HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-10, Page 5Huron WI Members Give CAS Bursary Presenting the second bursary to CAS from Huron County rally of Women's Institutes last week, Left to right, Mrs, Harry Strang, South Hu- ron; Mrs, Arthur Clark, 'RR I, Auburn, secretaVY- treasurer of the rally; Miss Clare McGowan, direct- or of CAS; Mrs, Howard Harris, East 1-114rOn and Miss Josephine Woodcock, West Huron. (Photo by Mrs. Bradnook) Wesley-Willis UCW Establishes Fund For African Foundation Kippen East Wl Lays Plans For Visitor. Any TcrETIC The regular 1Vfe5) Ineetting of ICIPPen .East Wo- Men'S InStitnte will, he held in IaPPell; united Church or Wednesday evening, May 1,6 be- ginning at 8.3Q p,.m. with the Kippen group.as hostesses. The tenth group will plan lunch; the 12th group will de the dish- es , And the fourth group is Plenhilllg the Program Mgt, Thomas Hough, Strat- ford, will be the guest speaker and Miss Sharon McBride will give her talk "The Nationalistic Movement", Other program numbers will be given by visit- ing institutes from Stafta, Hur- ondale, Eliniville and Sea:forth. Kippen WY members are re- minded of the bake sale in Hensel Legion Hall, and of the Ibirthday party at Huron- view on June 16. Ontario St. UCW Meet April 30 Unit 4 of Ontario Street United Church Women met on April 30 in 'the ladies' parlor. MIS. Ross Trewartha led the devotions, taking as her 'theme "One Lord', Many Churches." Mrs. Ross Merrill reviewed a chapter entitled "The' Face of an Angel" from the study book, Unit leader Mrs, Carman Mc- Pherson' presided' over the busi- ness meeting. Plans' for the daffodil tea were discussed. Rev. Grant Mills showed the film "The Woven Thread" from the Canadian Cancer Society, Members enjoyed a social half hour and lunch was served by Mrs. C. Powell, Mrs. C. Mc.- Plierson, Mrs, G. Irwin and 'Mrs, • D. Thorndike. Potted Plants for Moiher's Day EVERGREENS PERENNIALS PANSIES No. 1 ,ROSES BOX PLANTS PEAT MOSS Open Every Day for Month of May (formerly Cliff Epps greenhouse) Clinton Greenhouse and Garden Centre 182 Church Street HU 2-7168 John Steele Smith BIG DISCOUNT. PRICES ! Reg. 73o-7-oz. Bottle LISTERINE Antiseptic 49c Reg. 25c!-Package of 5 GILLETTE Blue Blades 19c Reg. 65c-Giant Tube PEPSODENT Tooth Paste 49c Regular 630- BROMO SELTZER 45c Reg. 25c!-RAY-O-VAC BATTERIES Flashlight 6 for $1 MD CARS. THAT CAN BE USED 1959 FORD 2Door Hardtop 1958 FORD 2-Poor Hardtop 1957 FORD Station Wagon 1956 DODGE Light 4-11)clor Sedan 1954 METEOR 2-Doer 1952 CHO. 4-Door with radio 1952 FORD 4-Door Sedan 1946 FORD 4-Door Sedan 1928 Model, perfect running order DAIL. HU 2-7'661 CLINTON OPEN 24 HOURS I ,I I. SII RTY'S '212 VICTORIA ST.,(1-1WY. 4) 4.11 Kippenettes Take Part In Fashion Parade KT.P.FTN: - Meroher$ of the Thrifty Kippenel4es were mpa+esented at Achievement Pay in ,Sp4fpfrith,. May 5, when 18 girl$ took. pert in the fashion Par4cle "Separates for Sum- Julie Carats :4134 Ruth App Nctlyacbctel received county honours'. for completing six jeetS. Sharon'mel3ri.cfe, received Prtnillej41 honours for ,oropliet, ing 12 project:I% Dianne Forrest and' Jean MpN0.14ghtph were the commentators for the dem- onstration .on "Measurements and pattern .alteratiensr' and received good' commmts from the judge, The Kipper": Wenten's Innst tnte has' invited. the Thrifty gippenettes to display their "Separates for Summer" at the, 'district annual in _Hensel Un- ited Church on' 'Thursday, May 10. Many people could retire comfortably on what their ex- perience has cost them. :4. NO DEALERS SUPPLIED! MILK RED & WHITE Evaporated - tall tins NO DEALERS SUPPLIED! MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 32-oz. Jais NO DEALERS SUPPLIED? CORN GARDEN PATCH KERNEL - 14-oz. Tins ,,,,,,,,,,, • NO DEALERS SUPPLIED! TEA BAGS SALADA 10c Off Pack - pkg. of 60's NO DEALERS SUPPLIED! SALMON FANCY RED COHOE - Special! - Ws tin - QUALITY MEATS - Specially Selected Value Check'd RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF ROUND Steaks or Roasts per lb. 79c Tender-Boned and Rolled Rump Roast lb. 79c No Dealers Suppliedl-All Popular CIGARETTES Pkgs. of 20 3 Pkgs. $1 No Dealers Supplied-Kraft Miniature 10i/2 -oz. cello MARSHMALLOWS 19c - FROZEN FOOD FEATURE - Lunrs LUSCIOUS STRAWBERRIES 15-oz. pkgs. 3 for $1.00 1 Red & White Instant Coffee _ 5-oz. jar . 64c No Dealers Supplied!-37c Off Pack Surf King Size Pkg. , 95c No Dealers Supplied-29c Off 10-bar pack... Soap - Liix Toilet 10 for 85c Produce Dept. Special! SWEET, JUICY SUNKIST ORANGES 3 doz. 99c FREE PINT CARTON FREE ' SUNSRUN ICE CREAM , With The Purchase of $10.00 or over 1 CLEAN SWEEP BROOMS With Coupon One per customer--Good until May 12, 1962 REVERSIBLE DUSTING MOPS One per customer-Good until May 1Z 1962 Without With Without 69c Coupon 99c Coupon 69c CoUpon $1,291 CLIP THESE SOUPONS AND SAVE! CLIP THESE SOUPONS AND SAVE! 50 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR With Coupon $3.95 Without Cou pon $4.39 FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER Without Coupon 57c I With Coupon S1 c One per customer--Good until May 12, 1962 I ••••••• One per customer-'-Good until May 12, 196 DON'S ARE MARKET CLINTON OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 74, 9 FREE DELIVE R Y HU 24621 Thu s.,..May 101 11942,,clinton News Re F Wee FOR $1 59c R 79c 61c 39c FORWARD with FISHER Liberal Candidate for Huron ERNIE FISHER 10 Years Administrative Experience 5- YEARS AS COUNCILMAN 5 YEARS AS MAYOR SEE HEAR Ernie en OKNX-1'V-6,10 p.m, May 15 DRUG STORES F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 Clinton, Ont. HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES `100 - 89 c 250 - $1.89 50C? $3.49 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE - 8-oz. 29c IDAMALT 1 lb. 59 c 2 lb. 99 c 4 lb. $1.79 MODESS 51c, 2 for 88c KODAK HAWKEYE Flash Fun CAMERA Only $4.00 with any $4.00 purchase DESERT FLOWER Sparkling Cologne and Dusting Powder-Reg. $2.25 $1.50 For Mother",s Day COTY MUG,UET DES BOIS $2.50 - $2.75 - $3.50 - $5.25 YARDLEY SETS in Lavender, Red Roses, Lotus Neilsons, Cadbury, Rowntree CHOCOLATES PERFUMES - COLOGNES By Faberge, Max Factor Beattie Furniture Announce their once-a-year sale onf Sealy & Simmons ( • Button-Free MATTRESSES ALL SIZES AVAILABLE Reg. $59.50 ON SALE ' EACH ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, $39.95 Beattie Furniture 28th Anniversary Sale Will Commence Thursday, May 17th, until Saturday, May 26th Watch for Sale Special in next week's News-Record t If Will Save You Money BEATTIE FURNITURE CLINTON HU '24521 BEDDING SALE! Livermore reading the :minutes of 'the previous meeting :and those of the thankoffering ser- vice. Mrs, B. Sutter presented the financial statement. The resolutions, presented to the general meeting by the execu- tive, were accepted unanimous- , No general meeting, is to be held in July. The next meeting of the UCW will be held One first Wednesday evening in September. One hundred dollars is being sent :to Donald Simpson, the gueSt speaker at the' thank- offering and a -member of "Cross Roads Africa".This money, sent to the . "friean Foundation" will help bring out an: African student to study ini Canada. Mr. Simpson hopes to bring out 65 students this year'. "The African. Foundation Fund" is to be established. in Wesley-Willis United Church to help finance these African stu- dents. The social committee report- ed a busy session and planS were discussed; for 'the institute dinner being, served Mey 11. Mrs. Viola Nelson reported that the 'bale had been sent from the church, and the money al- Iodation to presbytery. Mem- bership convener announced 180 enrolled charter members. The manse committee, con- vened by 'Mrs. Met Edgar, - made severe recommendations for improvements, immediate action is being taken't'o enlarge the 'storage area. Mrs. F, 'Fingland announced a leadership school to be con- ducted at Alma College, Aug- '1st 24-27. The central:region of Huron Presbytery is holding its first regional meeting since the inauguration of the United Ch- urch Women. it Is to be 'held in LondleSboro United Church on Wednesday, May 30. All United Church Women are in. vited. Mrs. George Beattie was' in Charge of the program. Marie Johnson played a piano solo, and a religious film entitled' "Reason for Being" was Shown by Mrs. C. Park. Showers Held To Honour Miss Hyde KIETEN-PriOr to her wed- cling Miss 1,velyo Thde was honoured by friends at a numb- er of places', Mrs. Talbot and '&101 Kippen entertained at their home for friends And neighbours from SS 14 Stanley, With .a miscellaneous Shower, Miss I3erva Switzer read the address. Luncheon was served. Mrs, William Bell, Kipper, was hostess' for mernbers of the 4-H °tub the Thrifty Mppen- ettes and leaders. Mrs. E. Jar- rat presented the bride-elect with a clothes hamper and magazine rack and luncheon was served. In Oshawa, classmates at the Oshawa School of Nursling pre- dented her with .a five-piece four-place setting of stainless steel cutlery, at the home of Miss Gelb 1150Ln:ban. Also At Oshawa a linen shower was held• with hostess Anne,,Kovaek; a personal show- er with hostesses, Mrs. Ed. Holmes, Misses Mary Siblock and Mary Wasiluke; 'a miscel- laneous shower by the hospital nurses and Staff; another mis- cellaneous shower at the borne of the Rev, N. Siblock, by Members of the groom's Church:; and a large box of canned food (with labels re- moved) was presented by the O sh a w a Christian Youth Centre. KIPPEN PPrr-SP900erst, P.4900 .HOOSall 278 •.W 1. Rev, D,A MacMU'Ttan ,fill- croon and Rev. P. CPC*, .4.11earli galliled on fr1e4414'm K4P19P4 104 WeldneSdAY, SYrriplattiy is extended. Mrs, F4.4t,On. POWS.0.4 :}1,4s$jniF of ter ii)4514, the late gl'P ton DOWSlen., Mrs . Joe Lai„teal is .11cYvv3v ImprovIrg in health. Mr. and Mrs. p-F4t)terpon and family, Clinton have ploy- 'inte Mr, Lobos house, MM., Irving Robinson .waS, *ken, to Clinton Public IfesP- Rai Monday fallavvihg an attack of aPPOhclietti$. Mr. and Mrs. Hareld and boYs 'accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Herb JOneS, visited recently with, relativeS ; in St. .Thernas. Saturday evening visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones were Mr, and Mrs, Percy WipletrL, Zurich, and; an Sund4y evening, Mr, and Mrs, .James Love arid Elaine, Hillagreen. and. Mrs. Garnet Ship, man; Gail and Garry and Mrs. M. Finkbeiner, EXeter, were recent visitors. of. the Jones family, PRESBYTERIAN WMS TO MEET ON MAY 15 The monthly meeting of the Women' Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian. Ch- urch will• be held in the school room of the church on. Tues- day, May 15 at 2.30. All ladies of the congregation are wel- come. Tine first life membership pin of the uniteci Church WOmen, Wesley-Willis United ;Church, was presented to M.S. James Cox iest Wednesday - night in a ,special ceremony, Mrs. Lorne Jervis spoke of the years of dedication .and work contribut ed by Mts. Nelson Trewartha 'to the church. Through Mrs'. Trevvartha's courtesy, this life membership pin was awarded to Mrs. Cox. The president of Unit 4, Mrs, N, Shepherd, cal- led upon' Mrs.. Wilmer Wallis to present this esteemed pin. MM. Frank Fingland, presi- dent, welcomed the ladies to the third meeting of the UCW. The Scripture, read by Mrs. Gordon Manning, was taken from "A Month With the Master", Mrs, Koppler present ed the meditation. The. business meeting pro- ceeded with the secretary, Mrs. Daffodil Tea At. Ontario Street Ontario Street United Church Women units three and four served a "Daffodil Tea" to a- bout 150 ladies on May 5. The Christian Education hall of the Church,' and' the ladies parlor were ;tastefully decorated with daffodils and other spring flowers by Mrs. Harold Black, Mrs. Roy Wheeler, Mrs. Ruth Knox and _Mrs. Carman Mc- Pherson. Receiving guests at the door Were unit leaders Mrs. Ruth Knox and Mrs. Carman Mc- Pherson. Mrs. G r ant Mills, Mrs. Mervyn Batikin, Mist Elva Wiitse, Miss Elmira Plumsteel and Mrs, Douglas Thorndike presided at the tea table during the afternoon. Mrs. William Jenkins con- vened .the sewing booth:, A large booth of baked goods for sale Was Convened by Mrs. A. Aiken. Mrs. Ross Merrill was in ;Charge of 'the touch-and- take booth, and Mrs. Percy Gibbings -was in charge of the produce booth. Mrs. Ross Tre- wartha and her Mission Band Messengers sold home- neck candy. Mrs. Russell Holnies, Mrs. Norman Treswartha, Mrs. Alvin Cox and Mrs. JameS Mair, the unit social conveners, were in charge of the tea tables and kitchen, and Mr8. Harold TYn, dlall and Mrs.. Le Drew assisted' 'at the large tea table. ,