Clinton News-Record, 1962-05-24, Page 6Thursday,, .:Allay 24, 1962 cliotoo.NowEAocoP4 1',P9C HULLETT MUSIC FESTIVAL for 1962 at LONDESBORO BILLIE WHYTE of 'SS 3 was second in bays solo, 11 years and under. JOHN SUNDERCOCK from SS 8 won the first place in the boys solo class for changed voices. He was the only entry. HARRIS SNELL of SS 5, was winner of the boys solo class, nine years and under.- Judged Best Rhythm Band Mrs. Ida Livingstone at SS 3, Constance, left, accepts the shield awarded the best rhythm band. Mrs. Arthur Colson made the presentation. ANNUAL MEETING HURON COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION DOMINION HOTEL, 'ZURICH Thursday, May 31, at 6:45 p.m. L B. k. DUNCAN, Assistont Professor of 8octeriolo9y„ University of Western Ontario, will speak on the, subject ir AtAibiofidt and infedtious Dice; sa" 3, E. Mcl<INLEY Pretid&O gil k GoDERICH SATURDAY, MAY 26 "THE CRESENDOS If LONbON'S No, 1 SkNSATION Claittirtg to' the Sound of the for the Teta.16 Crowd. 9 p.m; to ralcinight 7Se per person We Cater' tb Weddings LlInelleonS BaKkitieik Etc, LEE 1 S LADIES' WEAR & MOWS Wear CLINTON Across From Post Office Manufacturer's clearance LADIES' BATHING SUITS One of Canada's LeocilAg Swim Suit Manufacturers SPECIAL GROUP PURCHASED TO SELL AT Balance of our Ladies' Spring Coats PRICE LAMINATES & WOOLS 1/2 PIZICE YOUR Most Points in festival Mrs' .Doreen Radford, teacher at SS 11, accept- ed the Huliett Music Festival shield for the school earning the highest number of points, Reeve Tom Leiper makes the presentation; Auburn School, Best Chorus Duncan MacKay, teacher at USS 5, Auburn, here receives the linliett Federation of Agriculture shield awarded for large schools, best unison .chor- us, Lloyd Stewart, president of the 'township fed eration makes the presentation. RUTH BYLSMA from USS 2 placed sec- ond in girls solo class, 14 years and under. HELEN ANDERSON of SS 11 placed first for girls solo, 7 years and under. CANDICE BELL from SS 7 won the girls solo, open class, against two other contestants. HEATHER SNELL, from SS 5 placed first in the girls solo class 14 years and under. Large Schools, Second Duet Placing second in the duet class, schools over 25 pupils at the Hullett Music Festival, were Gayle Wright and Linda Nott, of SS 1, Hullett. Large Schools, First Duet First place in the duet class for large schools was earned by Laura Daer and Betty Moss. The girls are richer by $10 the gift certificate of Eaton's of Canada. Photos By FRANK PHILLIPS, Seaforth Best Unison Chorus is at SS 11 Mrs. Joe Shaddick presented the Festival shield for best unison Chorus, small schools, to SS n. Mrs. Doreen Radford accepted award for her school. Best Singers in Each Class Best 2-Part Chorus Mrs. Dorothy Powell, USS 10, accepted the Hullett Federation shield for best 2-part chorus in small schools. Ross Lovett makes the presentation. There were .six schools competing. Lots of Good Singers at USS 10 Best double trio (small schools) in the Hullett Festival was from USS 10, from the left are Vicki Welbanks, Diane Bromley, Robby, Larry, Betty and Jaynie Snell. The boys also placed second in duet class. Jaynie won second in solo, under 9 years. Betty and Jaynie were first in duet. Robby was first in boys solo under 14 years. Betty was first in girls solo under 11 years. Teach- er is Mrs. Dorothy Powell. Pupils of SS 11 (east of 1ondeshoro), taught by Mrs. Doreen Radford topped all oth- er Schools in the Hulled:it Town- ship Music Festival at Landes- boro last week, and earned the CoUnoll Sponsored by the Hullett Federation of Agriculture and the Londesbero Women's Insti- tute, the event has now been held for 11 consecutive years. Results, with top three plac- es S 1-4 Ot.IPON I Freath Velour Portraits! Clip this coupon and bring, it in for 5o 0/0 off on a i lovely axfo photo! Offer expires Stine 15, 1962 Jervis Studio twilit, Photography oil studio 00 on LodatiOn) 110 ISAAC w1'.0 OLIINWOIN) Ftt!.04060 /1-2-8b lugs in each class are as fol- lows: Rhythm band, SS 2, Mrs. Ida Livingston; SS 5, Mrs. Shirley Lyon; SS 8, Mrs. Myrtle 'Mun- roe and SS 11, Mrs. Radford, tied for third. Two part chorus, small sch- ools, USS 10, Mrs. Dorothy Powell; SS 7, Mrs: Ray Tueth- er; SS 11. Boys solo, 14 years and un, tier, Robbie Snell, USS 10; Jef- frey Shaddick, SS 11; Billy Merrill, USS 12. Double trio, small schools, SS 11, USS 10; SS 7. Duet, small schools, Betty and Jaynie Snell, USS 10; Larry and Robbie Snell, USS 10; Wibbina Byltma and Mtn, ray McNall, SS 7. Unison chorus, small schools, SS 11; USS 2, Mrs. EVelyn Million; SS 7, Unison chorus, large school!,, USS 5, Duncan MacKay; SS .1, Ross Crich; SS 8 and SS 3 tied for third. Buys solo, 7 yearS and under, Kenneth Jewitt, SS 3;nelson Dale, SS 1; Paul CliatnneY, USS 5. Girls solo, 9 years and Under, Mary Lynn Sundercock, SS 8; aYlnile Shell; Marlene MeNall, 88 7, Two part chorus, large sch- ools, SS 3; USS 5; SS 5 and SS 1 tied. Boys solo, changed voices, John Sundercock, Girls solo, open, Wibbina Bylsma, Candice Bell, Marjorie GlouSher, all of SS 7. Boys solo, 11 years and un- der, Murray MeNall, SS 7; Bil- lie Whyte, SS 3; Brian Craig, USS 5. Girls solo, 7 years and under, Helen. Anderson, SS 11; Patsy East, USS 2; Janet Otter, SS• 3. DUet, large schools, Laura Daer and Betty, Moss, USS 5; Gayle Wright and Linda Nott, SS 1; Heather Snell and Joh- anna Watinga, SS 5. Boys solo, 9 years and under, Harris Snell, SS 5; Douglas Bylsina, USS 2; John Bylsma, SS 7. Double trio, schools, SS 3; USS 12, Mrs. Laurel Gloush- er; SS 5. Girls solo 11 years and un- der, Lloy solo, SS 11; Betty Moss, USS 5; and Betty Snell, LISS, 10 lied; Glenyce Andersen, SS 11 and Agnes nnvereastnp, SS 8, tied, Girls solo, 14 years and un- der, Heather Snell, SS 5; Ruth Bylsina, USS 2; Johanna Wai- inga, SS 5. Bluewater Danceland (4 miles north-west of Zurich, 8 miles north of Grand Send) DANCING EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 10 to 1.30 a.m. Music for the season by Desjardine Orchestra Special Prizes for SPOT DANCES NOVELTIES TWISTS 21tfio Township of Goderich Tender for Gravel SEALED TENDERS will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, June 4, for crushing and hauling of ap- proximately 10,000 yards of gravel taken from two pits in the township. Gravel to pass through VI" screen. Can- tractor will supply bulldozer and have Work completed by 1\rovernber 1, 1962. Marked cheque for $200 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R, E. THOMPSON, Clerk, ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent, 21-2b RR 3, Clnton.