HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-31, Page 5Your Tttibt Zime! Time fo 9ive yopr • Bride of . . . years gone by , an ANNIVERSARY GIFT From ANSTETT JEWELLERS ,EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS ALBERT STREET --- CLINTON Phone HU 2-9525 Better Buys In Better Meat. All These Prices Effective Until Saturday, June 2 LOIN PORK CHOPS. - 59c ib. LOIN ROAST OF PORK - 57c Ib. S.P. COTTAGE ROLL - 55c lb. WEINERS. - 39c Ib. FRESH PORK LIVER - 29c Ib. BOLOGNA - a tbs. for $1.00 BUY . . . 4 Lbs. TULIP MARGARINE for $1.00 And GET . .1 Lb. FREE!! PETER'S Modern MEAT Market HU 2-9731 Our Committee Room is Mobile 1 Ask for Mobile Operator, YJ 7-3454 WHY IS SOCIAL CREDIT SWEEPING CANADA? Social Credit has the answers. This week our leader "Bob" Thompson is explaining the -two price system (sornetimes called Parity Pool) to farmers i'n Western Canada, Basically, it by- passes the "firionciers" the 'world bookkeep- ers" or '»rnoney jugglers" arid maintains par- ity between stay, a bushel of Canadian wheat against a Sheffield knife arid fork. WHY CAN WE SAVE 40% ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS? Schools, hospitals etc. (menioned in last week's adv.) The municipal Bank We propose to do this (see Alberta's Act re• loaning funds at 2%) is already found in Federal legislation of 1938 but quietly shelved in 1940. WHY? Would you like to think you paid $4,000 for each $2400 car you .purchosed since 1938? A few copieg trf itanadlans It's Time You knew" are still (available' at 50c, and does supply all the orlsWers, • , VOTE SOCIAL CREDIT Earl Douglas in Hbron BRUCEFIELD tiorrespondent, k Mrs, 1. F, Aerry, Kr, and Mrs. Charles Kovacs, ,Pgrt Colborne, spent the week- end with the lady'parents, Mr. and s, Charles Mr, and Mrs. George Grif- fith arid family, Stratford, vis-- ited with relatives in the vill- age On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Falconer. Blyth, -visited on Sunday with, .Mr. and Mrs, C. Snelling., Mr. and Mrs, L. Eyre, Mrs. Douglas and MnS, Harvey, visit - attended anniversary services ed ia Hensall on Sunday and the Presbyterian, Churbh, Brucefielcl and community extend their sympathy to the floridly of the late 1Wx., Drew Swam • Unit (pne UW Unit One of the Brucefield United Church Women held their May meeting at. the home of Mrs. Elgin Thoinson.on Men - day evening with an, attendance •of- 27. M. D. -"nreibner and Mr. Edgar Allan were in onarge of devotions. Mrs. r - vin was ;appointed treaS- tirer of the unt— , ..Mrs, J. Henderson- gave the secretary's report. ns H. Ber- ry conducted the business. • Roll eallwas answered by pretent, parcel for the tench and take bootWat the ruansnage"'Stind bake sale planned or Clinton town hall on June 2 Anyone wishing to -contribute articles should leave,. at either of the village stores, or with Mns. Berry, • ' • CDC! Juvenile Times At Local Field Meet CDCI—There is no juvenile boys competition at the HSSA meet. Following are times made by juvenile winners at the CDCI meet two weeks ago. 100 yards, Craig Collies., 13 sec.; high. :jump, Gary Poxon, 4'4"; broad jump, John Cox, 13'71/2"; hop, step, jump', 29'3"; shot-put, Alan ,Lowe, 28'7"; discus, Alan 42'7".. r — COUPON — French Velour Portraits I it thisin nfor oo coupon fand onabring 1 lovely 8x10 photo•! Offer expires June 15, 1962 Jervis Studio Quality Photography (In Studio or On Location) 130 ISAAC ST., CLINTON HU 2-7006 21-2-3b VARNA 5ydney TerentP • . • -- .•_ • I • jed triend$ 4n the village •On• gra,.•.7.`di!Vii. Galbraith had: a succegsful •attetien sale of hOusehold furniture on Sattlr- daY afternoon last. and Mrs, .Gordon.Cole- man and -family, Walkerton, pent Sunday • at the :boa* of Mn .and Ning, Ralph .$tephen, Sen. At baptism service ••lis. the United °Innen o Sunday, Bon- nie! !lane, daughter of Mr, end WS. Willie.DPWSOn .and Fre- da Mary, daughter of Mr, and WS. Frank Hill were the two ehlIrliren baptized, The Rev: T. J. Pitt wasin, charge. Messenger:a •- •Vatna, United • Church. Mes- sengers met -May 20 • in the church basement, Mx. Hill raid the story and led tn dis- Otlssien. WS. Charles Reid led the worship service aSsistedy Lynn -Taylor and David must- ard Peggy McAsli led in a recreation .neriod. New Minister The quarterly official board of the United Church met in the Goshen United Church on Tuesday evening , last, •and ex- tended an invitation to the Rev. Murdoch Morrison, Aylm- er to be the minister on the Varna -Goshen charge, He ac- cepted the invitation subject to the decision of the settlement committee of the London Con- verence. It is expecte that lYfr. Morrison will take charge on july 1. He succeeds the Rev, T. J. Pitt, who is retiring to Newfoundland The Hi -C group of the United Church held a 'softball game and wiener roast in Hayfield last Thursday evening. , . a Results Listed For Field Meet (Continued from page 2 ) Rutherford, 10 sec. (HSSA 12.9). JUNIOR GIRLS (14 and under) Four records set, 3 by Clin- ton, one by Goderich. 60 yard, Einily Collins, C; M. O'Brien, G; J. Callan, W; B. 13eek, C; S. Henderson, S; H. McNee, G. Time 8.3 sec. (new event). 100 yards, J. Callan, W; M. O'Brien, G; E. C; C. Dobson. S; S. Sale, G. Time 13.3 sec. (new event). • 440 yard relay, • Goderich Clinton, Wingham. Time 1 min., 2 sec. (HSSA 1.01:0). Standing broad jump, Bev- erly Beck, C; D. Peck, C; S. DeBruyn, W; T. Hurst, G; C. Stoddard, G; S. Henderson, S. Distance 711" (HSSA 7'4%"; MCI B. Beck 7'81/2"). Running broad jump, B. Beck, C; S. DeBruyn, W; E. C; C. Stoddard, G; C. Dobson, 5; A. Bosveld, G. Dis- tance 14'2" (HSSA 13'31/2"; CDCI B. Beck 13"91/2"). High jump, B. Beck, C; T. Hurst, G; C. Edgar, , W; A. Bosveld, G; B. Bylstme, C; 5. DeBruyn, W. Height 4'6" (HSSA 4'; CDCI B. Beck 4'3") Softball throw, M. Dowd, G; B. Ross, S; C. Stoddart, G; D. Machan, W; D. Verhoef, C; R. Doig, S. Distance 14410" (HSSA, 135'2"; CDOI D. Ver- hoef 130'). Shot-put, C. Stoddart, G; M, Dovv1/411s. G; L. Brown, C; L. MacDonald, S; K. Harkness, W; L. Sherwood, C. Distance 27'8" (new. event). CHAMPION, Beverley Beck, Clinton, 34 points,; runner-up, C. Stoddart, Goderich, 22 points. "..we bought it through 'MY BANK" TO 3 MINN CANADIANS . • • There's added joy in getting an important house- hold appliance when you know you've financed it sensibly on the Dank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. Monthly payments on this low-cost, life- instred pied are tailored to fit your income and convenienee. Finance your purabaSes the sensible *ay through the, B of M Family Finance Plan. Ask about it at your neighbourhood B of M today. 13A14IK F MONTREAL) Fam! tifinanee Plan LOYI,OOSt, LIFE-INSONEO LOANS Omen Brandi: 1C!, IlLtTT; Mager Lentigaberaugh (SA -Agency): Open Men, Ai Thurs. C!intonand MO10 -Obituaries! Andrew R,. Foote. Funeral ',service was ebnductr ed on Tuesday, May 29 m the Beattie funeral home. 55 Rat- teralamy Street East,' Clinton, for Andrew Reid Foote, who passed away in Clinton Public HeSpital on $atnrday evening, May 26. Service wfts by the Rev, Gr -- ant L. • Mills :of- 'Ontario Street United, Oligroh at1d. interment was in Baird's Cemetery,. Stan, ley l'oltvn$hip, • •pati 1')earers, were Watson Webster, Melvin Webster, Geo- rge- Wilsott, -George ,AnderSen, Dean Aldwhiltle and • Aldie Mastarel. Flower -beams, were Wilfred Qhnter, Grant 'Webster and James Johnston,• Rom on September 23, 1878, in Stanley Township, M. Foote Married Annie Elgie ork Janu- ary 16, 1930. Ten" years ago they • move th- Clinton. Mr, Foote had been in failing health for the past six yeanS, Surviving are one daughter, Olive, on staff at ' Clinton- Pub- Solieol and one •sister, Arm M. Foote, .London. David Digman HENSALL, — David Dignan, Hensall, passed away suddenly at Clinton Public Hospital en Tuesday morning, May 22 in his '77th year. • The late Mr. Dignan farmed in Hay Township before retir- ing to Hensall in 1949, Mrs. Dignan predeceased him in September, 1961. Surviving'are three Sons, Harold and Earl, RR 2, Hen- sall; Harvey, Dorchester; one sister, Mrs. William Forrest, Hensall. Private funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral chapel on 'Thursday, May 24, at 2 p.m. by the Rev, C: Whi- law. Burial in Exeter cemetery. Arthur Jennings ( Signal -S tar) No inquest will be held into the fatal shooting of Arthur Edward Jennings, 56, which oc- curred early Tuesday morning, May 22 at big 'home in Col- borne Township. Mr, Jennings' was discovered by •his wife, Dorothea. lying. on his bead with a gun -shot wound near his left temple 'when she returned from delivering a message to a neighbour at her ihusbands request. The Jen- nings' dog, also shot, was on the bed beside his master, The wounded man expired . two hours later at Alexandra Mar- ine land General Respite', Gude- rich. Mr. Jennings had lived in Colborne Township for the past 26 years, having resided' pre- viously in Port Lambton, Car- mine, Staforth and Toronto. For the past few years he had held the position, of Chief In- spector for Ontario with the SPCA. Prior to that he had served with the Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police and, later. with the Goderich Police, some 25 years ago. Known 'for his intelligence and courteous manner, "Art" Jennings was well reg•arded by his friends and working ;associ- ates. He is 'survived by his wife, the former Dorothea Al- len; his father, Mr. Archibald C. Jennings, Toronto, and a brother Charles D., Ottawa. He was a member of the RCMP Veterans Association and was a Petty Officer Patrol- rnan with the Royal Canadian Navy. The body rested at the Lodge funeral home until 10 o'clock Thursday morning when requiem high mass was observ- ed at St. Peter's Roman Cath- olic Church, Goderich Rev. Fr. Raymond Moynahan conducted the masts with later interment in Colborne Roman Catholic cemetery. Edward' Funk NENsAu.,-,Fungral service was conducted WedileiSdaY, May 23, in tile Bonthron funeral ChOnel, ,,,Hensall, by the Rev, Cgrrie Winlaw, for Eard M.11c, R,13.. 3, Hensall, who pass- ed •aWaY Suddenly in St: seph's .11dspital, Lenclon, on Stmday, May 20, Pall - bearers were Lloyd Mouescau, George Beer, Glenn Deitz, Glen Koehler, Harold Beal and Stewart Bell. Inter- ment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Mr. Funk was a well knoWn and highly respected fanner in Hay Township. He had been adImitted to hospital a week be- fore with a heart condition, but had !improved, and had expect- ed to be home soon. Surviving are his wife Mary Jacob, ason Fred and a dangh- t,es. Ann iVfarie, both at home; one daughter, Mrs. Donald (Millie) Page, 13rarnybon; his mother, Mrs. Ferdinand Funk, Minnesota; three brothers, Wal ter, Huntsville; Martin, Bramp- ton; Russell, Regina; two sis- ters, Mrs. Russell (Stella) Boy- elti, Minnesota; Mrs. Harold (Annie) Holmes, Spears, Sask. Rev, Frank Herman Rev. 'Fres* Herman,- 83, re- tired' Anglican elergyrnan who served in Ontario churches for nearly 40 years, died. in Toron- to on Saturday. Born in England, Mr. Her- man came to Canada as an in- fant and received his early education in Clinton, He gradu- ated from Trinity College, To- ronto, -in 1914 and following his ordination • served, , in the Caledon East, Craighthist, Bol- ton and Markham parishes un- til his retirement ten years ago, He was predeceased by his wife, the former Della Oliver. Survivingare two daughters, MrS. A. McDonald, Torontolind °eta • Herrman, Vancouver; one son, Lloyd, Plandome, Long Is- land; three sisters, Mrs, 'Reta Tomlin, Harriston; Mrs. Theo Fremlin and Mrs. Caryl W. Draper, Clinton and one bro- ther Thonias, Clinton. Service from St. Thomas Church, .Toronto on Tuesday -morning, and then to Ball and -1Vtutch funeral home, Clinton, and interment in Clinton Ceme- tery, Robert J. Paterson Residents of Hensall and community learned with regret of the passing of Robert J. Paterson, highly esteemed resi- dent of the village, in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, an Sunday, May 27 in his 73rd year. • A native of Hay Township and resident of Hensall for 44 years hewas beloved by every- one and was one of the finest. He was a former businessman here. A member of Hensall United Church, he was a member of the AP and AM Huron Lodge No. 224, Hensall, and secretary - treasurer of the Hensall Union cemetery board. Surviving are his wife. the former Edna Horton and one son, Raye, Hensel •Public funeral service, large- ly attended, was held Tuesday from the Bonthron funeral chapel by the Rev. Currie Win - law who paid !fitting tribute to the life of the deceased. Inter merit was in Exeter cemetery. Pall -bearers were Orville Twitchell, Blighton Ferg, Tom Lavender, Laird Mickle, Robert 3. Dryisdale. Robert Cook. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. DOLLAR CLINTON DAYS at HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE -48 oz. 5 for $1 KOUNTY KIST or SUN BLEST PEAS -15 oz. 8 for $1 WALKER'S SALINES 4 lbs. $1 BLUE PACIFIC TUNA FISH--Solid-7 4 for $1 AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL --1 5 oz. ...„. 4 for $1 AYLMER BEANS with PORK -20 oz. 6 for $1 PARAMOUNT s SOCKEYE SALMON -1/2 2 for $1 PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 4 for $1 CATELLI MAC & CHEESE Dinner -7 oz. 8 for Si' AYLMER VEG. or TOM. SOUP -10 oz. 8 for $1 AYLMER PEACHES -20 oz. . 4 for $1 MARGARINE—I 16. „ 4 for $1 SEAOLIPPE POTATOES -2 ot. 6 for $1 Ready:roat Smoked Hams Shank Portion .. 51e lb. I Butt Portion .s.. 53c lb, Shank Haif „ 55c lb. I Butt Haif ,-., , 63c Ib. PORK TiMbERLOIN .. ,,, ,,,.., 99c ib. African NAVEL ORANGES ., 2 dot. 89c N�4. 1 ONTARIO HOT HOUSE TOMATOES ,. 29c pint box FROZEN LEMONADE .. 8.-6 oz. tins $1 Thl/rgit May ..31.,'1902,cijataa :NOWS4.0;94,r4a9P Watch This Paper Next Week For SUTTER-PERDUFS BIG SUMMER SALE Of APPLIANCES and WHITE GOODS , And Numerous Other Articles Sutter -Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2-7023 CLINTON ‘111111•1=111101=11111•11W Used Furniture 2 -Piece DAVENPORT SUITE ilDiDn erx°cxeilrInentfeiC'orICiligars old. $85,00 3 -Piece WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE With 4 ft. 6 inch SpringLike New ' $75.00 1 Used Buffet. in good condition $23•60 1 Table (walnut) $5.00 1 -Moffatt Deluxe 40" Range Good condition. 1 -6 -Piece Chrome Set Good as new (Inquire. About Our Prices) BEATTIE urniture Phone HU 2-9521 Clinton, Ont. Business and Professional . - Directory A. M. HARPER and COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 33 HAMILTON ST. 7 RATTENBURY ST. E. GODERICH CLINTON Phone JA 4-7562 Phone HU 2,7721 INSURANCE H. E. HARTLEY All Types of .Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office HU. 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7556 THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, DUNGANNON Established 1878 BOARD OF bIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, R 2, Auburn; Vice -Pres., Herson Ir- win, Belgra.ve; Directors, Paul Caesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald MacKay, Ripley; John F. Mac - Lerman, R. 3, Goderich; Frank Tholnpsen, R. 1, Holyrood; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For information on your in- surance, call your nearest dim - nor who is also an agent, or the secretary, Durnin Phillips, Dun - gamiest phone Thingannon 48. 27-tfb OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined OPTICIAN saymmearearmorr... Oculists' Prescriptions Filled Includes Adjustments At No Further Charge Clinton—Mondays Only • 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Clinton Medical Centre 44 Rattenbury Street West Seaforth—Weekdays except Mondays, ground floor. Phone 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PLII3L10 ACCOUNTAN1 Godehich, Ontario Telephone Box JA 4-9521 478 THE McKILLOP ARM FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OM BRAVIRN. Office Main Street seAFontH tinsure$: . town Dwellings • AH astet of Farm PrbpertY . Summer Cottages . Churches, tehools, Hails txtencled 6 # V # e (vvind, .Nort. shioko; Watit &linage, falling . . t' objects, ete.) is available. At'Xir8t lames keys, itit 1; SeafOrtin 'V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea, frth Wln Lelper, toneteihOrof 8etotyi takee, ttusSels; itarOld SrjuiresCiintoa4 deorge 6y -11e, bublint tali dtam,