Clinton News-Record, 1962-05-24, Page 2Poge 2—Clinto" Now;-Rq;or4—,Th4rs-, Mq.y M, 1902
Busy Time, Ahead
A NU MB -9R. of major events in.
Huron CQUOY will t4p' place In the
pext few weeks,. Notlbe least of the se
is the pomipign, elP01QT1_ which is now
90.1y three weeks a
Cadet Inspection )C
at C
T_ 3 IS -on
On June, I is the ballet rpcital, This
,Show of skills by pupils of Mrs. Zab-w
locki, is looked fo.�ward to annually—
and t udience has never been dis-
,appointed in the search for a 41differ-
ent" evening., We are fqrtuna
in hav-
a 9 ille instructress in th . rt.,
With wider scope, is the 108th
agricultural fair, being held in our town
-on June. 2. Clinton Spring Show has
continued to be a drawing card for top
livestock showmen across the. province,,
Recent addition of the County Dair
princess contest has helped the affair
to grow and attract more spectators.
On June 4—the official nomination
of candidates for the Dominion election.
And on June 8-9, the long -planned
for band tattoo with Clint6n1s own
Community Concert Band as host. Here
is A— group that has grQwn in smtury
o t year
ver I be past few the S —'an 'all of
Cl�ntQn is , prog of Welded 0�
gether from a M.ighty srn4ll begin
this 30�piece band of George 'WoTich's
is winxijng Ac rever it appears.
, claim whe
More Poldur has been add.ed r. q
f . _ . ; mo_e . nt�
,orms; more lost ents. M -the
ost of
work has been done by band members,
and is, the result of a laboiAr -of love
by those interested in mmi.
,and the thrill of taking p,
art in a Par-
ade, The tattoo promi§es� hours of'fine
On June 11 --promise of a four�
candidate debate on election. issues from
one platform, That's an evening we'd
hate to miss.
Who says there's nothing goingr9n
in a small town? Add to these major
features just liste all of,
the other
activitie in town, the sports, the exa -
blations at school, holidays to Plan,
J* I., firecrackers, and the whole long
The future, in Clinton looks excit-
ing to vs.
Worst Accommodation
In general conversation last weel<
with a district official in the post office
department, we had occasion to ask
just how badly Clinton needs a new
post office. I
This was after we knew that the
men who do the sorting of mail going
through this post office, had won a
province -wide competition for effic-
The official said: "Clinton has the
worst accommodation of any Grade 9
post office in London District, or in
South Western Ontario, for that mat-
That our post office.staff can turn
out excellent work in these surround-
ings, is a marvel to us, and we feel
that the community should be aware
that they are working under. a disad-
vantage. Weare deeply appreciative of
the "above the call of duty" service
which they give when called upon to
do so.
The Bold Brave Hunter
The hunter With his tent and gun
Was such a big brave fellow.
He wore such bright anddashing clothes
Red parits and shirt, of yellow.
While stalking through the forest
He spied a mountain cat.
He raised his trusty rifle
And straightened up his hat.
He had the lion within his, sights
And could have shot him dead!
But ashe pulled the trigger,
Mother called him in to bed!!
Clinton - NewsxwRecord
From Our , Larly, Files,
4.0 Years, go
Ov 3044
y, X.* y
W1113jam Black, AIVI, reports
that 111.5 Vis# to 154Y0010 I_iArl
�our wa,% an Monday and so d�d
ipt violate the Lord's Pay Act.
Also, heseat wqrd-that an e
gineeOs report hAiC4ted that
Lewis Th�.tmpson, B Ad,
wog14, -be w.
goblp- to eatablisb,'le-
gal t4le to the -approaches -9n
either side .of t.bp river leading
MeWg motor qo4ts at Mor-
rish Clothing far $10 or half
of regular price. Men�s� trous,�
prs priced at 890 per leg,
,Joe and' Frank Riley aTp
working bac:% on the stone
crusher neqrBlyth.
One of Vietor Bisbec's best
horgeg was killed last week
stirtAck by a Railway engine.
The 24th has, lostsome of Ita
glories since the Calithump-
!an parade ceased to, be one
of 'the inevitable features.
4.0 Years Ago
Thursday, Alay 25, 1022
The Massey-Mmvls agency
lias heen moved up from the
"Mi-dway" to their new quart-
-rs in the Palace Block,
Ball, Atkinsop and Zapfe
have had, a door out between
Lheir hardware and furniture
F. S, Glass, London and! Mtis.
Rully, Detroit, are building
.�ottagesi -on the Terrace at Bay-
At. Garrie a herder has been
%ppainted to look, after the vil-
age cows during, the summer.
Dn Sundays and' holidays the
iwnerg will look after their
,tNDbhdng goes up in Value
,aster, than, a cow* killed by a
Two machine guns- received
)y the. Militia Department by
-.he Womeift Institute of Blue-
AaRe are -to be placed upon the
,ohool grounds.
25 Years Ago
whowvky, may 29, �93-1
Fred. T, Jackson, =4,�,
M4yor of -Clinton 0 d4
led :F1_ -
At tbe. Age fLf 77 years, �i4q
hA �
sar 4 iE
vodgs� mayor in 191.
-And 19�4-2 Ippiq
W, D., Fiair's W-Indow ONPilm
a, -=, pound sword fish taiker
At Louisburg, Nova Scotia, b�
Gordpq Cgotpoh4me.
W� E. Perdiie and Mayor W,
eg p14
4toid a 0,1ge
spruce. in LibrOy Park as the
Busilneissmen's Asgociation, Cam-
memorotion of Coronation Day
The Log CaWn Tearoorn"� . t
_ayfWd opened, under gia
agemerit of Viola Fraser -and
�Tohin Fraser.
Charles V, Cook, florist. 9.f,
fers 12 pansies grown from. se..
ad, �5c per *box.
Alex Wel�s has purcbased tlie
former Xmas Frolt-4hager farm
on ihighway 4, north of Lond�-
10 Years Ago
Thursday, May 9% 1952
I James Boyce received a 50.
Year jewel at Brucefield IOOF
,meeiting. I
Mil, and' Mrs. T. Gordon Scr-
Ibbins, and dhildten Mary, and
Frank have returned from a
gea-VoYage to England where
they 0sitedi Mr. Scribbins old
-home at Ilfracombe, Devon�-
Over 200 Cases of crippled
Children in' Huron Were con-
sidered at the County Crippled
Children's Clinic , here.
Jaick Fraser and Percy Ran.
ner starxed in, a .3-aot play
"Always in, TrouMe" s�taged
at Bayfield. by the United
Church Young People,
Burns Church, Hullett, offer
their shed for saleby.tender.
-Frank Fingland, QC, Clinton,
is president of Uuron Tuber.
culosis Association which Will
hold, a Chest x-ray -survey in
the county during the next
Est. 1865 Amalgamated 1924 Est. 1881
One of the more disgusting to see our relatives and guzzle
0 Published every Thursday at the symptons of approaching isen. turkey—ThariksgiAng.
0 Heart of Huron County ility, and one which should be But how about that crumby
Clinton, Ontario Population 3,369
0 res,19ted stoutly, is the tendency November? Thirty of the most
to don rose-coloured glasses dismal, depressing day's of the
j. A. L,.' COLQUHOUN, Publisher every time we look,back. at our year, and not -a single holiday
Ildhood. ten the gloom, Why
T/0 chi �to 1 11
*6 11 1 T
0 U 1, f.\-, WILMA D . DINNIN, Editor C C N R The other day, for example, can, we have, a holiday on -the
I was about to launch into asecOnd' Monday dn' November,
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance — Canada and Great Britain: $4.00 a year; column about the, good old andcall it Last Call for Storm
United States and Foreign: $5.50; Single Copies Ten Cents Twe-aty.tourth of May. you Windowis. Day?
Auth,mrized as second class mak Post Office Department, Ottawa know the sort of thing — In, December, the picture. is a
and for payment 'of postage in cash nostalgic and gloppy. All -about little brighter, with Christmas,
what a grand celebration the Boxing Day, and only a week
Twenty-fourth used to be; what later, New Year -s Day. We
a pity -they've changed the daAe need, them all, but long, davk
to the nearest, or farthest, -or and -cold loom January and
. ..... something Monday and lost the February, without a -break in
hou d am
significance of the original holi- either of them. We -s .1 r
day; how the kids- nowadays a couple of Monday holidays in
don't have the fun we used to there. In January, for instance
have on the Twenity-fourth, we could celebrate Boy Am I
And all that sort of thing. Sick off This Lousy Winter
N C Fortunately seeking a little February could be brokenup
extra 'background, I asked my nicely by moving Valentine's
wife what she. did, when she Day to the nearest Mondw and
wag a kid, on the g M-ous calling it Love Day. At -pre-
Twentyfourth. "Notfilng," she sent, there isn't a single day
replied,. Sadly but sensibly, I set aside for love,
which is
realized -that what I'd beenab- surely more important than
out to write was pure plDfle, civics or labour. We could love
There wasn't any greatcele-bra- our neighbours, our wives, our
tion on the Twenty-fourth when. diUdren, our neighbours' wives,
1 was, a kid. It was just a wej� and anybody elte who was
9- Jday when everybody the -mood.
come lioll
�. jl�
in -town went fishing. Nobody Allavch and( April are rather
gave two pins- for the fact that tricky, because nobody ever
it was Queen Victoria! -s b!' seems to know when Zaster 1
going to be. But if &0ter
came in April, we could have
Whats more. kids novyadays a Monday holiday in March cal -
h av just ais much fun as we led March Rare Day. We could
eVer -did, except that they're a allgo mad with delight at get -
little more -sophisticated about ting -through winter, n off
It. Looking. back, all I can re- out- outer habillments, and
-about the Twenty- dahee I the streets. In ow -
Member n,
fourth is my old man. holler- ovetshoes, and long -undlerwear.
log, in great excitement., "Get Sort of a carnival effect.
Iyack there, you kids,, dammit
. . . . . . . . . . ...... ..... . ......... . . .
get back," as -he lighted all the If JDaster came in March,
best of fhe fireiworlm Nowa- we�cl need a special Monday
days., the kitlg holier- "Get holiday about the middle of
backthere, dad, We know what Apeil whiCh is the Cruelest
were idbing," as I dither month according to T. S,
around, the circle, of bodies bent Smith- ' ' We might designate it
over a rocket, terrified but im. as Apr� 15'uel Day, It- would
patent. be (a suitably joyous occasiod,
In ther thlrq. place, I think and'I have )ao compUftation ab -
it's an, excellent idea to tnove o4t,bringing it up withah elec�
the.Twenty4durth to the pte- tibb. In, the,' Offlhg� if the gxw-
cedihg Monday. W1,ian a hK)1i_ emment marl<eid it by fttat-
YOU H AVE A HAND IN THINGS CANADIAN day has no sighfficaft-ae in -the inIg a load- or faeli free, to every
1. , 1. �histoky 6r'traditiah! of a nation, loyaA cltiz(�n. Julst though to
when you own Life Insurance at least lets have it fall on a carry him through to the First
Monday atidmake a, long week� Of JUIY, when he Can let his
Surprising! Yeg—but true, Like iftott ift itnportant OsLhadiaii enterprises— esnd of It. Lank weelkendg if tuilnW6 out,
people, you have probably thought of your throtigh'thb purchase of bmids, and, thW do itothing elge, help'rZ: That takes car& of every
dUee the surplus POPUlAtiob,, as. month but June. Do YOU i*-
116-insivarica as; protactloh for youtfhtnily stdtks wid through wortgAgeg. Scroogo put 'It. alito there isn't a singler long
The whole toweption of hall, week6rid- -it. aune, Out *lost dt
—as a good Wa3t to save money t6gtflarly The86har4,*6tkir1g dollars ate helping daA, Ift. tbIg Wuntty is skwLty lfghtfut montht And, on&of our
�9& 4 vald6le tbllaNkAl if you jv*& it joffiland6 gteat ptoj�dtg all OVar this in jlt4d of -ah, ov46rhttul, xqn A buglegt mooffig on the high -
great believer In holidays., but W05. Think of thb triumph
lo.0i tor an emergency; coibitrybuth as plpelln6A, shopping deft., otirs! kx* as haphawlitc! adid Uh, With' which our . diaily ptipevs
Attitally your lif�, lnsurant4 doilatd atb trw, bridg6a witl highways, home% rellable ug -the Canadian wet, could- tWftVet,' F IRST 1UN8
V ther, UnIdee OULr present '1'etV. L-ONo- WE'M4ttND XtLL8' 108.
inott thaft Lin fnvestmtnt in your porgotW Apattfhent Aiid ofhee bilildipg4ij- 0,6601% they are, not offly poorly distil. "YOs we mUst hlav6 a, MOhIdAY
saciftity 0.11d your &rAftyve, These dbllar6 taot6kkgi hitluisttlittl plants skild power butedbut sacIly Iscanty. holida� in 3une, Wh6t Shall we
Some Of our Months- are lifte, 0911 "0 Let's see, Sane is the
are 4196 .6h filV6strhebt it lbanad% Thby deVelopfliidnts. These in-VOttnients In SUly, tor egam1>16, we h0e Month Of marriag4g, We COUld
stimulato gr6wth and pfogrM and help bte4te omploymbht 61YP6rt`aAMw, too. that great bAtional holld, V- that have a hation6l'' holid" on, the,
s�tlr§ the Iblood, of every 0 S0CDr9C1M0fldV and-ft11 it Arni-
Mike thig dduntry a bettoplac�e inwhieh Tho hidorae fr6hi thotid i'mrtaolelats- dian—the, k1w of July, Augds,t i8,61W DO,
ib 11Nb wid wo)& benefltit you dift#aty by reducibig t�e hag thidt &0ly 0�11ghifidanit, , ft
& 61# M61110iti 91BIUMN DOUAM 'Cott 6t �ftfe Ilitutint46 'f4 yft ind th6 of ri�,tt lttiowft, 41g0vid mod"W, I'Atidl,86 ;W b6t a lbtallty —
IT, 86pte�tb6r, we will quit , fL
1� Its A gtat'a Of mlfi&
bt lite 1fi81W4hcd stltrllngO 0,ft fiWi*W4 9 n1illion othef 6inadiali 061i1cy6*hbt& workIng on Uour DsLY, Aild
October 0-ahtaint the dlay In
THe Lift MiWKANWt, COMPANtit-IN 6ANAIJA Which we all beef h0ttlg .66, Pook who 'fly hifo a tAge
WOC rl4V,6 al*fi�A "rfiaj�o & bit& Ttffid1hgi
. � oat how Par Wd h,06 ;to, d
Cam�patogu- Pull But
Ute.rals, Count on Quebec
AY RAY A40VLE New Democrats don`t�7r5r
],,Piart WOMthis wpek chalked, up "cord ='IL,4 to be making much hea ay.M
�y "Ap far Quebec except among Isamp
A000on travel, unless k
French - speak�g 44dustri4l
ImIghtp"'Up �h!5 gAmpaign it will go down as the,dWlest 41. workers on the island of Mqx*
C a
IM41, Plid In same isolated argas,
ND)? Michel 4Chartr4pd, run,
Prime Min)Rter John D�efeji
baker, whq spent mo$t of lap
week in, the
=for the June �$ voti
bom -able t , -P robOldt.
flre$ of e4thqsIpsm wbiph ra�l
through the country in 1W
and 1951�.
Liberal Le4cjler Lester Pear
son, whom even party st�wart
.4timit does not have the per
scinal magnetism of the PM
,has r lite hear
ozeived only po
ings from giAlet. audiences, M�
Pearson also was, in the Man
times, last weeX developing h'
favourite -theme of the ConSOT
v&ttve "wgsted yimr
New Democratic Party lead
er T. C. Douglas also hos fallet
to transfer the pprs9nal, magne
tism that was h�s Itadernarl
in, Saskatefiewan to the rest 0
tbe counry. '
The only leader who hals �beel
abletc, spark much. enthusiasn
in his, aLtdiences--alithough Q
such a limitedsoale, -that it wil
not have much national effec
.—is Sqcial Credit leader Rober
Thompson,, alssisted, byhis, fier
Quebec deputy, Real Caouette
Tbje fact the leader$ are
traweling by plane and thus
do not meet large crowds On
their arrivals may have
something to do with the
lacic-lustre atmosphere of the
campaign. Faa, feiver people
are actually seeing the candi-
dates this time than in 1,958,
an(t the country Is lost on all
All partiesare agreed there's
no shortage of issues in this
election, but It is hard to match
the apathy the public has S(
far shown,
Perhaps it's still too early in
the campaign. Perhapk; voters
are tired of side-shows and in,
stead prefer to quietly contem,
plate the issues before maki
up their minds.
Alithough tbere will be nearl)
10 million eligible voters, the
tum -out i's expected to be mud
lower than -in, 1958 When mov
than 75 per cent went to th(
polls. Whether this will worl,
for or against the government
party strategists haven't ye't
been, able to decide.
Mr. Diefenbaker began last
week�g ;campaign in Quebec
wherehe ran, into beckling oveir
lack of -a Canadian flag, then
went on, to Saint John, N.B.
for 11as firstbig' rally. A crowd
of 1,200 heard him attack Mr
Pearson's proposal that Canada
exten,d its fishing limit to 12
,miles. "Guriboat diplomacy,"
the P.M Called it, "Are you go-
ing tostatiml, -armed forces and
naval units �a)ong the coast to
enforce it?"
In, HaRfax, Mrs. Diefenbaker
revealed more detail's of his
plan for a Maritime develop-
ment board that would, work
toward more indu%try and A
sounder economy for the region.
In the smaller centres, 1
New Brunswick and Nova Sco-
-tia Mr. Pearson drew laeger
cr�iwds than the PM. Their
paths crogsed at one point
where their cavalcades, travel-
ling in opposite directions, r0ar-
ed pot each -other on Ine
highway near New Glasg0w,
Also starting the week, in
Quebec, MTi Pearson spoke
fluently in French, in, contrast
to the 1958 campaign when he
spoke no French. He charged
the Conservative regime as
"not good, enough" for Canada
and promised, a distinctive
Canadian flag within two years
of taking o0fice.
A crowd of 450 in Dalhousie,
N,B., hear 'Mr. Pearson pro-
mlige to restore theprinciple of
equa,lizatiorl p*rAenits in dom�
inion-provittial tax agreements,
He also denied PC claims that
Ottawals string of deficits- was
cjiue mainly to Increased aid -to
the provinces. Fle said the In-
creasod payments; Were due
Lrnogtly to hospital insurance as-
;Istanre—"putting -into effect 4
rnealsuee passed by a Libeilal
govei�nment" — and unemploy-
.n,,aht assistance — ",bigger than
in the Libetal, years, because,
A,nemployment is so much high -
Campaigning most of last
w6bir In Atifigh Colitylibla,
Mr. Douglas tttma-,ed 'his
west O-A)At Invasion with a
osycl . tologteal vahle of the
campaign cavalo"Adia 46toS0
rally attended by 4,000 In
Ne8v Westminster, It.C. It
was tfi6 seeond biggest incet-
ing of tile 6alripAlign, out�
ora#ft otily by tbe PuIg klck-
off inebting at Ldridbit, 6nit.,
attended by 5,606,
Mil. Douglas un-Velled- an
'4DP "new deal" f�yr cOnsuXneit
n which he oai4' an NDP goV-
�thment would em ptice-mcing
)y monopolibg liftift IntemA
.hms; on trodit� Purchases, bUt-
Tho, NI)p 16a,44'e abol totyk
td f . drddagt 4 mil0tity,
t r 'arnment after I ig but
I f4:� out any Pew peet of 'a do-
41,tlaA b6twdft N6W Defftadrats
and t4e I�iber4is. jAng 44-
t S q c r wd IeAtieT Robert pull an upset,
Thompson con#
poed to de- Vremlpr usage Nts not
js favonrito tbt�me tklro�vg jjlms�lf *to the, cam-
t1lat PA4404 10+4 tQQ- much pato 14. fear ot being tagge , tj
government, and that 4401� �L �'c ntraillrit". file fill4st To-
Aess Js be�jqg ta.Ned sohpaylly Mmig fatrjy,
_410of from 1*6
it 44s Aot the mQney to Ottawa 0011104gops to protect
create now fpos. his own image among auton-
"Fishing tor votes. by pro. omyTrniptlod Qq0becolls,
mising -a Paqseway here and a At the siame time, somp of
floDdway tbere as the twomaj- the L age reifo.rms, whibli have
, , es
or partie�s are doing, sugggsttsa brought higher t xes, mayhurt
W opinion of the vot- the Federial Liberals. One PC
ers, Mr. Thompson said In. Tim- MP told me of t4(,- case of farr
mios, Ont. mers who ,had lost Contracts
M03t observers are agreed to isnowplow rurid roads. when
the goverAmept Is going to suf- Legage reorganized the provin-
fer its, heaviest setbacks- in qial highways de
Quebec, The PC's won 50 of eliminating this source of extra
the 75 Quebec House of Coni- money onwhich many faimers
mons seats in 1958, many of relled, Lesage modernlzeid� the
them by small margins. department but may have lost
Since then, -a political and votes,
social revotution bas been shak- Among PC members, trans -
Ing French Canada. Reforms port minister Leon Bal-cer and
in government and a riving sep- mines minister Jacques Flynn
aratist sentiment have been its are expected to withstand the
major features. Libenal revival. Other cabinet
The 1960 provincial electdon, mifilsters may not fare so well.
In which Liberal's under former Defense production minister
fedeval cabinet minister Jean Raymond O'Hurley and state
Lesage ousted Union Natio,nialo secretary Noel Dorian are re -
from office, wn merely the. porited in difficulty. Assaciate
staint. Subsequent ft, closures defense minister Pierre Sevigny
of UN conruption. have further and povtTnagte_r general WIR-iam
dilsargyanized the party, which Ramiltan also are "running
took most of the credit for PC scared".
victories four years, ago. As a Quebec now stands- as -the
result ' Coriservatives tire having surest Liberal fortress in Can-
grealt 41-fif icul-ty mounting a get- ada, and the last Giallup poll
out-the-vate campaign in rural gave Liberals more t) 50
areas., percent of the popular vote.
SOCKED DRIVE Don't be surprised, if fewer th,�n
25 Progressive Conservattves
The sudden appearance of a are returned on June 18. IAb-
well organized and financed So- erals, should win their hoped-
cial Credit campaign in Quebec for 50 seats, although Social
polses a question mark for Lib- Credit could( pick off two or
erals and Conservatives alike. three,
But the Conservatives tare ex-
pected' to suffer most, with So- NEXT WEEK: Campaign
cial Credit draining otf right- progress report, pins Focus
wing votes. on Ontario.
Business and Professional
Directo ry
Phone JA 4-7562 Phone HU 2,7721
All Types of Life OPTOMETRIST
Term Insurance — Annuities
CANADA LIFE Eyes Examined
Clinton, Ontario
Oculists' Prescriptions Filled
K W COLOUHOUN Includes Adjustments At
No Further Charge
Cllhton�Mondays Only
Phones: Office HU 2-9741 9.00 a.m. to 5.80 p.m.
Res. HU 2-7556 Clinton Medical Centre
44 Rattenbury Street West
Seaforth�Weekdays except
THE WEST WAWANOSH Mondays, grouhd floor.
Eshiblith6d 1878 OPTOMETRIST
90ARD OF DIRECTORS For Appointment
President, Brown Srnyth� R 2,
Auburn, Vice -Pres Ret -son Ir- Phone JA 44251
win, Belgray.e; D&ctors, Paul GODEMCH
Caesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George 39-tfb
C. Feagan, Goderich,, Ross Mc-
Phte, R. 3, Auburn, Donald
MacRay, Ripley; John F, Mae. PUBLIC ACCOUN ANT
Lennan, R, 3, Goderith, Viank
Thompson; R. 1, 14olyrood; Wrn.
Wiggins, Ri 3, Auburn, ROY N. BENTLEY
Vor information on your in- PU13LIC ACdOUNTANI
sutance, callyour fteateft dirde. GoderIcIt, Ofitarlo,
tor who it also an agent, or the
secretary, DUtnin PhillipAl, Dtd Telephone 13oX
garmbii, phone Dungannon 48. jA 4.9521 478
Off ide — Nalh Street
Town DWehirlds
All clas�6tbf Faem Pebo6tjy
4 Surhmet, 4Uttageld
0 V e t -9z t L, (Wind,
ftoka, Water a f�dljng
6bSeOts, Otd,) 1.4 Als6 awtildble,
Adt,VIPS. &tmes Xbjrs AA:i, SWorth; V� J.'LbAe, RA �, 8ea,
farth,, Whil t6h*r, 1r1j't6nde6bbt601 Selwyn taker, Brussels;
11-Atbld 8441&6� Clinton, 06096 CdYneo D11b)III $I bona-ld 0, 8at6n,