HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-17, Page 7There's Gold In Them Thar Hills A gold mine of anecdotes of the Yukon will be retold as veteran prospector William McBride (left) talks to broadcaster David Cruikshank in the new radio program Tales and Trails of The Yukon heard every Wednesday on the CBC Trans-Canada radio network. These recollections of the Yukon gold rush days are based on the letters, diaries and stor- ies of old-timers and adventurers. (By Florence Elliott, Secretary, Huron Federation) YOUR CARS BES FRIEND' HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS GE ERAL EPAIRS `lcIITNOTRoItt " There has been a great deal of ;speculation regarding the drafting of a Milk Marketing Plan. The following is the lat- est news on the question. A concerted effort, by the combined four Ontario milk and cream groups, is now being made to .develop a marketing plan which fully benefits the best interests of all producers of milk and cream in Ontario. DiscustSions and conferences have been occurring regularly during the past three months. At the outset, the four produc- er groups' executives assumed an advisory role. During recent weeks a provisional board of 13 members has been. appointed to ccirriblette Working Out the de-- tails of the plan. This board is composed of three members from each of the four group executives, and one member f vat, the Channel Island Breeds Milk Producers Association. • The executives of the four producer .groups, plus one pro- ducer representing the United Dairy and Poultry Co-operat- ive, and one producer repre- senting the - Channel Island Breeds Milk Producers Assoc- iation, will continue their ad- visory role on a board to be known as the -Ontario Milk and Cream Producers Advisory Board. When the details of the plan are completed, the provisional board will request the Ontario Milk Industry Board to take a vote of aill producers. Im preparation for the vote, the provisional board intends' Ito fully inform all Milk and -dream 441 BE NICE TO PEOPLE ON THE WAY UP BECAUSE YOU WILL MEETTIIEM ON THEWAYROWN. • 1 1• ••• • •• • .0IDPAL. PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates On ALL PluMbing, Fleeting and Eldetrieal InStallatleas. Whether it's a arnall renovation job or a noW furnace, bathrboni, or cornplete inttallatibris fat` a new home, we bah adVise and help you. 1111.6 &reit& EV&VtIvino We Instal FINK iciiiTIB 04 WELLINGTON MEET CLINTON If you want the type of bird than will make a STEADY, reliable profit, you need the high- production Leghorn — STONE H- 56. Call or write ROE FARMS LIMITED' Atwood, Ont. r---- Phona 356-221 E) Michigan Certified Sanaa; —7. A proven quality Seed ,, , $640 Per bushel Michigan Certified Michelite A strong resistant Seed, recommended for Michelite Growers $6.7$ per bushel Ontaiio Registered. Seaway A new earlier Maturing Variety $5.40 per bushel ($9.00 per Cwt) We ask no premium for this new seed. Ontario Registered Sanilac — .Excellent Bean Seed Grown Locally $5.40 per bushel ($9.00 per Cwt) BEAN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED Ea L. Mickle & Son Ltd. PHONE 103 HENSALL, ONT. 20tf b .• , Is your car past its prime? Ian loan means ready cash for a car or any other big purchase puts buying money in your pocket on a low-cost; businesslike basis. Next time you wish to finance a car, a TY set; a washing machine, or need money for doctor's bills, or taxes...any reasonable purpose,..compare the cost of a Royal Bank tegipan loan. You may find yourself aaving considerable money in interest charges! Borrow up to $3,600, take up to 36 months to pay back in regular instal- ment& And the loan Is life insured. Get the simple facts in your tenni:Man loan booklet, at any Royal Bank branch. ROYAL BAN K OP/NA Convention in London Prize Weeklies Get Awards producers in Ontario on the particulars of the plan, anti give all full opportunity to study its merits' before they are called upon to vote. If the plan is approved, it will be administered by the Provisional Board in Its initial operational stages, and until a Marketing Board, with equit- able representation for all pro- ducers is elected'. Studies are now being made of methods for 'this election. It is proposed that the advis- ory board will continue to ftinction and will meet with the provisional board at reg- ular !intervals. It will study and recommend on matters of policy in - respect to negotiations, 'qUetas; '..c.OStS. of ';any stimulation of sales of milk, cream and milk products, and all other relevant matters. The proposals for the opera- tion of the plan will be con- sidered by the advisory board on April 27. School At Guelph For Ministers Of Rural Areas A committee of rural minist- erts 'met this week to plan for the 13th .annual school for run- al clergymen which' is to be held at the Ontario Agricultur- al College during the last week of July. The only one of its kind in Canada, the school is onclenorn- inational and last year , was at- tended by more than 100 repre- sentatives of eight denomina- tions. The purpose of. the school, under the direction of Padre W. A. Young, college chaplain, is to provide for dis- cussion of the problems that modern farmerS are facing, and to give rural ministers a great- er knowledge of the basic prin- ciples' of agriculture in relation to human welfare and the function of the church in. the rural eernanunity, The school is a family affair, and 'the ministers are invited to bring their wives and fam- ilies. Special protrenis, a'"e roe- pared for the wives and etill- tiren, The two main' courses of feied are rural ,secioioey and .agni- culture, The p egra,ni also in- cludes, a visit to the St-atford Festival, .a family picnic, and tours of various departments on the campus' including the Ontario Veterinary College, Ministers who are interest ed itr attending this School should get in touch with the Department of txterision ','d'u- cation: at 'the Ontario Agricul, thrall College, Guelph„ la Fh111 el' For Clubhouse 947DE:114CH (Staff) —PreSi, dent Chaillea K, Naliltel o Maitland CON C144 s.144 re, ,CentilY the tender 'for 'the new $30,000 elPbbooSe has been let to Kenneth Hutchins, Goderieb bonder. Coostrtietion of the clubhouse has aireadY begun he said and it has been Planned to oceup' rt during the middle of July, The builder has been given 10 Weeltsfo eomPlete the modern clubhouse building. The $30,000 clublionIsr. will contain locker faeilitiea for both men and women Members, lounge and kitchen facilities. It is being constructed near the site of tile old _clubhouse, When the new building is completed the 'old clubhouse will be removed the president said. The club is conducting a membership drive and a sale of Shares of $100 each to fin- ance the new clubhouse. A total of 80 members from RCAF Station Clinton have al- ready joined and over 100 local members have rejoined. The club is aiming for a member- ship of between 200 and 250 this season. Quick Canadian Quiz 1. What is the width of the St: Lawrence River at its mouth? 2. For its spending on welfare and social aids, Ottawa this year most collect in taxes $900,000 a day, $3.6 million A day, $6.3 million a ,day? 3. Is; Newfoundland Canada's largest island? 4. Of all 'taxes paid by Canad- ians thiS year, how much will be spent on schools and education? 5. In what ten-year census period since 1901 has Can- ada's population shown the greatest percentage in? crease? Answers: 5, In 'the 1901-1911 census period. 3. Newfound, land is the fourth largest isl- and. 1. 26 miles. 4. Les's. than 15 per cent, 2. $6.3 million a day. Material prepared by the ed- itors of Quick Canadian Facts, the pocket annual of facts a- bout Canada. 0 APPLE SAUCE FOR CAKE .-rn.J.,ING Apple sauce has a variety of uses, says the food department of Macdonald InStitute, Guelph Serve it as a filling between layers of fresh gingerbread and garnish with whipped' cream. Try it occasionally as a top- ping for rice, tapioca,, custard desserts, or pancakes. NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5.30 p,m, J. I.' McIntosh Clerk 14tfb on pe4,14 and 4atwilaY of week inehOhers Saris WeeiclY NeWSPiPPerSHAS4'. sedation will be attendiOg lannnati ecnVentiPil 'IOW I4Pildeil, Ontario, when'' the Premier of 'the proviive, Hen. John APbartS, 9.A, will be one of the speagers• RePreseptiog". .News 40eOld will be.pitt•ii.Sher- OolqUhotin and editor Wilrrua -7:4-n41*, They will bring home a certificate Stati-4K aloe NewsfRecoPd 144..04 third 1961 for geaeral excellence among •Papers published in towns of .350Q people and under, .The president of OWNA,. Herb CamPbell of the .Advance, potion, will preside at all functions, assisted by Bert Smith, of the •Weeisiy, port Credit, Lynn Lashbrook, of the Ivies'- airy, Rodney, is the convene ton chairman. The delegates wall hear a progress report ..on Canadian Community News- papers representativeS, who are inteoducing a new process of facilitating for ad agencies placement of national newspap- er advertising in weeklieseTheY will, hear publishers who have changed .to offset izoeess of printing, and view the opera- tion of electronic equipment for making printing plates. In ad- dition plenty of time will be If You're TIRED Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out" feeling and may, be bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a tempor- ary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Oodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause backache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. 81 4V0t0 to tine excalang Molls between the* attei nd*. liosts at social functions, will he Im'per'ial Oil Co, OntariO Hylcire, Union Gas Col IlOYal Trnst Co., The 1-4A4aint rim Press, the Province of Ontario, and the Ontario division of the Porninion BreWer$' AsSoelation. Presentations will bp Made neWaPaPerS winning awards in the Better Newspapers Corn- PetAlea110 and Will inelodp the following for general eoceel- lency; Under 1,000 population — 1 Dutton Aciv,anCe, 2 Dundalk Herald, 3 Zilideit News. Under 2,00Q population — 1 Peat Elgin Time% 2 Winchester Farm Tractors Expensive POnles HOW xPaR OPtairio f3P144*P, can afford a $3,090 cow,POncl This wokAirl: seem tO be an ex, PePsiYe and Prineee4WY 411: and Pat ._hundretts. of our *tows,alas their Selloohage ProsS, 3 Ialineraton Observer. Under 3,-000 Population: — 1 Blenheim News.Tribune, 2 Ex- eter l'inies-Advocate, 3 Clinton NeWiskIlecord, Qver 3,500 population — 1 BitAington Gazette, 2 BraiPP- Presentations ton Conaervator, 3 Oakville Journal. Papers showing greatest prominent over last year — 1 Carp Review, 2 Dray,ton. Advo, cate, 3 Zurich News, cbiOrIn talce. t17$ trgetiM Pot' tJcows. R911101. 1•W Palltt/41: igt140(1443k 4.01, dkiaW Ourrows' IN'eSen 4109240140. 'Vat these yo Ping people sitibuld not toe Iled tO handle. Reoentli) a 14-Year-oid boy APS. control of such 4 PO', tractor tand was almo0' When it itiliVe& over, 44chf 084. f fir PailtANTI4114 !NW adViain.- gairKIPI 0V0.- wad, IDOn't f4lae a. PiiianCe With. YAP' Dr P4 $3,900 eoVv-Ponfy/. Msy 1/• 1944,00•4 N•wr-Roeor4,4•pp 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM THE BREWERS' RETAIL STORES No old-style beer bottles will be. redeemed by Brewers' Retail Stores aftek June 9, 1962. After this. date only the .space-saving compact amber bottles will continue to be refundable,\, BREWERS' WAREHOUSING CO. LTD.