Clinton News-Record, 1962-05-31, Page 9z New 1962Tafter LAWN -BOY MOWERS 040,1, 1 t 1G TEST WEIGH with amazing, ultra-light Magnate housing HIGHEST SAFEST OWERED MOWING All models meet or exceed with rugged, iightweight accepted safety standards - °me LAWN-BOY engine LAWN-BOY 19" Dual-Purpose Two ways to mow—discharge clippings onto lawn or) into bag (with 9ptional easy- attaching grass catcher assembly). New Magnalite housing makes it ultra-light, easier handling for anyone. only $87.50 ORIGINAL Wells Auto Electric "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone HU 2-3851 KING STREET CLINTON LAWN-BOY 9." Quiefflite Sound conditioned for peaceful, whisper- quiet mowing at any time, Covered engine, rubber mountings, and big 90 CP. in. muffler smoother sound. Lightweight, easy to handle, vibration free. only $99.50 ALL MODELS IN BEAUTIFUL GARDEN-FASHION COLORS AMITE tt= TRACTOR TIRES VULCANIZED AT THE FARM SERVICE Complete Stock of New DUNLOP TRACTOR TIRES Parts•For All Makes of Cars and Trucks WE BUY SCRAP METAL Highest Cash Prices For Scrap Cars CLERE-VU Auto Wreckers No, 8 West of HU 2-3211 Highway Clinton HENSALL Mr. and WS. R, ..Orr re- cently visited with Mr, land Ws. Nfelyin Orr Sr of Charley, and l'Oth. Mr. and M.ra-. Melvin Qrr and. family Wiartcm. Mr4. William coo who has been ra patient in $uutb. liuron Hospital, Exeter, is reeuperating at the home of her ,son. and daughter-in-law Mx and MrsAlvin Cole, Mrs, l'.incent who is leaving, ,shortly for Northern:. Quebec, was pleasantly sur- prised Tuesday evening when 15. friepda met at her home to bon- ophq with a farewell party and to present her with two cry- stal vases and a candy Mrs, Gordon Munn did the hen- ors, Mrs, macponald t mother of Mrs. Pincent received a brooch and matehing earrings. Charades were enjoyed ,and luncheon served. HenSali 'Xinettea meeting at the home of Mrs, Harold' Kni- ght, Tuesday .evening May 22 decided to re-adopt their child in Italy for another year th-mugh the Canadian, "Save •tilie Children's Fund," It was an- nounced that the new ,Dist- riot Convener for 1962-63 is Mrs. Stan Green, Dresden, :Mrs, Homer Campbell who joined as a new member won the raffle prize. Wins Bulletin Award Jack -Drysdale, Hensall, one of the district's most .enthil- slastie Kinsmen added another honor to a list of service club awards . at the convention at Niagara Falls, Editor of the bulletin this year, he won the John Brooker junior trophy for producing the best bulletin a- mong clubs of 30 members or less during the past year. Jack sail club aructa past district sec- Township of Goderich Tender for Gravel SEALED TENDERS will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, June 4, for crushing and hauling of ap- proximately 10,000 yards of gravel taken from two pits in the township. Gravel to pass through %," screen. Con- tractor will supply bulldozer and have -work completed by November 1, 1,962. Marked cheque for $200 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk. ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent, 21-2b RR 3, Clnton. J The Huron Record FEDERAL ASSISTANCE TO HURON COUNTY, 1957-62 CONSTRUCTION Post offices and public buildings $ 375,000.00 HARBOR & RIVER IMPROVEMENTS 500,000.00 ASSISTANCE TO HOSPITALS $ 120,000.00 . PROJECTED (1962-63) Goderich Harbor (Removal of Ship Island) $ 700,000.00 Clinton Public Building $ 90,000.00 Bayfield—Repairs to Pier $ 65,000.00 $1,850,000.00 SOUND RECORD SERVICE L. ELSTON CARDIFF Elston Cardiff gets things done ! Experience has no substitute ON JUNE °IL RE-ELECT ELSTON ARDIF 111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111.1111111 Published by Huron Proiressive Cortservative Association CLINTON SPRING SHOW Saturday June 2 Clinton Community Park PARADE at 1 pm. headed by Clinton Community Concert Band Western Ontario's Largest Exhibit of Livestock OFFICIAL OPENING at 1.30 p.m. by R, GORDON BENNETT former Agr. Rep. for Huron, now Chief Of Marketing DiVision, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. AFTERNOON JUDGING I-leavy and Light Horses Dairy and Beef Cattle Sheep and Swine Special 4-H Classes McCARTHY MIDWAY KIDDIES RIDES PONY RIDES PONY CLASSES PET SHOW HURON DAIRY PRINCESS COMPETITION Evening '1 ,4•••41, .4i • ;0.!' F. • 14.4 ec • r,..-s ,r- Ittltit2k * gv .14 4' fit ktV 411"1fr .410.14 Horse Show Judging begins at 7 p.m. Musical Entertainment by CLINTON COMMUNITY CONCEIT BAND and CLINTON LEGION PIPE BAND followed by BIG FIREWORKS DISPLAY ADMItSIONSt AftChicidlli Adults 56e, Children in Pere& Feed: Grandstand 2Se Eirehingf, Adults 50c; Children 25c Thum,. May 31 News-Rec.94,P.POP 9 oun (Hy Florence uron, Federation) SOPretarY,? This is an. Alberta Wheat Pool Crop Report of API* 28, 1962. 4arlY season conditions are almeSt inirrgr I.Plage of tboise Of rlast year, geed moisture re- eerVe$ in 'the north and very dry sottitheastern and east- central Alberta, But now that the drought has built up over a longer time period in the south, the extrema% are much more pronounced', Sub-soil moisture 'reserves around Medicine Hat have dwindled almost not land the surface is did* enetlgh to muse some concern ever Minattea, On. the other band, reserves in ,1311e .V(101Prittc4 dis- trict and in the Peace River rggion are at err near- levels. which produced .excellent crops last year. Generally speaking, this has not been enough to balance, 'the deplining moisture supplies in the south, with the result that the provincial average has de- elined, Sub-soil moisture On summer-fallow is estimated at GO percent of capacity to 70 Percent one year ago. Returning to regional condi- tions, the dryness in the south persists ,4s far west as Leth- bridge where summer fallow sub-soil moisture is, rated at only 40 percent of capacity. It is also very dry -north to Han- na - in eastern Alberta. As was the case last year, however, the extreme .south west corner of the province stands in mark- ed contraSt to the grim situa- tion of ,the surrounding area. Moisture reserves are excellent in the Carciston - Clareshohn area. Although, dry conditions are most severe in the south, mois- ture reserves in central Alberta are 'once again decidedly below normal. Surface moisture is adequate for germination in the Oalgarq-Red Deer districts, but sub-soil reserves have not yet been restored by adequate precipitation. In general, time- ly seasonal rainfall will be an important requirement . for crop development over most of the province south of Wetaskiwin and Wainright. 'T441114134.3 Sports Veteran sportscaster Red. Barber will be on hand once a month for the nes,, CBC radio program, Sports-A- Rama. The "ol redhead!' talks to leading stars, managers and personalities in many fields of sport, Each program • deals with one particular sub- • ject and is designed to pro- vide the listener with back- ground information. The pro- gram, is carried one Friday of each month over CRC Tran- Canada radio network. (CRC Photo) Seeding progress so far is similar to that of last year with noticeable amounts com- pleted only in crop districts 1 and 2 in the southealstern cor- ner of 'the province. About 46 percent ,of the wheat in distriet 1 has been planted and ,about 21 percent in crop district 2. Many farmers in this area are now holding up seeding opera.- tions in the hope that future rainfall will improve conditions for germination. In addition, considerable wind erosion has occurred • across the southern part of the province. Preliminary agents' estimates indicated a prospective six ,per- cent increase in wheat acreage in the province this year. Sharp declines are slated for barley and flax whieh will be about seven and 12 percent below last year's acreage. Other grains will see small declines. Al- though the bulk of the winter Wheat in 'the 'traditional grow- ing area of the south west 'COrr- ner of 'the province came through the winter fairly well, there was' considerable winter- kill on expanded acreages out- side this area. Hensall Kinsmen ear of Wills Harold Taggart, Deputy Governor-elect and prornimnt 1-iOnden, lawyer, was guest spea- Icef at the .1eMall Xinslnea Pigi,) dinner meeting, • Ttmrsclay night, May 24, speaking on "Wills. and ,states." The speaker was introduced by Bill Miekle and thanked by Harold Knight, Jack Drys- dale was presented with a past president's tie pin by (the club for winning the bulletin award, The treasurer reported that $336 bad been raised in, the re- cent Cancer drive, pall club anda past dstrict sec-retary, He was named "Kin- sman of the year" in 1959, 0.11111.1111.111 11•1111 Bluewater Danceland (4 miles north-west of Zurich, 8 miles north of Grand Bend) DANCING EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 10 to 1,30• a.m. Music for the season by Desiarefine Orchestra Special Prizes for SPOT DANCES NOVELTIES TWISTS 21tfb 011•=0... ELECTROLUX CANADA LTD. desires to Representative • for Clinton, Goderich and Seaforth Area Salary plus commission while training Introducing Marvellous New Products Apply BOX 200, CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 20tfb