HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-19, Page 10Half-hardy annuals are sown indoors in early spring and planted outdoors when 'the danger of frost is past. Plants such as Petunias and Verberi- as, must be started inside to provide the required length of growing season for flower •pro- duction. Honticulturalists with the Ontario Department of Agri, culture suggest , sowing most annuals that require indoor starting in early April, If you start them too soon, they will tend to be' tall and spindly by the time the garden is ready for them, and consequently will make poor plants. Slow growers, such as Pansy and Lobelia, should have already been started, but you should leave rapid growers such as Zinnias till late May. When sowing , your seeds, sow different kinds in separ- ate containers and be sure to label them well. There is no- thing more annoying to set the young plants in a well planned bed, only to find that your color scheme` has gotten mixed up when they started to bloom. Sow the seeds in six inch seed pans or pots, in a soil mixture of seven putt barn three parts peat or leaf mould, and twopants sand, Before sowing remove any rough, lumpy material and mix in two ounces superphosphate per bushel, As a rule-of-thumb, cover the seeds to about the same depth as the diameter of the seed. When your seeds are sown, ,water them well with a fine spray, taking care not, to wash the soil away, and cover the container with a piece of newspaper or glass. This will cut down evaporation and les- sen the need for watering. Once the 'seedlings • come through the ground remove the cover or "damping off" is liable to cause problems. When the seedlings begin 'to develop their •first true leaves, transplant them to flats set- ting them two to three inches apart. Place the flats in good light and water as needed pre- WOOL Any Government Deficiency Payment will apply only on Properly Graded Wools, Secure the utmost by pat em- izing the organization that made this poSsible. SHIP COLLECT To Our Registered Warehouse No 1, %Nested, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from RUSSEL MANSON (Shearer) ZURICH, ONT. ok "by Writing to Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited 40 St. Clair Ave, East, Torentd 7, Ontario- 164.7b only 7 minutes from downtown via the Lakeshore Road visiting 'Toronto.? he P.p.r home red gee Si 7y in, every roam, 0.1I9v004k1/4 Leke 9044 04091 .4011 44 Rf/rdertaNl104 nlghuy et the tah4loue fliCaTIEL•U Parkhog till RO 64192 et the door for rOeerVetlenti Classified Ads Bring Results FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W 1 , RADFORD'S GARAGE Londesboro Your Tire Dealer ,•••••••••••••••.. We specialize in a FIRST and ,SECOND CLASS LINE of NEW FIRESTONE TRACTOR TIRES In all sizes Also some EXTRA GOOD USED TIRES at Special Prices. We carry a full line of NEW FIRESTONE CAR and TRUCK TIRES with some Used Tires at Special Prices. We specialize in HYDRAULIC ,Hose and FITTINGS to satisfy all your needs. WO are new in a position to supply you with any hose lehgth. We tarry a full line of IA," to 1" hose with all fittings required. GORDON RADFORD'S GARAGE LONDESBORO OLIVER and MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE FARM EQUIPMENT Clinton HD 2-9221 Blyth 44 R 5 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL AT GODERICH MOTORS LTDv Irestone CITIES SERVICE C.1 T-I ES SE rem your E D.E A Lf R 5. PACKAGES-1900 ;SEEDS FAMOUS BURPEE FLOWERS! ENOUGH SEEDS TO PLANT A BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDEN, YOURS FREE AT YOUR FRIENDLY CITIES SERVICE DEALER'S Drive into any Cities Service station displaying Free Spring Garden banners, and with every purchase of $2.50 worth or more of BIG GALLON GASOLENES, you will receive FIVE PACKAGES of famous BURPEE SEEDS ABSOLUTELY FREE! THESE SEEDS ARE A REGULAR $1.50 VALUE! Your Burpee flower garden will be the envy of your neighborhood ... and will give you brilliant cut .flowers-for your home until late fall! So be thrifty, ...drive into the nearest Cities station displaying Free Spring Garden banners, fill up with Big Gallon gaSolenes, and get your free Burpee flower seeds today! Please don't delay—there's a definite limit on available supplies. THESE tUPERit BURPEE SEEDS 'HAVE SEEN SELECTED AND RECOMMENDED BY JOHN BRADSHAW, ••NOTED CANADIAN GARDENING- AUTHORTfY ANOTHER. BIG GALLON. EAcle FREE SPRING GARDEN DIMON CONTAINS: SUPER GIANT ZINNIAS CLINTON BLUE ASTERS GYPSY MARIGOLDS MAGIC CARPET PORTULACA ROYAL CARPET ALYSSUM BONUS 'VAWE. !Ir I $50 Millions Cost For Ontario's New Buildings r•rs f.rw•P Irg 779k ferably in the early morning. This will help to ensure that the foliage is dry by nightfall and will reduce disease pro- blems. You will want to get your young plants into the garden as soon as the, danger of frost is past, and this will, vary in different parts of the province, from about, the middle of May to early June. However, it is a good plan to gradually Ac- climatize your plants to out- door conditions before plant- ing. To do this, set the flats outside about a week before planting time, and for the first few nights, cover them with a protective material. Choose a cloudy day for planting out in the garden and, before starting, water the flats well, allOwing the excess water to drain off. This will help the roots retain a maximum am- ount of soil, and lessen the shock of transplanting. After planting, soak 'thoroughly to avoid excessive wilting. Future watering should be • frequent enough to prevent the newly set plants from drying out. WHEEL WINGS .GONE GODERICH (Staff), —Police Chief Fred Minshall ge/T- day he ie investigating the theft of wheel discs' from a loc- al automotive firm. 'the four discs were stolen some time during the weekend from a 1957 model cae parked at Hur- on Automotive Supply, long-range economy and in- creased efficiency 'in 'govern- meat- . The rapid growth of Ontario during the past decade resulted in expansion of government services and it was necessary to buy and lease premises out- ide the Queen's Park area. This decentralization, said the Premier, resulted in a de- cline of administrative effic- iency and inconverriefice to the public. •- Most of the develop-mint will be on the 'site of the former. St. Joseph's Convent property. Cost of the site Would total ab- out $6,250,000. The Premier said that sale of suephie government proper- ties as they become vacant will yield between 57,000,00 and $10,000,000. This, and the consideration of rents the government would have to pay for similar premises; will make it peiteible to amortize the cost of the preject in about 20 years, • The buildings themselves will cost about $37,600,000, he said, but to, rent similar serviced ispe ace would cost as much as $3,500,000 a year. amp as 60 Years asomc jewel ---- Dr. -Wren 40 oamphell„ Toronto, Wee Pre- sented With. his:h 0 yeaM .MaS, ‘ter's .Jewel kit kIneon-Bettce Masonic Lodge -at Ter onto Thursday night, April a. Very worshipful .Pro.. Pi'. Ayron campheli was born in 156e. He PraCtised an Zericil ter 25 Yeare. until the 3.92(N, wee made a menilber of Huron Ledge Pe July 20, 1899 and Master Of. fferee Ledge,. December -19.01, He affiliated With Huron- Bruce Lodge, Toronto, .es .0e.' eeerfer member o Ailing 26, 1922. Appointed assistant Gr, and .03;IgaPist on July 1932, ere was' preeented Moht Weer, shipfui Bro, Harry L. Martin with a ten year leer .to his 50 year jewel., also a 60 year jewel as a past master, end was again eiPpoieted se%sistent- greed organist on April t2, 1.962. Very .Wor, Bro. Oampbell. was escorted into the lodge 'by the director of ceremonies', and' Dr. Campbell introduced 'Very Wor. Bro, W. C.), Goodwin, 'see- rotary, and 'Bro. George Hess„ visitors from Huron Lodge, Hensall and R. Lammie a ere* in of Dr Campbell and Leon- ard Wlleore both , visitors of Lebanon Forest Lodge, Exeter. Tt was indeed a happy and unique evening for V. Wor. Bro. Campbell and he also took pant in the work in a drama/AV. manner, The evening conclud, ed with 'a tasty banquet and a most _revealing addrese was given by 'Dr. Davies, pastor of Park Street Baptist Church, Toronto. ' Plan Brownie Revel In Henson District HEN-sAT,L, Nirs, Earle T. Rowe opened her home Thurs- day evening to the Guiders' of theclestrict. The purpose of the meeting was to plan 'a Brownie Revel. Centralia will be host on this occasion, and lentartive arrangements; were made to hold the revel at Cen tealia airport, Saturday, June 9. leltes Mary Macrnillen, dep- uty division commissioner, of Goderich; MTS. Thomas Laven- der, &Aria commissioner, of Heneall, and Brown Owls, Tawny Owls of Centralia, Ex- eter and Hensall ,were present. 0 Full-time university-grade en- rollment in Canada was 128,894 at December 1, 1961, an increase of 13.1 per cent from previous year. If You're TIRED Now and then everybody gdts a "tired-out.,' feeling and may be' bothered by backaches.' Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a tempor- ary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause backache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest bettor, work bettor. 81 hire r Coon Fedo:ra4foi 01211'...111nilt?u,d,ti On .Alpril 1 the Ontario Foul- try producers held' their anneal. meeting Teronte. Close le - -5,000 signatures have already been. received with .several oonhties net. complete. To dote there have been over 400 Sig, natures received from. Huron _Oottoty -with two townshipa still tip canveseed„ It was indicated that pro- ducers are hopeful of making some ,ineveVeMent in the mar, Iseting of eggis but it wile have to ebe done soon if the_ rnrius try Is to be saved from vertical. integration. F0.= egg producers are .,rap, idly becoming fewer and fewer. At -the county Federation of Agriculture meeting, April 10, with president Elmer Ireland presiding, a resolution from Peel County 'was endorsed which reqepeted a more exact lebelaing of feed's. • Bob McGregor Teperted that the zone meeting indicated that vertical integnation was in,.- creasing in the beef industry and might seen have detlemen- tee effect on the beef market. .The voluntary deduction plan for firearecieg the beef produe, ers organization and for pro, meting the sale of beef is' .realt- ing progress SlOwly. It is hoped that the annual meeting will bring it into eefect. John McTaggart Appointed to Bruce John MeTaggeet, York Coun- ty has been appointed assist- ant agricultural representative for Bruce County, effective May 1. John was the summer aseistant in Huron County last summer working out of the agricultural n presentative's of- fice 'here in Clinton. Mr. McTaggart succeeds 'Al- vin Blades 'in the Bruce county office. The, feed grain freight .eseist- Mee has been controversial question for some .yeara and had been 'supported by the cou- nty r feW years ago, nowever been: a change of cp 4.110 when the ,president called fora vote it resulted an e In order to assist 'the OFA. Hen preparation of their brief regarding s machinepy tanners Are requested to make the problems s tertOmet some. method .earnhe developed 'to correct their .difficulties, t the farm forum annual meeting on. %April 1.1- interest seemed 'to he greatly increased, • The programs devoted to the problems of particular groups drew a great nannber of special discussion groups and the re- pert e. of diseuelsions have prov- ed valuable in guiding fdtdre programs' in several farm pm- ganizations. If we can gather the poinione ideas feem enough people we are sure to get some very good ones. NOTICE Tuckersmith 'Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on' Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, • from 'I to 5.30 p.m. J. I. McIntosh Clerk 14tfb Remises' John Roberts nounced on April 5 that the Ontario Goverment plane to build a $50,000,000 complex of office buildings in the Queen's Park Area during the next ten yeare. In a joint eannouncmant With. Public Works Minister Ray Connell, the Premier disclosed that the project—the largeet single office building project ever undertaken fin Toronto-- will provide 812,000 square feet of -office space. Start Annuals Indoors Suggests OAC-With Directions For Job New Government' Buildings in Toronto Major features in Ontario's 850,000,000 government buildings project are pointed out to former Premier Leslie Frost by Premier John Robarts, Who an- nounced the 10-year program in Toronto. Standing between the tWo premiers, left to right are Deputy Public Works Minister J. D. Millar and Public Works Minister Ray Connell, The complex of high-rise buildings will be built in Toronto to bring long-range economy and increased efficiency of administra- tion, said Premier Robarts. The buildings will house some 8,000 civil servants and construction will begin in the fall of 1963 It will consist of a three- eiloureY centre block and four high-rise buildings ranging -front 10 to 28 stories coverring meet 'of two city blocks border- ed by Bay .and Welleelee St- reets and Surrey Place and Grosvenor Street. Premier ,Robarts said the plan, which will involve the concentration of some 10,000 civil servants presently work- ing in 29 'locations in the down- town area, was paTt of his administration's • program for '60 Meteor Sedan Turquoise and white, two tone. Good tires. Low mileage. Goderich Motors Ltd. Ford Fairlane and Falcon Sales and Service South Street GODERICH JA 4-7308