HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-31, Page 3Awards. Given For Excellence Award winners at the Cadet Inspection on Friday were from the left, Paul Bateman, commanding officer, second best shot; Donald Fremlin, best shot; John Carew, leader of best platoon; Tony deCoo, best bandsman and Douglas Macaulay, best cadet on parade. Lieutenant D. J. Read, CD, inspecting officer, made the awards. (News-Record Photo) oured foods. Although the shell protects the egg, it is iactually porous and will permit the en- trance of 'strong odors, advises the food department of Mac- donald Institute, Guelph. 0 SCISSORS TO SNIP EDGES OF MEAT Use kitchen shears to snip the fat edge of meat tslices when frying or broiling, recom- mends the food department of Macdonalid Institute, Guelph This prevents the meat from curling and allows it to cook more uniformly, SUNSET DRIVE-IN Goderich Wed. - Thur. - Fri. May 30-31, June 1 "PARIS HOLIDAY" BOB HOPE and ANITA EKBERG (Scene and Color) Also: "Enchanted Island" Sat. - Mon, - Tues. June 2-4- "DEADLY COMPANIONS' (Scope arid Colin') lVfaareeri O'Hara, Brian keith "FOXHOLE IN CAIRO" Adrienne RoVey, J. R. jttstice Wed. - Thur. - Fri. June 6-7-8 Adult Entertairtrizent "THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM" (Stage and Color) Vincent Price, john Kerr First Show tit Dtisk Children in Cars VitEt Phone HU 2,9644 — ikeffenbury Street Clinfon Ont. I OLinton Representative: Harold. C, Lawson CDCI Cadet Corps At Annual Inspection Last Cadet Inspection, to be held on the present campus of Clinton District Collegiate Institute was carried out on Friday afternoon, with perfect wea- ther for such an event. The cadets had just formed an open square to hear the remarks of reviewing and inspecting officers. (News-Record! Photo) Officials At Cadet Inspection Officials at the Cadet Inspection here on Fri- day pause for a brief chat, before going to a recep- tion planned by the girls of Mrs. Whetham's home economics class. From the left, the reviewing offic- er, Major J. D. Harvey, 21C 21 Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Army; Chief Instructor Aubrey Langdon, CDCI staff; Lieutenant D. J. Read, CD, inspecting officer. (News-Record Photo) Classified Ads Bring Results Tall And Small Bandsmen Tall Orrin Baird, Drum Major for the CDCI Cadet band, poses with Wayne Sprung, tiniest member of the band, and Donald Webster, of CDCI staff, range officer, in charge of the band. (News-Record Photo)' EGG SHELL REALLY POROUS--NOT SOLID Store eggs in a cool place above freezing temperature, and away from strongly flay- Looking for a Loan to buy a home, improve your present one, add a room or refinance your mortgage? Get in touch with BRITISH MORTGAGE ,& TRUST Our 84 years' experience will help you in working out a mortgage plan easy for you. Favourable rates, low inspection fees, faster service, reasonable monthly paythents. Talk over your needs with a British Mortgage Officer. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST Goderich Branch Manager: E. R, Rowlands COMPANY Telephone: JA 4-7381 Thurs., May 31, 1962—Clinton News-Record—Page 3 Wilts, Paul Brodeur, Terry Richmond, Michael Burns, Paul Cooke, Gordon Moodie, Jim Pollard, Keith Ashton, Ronald Elliott and Gordon Logan. There was a mock battle, with a pair of patients, GarY Black and Kenneth Smith; a first aid party, Terry Muise, Jeff Dixon, Adrian Decoo and Alan Lowe. The defence was (Continued on page 4) THUR.-, FRI., SAT. — June 7-8-9 — Double Bill Richard Todd --'Anne Aubrey and Jamie Ulys A British made story of pioneer life in South Africa "THE HELLIONS II Scope & Color also: "QUEEN OF THE PIRATES" adventure drama Corning: A DMITTANC E Nancy Kwan and RES T R IC T VD William Holden in 7. PERSONS Oi MPS 00 AOC 0. 'T HE WORLD OF SUZY WONG' "ft PARK Thea tre Goderich Now Playing: Gregory Peck, Gia Scala, David Niven "THE GUNS Of NAVARO1E" (In Color) The greatest World War II story you will ever see! One Show Only Each Night Starting at 8 o'clock MON., TUES., WED. Hope Lange -- Stephen Boyd with Suzy Parker, Martha Hyer, Louis Joudan and Robert Evans, Presenting a dramatic story based on Rona Jaffe's novel "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" Cior;or — June 4-5-6 and Joan Crawford ADMITTANCE TO PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER IOW WAS-R1 N. 13eRE:z.B. at Clinton Laundry's Coin-Operated Laundry at 63 Albert Street Want to enjoy wash day? Just bring your laundry here and let our washers and dryers do the dirty work, while you shop or run errands, or just relax, There are always plenty of machines available; never any waiting. And the price is So low, you' can do a family wash for only pennies! cot& LAUNDRY USE THE NIGHT DEPOSi IT BOX, AT OUR stoRE ON ALBERT` STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 , A.M. AND 12 O. M. THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1604 Check Vour Calendar. If the numbers match, take the Calendar to our office • and claim your $3 credit. DRY-CLEANING a Stages ne cadet i nspection. What will be the. last Cadet .Impaction fala present cam- pus ..of Clinton District atoIrtatittie..went. off smoothly last Friday afterrio04, Wider simey skies, '414 with, a epol, breeze blowing, .Cuistruction of the new vocational wing is ex, peoted to 1.)egin, very ,5001-1:, or this. site, Ii•eViewing f"1:eer was Major J. D. Harvey. 21C 21Fp inept, Royal Canadian, Army. linspeeting officer was Lieuten- ant D. J. Read, CD an' area owlet myreeerxteAtive from Cell- trail Command was Captain M., L. Brown:, The leical inspecting. party WaS made up of D. John Oaah, sane, Principal of the school; John Lavis, chairman of .CDCI Board; Kenneth McRae, naera- ber of the board and chairman of the Advisory Vocational Committee; Frank Burns, chairman of 'the cadet commit- tee, of the beard; Mayor J. Miller; Douglas Thorn- dike, president of the Clinton Branch 1140, Royal Canadian Letgiork and Aubrey Langdon, chief instructor. Instructor of cadets are Don- ald Webster,. in charge of the band, and range officer; Brian Hayes, lain Fraser and Ken- neth Clynick, with Captain Garnet McGee as' quartermast- er, Alan, Lowe was commentat- or for the afternoon. Best Cadet on parade was Douglas Macaulay; beet bands- man Anthony deCoo; best platoon, was led by Paul Bate- man 'and best shot award went to Donald Fremlin„ Special ceremony at the close of the afternoon was a presen- tation to Captain Garnet W. McGee, former chief instructor of cadets at .CDCI. He handed over command to Aubrey Lang- don in the fall of 1961. Mr. Langdbo presented on behalf of . the Cadet Corps, a golf bag and sot of clubs in appreciation of 'the work Mr. McGee. had done and his continued inspira- tion to the Cadet Corps. Commanding Officer for the 1961-62 CDCI Catlett was Cad- et Major Paul Bateman, assist- ed by Cadet Captain Douala,. Macaulay a -s, second-in-com- mand and Cadet Sergeant Major Donald Fremlin as Com- pany' Sergeant Major. Platoon Commanders were Cadets' Lieutenants Keith Al- len, Donald Colquhoun, Morris i):arling, Peter Thompson, Don- aiid Lockwood ,and Alex Hyde. Platoon Servants were Stan Lesnick, Jim Boughen, Jim Mc- Cullough, Trevena, Gordon Parker and Alan. Fairservice. Platoon Corporals were. Fred. Gregory, Mike Burn's, Norman Amy, Clarence Magee, Gordon Tyndall, Donald Scrirngeour. Platoon Lance Corporals were Dick Roorda, Donald Calder- bank, Philip White, Bryan Bell, Gwilym Griffiths, Eric Gahwil- er, The flag party was made up of Cadet Captain John Jacob; Cadet Lieutenant Hugh Labb; Cadet Sergeants, Barry Elliott, Laurie Colquhoun and Donald Yeo. Members of the band, led by Cadet Drum Major Orrin Baird, were Tony and Adrian Decoo; Bob Trick, ' Neil Ttewartha, Ernie' Brubacher, Douglas Cur- rie, Gerry Johnston, Alvin Pot- ter, Harry CtinunhIgS, Douglas McCann, Barry Grant, Alan Lowe, Terry Batter, Ronald Plurnsteel, Larry Reid, Bob Fearful, David Welsh, Gary Jewitt, Louis Vanlammeren, Terry Muise, Bill Hamilton, Douglas Wells, Dick Shadclick, Jahn Powell, Jeff Dixon, Doug- las MeBeath, Peter Decoo, Paul Dixon, Robert Norman, John Vanderhaar, Wayne Sprung, Ed Martin, Robbie Farquhar, Dennis Rogers and Ralph Tre- wartha. In .charge of tie Cadet Or- derly room were Cadets Lieut- enant Bill Murney and Ralph Glew. Making up the recovery group were Cadet Lieutenants, Dennis Logan, John. Carew, Douglas' Scrimgeour; Cadet Sergeants Bill Shaddick, Gary Collier and Budd Boyes, A precision drill made a fine display. Taking part were Fred Gregory, Nigel Belichamber, Bill Graham, Dennis Shipp, Stan Lesnick, Bill Trevena, Morrif, Darling, Bryan Lavis, John Turner, Melvin Crich, Donald Calderbank, Norman Amy, Dick Roorda, Siebrand Leads Cadets Paul Bateman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bateman, was Command- ing Officer of the 1962 CDCI Cadet Corps, with the rank of Cadet Major. (News-Record Photo) A.S.A. TABLETS, 500's 88c BATH SALTS, 5 lb. 88c BATHING CAPS 58c CAR WASH BRUSH 98c CHAMOIS, 18" x 22" 88c EPSOM SALT, 5-lb. bag 2 for 77c FACE CLOTHS 2 for 25c GOLF BALLS 3 for $1.38 12 for $4.88 BANKER'S CARTRIDGE PEN $1.00 KERR'S VARIETY PACK 38c MILK OF MAGNESIA, 16-oz. 2 for 88c MINERAL OIL, 16-oz, 2 for 88c PAPER NAPKINS 17c, 2 for 33c SACCHARIN TABS, 1/4 gr. 1,000-58c COLD CREAM SOAP 2 for 25c 6 for 73c SOAP, 15 cakes in bag 88c SUN GLASSES 88c TOILET TISSUE, 8 rolls 88c VACUUM BOTTLE 88c WAX PAPER ....... ........... 29c, 2 for 55c SUN GLASSES , $2,88 SHELF LINER .„.„, ..... ...... ...... 49c, 2 for 88c LISA LANE BUBBLE BATH ........ .... 88c GIANT SPONGE 97c TISSUE BOX HOLDER s ....... 97c POLISH CLOTH ...„..,,.„ ........ . .... „...........„ 3 for 66c BLANKET BAG 88c BUFFING PADS ..,-........ ........................ .„., /7C- WASTE PAPER BASKET 97c ALARM CLOCK .„.„„ . . ... .............. —.„. $2.28 2-PC. CHAIR SLIP COVER 51c PILLOW RENEWER .. . ......... „,, ..... , 97c CLIFTON BUBBLE BATH ........ „„ , 98c HAND MIRROR .... . ...... $1.25 F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HIU 1-6626 Clinton, Ont. I.D.A. SPECIALS May 28-June 2