HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-05-03, Page 5Ornamental IRON WORK See it installed at Doucette's Shadowline-home 225 Queen St, Clinton. SEAFORTH Machine Shop Phone 355 E. F. Durst, Seaforth ,• Ladies' HOUSE DRESSES Lovely styles - All Sixes Priced OM to $3.98 Eloyis 'Reversible WINDBREAKERS SizeS to 14 Special $1.98 Others from $2.98 to 510.95 House of Bargains Ltd. CLINTON PHONE HU 2-7735 WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS THE MOST Girls' CAR coats SizeS 4 to 14 Priced $3.98 to $7.95 Girls' DRESSES Sizes 6= months to 1.4a Priced $1.25 to $8.25 Soya' Short Sleeve 1' SHIRTS "Perlian'e-Suba, M. L, Priced 79c to Men's SPORT SHIRTS Long Sleeve & Short sleeve Priced $1.69 to $3.95 Men's DRESS PANTS Pure Wool Worsted Reg. $12.95 for $9.95 Also Continental Corded PAN'T'S Priced $4.95 WORK PANTS Priced $2,98 to 0,98 LAttee sEL -t-d-rioN LAtmet ANO 01111.S SHORTS DECK PANTS JEANS FANCY TOPS ETC. Ytju most came irs and see foie yourself, the Many, OBL I GATIONS ALL DRY CLEANING will be Moth ProoFed Free Of Charge by BRUCE CLEANERS KINCARDINE DURING THE MONTH OF MAY You Save Up To $1.00 Per Garment on This Special CLINTON DISTRICT AGENTS Robbie Burns londesboro Pickett & Campbell rta Clinton Po Piaui* and Delivery PM.Ot RCAF Station Phone 1101.011. BEST WISHES to E. R. Doucette on his program of building to provide homes in Clinton. W. J. Miller Mayor Town of Clinton VIMM INMOMMI.M.M.MINIMIMOOMMUPOMONO.W All..•01•ONAIMIA The human heart rests about eigth-tenths of a second be- tween each contraction. Top Ten Returns From Easter This that week after the Easter holiday, Grade 9B at Clinton District .Colleglate In- stitute chose a newcomer "I Wish That We Were lalarriede by Ronnie and the Hi-Litea for the. number one 'position. The ballad dedicated to United States President Jahn Ken- nedy, "PT-109" is in the num- ber ten spot. 1. I Wish That We Were Married (Ronnie and The Hi-Lites) 2, Lovers Who W o n de r (Dion) 2. Conscience (Jimmy Darin) 4. Count Every Star (Linda Scott) 5. Everybody Loves • ale But You (Brenda Lee) 6. I Will (Vic Dana) 7. Stranger On The Shore (Mr. Acker Bulk) 8. I'll Take You Biome (Cor- sairs) 9, Number One Man (Bruce Chanel) 10. PT-109 (Jimmy Dean) Monday Storm dolial+a and ?5 head of cattle were deatnoyed by fire when tftaanes PCiP,SWIlgcl a large barn owned by Aild'ilVirsk St-Wiley severe _electrieal aterart en -Monday -eventg, The farm,' .situated, on .0onneasion 12 Ilulletta TomshiP,. We and a half miles south of Auburn'. >7)pyrythblg was, lost: hut ten head' of aattle Which _escaped, 141,1t 'atria of Olen). will have to deattroyed, A large quentirlry Of Wahl and hay was also lost, Mrs. Bell and her family .of five, Sharon, Brenda, •paryll, Parylc and Airva had just fin- ished` the chores and were ab- out 20 feet from the barn when the beat of lightning struck. In seconds the whale structure was ablaze. The Blytli fire 04, gad was • summoned and` kept the flames from burning a nearby implement shed, Mr. Ball arrived home , soon After, He had been assisting !seeding at a neighbour's farm, "Donald Sprung, This 40 by 6( feet L-shaped barn was partially covered with insuraii;ce. A veteran of World War TT, Stanley Ball is recov- ering from a severe heart at- tack last fall when he spent several months in Clinton -Fult , lie Hospital. 0 Many Students Make It Into "Over 80" Club CDOI-The time has come when we see which pupils have attained or maintained high academic standings on the Eas- ter examinations. The Easter "Over 80 .Club" now has one more member than it had after the Christmas report card§ were issued'. Some of 'the previous memb- ers were unfortunate enough to be removed 'from the club; whereas others became new members, Members of the Eas- ter "Over 80 Club' are as foa- . lows: , Judith Aniy, 9B; Paul Bate- man, 12B; Gail Bennett, 10D; Frances Blacker; 9F; Rose Bru- bacher, MD; Karen Calder- bank, 1013; .Gayle Comb% 9F; Robert Cooper, 9E. Morals Darling, 11B; Lor- raine Deveau, 10E; Dianne Fa- ber, 'IND; Susan Fretts, 9F; Bonnie Harruiliton, 13; -Kevin Henley, 9E; Bonnie 1-lormale 1113; Bambara Irwin, 9F; Joan Ir- win, 9F; Ron Lovett, 1213; Geo- rge Lindsay, 10E; James Liver- more, 9F; Alan Lowe, 9F; Bruce McBride, 9B; Ann Mc- Cowan, 10B; Wendy McGee, 11B. Clarence Magee, 9F; Clara Martin, 9E; Sandra Middleton, 9E; Nancy Olde, 11 B; .Barb- eta Pegg, 9E; Gertie Festally, 12C; Marie Riley, 12C; Dick Roorda, 11A; Margaret Tre- wartha, 10B; Tony Verbutg, 9A; Douglas Wells, 11D; Bar- bara Yea, 12C. 0 6. B. Shaw In London Theatre For Grade 13 (By D. Elliott, 13) CDCI - This evening, ap- proximately 40 Students and teachers at .CIDC1 wilt &amid upon the Grand Theatre in London for as special presenta- tion of Shaw's "Caesar and Cleopatra", a modern play by G. B, Shaw on !this year's Grade 13 English Literature course. Mrs. J. E. Robinson is in charge of the students who will travel to London on a bus pro- vided by the CDC' boArd. ,For 'the seventh successive year the play being studied in the school is being presented by the London; Little Theatre with 'the sponsorship of Distriet 2 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation'. Each year the event has grown in numbers and enthus- iasm which speaks well for the interest of es alt:Tenth in good' literature, and for their teach- ers Who support the project as a means toward that end Parking for the buses will- be provided through ,the cour- tesy or the Forest City KiWanis Club which controls, parking at the Landon Life lot, 'This year Over 45 Schools: are participating, The great Maj- ority of these Will be Dreamt this evening, May 3.„ when the entire theatre is reserved' for students azUd their teachera. It premises to- be en evening of Worthvvhile entertainnient ac Well ,as one of the lash fun. filled outings which this year's senior class may have, If TIRED . Now and theft- eVerYbady- dote, tooling aid may be bethered by beekbehba. Pisrbene nothing se*IouelyWrbetg, Nat It tertiabt, bondrtleli cebeed by :Urinary lOrttatiett dr bladder didatMfart, that's the the' th , take 136dd'a kidney Pertly ()oil's he10 the' kldnbYe i•olleirb cendlllciti Which 'SOY of en ssus'd beeknehe end tfrodfaeline: 'the you `feel better; Peat botte4 iYoilt bettefi al .Mrs, W. Whetham Attends Holiday MA 'Conference, 114-$. 1+4, W110141:11. „ on staff at. OPOI attended the Leon:yen- tam of home economies teach, era of the Ontario EdttealtiOnal ASSOCiatiga, in the -Lard Sam 00e Hefei, Toronto, April 23 40a •- cPat4dorablP importance was giveo to the • topic of hoL.Wag 'the home ecgnomics cwtden this year.. John C, Perkin of Parkin Associates addressed the meeting and ,spoke on the topic "M'or'e Art in Housing". Mr. Parkin is co-archite'c't for the new City Hall, Toronto, the new Toronto International Airport, 'toe Arts Building at University of Tiaronte, many achoola, institutional, coznmere- jai indeistrial buildings, Mrs, John Leitch, Pepe*, Meat ef Household Science, University of Toronto, spoke on soota.j. old Economic Ae- Peeta of Housing", The guest spealcer et the luncheon on Tuesday, April 24. was Frances' 'Shelley Wees', well-known author and world traveller, Mrs, Wees feels that .Canadian writers should' be in- formed with regard 'to what goes on in the c6movuoist countries. Consequently She has travelled and written about Russia and Chine and spoke about "The lVlYsteeies of New China". Her lateot "The Last Concubine" is a Chinese story and appeared in The Star Weekly in March. that face a leader. 'Without faith in himself and in his .abile arty, he will be lost. Above all, a leader must have detertnin, ation; and endktrahce, His task often requires long hours of strenuous work to ensure suc- cess, There is no room for the lazy in the field of leadership. Each man, each woman, each student has an opportunity for leadership in some field, how- ever small. How he uses that opportunity can and will deter- mine 'the extent of his success in life. „. 0 Quality has everything in ite favor including the price. Tomorrow is the greatest labor-saving device of today. NOW Homes In Progress First, the "Shadowline" which will be open to 'view on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, then the "Green Gables!" and in the distance a three-bed- room brick and stone home-these are the Doucette homes, for family living. (News-Record Photo) uation are considered good. In the cake of a leader, such com- placency is not commendable. Sometimes to achieve an end, a leader must be dissatisfied. If Martin Luther had been con- tent to leave conditions as they were, 'the Reformation might never have' taken place., True, many others lived under the same yoke as Luther, but he had the initiative and the ab- ility to spark one of the great movements in history. Being a leader is' not easy. Leadersihip requires knowledge:, tact and integrity. It takes courage to :tackle the problems A Grade 13 student who has maintained an average of more than 80 percent throughout her high school years, Bonnie Joyce Hamilton represents Clinton DiStriet Collegiate In- statute in The London • Free Press Schaal Queen's Club. Eighteen-year-old Bonnie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. John Hamilton of Clinton. She, was awarded the English pro; ficieney prize in Grade 12 and' Plans to be a high school math- ematics teaeber. Bonnie,is a member of the basketbal end volleyball teams, the girls' sports club, year book club and Clinton Community Concert Band. She is as past president of Wesley Willis Un- ited Church Young Peoples Union, took part in the school . variety' show and' attended the department of education lead' ership . camp for camp counSel• In the following essay :Bone nie outlines the qualitieg she. thanks make a :good leader. By BONNIE HAMILTON The need for leadership in all walks of life is greater today than ever before. What is a leader? What are the qualit- ies of a good leader? It is generally agreed that the world need§ leaders. However a leader need' not be a head. of state or the president of a large company. Such people are portant, but leaders are found at all levels. The plumber with hia helper, the office worker with a secretary, and the tea- cher in the classroom, tare all leaders. All have the same re- sponaibiEtties and the same op- pertunities for showing ability as has 'the leader of a govern- ment. Inr Canada a Person need not be hampered by a humble beginning in a small country. A leader is marked, 'not by his beginning, but by his individu- ality, his sensibility, and his in- itiative and energy. . A leader must have fore- sight. He must be able to eavi- Sion what he intends to do and then successfully carry out his plans. He will listen tea advice, but he realizes that the final &Osten; is his ' own. The ac- eeptance of such respeinatibility shows the true leader. If a per- son has 'learned to accept ras- ponsibillity, he will be depend- able, and if he is dependable, he Will corm-nand the loyalty and respect of all theee he Meets. Initiative, 'the Ability ter get things started, is ianother xe qUisite' of a leader. In, some people, a stoical endurance Of hardship end! a faculty to be content regardless of their sit- CPCI....S011001 Queen,. Qualities ,•of Leadership Given Craieeni' Congratulations - to E. R. Doucette on his Open House . It is our pleasure to ,supply ADMIRAL TV and electrical appliances Groves and Son CLINTON HU 2-9414 Engagement Ring $200.00 ORDER OF MERIT Engagement 011g SIP oo Engagement Ring CITATION AWARD WINNER agatatilD air BLUEBIRD • Elegant styling and flawless in quality-. see them in our window. Insured free against loss for one year. aDIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS nstett Jewellers Clinton HU 2-9525 EASY CREDIT TERMS CLINTON Weekend Specials Clover Leaf Cohoe Salmon -M 's 2 for $9c Green Giant Corn Niblets-14-oz, 6 for 99c 'King Si4e Surf Detergent 95c Scott Family Tissue 4 rolls 39c Economy Size Scotties ,,,, .... „ 2 for 49c Fresh Picnic Pork Shoulders 35c lb. Lean, Weil-Trimmed Butt Pork 45c lb. Butt , Pork Chops , 55c lb. Tablerite Side Bacon ( Rindless ) 69c lb. Florida Oranges 5 lb. 49c Top Value Orange Juice-6-oz, 6 for 99c Swanson's TV Dinners 59c 1N NEY In. OP. 'Panada COLOUR1NGCONTEST '01S newspaper Coming soon Sponsored by kril?" CANADA LTD. BOTTLER: Tuckey beverages, Exeter, Ont. Competitive Prices Plus Persona( Service Special Values and Reminders This Week $1.49 BRECK SHAMPOO reg. $1:75 59c Trial size Children's Aspirin with 59c size ,CASTORIA Utility - 2 year guarantee HOT WATER BOTTLE reg. $1,99 $1.61 Purse size Fashion Set with Richard Hudnut FASHION QUICK $2.50 1 ounce Teen-Clear Gel plus 4 oz. TEEN-CLEAR LOTION $2.50 value .... $2.00 59c size Mother's Darling Shampoo with 1.84 value NESTLE BABY HAIR TREATMENT $1.25 Thu sitay-A May 4f, 962-.Clinton Ncvo,Itgcoidr,Page 4 Money-Saving SPECIALS I.D.A. BRAND Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Capsules IDAVITES 100's reg. $4.95 3 for $11.88 I.D.A. EAST-GLOSS IDASAL • TABLETS FLOOR WAX 300's reg. 99c 1 pound 'reg. 59c 74c 47c BABY HEEDS Aqua Seal Baby Pants ....... 39c, 59c' Baby's Own Tablets „.„....„...„ 49c, 1.09 Hankscraft Baffle Warmers 3.45, 4.69 1.D.A. Baby Cough Syrup ..... 60c J & .1 Baby Oil „,„ ....... „. 79c, 1.10 J & J Baby Cream 75c, 98c J & J Baby Sets .,..„„.„. 1.50, 2.50, 3.75 Mennen Baby Magic ...... „.„... 79c, 1.00 Evenflo Nipples .„ .... 3 for 45c Nursing Bottles 15c, 29c, 39c, 49c Evenflo Olass Nurser Units ...„ ......... 39e Evenflo Plastid Nurser Units 41d Twin Tots ..... ..... 39c, 59c, 98d Z.B.T. Baby Powder 46c, 75c, 89c F. BO PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 1-66/6 Orbit.