HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-17, Page 12 411111110, 11111•111 ...gliSTOM WORK, SOWING .arid working Croutaat .LY/kiMor gainers klU 2 7234Chntgri. 13,20,1p. IVTOTO1315, generators repaired. •rOWPIP1d; 1/10 44raePPWer. up, 60 cycle conversions Parts for most gi*eA PP or .available. Art f„,evePt- and SPAS 189 Street} HU U640. Phone ,•• HELP WANTED FEMALE: PET STOCK. SALESMAN WANTED 64omoo._ 1N. THE. .NEXT 4 YEARS! We don't want to MiPlead yo4 :4'10 thinking that nielOng much 44 $15,o0ci In a year is ite. easy as failing off a log , but we pay qur top men from ,$5,900- to -P0,00P year after year *... 444 we want the same kind of man in the -Clinton area, If you are ever 30, .PWO„ e car, and ,can travel for a week at a, time, write to S!.n.(411pyy, Presi dent, Southwestern Petroleum' Co., 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas, Clearing AUCTIO N 'S'SALE Clearing Auction Sale Of form ,MoohlhOrY and Household: ,gf, 1.114 2, P911, 4, liklilett Twp., 21/i ,Miles West and .;t4 north of Sr'aforth, on SitiOdaYi May 19 at 7.:Po.m, Machinery Dion threshing machine, like new with .10Q ft drive belt; 6 B .Massey-Harris grain binder; 13 bee fertilizer drill; Utz .S0 .grain grinder; stable boat; 14 har .case side 3 ake; International 3 bar all. steel side rake; 3 section FietAry pring, -tooth ,drags; 3 section - international 'spring tooth drag barrpws new);' Deering 6 ft mower; rubber tired wagon; hay loaders; hay fork, rope and 'ear; .steel 3 ..drum land' roller; Massey 1-T a r r is manure spreader; sleighs; toboggan; barrels; .20 ft, Windt-nit; tower; McCormick Peering cream separator; 2 sets weigh '-'states (2,000 lba,); 5 section drag harrows; l pow- erlawn invwer, poultry .g.quipment---5 com- munity nests, waters, chicken feeders ,coal brooder stove (like new), . Household piano (goon condition); dining room table and chairs, kitchen table and chairs; rocking ch- airs; small tables; 3 bedroom suites, mottresses; Rollaway bed; lovo seat; wicker rocker and chair; arm chair; buffet; hall rack; glass cupboard; writ, ing desk; rugs; twilight lamp; settees;, book case; mats; electric lamps; kitchen cabinet; 2 toilet sets; quilts; quilt box; comforters; pillows; • phono, graph and records; sewing ma- chine; flower stands; frig.; vac- uum cleaner; pressure cooker; 4 burner Sunshine electric stove; lawn chairs; dishes, pots and pans, sealers; crib; garb- age pail; panel door, 29x65, swing kitchen door 6x6Yax32. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash Prop., Secord McBrien Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell (Blyth) 19-20b .AUCTION. SALE at ;,..lvestocK and Hama goulpinent PP the premises,, Lot 23, Concession, 9, Hihoert •Township 1, Mile west of St4ffft on SATURDAY MAY 19 gt 1:39 p.m. D.a,r. Livestock, 6 Purebred Jersey cows, 4 registered; 2 crossbred cows; Shorthorncows; 2 Hereford X Shorthorn steers (fat); 2 .Hereford heifers (fat); 2 stocker steers; 2 Hereford steer calves: 4 Hereford heifer calves; 7 small ealvas, Here- f rfend Durham; 2 registered Jy heifer calves, 1 Jersey bull 'calf. Implements: International. No. 45 baler, excellent condition; brand new Mayrath PTO glom- tor 34-foot complete with grain head and shoot; Otonnawa 10 foot -SP swather hydraulic controlled header and reel; Cockshutt 7Q tractor PTO; John Deere 7-ft, semi-mounted mower; Case manure spreader; Case siderake; Henderson ma- nure loader; Ebersol shredder and blower;; Dearborn 2 fur- row plough 3 point hitch, 12" bottom; $ plate one way disc 3 point hitch; Dearing mower 5 ft,-; Universal milker 2 unit accommodates 14 cows; Viking cream separator; two wheeled trailer; weigh scales; electric pail; 1927 Buick Master car; also 10 ft, buckrake; 2 colony houses (1 is 7x14 and the other 7x7); 5 hydro poles; quantity cedar posts; 1 Moffat electric s,k ve, Mrs. Archie Jeffery and Spencer Jeffery, proprietors. Tel. 11r10, Dublin Percy C. Wright, Auctioneer Tel. Hensall 690 r22 Gerald Carey, Clerk 21)b SELL AND PROFIT... BUY AND SAVE ... GET A BETTER JOB...HIRE GOOD HELP! 441 e, pORD HP- ER :.P CO 04 LLIE PUI)Allg .94 PVPFIES — Registered Poge, bPru APAI Fawn4 black mask. PlikYful, suffeatiouabaa pets, eNeePPOnally be411417; 40o4 ready to sell. Appuiy Mrs Ken Holmes, AR 1., OPdetric4. 20-1-p PIANO TUNING Pcge tewecord,Thy.May17, 194z AUTOS FOR SALE 1,959 MERCURY sedan, extra: .Set of winter tires, *hp, .seaft -("Vers., .anti-freeze included. Has swnalls. and !hack up' -lights POW HU 2-7137, ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT • ARTICLES FOR „SALE ELECTROLI,IN,,,Naw ,and used alaPt4P,:e.s, and parts for All popular- Jale4es and models,. Call Bert Harris, 199• NpWgate Street, .Goderich, phone JA 47 7917, 1,1414 ONE BEDROOM aPartMent, furnished, heated, available flow. -Plume HU. 2-7227. 1-9tfb ROAM 'FWZNISHED apart- ment for rent, 47 Huron Street. Plume HU 2-6610. Aa.'- *gable June a. 200 UNFURNISHED apartments, will be available commencing May, July. and August. Phone ceriel Van Damme, HU 2-6685. 1-9tfb YOU R PIANO should be tuned and .checked for troth FlaiPaire and other defect's reVlarlY, appreciate the continued Pr1V-liege of servicing many, of the instruments in this area, george W. CPN, HU 2-3870:' 17to21p tft) TI iNKINGF ..OF 44TY113LE117 the Bittewater •Serviee Station, Goderich on the Bay, field Road. Phone JA. 4-946T, 1.5.tfb WOMAN WANTED from 6 p.m. to 7,30 a.m., 2 nights a week,' for lady invalid in vicin, its of Bayfield. Phone HU 2- 9294. 19-206 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects From the home of Mrs, P. A, Galbraith, in the vllage of Varna, on SATURDAY MAY 26 at 1.30 p.m. the following: Studio couch; 3-piece walnut bedroom suite (antique); wal- nut blanket chest(antique); 3- piece bedroom suite; 3 rocking chairs; wicker arm chair; wick- er rocking chair; wiCker settee; arm chair; upholstered chair; parlor chairs-, kitchen chairs; several small tables; kitchen cupboards; electric rangette; electric fan; electric heating pad; Astrol refrigerator; 2 in- side dors (one •glass pan- elled); 2 mantel clocks; lamps; cushions; hooked and braided mats; pillows; bedding; linen; copper boiler; lawn mower; washing machine; 2 part toilet sets, dishes, includ- ing some antique; cooking utensils; numerous other art, idles. FANCY GRADE SPYS, ions aPPles, $2.00 per bus. Crisp -end juicy from our cold stor- age. Phone371.13 2-7525. Stew- art Middleton. 18,9-20p 19,9 Lark 2-door 1958 Silver Hawk 289 moter & overdrive 1958 Studebaker 6 2-door 1957 Zephyr 6 completely overhauled 1954 CI-ley. 4-door , 1954 Dodge Station Wagon 1953 Buick. 4-door 1954 Dodge 1/2,10n Stock Rack. Above Average Condition REAL ESTATE CHOICE I.JAKE FRONT LOT, D(yx150', $1,509, near Hayfield. Write to Box 1,95, Clinton News-Record, Clinton. 19-20b BUILDING LOT for sale near air base on Highway 4; 80 ft. frontage. Call after .6 or Sat- urday; HU 2-7861,.E 54 Mill Street, Clinton, 16-9-20:lb Become an AVON R E PRESENTATIVE Working Part Time Start Immediately Avon Cosmetics has convenient neighbourhood territories avail, able in East liVawanosh, Hul- lett, Goderich Townships. Write: Mrs, M. Millson 960 Wellington Rd. S., London or call collect GE 2-9019 between 7 and 8 p.m. 20-23-26b HOUSE FOR R.gri-T. in Heppe all, 4 bedreoms,.. new bathroom,: new kitchen, new ftirraee. Pos session June j., A.1g lot for sale in Henaall. Phone 22W, 20b TOPSOIL Delivery Saturdays L. G.WINTER REAL ESTATE Phone HU 2-6692 19tfla NOUSE—NEAR KIPPEN— 3 or 4 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and washroom, ample storage space, pressure system, near school. large garden and lawn, Garden available now, house when redecorated. Orville Workman, Kippen, phone Hen- sail 264W3. 19.20-1b 3 bedroom, neW cottage close to lake, modern, 3 bedroom cottage, fully fur- nished, modern. 1 bedroom cottage to be moved, Lots with water and hydro, $700 up. LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE Phone Bayfield 83 20b W. H. Dalrymple Son BOYS' JEANS and polished cotton pants, Canadian made by Haugh's, Carhartts, Cana- togs. Broken lines, regular up to $4,95—Now $2.59-2 pr. for $5.00. Aiken's, Clinton, HU 2- 9352. 20b vommorirmaierin.a....wea ACCOMMODATION WANTED Brucefield, Ont. HU 2-9211 BOARD AND ROOM HELP WANTED MALE FARMS — large or small in Huron County. We have a nice selection of homes in Clinton and Goderich, summer cottag- es, lake frontage lots. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich Phone Salesman:4 -8762 .BURUMA, JA RR 2, Clinton HU 2-3287 18tfb Terms — Cash Mrs. D, A. Galbraith, prop. Edward W, Elliott, auctioneer 20-lb Sewing Machines 2 or 3 ]3EDROOM HOUSE wanted by July 1. Call Don Jefferson, HU 2-6616. 20p FOR GENERAL DUTIES in bakery. ' Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd., Clnton. 20b ACCOMMODATION for board- ers or roomers. Apply Mrs. Carl McClinchey, 10 • William Street, phone HU 2-3844. 20b SERVICE TO ALL MAKES RENTALS. by Week or Month WILL wHIDDEN, Clinton SINGER SEW.ING MACHINE CO. HU 2-9103 GIRLS SOFTBALL PRACTICE TUESDAY All 'teen-age girls who sign- ed up to play in the Clinton recreation association softball league are reminded' that the first practice session is; 'called for Tuesday, May 22, ARTICLES FOR SALE CLERK AND STOCKMAN. Must have typeing Steady em- ployment to right party. Able to meet the public and take phone orders. Apply to Box 201, Clinton News-Record. 20b CLEAN, comfortable sleeping accommodations by the week or month in convenient modern home. Apply 31 Mill Street, Clinton. 20b Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Furniture From lot Nos. 28 and 29, con, 8, Goderich Township, 2 miles west of Holmesville on the Cut Line and 1/ 'mile south, on WEDNESDAY,MAY 30 at 1 p.m. Cattle—Holstein cow, 5 yrs: old, freshened 2 months; Ayr- shire cow, 4 yrs. old, freshened 2 months; Holstein x Hereford cow, 5 yrs. old, freshened 2 months; Holstein heifer, due in August; Holstein heifer, bred; 7 Holstein 2 yr. old open heif- ers;, 7 Hereford 2 yr. old steers; 6 Hereforal yearling steers; 7 Hereford yearling heifers; 6 young calves. I mplements—M-H 30 tractor (Al condition) John Deere 12A 6 it, combine with pick up, scour clean and elevators; Oliv- er 2 furrow tractor plow on rubber; International 46 hay baler (2 yrs. old); Case tan- dem disc; 3 section tractor drag •harrows; Cockshutt 4 bar rake (2 yrs. old); M-H push bar hay loader; George White manure spreader (2' yea. old); Abersol grain blower; rubber tired wagon; 16 ft. flat rack; grain box; spring tooth har- rows; one row scuffler; Aber- sol grain blower; Deering mow- er, 6 ft. cut; 4 in. heavy vise; 2% in. vise; 140 ft. -of hay fork rope; ear, pulleys, etc.; rotary pump arid motor; Apex °minis- ter sprayer; work bench; car- penter tools; garden tools; quantity of wood and cedar posts; 75 ft. hose; Viking cream separator and motor; numerous other articles. Feed — 500 bales of mixed hay; quantity of Strativ. Household EffectS — Studio couch; kitchen table and five chairs; extension table; 'Chest- erfield; chest of drawers; dres- ser; double bed; Quebec heat- er; play pen; high chair; 'child's crib; ironing board; sealers; numerous beer art- icles. Terms — Cash Keith COX, prifprietor EdWard W. Elliott, auctioneer 20-lb CAR TRAILER for Sale or rent, phone HU 2-7626, 20b STROLLER, collapsible, metal seat, canopy and shopping bag. Phone HU 2-7111. 20p Carefree Heating — Cha6pion Fuel Oil. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and Son. 38tfb 17-tfb` BOARDERS wanted: Can ac- commodate 4 boarders; two single and two sharing. Mrs. Effie Finley, 150 Maple Street, HU 2-9767. 20-lb TANK TRUCK DRIVER, 25 to 35 years of age. Someone who can learn office work. Apply in own handwriting. Steady work with all benefits. Apply to Box 202, Clinton News- Record. 20b 20 ,Acre Farm with 8 room dwelling, small barn; 26'x26', hydro, water pressure, garage, About 11/2 miles from Clinton, Ont. Would exchange for 6 roomed dwelling in town. 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom, living, room, dining room,. modern kit- chen, 4 piece bath, gas furnace, double lot. Excellent' condition. Early possession. '1 storey, 6 roomed dwelling, 3 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, oil furnace, large lot. Immediate possession. 1 storey cut stone cottage with patio overlooking Mait- land River, 8 miles north of Clinton. Secluded but accessible, hydro, partly furnished. Price $4,000. 11/2 storey dwelling, 4 bed- rooms, living room, dining room and kitchen. 4 piece bath, oil heated, full basement, good location, price $8,000, •with $1,000 down, balance first mortgage with owner, early possession. Vacant Lots 'Ontario St.-50 x10'; James St.-66'x132'; Highway , 4, 1/2 mile north of Clinton, town water available-75'x165' SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53-tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! CLOTHING FOR SALE ONE PORTER - CABLE belt sander in good condition for $50 and large blacksmith drill press. Call HU 2-9193. 18-9-20b YOUNG MAN (preferably just completing Grade 12 or Grade 13) for general office work, typing, billing, etc Reply in own handwriting to Box 205, Clinton News-Record. Interest- ing work in Clinton. 20b Rogers Majestic TV Sales and Service Featuring TRAVEL TRAILER, aluminum covered, fold-down tent style; also camping equipment. Phone HU 2-7402. • 20-1-2p KORET SPORTS WEAR FOR SALE SERVICES FARMALL A TRACTOR, with scuffler attachment, and bean puller. Phone HU 2-9819. 20-1p FARMERS, TRUCKING Ser- vice, local and long -distance. For prompt 'service, phone P. W. -Transport Ltd., Blyth, 162 (collect), 20to43p Ted Ryder's TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 6tfb • 9'x12' RUG with under pad; 1 coffee table, 2 matching step- up tables. Apply Ed. Andrews, RR 2, Seaforth. 20b AVAILABLE AT ONCE—Good Rawleigh Business. Selling ex- perience helpful but not re- quired. Car necessary. Write at once for particulars, Raw- leigh's, Dept, E-169-TT, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 20b In matching Co-ordinates in cotton knits BATHING . SUITS Now on Display By Beatrice Pine and Sea Queen Bayfield Woollen Shop BAYF I ELD 3 CHICKEN SHELTERS. Us- ed two summers, excellent con- dition. Clifford Henderson, Kippen, phone Hensall 264J2. 20b AGAIN THIS YEAR, outside white paint $2.99 gallon. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, open evenings till 9 p.m. 18tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. 300 lbs. or over, ac- cording to condition. Associated with Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 158C62, 7 Days Service. Call Ed. Andrews, 863W1, Seaforth, 8tfb KENWOOD BLANKETS—an ideal gift for all occasions; also ..KENWOOD Baby Blankets; all sizes and colors. MARTIN'S Dept. Store. . 33tfb WANTED — Two young and ambitious men, capable of working on scaffolds building silos, steady work to the fellow that takes a hold. Apply to J. E, Hugill & Sons, Highway 8, east of Clinton, phone HU 2- 9822. 18tfb FARMERS! — Pride hybrid seed corn for sale at my farm. This is top quality seed, can purchase varieties f o r either grain •or silage requirements. James Lobb, RR 2, Clinton, HU 2.3342, your Pride Hybrid Co. of Canada agent: ' 20-lp GARDEN SUPPLIES FERTILIZERS 4-12-10. PLANT FOOD EVERGREEN 6-9-6 SHEEP MANURE PEAT• MOSS BONE ,MEAL • GARDEN SEEDS All Available at H. F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Phone HU 2-9792 19-20b Preserve Winter Garments Before Storing . Fastidious People Use Coin-Operated Dry Cleaners 8 lbs. $2.00 20tfb DEAD 'AN'IMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call CUSTOM WORK LOST AND FOUND FORAGE MASTER forage box- es, self-unloading unit; Brady Crimpers and hay conditioners. On Display. We also handle Kools Forage Blowers; Long double-chain elevators.. Post hole digger, $198. G. and E. Welding, Main Street, Zurich, phone 72 r 12. 14to26b BACK-HOE WORK on exca- vations, drains, trenches, etc. Henry Young, 63 North Street, HU 2-9496. ltfb H. C. LAWSON LOST -- BEAGLE HOUND, mostly black, tan head, wear- ing collar with name plate. Lost in Goderich Township. Re- ward. Anyone knowing where- abouts phone Clinton HU 2- 9414. 20b DARLING INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Dial HU 2-9644—business HU 2-9787—residence WILLIAM BENDER and Son, brick and block contractors, Chimney repairs and general repair work. Phone Clinton, HU 2-9805. 17 to 20p & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Kirkton 48 r 10 Dead Animal Licence No. 175-C-62 ltfb AT MISCELLANEOUS --LIVE STOCK FOR SALE TENDERS WANTED IRENE'S LAWN CARE, cutting, trim- ming, weeding. John Hoytema, alf , mile 'north of Clinton ,on Highway 4. Visit us or phone HU 2-9152. 19to22b HEREFORD BULL, 14 months old. Gordon Westlake, RR 3, Hayfield 60r2. 20p 6 HOLSTEIN HEWERS' due to freshen. Harvey Taylor, HU 2-9968. 20b WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb -TENDERS will be received un- til June 1 to apply and install a fire escape in SS 1, Hullett. Work to meet the approval of fire marshall. Apply to Ross McGregor, RR 2, Seaforth. 20-1b Westinghouse Coin-Operated Dry Cleaner 70 Albert Street HU 2-7833 20tfb NOTICE LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb DIAMOND RINGS, See our newest cash specials at dis- count prices—save up to one- -third. Pay cash and save. Terms if preferred. Phone HU 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments. Counter's Jewellery. 18tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED— Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed, write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 442w6 Brussels. 10to39p HOLSTEIN BULL, 16 months old. Ted Sjaarda, RR 4, Olin- ton, Highway No. 8, East. 20p SEALED MARKED TENDERS wanted for the caretaking and renting of the Auburn Com- munity Memorial Hall, Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Applications to be in by June 1, 1962, to secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. 20p Notice To Creditors 24-IN. WESTINGHOUSE elec- tric range with automatic tim- er, new condition; 6 cu. ft. Frigidaire refrigerator, a n d numerous other articles. Tele- phone HU 2-7061. 20p FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb In the Estate of MARY BER- THA LUCAS, late of the Town of Clinton in the Cciunty of Huron, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 8th day of December, A.D. 1961, are re- quired to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of May, A.D. 1962, after which date the assets will be distri- buted having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of May, A.D. 1962, E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 18-9-20b 3 HEREFORD yearling • steers, for grass. Apply to Fred Bu- chanan, RR 1, Clinton, phone Seaforth 860 r 4. , 20p EAVESTROUGHING — Order now for early service with com- petent workmen. Either no trough, or a leaky trough through time ruins your invest- ment. Phone HU 2-7746. 11-12p-tfb VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service, Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 TRANSPORTATION WANTED 41111M111/ BUSINESS LADY wishes ride five days per week from RCAF Station Clinton to RCAF Cen- tralia coMmencing June 4, hours 8 a.m. to 4.30 pm. Phone HU 2-7775. 20-lb EXPERT CARPENTRY WORK done reasonably to your satis- faction. For kitchen cupboards, coffee tables, bookcases, china cabinets, etc,nand all small odd jobs around your home. Call Ken McNairn, HU 2-7726. ' 19tfb Do-It-Yourself TRANSPORTATION Wanted from Clinton to RCAF Station Centralia, Monday to Fridays, as passenger starting June 1, will help expenses. Write to Box 150, Clinton News-Record. MEN'S SHORT-SLEEVED RENT These Machines 3 Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Belt Sander 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander 3 Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON SPORT SHIRTS Plumbing & Heating Completely Modernized: Light, neat patterns; Darker & brighter colors in, Button-Down Collar. 2.95 to 6.00 • Sparkling New Bathrooms Coloured or Plain Fixtures Pumps and Softeners „ Hot Water or Warm Air Heating Systems, Coal or Oil Fired, Also Eavestroughing. FREE ESTIMATES Contact: L. Whitfield, phone 130 o K. Whitfield, r phone 52-23 Blyth, Ont. 19-20p Weekend Specials Oven Ready FRYING CHICKENS 31c Average 2 1/2 Lbs. LB. Oven Ready ROASTING CHICKENS 4 c Average 4-8 Lbs. LB. Our FRIDAY SPECIAL— From Our Store Only— MEN'S SHORT-SLEEVED T-SHIRTS Cocoanut Macaroons 30-tfb Cottons. and Banlons . . . COol and comfortable in hot weather , . . 2.95 to 9.95 Regular-38c pkg. Special-33c pkg. Classified Rates • Sandblasting 110 Window Caulking for Residential — Commercial Industriol Buildings Have your cement block buildings,basements colorcreted available in all colours HURON COLORCRETE APPLICATORS Five Estimates phone collect Dial exbter 235-1693 or 235-2802 H. W. Presztator, rep. 275 William Street, Exeter 1920-21-22p For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, In Mernoriams, _Engagements, 30 a word; Minimum 75c. SHORT-SLEEVED DRESS SHIRTS Our SATURDAY SPECIAL. From bur Store only— This week we feature: In Cotton, Terylene, and Terycota (65% Terylene and 35% Cotton). 2.95 to 6.00 Cocoanut Cream Pies Choice Stable Fed BABY BEEF REPEATS 2c a word; Minimum 50c. MEN'S Shortie Pyjamas CASH btSCOUN1'S,-- 1/3 Off If paid by Saturday following' last insertion. SWIM SUITS Regular-55c each Special-49C each Short sleeves and short legs, 3.95 to 4.95 Whether you buy STEAKS or ROASTS, you have our guarantee it Will, be the tenderest you have ever eaten. in Trunk and Boxer style. full range sizes & colors. 2.95 to 6.95 BILLING CHARGE- 10c added on second bill. Bartliffs Bakery PETER'S FREE--;- Births, Marriages, Deaths, Pickett & Cam bell Limited Main Street Clinton Phone HU 2-9732 iMADLINE- 12 o'elotk noon, WedneSday DIAL HU 2-3443 HU 2.9727 Limited CLINTON Baker/ and Rastaurant Modern MEAT Market Hu 2.9731 S