HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-26, Page 11uburn an istr.ict MRS'. WES BRADNOCI(: Correspondent—Phone .,50-7595 Miss Ma'fy Craig, l luevale,. is visiting with her friend:, Judy Artthur. Mr. and Mrs.' Donald Oakv'il'le, Visited with Mr, and Mfrs, .Jiamnes .Jaolcsori, Mr, and Mr Asquith, s', Reg. A,sq , George and Anne, Toronty, sp- ent the holiday in the village.. Jilin Biondi spent the East- er weeltend at his home in S'udbm,y, Miss Nancy Anderson is vis- !ting at Toronto with her uncle Thomas An'd'erson and daugh- ters, augh-ter s, Mrs. wall= Brown and baby daughter are visi'ti'ng with. her parents, Mr, and Mrs. War- ner Andrew's and Miss Linda, Mr, and Mrs. Dungan Mac,. 'key and family spent Good Fri- day visiting relatives and friends' at Kiivtai1. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Pent- land, North Bay, are visiting this week with her mother, Mrs. .Charles Straughan, Mr. .and Mrs. Bert Gray, Clinton, visited on. Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mackay and family. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Stephen, - sen and .sons, Hamilton, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William T. Robison. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hum- pihreyes spent the holiday week end withrelatives at Brussels and Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollin- son .and Murray Rollinson sp- ent t Good Friday with Mr, and and Mrs. William Medd, Gode- ridh. Pete Brown, Windsor, spent the holiday with Mr and Mrs Maitland) .Allem and Harvey McGee Mr. and Mrs. George Pilgrim. and son John, Cannington and Mrs, Oharles East, London, sp- ent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Ted East. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mdhring and family, Goderich, and Miss Carol Beadle, London, spent Sunday with their parents, Mir. and Mrs.` Harry Beadle. Mrs, Verna Doerr and son, Brian, Niagara Falls, visited on the holiday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamvney and othr relatives. Mr. .and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- connell spent Easter Sunday with their daughter, Mrs, Lou- is J3lalce,. Ml; Blake end d'aubh- tern at Bru'esels, Mrs. William ;Stewaart and Tier sister, Mrs, Marti!, Pont Albert, spent the holiday with, relatives in London, Mn.sGeorge Beadle, H'ffron- view, visited on Sunday with her fannjly, Mr. and Mrs, Thorn - as Haggittt and Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Brown, Visitors over the weelcenrd with Mi'. and Mrs. Major Youngblut, Hamilton; Lyurn and Beaty, T oronuto,. Misses Pat- ricia and Helen, Winghai i. . Mr. and Mrs. John Daer sp- ent the weekend at Mitchell with 'their daughter Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mr. Jackson and • family. Miss Diane Kirkconneli accompanied them and stayed for a week's visit. Mr. and Mr's. 'Stewart Talo and sons, Hamilton, spent the weekend visiting with Ms par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Toll and other relatives. Karl Youngblut and his uncle Ezra Yaungbllut, Hamilton,, vis- ited over the holiday with the farmer's sister, Mrs. Ru'sset King and Mr. King, W lliaan Straugkuan received world last week that his sister, Mrs. William Mayhew, Toron- to, had again fractured her leg and is very ill. Mr. and Mrs Harry Arthur, Judy, Mark and Greg, visited Sundiay with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Keller at Blyth. Mrs. Herbert Mogridge re- turned home last week miter spending the winter months with cher daughter, Mrs, Gor- menly Thompson aurid Mr. Thoanpson at Brampton. Mr. .and Mrs. Ronald Rath - well, Michael and Janice, Owen Sound, spent 'the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don R. Taylor. Mrs. Ratthwetll and the ohddren remained for a week's visit. Mrs. ' Joan Tonkowicz and daughter, !Christine and San- dra, Goderich, visited friends in the village on Monday. Christine rennained for a long- er visit with the Sanderson sis- ters. J. J. Robertson returned last weekend from Victoria Hospd- Malting Barley CONTRACTS Parkland - Betze Montcalm - SEE E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED Phone 103 Hensall, Ont. 16b tkal, London, and is t onYal.ese,. ins ,at his home. His ,son, 17Lap�' 'ten, Copper Cliff, is a'ls'o visit' fig with his parents this week, Mrs. R,ehertson and their daughter Karen. are visiting Mt)). her parents', Mr.. acrid Mrs. Walki'am Sttraughaan. Bowling Banquet Fifteenadi s. from .heret- 1 .. e a. tended the bowling banquet held last week in Cljnbon Leg, ion Hall where trophies and cups we presented to ,the whiners, There ,axe iwo teamts with Mils. Algin Plunkett and Mrs, George H'aggitt, the ,cap- tains. Members Of the teams Which bowled for the past ,sea-. SOP were;. Mrs. Plunkett's team, Mrs. Charles Malan, Mrs, Everett Taylor, Mm*, Lloyd Craig, Mrs. Harold M001M:obey, Mrs. .Ed - gam Deer. Mrs. Haggitt's team, Mi'ts, Ben Htam:itllton, Mrs. Harry Ar- thur, Mrs, Jae'k Ann,strong, Mrs. W. Ba'adnoek; subs, Norman McClinchey, Mrs, Roy Johnston, Mrs. Ebner Sproul; Mrs, Howard Tait, e- regular team Member, was absent but the banquet, United YPU Betty Younglblut, vice -press- dent of the Young Peopl'e's S'o- ciet"y of Knox United Churoh was in charge of the sneering in the Sunday School room.and Bernice McDougall was pianist. S'criipture was read by Marrgje Koopma'ns, and prayer given by Yaungbint. Offering was received by Garth .Wadden and Don Mc- Dowell. The Easter message, "The boy who would: never for- get" was given by Margje Koopmans. Plans were made far the next meeting to be held at West- field church with Harvey Snell in ,charge, An executive meet- ing will be held on •April 30 at the horne of Betty Young- blu't. Atter 'the benediction, re- ereation was enjoyed under: ,the convenessihip of Harvey Snell. CGIT• Banquet Pians far the annual mother and daughter banquet to be held an May have been made by the Aa !burn CGIT, Sunday. President Judy Arthur was in charge. Margarert Sanderson was the pianist. The minutes were read by secretary Gail Miller. Linldia Baechler led in responsive reading of Matthew 27. The treasurer, Patsy Million gave the financial statement and received the offering. The meditation on the lesson was given by Mats. W. Brrad:hook and a questionnaire followed, The highlight of the meeting was the demonstration of making plaster ,af paris plaques by Al- lanCraig and Johnny MacKay. These boys gave a fine demon- stration of the work they had done in Sigma C. They assisted the girls with making a wall plaque which they will lamer.' paint. • Judy thanked the boys and Gall Milder presented them with small gifts. Sinee 1922, .our Canadian Junior Red Cross has provided medical treatment and -care for more than 74,600 handicapped and crippled children in Canada. Since 1947, Canadians have donated more than five million battles of blood to the Cana- dian Red Cross free blood trans- fusion service. Women'sInstitvte April Meeting, To Buy Picture AUBURN ,Mrs$ Josephine Woo'd000kc, district ,president West luron was guest speaker at the April meeting of Ole Aulbw n Woman's 1'nstitute. President Mrs. 13d. Davies well corned the guest of honotir and the m'emiber's :qf the Loridesbere and I t b raniches' She B yt h b with , th apc.'!ri- ed the meeting wira poem, 40gn1'+t Worry". Pianist for th'e' meeting was Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Minutes were read' ,by 'the secretary, Mrs. Thomas Hag - gilt, A rcard. of thanks waS read !from Mr, and MTs. Prank ta'ithby expressing .apprecia- trian. of assistance the members had given when they lost their home by fie, it was decided to •purchase. a Picture of the Duke ,of Edin- burgih the sating size as the pic- ture of Her Majesty Queen Ializabeth Il which now hang's' in the ball. Mrs, George Mil- lien, il-lli'e n, the represntative of the WI at the hall board meetings spoke of the memorial plaque to be placed there before the official opening. Mns. Mildian, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs., Robert J. Phillips were appoin4 tod 'the con>nnilttee to get this plaque. The president t was named es a member .of the new hall board to represent the WX. iVLrs. Lloyd Hurnphreyes and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips were named delegates to the ,diisitnr ict annual in ,Ciinton on May 11. There is to be .a musical nngn- ber from the Auburn branch and they will also have a di's- pliaty of crafts and their Tweedsmuir book, The committee in charge of the sunshine sister banquet stated that the guest !speaker will be Miss Anna Me - Donald, woman's editor of CKNX. Anyone wishing tickets' please contact M'rs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs. Norman MoDow- ell or Mrs, Frank Raitthby. Mrs. T. Fahlservice, Landes - bora gave interesting reading "The Ten Commandments mentsl of Human Relations," SornebodY's Mather" and "Canadian Born" by Pauline Johnston. An in- strurnental, "Isle of Capri" was played by Mit. Robert J, Phil- lips. Mrs. Lorne Scrirnageour gave the reading "The Legend of the Dogwood Tree". Miss Josephine Woodcock spoke .af the qualities of an Easter Services In *11 Auburn Churches GoodAttendane AUIMWT.-- .Soca ?.aster Sunday Sesrviees were 'held �n vtillage with large cotngre-' Roy. Char ies. Lewis: ways in nhar4:e of the service .art Knox' United 040r0,11 and choke his message, "Jesus the Lord of Good _Tidings", The dhoir direoted by organist Mrs. Nor- man. Wigm;tnian 'twtl 'an- therms, Daster lilies .adorned the church. '?the Hope of the ReStsureG- Ibion WAS the message given at Mark's Anglican Church by tfhe Rev, Robert .Mea1ay. The Service of song was in charge of Miss Margaret Clark; Toren - to, and she 'accompanied Gonxlon R. Taylor w'lfa an a. solo. Flowers on the niter were placed' ti rn emery of 'Alfred Nesbit and the flowers placed in the chancel were in ipamonry of Miis. J. Taylor, Knox Fresbyitetrian Ohurch had as guest speaker the Rev, M. Briscoe, RCAF Station Clio ton, who gave an inspiring pigs - sage on "Alli' Hail". Arthur Yourvgbiut presided at tbe ideal institpte member, She said each member must realize that she is important to the organization and must give 'in-- spiratnon and be the doers and the giver. She • •must also be enthusiastic, honelst and must not expect sornerthing for noth- ing, and always ibe loyal, lin closing she said thatthere ,are three Idnds of WI members, the worker , the jerkers .and 'th'e shirkers. Miss Woodcock presided over the installation ceremony and installed the new members for the conning year. A. delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Bert Craig., Mrs. Charles S'ttraughan, Mrs, Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Ed- gar Lawson and Mrs. Gordon Powell, The winner Cif the door prize was Mrs. Harry Watson, There was an interesting display of aluminum trays made recently by members and ladies of the community. 0 Volunteers- of all ages per- form more than 90 percent of all the work df our Canadian Red Cross Society. To provide emergency assist- ance in a hurry, the Canadian Red Cross stockpiles relief sup- plies in; France, Turkey, Swit- zerland and Morocco. PROGRESSIVE 'CONSERVATIVE ANNUAL MEETING and NOMINATING, CONVENTION Legion Hall -- Clinton 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 9, 1962 Guest Speaker Hon. GEORGE HEES, M.P. Federal Minister of Trade and Commerce Authorized .by Huron Progressive Conservative Association 17-18b dhuret organ ,arvd accompanied fhe S.aloist, Miss Margaret liaunes who sang '"Were You There?" Memalbers of the Au, - burn Paxiitist Phu eh. also wor", shipped ori the Presbyterian church, A, beaurtiftil bouquet otf ff1twers were pieced am men - WY of, F. O. Mcxlveenn by bas wife Mt1.s. Mogveen, Oskrawa.. Gadd Friday tserviceswere hetld' in St. Mark's Anglican Church at 12 nom And sin the evening at Knox United Cti- uroh. Re'v, R. Meal'1y had a period of quiet xneditatiom and spoke on the text, "The King of 'the JeWs' Rev, Charles Lewis; . 'was in, charge of the worship service art Knox United Church whrdh was divided into four ,pactS, "The Prophecy, The Corning, The Life land The sarrriftee," Mrs. Lewis sang four Solos. Ushers were Ken- neth McDougall, Keith Arthur, John Wright end Allan Speudell.- berrg. PORTER'S HILL MRS. DONALD "HARRIS Phone HU 2.3362 The United Church Women of GrrU$tcd rch. melt Wednesday .aat tbhe homChue of MiS, Arthur Bell with 15 ladies and five ohthldren present,. The oral - dent, Mrs. A. Bell was in ch- arge rge of the meeting. Scripture lesson was mad by Mrs. T. Sowerby. Roll call was answered with the donation of a vegetable bowl far the church ki't!chen. Secretary and treas- urer's reports were given; and the various committees report- ed. During the afternoon the quitters quilted a crib quilt and the non-qu'illters were busy making gift enclosure reds. The May meeting will . be held 'at the home of Mrs, Al- len Betties. 0 Goderich Township South Mr. and Mrs. Harland Bet- ties, Toronto, spent a few days with his ,brother- Allen and Mrs. Beatles. Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre land family have moved to Auburn and Mr ,and Mrs. Simmons are going to occupy the house they vlaoated. Mr. ,aavd Mrs. Hartman, Kit- chener, were at their cottage aver the weekend. Mrs. Eleanor Picot spent Sunday in Goderich with hem son Lloyd ,and Miss. Picot and family. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Stirling and Mark, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mother,, Mrs. J. R. Stirling. Thu,.,.. April 6, i90,,,clintcn News.•iRecord-- Pnge.11 BU_UC E.F4i[LU. •�e�o.rreeAontlerit Mrs. M, F.. ,Berry) 'i oplgr.Pitpllations to Mr, and Mr?: Kennelth Scott an the g+iiit of• a balms girl, 'sister for ,Kala old, Miss Margaret Aikcenhead. .Laad'arf, spent the weericend with her- sistter, Mrs, Y. Aid- w'lr't!C'l�l!e. Miss Mary Allan„ Kitchener;. IVGx an4 MrS. Robert Allan,,. is it'ed over Easter witlf their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dtigar ARan. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Me Beath, Windsor, spent Easter with Mr, 1VfoBeath's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.. W. McBeath. Mr, and 1VIns, Jams Burdge, Kirieland Lake, spent the East - Or tholiday"s with Mr. and Mrs. Fwd Burdge, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Rumble • TOMO* -and family, yiMted on Faster with 'tbefr'parents, Mr: and Mrs. John'. , MwtOgeh, Mr, alai MrsJames, Pater- s'on, London, visited over Ole weekend with Mr, an'd PaterSOTl,. ¥r.. an Mrs. Bert Baht, Stooffviile, were Easter viii t, or witch Mr, and; Mics, Cowan and M i7s. RAU S fnott er alt Huronvliew, Mrs, John 1VLc- Cowan.. Mr, .and Mrs. .George Must- and 'and fatnvrly spent Easter with Mr. annd Mrs, Alex Illus, ant :aster Sunday was fittingly observed on sunnday. Speciall inusioata nurcnibers :were Sung by the ah h'. Theile were zriraxiy vustitgrs, .attending, DUTCH GIRL BRAND ROSE SHRUBS HYBRID TEA ROSES EVERBLOOMING HYBRID TEA ROSES EVERBLOOMING` FLORIBUNDA ROSES ' CLIMBING ROSES Fuil Choke of Blooms ALL AT 79c each Easy to Plant . . Just Follow Instructions on Packages v.. jug! Flull Range of Small GARDEN TOOLS In Stock • Steele -Briggs Flower and Vegetable Seeds • Steele -Briggs Lawn Grass Seed go Lawn Fertilizers +, JIFFY GROWER PEAT POTS with Vermiculite Sutter -Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2-7023 CLINTON Your Special Invitation To Attend Our Annual BiG PERFORMANCE AT A LOW PRIC 'Compact -Custom "TILLSMiTH" TILLERS MAY3-4-5 rr Ucount CHEST FREEZERS SALE PRICE-- 17cu. ft. $11(1100 595 lbs. 2�gea. 2], cu. ft. 735 lbs. $269ea, 5 year warranty on sealed refrigeration unit Baskets, dividers, interior lights makes food -finding easy. Both unit sizes feature an 88 Ib. capacity fast freeze compartment and an exterior adjustable cold control to maintain safe zero degree temperature. $10995 Sale Price 5997 SAVE $ 1998 • Space Saver foil -over handles. • 3 H.P. Briggs & Stratton easy -spin engine • Direct drive with double sealed transmission, fingertip throttle control • Guaranteed reversible hardened steel pick tines • Balanced weight desikn 18" DELUXE "CLIPPER" ROTARY POWER MOWERS 4 cycle -214 H.P. Lauson Engine—Recoil Start—Deluxe steel deck—Offset 6' rubber tired front wheels -6'' rubber tired back wheels --side discharge chute --Tubular steel loop handle ,-4position wheel adjustment Reg. Value $59095 Sale Price 49.97 EXTENSION LADDERS -4(003114M made 'from R.C. fir. kings sseeci rSel uid� sialteach uck end, a mertissed. Nes strong malleable kaaI7eg.ValuO $13.50 SALE PRICE $8.9/ eat STEP LADDERS' Wood*, GoOd quality seasoned hardwood. Has grooved reinfoteed std folding pail uhelt Reg.'Value $5.95 SALE PRiCE $3.97 ea. YOU SAVE $ 9.98' •WITH EVERY MOWER4REE;-QUART COOP OUTBOARD MOTOR 011.11... PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. -Gas Oils, Stove Oil, Furnace Oil, Greases, Antifreeze, etc. HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW Featuring: OPEN HOUSE -- SIDE -WALK DISPLAYS AT OUR ZURICH STORE Monday April 30 to Saturday, May 5 (ALL WEEK LONG) See Actual Demonstrations of Lawn Mowers, Roto Tillers, Furnaces, Air -Conditioning Units, Appliances, etc., etc, SPRING CARNIVAL STYLE' MONDAY --iron Fireman and Revco TUESDAY --Duro, LaWn Mower, Roto Tiller. WEDNESDAY --Westinghouse and Soarfes. THURSDAY -Beatty and Coleman FRIDAY --Kelvinator and Hydro SATURDAY --Frigidaire and Pittsburg. Thursday and Friday Nights -- FLOOR SHOW in the Community Centre LUCKY DRAWS — FREE REFRESHMENTS TREATS GALORE 0 SWINGS and SLIDES FOR THE KIDDIES 0 Biggest Event Of All All Week Loh§ --.See A bemohttration of the New ()NAN STANDBY PoWEii tAK-ot=,oENERA-rotls You Will 13e Amazed, 'To gay The Least: GINGERICFVS Sales and Service Ltd. ZURICH SEAFORTH