HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-31, Page 604ARIN4, AUCTION SALE. Of. ataaa.- #arm, ,ImpleMentss. fved And ,Bniilinqs, from .kit!r,, onto ,farm (Huron county Home Farm) . ,Lot 51, Concession. 1,.. Tneker, With Townshln, gide south' Clintonf „ PP ,NO, 4 iliphwey•., .SATURDAY, A/Ng 9 4t p.'cleek aharp Plea -fellaWinn; 1141,1-g.MgNT-4; Ford 3955 1,--• on -•truck with stock rack; Oliv, er $ki standard tractor; Oliver 06 row crop tractor with 2-row mounted scuff* allow plow attachment; 2 heat •honaers; Oliver power manure spreader (on rubber); . -Oliver 7 ft, cut newer mower; 1.W.1 28-in, grain separator with cutter, elevator, extension bloWer and' Pines; baler with 4-cyl, Wiscon- sin air-cooled engine; 1VI-H binder.- 5 ft. cut (on rubber); M-H ).5-disc• power fertilizer drill; International 3-furrow Plow (on rubber); International 3-bar side delivery rake; Inter- national No, *9 -8-ft. .cultivator (on rubber); International 32- plate tandem disc; Buehler rub- ber tire wagon-, 16-ft. flat rack; Ottaco rubber lire wagon; 16- ft. flat rack; Smoker Special 36-ft, elevator, (on rubber); 16- ft. booSter attachment; lalayrath 12-ft... 4-in, grain auger; De- Leval 6 can milk cooler; De- PET STOCK WHITS g$K-11‘40, SPITZ Male Pup, 10 month old. Pox 240, Qnt,. phone 348-8169„ orty sold subject resenVe Terms ,on All Other - Articles; Cash, with .s tine limit of 11o, vember 1.00.2: for biroldiP; Ter moyele. PP.YNTY. PF ,HURON :BOARD OF -11/..ANAPgM414T Ralph Jewell, cti41rut4n .400 Borr$,1 5SPretarY gPWARP W, ,g/-4,1PTTf. Ayetieneer •22-3-b CLOTHING • FOR SALE GIRLS ,„ PrA:iffTI,NG, size 1.944, in goodogladitiOn. Thane ITV 2-9977. • 22I) Laval :milker,. PPrOpms, motor and. piping; 19.)7014. cans Beatty gablmg consisting of bull pens, -cow etaPpelliPoS, gait pem, pig pens, Water bowls And piping; +section tilrag bar- rows; steel roller; 140-ft, endless belt; ensilage cart; 3 feed -carts;plaifOran feed cart; P14,iPer; fanning two galvanized water Ooogb,s;steel .water tank; cement mixer with . electric motor; fire -extiogoisti, ors; -pleat* insulated fence posts; electric fencers; oleic- en. feeders and fountains; ft. hay Pope, hay ferk and ear;- 1, - dust,proof electric motor; two1 hp.. motors; 1a h.p,. - mot- or; several % 'h.p. motors; glee. tric stable yetailator fan; num. Proms other articles -including tools, .forks, shovels, logging chains, etc. FEED; Aparox, 400 bus, oats,, BUILDINGS; An I,-shaped barn with main barn being 105 ft. by 36 ft. and the extension being 62 ft. by 32, ft.; cord crib; colony house; portable grainery; metal tool shed, PROPERTY: Being part Lot 35, Concession 1, Stanley Town- ship, consisting of 60 acres (more or less) of choice clay loam with approx. 14 acres seeded to oats, and all being meded to hay crop, Terms on Property ; 10% down on date of sale and bal- ance in 60 days with the prop- SELL AND PROFIT... BUT AND SAVE ... GET A BETTER JOB HIRE GOOD HELP ARTICLES' FOR SALE AIROP DUCK FEATHERED. pillows. aaanly gelehAnaeron, alU 2-9167. . 22b TWO EOATSL aeeold: hand refrageretela Phene EU 2-3807. - 22tfb POOP- • -t.O.WaaROCP.fdalTr174.u.lraa, MAY 190; ACCOIViM.ODATION ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR RENT RENT QM l.3Fpn 4 . o Plane 346W3. , 22h MiKE‘ILANEOUS W,47'04 REPAI,.R a JO ter experts. Our work aaalarkaa YOur satisfaCtion. Counter'S Jewellery. Huron CoMty!S Oldest Este, wished Jewellery Saore. 20tfb , — LET U§ REPAIR AND ii./fAK your rings jewellery like new, P:n.nnnnd zings renewed and stones safely secured—don' take alliances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re, stringing, W. N. C,ounter. , 20,M footuring I iZ KORET SPORTS WEAR gLgOTROINX---New and used machines, repairs and parts for all popular makes and models, Call Bert, Harris, 109 Newgate CLEARIKi AUCTION SALE In matehing Co-ordinates. in WOO knits BATHING SUITS Now on Display By l3eatrice Pine and Sea Queen. BOyf1014 Woollen Shop BAYFIELD • ?Otfb \ A-1 TOPSOIL Of .Finari.qe Co. Repossessions, Bankrupt Btacka, Bailiff BOP. ores and Personal. .epri§ting qt modern household furniture,Ap- pliances and brand• new cloth- ing at the • Clinton Legion Hall on Saturday, June 1,30 p.m. 04rp. Special outstanding items; Large chest freezer, 2 five-piece bedroem suites, aomplete with box springs, mattresses, book- case beds; large console model chord organ; 2 piece foam rub- ber zippered clishion chester, field suite -ton air . oenditioner. Also; 6 TV sets, refrigerators, ranges, washers, dryers, three chrome kitchen suites, 2. two- piece davenport suites; two 39- inch continental beds, desk, rad- io and record player, bunk beds, platform roakers, hestess and arm chairs, trialight and table lamps, step and coffee tables; quantity of .brand new clothing; plus many more items which will be released before sale day but not available for publication at this time, NOTE: This is another out- standing sale of quality merch- andise with most of it brand new or nearly new. Terms: -Cash, cheques -accept- ed; 30/0 sales tax in effect. FRANKLIN BUUCK, Auction'r 22b Street, QOtlerleft, phone 114 4t. 7017, 11t.fh IYIASONAISCF.( PIANO; Beach 44,bnriler electric stove; .hot .at-plates bedroom .Suites; mat- tressas; hall tables,;. child's play pen; all in good condition. HU 2 7280 after five. 2,2p COMFORTABIA 11,004‘1, suit, able for couple. Phone Rai 2.- 9540, 22n UPSTAIRS APARTMENT for PauPle, furnished and heated, private entrance Phone HU 2 9300, 22b UNFURNISHED apartments, ▪ Will be available commencing May, July and. Augnst. Phone Ceriel Van Demme, HU 2-6685, 19tfb Prompt Delivery L. 'WINTER REAL. ESTATE Phone Hl..) 2-6692 nun ‘Meehanical and Body Fee- Pairs, Wheel Alignment and. Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Linda-Spray • Davidson's Texaco Service No, El Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-723*I STANDARD SIZE CRIB, pat, nral finish, inner spring mat:, tress covered with plastic nuas-, ery design, new ,condition, 825. Apply 147 Huron Street, .Clin- ton, aab TWO-PIECE.CHESTERFIELD suite, in good condition, beige colour. Phone HU 2-7338. CUSTOM WORK . . 'HAYFIELD FURNISHED Cottages, Low rates to end of jime, LeRoy Poth, The „Jewett 00ttagea, phone Hayfield 64r4, 21":2-p 22b CUSTOM SPRAYING for grain and corn. Apply Lloyd and George Picot, phone RU 2- 3388. 21-4p SAFE, Outside dimensions 22x 21x26, $85. Also Champion 'Out- board motor, 514 hp. $45, Phone HU .2,0988, 22p We don't have to move . • so we are celebrating the qmasion with the fellowiog specials; WORK BOOTS Dolt-Yourself ONE BEDROOM,' FURNISH- ed apartment, second floor, available Sat., June 2, private bath and entrance, Phone HU 2-9869, 4 ROOM UPSTAIRS Apart- ment, unfnrnished, self-contain- ed, private entrance, available immediately, centrally located. Phone HU 2-7191. 22b BACK-HOE WORK on exca- vations, drains, trenches, etc, Henry Young, 63 North Street, HU 2-9496. ltfb Rogers Majestic TV Sales and Service Ted Ryder's TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 6tfb RENT These Machines • Floor Polisher Floor Sander and Edger 3 Belt Sander 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 'V Hand Electric Sander 'V Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tft Guaranteed 'to wear Only $735 pr. Only a Few Pairs of . BOYS' SHOES left at only $3.75 pr. — — See Ray Before Buying • Your Boots RAY'S SHOE REPAIR 33 HURON ST., CLINTON on No. 8 Highway LAWN CARE, cutting, trim- ming; weeding, John Hoytema, half mile north of Clinton on Highway 4. Visit us or phone HU 2-9152. , 19to22b ATTENTION ( FARMERS! 2 GARAGES FOR RENT, or for storage, handy to down- town, on Victoria Street. Ap- ply to Mrs. Robert Webster, 22b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED— Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed, write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 442w6 Brussels. 10to39p EXPERT CARPENTRY WORK done reasonably to your satis- faction. For kitchen cupboards, coffee tables, bookcases, china cabinets, etc., and all small odd jobs around your home. Call Ken McNairn, HU 2-7726. 19tfb KENWOOD BLANKETS—an ideal gift for all occasions; also KENWOOD Baby Blankets;' all sizes and colors, MARTIN'S Dept. Store. • 33tfb i.iviiTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, 2-3 bedrooms, heated, partly furnished, utilities paid. .Phone HU 2-9540 between 5 and 7 p.m. 22b PIANO TUNING GOOD QUANTITY of Ontario feed oats 'at $48 per ton. Call COOK BROS. MILLING CO, LTD„ Phone 24, Henson 21-2b HARDWARE for self-unloading forage .4wagon, with, false front. Ken Williams. 22b We Stock Deep Freezers YOUR, PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and ,other defects regularly, I appreciate the continued prly- liege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to2lp tit 22p AUCTION SALE UNFURNISHED 2 BEDROOM apartment, ground floor, self- contained, oil space heater, off street parking, available now. Phone HU 2-9085, 170 Victoria Street, Clinton. --22p 2 HOLSTEIN' HEIFERS, due within 2 weeks Harold Erb, 79r1, Zurich. 22b GO-CART WITH LIVE AXLE, excellent condition. Phone Harry Jaeklin, Brussels 52r18. 22p • of Household Effects of the Estate of Mrs. Alice McLeod, from No. 136 Joseph St., Clinton, on SATURDAY, JUNE 2 at 1:30 p.m. the following: Dining room table, buffet and' 6 chairs; occasional tables, bedside tables; oak bed; dres- ser; springs and mattress; 2 ircin beds, springs and' mat- tresses; 3 upholstered rocking chairs; 3 rocking chairs; set- tee; 3 upholstered , chairs; couch; day bed; floor lamp; table lamps; vacuum cleaner and attachments; washing ma- chine; electric • refrigerator; coal oil stove; kitchen table; 2 arm chairs;- kitchen chairs; pictures; quilts, pillows, bed spreads, etca. 2 sets of dishes including bridal rose; other dishes; cooking utensils; gar- den tools; hooked rugs and numerous other articles. 1949 FORD TRACTOR, re- cently overhauled: Phone HU 2-9405, 22p AYRSHIRE COW, third • calf, milking well. Apply George Turner, HU 2-7454. 22p in the following sizes 10, 14, 16, 17, 20, - 22, 26 co. ft. with immediate delivery T. A. DUTTON APPLIANCES BRUCEFIELD OPEN EVENINGS 21-26b ONTARIO OATS and MIXED Grain, $49 ton. cash and carry. Cam's Mill Limited, Exeter. Phone 235-1782. 22.3-b 1961 ADMIR AI 21" TV, wal- nut, in excellent condition, brand new fan of 1961. Phone HU 2-7261. 22b BAYFIELD LAKE-FRONT cottage, furnished, suitable for couple, modern conveniences, • season only, available now. Write to Box 225, Clinton News- Record. 22b ATTRACTIVE 2-BEDROOM apartment, just a little larger than most; central heating; free use of laundry room equipped With washer and dryer. Avail- able June 1. Phone HU 2-9227. 2ltfb ,ACCOMMODATION WANTED • Sandblasting • Window Caulking REAL 'ESTATE REGISTERED HOLSTEIN heifer, just freshened. Phone HU 2-3286, Harry Plurnsteel, 22b OUTBOARD MOTOR, Evinrude Zepher, 4 cyl, 5.5 lap., A-1 con- dition, $90. Phone HU 2-7678, 18' Winnipeg' Road, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton. 22b ATTENTION FARMERS: 262- acre dairy farm, with milk con- tract, can be bought with herd and farm equipment. Apply to Oscar Huber, RR 5, Mildmay. 22-3-4-p LOTS FOR SALE, in Clinton. Phone HU 2-6692. 21tfb • for Residential — Commercial Industrial Buildings Have your cement block buildings, basements colorcreted available in all colours HURON COLORCRETE APPLICATORS Free Estimates phone collect Dial Exeter 235.1693 or 235-2802 HUGH HAWKINS, Agent HU 2.9433 • H. W. Preszcator, rep. 275 William Street, Exeter 19-20-21-22-23p 200 KIMBER CHICKS, Pul- lets, ready to lay. Will also sell in smaller lots, Phone Seafortb 859r31. 22b COTTAGE in BAYFIELD, Ont. on Highway 21, $500 down, $52 per month. Full price $4,500. Fully furnished and could be easily winterized. Extra lot with cottage. Kenneth D. Croft, Real Estate Broker, 83 Victoria Rd., Goderich, Ont 22-3-b Sewing Machines SERVICE TO ALL MAKES RENTALS: by Week or Month WILL WHIDDEN, Clinton SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. HU 2-9103 IF THIS is to be a dry sum- mer, be prepared for emergency hay and pasture crops. We have on hand a wide range of seeds that will serve this purpose. Peas, Milled, Sudan Grass, Oats and 'others. R. N. Alex- ander, phone Clinton HU 2- 7475 or Blyth 26-33. 21.2b 10 PIGS, 9 WEEKS OLD. Ap- ply Ken Williams, RR 4, Clin- ton, Highway 8, HU 2-3326.22b 1956 TRAILER, -General• Mo- bile home, 35x8', ideal to be used for your summer cottage or permanent residence for small family, easy terms. Ap- ply in person to Gibby's Drive- In Restaurant, Highway 4, 22b ONE FLOOR COTTAGE, Dins- ley Street, Blyth. Livingroom, family size kitchen with new built-in cupboards. Two bed- rooms, three-piece bathroom and one spare room,for laund- ry or storage. New furnace and ' chimney, Insulated and heavy duty wired, Clean and tidy condition. Apply Ken Hamm, Blyth. 22-3-p FARMS — large or small in Huron County. We have a nice selection of homes in Clinton and Goderich, summer cottag- es, lake frontage lots. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich Phone JA 4-8762 Salesman: C. BURUMA, RR 2, Clinton HU 2-3287 1.8tfb 2 MONTHS' OLD GRADE Hol- stein Bull Calves, one by Cita- tion, the other by Perseus; these calves suitable for herd sires in a grade herd. Apply Gordon Reynolds, Highway 8, 1% miles west of Seaforth. Phone Sea- forth 667J4. 22b HOUSE, IN CLINTON AREA, by July 15; approx. 3 bedrooms. Box 221, Clinton News-Record. 22p FORAGE MASTER forage box- es, self-unloading unit; Brady Crimpers and hay conditioners. On Display. We also handle Kools Forage' Blowers; Long double-chain elevators. Post hole digger, $198. G. and E. Welding, Main Street, Zurich, phone 72 r 12. 14026b 17-tfb 5 PIECE CHROME KITCHEN Suite; 2-way couch bed, drop sides, with mattress; kitchen table with porcelain top and 2 chrome cahirs. yellow plastic seats; hand lawn mower. Phone HU 2-3891. 22b ' Terms — Cash Mrs. Margaret A. Watson, Executrix of the , Estate Edward W. Elliott, •Auctioneer 21-2b DIAMOND RINGS. See our newest cash specials at dis- count prices—save up to one- third. Pay cash and save. Terms' if preferred. Phone HU 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments. Counter's Jewellery. 1.8tfb ARTICLES FOR SAL•E SERVICES CANADIAN CEMENT FOR sale. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and Son. 38tfb TRAVEL TRAILER, aluminum covered, fold-down tent style; also camping equipment. Phone HU 2-7402. 20-1-2p FARMERS, TRUCKING Ser- vice, ,lbcal and long distance. Far prompt •service, phone P. W. Transport Ltd., Slyth, 162 (collect). 20to43p CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of almost new, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room and Chrome Kitchen Furniture, on Saturday, June 2 at 1.30 p.m. at Circle B Ranch on Highway No. 8 Four Miles East of Mitchell Combination Bendix washer and dryer (almost new) original price $750); refrigerator; Rog- ers Majestic 21" •televsion (like new); Westinghouse 40" stove; floor polisher, lamps, etc., etc. Catering Equipment including ovens, thermoses, stove, refrig- erator, dishes, etc., etc. Set golf clubs (almost new); 15 fit, fibreglass boat .(Munro sports liner), seats '4 persons, will carry 50 h.p. motor; heavy duty Master Craft boat trailer. All guaranteed in first class condition; and a host of other fine merchandise. No reserve as the owner is moving to Eastern Ontario, Don't miss this special sale. Terms: Cash, 3% sales tax in effect, WM. SADLER, Proprietor W. J. Henderson, Auctioneer Phone Milverton 10-R15 22p WATER SWIMMING Equip- ment: 'Fins, Masks, Snorkels, etc., 20 percent discount, now at Ellwood Epps Sports Shop,. King Street, Clinton. 22b MOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower up, 60 cycle conversions, Parts for most makes on hand or available. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640. 40tfb WANTED Use Your Credit at nstett Jewellers BEAN SCUFFLER for C.A., Allis Chalmers tractor. Also 140 foot 7-inch drive belt. Fred Boyce, Brucefield, phone HU 2-7500, 22p ATTENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. 300 lbs. or over, ac- cording to condition. Associated with Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 158C62. 7 Days Service. Call Ed. Andrews,' 863W1, Seaforth. 8tfb 4. BABY CARRIAGE, in good condition, blue, converts into baby's car bed. Phone HU 2- 9673. 21p-22p AGAIN THIS YEAR, outside white paint $2,99 gallon. T., A. Dutton Appliances, Brumfield, open evenings till 9 p.m. 18tfb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB' PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r2 29 to 39p tfb HELP WANTED MALE Township of Hullett TENDERS IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, you can make good with a Rawleigh Bluainess in Huron County, We help you get start- ed. No experience needed to start. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. E-129-2, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 22b A TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER 30 FOR CLINTON AREA WE NEED a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earnings, We prefer someone between 30 and 50 . who can make auto trips for about a week at a time . and can call on small town industrial and rural property owners. WORTH $12,000.00 Our top men in other parts of country draw exceptional earn- ings up to $12,000 in a year. This opening in the Clinton area is worth just as much to the right man. We take care of all deliveries and collections. Pay earnings in advance. Waite a confidential letter to S. L. Swal- low, Pres., Southwestern Pet- roleum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Teaxs. HELP WANTED FEMALE Learn the Facts on "COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANING in June Issue of McCalls. WHY DON'T YOU TRY A LOAD? 8 Lbs. For Only $2.00 VACUUM 'CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK; RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensel! 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call TENDERS will be received by the Township of Hullett for the construction of ap- proximately 14,000 lineal feet of open drain consisting of approximately 3,000 lineal feet new construction and approxi- mately 11,000 lineal feet of clean out. Work is situated on the 13th and 14th conces- sion in the Township of Hul- lett and is known as Murray Lamb Municipal Drain, Plans and specifications can be seen at the clerk's office. Tenders must be in the clerk's office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, June 2, 1962 and must be clearly marked as to the con- tents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DARLING Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk • COME IN . „ SEE OUR LOVELY DISPLAY OF GIFTS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF • FAMILY & Company Of Canada Limited. Dashwood 35 r 20 Dead Animal Licence No, 175-C-62 ltfb ti FIELD DAY and AUCTION SALE. Performance Tested Bulls Agricultural School, Ridgetown Tuesday, June 5th, 1962 Field Day program 'ommences at 1:30 p.m DST Sale of bulls starts at 4:30 p.m. DST ° For sale catalogues write to E. A. Starr, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto 21-2b Fancy Grade Spys $2.00 per Bushel, Also GOOD COOKING APPLES $1.00 per Bushel We can offer: you an Attractive) Time Payment Plan with No Carrying Charges. IRENE'S WESTINGHOUSE COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANER 70 Albert St., Clinton 22b Anstett Jewellers Stewart Middleton Phone HU 2-9525 Albert Street — Clinton 22b Phone HU 2-7525 21-tfb ARTICLES WANTED TRICYCLE FOR 4 YEAR OLD boy. Bathtub with left hand outlet, Phone HU 2-9174. 22-b HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk, RR 1, Londesboro. 21-2b WANTED TO BUY: Chester- field suite, approx. 9x9 rug, bedroom suite, desk, and wash- ing machine; articles must be in good oendition, Phone HU 2-3307. 22b SPORTS WEAR rollimarana, Portable GIRLS WANTED to do factory work. Apply in person to High- land Shoes, Seaforth. 22-3-b SPORT SHIRTS & T SHIRTS in cool cottons and knits. S, M, L. & XL. from $2.95 up Our Friday Special AUTOS FOR SALE Transistor Radio HOUSEWIVES: USE FREE TIME TO EARN WITH AVON Neighbourhood territories now available. Townships open: East Wawanosh, Hulled Gode- rich. Write: .rs. M. Millson '960 Wellington Rd, S,, LonclOn, or calf coliett GE-9019 between 7 and 8 p.m. 19-22-25b From Our Store Only 1954 FORD TWO-DOOR, $200. Phone RU 2-9843, any evening. 22b BANANA LAYER CAKE Reg. 49c ......... . • Special 43c Complete New Stock at Reduced Prices Reg. $39.95 to $139.95 Now $34.95 to $109.95 (complete with batteries) 1954 MERCURY SEDAN, good mechanically, needs body work, will sell for best offer, Phone RU 2-3364. 22b SLACKS. Terylene & Wool SHORTS—Walker and Slacks, 6 ,shades, all sizes, Jamaica length, $9.95 up plain or patterns. $3.95 up SWIM SUITS by Jantzen -- boxer or Fitted styles $2.95 up 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN — $75 or best offer. Apply Ron Westlake; Hayfield, 60r2. 22p Our Saturday Special cram Our Store Only HONEY-DIP DO-NUTS Reg, 50c doz. ... Special 43c doz. Bartliffs Bakery CHOOSE FROM FAMOUS MAKES THINKING OF 1.AMBLER? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay- field Road, Phone JA 4-9461, 15tfb Philips Sony Channel Master THE BEST FOR LESS AT 1950 1VIERCURY SEDAN, rad- io, seat covers, anti-freeze in- eluded. Has signals and back- up lights, Price $70 or will sell fo' • best offer. Phone RU 2- 7173. 22p LOST AND FOUND LOST— TWO POST OFFICE keys, on a red ribbon, Finder please leave at. News,Record office, ReWard, 22p LOST PLYWOOD TAIL Gate for ton truck, lost at earner' of concession 16, Goderich Town-, ship and Telephone Read, are ound May 21, Finder, please- phone HU 24460, 22-b STRAW HATS - KNEE. SOCKS MERRILL TV SERVIC Authorized Philips Dealer Radio — TV mid Appliance Repairs 215 Victoria Street — — Phone HU 2-7021 "Service Is Our itiminem" Pickett St Campbell LiOed BOARD AND ROOM HU 24/21 Limited CLINTON BalterV and' Restaurant ACCOMIVIODAT/ON for boar& ers or rota-nets, Apply Mrs, Carl McClinchey; 10 WilliaM Street, phone HU 2.3844. 22b Main Street Clinton Phone HU 2-9732 S