HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-31, Page 490% of all oil company product research in Canada is done by Imperial At Imperial 011's laboratories, at .Sarnia, Ontario, more than 200 scientists and technicians are working to improve present petroleum products— and to develop new ones. Their research covers .manyfields„fromgesolinesto houSehold detergents. Another lSQ scientists and technicians are ,work, ing at Imperial's Calgary laboratories on ways to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas. Imperial does more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined, • Every barrel of crude oil contains some of the sun's heat, Imperial research works to unlock more of this energy. After five years' intensive research, imperial found a chemical additive which makes more heating oil available from Canadian crude oil. One important result: less oil imported to heat Canadian homes. ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST B140=46,-4 orioonei at afratOtt Envoy Custom Sedan ,:•-•••• • ' ..•••••••''''' • '''' Srs, ::*t.•:•••••%:••••, " the S;h011iderro crf tIm.01114roo of the wovi4 reSts its if we. are atoned typso,rhIg. ,slowly fatUre. Yet, to what is 174 surely, Manuteetared for GOaarat Motors Prodhets 41Cahado, thillted,by Vauxhall Preterit 1.140301Luto1h. Erigtinit Parts and sanded: birth Oast to cohst "Japanese" Ladies Serve hi Ritchie Building Togged out in costumes of fine Japanese ladies, Mrs. J. G, Mathieson (second from left) and Mrs. M. F. Rogers, on Saturday welcOmed guests to the Japanese Garden Tea in the Ritchie Building at RCAF Station Clinton. Apple blossoms, tinkling mobile in the doorway, and oriental fans, plus good food served by soft-shoed waitresses made the afternoon memorable. (News-Record Photo) "Tea Is Served" By Costumed Waitresses Mrs. E. J. Lesnick, left and Mrs. D. L. Dudley, right, poured tea at the Japanese garden event in the Ritchie building, RCAF Station Clinton on Satur- day. Waitresses, froM the lift, are Helen Davies, Jewell'Farrell, Charlotte Mc- • Kenzie, Shirley Hynes and Mrs. R. W. Bush. All wives of Air Force 'persona the ladies made the oriental-type dresses which they wore for serving. Coif- fures were by Robert Ayers, and make-up was colourful and original. (News-Record Photo) CDC' Cadets On Inspection Day (Continued from page 3) made up of Douglas Macaulay as commander, Bev, Hill, Jim Collins, Ray GilfiIlan, Cameron McAlpine, Kenneth Murch, Larry O'Connell and Toni Hef-- from,. The offence was led by Donald Lockwood as command- er, 'with Jim Baker, Ivan ,Blake, Alex Hyde, Bill Ferguson, Mel- ' o 'Huron County Farming Report (By D. H. Miles, agricultural representative for Huron County) The lack of moistu're, while not as yet critical is beginning to show up on late —planted spring grain crops. .It could become serious if rain does not Come. Dry conditions are af- fecting germination on Some fields of recently planted hoed . crops. Hay may be in short supply as orchard grass has Started to 'head without much length and it maturing too fast, vin Knox, Norman Eckel, Tony Verburg,' John Geiger, Roy Vodclen, Grant Elliott, Alan Cleave, Douglas. Bell, Jerry Johnson and Milton McClin- cheY, Boys from grades 9E and 9F presented •a display of physical 2o • education. Mrs. W. Whetham and the girls of her home economics elates arranged a reception for 'the official party following the display. The CDCI Cadet Corps No. 339 is affiliated with the 21st" Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Army, Wingham. WESTINGHOUSE WASHER viuminammomme 1114W0#10004 /s4 OMR, WNW AM; 81VAIGS youksuppavotionitWilt trliklictO 8.40'47" ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS RUSSELL L. JERVIS COMMERCIAL IFtESIDIENTIAL stemotmeLusic& HU.2-9390 68 ALBERT ST- 3 12-lb, Capacity. . for the largest family wash V Five Year Guarantee (on tub drive mechanism parts) 3 NC Transmission . eliminates costly upkeep 3 Uses Less Detergent than any other automatic or wringer washer , ror proof, check any detergent package 3 Automatic Self-Cleaning Lint Ejector , (no traps or filters to re/neve and clean after every wash) 3 Uses Less Hot Water than any automatic or wringer Washer, Clinton Electric Shop D W. Cornish, proprietor 2.6644 Clinton "Veuk WEsTIN4Hbt.ist titALER,, A X-4to4 Inr..e4 7'0'0 Shimishi of Japan doesn't .know me from 'hale in the fence, 'Ont We .11aVe great deal In -POMMen. Miss Sniratshi writes, a weelely unm, Woman's Pomt of View", ptiblished in 'the japan Times. More than our careers run ,parallel. she -WAS- also yWC,A worker and much of her. education was -C.4.441-110 Canada. I :Want to write about this. Japanese citize4ilbeee4Se to me she could conceivably be. part of the picture puzzle that may eventually spell Fractured as it was in 1918, torn by a second world war, Peace .has woili the splints of various' conferences ever since. Our hopes have been inflated time after time for a perman- ent solution to world unrest only to be dashed by reports of disagreement between the east and the west, This woman' columnist imple- ments her ability to the best advantage. "World affairs claim most of Miss Shiraishi's attention, though there are many moral and national is- Mle$ siI.Teh 'as militarism, exped- iency which leads to bribery and fatalism, upon which she declares herself frankly and specifically", wrote Dorinda. 73. Morgan, when she inter- viewed this woman who,'"among other undertakings, - set up a volunteer "Y"- to sponsor a day nursery far underprivileged children. She was not discour- aged by the 'realization that the Japanese woman needs three Or four years to achieve actual understanding of a western- style volunteer • organization, Because she is cognizant of this fact, Miss Shiraishi has spent many hours working closely with her group in Urawa City, a suburb ag Tokyo. Daughter of a Methodist minister, Miss Shiraishi's deep convictions help to explain why her column is, in' the words of Dorinda Morgan, "an eloquent expression of the democratic Christian approach to life and its problems". With !such ideals is it any wonder that when the editor suggested she call .her column "A Japanese 'Woman's Point of View", she objected. "But it will not always represent what the typical Japanese woman thinks. in fact it may not 'al- ways agree with your opinion or that of the staff." See- what I mean, by a link with world peace? The ingre- dients are almost fool-proof: wider understanding, not only of the problems in our own bailiwick, but those of the peoples of the world; 'the Chris- tian approach and finally reali- zation Such :as hers of the fruit- ful channel for any nation's stability — well adjusted and cared for children. English Language Universal Soon? It is a rather frightening thing to contemplate that on -even in the thost1P4Orpriviileg-. .cowocies, We ea44et 'he'111. bat be Ware Of the promise. that ties ahead. Perhaps one of the most revealing indica- tions is the number of countries. which are adopting the teach- ing of English their schools as a second langttage. ESpecie4,- ly in the eastern -00antries where so many dialects make communication, even between peoples of the same Wien, • almost impossible. What. • ,P90411Pn language go414, do' to erenient telationshipst 'The Japan Times is printed in. .nglish. Miss ',Stireistii, whose is -excellent, never discouraged at the pros• pea that a •fhrn .establishment • democracy in, Japan may rp, qviro a better tm4erstanc1* of its amtstian. basis. Instead she. cOnti4eS to xilarrkPion 14.04? ideals 41141 "PrA,Ptice4 she 'WO are essential to Japan's pro- pws, Aye, and to the free Wend:' : a Classified Ads Bring Quick Results Page .4,clinton Nevo,-.Rocor41,4Thofif, May 31,19o; Dairy oi a Vagabond ponoutx xamoat NOW IS THE TINIE TO SEE YOUR ENVOY DEALER...TO SEE (AND TRY! AND BUY!)` ALL THE ADDED ADVANTAGES THAT COME WITH EVERY ENVOY! TEST, FOR. INSTANCE, THE TRUSTY ECONO- POWER FOUR- CYLINDER ENGINE'` .THAT GIVES YOU A REAL BONUS OF ADDED lor MILES-PER,GALLON..RELAX IN THE ROOMY,GLAMOUR-CRAFTED INTERIORS SEE HOW MUCH MORE LUGGAGE PACKS INTO THE SPACIOUS (21.4 CU. FT.) TRUNK.— SEE HOW VISTA-VIEW VISION—ALL SAFETY GLASS—GIVES YOU PICTURE-WINDOW SEEING BEST OF ALL, FIND OUT HOW ENVOY'S LOW INITIAL PRICE ADDS A REAL BONUS' 'NI-0 YOUR BUDGET! 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