HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-17, Page 2=•; I
Foga fir ----Clint*" Nrpws-R*c0r�f--T1�,41rr, Meir
•tditoriaU* From,Qo� E rl File
We're ThA d
AGAIN THE: Home Paper with the judged :with -others published in, towns
News - •has Joined ' the ranks of ' prize- of under I,000 citizens, Not only did it
winning weeklies JA thg., provmGe ,of place third, among papers for' general
Ontario, with a thud place for general excellence, but also Was fudged, third in
excellence, Were quite thrilled about the class showing most improvement
it, during the year.
These contests for excellence are 'de ce h
Is it more than. a ;coiner t t
carried out by the Ontario Weekly t r a e rn on Count' should
Newspapers Associ#ion of which the be three . m Hur,_ .. Y ..... _
p p.. i f
News rd s a :rne r. judges )I:lnners in an across -Ontario cod-
N eco i•. , . #nbe., . ge., petition, where more than 00, weeklies
from, :among the 'publishers take on the are published? We think so,
fob of choosing tho `best" papers 9x,_ ,
among their fellows.We think it means that there s a
The News -•Record is J.udged along great deal of co-operation within the
with other, weeklies in towns of 3,500 communities of this ,area, to .assist the
population and under.. Apparently there publishers in their desire to provide the
p per that the
were only two with better entries 'last best .news a y possibly can
year: the Blenheim News -Tribune and for' their readers. It's a two, way street,
the Exeter Times -Advocate. we all realize. Without this co=opera
We are happy also to note a pair tion, any newspaper is Ata disadvant-
of third prizes earned by the Zurich age.
Citizens News last year. That weekly is Thank you, all our readers,
Few Worries Here
OUR TOWN, and this section of
Canada, are blessed in many ways.
We- have the. loveliness which na-
ture produces in the spring of the year,
and in other seasons.. We have the
copious harvests which leave promise
of more to come in the next planting
season. .
We have no huge problems with
conflicting racial or ideological. differ-
ences. Our many people with varying
religious beliefs • live in harmony, side
by side.
We have a great similarity even
in political wants. This may pose a
problem for candidates in election time,
but lead to friendly feelings between
the people who -live and work here.
This area has been remarkably free
from -the tribulations of unemployment.
Some of this may be due to the fact
that people without jobs tend to go to
the city to look for work, leaving a
good balance between jobs available,
and people in the area.. But on the
other hand the economy here is thriv-
ing: Businesses .existant are doing well.
Farms are producing as much profits
for their owners as probably anywhere
in Canada—though we accept the fact
that, their share of the nation's wealth
is not as good as it could' be.
. Somehow it seems evident that
candidates in the June 18 election will
have to look sharp to find any issues
on which to base their campaign which
will have much effect upon the "un-
decided" voters.
There are three contestants in the
field. We look forward to the hectic
month ahead as their campaigns un-
fold. Perhaps an evening -in the col-
legiate auditorium here, when all three
could be given a chance to speak, to
reply and to be heard, would be ad-
vantageous to' the whole riding,
Clinton News -Record
t Est. 1865 Amalgamated 1924 Est. 1881
Published every Thursday at the
Heart of Huron County
Clinton, Ontario -- Population 3,369
0= A. L. COLQUHOUN, Publisher
.. CV LAi
;SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance -- Canada and Great Britain: $4.00 a year;
United States and Foreign: $5.50; Single Copies Ten Cents
Authorized as second . class mail;• Post Office Department, Ottawa
and..for, . payment of, postage in, cash
and getting up at . getting -up
Su ar and S ice • • time xa
g p Not only did my mother pes-
(By W. B. T. SMILEY) ter ane with such petty irrita-
tions, she had, the gall ,to sug-
Well, Mom, how did .you She didn't teach me -to shoot gest--only once in a while, and
make out on YOUR day, as the pool, 'play ,poker, brink beer, rather, timidly, I admit—+that I.
advertisements call it? Same swear and chase after women, out -the lawn, run an errand, or
old routine, I suppose: lots' of all of which I used to do. Nor ,help my'Dad'put the ashes out.
kisses; cuppa tea in ;bed; .bug did she show me .haw to play She even had -the efifsonteeay ,to
pr0duaWn of a potted (begoaia>a golf' fly :an airplane, catch drop these hints when .she
W stale chocolate's; everybody trout or write a collumn. , knew perfectly.'well' I had to go
off to church: with, a flower ,m But she did' teach me. some to =the matinee, or off to pMy
the buttnanhale;, rabid drrnianisir important tkgs: never to brailll. Ooh, I put up, with alSt
Ing of interest in die whole' pro thin about a around there, _I -care tell ,you.
jest; you getting, huge dnmet �y g Win.
uableiss you torrid say so¢net4rrxrg- And she was cruel, too.,. I
anti d'aing dishes while family good;' always,. to vote lag auZt distinctly remember the Ib6at-
2ests after, excitement and ;Maukenzi4e King;, never to !be Trigs I used to .get., Well, I
s'�ra 3n of Mother'& Day. cruel; .always tar. •;laugh . eaedoat- reanem(ber•. one, anyway. Well,
Just to show youthan some-• i'callly when yoou';paid your'• tai[- maybe not. a .beating, exactly,
..body. cares; I 'saved my Moth- es; never .to ibe dascourteotit; :but. three akelps with the y!aa+d-
-er's 'Day . -calu m until this whatever the sutuataon; .arlwayys stile -k. I was 'six -at the tin'ne,
week:.. You'll • need 'a pickup to aa'nd!• the (first piwoh if you: and I'm quitie certain''it slearred
just about now as the re'aliza- were forced to .fight. me; psychologically, for life.
tion suvlds iii that last Sunday's She ,also naught me' how to I still! dom'•t` know why slhe
flossing ower you is, a once -a -Hake a bed, db a farcnily wash- threshed me so brutally. ' I
..year shot and you are relegated ing, prepare a simple meal, do hadn't done -a thing. How
to your usual functions of the dishes, and run an ironer, could I :know my kid 'brother
household slave, co m ed y all of which have stood' me in would swallow that Wrewnail
straight man, domestic ,detec- goad stead since I got married. I grave •pian to platy with7 could
hive, ,family wailing wall and 4` * * I help it if my bard went a little
urnpaid civil sea want: Buck do those days, I dlidn,'t croaked .and through the fait-
appreciate my mother. They Chen window? And what xed:-
Don't thank me. Its a plea- can be annoying creatures,.to ,blooded' boy hasn't burned' anis
sure to come right out and an- children, you know. Their in- eyebraws .off with a firecrack-
nounce my flim conviction •that terests are very limited. They er? No' I 'think she was' just in
mothers are the finest 'people miss the 'big picture and harp a -bad mood that day.
in -the world—with the .possible . on. auah details -as clean ears, Pe 1e talk arbour mothers
Years Ago
24 `e pars Ago .
(lLiNTQN N>ftf 3i,RLQgitit)
'h4?idaY, Ma,Y 18, :822
Tlaursils Ms#y 6t 193,7
On N*%day the oldest bits.-
Clinton, Bay Scants scant up a
Hess in Clinton changed hands.
.huge rad, white and blue cal-
Bat11, Atl4imsa4 and raphe
loan on Cornruataon Day, Jack
taught out Harland Bros. hard-
West re _ved a King's Scout
wait. Fred Match will C040we
badge.,- h6 fixtgt in C1i;nton, -to
asnvanager •arid the firm will
qualify, Also a beacon! fire. was.
be coiled Claxton. Hardware ano
lighted and 21 rockets f ecf
Fwntiture Company. The firm .
was established in 1867 Icy W.
E1 yen entries in. girls
S. and! J. T. Itaavland. •Tin 1911
solo in Huron County Music
the foi?ner witindrew arni J, T.
Fewtiivol here made fudging dnf-
continlued until his death on
,MW It
W. D, Fair .offered fishing
F:; W. - aohnston bought the
tatekle. for sale and published
Mountcastle ,house at the .oat'-
"Tire A:ng?er s' Prayer -- Lord
nor of Huron and Orange
give me grace to catch a fish,
streets (for $310) and! will fit
so big that even I, when talkiing
it up for renting.
at it afterwarda may never
When you are out for an
neeld to lie."
auto ride take a drive to Baer-
For 'CCI cadet !inspection of -
field and "see the new buildlings
ficers were: company con
that. are going up.
Hgran County Social Council
rriarrder' Fred Hovey; !section
ui� b ter observance of the
commanrdeos, Ian Filshie, Ken
Reid, Fred' .Axon, Jack Clancy;
Sabbath, "Buy Sunday's Baso-
quarter anaGsiem sergeant, Fba
line on Saturday."
bert Biggart; drum major,
it will be fitted' and trained' for
Charles Match.
the show ring.
40 Years Aga
ITIkursday, May 18, 1922
S, S. Stobhers, agricultural
Thursday, May 15, 1952
representative has arranged
'The Town of Clinton has -ac-
four meetings (Carlow, Auburn,
crest reproduced,
Goderich Township Orange Hall
bhecepto e the C neon
ohne lower -section of the Clinton
aind Clinton) to discuss "Hydro
crest — bearing the ini-
on the Farm".
Lewis Thomson protested by
s'cription in. French; "Tout
letter the reported arrival. of
viient de dieu". The Bairony of
Mr, Black, the Farmer ovea'm-
Clinton was set up in 1299, the
ment official for South Hur-
family name being Urn-
on, at Bayfield on Sun -
Stuart, Forbes - Trefu;lsis," The
day. "MT. BIack was not
(or Baron was
-invited her by the .Lib-
barn J1].$63. He re -
banuary 2 21,
orals, and w e ask Mm,
sides atthe family seat Nean-
Black to kindly attend to his
ton, Siatchville, Okehampton,
North levan, England.
own affairs which -are not .in
by your member, Elston' •Cal'-
conm!ectiorn with Bayfield her-
Mayor G. W. Nott proclaim-
hour ... the harbour is private.
ed Saturday, May 24 as Vic -
property, and this notice- may
toaria Day. ,
be regarded as final."
1.Lions are launching 'a cam -
The coming of the straw ghat
paitgn to raise $30,000 to install'
is several weeks early this
artificial 'ice in; the arena. 29
Year. Frank Andrews predicts
Lions :have subscribed$4,795 of
a big crop of 'stmawbe'rries. Bart
thds amount,
Laviis ,has ,disposed of his olassy
RCAF Station Penhald Alta.little
driver to R. S. O'Neil,
will open this month•
the Hugon 'Street 'baiter, who
has shipped it to Milton whereClinton
Colts' have entered a
it will be fitted' and trained' for
ten -team Huron -Perth Baseball
the show ring.
Letter to the Editor' Officers for
The Editor Huron K Group
Th1s note is in regard to the
Goderich Township liquor vote. Officers. of the Huron CoUTA v
This we ,know, without danrg-' Progressive Conservative As-
er of refutation, that the more sodation were elected lbs!t
outlets for liquor, the more week ,at the nomination rally
drinking; -and, •a larger number
of dmin!kers means more alta- 'here. Homouraa y •presidents are
holic disease, the two sitting members', L. El -
it was a beautiful Christmas sto n Cardiff, MP, Brussels and
mmning recently in a certain Charles S. MacNauglnton, MPP,
village where there are now Exeter.
over a ;dozen outlets -that two
boys were deprived of 'a Chris- President is John Du'rnin,
tian mother. The alcoholic farmer warden of Huron, West
driver, maudlin with drink, Wiawanosh Township. Vice -
swerved from side to side on, a presidents, Mr's. Mae Mooney,
quiet village street. Goderich; Janes Donnelly,
The same festal season, a Goderich; Douglas Freeman,
young father (a 'potential al- Clinton; Harvey Coleman, RR,
caholic) returning Troon an jan 1, Zurich; Roy Cousins, BrusL
night drinking party fell .as],eep gels; Elgin McKinley, RR 1,
at ,the wheel and three darling Zurich; Earl Mills, McKillop
little Mots will never know a Township -
mother's or fathe'r's care, I Treasures. John
presided over the two coffins Morrissey,
with a sileant prayer that I be Creditcan; secretary, Mrs. F.
given strength to oppose fur- Thomrpsoao, Clinton; directors:
ther outlets. Harry Bolger, ,RR 3, Walton;
Tont. Webster, Lucknaw; Verne
Wesley C. Smith Pincomlbe, Exeter; Valentine
Becker, Dashwood; Glen Webb,
Bap�field, Ont., Dashwood; Charles Raney, R'l�.
May 14, 1962: 2, Dublin.
iffn, Pace O•u
G. Hees Supports Cardiff
-hire Har#. George Hees, Seri-
the LiberaLc :sent out Also t4i+e
0, milQicn loaned a y"rf, We;
pad *rowof Trade acid Coan4
Ltbertyls ten trade yrs to
etay, help the people to help
merce, .far ,tihe Domimon 4
tell .otthelr5 what Canada has' ,to
a'da made A hit with oo . -
sell, ],ire use 55 trade fai?1s
"And the -best way :can
.y Canker pt3ves here last
Th! ly; we encourage ex-`
.do that is if a, man has cad
... ata... ,_..
week, as he .SupPort4 the
P f'iruaancing. This is whatt
prosect, a _. good farm, a cal.
e g
?�wkv elected' L. Elston OtgrMf
Rod t through, the .,road
prospect. t. f
P. _sp'e'c or nlargemerrt, .a
FPC candidate in the dune 1
gTaderr ileal with Iaoan►xu. .
good small business, .ar a ;me-
Dowiii!io}s election. Irn 195$ .he
RaaPd Machinery! in Goderich, a
d'nraii size buss
'n"s, :and needs
had the same duty' at the moan-
dealt. whtob was nursed •t4rough
ex1.panding, Let;. him have the.
vnaltion mending, and the Prog-.
by your member, Elston' •Cal'-
credit he needs, let !viii -expand,
ressive Conservatives are .look-
let hlin gent ,bigger, let him get
irig forward to equal • Summa.
"Fourthly, we sold wheat~
getter, :and let Kinn pitoduce
He satW that Mr. Cardiff had
"F)fthly; we extended, •credit
cheoper and' let 1r' 1
: eml? oy
t 22 _ ea'rs iiri
been for the pas y
rcnyg small business
•th. , . h the
more people, "
Obt>4tw!a, "the hardest warkirag,
lean9 act, the Indusrtirial De-
Mr. Hees leer rile packed hall
Mostly highly respected mere-
velapment Bank,,and for fawn-
in ,a chuckle Pat Lester Pears -
her of parliament that has ever
eps the Fanii, Credit Act.' There
ons pllan for free trade with the
salt 'iii Hiatt di'str►vglibb, od body.
was only four millions a ,year
European Common Maillce.t, -the
He leas spoken, well for you in
loanetl to al'l Qaxilada under the
Comanrxnweal'th, Japan, t h e
the House of Common$', has
Liberal government.. They Said,
T -Th ted States•, Neto Zealand
sPokern briefly or those things
curtail credit, Now there are
and also Australia.
that matter to peopke in his
Mr. Cardiff has been a tre-
Card'ff C s i
e t om oa ion From
mendouS hole to the Minister
of Agriculture, 'the Hon Alvin
Hamilton., interpre+Cing the point
•" • q
Party Supporters in Huron, Riding
of view of the Eastern fawner
to hien, so that, the program
' L. Elston Cardiff last week $500, ,and -lien 1,000 and he
may be a well rounded one.
accepted, the nomination
paid t
later paid back of it. He
(Mr. Cardiff has for -the past
Prog ssive Canseryative can-
Wats two yeaxs paying off his
few months been atssistalut, to
didate for Huron riding, ori
debts, rand, said Mr. Cardiff, "I
the Minister of Health,' and
simple words, phrased iii con,
was the only one that .ever .did,
W faire; prior to that was as-
fidenit$al tones.
for three or four elections a-
mstant to the Minister of Agri-
He said that one trouble ex-
head of that."
perienPced with men elected to
Cardiff said he had no fear
Mr, Hees painted out that
office Is. that they sometimes
of 'the next election, not a blit,
when they came into power in
'feel that they are "some 'speer
"There's nobody to 'take Mr,
1957 they .found a disturbing
ial creation, that has sprung .up
Diefenbaker'•s plaice right now,
set of civeumvsbances: "many
all -of .a'sudd'en and they get to
He's going to be Canada's
markets considered Canada's
think that they're a little bet-
Prime Minister again.
own for .a number of years had
'er than those that voted for
- "Some of the best men to be
faded away, as war -devastated
them• I''m• just as common a
found; -in .Canada right now acre
cou'ntr'ies regained their feet;
man as the first day I was
in ithe present government. For
the machinery .and factbrles
instance George Hees has done
these countries had re -built
Mr. Cardiff recalled, 'the first
more for this country az far :as
were more efficient than 'those
time he was nominated 22
trade .and commerce is concern-
of North America; -the flight
years ,ago. Then he, told of the
ed than C, D. Howe ever did.
money policy :of the Liberal
difficulties in raising money to
If dt ,hadn't been for two World
government had the country
run. The thought of the party
Waris to bolster 'their economy,
well llaunfched into a recession."
vwas that die would, lose, land so
they never would have stayed
The Min2stem noted that in
the party did not plan to give
the last five years, 500,000 ad-
'him .any money to spend on an
"We have the best minister
ditional jabs have .been proWcll
of gagriculture that Canadla has
ed; gross national product went
He finta:lly managed to get
.had in 30 years."
up 20 percent; exports up 22
percent; labour 'income up 27
percent; personal 'income up 28
percent; consumer spending wP
29 percent; wheat sales great-
est in any period .in Canada's
"It was costing taxpayers
$40 millions each year .to store
(a S
wheat that the .Liberals could-
n't sell. We sold it.
"There was .a trade+deficit of
$728 minion under Liberal
mismanagement," said Mr.
Hees. "Under the Conserva-
tive government this .has been
changed' to $179 million I posi-
� z.
.dve trade balance, the .first
posfirti've trade balance sante
1952:" • ,
"With us Canadians coarse
flirist. With ,the Liberals, hoav-
en knows who camel first. There
are 250,000 more Canadians
working. now than at this time
one year ago, and I predict
this will be the annual' increase..
, +� . •_."`
our � ' steel production
Nominates Elston Cardiff
went up 37 percent last year,
due to the lsbimultus of our
Reeve James Donnelly, Goderich, last Wednes-
governmelnit on !trade."
day nominated Mr. Cardiff as Huron's Progressive
He noted five things that
Conservative candidate, in these words: "You peo-
t'he goverr nenit dice to atngwove
ple who know me, know that I do not take kindly to
a losing, cause. I'm going into a fight and you're
of all, we devalued,
the dollar. This makes exports
coming with me. We're going to have a fighting
cheaper far others to buy, and
team, and we want a winning candidate. I'm going
le�arvels income :for our ;people
to propose to you the name of a'man that. has lived
p p0
,the +same. It helps Canadian
in this riding; he's served this riding; he's been a
inidustry for it is more econorn-
member of the municipal council; he's been a mem-
leal for people in Canada to buy
ber of the county council; he served. in Her Maj -
Canadian goods, than foreign
esty's opposition for years; he's served as an hon -
goods; and also makes it pos-
oured, and respected, and a trusted and highly re-
sibil'e for more and more tour-
garded member of the government of Canada the
ists to come to spew money
last five years. It is my profound privilege tonight
"Secondly we increased the
to give to you in nomination the name of a fighting
y g
number .of trade missi'oais; 24
and a winning candidate, Elston Cardiff.".
each, year compared with, two
(News -Record Photo)
Can't Tell Parties Apart On Nuclear Stand
exception of fathers. looking ,after your horrible lit-
Everything I am, I owe to tle brother, going to Sunday working sb othe. I nervier ch T BY Rune ARGYLE
ing. Weld, School, hanging up • yotur c1'ath- -iced my another doing much emrperateek and tempers
my motiher's train Except maybe fooling around rose this week as the -r'ation's
perhaps not quite everything. es, going to bed at bedtime, with the housework. And doing poli -deal leaders began to slug
Pet Annurn
2 3, 4 br 5 Yeort
Interest Poyable Half-Y•eorly by Coupon or Cheque'
Enquiries Welcomed
Do you know that on request oUt -
debentures issued tan intidual
sblel'y can
be cashed 69 death irk case of need?
buhdaa M, at 'Market Lane and Market t U"are
Lonabn, Ontario
Repi'esentaltiVes Conti bead
a little washing for the seven it out in earnest in the quick. -
of us. And you'd :hiarday call ening tempo of the federal elec-
ironingg work, when a person tion campaign,.
sings all the time. And there After ,a show start in which.
was the caoiking for us and the each such seasoned campaign-
-three boarders,
ampaign--thre'e'board'eas, but she enjoyed erA .as Prime Minister Nefen'-
coolkirng. balcer lead . trouble developing
H *
much enthusiasm, party lead'exs
In the. (summertime, she ran are -beginning to come to OAPs
a tourist business in the shouse with thebig issues of the elec=
but she got .a kick out of talk- don.
ing .to the; tourists. 'Then there One of the biggest issues,
was A cosmetics line she ,sold however, appeared to fizzle out
where Dead wag out of work, but when all parties adopted s firm
that was good for her. Gat her anti-nuclear stand.
out of the house. She was sec- Pretssed on the left by the
retary for, the Blind Institute, N'e'w Democratic Party and on
in anthe right .by Social Credlit, Lib.
ti :the Home unci School evals =atnd Conservatives fell! in•
Clland the Ladies Aid and to soap with almost simAi ar
thee chair, but that was all £um. 'declarations .aimed at ke
No, I can't recall. my mother eping
Canada out of nuclear tarot
doing any real Work, Seems 'to club.me she spent most of her time
foaling around doing little
Uke laoldhg far things we'd : >' ••4 '
last.: And Itl>,ssging pieces where
We'd d bumpedourselves,
1ve Arc# .:...
pidkir g up our clothes', And
e. n w were l-Sggt
ing isorry for ourselves: AndZ.
gattitng us little srna:Clfls af',ter
sch dI
helping rg u
hom'e+work: And belling tis Medi
1tinTe Stories(; And nu' —ft- v" tit l tbetra!t :leader Des(or Pear-
whert We were sick, And t&k- son: said, a Liberal government
IT* tis aft picrates: 'And solvingvboulld not -tinder present world
411 dall*. pi-gblenis': thIcumsrtandeg acquire hUcloar
A, 1V1hhorse that"t tlse W. eaparis
way your kictls renal heir you: 'The Prhhe, Uffilater-, ,!Petah.=
ing at Brockville, Ont., assured
listeners. that "so Tong as we
are .pursuing disarmament, the
shall not allow nuclear weap-
ons in Caivada."
Mr. Diefenbaker's stand
can be taken both as an in-
dieation of how tight a race
the campaign has become,
and of the sensitivity of all
parties to public opinion.
The other big issue — de•
valuation of the dollar — will
probably be not s'a easily dis-
posod of.
Mr+. Ddefe'nlbaker said dev!dlu•
ation rto 92 and one-half cents
will laid exports, help Ca'n'adian
industries compete withforeign
manufacturers, and bring in
more ,tou'rists, However, prices
'are :trtso expeoted to riise; ;reit-
ting exporters' +as well, as coat,
swm6rs, because most manu+fac,
Lured' goods require imported
pa-'i,'s, or rrAter1615:
The Gallup Poll last weak
reported the Liberal party li+as
increased its edge ,over the PCs
in populiar Su.. —at the exp
ease of the NDP,•. Latest all
fgurs ut • Liberal l suat"tt
45 percent of the voters, toll
pared to 38 percent for 'the
ane cent
PCs, n foa� 'NDP
� ,and
eight percent for Social Grrodit
and oth'eais.
In Otibario, the Toronto Tei1&
gram in a survey of weekly
newspaper edritoats found two
Taut of three 'predicting re-e+lec-
tldn of the Torles, Llighlbeen of
28 Attots +surveyed predicted
a clear majority (more than
133 seats) for the PCs.
Liberal concern over and-
_ in
and -
Government votes going to tyre
NDP prompted' Mn ' Peart m
Bast week to urge NDP sup-
partbsts to close ranks with tate
Lzberalq: He said: the PO7
might "011ing ta, office • if the.
vote against the Government
19 spread too, much among oth-
ee ;paroes. A vote for the Ltb-
erals t1s a vote for achieving
s+dme of the .objectives of the
ariloging from the way the
otnipaign has ,been draggidg,
this 1 tial be the last .seven-
iveelc federal election contest
to be foui,ht in Cenatlai.:
The law i ire
a at present x'equ s
that long a .period for enumera—
tion of via
te+rs. 13ut tvitlr the
ease or air 'travel all party
leafl'crq are fl%ckingg (bacitand
forth- ttorosis Canada at e; dix7.y,
iia a.•. — t . e i
g 'P'„ ce lieu' s no real
need tot' such a lengthy clan-
The Prf nd Mfh%ber, fir Trt
stance, invaded the Maritime§
this weekend. still had time to
return to Ontario foe more
campaigning at week's end:
The PM's- close attention to
the Maritimes — where the
government field 25 of 33 sea&
—is not surprising in view of
the special appealsthe govern-
nrent .has held out to the- Art-
!auntie provinces:
Observers regard' that area
�with the exception of 1Vew-
toundiand--.a5 still the surest
Tony bastion in Canada: The
Pts -hold' little• hope of Winning
more than ,their present two
of Newfoundland.5 seven seats,
Liberal leader Pearson's pledge
'to maintain Team29 wXioh
would keep up special Ottawa
patyanenbs to the province in -
i 1 said have dlaf,,n to Y rs d to s l e put
in .danger even the two PC
seats in SPt. John's:
Tire %sir expect to retain
most of their` fort- seats m
P Ance Award Island rmd their
i.I hit nova Stomia: Consetiva-
1,'iveb swept troth these pro+
vinces in 1958 along with seven
of the ten New Br uswick seats.
The New Brunswick provdn'c-
ial elgection of 1960, won by the
Liberals, is bound' to improve
federal Liberal fortunes, But
the only two federal by-elec-
tions held in the Maritimes
since 1958 resulted, in repeat
PC victories.
In Lova Scotia, Liberals aa -
mit that revenue m'iniste'r
George, Nowl'an's seat is safe,
;but !rope to win one of the two
Halifax seats. They're also
hopeful of winning one of Cape
Bret!on's seats, where decline
of the coal industry has left
manly unemployed.
Fisheries ' minister Angus
MiatclAan is, considered safe in
his P.E.L riding.
Now Democrats and Soctat
Credit, meahwhiie, appear to
have made little headway in
tlto Atlantic provinces and
even Cape Areton, once a•
CCC strougltold, seems to lie
Stirling with the old line
in a recent swing through
the Maritimes, I found Tess
exat cisco of -the Cdnseevative
government that I encountered
artytwhere else in Canada. On
this basis, I predict Liberal
gluing 'will .be spotty, With the
PCs Dt6bably xchaining 20 of
their paosentt seats frorA this
area; the Liberals picking tip
Sive to add to their present
Veld tvErnfc: Cit loa. kit
tothiditi►, plus il•ocus on Que,