to Ottawa and Montreal on a concert tour. YP Anniversary The Young Peoplehsanniver- sary service on Sunday was well attended by congregations of Klippen and Brucefieid Unit- ed ahurdh'es. Service was con- ducted ° by 13r aur Binn:end'yc and. the Rev. A. H. Daynard, Staffa. Margaret Elgie read from the •senipture. The young peopl'e's chair was directed by leader Miss Jean Ivieon. Guest soloist was Harry Lear, Blyth. Graduates Miss Marie , Aden. Sinclair, daughter of Me. and Mrs, John Sinclair, RR 3, Kippen, gradu- ated from Stratford General conducted by Mrs. Russell Good and Mrs. Neville Forbes con- ducted a questionaire on Luke 17 ,to Acts 6. Messengers, Explorers and CGIT girls please meet at the church, next Sunday •at ten minutes to • 10 a.m. 'far the ceremony of Dedication to Missions.P1eas'e wear uniforms. Psp,ntalschool Pit niArsIng PIT Saturday afternoon in the ! s- buVa1 Theatre. Slee was 'successful in being the winner of three •awards: the Alexander gum. aw and,. fiat 'lmige for geperal profit, ierncy izl bedside nursing; the alumnae ,associaltion� of Stmt:, ford Genetal TTaspital snhao1 of *Rising award :for proficiency, in obstetrical, nursing and an award to Miss ,Sindailr who has been ,President of the .sbuiden+t assoptatiun in 190,-62, A reception and dinner fol- lowed et the rhonae of her pan. ends. Mr, and Mrs. John Sire cline', where 50 guests were Present, Those attending from a distance included Miss Hazel Sinclair, Toronto Mrse;Kenneth B',arry, Toronto and Mrs. Ken netih English, Toronto, all of whom wh spent the weekend. Kipper! . East WI Members of Kippers East Wo- Men's Institute met an Wed- nesday, May 16 at St, Andrew's. United rCherdh, Kippers, with guests: rnembeis of Elianvi]le, Hurondale, Seafoeth and Staf- fa Institutes. Mrs. William J. F. Bell., pre- sident, opened tihe meeting, Mrs. Jack McLean of the Fed- erated Women's Institutes of Ontario and Mrs, Harry Strang district president were intro- duced. nto o-duced. . Rall call was answered by 29 members stating their maiden names, The Huronview birthday parity on June 13 at 2.30 p.m. was •announced. The ladies decided against Short courses, The provincial honours 4--H rgirl, Sharon Mc- Bride and two county honour girlie Julie Chappel and Ruth Ann McNichol were presented with gifts' on behalf of the Kippers East group, Two new members were pre- sented with pins and hand- books. Mrs. Vivan Cooper con- ducted the program. Miss Mc- Bride gave her talk on "The Nationalistic Movement in French Canada." Hurandalee musical 'reading, "Aunt Je'r ahna';s Plaster" was nnudh enjoyed, ' Mrs, Tom Hough; Stratford, gave an in- teresting comparison of the No, It's Not Too Early To Order Your ANCORD BALER TWINE or BRANTFORD BALER TWINE at H. F. WETTLAUFER STREET FEED MILL "PHONE ANY Spray Materials We Have A Complete Stock of , "NIAGARA BRAND" FRUIT TREE SPRAY MATERIALS and the following' WEED SPRAY MATERIALS • 2 4-D Amine • • Tropotox MCP Amine • Embutox +♦ Tropotox Plus • Brush Biller 2:1 Get at the root of your CANADA THISTLE problem with +TROPbTOk, PLUS gots at the robt of your Weed'problem. to fact, killing action is in the root. That h why you get it positive kill even with o per- sistent perennial such as Canada thistle In your Grain, Flax and Clover also on Summer Follows. MAY & BAKER (CANABA) LIMITED • Manufaalu,ed Sim y d Bdkal Mel., Dagenham, Engrand. Clinton Feed Mill 2$` Hurbr► Street---CLIN1`ON--Phone HLi 2-3815 MIDDJ.ETON. Mr,.:nzc4'-1frs. Fuge ae `arl.e+', Bevseebe £ eafige and RObert, W1for4 t Angus Fasns, .I e wood, ,spent last ;Sunday with Mir., aril Mrs, Stewart ,Middle- 4$,41,o0 0'1,444;040R Milton S'teepe and Mr, ase Mats. Tho2nas WSlson, Code- d a, .ail texided convocation ex peerse+s at 'the University of Westernu Onliario on Friday last, .Graduating on this occasion was 'their on, Allan Willson, who ?Y?d first elalss Ston- pewits in the General .Axis course, Mr. Willson .a{s married' tai 'the former, Miss Mavis Steeper : Glint -42n +and he is ,engaged -i o teach in the Strethray Col!legu- 'this fall, Northwest Territories' a n d Southwestern Ontario. She showed any beautiful colour slides taken in the Yukon and the Northwest Territories, ".Radio Recipes;" :a coritical Poem, was given by Staffa WI. A skit on buying a hat, was presented by Elimville. WI, Sea farth WI provided a piano sola. Lunch was served, • ,A. successful bake sate in Hensall on May 17 netted the Institute $50, MARY'. S HARBOR LUNCH GODERICH BEACH Featuring .. . Kentucky Style Fried Chicken Hot' Dogs, Hamburgers and Frozen Custard 21.2p J Thurs., :May 31, 1962---,C1inton ,News -Record --Page 1 t C1� a . nt nMeinorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON EXETER .-,- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At otheir _times contact Local Representative -T-4. W. Steep,HU R�HU - 642 21tfb GUERNSEYS at AUCTION HEIFERS -- HEIFERS HEIFERS FIFTH ANNUAL HEIFER SA LE , W ednesda Y June b 1 p.m. EST WOODSTOCK FAIRGROUNDS Woodstock„ Ontario 58 HEAD: Registered -- Accredited -- Vaccinated 3 Top Bred Young Bulls Bred heifers due in the summer and fall. Open heifers old enough to breed for fall freshening. Also a few choice heifer calves. These sales have been a very good place to get started with Guernseys or to add to your herd. You can buy cheaper in Canada than in the U.S. due to the difference in money exchange. There are show prospects and heifers by top sires and out of dams with good 'R.O.P. records. Write for a Catalogue Guernsey Cattle Breeders' Association of Ontario Box 99, Guelph, .Ontario VOTE ERNIE FISHER for Young Aggressive Representation What the riding of Huron needs is young aggressive representation and this is exactly what you will get if you vote and elect Ernie Fisher, your Liberal Candidate. During the five years that Ernie has been Mayor of Goderich he has worked to the limit of time and endurance to further the progress of that town. This is precisely what he will do if he is fortunate to successfully contest this 'riding of,Huron. SOME EXAMPLES OF 915 AGGRESSIVENESS: • In the time that Ernie has headed up the Goderich Municipal Government he has made several trips to Ottawa and set up many inter -departmental meetings in Gode- rich with government officials. This work was all relative to the removal of ship island which is now underway. In his representations, Ernie Fisher constantly pointed out that the removal of this shipping hazard was vital 'to the continuedprosperity of both Goderich and Huron County. With the island removed, Ernie saW possibilities to facilitate the storage of much more grain at the Harbour. This in turn would mean that trucking could be used ' more broadly with a resultant savings of at least 2c per bushel to Huron County farmers. Without being your Federal representative Ernie has already done much on behalf of the ridng of Huron. S During the year, Ernie attended close to 300 meetings each of which constituted a speaking engagement. • • He has made many, many trips to various cities in an effort to obtain industry for the town he represents, • He also made many trips on matters that required the attention of either the Pro- vincial Government or the Federal Government. Keeping things constantly in front of right people is the way that things have been attained for Goderich and this Is the way Ernie intends to represent you the people of Huron, • Vote for young aggressive representation on June 18. Vote for Ernie, Fisher. QUESTION"you may be asking yourself: What can an opposition member e do for a riding? (Assuming the Conservatives are returned.) ANSWER: R. Huron was represented by ah opposition member during 17 WERyears of Liberal Administration, SEE HEAR ERNIE CFPL-TV, Ch. 10 ---June 5.6:15 p.m.-- CKNX-TV, Ch. 8–June 8-6:10 pan. ON JUNE 18 VOTE FISHER E1tNIE 1