Clinton News-Record, 1962-04-26, Page 12v tH
urs Blaze.
c! Um 1rn the back Pali a'f the
s stoxey and a hW diwe7rltizug.
e .TrY�ni,g to. oummon .help be lyras
e un!alhle to the Blyth fire
+dleporloraont iso, lull ed .a
I' neiglhboum, Keith Rodger who.
drove' to the village to aril
i ?ay IL
Y Due to the high s'outb wind
�- they were uiialrie to save rrhe
dwelling and the family escap-
ed. A Y With, night Pipliaai xl,
Looter Sunday momning meront-
e;is of the Blyth Legion, ('of
wi)iieb: John, is' a member) ,cls-
S'iS�tec1 the tam,ily 'hy equipping
theme all' moth clatbes and .sbo-
es. from a Blyat 1. stoa p,
The foss, eistimatedat about
$9,000,. wa,s ��rtl�iay coverred
Y. with Insurance,
1 This. boino vas atuateld on
f •ComiceiWoo 4 of East Wawa-
ivosh., thr'o'e and, a half miles
Office Cases
Size 4 x 6 ......... ........... $6.35
Size 3 x 5 ........1...•1...1,....,1. $5.50
Size 3 x 5 ...........•.,.....• ............... $4.75
Pressed Board Boxes, Marble Finish -=-
3 x 5 ,.....$2.75
4 x 6 .......,.•.......... .... ....... $3.50
5 x 8 ...1 ._.:........ $3.85
Office Box with Molded Change Tray
,or without tray .:......... ... $3.00 to $6.75
in steel or wood ............ $3.75 to $5.75
in wood ._.1 . each $3,50
in plastic Presboard
or Metal ....... $2.50 to $3450
Clinton - Ontario
Clinton District
Athletic Associa-tioh
Those interested in participating in any of the
following sports please check off your choice and
fill in the application blank,
Te- P_e s en r takeapplication
1�0 lass do e
blank to the Clintorm News -Record
by April 30,
1, BAttaALt. [I Shauirts
°`„ C� peelNees .
CJ Midgets (town team)
` rl 15MAIni-Midgets .(towft leagod)
�: AFtCI•l�1Y" d "T'eoriaiyers
3: GtTli✓ Cl Teenagers .
4,01ALS SoP'TSALL O'reetiagors
5. dlftLS V'OLL9Y$ALL Ci 1eehagers
NAMh• ................. .......1................. ..... 1_ AGS ...........
and. Clinton Legion. pm'erAdenrt Station. be the victors on June 18." rurug and- family on the 10th
J. Douglas r Thorndike, booth- ]Dhwaod Epps Sports Shop,
spoke. Eric Collins:, president Bruce Abbott; Mols'on parizes,
of Huron Fish .and Game Con- Pete McCauley, Godlerich; Pebe Four Local Fires Over Weekend
servation Association, said he Padfae+ld -and' Norm Robinson,
wall greatly ;impressed with the Durham.; Mrs. Dorothy O'Con-
Kin .founder's address,• n'e11, Bob Vim, Riesen, Frank Keep . Department on the Move
Three past district. gov'ernor+s Cook, Bruce Abbot (2), Eric
were present: Ken McKenzie, Collins, A. L. Colgaaloun.
Listowel; Paul M111s, Hranover Past president (1.953) George Four ,fairly minor firs were field Rover was 'put out. This
and Bob Barber, Galt. Raurmlbatlll was in; charge of the Cleat with, by the Clinton Fire one •2esnulted when YOunOgters
Former Clinton. Kin back for throw. Department over the hahas y atten,p!ted a cook -out. T11edx
the anniversary night were: ,o 'weekend File Chief Grant fire gat out of control'. Though
Pete McCauley, now pmesWent "nuisance" +they fought it themselves first,
of Godeaich Win; Hartn°y J. Me- Legion Plans For Rath termed them nuisance carrying water from the river,
Ewan 6presdd'erot 1956) from +Files• they fixnally. Found it necessary
aiatham; Jerry Barrow, Wet -Two Big EYents ' Friday afternoonthe brigade -to call -for help.
erlroo land Francis' Derimmm�e, went to a .grass fame at the farm (Notbe:: Clanton Fire Depart -
naw a bamrxster in ap"
North B, Time i?isttract "C" convention of Angus Brawn inr Tucker meat ,is not obligated+ to -attend
The banquet was catered tp at Clinton .on Sunday and the, 50 -ac Township, where abet,- fixes in Stanley Township,
do s
by theLadies, Auwililavy to Legion -sponsored' band tartitoo 50 lexis was burgled over. A slot that
n,iuniclapaipk does
Clinton Legion. Mrs. William an Tune 8 aura 9 were the 'trd, re 'hoar gotten, out of can- not pay amen , the upkeep e
Watkins, president replied to main, topics of disc�u>seiiorn at buil' � rOfes it was near the department, help However, the
Tuesday ert>remiin(g's• general buildings, professiomial: help was call ,gam help was plk�ced� in
�s` •
meeting,of Clinton branch. � men away tail- the dreg the
Bayfield Carl Be im S(aturdtay x►2ght a the trackot was ,back in rent- ids, of it was on true
vv�ibim. -a dist,zli:G"t..e!aunical meet- the fire', :mother cart Dame -aura side, of the river. Once
ing, land ,the distarict comlve eeb- in, for which no alarm was set they were out, they continued
Injured In Car be'girunin at 9 am. Smwel anti do The fliremen merely unapt fl es. scemle and: doused tale
canbuiu ng unthil Baste afiterno6n, d to the xnaaixi comer and flames.)
Accident Sunday � be a major event for tihle Cat t g esimelcl a blaze in a tmtisCk. o --
lvout1 brrivnahu Catbaageas had a3een, rertwrnaing Stanley Coup.
BAYF'IE'L,D (Special)—Judi Bandmaster George Won+ch from. the lake, and the -muck
C1011f, 20, nuate�i;n.-,trainin at 8Ad waiya land ralean15 chairlongingg and clothing, -
was loaded with household be.
HosrprRW, London, : roman H. W. Colqubmm reporter fire destroyed a goad deal Draw Prizes
fered a fractured arm and ed on •the band tattoo aaramge� alathing,
shomildrer when the car in which Mexnbs,. Draw tickerts were dg's:- The Kinsmen, Club -of Clan-
On! SattsxK&'uy ni�arxming, fixe
she was riding rolled 'beer Sun tavlbUutted on �a ,draw to They made tan, ruts -a 'gain of $500 for
day morning 'three and a hag. at itlme tattoo. of (t trh rental homes o e balk use in various service daub paro-
g of (the mezliad homes ami Jahgi
miller north of Bayfield oil The biranrph aiuthorized $16 Streerf somehow got into the jeers do the area, extra the
to 'the Guide and Brownie coma- 1jaM ley how draw event. Princess patch, in
rivibtee to send: a girl,' to Guide
The 1962 model Corwair cox, dlrertg field. The beirrieSy lav- Sabres- was ch+aairm�arm.
driven by Guy Wilkam F�allar, aaAt •-hiss summer. ered with straw, burned! easnly. ,
At �a Zane C-1 mee�tang in . Winner of the $500 grand
21, 10870 Arudrew S ta-eet, Alal'an. Sdadrarrth recently, zone Comi1•�- Mr' mews• estdmates his ,loss prize wag. William Stephenson,
Park, MicWgan;, was said to lat $250, bedsore brie• lire De-
hav'e somersaulted at approxi- amender Doug Andrews was alp , artment uelrled the blaze. BiYtnssel5. He drove frog. to
n,abe ,lowed $250 toward has' expenses p q Chi where he is employed,acpt
1y 12.30 �v.rrr, Sundfayr: convsriitionr ,n1 Fire affected about three'{quaaa- Cliivton on Tuesday to ' accept
Police said the car had a cthesf ami ozone e 3bbran-- tea's oaf an sere. g his, Prize. . Ms, t Cicert read,,
blowout in f>o the Legion. ,
he rear tire and That; �raftemoon a grass fire
the vehlole swerved: to the east oro: ,the Stanley side of the Bay- seconds"�whhiichlwas mthe of c-
srhouldlei f the highway. When quels;t'ed; to 'Con I to �totva+rld
the driver attempted -to gamin his e5npegm'ses, sal; time. of the winning goal
At Tuesday's meeting laic Homemakers in the final hwkey game of the
con&oll it .valued' over on ,t,he Clanton bYralnch meed to make 1vl t, s5tlason.
wesrt shoulder of the road'. the ,t0bail arnniunt SUP to $500. bowling League Too() to defeated Chicago in
When. the car turrocki over, Dues s'ecrelary Gordroga Her- a theilling flnmsh ' Sundary night
the bucket 186at in whish. Judi ntaJudArn re'polite'd 143 rrien'ibers 'With, Just One bowling nigh 2„t, aamaifigg ,from, behi;mi,d: to do,
su�a ned fri G� g to her left Pared V, to date tit of a todizial R ft in the Al ladies schedule, maxi. it, The lucky ticked was
C orded high 'bots ep m
caliitmarbone land as m ,below the diikeS was ismer charge of the scored high triple Norma
and PMrs� mMrs. ormO L thrmits". Sale
saaltiet. 7
meeting $ ,
Guards,nlemi; James Heard', o Carol Ranger scared high single $M0 prizes• were 'wan on- the
FdnvSmd Scale lairs- Ftltivaad j of 275: stniii4inalis. Mrs, Wilfred rein-
i1tortr'e�nt, Cauilia Petawawa Who Andrews;A. ers team,.Other scores over 200. were:
X v1Sa bought, a tI�lC4t 1r'�(1m`YL' S!h71"`
ca'rime onto the, accident Scene Mrs, N. Fritts 250, 259, Mrs, g
ii Carr, Wl ich! read' . fnt's;t p�ei4-
atd�mintistterod, first, aid ,until ,axi WINS Mrs, M. Cyr 245, 216, Mrs. i�. Me- ill
Coy 222, 216, M`rs, A, Prako- .sod, see.6nd mnihote; 48 see-
amvbulramce summoned by Wfl Shuffleboard TotllCtley pet, 224, 202; Mrs, �. Gtoor ogids" the aFfrc$ail tirii� of the
Hams; Pollack arrived', Judi Was The finals of the , winat e- 252; mrs, D. Greentree 235.; w n ning, via in: the- ` ombno-
baked to •a. Godedch hospital, 'iati'g Legion sl,uffieboarrl' tour= Mkt. X. Widkwlure 227; Mrs. Y. Naw York series. Mites, Oawr
g ATrs. itaazmenrt wend 1)leyed after the Thbmtoh 227•. Mrs. J: Mother
aster Sunday sri�arnR.tit ,
Clwff weitt with her daughltem bnianch getm;ea%al mtetiiig Tues 220; Mrs. M,'Aearst 213, Mrs: re_l. 1.1' hint
it, Beaattie"s ,a mbulkanlCe to Vd'e; ; Mts, V. gawaids �. utc gs, Batyr£pu arab
Clay e, tea m. 208, Mrg, J, Vyvle 206, Mrs, ,wars 25a, His -risks-, ptim+chbs-
fatal IZtispbal, Itarittatm, tViixe The -tram til bane Ca#nrilazld� f...ger est Mzsty I?lameI"irtas,
she is baW xecavettjh' , The ee boug Andr'aws andBobAyw '04; C'Om, 1N2 ell 2611, rs, fottai►001'ek2lvbad tst hird SePerI1d '
battux^e weV6 seat On 91011mft emS worm the finals coni three o,
rE 0ht ,acrd, Me.,. Clud reaixted srtleasgl,t games' from- Cahierom O,ffaaval iitrme flfla�' robe wiilmtnimig.
I116dboa and Lhtlrne Col , 6houijTeam standings
hoaxi'O on• Tueskll:ay en�eruirng, q - goal in ''lihe 'dhi'ga�o-iVSdzirta'eaal
Police Sohl no charges would Th4W wl l lie Dn, %M ct; •4aV th 'Z'hafider J'0s.t22 Black 1�alls r'eache's tr�aas � ��lbd, fatlt~tii
be laid. The airrcic'1•entt w dm- 114, Turtles 1.01, .A.torkis 9 ,
1 iVVSi(3 SsNadaet�' 10A iarv0 fimy;, , iiimiU[iute. `sehJeaiei secamikl; bUt that
Spitfires 92, 1ieal McCoyis 89;
vcslti�rated by Comic sttYlae . B. Cts 30 gitiioiirers cOoitpeabed StiiClters..79 .Y.ucicy 7 ,79< Go t;uket �vlae nsbt mild', 7Vt'uss Fiar
,foisatstbi: , , :
soli itliis f�iyft afiftlgll' taurkmtatrient, gdtters 7b; Wiingdirlgs''67, ftS e*'c6W6 $5. .
Mrs Sl�r�4is 4'm�lfi�yg+cl m
the tofel> a of W4!p i ontw
pine',. Godwip^ll andder xite 1 r
19% ret'ur'xiie,4 tQ. her ploo ion.
on Monday afternoon hecayse,
of lt'he rush of business durixug:
the Young Canada hickey
449kno`nt .4e9l9n :Bingo every
TburSday nitp in region :Hall est
8.45 sharp. 12 regular garner
at $10; 3 share the wealth and.
1 special for $50 must go..Pro=
ceeds for artificial ice, ltfb
Thursday, April ;!6 ,-.- .Bingo
In Legion .Memorial Halal, Kirk
Street at 8,30 p.rn„ 15 regular,
games for $5; 1 game for $25;
3 Share - the Wealth games;
Jackpot $59, n. 59 numbers,
Three door prizes, $2.50 each,
^.d gsion 50c,
Sat., April 2s—Card Party,
in Orange Lodge Rooms, 8.30
P.m. sharp, Everyone welcome,
Sunday, .April 99 - Wesley -
Willis U.C.W. Thankoffering
service, 8 p.m. 'Speaker: Mr.
Donald Simpson, representative
of the African Student Founda-
tion. 14b&17x
Campaign is on for Com-
munity Concert$, From April 30i
to May 5. Anyone wishing to
become members, or to renew
membership, contact Mrs, Gor-
don Cuninghame, or Miss Elva
Wiltse. 17b
Tuesday, Mayl — Huron
Fish and Game Bingo. Jackpot -
$55 in 55 numbers. 3 door
prizes. 8,30 p.m. 43tfb
Sat„ May 5 --Sale of good
used clothing and miscellaneous
articles, St, -Paul's Church
Parish Hall, starts 1.30 p,m,
Auspices Gogetter's Club.
Wed., May 9 Florence
Nightingale Tea, 3 to 5 p.m. at
the Nurses residence, 17b
THEATRE Li r> ited
"TwoComplete Skmows Nightly
Children under
12 in Cars Free
April :910-9Z
- Double Bill -r,-
"Rat Racg "
(Adult Entertainment)
Tony Curtis -- Debbie. Reynolds
yrTouch of Larceny"r,
James Masan. +- Vera Miles
April 28.30
-- Double Bill -
'Revolt Of The $laves"
(Adult Entertainment)
(Color scope)
Rhonda .Fleming, Lang Jeffries
(Adult Entertainment)
William, Shat ier
Pat McCormack
May 1-2
"Indiscreet" .
ti (Cgtour)
Cary Grant -- Ingrid Bergman
Corning Next
"Gidget Goes' Hawaiian"
"All The Young Men
Repair it
improve it
Remodel it
'w .w..,...,y.....>Ws Furnish it
YOUR HOME Brighten it
Make it a Solid Investment with a Low -Cost
Credit Union Loan
Clinton Community Credit
Union Limited
� � ��, ,STs>� °� �•
5tt k of
'k `w
The Boss has given me until the end of
the month to sell these. Cash,
Trade, or Terms.
If you can't deal with me, you can't deal
anywhere else at these prices.
Asking Price S 650
Asking Price 51250
Asking Price $1750
Asking Price S1075*
these are qualify vehicles; Look. fhlem
over and you'll agree. Buying
frbm me is easy.
Verb's in good line 'of Other chirality ddrs on the List
Cao, $oma dandies are Corning in, if what you
wonif is not here -olleose Net me knows
» my time' is yours.
MOTORS 11,09
Ybtltt ##110-NOLY CNeVf16UE'r,
bLD61101001L ✓! & P_NVdY beALIE:R.
1i1LI 1-0331 CLINTON
on Liberal Association. Dan
ponth laf Auburn; and was built
Piroud Cham ions
en Nos star Lea ale
p g
Mwrplmy, Qo4eiOch, was chair-
by Mamas Mitchell over 100
man of the event attended by
yew tagcxx. The little village,
Members of the six bowling -league at
their trophy from Mr's. Walter A. Oaks fat' right.
1C17OwYl .as' Westfielld was, C•om-
Clinton Public Hospital enjoyed an ed -of -season
From the left are Mrs. John Hallam, Chap-
Jaselxh coon; Crerdiibomu, cam-
posed of a past office, blaack-
banquet in the l�ominlon Hotel, Zurich last Wed-.
man, Mrs. ,Tim Balding, Betty Middel, Oath Hai
y '
ai rria em for the riding
Ith -shop and a general. store
nesday, night. Champion team, above, receives
and Mxs. Fred Deichert captain.
wjnt oducedl Attending was
at that tJ��rm�e�.
(Zurich News' Photo )
Jahn Spence, MPP far Kent.
Mar. M1tchelT also imported
garudklalte Exn�est l~ ismer',
purebred C1i,yldelsd'aae(s Trom
Page 12--,41inton News,Recotd--Thurs., April 26, 1962
Goderieh, gave a. rew e+ -of his
Scuttlaii t sand many of the i l -
K�nsmen Celebrate
career and public service amid
urged all rxmeinbers: of t11e porta'
or cittizems' of hast dlsrtxict re-
call the many horses he
. _
Bond Practice Dale
Lions Entert���
Hal Rogers Kin
t10 iel1p with, the campaign.
"Four the
brought to this country. Later
me the house and the
Changed to Spt�lydayith
said, yells ago
on sold
Clliuhnion Commm�urida Concert
M n
And Honour
Diefermlbaker cabinet went
office with the largest majority
11 ,gores to Ramsay.
Other' of this pr-
Raod, condlttctor George Wonch
(Continued from page one)
much aemtce in • the first
the that'* you from Kin. t
vice ap Frank Cook.
in the history of the country. '
troy, were James Woodds, William
said, , Wedbess!day tfte re gulax
Midget Pla
ten ye�arctg, and wis'ired� therri
A1oa„t programa of enter-
Now that. same gorvorcrnzrmwmd;
for its ill
five Ycar"s' ago tihis May, Mr,
band +practnr~e has been chaiig,-
ge ye s
succors. �in the fstture. He was
%!mom pospltion, 'Pero
in has
Cox siol>rl! -mils• Palm to has. rmeplm-
ed this ay, -from. ThuTsdayClan-
to Saturday, 7 8 p.m. at Clhn
Two "teenage who were
a member of God�er•ich Kine on
1952 and transferred to Clmn"
�Go d'onvGrwas ThnS, included
gongs by Sharon. Strong accom-
knows nevem begun to
le with the basicpro-
ew, John Spru7mg, after was
discharged, fmo¢ri 4 PTS Moaait-
ton public
too old to play juvenile hockey
bon gas, president where Gad�e-
1Qd • her mother, blotlh
by h
limps confronting
lash winter', but coached' Claim-
rich sponsored, the local• club.
furor SeaEarGh, and C17iLtom,'•s
Guest speaker Arthur Rea-
Jahn served nearly ten years
Lions,ton tD �
WOA.& Midg�elt�dB
pmersi t � 55) K. Was
�q��llAmsh'omt sfixm�armgM
Noilth, noted'; "while ltth'e
had. been divided,
Second World Wax with. the!
Brigade, Ontari
ship were presented glmlfts, at
led by Lion '"Red" Gar'on wmlbh
Liberal party
federally be-
Flim Armored
Tank Regiment in Korea
Tuesday evening's Lions Club
meeting. Coaches J.oa,rr Jacob
The other former Kinsman
in Portage
Venni: Boys' as a0cOm annslt,
Draw Winners
ovinoial and,
pr' y' alil(y'
�e the Ontario Liberals''were
g„ and
with the 23rd Transport Group
and Ken Fin+gel!sibad were pre-
' .Pear la Prairie was
Slgtt, Terry O Nerd, After .tae
Prizes were donated. 'by
now out rEigllrti;ug .Par their fed-
arks clone home a casualty. He
sen�t�d with pens 1, the iii�anss•.
Eleven; .other memb'er's, sof tlheg
left Clinton, he became Deputy
18 'businesses' and• wibnems. are
oral �xueamds' ,las 1,amrd+ and as en-
eticalSy ,ars if they were in
is; errnpilfayed' .as ,head chef
at Hotel Clinton.
cihanxp onsWp 'team attended
District Gawearmor of 7aanle 1,
as follows: Hotel Clinton,Clintomu.Fir-
Mia�cDonalid, Goderdch,; D.
the fed'errail' field themselves.
Mr, and, Masi. Sprung have
the dinner meeting.
District 2 in Manitoba, He is
still ,an active Kii mntan there.
A. Kay & Soni J. D. Thorn-
"There are no factionis, no
a iianA]y of two, sons, Aldan.
Tory Gregg, fommea' profess'-
clonal hockey player and orf-
Other guests who spoke
duke; Roy Macon Service Sita-
frictions no eubtin of •t'hr:aartls
, g
as evident 3ai the other par-
13 yesbemidi Leon 11 and
two daughter, Coral 14 and
facial, and now dikatrict maniag-
were; Da'striot No. 1 Governor
Bali Burdick St, �Catlhexines,
-sora, Fmuc Choosy,
Huron - �Couruby Numndsmatic
tics," he ,sai',dl.
Melanie, six. Besides 1'osim•ng - 111
er, Western Ontario division of
Deputy Governor B of
ib, subscription to cl ub bull
Raeaunle road' that eve tame
any citizen of this m'avince
the contents, of the hbu5e the
old; family cause died' in the
RE `
Maltson,s, w+ats� gmaeslt spe'aiker.
He officially presented' the Har-
District 1 Don . HaLst, NLarl�-
leitiav,' K. W. Colxju�hratmrL; Ball
is called) upon- to pay sade6 •bale,
ley Crawford WOAA Midget
dale; Squadron Leader Wood'
, q ,
representing the
and Muitah Hardware Em e
Campbluley, Durham; Picket •&
it IIs because the Diefenfb,akw
Some oaf the family had to
"B" taop4,y to. Phailip' White,
captain of the tean1. Mr', Gregg
Catiocommanding -
officer, of RCAF Station Cline
W. J. NLiil�ler,
Campbell Ltd., Dave Sm,itAi,
government did not play On-
barri�a the amount of money they
escape through the windrows as
the flames spread' rap2dlry<. A
the players ,tb keep
instructed th
;'Mayor Who
welcomed Asir ' Ian to Clan-
Lomrm+e Brown Motors %,td',
promised to when, they were
new bicycle bought the night
with education i as well
Lion and comagratulated the
S/L Trev Larsson Poraiiage` la
elected. -In 1958." The sum, of
money rerfermed to was $150,-
before for A191an'�s birthdlay was
as -their sparits activity. He also
showed) anal commented on the
C1lamaton crab,
Praliarie., 1Vliana,; Barclay
000,000 a year.
When a little friend, Brian
„ in the
Wo " F7aagng
Herb' Brldle, president of
'Clint'on Lions Club, said it was
, os.,
or W. J. Miller; Aiken, Bros.,
Bill Chowen; Herman's Men'~;
The Liberals have opened
, campaign head'quambexs in
;heard that the birthday
emnt was burned, he went
showing tri a oflPiCia1
opening of the Hockey I�ia�lll of
a Pleasure rtao work ice, the
Jee'am„ Jahn B'ilBri An ewe
Herb Bridle; New-
God�eriph and in Clinton and
to AlMan ,and ave him lids bike
Radio & TV
Fame at the CN'E' grounds,, Ta=
Kinsmen oro, local service clubs?
combined projects;. Twelve
cordbeas drug shore, Clarence
expect to da so soon. in Sea-
forth crud Exeter. There
so, the would not be disappoinrt-
'Mile speaker was introduced
Lions were at the �anndversoxy.
Denomme; Sohenley'•s, R. D.
, Herb
will be 'public meekinga, in all
Plans for -alms rfaanily's� future
Phone HU 2-3841 Clinton
by John S. -Parker and thanked
Zone Cammnandex Doug An-
dkews Zoite Dilstta'nct C
Freinlin; • McElwaeS,
BAdle'; Ross Scott Sunoco dos:-
'parts of the riding.
are rat sletbled' but at present
by. Hugh Hawkins.
of C-1
of tlhe, Royal Canadian L non
�'� ,
tributor, S�/L Wood RCAF
Mr. Resume .s'ald "There is
neo question about it. We •wall
they are living with his bro-
tihe+r ' D'omaalri Sprung, Misr. Sp -
Office Cases
Size 4 x 6 ......... ........... $6.35
Size 3 x 5 ........1...•1...1,....,1. $5.50
Size 3 x 5 ...........•.,.....• ............... $4.75
Pressed Board Boxes, Marble Finish -=-
3 x 5 ,.....$2.75
4 x 6 .......,.•.......... .... ....... $3.50
5 x 8 ...1 ._.:........ $3.85
Office Box with Molded Change Tray
,or without tray .:......... ... $3.00 to $6.75
in steel or wood ............ $3.75 to $5.75
in wood ._.1 . each $3,50
in plastic Presboard
or Metal ....... $2.50 to $3450
Clinton - Ontario
Clinton District
Athletic Associa-tioh
Those interested in participating in any of the
following sports please check off your choice and
fill in the application blank,
Te- P_e s en r takeapplication
1�0 lass do e
blank to the Clintorm News -Record
by April 30,
1, BAttaALt. [I Shauirts
°`„ C� peelNees .
CJ Midgets (town team)
` rl 15MAIni-Midgets .(towft leagod)
�: AFtCI•l�1Y" d "T'eoriaiyers
3: GtTli✓ Cl Teenagers .
4,01ALS SoP'TSALL O'reetiagors
5. dlftLS V'OLL9Y$ALL Ci 1eehagers
NAMh• ................. .......1................. ..... 1_ AGS ...........
and. Clinton Legion. pm'erAdenrt Station. be the victors on June 18." rurug and- family on the 10th
J. Douglas r Thorndike, booth- ]Dhwaod Epps Sports Shop,
spoke. Eric Collins:, president Bruce Abbott; Mols'on parizes,
of Huron Fish .and Game Con- Pete McCauley, Godlerich; Pebe Four Local Fires Over Weekend
servation Association, said he Padfae+ld -and' Norm Robinson,
wall greatly ;impressed with the Durham.; Mrs. Dorothy O'Con-
Kin .founder's address,• n'e11, Bob Vim, Riesen, Frank Keep . Department on the Move
Three past district. gov'ernor+s Cook, Bruce Abbot (2), Eric
were present: Ken McKenzie, Collins, A. L. Colgaaloun.
Listowel; Paul M111s, Hranover Past president (1.953) George Four ,fairly minor firs were field Rover was 'put out. This
and Bob Barber, Galt. Raurmlbatlll was in; charge of the Cleat with, by the Clinton Fire one •2esnulted when YOunOgters
Former Clinton. Kin back for throw. Department over the hahas y atten,p!ted a cook -out. T11edx
the anniversary night were: ,o 'weekend File Chief Grant fire gat out of control'. Though
Pete McCauley, now pmesWent "nuisance" +they fought it themselves first,
of Godeaich Win; Hartn°y J. Me- Legion Plans For Rath termed them nuisance carrying water from the river,
Ewan 6presdd'erot 1956) from +Files• they fixnally. Found it necessary
aiatham; Jerry Barrow, Wet -Two Big EYents ' Friday afternoonthe brigade -to call -for help.
erlroo land Francis' Derimmm�e, went to a .grass fame at the farm (Notbe:: Clanton Fire Depart -
naw a bamrxster in ap"
North B, Time i?isttract "C" convention of Angus Brawn inr Tucker meat ,is not obligated+ to -attend
The banquet was catered tp at Clinton .on Sunday and the, 50 -ac Township, where abet,- fixes in Stanley Township,
do s
by theLadies, Auwililavy to Legion -sponsored' band tartitoo 50 lexis was burgled over. A slot that
n,iuniclapaipk does
Clinton Legion. Mrs. William an Tune 8 aura 9 were the 'trd, re 'hoar gotten, out of can- not pay amen , the upkeep e
Watkins, president replied to main, topics of disc�u>seiiorn at buil' � rOfes it was near the department, help However, the
Tuesday ert>remiin(g's• general buildings, professiomial: help was call ,gam help was plk�ced� in
�s` •
meeting,of Clinton branch. � men away tail- the dreg the
Bayfield Carl Be im S(aturdtay x►2ght a the trackot was ,back in rent- ids, of it was on true
vv�ibim. -a dist,zli:G"t..e!aunical meet- the fire', :mother cart Dame -aura side, of the river. Once
ing, land ,the distarict comlve eeb- in, for which no alarm was set they were out, they continued
Injured In Car be'girunin at 9 am. Smwel anti do The fliremen merely unapt fl es. scemle and: doused tale
canbuiu ng unthil Baste afiterno6n, d to the xnaaixi comer and flames.)
Accident Sunday � be a major event for tihle Cat t g esimelcl a blaze in a tmtisCk. o --
lvout1 brrivnahu Catbaageas had a3een, rertwrnaing Stanley Coup.
BAYF'IE'L,D (Special)—Judi Bandmaster George Won+ch from. the lake, and the -muck
C1011f, 20, nuate�i;n.-,trainin at 8Ad waiya land ralean15 chairlongingg and clothing, -
was loaded with household be.
HosrprRW, London, : roman H. W. Colqubmm reporter fire destroyed a goad deal Draw Prizes
fered a fractured arm and ed on •the band tattoo aaramge� alathing,
shomildrer when the car in which Mexnbs,. Draw tickerts were dg's:- The Kinsmen, Club -of Clan-
On! SattsxK&'uy ni�arxming, fixe
she was riding rolled 'beer Sun tavlbUutted on �a ,draw to They made tan, ruts -a 'gain of $500 for
day morning 'three and a hag. at itlme tattoo. of (t trh rental homes o e balk use in various service daub paro-
g of (the mezliad homes ami Jahgi
miller north of Bayfield oil The biranrph aiuthorized $16 Streerf somehow got into the jeers do the area, extra the
to 'the Guide and Brownie coma- 1jaM ley how draw event. Princess patch, in
rivibtee to send: a girl,' to Guide
The 1962 model Corwair cox, dlrertg field. The beirrieSy lav- Sabres- was ch+aairm�arm.
driven by Guy Wilkam F�allar, aaAt •-hiss summer. ered with straw, burned! easnly. ,
At �a Zane C-1 mee�tang in . Winner of the $500 grand
21, 10870 Arudrew S ta-eet, Alal'an. Sdadrarrth recently, zone Comi1•�- Mr' mews• estdmates his ,loss prize wag. William Stephenson,
Park, MicWgan;, was said to lat $250, bedsore brie• lire De-
hav'e somersaulted at approxi- amender Doug Andrews was alp , artment uelrled the blaze. BiYtnssel5. He drove frog. to
n,abe ,lowed $250 toward has' expenses p q Chi where he is employed,acpt
1y 12.30 �v.rrr, Sundfayr: convsriitionr ,n1 Fire affected about three'{quaaa- Cliivton on Tuesday to ' accept
Police said the car had a cthesf ami ozone e 3bbran-- tea's oaf an sere. g his, Prize. . Ms, t Cicert read,,
blowout in f>o the Legion. ,
he rear tire and That; �raftemoon a grass fire
the vehlole swerved: to the east oro: ,the Stanley side of the Bay- seconds"�whhiichlwas mthe of c-
srhouldlei f the highway. When quels;t'ed; to 'Con I to �totva+rld
the driver attempted -to gamin his e5npegm'ses, sal; time. of the winning goal
At Tuesday's meeting laic Homemakers in the final hwkey game of the
con&oll it .valued' over on ,t,he Clanton bYralnch meed to make 1vl t, s5tlason.
wesrt shoulder of the road'. the ,t0bail arnniunt SUP to $500. bowling League Too() to defeated Chicago in
When. the car turrocki over, Dues s'ecrelary Gordroga Her- a theilling flnmsh ' Sundary night
the bucket 186at in whish. Judi ntaJudArn re'polite'd 143 rrien'ibers 'With, Just One bowling nigh 2„t, aamaifigg ,from, behi;mi,d: to do,
su�a ned fri G� g to her left Pared V, to date tit of a todizial R ft in the Al ladies schedule, maxi. it, The lucky ticked was
C orded high 'bots ep m
caliitmarbone land as m ,below the diikeS was ismer charge of the scored high triple Norma
and PMrs� mMrs. ormO L thrmits". Sale
saaltiet. 7
meeting $ ,
Guards,nlemi; James Heard', o Carol Ranger scared high single $M0 prizes• were 'wan on- the
FdnvSmd Scale lairs- Ftltivaad j of 275: stniii4inalis. Mrs, Wilfred rein-
i1tortr'e�nt, Cauilia Petawawa Who Andrews;A. ers team,.Other scores over 200. were:
X v1Sa bought, a tI�lC4t 1r'�(1m`YL' S!h71"`
ca'rime onto the, accident Scene Mrs, N. Fritts 250, 259, Mrs, g
ii Carr, Wl ich! read' . fnt's;t p�ei4-
atd�mintistterod, first, aid ,until ,axi WINS Mrs, M. Cyr 245, 216, Mrs. i�. Me- ill
Coy 222, 216, M`rs, A, Prako- .sod, see.6nd mnihote; 48 see-
amvbulramce summoned by Wfl Shuffleboard TotllCtley pet, 224, 202; Mrs, �. Gtoor ogids" the aFfrc$ail tirii� of the
Hams; Pollack arrived', Judi Was The finals of the , winat e- 252; mrs, D. Greentree 235.; w n ning, via in: the- ` ombno-
baked to •a. Godedch hospital, 'iati'g Legion sl,uffieboarrl' tour= Mkt. X. Widkwlure 227; Mrs. Y. Naw York series. Mites, Oawr
g ATrs. itaazmenrt wend 1)leyed after the Thbmtoh 227•. Mrs. J: Mother
aster Sunday sri�arnR.tit ,
Clwff weitt with her daughltem bnianch getm;ea%al mtetiiig Tues 220; Mrs. M,'Aearst 213, Mrs: re_l. 1.1' hint
it, Beaattie"s ,a mbulkanlCe to Vd'e; ; Mts, V. gawaids �. utc gs, Batyr£pu arab
Clay e, tea m. 208, Mrg, J, Vyvle 206, Mrs, ,wars 25a, His -risks-, ptim+chbs-
fatal IZtispbal, Itarittatm, tViixe The -tram til bane Ca#nrilazld� f...ger est Mzsty I?lameI"irtas,
she is baW xecavettjh' , The ee boug Andr'aws andBobAyw '04; C'Om, 1N2 ell 2611, rs, fottai►001'ek2lvbad tst hird SePerI1d '
battux^e weV6 seat On 91011mft emS worm the finals coni three o,
rE 0ht ,acrd, Me.,. Clud reaixted srtleasgl,t games' from- Cahierom O,ffaaval iitrme flfla�' robe wiilmtnimig.
I116dboa and Lhtlrne Col , 6houijTeam standings
hoaxi'O on• Tueskll:ay en�eruirng, q - goal in ''lihe 'dhi'ga�o-iVSdzirta'eaal
Police Sohl no charges would Th4W wl l lie Dn, %M ct; •4aV th 'Z'hafider J'0s.t22 Black 1�alls r'eache's tr�aas � ��lbd, fatlt~tii
be laid. The airrcic'1•entt w dm- 114, Turtles 1.01, .A.torkis 9 ,
1 iVVSi(3 SsNadaet�' 10A iarv0 fimy;, , iiimiU[iute. `sehJeaiei secamikl; bUt that
Spitfires 92, 1ieal McCoyis 89;
vcslti�rated by Comic sttYlae . B. Cts 30 gitiioiirers cOoitpeabed StiiClters..79 .Y.ucicy 7 ,79< Go t;uket �vlae nsbt mild', 7Vt'uss Fiar
,foisatstbi: , , :
soli itliis f�iyft afiftlgll' taurkmtatrient, gdtters 7b; Wiingdirlgs''67, ftS e*'c6W6 $5. .
Mrs Sl�r�4is 4'm�lfi�yg+cl m
the tofel> a of W4!p i ontw
pine',. Godwip^ll andder xite 1 r
19% ret'ur'xiie,4 tQ. her ploo ion.
on Monday afternoon hecayse,
of lt'he rush of business durixug:
the Young Canada hickey
449kno`nt .4e9l9n :Bingo every
TburSday nitp in region :Hall est
8.45 sharp. 12 regular garner
at $10; 3 share the wealth and.
1 special for $50 must go..Pro=
ceeds for artificial ice, ltfb
Thursday, April ;!6 ,-.- .Bingo
In Legion .Memorial Halal, Kirk
Street at 8,30 p.rn„ 15 regular,
games for $5; 1 game for $25;
3 Share - the Wealth games;
Jackpot $59, n. 59 numbers,
Three door prizes, $2.50 each,
^.d gsion 50c,
Sat., April 2s—Card Party,
in Orange Lodge Rooms, 8.30
P.m. sharp, Everyone welcome,
Sunday, .April 99 - Wesley -
Willis U.C.W. Thankoffering
service, 8 p.m. 'Speaker: Mr.
Donald Simpson, representative
of the African Student Founda-
tion. 14b&17x
Campaign is on for Com-
munity Concert$, From April 30i
to May 5. Anyone wishing to
become members, or to renew
membership, contact Mrs, Gor-
don Cuninghame, or Miss Elva
Wiltse. 17b
Tuesday, Mayl — Huron
Fish and Game Bingo. Jackpot -
$55 in 55 numbers. 3 door
prizes. 8,30 p.m. 43tfb
Sat„ May 5 --Sale of good
used clothing and miscellaneous
articles, St, -Paul's Church
Parish Hall, starts 1.30 p,m,
Auspices Gogetter's Club.
Wed., May 9 Florence
Nightingale Tea, 3 to 5 p.m. at
the Nurses residence, 17b
THEATRE Li r> ited
"TwoComplete Skmows Nightly
Children under
12 in Cars Free
April :910-9Z
- Double Bill -r,-
"Rat Racg "
(Adult Entertainment)
Tony Curtis -- Debbie. Reynolds
yrTouch of Larceny"r,
James Masan. +- Vera Miles
April 28.30
-- Double Bill -
'Revolt Of The $laves"
(Adult Entertainment)
(Color scope)
Rhonda .Fleming, Lang Jeffries
(Adult Entertainment)
William, Shat ier
Pat McCormack
May 1-2
"Indiscreet" .
ti (Cgtour)
Cary Grant -- Ingrid Bergman
Corning Next
"Gidget Goes' Hawaiian"
"All The Young Men
Repair it
improve it
Remodel it
'w .w..,...,y.....>Ws Furnish it
YOUR HOME Brighten it
Make it a Solid Investment with a Low -Cost
Credit Union Loan
Clinton Community Credit
Union Limited
� � ��, ,STs>� °� �•
5tt k of
'k `w
The Boss has given me until the end of
the month to sell these. Cash,
Trade, or Terms.
If you can't deal with me, you can't deal
anywhere else at these prices.
Asking Price S 650
Asking Price 51250
Asking Price $1750
Asking Price S1075*
these are qualify vehicles; Look. fhlem
over and you'll agree. Buying
frbm me is easy.
Verb's in good line 'of Other chirality ddrs on the List
Cao, $oma dandies are Corning in, if what you
wonif is not here -olleose Net me knows
» my time' is yours.
MOTORS 11,09
Ybtltt ##110-NOLY CNeVf16UE'r,
bLD61101001L ✓! & P_NVdY beALIE:R.
1i1LI 1-0331 CLINTON