Clinton News-Record, 1962-04-19, Page 11Auburn's New Community Memorial. Hall. The building committee of Auburn's Community Memorial Hall will soon turn the deed of the property over to a temporary committee appointed by Hullett Township until a community hall, executive is appointed. Last week the building committee ratified a motion to turn the $21,000 hall over to Thomas Leiper and Clare Vincent. The community hall building committee was formed in 1957 with W. L. Craig chairman. The new hall boasts a kit- chen and cooking facilities to feed 200 persons, large dance floor; stage for theatrical productions and tables and chairs for meetings on the second floor balcony. (News-Record Photo) Auburn Ladies Plan Banquet In New Hall Many organizations and groups can use the facilities in the Auburn Com- munity Memorial Hall. No date has yet been announced for the official open- ing but the deed will soon be turned over to a special committee. Seen here are women from the Auburn Women's Institute planning a Sunshine Sister banquet. Gathered around a cookbook are: (left to right) Mrs. Arthur Grange, convener, Mrs. W. L. Craig, Mrs. Jack Armstrong, Mrs. Robert Arthur, Mrs. Jack Wilson and Mrs. Ted East. t (News-Record Photo) AUBURN— About 75 mem- bers of the Auburn Women's Institute and their families at- tended the first family night held in years in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall. Smorgasbord was served at 7 p.m. at small attractively dec- orated tables throughout the hall. The president, Mrs. Ed. Dav- ies welcomed all, 0 Canada was sung and the institute grace. Mrs. Robert J. Phillips was pianist. A lively sing song of old songs was led by Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. A piano solo was played by Stephen Haggitt and a solo was sung by Diane Kirkcon- nell. Piano solos were played by Margaret. Haines and Bren- da Archambatilt, Games of progressive euchre and crokinole were played with the winners being: euchre, high lady, Mrs. John Hallam; low lady, Mrs. Worthy Young; high man, Ed. Davies; low man, Lloyd Humphries. For crokinole: high lady, Margaret Haines; low lady, Shirley Brown; high man, Johnny Raithby; low man, Thomas Lawlor. Games of bingo were played by the chil- dren with Mrs. Thomas Law- lor and Mrs. Donald Haines in charge. The evening was arranged by the directors, Mrs. Harry Watson, Mrs. Arnold Craig and Mrs. George Hamilton with the committee in charge of the supper: Mrs, Gordon Dob- ie, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor and Mrs. William Dodd, assisted by Mrs. George Million, Mrs. Frank Raithby and other mem- bers. The program was prepared by Mrs. Robert 3. Phillips, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and Mrs. William J. Craig. The euchre' games were con- ite flower. Plans were made to hold a bazaar and tea on Saturday, May 26 in the Or- ange. Hall. An invitation was accepted to attend the UCW thankoffering meeting of the United Church on April 25 at 8 p.m. A successful auction was held with Mrs. Ed. Dav- ies and Rev. Meally in charge. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Taylor assisted by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and Mrs. Ed. Davies, AUBURN V9r0)01)044014: 141* 044113NPVN Mr and Mrs, .PPY.d. Raithby, London, visited on SlintlaY morning with her rbrother, ,Gor- tlon .T.0.1er .and .1\04.. Taylor, Mr. and, ;Vim John Liver- more, Clinton, ,sP,P4t Sunday with, their daughter Mrs, George. Haggitt, Mr. Haggitt, ,Johnny and p0,311. Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Miss. Lila Youngblut, 14,ra, Wilfred Sanderson, Mrs, Ed, Pavies.ari Mrs, W, Bradnock attended the trousseau tea for Miss Yvonne Rath, Beigrave. Rev, M. G, Brisco. was guest speaker at Knox Presbyterian Church last Sunday due to the illness of Dr, D. J. Lane, who is In Clinton pnwto His many friends. wish the min- ister a, speedy recovery, Teens.vlile RlanS Some of the leaders of Teensville met at the home of Miss Shirley Brown recently to discuss and plan for the East- er holiday dance on April 25. in the Community Memorial Hall. The orchestra, "The Comet-Teens" composed of 'teenage members from the Westfield district will provide the music. The eleption of of- ficers is to take place soon, so future events can be held in the halt .444 Girls Rewarded Four girls from the Auburn 4-H club received a moniey donation from the Federation of Agriculture of West Wawa- nosh for completing their 4-H project' last year. They were Misses Janett Dobie, Marian Hickey, Rose Marie Haggitt and Shirley Brown, :MANY HOMES •ARE UNIONIZED. NEE iAVE A • Houk-AA* HUSBAND..., AND A «NINEtEEN-HOUR- A-DAY- WIPE! • • • • SPRING SPECIALS 1960 VAUXHALL S1 495 6-cylinder Sedan, Radio, A low- mileage one-owner car — ONLY 1957 PLYMOUTH SEDAN V-8 Motor, push-button trans., 64 line real clean one-owner car—ONLY 019 iVa 1956 FORD SEDAN Very good , ONLY $545 TRUCKS -- 1961 .CHEVROLET 1/2 TON EXPRESS Like new ONLY 51,495 Many Mare Low-Priced Cars To Choose From At & T. Murphy td. Huron Street anion OVEN READY DUCKS WE WILL HAVE THE FINEST SELECTION For An Easter Treat . . . Try Our Own OVEN-BAKED FULLY COOKED PINEAPPLE HAMS Al\;Y SIZE OPEN THURSDAY EVENING We will also hove CAPON ORDER EARLY FOR FINEST SELECTION HEAD , LETTUCE 2 heads 35c CELLO TOMATOES—Tube 19c C Weekend Specials Auburn. Wilt Over $2000 Hall To. iHallett Thurs., April 1R,196,2,,Clinton _News- forger" `in11111110E0111111111111111111111111111P EASTER SPECIAL THUR. & SAT. ONLY Men's' REVERSIBLE ALL WEATHER COATS All Sizes 84 to 44 Reg. to $32.50 EASTER $24" SPECIAL FORSYTH WHITE SHIRTS 6 Collar Styles Single or boiible duffs $3.95 to $7.95 Herman's Men's Wear (OPEN THURSDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M.) CLOSED FRIDAY, APRIL 20 HU 2-051 CLINTON Anglican Guild Honoured Hymn AUBURN—The Ladies Guild of St. Mark's Anglican Church held their April meeting at the home of Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor with 16 members pre- sent. The hostess was in ch- arge. Mrs. Robert J, Phillips was the pianist for the meet- ing. Six members with birthdays this month were honored by singing a verse of their fav- orite hymn. St. Matthew 26 was read by 'Mrs. Ed, Davies, followed by prayers by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys was in charge of Easter". A duet, "Carry Me Back To Calvary Mountain" was sung by Mrs. John Daer and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconneil, The Eas- ter message on "Patience At Work", was given by the rec- tor, Rev. Robert Meally. Ms. Taylor thanked all who had taken part in the meet- ing and turned the business portion over to the president, Mrs. George Schneider. Min- utes were read by secretary Mrs. John Daer. The financial statement was given by Mrs, R, Taylor. Roll call was an- swered by each member quot- ing an Easter verse. The travelling apron was passed around and each de- posited a dime for her favor- Classified Ads Bring Quick Results AINtal.14 T-)eat tO propot5e aP- Ptoinitments ctO the board. T Were requeSted 'to choose mem- bers from Wawanosh past, West, Collbourne and Hallett Townships. -Auburn's hall buildth corn- goiltee 'asiCed Auburn Women's Institute to obtain a memorial platque of ve'ter'ans from the dist:riot, in bath world Wails. The'Y were 14S1c0 to have the memorial plaque for the °Mc, sal: opening Planned this SPrihg. Nkits. Gordon R. Taylor re- Ported that the hall had cost $20,688.38 to date and there was a cash balance On !hand of $254.48, Hall construction elvaimnan W. L. Craig thantked the .people of the community for the help received in building the hall. Mr, „Craig ,and his committee Were congratulated in turn by Ralph D. Munro for the Years of hard Work they put into the building of the memorial hall. ducted by Mrs. Ed. Davies and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt while crokinole was in the charge of Mrs. W. Bradnock and Mrs. Gordon Dobie. Charles Scott thanked the WI ladies for the dinner and social evening. AUBURN—Members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth; Erskine Presbyterian Church, Dungannon; Woman's Missionary Societies and the United Church Women of Westfield joined with the mem- bers of Knox Presbyterian WMS in their Easter thank- offering service. Over 50 ladies were present to hear the guest speaker, Dr. D. J. Lane give an inspiring Easter message on the text, "Go tell His Disciples that He is Risen from the Dead" as found in the gospel of St. Mat- thew, 28: 7. He pointed out the importance that this mes- sage had on the disciples of that day and how it •applied to -us all in this age, Mrs. Wes Bradnock thanked Dr. Lane for his .timely address. The president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson was in charge of COF Hears Views On Secret Lodges Names Secretary AUBURN—Chief Ranger Ro- bert Daer presided for the Ap- ril meeting of the Canadian Order of Forresters in the Or- ange Hall. Minutes were read by George Daer and' the fin- ancial statement by Bert Daer. Guest speaker was district manager, Walter Matzanki, Chesley, who spoke on "Peo- ple's Opinions of Seceret Lod- ges". Plans were made for the dance to be held on April 27 with Jimmy Scott's Orchestra. Harold McClinchey was elect- ed secretary for the lodge and Allan Webster was elected Junior Beadle. the meeting and Mrs. John Houston was the pianist, An Easter call to worship and hymns suitable to this season were sung throughout the meeting. The guests were wel- comed by Mrs. Sanderson and this was followed by prayer. The devotional period was in charge of the Dungannon Auxiliary and Miss Iva Carr based her message on "Bring the books" as told in I Tim- othy, She stressed the impor- tance of good books and stated that all kinds of stories are found in the Book of Books, the Bible. This was followed by prayer by Mrs. James Wil- son. Thoughts of Easter was giv- en by Mrs. Roy Noble of the Westfied UCW and the Legend of the Dogwood was read 'by Mrs. Wellington Good of the Blyth WMS. An invitation to attend the Easter ,thankoffering at the Abburn United Church was ac- cepted for April 25 at 8 p.m. and also from the Clinton Pres- byterian WMS for April 17. The thankoffering was receiv- ed by Mrs. Alvin Leatherland and Miss Minnie Wagner. Dr. Lane pronounced the benedic- tion, A social hour was enjoyed and appreciation was express- ed by Mrs. Charles Smith, of the Westfield Society; Mrs. William Stewart of the Dun- gannon WMS and Mrs. Wel- lington Good of the Blyth WMS. Convener of lunch, was Mrs. Donald Haines, assisted by other members of the Au- barn Auxiliary. 11•1111.111111101111111.MMIMIMMI Hi-C DRINKS—Your Choice-48-oz. —3 for $1.00 SHREDDED WHEAT-18-oz. 29c ea. STOKELY CORN or PEAS-15-oz. 3 for 49c SUPER SUDS—King Size Liquid $1.19 STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE-48-oi. 2 for 59c IGA MUSTARD 6 oz. 10c ea. SMOKED HAM—Ready to eat Shank Portion 43c lb. Butt Half , ,, ,,,,„..„ ........ 49c lb. TABLERITE SIDE BACON 69c lb. AUBURN (apeeial) -- The hoard of the Ant-NM Cloat-InAll- liiiV Mentor:ma Han last week ratified a motion .to turn. the $21,000 hall over to lintiett Township, Tbirty tnember$ attended the meeting, held in trnenicorial Hullett Township council ap- pointed Thomas' Leiper and Clare Vincent April 2 to take over the hall midi a community ham board was appointed, The °mina' building com- mittee was, elected in 1957. Tho municipal act requires That once 'the hall is completed it must be turned over to the municipality in which itt is sit- uated in order Ito qualify for assistance erant. A alslo orders that a hall board ;be formed 'by council with at least two of the members cciuncillens. The building committee on request of Hallett Township 'Downed a nominating commit- tee of Ralph' D. Munrmc and STORE HOURS :FOR EASTER WEEKEND THURS„ APRIL 19—Opn Till 9. p,n1,,, Flit, APRIL 20 CLOSED SAT., APRIL 21 — Open Till 6 psn, MON.I APRIL 23 Open T-1116 ,p,m, Clinton Retail Merchants Committee R. B. Campbell, Secretary-Treasurer HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE Y • UR ARS BES FR a MA 00'; SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS. GE ERA! REPA IRS Auburn Family Night First For Many Years Thankoffering At Knox, Auburn Given By your Congregations Spring Special ALL GLIDDEN PAINTS 25% off BALL-MACAULAY Ltd. King St., Clinton HU 2-9514 CLINTON MEAT ARKET ART COLSON — GRANT IRWIN Phone HU 2-38341 For Freezer . Your . . CHOICE BEEF by the or Side Quarter . Feast On HAM This Easter