HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-10, Page 7TENDERS. WANTED TENDERS Sealed Tenders for Removal of Frame Barn and Foundation situated at rear of. Clinton Col- legiate fnstit te po Prrecess St., Clinton Ontario, Ground to be left in level condition, Tenders to be in by May 14, 1962, building to be removed by June; 1 1962. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, H. Co 1„ AWSON Secretary Treasurer 18-9b sEAt-ED TENDERS will be received by the Architect; un- til 5:00 p.m, D.S.T., May 17, 1962, for construction of Four- Room addition to Goderich Township School Area School, Hoimesville. Instructions to bidders, 'plans and specifications may be ob- tained by General Contractors form the Architect, DAVID C. STEVENS, 469 Waterloo Street, London, Ontario upon deposit of Twenty-five ($25.00). Lowest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted. GODERICH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA • Gerald Orr, Chairman Frank Yeo, Sec,-Treas. 18-9b Department of Public Works, Ottawa TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addres- sed to Ser•retary, Department of Public Works, Room B-322, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, and endorsed "TENDER FOR SUP- PLY OF COAL, FUEL OIL AND PROPANE GAS FOR THE FE bERAL BUILDINGS THROUG)\OUT THE ' PRO- VINCE Ola ONTARIO; 1962- 63". will be received until 3.00 p.m. (EDST), Tuesday, June 5, 1962. Specifications and forms of tender can be obtained at the office of the Chief of Purch- asing and Stores, Room C-459, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive,Ottawa; Of- fice Managers at: 225 Jarvis St., Toronto; 457 Richmond St., London; Post Office Building, Fort William, Ont. Tenders must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accord- ance with the conditions set forth therein. •The lowest ar any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. 19b NOTICE THE CLINTON DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION Notice of Special General Meeting of Shareholders Notice is hereby given that a special general meeting of shareholders of The . Clinton Driving Park Association will be held at. The Offices of E. Beecher Menzies, Clinton, Ontario. on Wednesday, the 23rd day of May, 1962, at the hour of two o'clock Daylight Saving Time, in then afternoon, for the following purposes: 1) the election of officers and directors 2) of cor.s.idering .and, if thought fit, approving •an application for the revival of the corporate powers of the said The Clinton Driving Park Association . 3) of considering and, if thought fit, approving an application for the changing of the Head Office from the Town of -Clinton to the Township of Garafraxa E. 4) of considering and, if thought fit, approving an application for the reduction of the number of authorized directors from 9 to 3. and transacting such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting. DATED at TORONTO, On- tario, this • 8th day of May, 1962. REX HUGHES, Shareholders' Representative 19b r .BIRTHS POWSPN-In :Scott Memorial. Hospital, Seaforth, ea Tues- daY, May 1, 196?, to Mr. and Mra, WiMam Dowson, Varna,, 4 daughter (Bonnie Jane, sister for Brenda Jean). GEOFFREY -.-fn Clinton Put?- os it 1' a u a i e 1 sa H a d e M ?lrT Y 8, 16621 o Mr. and Mrs,' -Clar- ence Gec1.frey, 7rurich, a son. HAINES -. In Clinton Publie Hospital pe Saturday, May 5, to Corporal. and Mrs. Don- ald Haines, RCAF :Station Clinton a daughter (Diane Lytle). INCH—In Clinton Public Hes- pital on Monday, May 7, 1962, to LAC and Mrs. Ken- neth Inch, RCAF Station. Clinton, a daughter, JOHNSON--I•n Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, May 4, 1962, to LAC and Mrs. W, J. Johnson, Clinton, a daugh- ter, NELSON — I n Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, May -2, 1962, to Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Floyd Nelrson, Clin- ton, twin daughters. BIRTH'S RQSS--In C}Won kutltc HoS, i on p �l Saturday, May 1962, to LAC and, M. Craig Ross, Clinton, a son. STEWART : In Clinton Public Hospital an Friday, May 4, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs, Jam- es Stewart, Clinton, a daugh ter. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs, Wiliiiarn Falooner, RR 1, Brucefield, 'W'isheis' to an', neunce the engagement of her .daughter Luella Jean to Mr, James Bruce Hyat't,RR 1, Picton, ,son of the Iate Mr, and Mrs. Byron Hyatt. The wedding Will take place Sat- urday, June 2nd, at 3 pan. in Turner's U n i. t e d .Church, Tuckersmit'h Township. 19x ATTENTION FARMERS!' >' vammaimastwasmiamsoffs FOR. SALE CHICAGO WINDMILL HEAD, in good running order. Apply William Livingston, phone Sea - forth 847r31. 19p MASSEY - HARRIS CIipper Combine, excellent condition. never used for custom work. Will sell or trade on threshing machine. Gordon Hill, Varna. Phone Clinton HU 2-3307. FORAGE MASTER forage box- es, self -unloading unit; Brady Crimpers and hay conditioners, On Display. We also handle Koo1s Forage Blowers; Long double -chain elevators. Post hole digger, $198. G. and E. Welding, Main Street, Zurich, phone 72 r 12. 14to26b LIVE STOCK FOR SALE 8 YEARLING DurhamxHere- ford cattle. Phone HU 2-3221. 19b Clearing AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Ef- fects at Int 2, con. 4, Hullett Twp., 2% miles west and 2% north of Seaforth, on Saturday, May 19 at 2. p.m. Machinery — Dion threshing machine, like new with 100 ft. drive belt; 6 B Massey -Harris grain binder; 13 hoe fertilizer drill; Letz 80 grain grinder; stable boat; 14 bar Case side rake; International 3 bar all steel side rake; 3.section Fleury Bissel spring tooth drags; 3 section International spring tooth drag harrows . (like new) ; Deering °6 `ft :mower; "rubber tired wagon: 2 • hay loaders; hay fork, rope and car; steel 3 drum land roller; Massey Harris manure spreader; sleighs; toboggan; barrels; 20 ft. windmii; tower; McCormick Deering cream separator; 2 sets weigh scales (2,000 lbs.) ; 5 section drag harrows; 1 pow- er lawn mower. Poultry Equipment -5 com- munity nests, waters, chicken feeders ,coal brooder stove (like new)., Household Effects—Williams piano (good condition) ; dining room table and chairs, kitchen table and chairs; rocking ch- airs; small tables; .3 bedroom suites, mattresses; Rollaway bed; love seat; wicker rocker and chair; arm chair; buffet; hall rack; glass cupboard; writ- ing desk; rugs; twilight lamp; settees; book case; mats; electric lamps; kitchen cabinet; 2 toilet sets; quilts; quilt box; comforters; pillows; phono- graph and records; sewing ma- chine; flower stands; frig; vac- uum cleaner; pressure cooker; 4 burner Sunshine electric stove; lawn chairs; dishes, pots and pans, sealers; crib; garb- age pail; panel door, 29x65; swing kitchen door 6x6z/hx32. Other articles too numerous to mention, Terms—Cash Prop., Secord McBrien Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell (Blyth) 19-20b .Choose Her Gift At MARTINS DEPT.'STORE SERVICES A1,1 aaNTION FARMERS! Call promptly. 300 lbs. or over, ac- cording to condition. Associated with Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 158C62. 7 Days Service. Call Ed, Andrews, 863W1, Seaforth,8tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD ar DISABLED ANIMALS -- Call DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Kirkton 48 r 10 Dead Animal Licence No. 175-C-62 ltfb CARDS OF THANKS MY sl cere thanks to the Hopi-, .,Q f' ,Clinton, Public tai and Dns. Oakes and. N eW land, while .a patient there, also Needs who sent .cards, flowers and treats-.,=•MR.S; WEAL THEBOUTOT,. 19b I wish tc; e?ipress mY Sincere appreciation to those Who re- membered me with visits, flow- ers, cards and kind inquiries while I Was recently ccnvaleSe- HgE MRS, NQR;IVIAN H E9 1 wish to thank my friends and neighbqurs for cards, flowers and visirts while a patient in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nursing staff. -MRS, C. H. EPPS. 19b T wish to express my sincere thanks to . all who so kindly re- membered me with visits, cards, treats and flowers while a pat,- ient in Clinton hospital; and also for many acts of kindness shown my family. —JEAN LINDSAY. 19b We would like to express our sincere thanks and ap- preciation for the kindness and sympathy extended to us dur- ing our recent bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father; also for the many beautiful floral tributes re- ceived. Special thanks to Dr, Addison, Rev. C. G, Park, the pallbearers. flower bearers and the Beattie funeral home. —Mrs. Lockhart and family. 19p Mere words could not ex- press our gratitude to each and every one who • has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy, donations to the Heart. Fund and for the many acts of kindness. We would like to thank all our friends, relatives, neighbours for cards, and visits while Dad was 'a pat, lent in Goderich hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Rev. G. L. Royal, Dr. Jack Leitch, the nurses and staff of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital and the Stiles funeral home. —The family of the Iate Carl Houston. 19b Classified Ads Bring Quick Results Attend Your Church This Sunday ALL SERVICES DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Craig Peters, Pastor 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.15 a.m.—Christian Family Sunday Tuesday,"7.30 p.m.—Fellowship and Bible Study Wednesday, 7.00 p.m.—Choir Practice A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, May 13 10.00 ani.—Service in Dutch 2.30 p.m.—Service in English TOWN HALL, BLYTH 10.00 a.m.—Reading Service in Dutch 8.00 p.m.—Service in English Rev. L. Slofstra EVERYONE WELCOME BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, May 13 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 pan—Evening Service. Les Hobbins, London, guest speaker for both services. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting, You are cordially invited to these services. • Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON , 'hristians gathered in the name >f the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 8: 20) meeting in the above tall invite you to come and hear he Gospel, the old, old story of 'esus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's )ny as follows: Services • 1.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3,00 p.m. --Sunday School 7,00 arra—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Thursday -- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, May 13 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Guest Speaker: Mr. Samuel Martin, Wingham. Tuesday—Bible Study and prayer at 8 p.m. All Welcome Anglican Church of Canada 'St. Paul's — Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader Easter Ill Sunday, May 13 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer 7.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer , Tues., May 15—St. Paul's WA meets at the home of Mrs, Cliff Epps, 2.45 p.m. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., D.D., • Minister Mrs. M. 3. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 13 9.45 a,ni.—Church School 10.45 am.—Worship SerVice Conducted by Rev: M. G. Brisco, 13.Th. Mother's Day Service subject: "Queenly Qualities". ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US eolegillio--Noimeolaifie Puiterh tlillurctles REV, CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A,, Minister MOTHER'S DAY Sermon then'ie. "Let's Play Happy Family" HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m. Christian Family Service 10.45 a.m.- -Sunday School WESLEY-WILLIS 11,00 a.m.•Chriatian Family Service. Infant Baptist— n-th-tee Choirs. 12.15 pan—Sunday School Ontario Street United Church "'Mg FRIENb r cl-tuRCH" Pastor: REV, GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a,n .--stinday School 11,00 m--Mtkthet•'s Day and Ziaptistn fi rher's Chlurth 2,00 p.M. Worship Service 0.00 p.nn, Sunday School TO iI! I T 1?N MAX' 14 Holy lv g$V0 o>r( e l 'Pki.. 1*IdJingsville ,tOFI.F w,u,l hoed ;tlhe ,n avbhly To9e4ngori ??' ev. , ., May 14 n, the Ha7Fne�sV}11e Shc�Qoi� at p•nl, Atl members are urged to alt- - .. MARRIAGES SAWCHER-PFRIMMER .-- In the Kingdom Hall, Goderich, ., on Saturday, May 5, 1962, by Jaek II, Nathan, Tore/Ito, Therese C, Pfrimmer, daugh- ter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Otto Scgpel, Detroit, Mich., to Michael Sawcher, Van- couver, B.C., son of the late Alexander Sawcher and Mrs, Irene Sawcher, Welland, ant, BRODERICK-HARNACK •-. .In St. Mary's Roman .Catholic Church, Kitchener, en Sat- urday, May 5, 1962, by the Rev. Claude Straus, Cecelia Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Harnack, Hes- peler, to Ronald James Brod- erick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Broderick, Hensall. DEATHS CRICH—In Clinton on Sunday, May 6, 1962, Wilbert Alvin Crioh, beloved husband of Margaret Edith Fothergill, in his 78th year. Service from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 Vigil Street; Clin- ton, to Exeter Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, May 8. HEMPHILL — In Avon Crest Hospital, Stratford, on Sat- urday, May 5, 1962, Etta Da- vis, widow of the late Alvin W. E, Hemphill, druggist, in her 75th year. Service from the Bonthron funeral chapel, Hensall, to Hensall Union Cemetery on Monday after- noon, May 7, by the Rev. Currie WinIaw. HOVEY--At the Scarborough General Hospital, Tuesday, May 1, 1962, Madeline E. Baskett, beloved wife of Charles E. Hovey, 14 Mart- orino Drive, Scarborough, dear mother of Barbara (Mrs, H. Tutt), Rena (Mrs. 3. Gould). Rested at the Sherrin funeral home, 873 Kingston Road (at Beech Ave.) Toronto. Funeral ser- vice at the Church of the Epiphany, 700 Kennedy Rd., Friday, 10.30 a,m. Interment in St. Luke's Cemetery, Bur- lington. INNES— Suddenly in Toronto, on Thureclay, May 3, 1962, William Harold Innes', 1833 B'a6nview Avenue, formerly of '2003 Yonge Street, Toronto, +busbanld of the late Jessie Isabel Innes, dear father of Mrs. R. H. (Marjorie) Croltlt rami Jack; grandfather of David, Bill, Bob, Jim and Heather; brother of John Al- exander Innes and Mrs. R. (Edna) Cantelon, Clinton ,in This 76th year. Service from the chapel of the Murray E. Newbiggring funeral home, 733 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery on Saturday morn - leg, May 5, at 11 a.m. OSWALD — At the home of her grandchildren, Mr. and 'Wes. ''Howard Finkbeiner, Kippen, on Tuesday, May 1, 1962, Edna Wurm, widow of Daniel Oswald, Zurich, in her 78th year. Service' from the Westlake funeral home, Zu- rich, to Bronson Line EUB Cemetery, on Thursday„ aft- ernoon, May 3. TOWNSEND—In Victoria Hos- pitaI, London, on Friday, May 4, 1962, Robert Melbourne Townsend, beloved husband of Ida Elizabeth Cowan, Lon- desboro, in his 82nd year. Service from the Londesboro United Church, on Monday afternoon, May 7, by the Rev. H. A. Funge, and interment in Ebenezer Cemetery. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of MARY BER- THA LUCAS, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, A 11 persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 8th day of December, A.D. 1961, are re- quired to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of May, A.D. 1962, after which date the assets will be distri- buted having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this lst day of May, A.D. 1962, E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the ,said Estate. 18-9-20b iowaormalirrics Personais Miss ; lmirta Lavis, '69 laaac Street, spenh tie Past Celanle of weeps ir4 . Tar'gri to and Willow,. dale. Mr. alga Mrs, Tarn Woalvett and fa tilt', Bra'd'ley and Janet. Sarnia, were $uuoday visitors at (Vhe home ,of M71s. Wooivett's sister, Mrs. Korb Bridle :and fam:ilY', 152 Huron Street, Retie tt visitors with Mr. and Mrs, L. Forest were Mr. and Mns, George .James, four ten, Dennis, Gloria, George Jr, and Baltbapa, Milwaukee, W- oonsin; Mr. arid Mas, James From, David and Debars i, Preston, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Penne, baker returned home on Satur- day evening, after having spent five weekls :in Winter Haven, Tampa and 'St. Petersburg, Florida, While there they took in t(he world famous. Passion Play at Lake Wales, Florida. The weather was beautiful With only pane rainy day during their vacation, WEST IIEE,ON WI The West Huron Women's InSbitute, diigteict annual meet- ing will be ;held in Wesley- Willis United Church, Clinton, en Friday, May 11, 1962 with registration at 9.30 a.m., the opening session at 9.45, with noon luncheon. Area and Department spea- kers will address the group. There will be craftwork dis- played, done by Women's In- 5titute members,. Rebekahs Will Enjoy Bowling Banquet Event Huronric Rebekah Lodge met in the lodge rooms on Monday evening with Noble Grand, Ma's. A. Shaddiels presiding. Two groups, led by Mrs. Alvin Cox and Mrs, John Hamilton accepted the work of catering Ito the Rebekah bowling ban- quet an May 23, prior to are regular meeting, Twenty mernbees will .attend the birthday party of Edel- weiss, Lodge, Seaforth on Thur- sday, May 10. Members are asked to meet at the lodge rooms at 6:15 pan. where cars will leave. Mra. Harry Cudrrrore was the prize winner in acontest dur- ing the social half hour. A five cent draw was won by Mrs. Clliff Ashton. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Bert. Rowden's group, The first meeting in June will be conducted by the Peat Grand's. MEMORIAM MANN — In loving memory of our dear father and mother who passed away 18 years ago, May 28, 1944 and May 6,1944 and dear sister Lula (Mann) Crittenden who passed away August 14, 1948: "Wonderful people are resting Their loving hearts are stili And we know they are wait- ing for us Just beyond the hill." -Ever . remembered by family. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere their 19p a K. C. Cooke, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton Weekend CLINTON Specials Delmonte Mix and Match Fancy Peas, 15 -oz Fancy Corn, 15 -oz. 6for• Fancy Catsup, 11 -oz. .................................. 99c Pinea pp p DELMONle-Gra efruit----48-oz. 3 for 99c KRAFT Miracle Whip -32 -oz. 55c CARNATION Evaporated Milk-- i e -az 3 for 39c TABLERITE---sed Brand, Binrieless Round Steaks , or Roasts 77c lb. TABLERITE.-Pure Pork Sausage 49c ib. Rump Roast ........... . .. ............ . . 77c lb. Tender—No Waste Cube Steaks 89c lb. Bananas 2 lbs. 29c FLORIDA Grapefruit ...... ...... ..... ... B for3Se 'RASEFVAL'E Fish & Chips . Oki, 55c 1 Thurs.! May 10, 1962-00;m NewI-Receird - -Noe .7 aFh bet Pleated to Albert aSa o Sow� and th sa d .pnt ettenct Dine In Hall At Ontario Street Tyro and SigxXia.0 boys and their fairer of Ontario Street Ur4ted Chetah held an evening. of fellowship and fun 'Mondlai' rapt, in the church parlour, Fpilowing "brace" by Tyre leader, the Rev. G. L. Mitis the 51 fathers and son enjoyed a delicious' turkey dinner ser- ved by the ,mothers and wives. 'I &yles, were appetizing with pa'ioured .jellgs, .eranberries and plracecards decorated With Tyro and Sigma -C colours and' crests. A jolly singsong ac- companied :the meal, The toast to the fathers was proposed by :Bradley Dutot, Son' of Mr. and Mics. Lewis Dutot, Cameron Proctor replied with of commendation words for the boys and their leaders. Ross Merrill proposed the toast to the spins. Douglals Proctor, sin of Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Pro, otar, replied, thanking 'the fathers for the good things they enjoy in life and expres- sing hope that one day, the boyo aright make their fathers proud by proving their wor- thiness. After the ladies had been thanked by John Lavis, assis- tant leader of the Tyros, all retired to the auditorium where they were arranged into teams and enjoyed shuffle board, ping pang and crokin- ole. The evening ended with a huge friendship circle in which the Tyro boys went through their regular closing ceremony. One disappointment for the evening arose because the SigntaaC leader, F/L Ted Auris 0 If you wish to be perfect, fallow the advice that you give others. LADIES LEATHER Billfolds Clutch Purses French Purses New Colours and Leathgrs GOL q INITIALLED FREE! WRITING CASES KEY CASES TAPESTRY TOTE BAGS Luggage TRAIN CASES WEEKEND CASES WARDROBE CASES AIKEN'S LUGGAGE & LEATHER GOODS HU 2-9352 What does the Roman 'Catholic Religion really teach? The true answer to this question will be yours if you attend the Mission to be conducted by Father Malcolm Daniel, O.F.M., in St. Joseph's Church, 123 James Street, Clinton, from Sunday, May 20 to Saturday, May 26. Mass daily at 6:00 a.m. Sermon followed by Mass each evening at 8:30 p.m. Regardless of your religious beliefs YOU are cordially invited to attend this Mission. 19-20b 1 Next Sunday is Mother's Day Remember Her with a MOTHER'S DAY CARD 5c to $1.00 YARDELY TOILET SETS Cologne and Soap $3.75 Give Her a CAMERA Special Buy Flash Fun Compact Camera with Built In Flash Only $6.00 Coty Muguet Toiletries Talc & Cologne Set ..,, $4.00 Bath Powder $2.50 Spray Cologhe $3.25 THE SWEETEST GIFT FOR MOM . GIFT BOXED CHOCOLATES 100 ro 5"0 YARDLEY New Fragrance FLAIR Soap BOX of `3 $2.50 g ,....., $4.00 Bath Powder Cologne $3.00 VIS A VIS COLOGNES By RUBINSTEIN $3.00 • TUSSY BUBBLE BATH $2.50 BATH MITT $1.75 HAIR BRUSHES FOR MOTHER Nylon Bristle, Pastel Colors $1.00 to $4,50 N EW [0 BE Phannaa • PHONE HU 2.9511 CLIUTO'. r